How much does an average person earn per year. How much does a good standard of living cost in Russia? Women are more modest than men

How much you need to earn in order to live a normal life - every person must have asked himself this question, regardless of his gender, age, social status and other characteristics. And this is not about surviving from paycheck to paycheck, when every ruble, every penny counts, but about a decent life, ideally in your own apartment, with the ability to buy things not only from the necessary list, but also for your own pleasure. I.Q. Review figured out how much money must be received regularly to ensure such.

It is clear that for each person this figure can be different. For one of us, it will be enough to have our own apartment in a quiet area, the opportunity to do what we love and just live measuredly - naturally, in this case, the usual one will be enough for you (except, perhaps, buying an apartment). However, most people are unlikely to be satisfied with such a plot - many of us want to live in a spacious apartment closer to the city center, have a car (naturally, not a twenty-year-old “nine”, but a new foreign car), relax abroad, be able to buy what what you want and go where you want. Of course, such a life would require much more money. However, let's be realistic: to be able to live like this, you need to work hard. Next, let's take a closer look, how much exactly does the average Russian need to receive in order to be satisfied with his life.

How much-to-earn

How to determine how much money you need for such a life?

It is easiest to go to a goal that is clearly and precisely defined. Therefore, it is necessary to work not just for the sake of a “beautiful life”, but for the sake of obtaining a certain amount, which we will now try to calculate.

To begin with, think and write down on a sheet the most important purchases that you need for a normal life. First of all, this is your own apartment (if you don’t have one) and a car. For many people, the purchase of real estate and a car is the most important goal in life, and sometimes it takes decades to achieve it.

Decide what kind of housing and car you would like to have. Look on the Internet for approximate prices - so you can at least know the average amount you need to earn. Naturally, this figure will be very significant, even if you choose the most modest options. However, one should not give up and despair - with the desire and determination, even the most difficult goals are achievable.

apartment and car

Next, decide on your regular minimum requests and needs. Food, hygiene and cosmetics, paying utility bills, using the Internet and mobile communications, hobbies, bad habits, entertainment - calculate how much money you spend on this on average per month. To this amount, add possible expenses for clothes and necessary purchases - furniture, household appliances, car maintenance and a small reserve for unforeseen expenses.

Thus, you can determine at least approximately the average amount you need per month. Record each expense item in a separate item. Ideally, make such calculations regular, write down in detail every day how much and on what money you spent and how much you received. This will make budgeting much easier.

For example, let's try to calculate the number of monthly expenses for the average Russian

We have: a family of two, renting a one-room apartment in a residential area of ​​Moscow. A list of their monthly expenses might look like this:

- payment for an apartment - 25,000 rubles;

- food - 10,000 rubles;

- hygiene and cosmetic products - 3,000 rubles;

- fee for using the Internet (600 rubles) and mobile communications (another 900 rubles) - a total of 1,500 per month;

- visiting the gym (husband) - 1,200, fitness club and swimming pool (wife) - 1,500, total - 2,700 rubles;

- purchase of cigarettes (only the husband smokes) - another 1,500 rubles;

- entertainment - 1 time per month to go to the cinema, 1 time - to the water park, 2 times - to go to a restaurant - we will take 7,000 rubles in total;

– maintenance and refueling of the car – 6,000 rubles;

- purchase of clothes - 5,000 rubles.

Total for the month it took 61,700 rubles. With the average salary of a young Moscow family in which both spouses work (let's take, for example, 90,000 rubles), this is quite good, but the expenses include only the bare necessities, and living in a rented apartment all your life is not very pleasant.

By the way, a well-known financial analyst gave a rather interesting and, in fact, correct answer to the question posed. According to him, given the growing human demands, it is necessary to double your income every two years - and only in this case you will have enough for a “normal life”. Of course, such growth rates are impossible for the majority, but the essence is true - no matter how much a person receives, he will still not be enough.

Real estate question - how much does a mortgage cost?

House of money

If you ask a person what, in his opinion, the concept of “normal life” includes, the first place will most likely be the presence of his own spacious apartment in a normal area. Today, the living conditions of the overwhelming majority of Russians (and residents of other countries too) are far from ideal, but even from satisfactory - there are often cases when a family with two children lives in a cramped two-room apartment, and this is far from the most difficult case. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to solve the issue of having your own housing.

The cost of residential real estate directly depends on the city, district, footage and condition of the apartment. In a small town, you can easily find a “odnushka” for 600,000 rubles, in the regional center for the cheapest options this price rises to at least a million, if it is a city of a million people, then up to one and a half, in St. two. Well, in Moscow you can hardly find anything cheaper than 4,500,000 rubles (and for that amount you will get a small apartment somewhere at the final metro station that needs major repairs).

However, in this article we are not talking about the minimum cost of real estate, and therefore the above amounts for the purchase of normal housing should be increased at least one and a half to two times. Naturally, so much money will have to be collected for more than one year. Consider how much you need to earn in order to take out a mortgage for a resident of Moscow and, for example, Novosibirsk.

Buying an apartment in Moscow

Let's say the option you like costs 10 million rubles. At prices for 2015, this could be a two-room apartment in the area of ​​the Third Transport Ring, not far from the metro. According to the conditions, in most banks it is necessary to make an initial contribution, at least 20%.

Suppose that you had 20% of the amount (2,000,000 rubles) (for example, your parents gave it for a wedding), and you paid it right away. In total, it remains to pay another 8,000,000 rubles to the bank. For example, in the calculations we will use . Interest rate - 14.5% per annum, you take a mortgage for 10 years. We drive the data into the mortgage calculator. 126,629 rubles - this is how much you will have to pay every month for 10 years to Sberbank if you are going to take an apartment with their mortgage. The overpayment in this case will be 7,202,592, or 72% of the value of the property.

Add to this those 61,700 rubles a month that are already spent on living. You need to subtract the savings on rent and get the final figure of expenses per month. Together with mortgage payments, you need to spend more than 163 thousand rubles a month. In principle, for a young Moscow family, this amount is not something fantastic - with a good education or work experience, a young couple may well achieve such income, albeit not immediately, but in a couple of years. However, given that this amount is needed every month and for ten years, and you will only have to buy the most necessary goods, this hardly fits the definition of “normal life”. That is why the answer to the question Is it profitable to take a mortgage for the vast majority of people will be negative. Alternatively, you can apply for a mortgage longer than 10 years, but in this case you will have to pay much more interest.

Buying an apartment in Novosibirsk (or any other large regional center)

The conditions are the same - a young married couple, without children, rents an apartment. The total income, of course, is less, suppose - 55,000 rubles, expenses - 40,000 rubles (15,000 for rental housing, 25,000 for minimum accommodation).

Suppose that you have chosen a good spacious apartment worth 3,000,000 rubles, and you will take real estate in a mortgage. You have the same 20% (600,000 rubles), in total, 2,400,000 rubles are missing. For example, let's take the same conditions - a mortgage from Sberbank, 14.5% per year, for 10 years. Monthly you will need to pay 38 thousand rubles. Add living expenses, subtract rent. Total for ten years every month you will have to receive 63,000 rubles and that's just for the essentials. For the regions, this is a fairly decent amount, although the conditions are very mild compared to Moscow.

So a mortgage is far from the best and most profitable option, and it will be better and more profitable to earn money for an apartment in other ways. How exactly - you can read in numerous articles on this topic.

How much do you need to earn to buy a car?

But this question can be answered more precisely: the cost of the car, ideally, should not exceed your annual earnings. A similar formula has long been deduced by the Americans. In this case, you will not have to save up for a long time for a purchase, and you will be able to pay for the maintenance and refueling of the car without much impact on your wallet. Now let's take a closer look.

Sale announcement

Let's say you've chosen a 2007 Mazda 6 (hands-on, of course). Its average price is 400,000 rubles. To buy it in one year, you will need to set aside 33,000 rubles a month. For two years - 16,500 respectively. In principle, many people can afford it without even resorting to serious savings. Well, if you endure another year, then you will have to save even less per month - 11,000 rubles.

The first car is always more difficult to buy, because to upgrade it is enough to sell your old car and add a little. So the first step is to start investing.

How can you invest free funds

There are already many articles on the topic “where to invest money”, so in this material we will not dwell on each option in detail.

  1. Bank deposit investment. Depending on the currency, the bank and its conditions, it can bring you, as of 2015, 15% per annum or a little more.
  2. Investment in a mutual fund or NPF (share investment fund). Higher risks, but higher profits. It is difficult to name the average percentage of profitability, approximately - 20%.
  3. Investment in PAMM. High risks, but you can get even more income. +50% per annum is not a record figure for top Forex traders.
  4. Investment in real estate. The option requires a considerable free amount, but allows you to receive a stable income.
  5. . Here everything is individual, and often depends not only on the amount of invested funds, but on the success of the project.
  6. Purchase of precious items. Long-term and unpredictable option.

It's also important to save on the little things.. Take, for example, the storage of funds on bank cards. In addition to interest on the balance (for example, Tinkoff Black gives 12% on the remaining funds, there are other cards with an income of 10%), you get additional bonuses like cashback, discounts and opportunities to simplify calculations and pay bills. Do not forget about the use of various bonus cards for purchases and payments for services that you make regularly. For example, if you refuel at Lukoil gas stations several times a week, the Lukoil-Petrocommerce-MasterCard card will suit you.

With the above methods, you can earn passive income. In the case of investing large sums, the size of the profit will be such that the need for ordinary work may disappear altogether.

The most important thing is to understand correctly and in time what exactly will be a normal life for you. If you have clearly defined the goal (goals) and know how to achieve them, you will definitely succeed.

The total amount of expenses for a normal life

How much do you need to earn to live well

So, if we put all the expenses together, we get the following alignment: a young family needs an apartment, a car, money for everyday expenses and recreation. We agreed to save up for a car for a year. We didn't talk about holidays. As a rule, in order to have a rest at least once a year at current prices, you need to save at least 10 thousand rubles a month.

We get that in Moscow, for a family of two, the monthly expense to maintain a normal standard of living is 206 thousand rubles, and in large cities of Russia - 106 thousand. To put it bluntly, the numbers are sky-high. Several interesting observations can be made from this:

- a single person in Russia will not pull a mortgage;

- a mortgage payment in practice is much more expensive than rent - after all, you will always take a good apartment for yourself, and for a while a poor one-room flat will do;

- the real expense of a young family, which does not cut itself much, is at least twice as high as the official average salary in the region.

What to do, because there is not enough for everything?

In practice, this is what happens. Almost no one can claim a decent standard of living. This is mainly a consequence of high (relative to salaries) housing prices in Russia. If you got your grandmother's apartment - you are in chocolate. No - spin as you like. It is necessary to moderate the Wishlist - less money for entertainment, more additional work, more income to direct to investments. Give up the car, and buy an apartment for a start at least some, it can always be exchanged with a surcharge.

But this is all good in theory. And if there is no opportunity to earn a lot - there is no good job in the region, there is no money profession? In practice, either part of the expenses of young people for many years falls on their parents, or, if they cannot help, life often turns out to be broken when people wander around rented corners, and only by the age of forty, when life has been lived, do they buy themselves a small apartment on the outskirts, in which raises the next generation of sufferers...

The daily life of Russians is spent in bustle and work. Dreaming of a beautiful life, many people ask themselves the question: “How to get rich quickly and what needs to be done for this?”. In order to reveal this secret at least a little, let's figure it out, but what do the richest people in Russia and around the world do?

Incomeon the Russia

Against the backdrop of a long-term economic crisis and rising unemployment, the profits of the wealthy in the country seem to fabulous. Everyone gets what they deserve, and who earns the most?

The maximum salary is received by:

  1. Country leadership.
  2. Top management.
  3. Deputies of the Supreme Duma.
  4. Bankers.
  5. Stars of sports and show business.

Administrative employees in the government earn 216.5 thousand rubles. ($3480) per month. senior officials - 200.5 thousand. ($3223), members of the Federation Council - by 120100 rub. ($1929).

The salaries of representatives of the first echelon of power are (in thousand rubles per month):

  • President of the Russian Federation, V. Putin - 714 ($11,178);
  • Prime Minister of the country, D. Medvedev - 571 ($9179);
  • Ministers - 340 - 788 ($5466 - 12668);
  • Deputies - 420 - 800 ($6752 - 12861).

As for V. Putin, the foreign media consider him the richest man in the world, and estimate his capital at $200 billion. They suggest that he owns about 60 aircraft and helicopters, as well as 20 palaces and country houses.

However, according to official data, this is not the case.

One of the most " humble» The estate is located in the city of Gelendzhik on the Black Sea.

It is valued at approximately 1 billion bucks. In his declaration, the President indicates an annual profit of 8.9 million rubles.

Profits of oil and gas magnates

Journal authors Forbes believe that the Chairman of the Board of the company earns the most in the oil industry " Gazprom”, Alexey Miller. They calculated that in 2017 he made a profit equal to $17.5 million.

The director earned a little less " Rosneft» Igor Sechin - total 13.1 million bucks, but the media painted the pay for his work literally in seconds:

  • second - 6 rubles. ($0.1);
  • minute - 360 rubles. ($5.79);
  • hour - 21600 ($347);
  • day - 518400 ($8334);
  • monthly salary - 15 million ($241,136).

For conscientious performance of his duties, he receives an additional 5% of salary, and this is just 1 million rubles. ($16076).

Salary allowances are:

  • for work with classified information;
  • entertainment expenses;
  • rental compensation;
  • for the education of children under 23;
  • a bonus of 150% of the annual salary is paid once a year.

If we assume that Sechin's average annual income is RUB 180 mln. ($2893630), the premium reaches 450 million($7234075). His assets in the form of shares in his enterprise (0.12%) are valued at $69.6 million. There is another additional profit - these are dividends in the amount of 110740000 rub. ($1887290). Earnings for one year is RUB 560 mln. ($9002405).

For comparison: the CEO of the German company Exxon Mobil earns $2.8 million, the CEO of Chevron - $2.16 million, and the CEO of Britich Petroleum - $1.8 million / year.

Business revenue

Large Russian businessmen receive their income from various sources:

  • projects in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy;
  • investment investment;
  • development of telecommunications;
  • work in the oil and gas industry;
  • logistics centers.

At the end of 2017, the top ten richest businessmen in our country included:

  1. V. Kissin - $19200.
  2. A. Mordashev - $18,800.
  3. L. Michelson - $18500.
  4. V. Aleklerov - $16,500.
  5. G. Timchenko - $16100.
  6. V. Potanin - $16,000.
  7. A. Melnichenko - $15600.
  8. M. Friedman - $15,200.
  9. V. Vekselberg - $14,500.
  10. A. Usmanov - $12600.

Chapter " Sberbank of Russia» receives a salary of $11.3 million/year.

In Ukraine

One of the richest people in the country is President P. Poroshenko.

According to a British media report, he ranked 9th among the richest speakers at the Davos Economic Forum.

According to journalists, his capital is 1.6 billion bucks.

  1. Renat Akhmetov - 5.5;
  2. Petro Poroshenko - 1.6;
  3. Konstantin Zhevago - 1.6;
  4. Yuri Kosyuk - 1.5;
  5. Victor Pinchuk - 1.4;
  6. Gennady Bogolyubov - 1.2;
  7. Igor Kolomoisky - 1.

Athletes and showmen arrived

The richest athlete in the world is Tiger Woods (golf). His earnings reach $75 million per year. The famous athlete, our compatriot, Maria Sharapova, receives $24.5 million.

Performers of popular hits receive a salary (in million USD).

Choosing a way of earning, any person, first of all, thinks about how much he can achieve. Many start looking for interesting options on the Internet and find it. One of the popular ways to earn a fairly large amount of money is trading in the market. And the question immediately arises: how much can you earn here?

How much can you earn on Forex?

The answer to it is not so simple, since in trading there is no such thing as an industry average wage. In one month, you can earn a fairly solid amount of money, and in another, not only do not earn anything, but also lose everything from the previous month.

Earnings in trading are akin to income from individual entrepreneurs: some “plow” 24 hours a day and have almost nothing, while others, without straining, earn even more than they can spend. Thus, Forex makes it possible to earn no less than in business.

At the same time, the income that will be received as a result depends on a huge number of factors.

Factors on which a trader's earnings depend

To talk about the earnings of a Forex trader, you need to deal with each factor separately. Here are some of them:

The amount of the deposit that the trader has.

The amount of the deposit is the amount of money that the trader manages. There is one rule here: if a trader enters with a penny deposit, then his earnings will correspond to this deposit. Of course, they will be cheap. Thus, in order to earn decent money little by little on Forex, the deposit amount must be significant.

However, another option is also possible - to trade with investors' money. But this is only on condition that you will have excellent yield charts, and quite successful and wealthy investors will be able to entrust you with their money.

profitability of the trading system.

Here, too, there is a rule: the more effective the trading system that a trader uses, the more money he will receive accordingly. Moreover, he can have proceeds not only from his deposit, but also from the funds attracted by him.

A trading strategy of average efficiency can bring income from 30% to 100% in one year. The more experience a trader has, the higher his earnings on Forex.

The level of risk a trader can take.

The higher the risk, the higher the return on the deposit.

For example, one trader trades on a deposit of $1,000 and the degree of his risk for all transactions is 1% of the total amount of the deposit. The other trader also has a $1,000 deposit but takes a 10% risk per trade. As a result of simple calculations, you can immediately tell which of them will get the most profit. Naturally, the second trader. However, this is only subject to the profitability of transactions.

In the opposite situation, when a losing streak hits, the second trader runs the risk of being left without money, and the first trader, even if he does not earn a penny, at least saves what he has at that time.

Thus, the higher the risk per trade, the higher the return. However, at high risk, there is a possibility of complete ruin.

Psycho-emotional stability.

The results of a trader's work strongly depend on his psycho-emotional state. First of all, unsuccessful transactions can affect. Often, having received a negative experience of trading in Forex, many novice traders stop their activities in this field.

But the feeling of detachment from reality can also come after a series of successful transactions, which makes the trader take unjustified risks, believing that he is “too tough”. The main thing here is to control yourself and not be led by your own emotions, but try to think sensibly, carefully weighing all your decisions.

The volatility of the market environment.

The market is a constantly changing and dynamic system. What used to be profitable may not work today. You can do everything absolutely right, but in a certain period of time the market will not allow you to earn money.

Income also depends on the frequency and frequency of favorable conditions for the transaction. Sometimes this happens more than once a day, and sometimes you have to wait a whole week.

So, what amount of earnings can a trader claim on Forex at first? The answer, as you can see, is ambiguous. It can be said that a trader can make a profit equal to zero, if he is an amateur and loves to take risks, or a fairly round amount with a few zeros, if he is a professional who knows how to think and keep his emotions to himself. In a word, everything depends on the trader himself, on his knowledge, skills and desire to earn.

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HeadHunter asked 10,000 working residents of Russia what wages they consider worthy. It turned out that the average salary is only 53% of the worthy, according to the respondents, remuneration for work.

Only 9% of respondents admitted that they consider their salary worthy. "Normal" it was called 22% of respondents. Another 69% of employees do not talk about their current pay as worthy.

Most of all, workers from the Southern, North Caucasian and Central federal districts are dissatisfied with her, and the highest level of satisfaction with monthly income was shown by the Moscow region and the North-Western federal district.

It is worth adding that the highest offered salary is now in Moscow and the region - 58 thousand rubles, and the lowest in the Central Federal District, not counting Moscow and the region - 28 thousand.

Analysts at HeadHunter asked respondents to indicate the amount of wages they thought would be worthy. In general, in Russia, the salary was considered worthy. At the same time, in Moscow, a decent salary, according to the respondents, is , in St. Petersburg and the region - . In third place is the Far Eastern Federal District, its working residents consider a worthy salary of at least 69 thousand rubles.

The most modest expectations in the Northwestern Federal District (without St. Petersburg and the region) - 43 thousand rubles. And the biggest gap between a decent salary and the average for the region turned out to be in the Volga Federal District: the difference between them is more than 100%.

“A decent salary is a rather vague concept,” explained Maria Ignatova, Head of Research at HeadHunter. - For some, this is an income that allows you to satisfy any needs without restrictions. In this case, the salary that does not end at the end of the month will be worthy, when any desire that has arisen can be realized without delay, since the money is always on hand. And for some, this is a salary that simply allows you to live a normal life, pay for food, loans, and kindergarten. People rarely think about any savings. They live in the here and now.

Russia is distinguished not only by its large territory, but also by very high wages.

What is the average salary in Russia?

If we compare the level of average monthly income in 2018 with salaries in Russia in 2019, then it can be noted that the average salary in Russia increased by 12% over the past year. But it should be borne in mind that the increase in wages in Russia in 2019 took place exclusively in the national currency.

In terms of currency, the salary in Russia in 2019 decreased due to the appreciation of foreign currency.

Thus, the average salary in Russia in dollar terms in 2019 is significantly lower than in more developed countries, such as the Baltic states and.

According to statistics, the highest salaries in Russia are observed in two cities of this country: in Moscow and the cultural capital of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg.

There has always been a large gap between average wages in Russia among the regions. But in recent years (2017-2019), the trend of increasing the gap between the indicators has only intensified. This is due primarily to the onset of the economic crisis, as a result of which the foreign exchange rate has sharply increased.

Due to the increase, the income of the population living in provincial areas has decreased. Against this background, the unemployment rate has risen significantly. Therefore, many people from provincial regions moved to large cities in order to find employment.

The average salary in Russia in 2018-2019 is equal to the amount of 36 thousand rubles.

Table: statistics comparing average wages in Russia by region

Region, district, republicAverage salary (expressed in rubles)
Belgorod27 280
Bryansk20 790
Vladimir22 770
Voronezh26 070
Ivanovo21 120
Kaluga27 060
Kostroma22 550
Kursk22 770
Lipetsk24 640
Moscow region42 460
Eagle16 830
Ryazan21 340
Smolensk20 020
Tambov21 450
Tver20 130
Tula25 520
Yaroslavl26 620
Moscow66 880
Karelia32 450
Komi39 380
Arkhangelsk36 850
Vologda28 820
Kaliningrad28 820
Leningrad region28 050
Murmansk43 670
Novgorod27 390
Pskov24 310
Saint Petersburg45 430
Adygea20 680
Kalmykia20 130
Krasnodar25 850
Astrakhan27 390
Volgograd23 650
Rostov23 320
Dagestan25 160
Ingushetia20 790
Kabardino-Balkarian18 920
Karachay-Cherkess18 040
North Ossetia18 590
Chechen21 010
Stavropol22 000
Bashkortostan28 160
Mari El Republic21 230
Mordovia20 900
Tatarstan27 060
Udmurt23 430
Chuvash22 990
Permian27 280
Kirov22 880
Nizhny Novgorod26 840
Orenburg26 070
Penza22 990
Samara27 060
Saratov23 430
Ulyanovsk22 880
Mound22 770
Sverdlovsk32 780
Tyumen50 160
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug61 930
70 620
Chelyabinsk26 620
Altai24 860
Buryatia27 720
Tuva30 580
Khakassia32 010
Transbaikalia25 300
Krasnoyarsk region29 260
Irkutsk32 450
Kemerovo17 490
Novosibirsk17 600
Omsk28 820
Tomsk32 230
Sakha53 460
Kamchatka50 600
Primorsk33 990
Khabarovsk35 200
Amur34 540
Magadan55 880
Sakhalin51 260
Chukotka56 100

The biggest salaries in Russia are in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In dollar terms, the average salary in these cities ranges from $700 to $1,000, while the average salary across all regions is only $570.

This level of wages significantly exceeded the average monthly income of residents of Ukraine ($320), Tajikistan ($140), Azerbaijan ($300) and Kyrgyzstan ($220).

Analysis of the minimum income by region

The minimum wage is the minimum salary that an organization can pay to its employee. Each region has a different minimum wage rate.

In 2019, the minimum wage in Russia was raised to 11,280 rubles.

The increase came into effect on January 1, 2019. Until that moment, the smallest salary was 9489 rubles.

But the size of the minimum wage also directly depends on the region and place of employment. The salary of state employees in all regions of Russia is much lower than the salary of people working in non-budgetary organizations.

Table: list of minimum wages in various regions of the Russian Federation

Province/CountyEstablished minimum wage for public sector enterprises (expressed in rubles)
Belgorod11 280
Bryansk11 280
Vladimir11 280
Voronezh11 280
Ivanovo11 280
Kaluga11 280
Kostroma12 837
Kursk11 280
Lipetsk11 280
Moscow region14 200
Eagle11 280
Ryazan11 280
Smolensk11 280
Tambov11 280
Tver11 280
Tula11 280
Yaroslavl11 280
Moscow18 742
Karelia11 280
Komi11 280
Arkhangelsk11 280
Vologda11 280
Kaliningrad11 280
Leningrad11 280
Murmansk25 675
Novgorod11 280
Pskov11 280
Saint Petersburg17 000
Adygea11 280
Kalmykia11 280
Krasnodar11 280
Astrakhan11 280
Volgograd11 280
Rostov11 280
Dagestan11 280
Ingushetia11 280
Balkarskaya11 280
Circassian11 280
North Ossetia11 280
Chechen11 280
Stavropol11 280
Bashkortostan11 280
Mari El Republic11 280
Mordovia11 280
Tatarstan11 280
Udmurt republic12 837
Chuvash11 280
Permian11 280
Kirov11 280
Nizhny Novgorod11 280
Orenburg12 838
Penza11 280
Samara11 280
Saratov11 280
Ulyanovsk11 280
Mound11 280
Yekaterinburg11 280
Tyumen11 280
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug12 430
Chelyabinsk12 838
Altai11 280
Buryatia11 280
Tuva11 280
Khakassia14 511
Altai region11 280
Transbaikalia11 280
Krasnoyarsk District11 280
Irkutsk11 280
Kemerovo18 313
Novosibirsk11 280
Omsk12 838
Tomsk13 500
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)15 390
Kamchatka Krai29 024
Primorsky Krai11 280
Khabarovsk region11 414
Amur11 280
Magadan19 500
Sakhalin23 442
Jewish Autonomous Republic12 000
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug11 280

Interesting video. Minimum wage in different countries.

Analysis of the minimum wage by years

The table below shows the dynamics of wage growth (minimum wage) in Russia by years.

the dateThe amount of the minimum wage (expressed in rubles)
1.07.2003 200
1.01.2004 300
1.07.2005 450
1.06.2006 600
1.10.2007 720
1.01.2008 800
1.09.2009 1 100
1.01.2010 2 300
1.09.2011 4 330
1.01.2012 4 611
1.07.2013 5 205
1.01.2014 5 554
1.01.2015 5 965
1.07.2016 7 500
1.07.2017 7 800
1.01.2018 9 489
1.01.2019 11 280

Minimum wage as of 01/01/2017 according to statistical agencies of different countries

According to the draft law, wage increases are expected in 2019.

According to Article No. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a person cannot receive a salary less than the established minimum wage. But if a Russian citizen did not work all the working days or did not fulfill his duties, the head has the right to independently regulate the amount of his salary.

Public sector salaries

From January 1, 2019, the salary of state employees increased by an average of 5%.

In general, the salaries of teachers, medical personnel, military and representatives of the judiciary have increased. In 2017, the average salary of a state employee was 31,200 rubles. After the increase, this amount increased to 33,000 rubles.

In 2019, salaries for public sector employees are expected to be at least doubled. Such an increase in salaries for state employees, according to a presidential decree, should occur through the introduction of new reforms, for which funds were allocated in the amount of 4.6 trillion rubles.

But, despite this, in Russia there is a tendency to delay wages. The delay in salaries affected, first of all, law enforcement officers and employees of the educational sphere (teachers, educators, university lecturers).

Employees of the Accounts Chamber receive approximately 171 thousand rubles a month. Members of the Federation Council receive 151,000 rubles a month. Deputies of the State Duma earn 123 thousand rubles. Compared to last year, their salary increased by 29%. Kremlin employees were awarded a 5% salary increase in 2018, so in 2019 their salary is 206,000 rubles.

Winner of the All-Russian competition "Educator of the Year"

The wages of kindergarten teachers increased by 5%. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the salary of an educator ranges from 30,000 to 35,000 rubles a month. In Yekaterinburg, the salary of a kindergarten worker ranges from 16,000 to 17,000 rubles. In Perm, a similar position is paid from 11,000 to 13,000 rubles. In the Altai Territory, the salary of employees of preschool institutions ranges from 13,000 to 15,000 rubles per month. Educators working in the Altai Republic receive from 17,000 to 19,000 rubles a month.

In Crimea, this year there is almost no wage arrears for public sector employees. The level of the average monthly salary is actively growing in this region. So in 2015, the average salary was 15 thousand rubles, in 2019 this figure increased to 29 thousand. Social workers receive the lowest salaries in the public sector. Their salary does not exceed 20 thousand per month.

The salary of doctors in this region is 21 thousand rubles, and university professors and teachers receive approximately 28 thousand - 29 thousand rubles each. Kindergarten teachers in Crimea earn from 10,000 to 12,000 rubles a month. Employees of preschool educational institutions in Sevastopol receive an average of 19 thousand rubles.

The salary of the pilot of the state company Aeroflot directly depends on the number of flight hours:

  1. If the number of hours is 85 per month, then the pilot will receive at least 290 thousand rubles per month.
  2. If the number of hours is more than 90 per month, then the pilot's salary will be about 340 thousand rubles per month.

The salary of a janitor working in a utility company directly depends on the region. So a janitor in Moscow receives from 22 thousand to 23 thousand rubles. In Chelyabinsk, a similar position pays 15,000 rubles each. In the cultural capital of the Russian Federation, the salary of a janitor is about 20 thousand rubles. In Tula and Yekaterinburg, janitors earn between 15,000 and 16,000 rubles.

Analysis of wage arrears of state employees

Wage arrears in 2018 in the Russian Federation amounted to 3.8 billion rubles. Over the past month, it has decreased by 5%. Due to the current situation, the Russian government intends to freeze the issuance of wages to index pension payments in 2019.

The state owes the largest amount of money to employees who work in such areas as:
  1. Manufacturing industry.
  2. Construction.
  3. Transport sector.
  4. Mining.
  5. Agriculture.
  6. Scientific research and development.
  7. Production of gas, water and electricity.
  8. Educational area.

The highest paid specialties

According to a social survey and statistical data on the level of wages, the rating of Russia's highest paid professions includes such specialties as:

One of the highest paid professions in Russia is the worker of oil platforms involved in oil and gas production. On average, for one day of work, a person can earn up to $ 300. But this work is not very in demand, even despite the high earnings due to difficult working conditions.

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