How the body increases its temperature. Low body temperature. Other ways to increase the temperature on a thermometer

Usually people go to medical websites to find out how they can lower their temperature when they are sick. But there are also those who are more interested in how to raise the temperature. After all, sometimes in life there are situations when you need to simulate an illness with a high temperature. If you also find yourself in such a situation, then the following tips may be useful to you.

How to raise the temperature

It turns out that there are many ways that help change the thermometer readings upward at home. But before you do this, evaluate the negative impact that your chosen method may have. Conventionally, all methods can be divided into:

  1. An increase in the indicators that you will see on the thermometer even before measurements are taken.
  2. Increase during measurement.


To sharply increase the readings on the thermometer, simply bring it to a heat source (battery, radiator, heating pad, etc.) or dip it in a glass of hot water. As soon as suitable readings appear on the thermometer, you can place the thermometer under your arm and simulate the disease.

Rubbing underarms

If there are no sources of heat or hot water near you, and you need to increase the temperature, then you can rub your armpits vigorously. This method is also quite common and relatively safe. But you need to rub not just like that, but using some kind of irritant. Neem can be garlic, red pepper, onion juice or salt. The degree to which the thermometer increases will depend on how hard you rub. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise you risk burning your delicate skin. You can use this method only if there is currently no damage or irritation on your skin. This method of simulating illness is very popular among schoolchildren and adults who need to get sick leave.

Ways to raise the temperature to 38 degrees

If you need to increase the temperature, use one of these methods:

  1. We float our feet. If you put your feet in a basin of hot water, to which dry mustard has been added, and hold it there for 15-20 minutes, while constantly adding new portions of hot water, then there is a chance that the temperature will rise to 38 degrees.
  2. Using a stylus. On the Internet you can find the following advice: to increase the temperature, you need to eat the lead from a pencil (plain). Before this, it is removed from the wooden or plastic shell and chewed well and eaten.
  3. Use of coffee. To increase your heat exchange and, accordingly, your body temperature, you need to eat a few spoons of dry coffee.
  4. Using office glue to lubricate the inside of the nose. This can not only increase the temperature, but also provoke sneezing and other symptoms characteristic of a cold.
  5. Using geranium leaves. As in the previous method, you will have to lubricate the nose. Only in this case, geranium juice. To do this, grind the plant leaf well until droplets of juice appear, which you can use to lubricate the inside of the wings of the nose.

But keep in mind that if you are looking for ways to raise your child’s temperature, such methods should be abandoned, as they can negatively affect the child’s health.

Ways to raise temperature to 39 degrees

If you need the temperature to be very high, you will have to take drastic measures. One of these drastic ways is to use iodine, 3-4 drops of which are dripped onto a piece of bread or sugar. On the Internet you can find statements that this method can significantly increase the thermometer readings and last for several hours in a row. If you decide to take this advice, be careful not to take too much iodine orally. Otherwise, you can get serious burns to the mucous membranes.

If the temperature is low, what should you do?

There are situations when we see that the thermometer readings do not even reach the required 36.6 degrees. This may indicate exhaustion of the body, the development of serious illnesses, poisoning, or serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. To find out the cause, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe tests that can clarify the situation.

If you are frozen, and this is what caused the reduced temperature readings, then you need to do the following:

  • go into a warm room, put on warm and always dry clothes;
  • wrap yourself in a warm blanket;
  • drink a hot drink (ideally tea with ginger, honey and lemon);
  • place warm heating pads in the neck and groin area;
  • if the cooling is insignificant, then take a bath with warm water, but if you are very cold, this method is contraindicated for you.

Are temperature experiments safe?

When trying to deceive his thermometer, a person does not always think about whether this will harm his health? After all, an artificial increase in natural indicators is stress for the body, as a result of which negative changes and deterioration of the immune system can occur. As a result, your body will become susceptible to infections and you will get sick more often.

Methods of increasing temperature using iodine, salt and other aggressive agents can seriously harm the body. Therefore, before using them, think about the consequences and alternative methods to solve your problem.

Body temperature is one of the main indicators of a person’s health, and deviations from the norm may indicate various pathologies in the body. Therefore, in most cases, during a consultation with a doctor, a temperature measurement is performed.

In what cases is it necessary to raise body temperature?

Of course, elevated body temperature causes a person to feel anxious, and the natural desire in this case is to normalize it as quickly as possible. But there are situations when an artificial increase in temperature is necessary:

  • increasing body temperature to simulate illness;
  • artificial induction of elevated body temperature for therapeutic purposes.

In the first case, a temporary increase in body temperature is artificially caused, usually before visiting a doctor in order to obtain a sick leave certificate or certificate. Some may need this to justify absenteeism, others to reschedule an exam, etc.

In the second case, an increase in body temperature is a therapeutic method that is used in combination with other therapeutic measures and medication. This method is called pyrotherapy, it is used to a limited extent for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • chronic inflammation of the female genital organs;
  • some sexually transmitted diseases;
  • neuritis;
  • brucellosis;
  • chronic encephalitis;
  • cancer, etc.

Elevated temperature is necessary for the body's protective cells to function more actively.

How can you raise (increase) body temperature to 38 °C?

Let's consider what folk methods are used to increase body temperature in order to simulate an illness:

  1. Take a few drops of iodine orally on a piece of refined sugar or diluted in a small amount of water.
  2. Drink two to three spoons of any instant coffee without water.
  3. Ingesting a small piece of pencil lead.
  4. Rubbing the armpit area with pepper, onion, garlic and other warming agents.

It is worth warning readers that such methods can have negative consequences - skin irritation, etc.

How is the temperature raised for medicinal purposes?

Artificial fever for the treatment of certain diseases is caused by the following methods:

  1. Introduction of a foreign protein into the body.
  2. Introduction of pathogens (relapsing fever,).
  3. Administration of various vaccines and chemicals.
  4. Exposure of the body to heated air, sand, water, dirt while limiting heat transfer.
  5. Exposure to electric current (inductothermy, diathermy, electropyrexia), etc.

Is it necessary to lower (reduce) the temperature to 38 °C?

It is worth understanding that an increase in body temperature is a natural process, a protective reaction of the body. The occurrence of a fever is a kind of indicator that the body's healing system is turned on and functioning. It is due to the increase in temperature that the production of protective substances is accelerated, therefore recovery occurs faster. Moreover, the higher the temperature, the more actively the body fights the disease.

All this has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments on infected animals. It was shown that the mortality of experimental animals from infection decreased at elevated body temperatures, and increased at low temperatures.

Therefore, there is no need to rush to bring down the temperature, so as not to harm the natural healing of the body. In such a situation, it is best to take care of preventing dehydration by drinking more fluids and staying in a room with a normal level of humidity.

Sometimes in a critical situation you have to resort to cunning methods of simulating a cold. Children use these methods especially actively.

To ensure that the trick is successful and you don’t leave your warm bed on weekdays, read how to quickly raise your temperature to 38.

Folk remedies without harm

An important test, unlearned homework, or just the desire to relax at home sometimes forces you to take extreme measures. To increase normal body temperature, you have to risk your health.

Give up the idea if you don’t want to get caught or go to the doctor with a real illness.

Important! All the described methods have a temporary effect and are not suitable as a treatment for low body temperature.

If the decision has already been made, there is no need to scour the entire Internet in search of the ideal product. All the best methods and methods are collected in this article.

Check out the folk remedies for artificially raising the temperature in the table:

Way Description
Iodine treat To get hot, you only need 1 drop of iodine. Apply the drug to cookies or bread, you can dilute it with water.

Eat the product and go to the doctor in an hour. The effect lasts 2-3 hours. In this way you can raise the mercury to 39 degrees

PVA glue Buy regular paper glue from the stationery department; it is better to choose transparent glue to hide traces of the crime.

Apply the mixture onto your nose in a thick layer. The thermometer will show a figure of more than 37 degrees, in addition to a runny nose, red eyes and other temporary cold symptoms

Pencil lead Be careful when trying this method, as this method can poison the body. Cut a simple pencil and eat the contents.

Pencil lead will raise body temperature to 38 degrees in just 5 minutes

Sharp armpits A safer method, but with other unpleasant effects - rubbing your armpits may leave an unpleasant odor.

You should thoroughly rub your armpits with onion and garlic juice and go to the doctor with a pungent aroma

Instant coffee A natural product is not suitable for experimentation. The drink should not be drunk, but eaten.

In order for the temperature to exceed the norm, you need to eat 2-3 tablespoons of coffee. The effect does not last long

Keep in mind that each method has unpleasant consequences. An unpleasant odor, irritation and nausea are nothing compared to food poisoning and an attack of gastritis.

Try safer methods of external influence:

  • Sports loads. You should run to the doctor and squat along the way. Excessive physical activity will cause your body to become hot.

    The only side effect is tachycardia and rapid breathing.

  • Breathing exercises. This method is often used by climbers to keep warm in the mountains.

    Take a few deep breaths, try to tense all your muscles, especially your abdominal muscles, and hold your breath for 30 seconds.

    Repeat the manipulations in front of the doctor’s office 5-10 times. Side effects: dizziness, fainting.

Advice! To get a sick leave from a doctor, it is better to pretend not to have a fever, but to pretend to have an attack of gastritis.

Other safe ways

The cunning of lazy people has no limits. To rid your body of the unpleasant consequences of the influence of slate pencils and iodine, you can try to artificially increase your body temperature with additional devices.

Important! When heating the thermometer, do not set the temperature above 39 degrees.

Know when to stop experiments and bouts of laziness. To prevent the doctor from guessing that your illness is just an acting game, do not overact. Try rehearsing at home to deceive medical personnel.

The most popular methods:

  1. Contact of the thermometer with hot objects. While the doctor is writing something on the form, you can go to the kitchen and apply the device to the kettle, radiator, or simply hold it over a stream of hot water.

    This method can be used if you call a doctor at home. Disadvantages of the enterprise - it is not always possible to leave and you can overstay the device.

  2. Apply the laws of physics. Schoolchildren often use this method to convince their parents to stay home tomorrow and skip school.

    You can raise the mercury column using friction. Take the tip of the device and rub it on a sofa or other fluffy surface. Cons: you can break the thermometer; manipulation requires skill.

Most methods are described for mercury thermometers. It is more difficult to deceive an electronic device. You can't beat a non-contact infrared thermometer with tricks.

There are two more simple methods that do not pose a health hazard, but you risk being exposed:

  1. Sleight of hand. If you know how the measuring device is in the doctor’s office, then buy the same one, enter the required number and take it with you to the appointment.

    Hide your own device under your sweater and replace the thermometer with your own. But there is a risk of dropping the meter on the floor and blushing with shame.

  2. Heating device. You can attach a small heating pad to the armpit area.

    In the store you can buy a pillow that heats up upon contact with the human body.

    Think of a way to discreetly hide an item under clothing using tape or even a specially sewn pocket. Do not overdo it so that your body temperature does not rise to 50 degrees.

All the described methods will help you stay at home “sick” for one or several days. But you shouldn’t deceive your loved ones and parents.

After all, for a mother’s heart, even small problems with the child’s health cause mental pain. Don't risk your health for an extra day of idleness!

Useful video

When the body temperature drops below the permissible limit, it cannot pass unnoticed by a person. Various unpleasant symptoms are added to this condition. Before sounding the alarm and looking for ways to normalize the temperature, it is necessary to determine the root cause that provokes this condition.

Constantly low body temperature in a person - normal or pathological

The usual reading on a thermometer when measuring the temperature of an adult or child is 36.6. However, these indicators may change during the day. In the morning, body temperature is usually slightly lower than usual; in the evening it rises. In addition, the temperature is also influenced by external and internal factors that can provoke fluctuations. Therefore, the norm is considered to be an interval from 36.0 to 37.0.
Despite the thresholds established by doctors, each person’s body is individual. Therefore, we can highlight some features in which a constantly low body temperature is often not a pathologically dangerous condition.

These features include:

  1. age; Elderly people often experience a consistently low temperature due to aging changes in the body;
  2. specific features of physiology; often people who have arterial hypertension, but do not experience any unpleasant symptoms and no consequences, also note a constantly low temperature, which can drop to 34.5-35 degrees;
  3. body structure; people who are distinguished by a fragile physique and pale skin very often suffer from a constantly low body temperature below 36 degrees; this is combined with weakness of the nervous system and slow metabolic processes occurring in the body;
  4. the presence of low body temperature is typical for women who are in an “interesting situation”, as well as during menopause (after 50 years); This is also not considered a pathology and is close to normal; it does not require urgent medical intervention if the woman feels normal and is able to raise her body temperature to the most comfortable level on her own.
The state of low body temperature, which is scientifically called hypothermia, is also typical for premature babies. It can manifest itself for a long time without posing a threat to life.

It is customary to talk about pathology in the context of low body temperature in a person when, during the examination, negative internal factors that provoke such a condition are discovered. If from birth there was no tendency to have low readings on the thermometer, and hypothermia persists for a long time, this should be a reason to visit the doctor’s office.

It is worth remembering that constantly present hypothermia can cause:
  • depressed breathing;
  • decreased performance of all internal organs and systems;
  • slowing down processes occurring in the body;
  • severe dizziness and fainting (at a low body temperature of 35 degrees).

In a situation where a person’s body temperature at any age drops below 26 degrees, a coma may develop, which can lead to death if medical assistance is not provided in time.

Why hypothermia occurs: causes of low body temperature in humans

Body temperature is the main indicator that can indicate malfunctions within the body. A low temperature, which does not occur as often as a high one, often indicates not only internal diseases, but also problems with the nervous system, as well as a malfunction in the body’s thermoregulation mechanism.

In order to effectively increase low body temperature at home, it is important to determine the main cause that provokes the condition. In some cases, when the underlying cause of hypothermia is an internal imbalance, a medical examination will be required.

The causes of low temperature in a person, which occurs due to external circumstances, include:
  1. hypothermia;
  2. prolonged and nervous overstrain;
  3. depletion of the internal forces of the body;
  4. chronic lack of sleep, irregular life schedule;
  5. fasting, which provokes loss of strength, as well as extreme diets;
  6. state of shock;
  7. a large amount of alcohol consumed.
Diseases that can provoke hypothermia:
  • in a situation of a sharp drop in blood sugar;
  • HIV infections;
  • , ; usually accompanies a person against their background, but in some cases hypothermia can be the answer to the disease;
  • oncological diseases;
  • various bases and low hemoglobin;
  • depression, apathy;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • pathologies in the functioning of the brain;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • pathologies of the adrenal glands;
  • , bulimia;
  • bronchitis in acute or chronic forms;
  • various options for internal chronic diseases at the time of their exacerbation;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of various origins.

Additional reasons that provoke low temperature include:
  1. weakened immunity, in particular after a serious illness;
  2. poisoning with poisons, toxins, chemicals, drugs, alcohol;
  3. low body temperature in an adult or child may occur after a “shock” dose of antipyretic drugs during the period of illness;
  4. Hypothermia is typical after surgery;
  5. uncontrolled use of various medications, including those that depress the central nervous system (sedatives, tranquilizers, antidepressants, barbiturate-based drugs);
  6. lack of vitamins (especially vitamin C) and important microelements in the body;
  7. and damage to the skin, stimulating the dilation of blood vessels in the body.

Symptoms of low body temperature

There are not many distinctive signs indicating hypothermia. However, when the temperature drop occurs unexpectedly and it drops significantly, the symptoms do not go unnoticed.

Main symptoms of low body temperature

  1. Pre-syncope and fainting.
  2. Feeling cold, chills.
  3. Paleness of the skin, which may be accompanied by cold sweat.
  4. or individual parts of the body, goosebumps.
  5. Difficulty focusing your eyes.
  6. Feeling of general weakness, fatigue, malaise.
  7. You may feel nauseous.
  8. Drowsiness.
  9. Confusion of thoughts, inability to concentrate on anything.
  10. Slowness of all mental processes, as well as speech.
  11. You may feel restless, worried, or afraid.
  12. Slight trembling of limbs and fingers.
In addition to such symptoms, various manifestations of a particular disease may be added when the body temperature is below 36 degrees due to illness or other disorders in the body.

Low body temperature in a child (video)

The reasons that can provoke hypothermia in children are basically the same as in adults.

It is worth noting that low body temperature is typical not only for premature babies, but also for newborns in the first few days of life. A baby who has suffered serious stress at the time of birth is unable to immediately adapt to the environment, so a so-called “cold shock” occurs, due to which the readings on the thermometer can be very low.

Low body temperature is typical for a child during puberty. This is caused by changes in the body's hormonal balance. It can also be a consequence of disorders in the endocrine system or the occurrence of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Hypothermia in children is also a response to taking various medications that constrict blood vessels.

In a situation where a significantly reduced body temperature is observed in an infant for a long time, this may indicate:

  1. insufficient nutrition and lack of vitamins in the body;
  2. imperfection of the thermoregulation mechanism (passes over time);
  3. pathologies of brain development, in particular the pituitary gland, as well as head injuries received but not recorded at birth.

Symptoms in a situation of low temperature in a child also usually correspond to the symptoms that are characteristic of adults. But a few more reasons can be added to them.

Additional symptoms of hypothermia in a child:

  • moodiness, near tears, and general lethargy;
  • poor appetite;
  • reluctance to take part in outdoor games;
  • apathetic state and bad mood.
You can learn more about the characteristics of a child’s body temperature and how to raise it from the video with Dr. Komarovsky:

How to increase body temperature

There are a number of methods that can increase your body temperature at home. Often they do not involve taking any specific medications if hypothermia is not caused by a concomitant disease or poisoning.

The most effective and safe means that allow you to normalize the condition at a low body temperature of 35 (and below) degrees are decoctions and tinctures of ginseng, St. John's wort, and echinacea. Strong green tea with a spoonful of honey, as well as hot black tea with raspberries, have a beneficial effect on changing body temperature and increasing the overall tone of the body. Strong coffee also helps bring body temperature back to normal; you can add a pinch of cinnamon to it.

In a situation where hypothermia occurs due to hypothermia, you should:

  1. change into warmer and drier clothes;
  2. put a heating pad on your feet;
  3. heat the air in the room;
  4. you can take a contrast shower, but you should carefully monitor changes in water temperature so as not to cause a sharp jump in blood pressure;
  5. provide the person with warm drinks and food.

In moments of hypothermia or low body temperature due to a cold, especially in young children, rubbing should not be done, in particular with alcohol or vinegar. This can cause more harm to your well-being.

Sound, prolonged sleep and rest will help increase body temperature when the condition is caused by overwork, lack of sleep, or fatigue. It is important to normalize your day, not forgetting about breaks from work and business, and not skipping meal times. At the same time, you should enrich your diet with vitamins: eat more berries, nuts, fruits, fresh herbs, vegetables, and natural juices.

Short foot baths help to increase a person’s low body temperature at home. The water should not be too hot, and you can also add a spoonful of mustard powder or a few drops of eucalyptus oil to it for better warming.

In case of prolonged stress, which provokes loss of strength and low temperature, you can use medicinal teas with mint, lemon balm, or use tinctures of valerian, hawthorn, and motherwort. But these methods should be used with caution so as not to cause an even greater loss of strength, drowsiness, or drop in blood pressure.

If hypothermia occurs due to problems in the immune system, then in addition to vitamin complexes, the following drugs can be used to strengthen the immune system and, as a result, increase the temperature:
  1. "Pantocrine";
  2. "Normoxan".
Along with this, you should do therapeutic exercises, as well as carry out procedures for hardening the body, especially in childhood.

Rapid temperature rise: extreme methods

When there is a need to quickly increase body temperature to 38 degrees, the gentle methods mentioned above are unlikely to give the desired result. In such situations, you can resort to extreme options, but the results from them will not be very long-lasting.

It is worth understanding that by resorting to such methods, you may encounter adverse consequences, for example, in the form of poisoning of the body.

  1. Pharmacy iodine can increase body temperature. It cannot be consumed in its pure form, so a few drops of the product can be diluted in a glass of water or moistened with an iodine solution on a piece of sugar.
  2. Another option: eat a little pencil lead (from a simple pencil), washed down with clean water. There is no need to chew or make powder out of the lead.
  3. Rubbing the body, especially the armpits, with pepper, mustard, and garlic powder helps to quickly raise body temperature to 38 degrees or higher.
  4. Using methods that increase the temperature, for example, compresses with vodka or vinegar, in a situation where it is impossible for the body to transfer heat (for example, wrapping yourself in several woolen blankets, wearing warm socks soaked in a solution of vinegar or vodka), will achieve the desired result.

Surely each of us sometimes wanted to be a little sick. This may be a desire not to go to school, university, or even work. How to fake a cold? Of course, raise your body temperature! In this article we will talk about how to induce fever at home. We will only consider safe ways to raise the temperature.

How to increase body temperature

To begin with, we note that in this article we will consider ways to increase body temperature to 38 degrees Celsius. It is not recommended to raise the temperature above this level, as this can lead to harmful consequences for the body. Still, an increase in temperature, albeit for a short period of time, negatively affects the functioning of the heart, as well as mental activity, and can lead to dizziness, as well as nausea and even indigestion.

  • One effective way to increase body temperature is to use iodine. Take a glass of water or a piece of bread. Add one drop of iodine. By drinking a glass of water or eating a piece of bread with iodine, you can raise your body temperature to 38 degrees. Moreover, the increase in temperature occurs almost instantly, so it is not recommended to add too much iodine, since a sharp increase in temperature above 38 degrees can cause fainting.
  • Another way is to use regular coffee. You need to take granulated coffee in the amount of 3 teaspoons. Eat it and drink it with plain water. The temperature rise will occur in about 30 minutes and will last, as in the case of iodine, for several hours.
  • You can also use ordinary vanilla sugar or vanillin, which are sold in almost every store. Dissolve a teaspoon of vanillin in warm water and drink. The temperature will rise quite quickly, but this may happen too suddenly, so it is recommended to immediately go to bed after taking it to avoid dizziness.

You can also use a slightly different method. Namely, to raise the body temperature on the thermometer. To do this, you don’t need to dip it in hot water at all, but just rub it vigorously.

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