Aquarius in love relationships with other signs of the zodiac. Characteristics of an Aquarius woman according to the zodiac sign The best husband for an Aquarius woman

Aquarius - constantly striving for change and new achievements. Due to this quality, it easily adapts to the environment.

This person is attracted to self-confident and positive people who do not have a jealous character and do not seek to limit the freedom of their partner.

Can a representative of this sign compromise in a relationship?

Aquarius will be able to build a fairly harmonious and stable relationship with Aries who does not know how to make long-term plans for the future. If Aries can understand and support their partner, then they can make a great couple.

Aquarius has the best compatibility with Sagittarius in whose person he can do a lot - a devoted friend, passionate lover and travel companion.

Aquarius has great compatibility with scales. This couple will have everything - a real spiritual and physical connection.

And the ability not to pay attention to the little things and the desire to compromise will be the main advantage of this relationship.

With virgin Aquarius is waiting for a real spiritual and physical unity, as well as intellectual harmony. With a representative of your own sign, apart from some disagreements in bed, peace and freedom from any restrictions will reign.

With twins Aquarius will connect a lot - a similar worldview and a craving for adventure. That is why they will enjoy spending time in each other's company.

Is it better for representatives of this sign to live with their complete opposites or with people similar to them?

With opposites

With people like them

Aquarius will want to associate himself with Capricorn, who is his complete opposite. Courage, ambition and stability of Capricorn attract him, but there will be too many disagreements for a long-term relationship.

Aquarius has bad compatibility co Scorpio, because this couple has nothing in common. Scorpio will not be able to learn not to limit the freedom of Aquarius, who cannot come to terms with the jealous and possessive nature of his partner.

With fish the relationship will not work out, due to the excessive sensitive nature. Pisces will constantly feel a lack of attention from a partner who is always absent and will become depressed.

Not a very successful partner for Aquarius will be another representative of the air element - Taurus. This relationship is doomed to failure due to the secrecy of both partners, as well as the instability and love of freedom of Aquarius.

This woman is quite secretive in feelings, so you won’t know if she likes you or not unless you ask directly. It is possible that she will be ashamed of her feelings, especially if you only communicate for a short time. However, remember that she is actually a passionate person, she just prefers not to show it so that she is not manipulated. How to win an Aquarius girl? This question is asked by many who want to make a good impression. But you should act naturally and relaxed with her so that she gets the impression that you are a sincere person. If your beloved is of this sign, then know that you got an interesting and mysterious person. And winning it will not be so easy.

Next to her beloved and desired man, she will shine like a real diamond. If you want to win her over, start with gifts. She is very fond of various jewelry, so give her a beautiful ring, it does not have to be made of precious material. She will be very happy if you share her aspirations and interests. Try reading her favorite book to better understand her. You should go skating together, swim in the pool. Outdoor sports are also great, such as on the beach. This is where you will be able to demonstrate your beautiful figure.

She is very fond of men who take care of themselves and go in for sports. A man must look attractive so that she is drawn to him, but not only. He should have good relations with others, because by nature such a woman is very sociable and believes that as a person treats his friends, he will also treat her. If you want to impress her, try to make her laugh. Sincere emotions will relieve tension, she will relax and will look at you less critically.

You have to be interesting to win her over. How to please an Aquarius girl? It also depends on how you are accustomed to care. If you are using standard techniques, then you will have to relearn. Try to come up with something interesting. For example, take her to the roof of a house and open the champagne. She needs to feel at one with you, so be friendly and open. If there is a pause in the conversation, try to lighten the mood with a good joke.

Surprise her. She constantly lacks new emotions and impressions. Take her to some rides, give her cotton candy or ice cream. Let her feel like a child. This must be to her liking. She needs to understand that she is safe with you. Do not send her home alone in the evening, she may think that in this way you show your indifference. Be sure to walk to the entrance and kiss goodbye. Be sure to call the next day in the morning to find out what her mood is. She will appreciate such care.

Be caring with her. Protect from the chilly wind, give your jacket if it is cold, give it hot tea if it is cold and wet from the rain. Consider the fact that she is attracted only by successful people who reach the top in their profession, you can invite her to some of your conferences, where you will speak and be in the spotlight. Be sure to ask her to take you on camera, so she will understand a little more what you do in life. It is possible that you will be very happy next to her. But why wait for happiness when you can create it yourself?

How to behave with an Aquarius girl? Be not too intrusive, she does not like people of this type. Behave naturally and appropriately to the situation. Never ask her questions to which she does not know the answers, otherwise she may feel stupid. Be a person in the fullest sense of the word. Show her your pictures that you have drawn, your projects, if you are designing, your photographs. Let her see the result of her work, then she will understand what you are capable of, that you are not sitting idle, but working.

Show you are successful

She believes that a man should have a prestigious profession. She will not tolerate drones next to her, who will live at her expense. She quickly recognizes the manipulators and gigolos who sit on the woman's neck. Show your independence in every possible way. Money does not attract her, as well as pompous ostentatious actions. Do not twirl a newfangled phone in front of her eyes, as this will not produce any emotions on her, it can only push her away.

Do something nice for her. You can purchase a certificate to visit the massage parlor, let her feel relaxed. Only then can decisive action be taken. Don't try to get her drunk so she loses control. Never make her jealous, she may experience this feeling, and then disgust for you, that you made her feel it. Try to start a relationship with friendship, during which time you can get to know her tastes better and make the right impression. Other methods can also be used. For example, you can take her to the store and choose some perfume with her. The smell of perfume will remind her of you. This will serve as a kind of anchor.

Try to make friends with her friends, cat or dog. However, do not get between her and her girlfriend or friend. Do not try to limit their communication, even if it takes a lot of time. Usually people choose friends for life, not a lover, because friends go through life, and lovers change.

Display the following qualities:

Do not lie to her, do not exaggerate your position in society, flaunt your wealth. She quickly recognizes that you are lying. And then her attitude towards you may change for the worse. Do not limit her freedom, never shackle her into invented frames. She is a freedom-loving person and such behavior can only repel her. She will also not limit your freedom, but you should not think that she is for an open relationship. She won't cheat if she really loves.

Try to surprise her every day and give only the best emotions. From this, she will become more attractive in your eyes, because they will glow with happiness. Let her know that she is yours, that you appreciate her very much and miss her when she is not around. She needs to feel needed. Thus, her self-esteem will rise. Do everything to make her feel happy, but you should never be an obsessive and jealous lover. Try to trust her, then you will not have to behave unnaturally.

You can also learn some useful tips for winning a girl from this video.

How to fall in love with an Aquarius woman?

Love for an Aquarius woman is, first of all, freedom of thoughts and ideas. She loves intelligence and the exchange of ideas, not looks and accessories. For this reason, she may appear detached and emotionally distant. Unlike Cancer, they do not like emotions and feelings, they prefer to act according to reason. She prides herself on her independence and strives to maintain her individuality.

It is not easy for an Aquarius woman to agree to commitments in personal relationships, but she is surprisingly easy to seduce. She loves intellectual discussion and long uninterrupted conversations. She has a reputation for being a freethinker and loves anything unconventional. She likes scented candles. The most erogenous zone of Aquarius is the ankles. Unlike Virgo and Capricorn, she has no boundaries in erotica.

Despite this, physical intimacy is not so important to her. She needs a devoted and caring partner, but not blazing in the heat of passion. Aquarians have a whole encyclopedia of knowledge in personal matters, but when it is necessary to put this knowledge into practice, they lose all ends.

If you are interested in a relationship with them, then it is worth developing the intellectual side of communication, and not the physical one. They are not interested in what you wear and what stores you go to, they want to know what you think and what is your philosophy of life. You should have common goals in life and views of the world with her.

She is not a hypocrite and she needs freedom of thoughts and ideas, she does not like to be tied to the traditions that are in a relationship. She is not jealous and will herself offer you communication in a new company.

5 Comments → How to fall in love with an Aquarius woman?

And after parting, everyone made efforts to return. But for an Aquarius, this is impossible. We are not returning. We have a clear line, beyond which there is no turning back. We are proud, and this beckons.

It was the same with me, but one day I stepped on the throat of my principles and forgave, I didn’t want to, I understood that nothing good would come of it, but .. And it was a big mistake

I don't agree with everything. I am an Aquarius, and the physical side of relationships is as important to me as intellectual conversations. I can give a man a full range of pleasure and bliss, absolutely everything. I am very sensual and sincere, which binds men to me, as I think. But a man must be on top. Aquarius does not accept anything UNDER… Everything must be at the highest level. Make me admire. I had 4 men, and each of them recognized me as the best in bed in my life. There was no point in deceiving, because I don’t ask about this, I don’t care what happened before me. They spoke themselves. And after parting, everyone made efforts to return. But for an Aquarius, this is impossible. We are not returning. We have a clear line, beyond which there is no turning back. We are proud, and this beckons.

Yulia:) Yulia, I agree with you. I am an Aquarius too.

You didn't just love.

Love is not visible here, more struggle with complexes.

How to Make an Aquarius Man Fall in Love with an Aquarius Woman

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Libra 09/23 - 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Pisces 21.02 - 20.03

  • Aquarius woman, how to please and win her heart?

    This is a bright, original person who is not like the others. It is difficult to win the sympathy of an Aquarius woman, an unpredictable person, so it is not surprising that men who fall in love with her are desperately looking for an answer to the question of how to fall in love with an Aquarius woman. The sheepskin is worth the candle, because the partner she trusts will have to discover many positive features of her multifaceted nature. To please, you need to know what kind of man an Aquarius woman needs.

    Representatives of this sign of the Zodiac need men who will become their friends, like-minded people, in solidarity with their views, who will turn into a reliable support. Aquarians pay attention to self-sufficient, serious men who do not merge with the general mass and are unique in their own way.

    In a love union, Aquarius does not intend to completely obey her partner, but she is absolutely not interested in communicating with a man who will follow her lead in everything. She is interested in people who are strong in spirit, have a pronounced sense of their own dignity, in whom significant potential is guessed, although so far, perhaps, undiscovered.

    If many ladies are wary of extraordinary men, then Aquarius is clearly not one of them. On the contrary, they are more likely to opt for the original, using non-standard solutions, than for an ordinary person. It doesn’t matter to them how wealthy the future chosen one is in terms of finances, but they will like it if he takes place as a professional and is successful or at least very promising in this field.

    A man who is considering how to please an Aquarius woman should respect friendly ties, because he will be connected with her, first of all, with them. If the partner retains some personal independence and allows the Aquarius partner to do this, then they will be easy with each other. Women born during this period are not used to imposing their society, do not suffer from excessive suspicion and disrespect for the personal space of others. They will stay away from people who will show a desire to control them, for example, keenly interested in the content of SMS messages on the phone, etc. The ideal man for an Aquarius woman is someone who will not encroach on her precious freedom. If a man does not object to his former lifestyle, favorite activities and companies, then he will be able to conquer the Aquarius woman and make her a happy person. In relation to these people, like no one else, the principle works: "If you want to keep, let go."

    A man who will lie, dodge, be hypocritical will act recklessly: by doing this, he deprives himself of the chances of developing relationships.

    How to win over women of other zodiac signs

    • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
    • Gemini May 22 - June 21
    • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
    • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
    • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
    • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
    • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01

    • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02

      How to conquer an Aquarius woman?

      Is it difficult to conquer an Aquarius woman? She already wants you to conquer her - but she does not admit it out loud. Don't wait for a hint - act!

      Lady Aquarius is one of the most curious and caring creatures in the world. Yesterday she worried about the fate of endangered wombat beavers, today she is participating in a demonstration in defense of the rights of the Yanomami tribe, and in a week she will pack up and fly away to grow scarlet flowers in the Alps (and grow, rest assured!). But what about the poor lover who asks one single question: how to win an aquarius woman, this bright, unusual butterfly? After all, as soon as you start talking to her about feelings, she brushes it off and immediately flies away to save or study someone!

      First you need to stop talking about your feelings and learn to listen to her stories about those same wombats and yanomami. Find common topics for conversation, just become a friend, colleague and confidante. If you don’t take part in rallies with posters, then at least bring thermoses with hot tea for her. The opinion of the majority that a man and a woman cannot be comrades, Aquarians do not recognize; they generally slightly confuse these concepts, "love" and "friendship". Rather, the women of the sign of Aquarius are sure: love is a kind of companionship. So before you become her beloved man, become her friend.

      At the next stage, you will have to, if not make friends, then at least put up with her friends.

      Yes it's hard; especially when you consider the phenomenal Aquarius ability to make friends everywhere, even at trolleybus stops. It is not necessary to assume that numerous acquaintances are just the costs of youth, or that strangers are of interest to her insofar as she does not have a personal life now, and if she falls in love, then everything will change dramatically. Nothing like this. For the Aquarius woman, friendship with half of humanity and world peace is more interesting than a strange, possessive relationship with one eternally sighing personality. Therefore, if you want to tie her tighter, give her as much freedom as possible. Moreover, Aquarius does not give a reason for jealousy.

      Since it is more likely that one who has succeeded in any field than one who has a lot of money can conquer an Aquarius woman, a demonstration of one's own talents and originality will be more effective than a demonstration of generosity and prosperity. The most attractive to Lady Aquarius are public figures, people from the world of art. The brighter and more outstanding a man is, the more she likes him, she belongs to that rare type of women who are not afraid of paradise in a hut (the main thing is that the beloved is brilliant, talented and not like everyone else). Those are her priorities.

      And a few other things that might be helpful:

      - an Aquarius girl can constantly forget your phone number, when you first met her, your birthday and even your last name! But that doesn't mean she doesn't care about you. It's just that all Aquarians have memory problems. Therefore, if you unobtrusively remind her and suggest dates, names, and the like, she will be very grateful.

      Girls of this sign love cold, deep colors. Therefore, crimson roses and scarlet carnations will not impress her. It is better to give her white, blue, pale yellow and lilac flowers.

      Don't criticize her way of dressing and hairdo, even if it is quite strange. Firstly, your criticism will not change anything (Lady Aquarius lives by her own laws), and secondly, she will perceive an attempt to correct her appearance as an encroachment on freedom.

      Responses (61) to How to conquer an Aquarius woman?

      Well, it's about me, just one to one. Indeed, a man should be my friend too, otherwise nothing happens, I’m not enough for a long time if a person doesn’t fully understand me or doesn’t trust me. And also, it is true that it is very important for me that a man has a core, that he is a person. That's when you can take me with your bare hands. This is how you get on the net. It turns out that my zodiac sign is to blame, and not me so special.

      Yes, Aquarius girls are extraordinary girls. That is, not like everyone else. When men meet such girls, they always think that there is some kind of catch in them. It's just that Aquarius girls really make friends first, and then fall in love. They also don't like being given bouquets of flowers, honestly!

      Elena, I totally agree with you! Especially about flowers

      why. I really like it too. True, they are much more than standard store bouquets, but some country, forest, meadow - they are both livelier and more artistic.

      Olechka you are beautiful: all my questions that I had, I answered with my comment :)

      I am an Aquarius girl! She is very partial to unusual people, both in terms of relationships and in terms of friendship.

      I remember names, phone numbers with great difficulty, I don’t remember routes at all ... But I remember very well what we talked about, emotions.

      One BUT, I don’t like cold colors at all, I love warm and bright ones! Orange, red, yellow…

      I am a Aquarius. I totally agree about cool colors. If the bed linen is in white and blue, if the roses are white or pink (by no means red), if the marble countertop is also in white and blue! Even my mobile phone has become colored!

      My husband knows for sure that my favorite flowers are red roses. But as for freedom, I’ll bet that my friend Aquarius and her husband completely gives her freedom, and she has already gone left many times, I cheated on my husband, or rather we were in a quarrel and I openly told him that I was building a relationship with another, my husband thought I was bluffing and let me go on a date with him. But what I love about myself and other Aquarians (apparently because I am one) is truthfulness in all respects. And indigestion of lies and deceit

      fuck guys, I don’t know what to do anymore, I love a girl whose zodiac sign is Aquarius, and I think that this will help me win her heart, but if not, I’ll kill her bitch))) I’m joking of course, she’s just not so criminal that I I’m already starting to worry about this, and in truth she has such a character as written above, it’s interesting since she has a bad memory, which means she will forget all my mistakes in dealing with her

      Oh yes, Teska, she will forget. I am sometimes amazed at the quickness of my stupidity, she is sometimes ready to kill me, and after an hour she is already dragging coffee. Don’t change the main thing, he will kill both of them, he won’t kill him - so he won’t forgive such a scammer

      As a girl and Aquarius according to the horoscope, I will say that many points in the article are noted correctly, but not all. Yes, I really like smart, outstanding men, I really appreciate freedom and friendship. But on the contrary, I have a very good memory, especially for dates and phone numbers, and besides, I love crimson roses!

      Yes, that's all there is. And by the way, lovers are often offended by the fact that after their confessions you don’t throw yourself on their necks and don’t tie a bow there. And the fact that I have to listen to my memories is also true, but I try to restrain myself. For me, not only words about feelings are very important, I need confirmation by actions, even if it is a small concern. Unfortunately, words are worthless these days.


      My friend Aquarius. Whatever the case is not taken, everything will be brought to the end. Knows everything in advance. A treasure trove of information. She can tell so many different positive stories about any person who works nearby. He sees only the good in people, and finds logical explanations for all the bad moments. She never sits idly by, she cares about everything. The manner of dressing, indeed, is sometimes strange, but the fact that she is a bright, unusual butterfly is unequivocal!

      Oh no no! I am a true Aquarius, but the article is by. Nothing in common and a stupid example with a tribe and a scarlet flower. Even remembering my youth, I wasn’t like that, and even more so when I got married. When I was conquered by those people who were not attractive to me and I knew in advance that there could be nothing between us, I never gave a reason and did not react to courtship. And when I fell in love myself and realized that I wanted children from this person, I endured and waited and was faithful.

      "and a stupid example with a tribe and a scarlet flower"

      that's for sure, stupid and set on edge with such stamps. And Aquarians will never be carried away by what everyone already has on their teeth. Their hobbies are not what is considered modern today, what is modern is fashionable today - this is no longer interesting to them.

      I am an Aquarius! and as a representative of this sign, I see quite a lot of well-described qualities. In no case do not limit our freedom! encroachment on it will block all efforts to conquer us) communication with the whole world is our essence! and keeping us at home at the stove with children is not an option. although this is possible only with our own desire to do this all the time, and it won’t happen all the time anyway! Take life easier with us! we need anyone. we need the same crazy man as we ourselves)

      Lady Aquarians are very sensitive, gentle, creative! But all this is outweighed by unconscious sobriety and pragmatism. If you men think that you will do blah blah blah to her, and she will eat it? YES, it will))), exactly one week.) then you have to do all this! Otherwise, interest in you will dry up)). And if this happens, then nothing will bring him back! And it's not about commercialism, no. It's just that the vodoleies will never begin to dust out of the blue, if she said that she launched a shuttle, I advise you to believe it, she launched it! For them, nothing is impossible at all. And next to this should be worthy. Conclusion: you can’t be the most, and not just seem like one, don’t get into Aquarius - KILL)))), but gently). They are humanists

      How to conquer the Aquarius man to the Virgo woman?

      A pair of Aquarius-Virgo can meet and stay together forever if really real feelings flare up. This is a prerequisite in the question of how to conquer the Aquarius man to the Virgo woman. Such love unions are quite rare in the world. Partners of this type do not give themselves time so that their relationship can begin and flourish. But if such a couple has enough patience, then they will be able to forget about their own ideals and their attention will switch to the one who is nearby.

      How to make an Aquarius man fall in love with a Virgo woman?

      At the beginning of a relationship with an Aquarius man, a Virgo woman is able to use her own skill in incendiary wordplay and wit. Next, you will need to conquer the representative of such a sign of the Zodiac with the help of your own housekeeping. If a girl wants to conquer an Aquarius guy, then she will have to prepare for the fact that she will need to host not only Aquarius himself, but also his best friends. The Aquarius man will be delighted with the well-established life of the fairer sex, who was born under the constellation Virgo. In the house of such a girl, his friends and he will always be welcome.

      Aquarius men are too selfish, and therefore, tormenting yourself with the question of how to win and keep the Aquarius man, you should take excessive care of him. This will conquer him from the first minutes, but there is no need to expect reciprocity from him. This person is considered to be passionate about the salvation of society, and therefore he is not even able to notice that his beloved is tired or sick.

      How to keep an Aquarius man?

      Love between Aquarius and Virgo will be like a roller coaster. A partner can demonstrate passion and sensuality, or he can completely withdraw into himself, seek freedom and solitude. The Virgo woman will try to find reliability and stability in relationships, in connection with which she will not be able to make a final decision regarding the behavior of her partner. As a result, the couple is able to burn out from the passion that overwhelms the partners, as a result of which they will begin to behave like strangers. This state of affairs suits the couple for a short time, because the woman is a supporter of a serious relationship.

      Good relations are possible between such partners if Aquarius decides to say goodbye to his own freedom, because it's worth it. The woman of the Virgo sign should simply give the man freedom and the opportunity to do his own favorite things. In this situation, their love and relationship will become mutual. The partner will never dare to cheat on the lady, and she, in turn, will try to save a strong family. And this will be a step towards a long-term ideal relationship, when each of the partners understands each other perfectly.

      What can make the relationship between Aquarius and Virgo harmonious?

      A favorable marriage between Virgo and Aquarius will arise if the Aquarius partner and the Virgo partner belong to the same generation, and the difference in their age will fluctuate in the range of 7 years. The greater the difference, the smaller the chances that the relationship between people of different generations will develop happily. This may be reminiscent of the famous conflict of 2 personalities, one of which was a dull conservative, and the other an original, rebellious and restless personality. Such people will begin by any means to emphasize the importance of their own beliefs, in a rather sharp form rejecting others.

      The prospect of what a woman will know , how to win the heart of an Aquarius man will depend only on her. The long-term nature of such a relationship depends on how long the lady will be able to endure the extravagant behavior and extraordinary fellow eccentrics of Aquarius. Only from the power of love, as well as the understanding and care of a woman born under the constellation Virgo, will the result of the work begun be known - the relationship between the Aquarius-Virgo pair.


      How to fall in love with an Aquarius man?

      Aquarius is easy to recognize by a slight oddity in behavior, unusual rare hobbies and a dreamy detached look. He is attracted to everything new and original, as soon as his curiosity is touched, the researcher wakes up in Aquarius. For Aquarius men, any conventions are absolutely unimportant, be it social laws or moral frameworks, he is his own master and will not allow anyone to tell him how to live.

      Among the representatives of this sign there are a lot of creative personalities, whom everyone considers to be half-crazy geniuses, but Aquarius absolutely does not care about anyone's opinion. Aquarius seeks to bring all his very different and even crazy ideas to life, and as soon as he solves the riddle or simply passes its period of its duration, Aquarius immediately switches to another object of study. This is his whole essence, a representative of the air element, he constantly strives for freedom, freedom not only in relationships, but also for freedom in work, in creativity, in self-expression.

      Aquarius is not the most successful sign for a family, because he runs from marriage like hell from incense, but he does not deny the existence of love, so such a man can be lured into his networks.

      Aquarius is looking for a special woman

    1. Aquarius is looking for a woman who will constantly torment his restless heart with her incomprehensible behavior, ambiguous phrases that he seeks to unravel. All life for him is a search for hidden meaning, and a woman is no exception. If you manage to interest him with your unusualness, then consider that Aquarius is already on your hook. This man may not sleep at night, forget about all his affairs, if he does not know or understand something, but there is a risk that as soon as he penetrates the secret of a woman, his enthusiasm will noticeably disappear.
    2. Therefore, with Aquarius you will have to be special, you must be the one that he will distinguish from the crowd, but not in appearance, but in an elusive feature in behavior. He wants to be close to his woman and feel dizzy from her mysterious energy.
    3. Your task is to keep a halo of mystery around you all the time, otherwise Aquarius, who has got to the bottom of the matter, will already be difficult to keep. He can be extremely persistent and attentive while he is in a slight euphoria from you. But when Aquarius realizes that his woman is not so special, he remembers that there are many other interesting things in the world, including other people who want to communicate with him and can tell him many interesting things.
    4. Not every woman can withstand such a relationship, it is difficult to constantly feel like an object for Aquarius research. A woman for him is a book, and after reading it, Aquarius will leave. He can reach in his thoughts to the point of absurdity: “Why did she look at me like that?”, “She is too cold today, what could this be connected with?”. At first, this may even flatter your ego, but soon you will notice that you are not the only object for his research, just as he may be curious about the girl in the supermarket, or his colleague. And here you will either have to put up with such a nature of Aquarius and try to maintain your status as an unusual woman, or find yourself a more mundane man.

    Do not encroach on the freedom of Aquarius

    Aquarius loves communication and flirting, does not mean at all that he is going to enter into physical intimacy with someone. Aquarius usually has many female friends, in each of which he finds an interesting detail or feature, which often causes misunderstandings: a woman perceives this as an interest in her own person, although in fact Aquarius was not going to go beyond friendship. Do not bother Aquarius with jealousy, he will not tolerate this and can immediately leave. In addition, Aquarius does not like insecure women, if he chose you, then why do you think that he will immediately be pulled to the side. Do not encroach on his personal space, give Aquarius complete freedom of action and then he will be imbued with complete confidence in you.

    Aquarius is the most freedom-loving sign, and if you ever put him before a choice: me or freedom, then he will choose freedom without hesitation. Aquarius never puts the value of love in the first place, for him there is also a career, friends, hobbies and, of course, complete freedom of action and movement. He is looking for a companion for himself, who will gladly share his understanding of life: not to walk and hold on to the handle, but sometimes to relax separately, but still be there. He can pack up in the middle of the week and leave for a walk with friends, or go to the forest for mushrooms, although you were going to go to the cinema on Saturday. And this is the whole of Aquarius, he runs from all the conventions that society and life impose on him.

    If you want to marry Aquarius, then you will have to stock up on great patience and it’s not a fact that all this will end with one hundred percent probability. Aquarians can live their whole lives without getting married, it’s just that they are so good and they don’t understand why marriage is needed at all. Again, they can marry just out of curiosity, when everyone around is already getting married and Aquarius decides to check, but what kind of thing is marriage? And do not think that after the wedding, Aquarius will become more tender and sensitive, on the contrary, he can turn into a selfish, indifferent partner. Many women only like healthy jealousy, but do not expect it to manifest even to a small extent from Aquarius. He will not fight for you with another man, he will rather give you a choice, or he will prefer to leave on his own. In general, his ideal in marriage is a female friend with whom you can easily discuss any issues.

    Aquarius women value intelligence

    Aquarius is looking for the embodiment of all his favorite qualities in a woman - this is beauty, mystery, and a light cheerful disposition. At any moment you will have to be ready to quit everything and embark on a risky adventure with him, he wants to see his companion not only as a dreamer, an intellectual, but also as a little crazy as he is. Aquarius is waiting for a woman who has the same strange ideas in her head, loves freedom and at the same time believes in the existence of some powerful force that will connect two kindred mysterious souls.

    How to make an Aquarius man fall in love with you?

    Aquarius men are special, contradictory, complex. But how interesting! How to find the key to the heart of Aquarius? What should be done and what should not? What are the golden rules for conquering Aquarius?

    Aquarius man: characteristic

    Aquarians are romantic, inquisitive and headstrong personalities, headstrong and with their own personal rules. They tend to live by personal rules and moral laws.

    The Aquarius man is truthful, open to communication and does not tolerate deceit and hypocrisy. However, he is almost always alone. The reason is in character. Aquarius finds it difficult to maintain long-term physical and emotional intimacy with someone.

    For him, there is a huge difference between “friendship” and “love”. Aquarians do not like the stage of conquering a woman, they prefer to watch. Even if such a man is in love, he almost does not take active steps.

    The Volodya man is not indifferent to the new and unknown, often his curiosity guides him. It is important for him to communicate with the outside world, attend events, learn the news. This is what you can use. ??

    The Volodya man in his soul is an opponent of the rules with his own point of view on any situation. Accordingly, he is interested in a woman "to match."

    The ideal of Aquarius is a girl who has her own opinion, and she is ready to defend it. The one who is ready to learn, to admit that they are wrong, while being tactful.

    It is good if a woman has non-standard views on life, a developed imagination and a not very jealous character. Aquarius never relies on the opinions of other people, he listens to the heart.

    • do not limit his freedom, his interests and hobbies. For Aquarius, the most valuable thing is his self-sufficiency;
    • do not deceive him and do not dissemble. He will feel;
    • be a self-sufficient woman, develop your interests and hobbies;
    • communicate with him, but do not “get into the soul”, the time will come - Aquarius himself will tell everything;
    • give him time to be alone.
    • Getting to know an Aquarius man is not difficult, he is naturally responsive and sociable. You can use the best phrases to meet a man.

      Aquarius is attracted by mystery, mystery. To arouse interest in him, disappear for a few days, and then reappear: preferably with crazy ideas. Give him the opportunity to get bored, to think about his attitude towards you.

      Aquarius men like self-confident women with whom there is something to talk about and something to keep quiet about. Manners, good manners, intelligence and elegance also attract men of this sign. In conversations, try to look for counterarguments to his statements. ??

      What better not to do

    • do not agree with him on everything;
    • do not express baseless jealousy;
    • do not forbid him to communicate with anyone;
    • do not remake it, but interest it;
    • don't be afraid to argue;
    • do not open immediately and completely, leave a riddle.
    • Aquarius is a very complex and sometimes controversial sign. For the conquest of such men there are no universal recommendations. You will have to be creative, be able to interest a man, keeping a secret in yourself.

      Offer the Aquarius man something new, have your own opinion, trust and do not act too emotionally. Give him freedom, and then you will definitely pick up the key to the heart of Aquarius!

      Aquarius woman in love

      In matters of the heart, such a woman is incredibly romantic, honest and generous with affection. She keeps her distance when she is afraid and can come across as cool. A changeable mood is sometimes confusing and makes you draw the wrong conclusions. Her intellect is not inferior to the mind of a man. Aquarius is one of the most unpredictable representatives of the zodiac.

      Often, a lady idealizes marriage and relationships in general, so the idea of ​​​​reality is violently intertwined with vivid fantasies. A friendly and sociable girl gives the impression of an old, cheerful comrade, with whom it is surprisingly comfortable. She will listen and support any conversation. Everything ordinary is disgusting, so something special is important for her. Admiring glances, various compliments, flirting and constant coquetry are all an integral part of her life. Aquarius is very changeable, so it is difficult for her to decide on a serious relationship. The priority is freedom and just friendship.

      If you manage to conquer this crazy and unbridled whirlwind, then your loved one will receive an unusually sensitive partner. In the future, such a woman will turn into a wonderful wife and loving mother. Being an incredibly direct person, she will never deceive her husband, preferring to tell the truth in person. Marriage with her will not be boring, the representative of this sign does not have a sense of humor.

      For such an extraordinary girl, an extraordinary man is needed. He should have unusual views on life and diverse interests. Such a man will not dramatize troubles, but will sweep them away on his way. For Aquarius, you need a person with whom it will be easy and natural to communicate. This is a strong-willed guy, with a positive attitude and original thinking.

      The most comfortable existence will be with someone who allows her to be reckless and frivolous. Such a couple has great potential, as they will embody many interesting ideas and innermost desires.

      With a Libra man it will be convenient and easy. Both partners want to live without straining and enjoy everything. Unfortunately, you will have to forget about prosperity, because unearthly Libra often hovering in the clouds, they are not up to earthly hardships.

      Aries will allow her to open up the most. His ability to admire his beloved will give wings and a sense of euphoria, in which she will be able to overcome any trials.

      With cancer, they will take long steps towards understanding. Secretive Cancer is hard to take out of his usual comfort zone, so at first the straightforwardness of Aquarius scares him a little. A bright woman is in no hurry to look at an unremarkable man. When Cancer wants something extraordinary, he begins to leave his comfort zone. Then they are attracted to each other and mutual feelings appear.

      Peaceful Cancer and cheerful Aquarius perfectly complement each other. There are also several difficulties. Such a man gets tired of excessive communication with an active girl, and she suddenly becomes bored next to the measured Cancer. At the initial stage of building relationships, it is better for them to moderately dose meetings in order to understand their needs and not be disappointed ahead of time.

      Marriage with Cancer and what to expect from him

      In marriage, they often have disagreements. Dreaming of a strong family, Cancer strives to drag the freedom-loving Aquarius woman down the aisle. He will easily provide cozy evenings in the family circle and generously endow his wife with tenderness. In terms of household trifles, it is not so practical, so a woman will have to solve most of the issues on her own.

      Practical Cancer is in no hurry to part with his beloved money, while frivolous Aquarius easily buys up half the store without consulting his spouse.

      After such a woman marries, she radically changes her lifestyle, turning from an active tearaway into a routine homebody. A man also loves family gatherings, but at the same time requires personal space and activities that are dear to the heart.

      She understands a man and his principles, but is in no hurry to make them her life credo. It is important for Cancer to subjugate a person, but this does not suit such a girl. She does not experience the pleasure of washing dishes and polishing the floors to a shine, it is better to walk from the heart in a friendly company. While home Cancer will prefer a lonely evening in the company of a laptop. He will perceive his wife's friends as rivals who must be eliminated. He will begin to hysteria, be offended, manipulate and even threaten, which will most likely lead to a break in relations, because for a girl such behavior on the part of her husband is unacceptable.

      In case of disagreement, they are unlikely to be able to find a compromise, because everyone understands and sees the situation in their own way. Windy Aquarius will experience an ardent longing for former freedom, taking out anger on a partner or not appearing at home at all. The unspent tenderness of a man will extinguish the fire of anger in the soul of the chosen one and reconciliation will come. They can make a good couple if Cancer does not annoy the girl with her jealousy.

      The wife should prepare for what all women, without exception, can not stand. The Cancer man constantly compares the chosen one with his beloved mother. He wants to continue to be a child, so he considers a potential spouse as the next mother. Childhood for him remained the most beautiful time in life, so he wants to extend this period longer. He wants to see an affectionate and sweet coquette next to him, and not a masculine realist.

      Household issues, recipes for pies - all this should be adopted from the mother-in-law, because the son is so attached to her. The girl should establish a warm relationship with the mother of the chosen one. If a conflict arises between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, the man should not focus his attention on one of them. Better to stay neutral.

      Compatibility in bed

      Their first sex may not come immediately, because both are not used to initiating something. Someday the time will come, and one of them will understand that it is necessary to take the first step. It will most likely be a woman. In bed, they will miss someone with a rod, but they will be too busy enjoying the sensations.

      A man doubts himself sexually. The partner should not let go of barbs or jokes, otherwise you can undermine his confidence. He will begin to look for the weaknesses of the chosen one and will definitely find it, having played well on her nerves. Everything will end in a violent tantrum of the last, and he will begin to feel guilty.

      In sex, Cancer is a big conservative, so variety is not to be expected. He will prefer the usual poses, but over time he will become a little bolder. The vivid imagination of Aquarius will delight and surprise him. So he ventures into something new.

      To save a marriage, you should constantly work on yourself. Without a search for compromises, it is impossible to build harmonious relationships. Their characters are different, so it just won't happen. To carry love through time, it is worth being careful in statements, because words can move them away from each other.

      When a man becomes jealous, he falls into a kind of trance and ceases to perceive others, ruthlessly delving into himself. To pacify the jealous Cancer, a woman should often remind her beloved that he is the best and that she loves him.

      He can be jealous of her even for reading her favorite books, because there is a fear that a woman will begin to think differently. They need to find a common hobby in order to have fun together.

      Under certain conditions, they can develop an excellent relationship.

      Shared Values

      This couple can easily exist, provided that they have a common cause. They will be comfortable, because there is a spiritual development. Life will fade into the background, so it will become a little easier.

      different age

      If a woman is older, then her wisdom in tandem with the patriarchy of a man will give an ideal marriage. The eccentric nature was replaced by sensual regularity.
      These two representatives of the zodiac constellations have very different characters. Cancer-conservative contrasts with the extraordinary Aquarius, so the development and duration of relationships largely depends on the psychological maturity of the partners and their willingness to give in.

      Only if they are ready to work for a long time, improve themselves and develop, will a strong and lasting alliance be obtained. Sudden outbursts of rage from such an unbridled fury go out as quickly as they appear. Cancer can easily put them out, and they can continue to coexist peacefully.

      Compatibility horoscope: the ideal zodiac sign for an Aquarius woman is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

      In your youth, you are likely to find the ideal in the air signs - Gemini and Libra! Only Gemini should not demonstrate his boundless love, you need to constantly feel a slight anxiety. And Libra will conquer you from the first minute if they begin to admire your unearthly beauty - you need this delight like air. In the second half of life, there is a chance to build an ideal marriage with representatives of the signs of Sagittarius or Aries. The first one will awaken African passion in you, prolong your youth! And the second will make you feel absolute security from all adversity and give you a feeling of complete security.

      Best Match for Aquarius

      Sagittarius: Many will call this couple ideal. They inspire each other, and the absence of jealousy helps to keep each other's nerve cells and good mood. These are two anemones who cannot live without each other and are even ready to recognize the right to exist for a long relationship. They respect each other's independence, and this is the secret of the success of this relationship, and the compatibility horoscope Aquarius Sagittarius speaks about this.

      No video.

      Scales: This couple is waiting for a delightful romance based on equality, which both value extraordinary. The harmony of Libra has a positive effect on the unpredictable Aquarius, and his passion for experiments pleases Libra. Meeting, Libra and Aquarius include the program "Take the best from life", which they subsequently successfully work on. The relationship of this couple can reach a marriage that can become successful if at least someone takes on a little more responsibility, the Aquarius Libra compatibility horoscope reports this.

      Twins: These signs of the zodiac make an extremely successful couple. Gemini will inspire the creative Aquarius, and Aquarius will admire Gemini's witty irony. This couple can be absolutely happy in each other's company, never ceasing to be surprised by the pleasantness of their interlocutor. Both of them will respect each other's independence, which will eliminate jealousy conflicts from this delightful romance. Marriage can be successful, such a forecast gives the Aquarius Gemini compatibility horoscope.

      Worst Couple for Aquarius

      Virgo: As the compatibility horoscope says, Aquarius and Virgo can become an interesting couple who complement each other and see in their companion something that they themselves do not and never will have. The optimism of Aquarius inspires Virgo, and her logic somewhat disciplines the windy Aquarius. However, the main stumbling block is the unjustified expectations of the Virgo, who wants to see the responsibility of her other half, which Aquarius is rarely capable of. Conflicts too often spoil this unusual romance, Aquarius Virgo's compatibility horoscope warns of this.

      Fish: According to the compatibility horoscope, Aquarius and Pisces attract each other's attention at first sight. The mysterious Pisces thrill Aquarius, and he, in turn, intrigues Pisces. However, problems in the relationship of this couple can not be avoided. Aquarius is not ready to give Pisces as much attention as they insistently demand from him, and when nitpicking reaches a critical mass, he prefers to simply retreat. If Pisces does not agree to make concessions, the relationship is in danger of collapse, Aquarius Pisces compatibility horoscope warns about this.

      Scorpion: The fantasy of Aquarius inspires Scorpio, and the irrepressibility of Scorpio in turn entertains Aquarius. They will enjoy each other's company until Scorpio begins to be jealous of his overly fickle companion. Aquarius can't stand routine, and Scorpio's desire to make him his own causes Aquarius to turn on the countdown to the end of this romance. If Scorpio does not want to recognize the freedom of Aquarius, then the relationship will sooner or later end in complete collapse, portends the Aquarius Scorpio compatibility horoscope.

      Strained relations

      Aquarius: As the compatibility horoscope confirms, Aquarius can find his ideal life partner only in the same frivolous hunter for new impressions as himself. Two Aquarians will delight in their exquisite wit, not caring too much about the depth of their feelings. According to the compatibility horoscope, the Aquarius man is more likely to be jealous of his companion, although this will not spoil their relationship.

      a lion: The beginning of the novel of this couple promises to be enchanting, and the continuation - exciting. However, too different interests prevent this bright couple from achieving the desired harmony. Leo wants to be a permanent leader and demands admiration and admiration from Aquarius, for which this independent sign is not ready. Aquarius is annoyed by Leo's obsession with himself, and Leo does not understand Aquarius' desire for endless experiments. These brilliant relationships can quickly come to naught without compromises and mutual concessions, such a forecast is given by the Aquarius Leo compatibility horoscope.

      Aquarius man with other zodiac signs

      Aquarius zodiac sign compatibility

      Aquarius zodiac sign compatibility: Aquarius what zodiac sign in love, sex, family; what zodiac sign suits Aquarius; compatibility - problem solving

      The love of Aquarius is of a humanistic nature; any novel fades before his philanthropy.

      Relations with Aquarius are remembered primarily by intellectuality, confidential conversations, and then by passion.

      Aquarius can not be said that he surpasses everyone in love - he is already one hundred percent sure of the originality, uniqueness of his person, considering this the most valuable. But in sex although they are inventive and feel their partner well, often they simply do not have enough endurance, and not always physical, but emotional.

      No video.

      Aquarius usually chooses a partner from those who are indifferent to him.

      Aquarius is not interested in easy prey, but in order to conquer an impregnable or keep an elusive partner, Aquarius will show miracles of charm, demonstrate variety of sexual talents and comes up with a lot of interesting things - there will be enough strength for everything.

      Aquarius is sensitive to beauty, he can even point out to his lover the flaws in appearance. At the same time, he is inclined to accept the chosen one as is. After all, Aquarius is looking for mind, kindness, openness, independence of thinking in a partner.

      Aquarius is sometimes tactless, but it requires a particularly careful attitude towards itself. Aquarius is actually not amenable to other people's influence. He imposes his opinion gently. Sometimes uses psychological manipulation without even noticing it.

      Aquarius is capable of great love, but usually does not show it. He can languish with passion, outwardly maintaining such indifference that even the most insightful will not understand anything.

      Aquarians are not jealous, and can not stand jealousy someone else's. They rarely change, but often remember their first love, keep in touch with past lovers, sometimes fantasizing - how would a romance develop with them.

      Aquarius yearns for the perfect romance all their lives. But even falling madly in love, he tries to save time for loneliness, knowledge of the world, a certain secret of experiences. He would like to balance his two strongest desires - to have a loved one and remain free.

      The personal happiness of Aquarius is often hampered by the false impression of his impassibility, coldness. However, the one who manages to understand Aquarius will not remain indifferent to him: Aquarians are extraordinary, bright personalities, capable of many things and not knowing obstacles.

      What zodiac sign suits Aquarius

      Aquarians are known for their all-encompassing love. This is the influence of Saturn, Neptune, Uranus. However, Aquarians are not very capable of creating a strong family: they are too eccentric in nature, they want incredibly much from life, they do not like monotony, and therefore duration in relationships.

      What zodiac sign suits Aquarius badly

      Aquarius is Air, and an alliance with the Earth (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus) or Water (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) is futile: air with water or earth is not an appropriate combination.

      Zodiac sign suitable for Aquarius is so-so

      Union with the same air sign (Aquarius, twins) would be nice due to reliability and friendly feelings, but Aquarians do not consider them dominant.

      Suitable for Aquarius Libra, but with him they either have everything and everything is good, or everything is very bad.

      What zodiac sign is best suited for Aquarius

      As you might guess, for the Air of Aquarius, the only suitable element in everything is Fire. So Sagittarius, but preferably a lion or Aries able to give Aquarius family happiness.

      Aquarians do not have the energy of the Sun, as a result - excessive selfishness, complacency, posturing, which hinder career advancement.

      In alliance with Leo or Aries, these qualities are neutralized in Aquarius. Leo and Aries make up for the lack of solar energy for Aquarius.

      Aquarius zodiac sign compatibility- solve problems

      Trapped in relationships

      The most important thing in the life of Aquarius is freedom. Everything that seems to be its limitation, they avoid.

      But relationships to some extent require the renunciation of independence. If you have to take into account the expectations, desires, interests of the partner, Aquarians may feel unhappy, depressed, although they admit that they cannot do without concessions.

      The critical situation is if the imagination draws the bonds of the novel as a trap, an unpleasant system of restrictions. It is these fantasies that should be avoided. It is necessary to concentrate on the positive emotions that communication with the chosen one brings, and in general the novel as a whole.

      For personal comfort, it is desirable to leave a bit of "personal space". The partner, however, must necessarily explain the reasons for the boundaries, so that he does not perceive this as fencing off from him, coldness or hiding something that will destroy the union.

      Being sincere, open, with a person dear to the heart, with mutual feelings, one can experience what is inaccessible to many - both freedom and love.

      Aquarians are great speakers, but rarely talk about their feelings. They appear to be an insurmountable barrier.

      Aquarians get used to the fact that others understand them easily, therefore they find themselves in a dead end when their beloved cannot immediately understand them. And Aquarians are often not ready for a deeper discussion.

      Wishing for a harmonious relationship, Aquarius should learn to talk about their feelings, express them differently, manifest them.

      After all, it happened more than once that emotions were hidden by Aquarius under the guise of prudence, coldness, and then he was upset - no one understands the full depth of his experiences.

      In order to be understood by a loved one, Aquarius needs to stop, at least sometimes, being a “mystery”.

      The other side of the problem is the property of Aquarius to talk a lot. If the partner is impatient, he will not be able to choose important information from a variety of secondary ones. Aquarius himself needs to simply, concisely explain the essence of the problem, not hiding it behind the beauty of words and the complexity of logical constructions.

      Often it is the simplest words that help mutual understanding, and Aquarius himself will be able to understand himself better.

      Aquarians do not give the impression of tyrants, but often achieve that everything is done according to their desire.

      Paradoxically, Aquarians will not be happy with those who unquestioningly submit to their whims. Aquarians intuitively guess about this and choose strong partners who can resist them.

      A struggle begins, bringing both discomfort. The situation is heating up. Any little thing can explode with a bomb. At first it seems that after quarrels it is not difficult to put up, but gradually it all turns into an underwater iceberg that destroys relationships.

      Aquarius to avoid quarrels, it is necessary to be softer, externally and internally. You can’t punish your partner with your behavior (insults, silence, ultimatums) for his point of view.

      It is better to persuade him to constructive dialogues, and it is easier for you to compromise. It's absurd to blame only yourself. However, from a partner who is seen not as a toy, but as a strong person, one cannot expect endless indulgence of his whims.

      Aquarians usually have a wide circle of communication, they are not deprived of signs of attention. But it is difficult for Aquarius to fall in love: they see perfectly people's shortcomings and even feel them intuitively. In addition, they secretly fear vulnerability and loss of independence if they open their hearts. Therefore, it rarely comes to romance: persons who pay special attention often seem to be inappropriate partners.

      It is worth trying to be a little less prudent: everyone who sympathizes is not necessarily taken for an enemy or ill-wisher.

      However, before starting a really serious relationship, you need to get to know the chosen person better.

      Aquarians are strong with intuition, but in romantic matters they either don’t hear her voice, or they stop trusting, or she lets them down. As a result - a strange, even ridiculous choice based on the first impression, on the advice of a friend, or out of a desire to spend time "with someone".

      Aquarians have a high chance to meet fate among like-minded people who share hobbies and interests. It is worth visiting relevant forums, clubs, events more often, discussing interests.

      frivolous attitude

      Aquarians, being independent, elusive and incomprehensible, at the same time want to be the most important, irreplaceable for a partner. Aquarians like to joke, but they do not accept humor about themselves.

      By nature, being "windy", Aquarians expect absolute constancy from the chosen one. Only wise people are capable of a serious relationship with Aquarius, who perceive them as they are, without trying to correct them. However, even then an imbalance is possible in the union.

      Aquarians are extravagant, prone to flashy and stunning antics. We need to try to be more predictable, practical. Serious relationships require long-term commitment, which Aquarians avoid.

      The partner will be more serious about Aquarius if he feels that he is responsible for the actions and for the development of the novel.

      Aquarius should trust more and act according to his intuition, the presence of which he knows very well, and his feelings. Share them, be more open, otherwise the chosen one gets the impression of coldness on the part of Aquarius, which becomes the cause of disharmony.

      I'm afraid of ending a relationship

      It is a paradoxical fact that Aquarians, who are very independent, sometimes become prisoners of obsolete relationships, victims of manipulation. They are unhappy, but they do not try to change anything. This means not so much the fear of loneliness, but the fear of being left alone with experiences: suddenly they turn out to be so strong that it will be impossible to cope with them.

      Aquarians give the impression of people being able to control their own emotions. They avoid the intense stresses that these emotions, feelings. The rupture of even inharmonious relationships can be just such a stress.

      By giving more will to their feelings, even in everyday behavior, Aquarius will be able to prepare psychologically for decisiveness, action and better understand their experiences.

      Not ready to create a family, but the partner insists

      Aquarius, even at a mature age, do not feel the need to start a family. The point is often not the fear of responsibility, but the fear of loss of freedom.

      Aquarians are frightened by the prospect of the appearance of people who control them. Sometimes Aquarians perceive marriage as a trap where they can’t get out, therefore they prefer non-traditional forms of unions: “without a stamp”, without common property, “guest marriage” (to live separately), to have a place of solitude while remaining faithful to the “bachelor” lifestyle. When a partner accepts such an alliance, there are no particular difficulties. But usually it suits only Aquarius.

      Aquarians, with all their love of freedom, strive for harmony and love. But Aquarians need to dispel gloomy fantasies about family life, stop being afraid that marriage will prevent them from realizing their aspirations, dreams, and achieving their goals.

      These are just general characteristics of Aquarius, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual.

      Who will be the ideal partner for an Aquarius woman?

      To meet your soul mate and live happily ever after is the dream of every person.

      Unfortunately, it often happens that people meet, fall in love, and then it turns out that they are completely unsuitable for each other.

      To prevent this from happening, you need to know compatibility. One of the fairly accurate gives a horoscope.

      Knowing your sign and the sign of a man, the horoscope will describe your prospects.

      In this article, we will consider those with whom the Aquarius woman can build a happy relationship.

      The compatibility of a couple where the man is Aries and the woman is Aquarius is very high.

      This is one of the most harmonious unions. Someone might think that they lack stability and calmness, but this is not so.

      Both partners like this state of affairs, which makes the union ideal.

      2016 is a significant year for the couple, as it is quite possible that they will tie the knot.

      Any relationship is associated with effort, but only full compatibility according to the signs of the zodiac will help make your union strong and durable.

      This couple has low compatibility, since they seem to be from different planets. If they met and liked each other, then the relationship is unlikely to go beyond friendship.

      But if they come in, and each of the partners strives for harmony, then a happy future is quite possible.

      But you will have to make a lot of efforts without a guarantee that the matter will end in marriage and a happy old age.


      High compatibility and a wonderful union when lovers have the same interests. This is due to the fact that the horoscope refers signs to the same element.

      This means that partners will understand and respect each other. The highest compatibility will be among people with mature views on life and those who have walked to their heart's content.

      Aquarius woman is not the best match for Cancer. A man of this sign appreciates family, constancy, stability, and Aquarius is windy, dreamy and constantly thinks about the future.

      She will strive for everything new, and the man will keep her. He will not be able to understand the unpredictable nature, and she will refuse to change.

      Average compatibility, when there is every chance to build a great relationship. But for this, both will have to try, putting a lot of effort.

      For Leo, it will be a blow that Aquarius does not want to take care of the house and the household, but she will always shine with him at business meetings and evenings.

      He may seem too arrogant. However, the couple has every chance for happiness, especially if they were brought together in 2016.

      With whom will Aquarius have a difficult alliance? With Virgo. Such a man

      always careful, thorough and responsible.

      And Aquarius does not have all this. She seems to be the exact opposite of him.

      Such a girl will scare away a man with her character and inconstancy, and she will not like him with stinginess and prudence.

      Such relationships often start out as friendships, as neither of them wants anything serious.

      However, over time, they realize that they cannot live without each other, and a marriage built on friendship and understanding is an excellent solution for both.

      2016 will be an indicative year for the couple: strong changes, relocations, the birth of a child are possible. It is important to strive to constantly improve and develop.

      Outwardly, compatibility seems almost perfect. At least that's what the people around you think. In fact, they have many disagreements and contradictions.

      The love of freedom of the Aquarius woman simply kills Scorpio. Such a man next to Aquarius can turn into a real tyrant and despot, completely limiting his chosen one.

      High compatibility, where partners encourage each other to

      development and self-improvement.

      Independent and cheerful, the man and woman of these two signs will find reflections of themselves in each other.

      The horoscope promises lovers a boring and fun life, and 2016 will bring many new and exciting events.

      The horoscope describes such a couple as rather complicated, but strong and boundless love will help the two to be together and keep warm feelings.

      First you need to learn how to deal with contradictions.

      A solid and responsible man can become furious with the windiness and immediacy of a woman of this sign. She can also consider him a miser and a bore.

      A very frequent union, although not always happy and harmonious. One must learn to sacrifice and give in.

      If this works out, then 2016 will bring a lot of good things.

      This couple has a lot in common, and with joint efforts, they will be happy and find in each other what they have always been looking for.

      The Aquarius woman is sincere, direct, idealistic. In general, the same as the man of the Pisces sign. The horoscope promises these two a long happy life.

      Women's magazine - Secrets of health and beauty

      A characteristic feature of the Aquarius woman is inconsistency. The same applies to her personal life. She is very devoted to her man, but at the same time a little isolated from him and not very emotional. She may be a good and faithful wife, but by no means should she be held back.

      Her desire for independence often outweighs the desire to move to a new responsible step in a relationship. Therefore, the man will first have to convince the Aquarius woman to marry him. And this sometimes turns into a very difficult job.

      What male zodiac sign is best for an Aquarius woman

      Second and third place - Sagittarius and Gemini

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      The best partner for a woman is Aquarius

      An extraordinary approach to life is guessed by the Aquarius woman in everything and, above all, in her appearance. Often her outfits and hairstyles are extravagant. Independence and sociability, love of travel is in her blood, and the man who is next to her will have to put up with all this. Otherwise, she will easily part with him.

      Another feature that cannot be changed is the reluctance to do housework. But the Aquarius woman feels at ease and at ease in society, is able to support any conversation and does not torment her life partner with scenes of jealousy and control.

      Love for her is a miracle that she emotionally and reverently experiences. Over time, passion is replaced by monotony and constancy. Then love for the Aquarius woman develops into friendship, which is also important for her. The ideal man for the Aquarius woman is the soul of the company and an interesting conversationalist.

      The representative of this sign easily starts novels and is in no hurry to tie the knot. Of all the men of the zodiac circle, only Libra is able to find family happiness with her, thanks to mutual understanding and common interests. However, the relationship between the Aquarius woman and the Gemini man cannot be called boring, although the love of free life will not allow them to start a family. Even less such a chance for two Aquarius, absorbed only by themselves.

      The passion of the "fiery" man and woman of Aquarius can be all-consuming, as it knows no boundaries and is full of experiments. In addition, a man is impressed that next to him is a bright personality who loves society and travel. And it seems that the compatibility horoscope for the zodiac is favorable for them, but the desire of Aries or Leo to create a strong family union with the Aquarius woman is doomed. She is not ready to devote herself entirely to the house. Only such an independent man as Sagittarius can understand and accept this.

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      Aquarius zodiac sign (21.01-19.02), its characteristics and love compatibility with horoscopes of other signs of the zodiac circle. Aquarians are contradictory natures. They are realists, they live in reality, and at the same time they are completely focused on tomorrow, they dream of tomorrow as a miracle. Sometimes they surprise themselves, and others simply have to be prepared for any surprises. By their nature, they are very kind and give the impression of balanced and calm people, but you have no idea what pleasure a person gets by challenging others and watching the circles disperse through the water! It is they who question public opinion, it is they who break age-old foundations, and, of course, they shock the conservative part of society. At the most inopportune moment, they are able to commit an act, well, just out of the ordinary. Moreover, this happens so suddenly that while you are at a loss to think about how to react to you, Aquarius people will simply laugh at you. Having parted with his loved one, he can easily offer him friendship and will be sincerely upset if he is refused. Many consider them crazy, but this does not hurt them at all, because they themselves know that they are normal, it's just that the world is a little distorted. Absurdity is their element. Who, besides them, is able to walk barefoot on a rainbow and build a house without walls?

      The Aquarius man or woman does not like liars, they are too perceptive not to notice outright deception. This is probably why they themselves lie infrequently, but they have a phenomenal ability: you can be beaten and played gracefully and naturally. They are called idealists. However, this definition is not entirely accurate for people of this zodiac sign, since they are so subtle and perspicacious that they are unlikely to blindly believe in something. Their soul is subordinate to Uranus, whose symbol is the sky, and one of the principles affirms independence in human relations. Uranus leads Aquarius into the future; people of this sign are the living embodiment of the hopes of mankind.

      Aquarius man - possible compatibility with zodiac signs

      The male zodiac sign Aquarius in love is also unrealistically complex and original, as in everything. Love for him is not just a relationship with a woman. It is something more, something truly great. With it you will see colored rains, celebrate Christmas in July, light candles on pies. But don't get lost in Wonderland, because it's really just his fantasy.

      Family Compatibility with Aries Woman

      love compatibility occurs rarely, generally unsuccessful. The novelty of sensations disappears, and attachment burns out. This period comes quickly enough. Intimately, the union rests on the passion of the Aries woman.

      Compatibility with a Taurus woman

      The union is difficult, it simply cannot be called fruitful. Both would be happy to leave. Intimate rhythms do not match.

      Aquarius Man Compatibility with Gemini Woman

      The union is successful, these relationships are rarely upset. Love in a couple often occurs at first sight. There is friendship and frankness in marriage, but cheating is unlikely to be avoided.

      Aquarius Man Compatibility with Cancer Woman

      Difficult compatibility horoscope, and he and she live in different worlds. However, this marriage can exist for a long time. At the beginning of the relationship between the Aquarius man and Cancer, intimate life is stormy and a little strange. But then the attraction fades away.

      Compatibility with Leo Woman

      Union of clashes and fights. Marriage is brilliant until the Leo woman begins to demand life achievements from the Aquarius man. He doesn't care about that either. Relationships are not easy, but such marriages still rarely break up.

      Virgo Woman Compatibility

      One of the worst compatibility horoscopes. If such a marriage occurs, then it does not last long and is kept on a practical basis.

      Aquarius Man Compatibility with Libra Woman

      The best compatibility for Aquarius men. Partners speak the same language, have similar views. Their home is cozy and hospitable, and the conflicts that arise are soft and smoothed.

      Aquarius Compatibility with Scorpio Woman

      A dark union, like a collision of galaxies. Each of the partners represents a different world where there are no points of contact. Relationships start suddenly and end just as suddenly. Partners part as sworn enemies.

      Compatibility with a Sagittarius woman

      good union, best compatibility especially at the beginning of a marriage. But over time, a mismatch of potentials is sharply indicated. After parting, these people can remain good friends.

      Aquarius man compatibility with Capricorn woman

      Such an alliance rarely occurs. Marriage is based on mutual respect. Over time, internal conflicts become aggravated, and, as it were, pulsate, then fading, then flaring up with renewed vigor.

      Aquarius horoscope compatibility with Aquarius woman

      Weak compatibility horoscope. Falling apart like a house of cards. After a flash of feelings, complete cooling follows. Not even children are able to save this marriage.

      Pisces Woman Compatibility

      A wonderful union. Emotional upsurge, great and pure love, strong friendship. But sensual Zodiac sign Pisces will demand certain promises from Aquarius. And he just can't take it. A Slave woman can suffer from his spiritual and sometimes physical betrayals.

      Aquarius woman - a characteristic of compatibility with astrological signs

      In love it is paradoxical; she is faithful, like all strong signs, but she is not able to consistently and beautifully open her heart, like all signs of Air. If you love an Aquarius girl, don't even think about chaining her to the family hearth. This is the surest way to lose her forever. She needs the world, she needs experiences, she needs friends, and you can be one of them. She is not like most Aquarius women, she sees her star in a cloudy sky, and follows her. Her love is tender and inspirational, reminiscent of an old motif from the distant coast of another ocean.

      Aries Man Compatibility

      This compatibility horoscope can be classified as a rarity. But, having been born, he successfully proves his right to exist. The Aquarius girl is very impressed by the directness and honesty of the Aries man, in addition, he is able to offer her stability.

      Compatibility according to the horoscope with a male Taurus

      bad horoscope compatibility. It is a union of two mutually exclusive elements. No respect, no friendship, no understanding. The union is very difficult, with endless showdowns and grievances.

      Aquarius Woman Compatibility with Gemini Man

      The union is generally good. Reliable, fruitful, stable. This family boat is able to navigate the rough waves of the ocean of life, and will not sink even if it is very stormy. But the Aquarius woman will not forgive the Gemini man for his exploits on the side. Together they are not bored, marriage contributes to the spiritual growth of partners.

      Aquarius girl compatibility with Cancer man

      This is a union of lovers, even if the partners are legally married. The union is able to exist for many years, but for the Aquarius girl it is still less successful than for the Cancer guy. At times, she cannot bear the sentimentality and whining of her chosen one, but, nevertheless, she retains her presence of mind.

      Compatibility Aquarius women with a man according to the horoscope Leo

      This love compatibility occurs most frequently. They are well together, but in the spiritual aspect they are still divided. The Aquarius woman does not like the selfishness of the Leo man, and the sign Leo, who lives only for himself, is not always ready to put up with her independence. However, these are long-term marriages.

      Aquarius compatibility with Virgo man

      Such marriages happen very, very rarely. Lucky for the Virgo man and Aquarius girl. The freedom-loving zodiac sign Aquarius does not tolerate the petty insipid sign Virgo, who strives to stick her nose into everything. Aquarius quickly gets bored with this, the girl understands that the marriage is doomed, and from that moment it is no longer possible to keep her around.

      Aquarius zodiac sign compatibility with Libra man

      Best Compatibility, one of the successful unions for the sign of Libra. The Libra man is infinitely happy from the attention of the Aquarius woman. They have common interests, they value freedom and friendship, jealously guard their love. In addition, in the bedroom they have a complete idyll.

      Aquarius girl compatibility with Scorpio man

      A common union, but it cannot be called beautiful. Gloomy compatibility according to the horoscope. The force of attraction at the beginning of their relationship is very strong. But this quickly passes, and a period of exhausting conflicts begins. In the end, Aquarius realizes that he no longer wants to sacrifice himself, instantly makes a decision and breaks off the relationship.

      Compatibility of a woman zodiac sign Aquarius with a man sign Sagittarius

      promising sign compatibility the zodiac of these two people, emotionally very similar. In an intimate relationship, the union is not very successful, for the Aquarius woman, the Sagittarius sign is too active, theatrical, loves to do everything for show. The Aquarius girl prefers an internal state of happiness to an external impression.

      Compatibility of a woman according to the horoscope Aquarius with a man sign Capricorn

      This is more of a business collaboration than a union of two loving hearts. Such a marriage is useful to the Capricorn man, who occupies a high social position. The union has the right to exist if the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn humbles his pride and does not contradict the love of freedom of his wife.

      Aquarius woman compatibility with Aquarius man

      The union is not very successful. It is based on contradictions. But this is too shaky foundation, so you can’t count on a long-term relationship between the two signs of Aquarius. Feelings disappear, and with them this fragile structure collapses.

      Aquarius is the most complex and controversial sign of the zodiac system. Representatives of this sign often live tomorrow and do not think at all about what they have at the moment. Independence and freedom are the second names of this sign. Perfect Aquarius compatibility is possible only with freedom-loving zodiac signs that have related values ​​and interests. In return, the Aquarius woman will help any man feel calm, free and at ease.

      Aquarius Woman Love Compatibility

      The best option for an Aquarius woman would be an active, sociable and very freedom-loving man. Such a man will not demand obedience and strict rules; he is not attracted to restraint and humility. It is a man of this type who will be able to give the Aquarius woman the desired realization of all desires, dreams and goals.

      Air Element (Compatibility with Libra, Aquarius and Gemini)

      The strongest connection and compatibility with the Aquarius woman is with air signs. Inside his element, Aquarius will be able to find his faithful partner and a wonderful life partner. The basis of such unions will be freedom and harmony:

      Aquarius-Libra - 80%

      Such a creative union will be beneficial for each partner. These signs perfectly harmonize each other, complement and stimulate. Such a union will give sensuality, reliability and great support.

      Aquarius Woman and Aquarius Man - 90%

      Such eccentric couples can not only go together towards the same goal, but also create unrealistically strong alliances. Such a marriage is quite stable, passionate and very successful. To preserve and maintain the freshness of their feelings, partners should surprise and delight each other.

      Aquarius-Gemini - 100%

      An excellent and harmonious couple that is perfect in everything. This union is successful in both spiritual and physical love. The basis of such a marriage is common interests, pastime and a wide circle of friends.

      Fire Element (Compatibility with Leo, Sagittarius and Aries)

      Also, perfect compatibility is possible with representatives of the fire element. Such an alliance can easily and drastically change the lives of both partners. In this pair, both partners can realize all their goals and desires without interfering with each other and their relationship:

      Aquarius-Leo - 70%

      This creative union is successful in interacting and achieving common goals. The qualities of one sign perfectly complement the qualities of the character of another. such a marriage can be both successful and unhappy. The success of marriage depends on the humility of partners, mutual respect and common interests.

      Aquarius-Sagittarius - 80%

      Such a union has a strong chance of success in marriage. Together, representatives of these signs will be able to embody many original ideas and dreams. Partners will find harmony in common interests, attention to each other and the absence of jealousy in a relationship.

      Aquarius-Aries - 90%

      This couple is united by a love of travel and adventure. The love affair of partners will bring a storm of passion, emotions and positive. The union will please with productivity and general excitement for the new.

      Water element (compatibility with Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio)

      Water signs will not be able to create perfect or good Aquarius compatibility in love. The sadness and melancholy of water signs draws Aquarius in and can make a woman rather miserable. In such a union, an Aquarius woman will not be able to get the proper realization of all her desires and prospects:

      Aquarius-Pisces - 60%

      The union of representatives of these signs can be very successful, but it requires maturity and mutual understanding. A happy union and marriage is possible in the absence of jealousy, reproaches and unfounded claims. It is in Pisces that the Aquarius woman will be able to find the very romance and dreaminess that she herself is filled with.

      Aquarius-Cancer - 40%

      Such a union is impossible for Cancer itself. These representatives are very conservative and will not tolerate the windiness of Aquarius. The tastes of these signs are too opposite and rarely coincide.

      Aquarius-Scorpio - 40%

      There are too many incompatibilities and contradictions between these signs. They not only have different interests, but also tastes. The Aquarius woman will suffer from the unpredictability of her partner and will not tolerate strong jealousy and total control.

      Earth element (compatibility with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn)

      Earth signs, like a stone, pull Aquarius to the bottom. Such a union does not allow Aquarius to realize himself as a person, and eliminates all possibilities for a flight of fancy:

      Aquarius-Taurus - 60%

      This union can be successful if Aquarius demonstrates to the partner his devotion and loyalty. For Taurus, a game of love is unacceptable, but with serious intentions, he will put the weight of the world at the feet of the Aquarius woman.

      Aquarius-Virgo - 70%

      This couple can easily be united by creativity and love of creation. the interests of partners are quite different, since Virgo is an extremely practical and quiet sign. A happy union is possible only with strong feelings and mutual respect.

      Aquarius-Capricorn - 70%

      The ideas of a woman and the practicality of a man can perfectly unite this union. Partners are smart enough to accept each other and are able to experience a sincere desire for mutual understanding. Such a tandem is possible for marriage, but not for a fleeting relationship.

      A Capricorn woman should remember that she will definitely find her happiness if she can accept the interests of her partner and lay common values ​​in her family.

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