We share our impressions of a two-month work with a smartphone. iPhone X: user experience. We share our impressions of a two-month work with a smartphone Beautiful, but not practical at all

We wrote that we are going to study this device in more detail, use it in real life, after which we will release a second article, summing up our observations. And now the time has come. Almost two months is enough time to feel all the nuances and look at the device as carefully as possible. Let's make a reservation right away: we will not repeat here what has already been said in the first review, so we recommend that you refresh it in your memory - we will often refer to it. Here we will focus on those details that we have not described before, and also share the feelings of everyday interaction with a smartphone. After all, it is no less interesting than objective tests.

Before jumping directly into the user experience, let's say that for almost two months we used the iPhone X as the main smartphone, switching to it from the iPhone 8 Plus (and before that we used the iPhone 7 Plus), so the comparison will be, first of all , with these models.

In addition, it is important to note that now there are no problems to purchase a smartphone. In particular, when ordering on the official Apple website, they promise delivery in Moscow within a few days, and the smartphone is available in large retail chains. In general, the initial hype has subsided, and now you can look at the smartphone with a calmer look. And at the same time, evaluate it as a potential New Year's gift.

Design convenience

The design is, of course, the most attractive feature of the novelty. It really pleases, even a week later you do not stop admiring the smartphone. This, however, was clear even after the first meeting. A much more controversial question, which raised some doubts: how convenient will it be to use the iPhone X, as well as the new Folio case?

The fact that the smartphone has become much more compact compared to the iPhone 7/8 Plus is a definite plus. Now it is more convenient to hold it in your hands (there is no feeling of a “shovel”), it is more pleasant to carry it in a narrow jeans pocket, it is easier to type text with one hand. When you look at the owners of the iPhone 7/8 Plus, you think: “What a huge one! How do they use it?..” Pictured below is the iPhone X (left) next to the iPhone 7:

However, the Folio case causes not so unambiguous emotions. With it, the smartphone is more bulky, and there is no buzz from the back glass surface. In addition, there is an inconvenience from the need to make an extra movement when picking up the device - to open the cover. As for the pockets for cards, on the one hand, this is probably convenient, but on the other hand, the prospect is frightening, in which case, to lose both cards and a smartphone at once.

But using a smartphone without a case at all is scary. This toy is too expensive, and glass on both sides (even if it is quite strong glass). However, even in the Folio case, the pleasure of design remains.

face ID

One of the most interesting issues that was physically impossible to describe in detail in the first article is the work of Face ID. The fact is that user authentication is really checked only in everyday use, which reveals all the shortcomings, and possibly the advantages of the chosen method.

In this case, of course, we were worried, because fingerprint authentication has become very common, and Apple has brought its quality to almost perfection. And Face ID is something new, and it was not clear how it would behave in various situations.

In general, it turned out that the fears were unfounded: using a smartphone did not become more inconvenient. Although Face ID has its own nuances.

At first, it's hard to get used to the fact that unlocking requires a swipe up. In other iPhone models, we simply put our finger on the button and pressed - the desktop immediately opened. The iPhone X is different. You glance at the smartphone, holding it in your hand with the screen facing you, see how the lock at the top opens, and then swipe up from the bottom, thereby moving from the lock screen to the desktop.

You cannot change this sequence in the settings. On the one hand, this is bad, because you want the desktop to open immediately, automatically after unlocking, and on the other hand, the probability of accidentally hitting the desktop tends to zero.

And yet at first - a little unusual. We have to adapt to the display of notifications: only the names of applications are shown on the lock screen, and to read the notification itself, you have to wait a second until Face ID recognizes you and the text opens. Gradually you get used to it, as well as to the process of getting to the desktop. You take a smartphone in your hands, you immediately brush it off, you get to the desktop. Everything.

I must say that authentication really works almost instantly. That is, you do not need to look for some special position of the smartphone relative to the face (or vice versa), you do not even need to lift the smartphone up. You can just look at it from top to bottom - the way we usually look at the phone. Sometimes there are small delays (on the order of a second), but practice shows that even in the case of such delays, unlocking occurs faster than you have time to swipe the screen.

The smartphone easily recognizes you immediately after sleep or even at night, when someone sends you a message in the midst of sleep, and you, barely opening your eyes, rise from the pillow to look at it.

There are also no problems with recognition in a hat, in a hood, with and without bristles. Sometimes the iPhone X may ask for a PIN code - you can enter it and thereby help the smartphone recognize you even better, or you can just click "Cancel" and give the smartphone another chance - it will almost certainly do it the second time. However, such situations are very rare. As a rule, there are no problems with recognizing the owner.

The only situation that can cause difficulty is when you are trying to discreetly reach the iPhone under the table (for example, during a meeting). The table top will prevent him from recognizing you.

People often ask: at what angle can you hold your iPhone X to be able to use Face ID? That is, if not in front of the face, but on the side - how much can it be rejected? Experience shows that about 45 degrees. That is, if you take the smartphone in your hand and take it to the side, turning the iPhone with the screen towards you, then it is enough to turn your head halfway towards it. From this angle, Face ID works just fine; more is no more. Another thing is that more, in principle, is not needed. Yes, and the described option - rather, from the category of an experiment: "can - can not."

An interesting issue that we did not sufficiently explore in the first article is the use of Face ID in third-party applications, primarily in the banking sector. There are three options here. First, the app is already optimized for Face ID, so you can use it the same way you used Touch ID before. An example is Sberbank.Online.

Second option: The app is not yet optimized for Face ID, but allows you to use Face ID instead of Touch ID. The result is similar, so there is no difference from the user's point of view. There is a third option: the application does not allow you to use Face ID, so you have to enter it by entering a four-digit code, the old fashioned way. Example: Beeline Bank.

It is clear that all this is a temporary story, but even in a month, not everyone has attended to the introduction of a new function. So far, the list of programs that have requested access to Face ID is quite modest.

Now there is a lot of gossip that the iPhone X will unlock if you bring it to the face of a sleeping person. This is true if you turn off the “Require attention for Face ID” item in the settings. The wording is not ideal, but in essence it is about the fact that you need to look at the smartphone during unlocking. Accordingly, when this option is disabled, the smartphone does not need to “look into your eyes”.

In principle, in everyday life there is no difference for the user: anyway, we always look at the smartphone when we unlock it. But if you wear sunglasses, you may run into problems leaving this option enabled. If you turn it off and fall asleep at the workplace, putting your smartphone next to you on the table, then there is a chance that your colleagues will play a trick on you.

Third Party Applications

In addition to Face ID, third-party software developers also need to optimize their applications for the new screen resolution, and, preferably, taking into account the “dead zone” at the top. Now, two months after the start of sales of the iPhone X, we can say that many have done it, but not all. Here's what unoptimized apps look like.

It is clearly seen that above and below are black unused zones, on which iOS itself displays information about the time, signal level, battery charge, etc. It is clear that you can use such applications, but less information fits on one screen.

Another option is applications that use the entire screen, but do not take into account the presence of a “blind zone” at the top of the screen (in portrait orientation). More recently, for example, Asphalt 8 did this. Take a look at the screenshot:

In this case (with horizontal orientation), the dead zone of the screen falls on the left side - where the conditions for receiving prizes were displayed in the menu. Simply put, the information that is placed on the left side will be covered by this "bangs". But more recently, Asphalt 8 has been updated and optimized for iPhone X, and now this menu is displayed as follows:

As you can see, the block of conditions and prizes was simply shifted to the right, so the “notch” on the screen no longer blocks it.

All this should be taken into account by those who program for iOS. Especially for game creators: don't place vital controls and information at the top (when oriented vertically) or at the left side of the screen (when landscaped).

Another question regarding the use of the software on the iPhone X is how easy it was to get used to the new controls (without the Home button). The answer is: in principle, quite easily. There is no constant desire to find the missing button. But some operations have become less intuitive and easier. For example, completely closing an application and unloading it from memory is now much more difficult: you need to swipe from the bottom to about a quarter of the screen, holding your finger at this level, then press and hold on the application thumbnail, and then tap on the red circle with a minus. Whereas before, for the same, it was enough to double-click on Home and swipe up the application thumbnail.

Offline work

In the last article, we were unable to test battery life in detail. Now, using the iPhone X in everyday life, we have a fairly clear picture. To summarize, we can say this: in the case of high-load operations, the iPhone X lasts for a shorter period than the iPhone 7/8 Plus, but in everyday use, which does not involve watching videos for any long time or hacking into 3D games, the iPhone X shows about the same result as "pluses".

That is, it can be put on charge through the night. You use it for a day, at night it lies without charging, then you use it for another day, and after that you already put it on charge for the night. After that, you again have two days of use. Therefore, it cannot be said that the transition from “plus” to X will bring any inconvenience in terms of the need for recharging.

Now let's see how the smartphone behaves in various test modes, involving load and an always-on screen.

Internet video playback (YouTube, 720p video) 3D Game Mode (GFX Benchmark Metal, Manhattan 3.1 battery test)
Apple iPhone X 4 hours 49 minutes 2 hours 59 minutes
Apple iPhone 8 Plus 7 hours 34 minutes 2 hours 24 minutes
Apple iPhone 7 Plus 8 hours 8 minutes 2 hours 13 minutes

As you can see, if in the 3D games mode it shows even better results, then when playing a video it is significantly inferior to both "pluses". In general, the data are contradictory, and it is difficult to draw unambiguous conclusions from them. It is clear that the iPhone X is definitely not a record holder in terms of battery life, but in real life its use is almost as comfortable in this regard as in the case of the iPhone 8 Plus.


As we noted in the first article, the iPhone X and Samsung Galaxy Note 8 camera shots are very similar. Now we decided to check how the cameras differ in laboratory conditions.

As you can see, the iPhone X still outperforms the Galaxy Note 8, especially in shadows and low light. In the light, the differences are so small that they are difficult to notice. The curve of the iPhone X almost repeats the curve of the LG G4, so there was no breakthrough again - the record was not broken. However, now the iPhone is really in the top and takes first place among the "honest" cameras - only Nokia and Sony are higher, but their results are obtained using mathematical tricks.

The second camera cannot boast of high results, everything is much worse there. When the illumination decreases, the resolution drops sharply, the pictures become completely inoperative. However, if you perceive this camera purely as a portrait camera, then this is normal, because a portrait needs good lighting. At least if you're not a Rembrandt, then the iPhone X's portrait camera might not work for you.


This is not to say that switching to the iPhone X from any of the "pluses" will reveal radical functional improvements. The advantages of the camera here are manifested in detail, the speed of the new SoC is simply nowhere to be experienced, and Face ID technology is beautiful in itself, but not more convenient than Touch ID.

However, this product has the same “wow effect” that we expect so much from all the new Apple products. And in terms of aesthetics, tactile and visual sensations, the iPhone X is exactly what we have not seen in Apple smartphones for a long time. This is a thing that pleases as soon as you take it in your hands for the first time, and continues to delight day after day - not because it can do something fundamentally different than other smartphones, but because it is ... special.

We foresee a storm in the comments, but “experience of use” is experience, which is subjective. And in this case, this experience says: iPhone X does not offer new functionality, will not give you new opportunities, but it will give you the joy of owning a very spectacular, beautiful little thing, which at the same time is functionally no worse than the iPhone 8 Plus.

A slight drop in battery life in some modes does not affect the frequency of recharging in everyday life, unless, of course, you play games every free moment. The transition to Face ID does not interfere with the use of a smartphone, although the technology has its own nuances. The disappearance of the home button thanks to the new gestures was very easy to get used to.

Clearly, this is an important technological step forward for Apple, and the next generations of the iPhone will somehow use the innovations that debuted in the iPhone X. So in a sense, iPhone X buyers are paying to be among the "guinea pigs ".

But the pleasure they get - both physical and from self-awareness "at the peak of progress" is worth it. And whether it is worth the money that the manufacturer asks for his new product, everyone can decide for himself.

It's been a whole month since the new generation burst into our lives. Apple tried to improve the previous generation of “apple” smartphones as much as possible, equipping both versions of the flagships with several new features at once, without forgetting to “upgrade” the design component of the device. It's time to evaluate the diligence of the company. And who, if not the owners of new products, will be able to help us with this? In this article, we have collected reviews of the iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 7, the opinions of "mobile users" a month after the official launch.

“It's a shame the iPhone 7 Plus wasn't bigger than its predecessor, but I still love it. I have almost never dropped it, and I admit: the feeling is a million times cooler than from the iPhone 6s!

  • Waterproof

The same girl noted that she had a chance to test the waterproofness of her purchase. One day she was walking in the rain and cursing everything in the world when someone called her. However, she then calmed down, remembering the water resistance of her iPhone 7 Plus. By the way, you can read other iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 7 reviews regarding water resistance.

  • Design

Another fan of the Apple industry called the new iPhone very beautiful, but a bit expected, expressing the hope that something even more beautiful is being created in the company's laboratories:

“I'm sure that Apple has some interesting developments, but I'm happy with my glass-aluminum iPhone. And this time I decided to buy a rose gold smartphone, so the iPhone 7 is a real change for me personally!

  • No 3.5mm jack

But the most interesting moment was the comments about the lack of a standard 3.5 mm port. How has the life of music lovers changed after buying the iPhone 7?

“I have never had a problem with the lack of a 3.5mm headphone jack. I take the Lightning adapter with me everywhere, so I haven’t felt any special problems yet. True, I'm sure that one day I will accidentally leave the adapter somewhere, but I hope by then I will be listening to music through AirPods.

  • stereo speakers

What about stereo speakers? How did their appearance affect the playback of music and movies on the iPhone 7?

"Absolutely. I started using them more often, especially when watching clips.”

By the way, the rest of the respondents also admitted that they began to watch movies on the iPhone more often and listen to music without connecting headphones.

  • Camera

The upgraded camera of the flagships was not ignored either. The owners call it "an incredible tool for mobile photographers." If you have pets at home, you should definitely get an iPhone 7 Plus, because the portrait mode on your smartphone allows you to take simply amazing pictures. Although there were users who in no time criticized the new feature on a 5.5-inch smartphone: “the depth of field does not reach a digital SLR camera.” In any case, from such cool photos you will “start to drool”.

Another “user” notes that the high quality of photos taken in low light conditions is already a big advantage of the camera compared to previous models. That's enough to justify buying an iPhone 7. But the second lens in the iPhone 7 Plus is the most valuable, thanks to which you can take great portrait and landscape shots. All modern smartphones can take beautiful photos in broad daylight, but not everyone can do it in low light.

  • Display

Both the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus received a display with an extended color gamut. Most users may not notice this nuance the first time, but if you put the new version of the smartphone and its predecessor side by side, the difference will be noticeable. Colors appear brighter on the screen. It sounds trite, but some say that "the world around has become more colorful."

  • Battery

The most pressing issue for all iOS owners is always the battery life of the iPhone. Reviews of the iPhone 7 Plus make it clear that the older version is discharged quite quickly, but this is provided that you constantly take a huge amount of photos, for example. This feature was noticed by one of the owners. In Settings, in the Battery section, he saw that the camera had taken its 30% battery.

Compared to the iPhone SE, the difference in battery life of the iPhone 7 Plus is significant, subject to regular photos during the day, playing Pokemon Go, Google Maps. Someone did not notice much difference between the iPhone 7 and iPhone 6s: as before, at the end of the day, about 20% of the charge remains.

  • New HOME button

Another change to get used to. On the one hand, users claim that it takes a few days to get used to haptic feedback. On the other hand, this is a completely new experience of using the home button, attractive in its own way. For many, the new feature has become the most beloved innovation.

Summing up, it is impossible not to praise Apple! The product turned out to be very high quality, beautiful and at the same time functional. For some, the new-generation flagship has been a mixed bag, as compared to past models that are outdated, we see a major hardware upgrade here. But when compared with the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, users did not feel a significant difference, with the exception of some functions.

Every September, Apple says it's made the best iPhone ever. And every year this statement more and more resembles a ritual spell, rather than a statement of fact. Is the time when improvements were obvious to everyone over? Browser Sergey Vilyanov believes that this is not so, because the new Apple flagship, while retaining the features and some of the characteristics of the iPhone 6/6s, has changed at the level of user experience. And returning from the "seven" to the previous generation, you sharply feel the difference.

Remember, after the first acquaintance with the iPhone 3GS, picking up “just 3G” was not very pleasant. A similar story was with the iPhone 4, the screen quality and design stood out from all analogues on the market so much that even problems with the design of the antenna did not affect demand.

And then, when the improvements from year to year were no longer so obvious, dissatisfied ones appeared. A very significant part of users are still sure that there is nothing sweeter than the iPhone 5s, and the explosive demand for the iPhone SE released in the spring is a great confirmation of this. I was in San Francisco on the first day of SE sales. I managed to buy a copy for my daughter in the morning, and when I was going to take another one in the evening, they were no longer in San Francisco itself, or in the vicinity. Americans and numerous guests of California voted with a dollar for a tuned version of a two-year-old smartphone.

The list of differences between the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s is quite long, but at the level of user experience, both models were almost the same. And against the background of rather sluggish progress in the smartphone market as a whole, there was a feeling that the iPhone 7 would turn out to be just another iPhone. No worse, but generally no better. And it will be possible to write a soothing note at the end of the story about him: “owners of 6s and even 6 can take their time and calmly wait for 7s.”

But I won't write it. Because the "seven", while retaining the features and some of the characteristics of the iPhone 6/6s, has changed precisely at the level of user experience. And, as in the old and in its own way good times, returning from it to the previous generation, you sharply feel the difference.

Firstly, the smartphone has become simply amazingly fast. It's strange to say this about an already pretty fast iOS, but with the new A10 Fusion processor, launching applications and switching between them has been reduced to completely imperceptible fractions of a second. You press the button - you get the result. The acceleration is especially noticeable on the iPhone 7 Plus, where, in addition to a faster processor, a gigabyte of RAM was also added. When you start using the iPhone 6s again after this lightning speed, the device seems slow.

Secondly, the fixed Home button pretends to be mechanical thanks to the Taptic Engine so cleverly that you just don’t understand - why do we need real mechanical buttons in 2016? Pressing them takes extra time, they mercilessly break girls' long nails - what's the point? The iPhone 7 emulates pressing better than the original. And back to the mechanics does not pull at all. Like a good machine in a car.

Thirdly, the moisture resistance that has officially appeared has finally turned the iPhone 7 into a full-fledged companion gadget. I'm not talking about fun with a gadget in the bath or a selfie in the shower (although - why not?). It's just that he himself more than once or twice fell under downpours, when you get wet through in just a minute. A smartphone in your pocket is exposed to about the same amount of moisture as when dropped into a sink. And that usually includes clockwork corrosion, leading to costly and out-of-warranty repairs. Now this problem is in the past. Of course, there were gadgets protected from water before, but in this case we are talking about the iPhone, right?

Speed, moisture resistance and the Home button. This is basic. Even the big iPhone 7 Plus has a dual camera with optical zoom and bokeh effect, expected after the next software update. Better screens. Slightly improved battery life. The mini headphone jack has been removed (don't worry, an adapter is included), offering to listen to music through an all-digital Lightning interface. Added a second speaker for a stereo effect (off the shelves, compact boomboxes).

It was possible to talk about small and pleasant improvements for quite some time, but the main thing has already been said. Then decide for yourself.

One cannot but agree that the iPhone 7 is the best of the iPhone. For a long time there has not been such a tangible and ... useful progress in the transition from generation to generation. Fancy smartphones are quite easy to make, it is difficult to make harmonious smartphones. Apple this time managed to combine power and harmony, for which it will undoubtedly be rewarded financially.

If you love the Apple platform and various crises have not put bony paws on the budget, you can safely take it. This time, the collective Akella from Cupertino hit exactly the top ten.


Since I am now the owner of an iPhone, it would be logical now to go against logic and start right away with brief conclusions ☺.

So - as a result of using the nickname to "iLazex" I'm not going to change and I don't want to start building an apple ecosystem at home. Nevertheless, I consider the iPhone 7 Plus to be a very, very good, well-made modern smartphone. The iOS operating system is not devoid of many pleasant little things that delight when used, the interface is fast and smooth. And yet I would not be in a hurry to declare it unconditionally superior to Android OS, both of these systems are basically equal and good in their own way, there are pluses and minuses on both sides. Just like the iPhone itself as a piece of iron - it corresponds, by and large, to the modern flagships of Samsung and other top-tier manufacturers.


For many years in a row, I used only flagships, the best in the mobile world, changing them, it happened, a few pieces a year. At first it was Symbian and Windows Mobile, then I got hooked on Android. All this time, Apple has existed in a parallel world with what you know, it interested me, but did not attract me.

I will not hide, I have tried on an iPhone for myself more than once, but every time I was stopped by the traditional oddities of iOS features, they have already been said and discussed, this is the closeness of the system, and difficulties with file sharing, and other unpleasant moments, lately it has been customary to reproachfully point the finger at unfashionably wide bezels on the sides of the screen and the lack of fast / wireless charging.

I have come across Apple technology in various forms before, it was an iPhone 5, it was a couple of iPads, it was a MacBook. The devices were purchased both for the wife and just out of curiosity. I tried to understand the jungle of iTunes, blew up the Internet in search of a solution to the simplest task of "putting my ringtone on the ringtone", stared dumbfounded at the wild hodgepodge of tracks and albums that iTunes turned my music collection into, and grimly wondered how to put it in damn apple piece of iron video file downloaded from the tracker. And every time I knew what to use this I won't be able to do it on a permanent basis, I won't have enough nerves...

And how did I get to this life

Nothing foreshadowed trouble, but in the fall of last year, the well-known story happened to the fires of the freshly released flagship from Samsung, and the prepaid Divine Blue Note 7 peacefully expected by me from England suddenly turned into a pumpkin.

Without my phone, I looked around in puzzlement. None of the Android manufacturers at that time offered anything close to the Note 7 in terms of level. I was excited on the LG V20, but I had the sense of self-preservation to gently roll back to the original ones without loss.

It remained to step on the throat of their principles and buy the only smartphone that was equal to Note 7 both in positioning and in terms of characteristics.

Purchase history

The time of the events described is October 2016, about a month after the presentation of the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. To be honest, I did not even expect what I would have to face. Earlier, when buying the next Samsung flagship (as a rule, it was Note), I just calmly waited for the announced start of sales and went to pick up my brand new phone from the branded retail store.

It never occurred to me that in our time there is a shortage of something, and this something needs to be looked for, and either overpay a lot or wait a long time. However, in the case of the iPhone 7 (and especially the iPhone 7 Plus), the situation turned out to be just that.

And a completely different picture when playing the same movie, but converted for iOS, and at the same time with a regular player. Continuous playback - 11.5 hours (!), a result comparable to recent flagship models from Samsung, and the phone does not heat up at all.

Communication quality and operation of wireless interfaces. I am not upset with voice communication - very high-quality earpiece and microphone, a good volume margin, the interlocutor is clearly audible on the noisiest streets, I also did not observe any problems with signal stability.

Wi-Fi speed is absolutely unlimited and fully consistent with the promises of the Internet provider. The mobile Internet (LTE) works just as well, the speed depends only on the capabilities of the operator.

As a big fan of listening to music in a wireless stereo headset, I would like to note the exceptionally stable operation of Bluetooth, no other device has provided such a stable connection between devices before, over the months of active use I can only remember a couple of stutters in music playback.

And now the most interesting - about the battery and autonomy of the iPhone 7 Plus.

On the very first day of operation, I frantically began to look for something to measure the hours and minutes of the screen, which all android users are seriously concerned about, and I am one of them. Threw a call on Twitter. "Uzbagoyza," they replied phlegmatically, "this is not necessary here, just use it and enjoy it."

And yes - in practice it turned out that it is impossible to discharge the iPhone 7 Plus in a day, it is quite calmly enough for two days without any exaggeration. I rarely come home with a charge of less than 50%, although I drive the device during the day without hesitation - this is music, this is twitter, this is surfing, this is 4 push boxes, several popular instant messengers, tethering, reading books. Wi-Fi, mobile Internet (LTE) and Bluetooth are constantly active.

During the night with all this active goodness, the iPhone is discharged by 2% -3%, a wonderful result. There is never a situation with a sudden "zhor", the consumption is linear and even (with a one-time exception with the iBouquiniste reader), with modest use, the iPhone 7 Plus can work 3-4 days on a single charge.

I won't tell you the exact time of the screen, but, according to my estimates, it is about 6-7 hours. For my usage pattern, this is very, very much, since previous flagships from Samsung showed me an average screen time of 3.5-4 hours. Thus, I can confidently say that the iPhone 7 Plus works about one and a half to two times longer than the flagships from Samsung, how Apple was able to achieve this with, I note, a smaller battery capacity is a mystery to me.

It is all the more surprising that I cannot confirm such autonomy with my favorite test "Yandex.Maps + GPS + 4G on the windowsill", for some reason the result turned out to be only 5 hours 14 minutes and the device got pretty hot.

The disadvantages include the lack of fast charging (and the full cycle from standard to 100% - about 4 hours) and the lack of wireless charging, this is somehow out of date, given today's realities. It turns out that the wireless charger built into the console of Lexus cars is designed for Samsung? ☺

However, users somehow find a way out by using 2-amp chargers from the iPad.

About the camera(cameras?) By right, iPhone cameras have always been considered among the best, and they really are. However, there are a number of strange features that cause bewilderment.

First, it's the lack of 16:9 photo format. This is at least strange, given that the screens of almost all modern devices have an aspect ratio of exactly 16:9 - these are TVs, and computer monitors, and, finally, the phones themselves. But... for some reason, the user is offered only the outdated 4:3 format.

I wasn't surprised for a second that 16:9 on an iPhone is still possible, but, of course, for money - by buying a third-party camera application, in my case it's Camera +. The application is not the best and not the most convenient, but there is traditionally no choice.

Secondly, and this is no less surprising - when recording video, only monophonic sound is recorded. In our time of home theaters, this is ... incomprehensible. The iPhone also brightens night shots, but very slightly, only minimal adjustment is required.

In this model, as everyone knows, a double block of cameras is installed. The second camera is designed to provide some kind of optical zoom - the lens has 2 times the focal length. It's useful, you don't always need only wide-angle shots, and the second camera instantly brings the object closer and provides less distortion.

Examples of such photos:

An interesting mode, which first appeared in phone cameras, is "Portrait", which imitates in software ways a similar mode of SLR cameras. The main subject is defined and highlighted, and the background behind it is beautifully blurred. It really works, and I enjoy using "Portrait".

☺ . But here you somehow condescendingly do not pay attention to this, you know that you have the best phone, and all the attacks of your opponents are shattered by this knowledge and self-confidence.

The self-confidence of iPhone owners is so great that haters and trolls try not to meddle in their threads on the forums, fearing an organized rebuff. When Samsung presented its Note 7 last fall, the corresponding section on the w3bsit3-dns.com forum was filled with strange people who would never have the money to buy a new product, but who love to chat online. These people shook their "premium" and not very Chinese phones and yelled at the whole forum that they would never buy a new flagship, and vied with each other to convince each other how they saved money wisely by buying a phone from another manufacturer from China .. .

And at the same time, peace and quiet reigned in the Apple novelty branch, users calmly communicated, discussing the intricacies of buying an iPhone 7 in the USA, and not one - not one! - a user of Chinese (and even non-Chinese) phones did not have the courage to appear in the Apple thread and try to convince potential iPhone buyers that they are wasting money by overpaying for an apple on the back, while there are wonderful almost the same Chinese phones...


I have an interesting situation now - I myself do not know which phone I will buy in the fall, when Apple and Samsung will shoot back with new products.

iPhone 7 Plus, I will not hide, I really liked it, and more than two months of experience did not spoil this impression. This is a very, very nice phone, well-made, albeit with a faceless design, but not repulsive. Its ergonomics are good, it is very comfortable in everyday use, and the pleasant little things of iOS please the owner. It's fast, it's finally the most powerful phone to date. The iPhone has a wonderful camera, one of the best, it shoots video perfectly. And all these charms against the background of excellent autonomy, the battery holds a charge for a very, very long time.

Of course, the iPhone 7 Plus has drawbacks, but they all lie in the plane of the iOS operating system and are already familiar and traditional to some extent. All of them are known, and the buyer is invited to decide for himself whether he can live with them or not. In my opinion, these shortcomings are not critical, and you can live with them without depriving yourself of mobile pleasures. Can. But it’s not necessary, so in the fall, along with the new iPhone, I will definitely look at Note 8.

And the main drawback of the iPhone 7 Plus, I would generally call, oddly enough, its shape and body materials, well, it is very slippery, how many times I caught it in the air. Everything is solved with covers and bumpers, but not all users accept this path.

I rate the phone itself at 9 points, the score is lowered for the slippery case and its rounded shape. All other shortcomings are related to the operating system.

Thanks to everyone who read my story to the end.


The release of a new device from Apple has long made a stir for the whole world, there has been a lot of praise and criticism about this. In this article, already based on some experience using the device, we will look at the pros and cons of the iPhone 7.

I would like to say right away that one of the reasons for criticism was the company's refusal in the new device from the 3.5 mm mini-jack connector, and replacing it with a new USB type-c port. Many users wondered how on the new device it would be possible to listen to music and charge the battery at the same time? Although the company put a 3.5 mm adapter in the box along with the device, which does not cause much reliability by its appearance, the wire is very thin, this did not solve the problem of simultaneous charging and listening to music.

In addition, the company has changed the packaging method for the new iPhone 7 devices and now it will be enough just to pull the tab to remove the film from the box. Removing the top cover has also become much easier. The box set consists of:

Devices (iPhone 7)


Adapter for 3.5 mm mini-jack

Wireless Ear Pods with Lightning Connector

Special paperclip for ejecting nano-Sim

Apple has also been very pleased with the release of wireless headphones, although there are controversial opinions among users about this.
One sound compared to the previous generation of headphones seems more voluminous and better. And other users of Apple products say that when wearing new headphones, they get the feeling that the earpiece is about to fall out of the ear. The headphones themselves are tablets, and therefore have poor sound insulation. Not all fans liked that someone else could hear their music at maximum volume.

The company also changed the packaging of the headphones.- now, instead of an easy-to-open plastic case, the company has made a more reliable and attractive paper packaging, but the truth is that the adapter will no longer fit there, so not everyone liked this innovation.

The look of the new iPhone 7 has improved, now those plastic strips for antennas that were in previous models were simply hidden at the ends in 7, which gave the new model a neater look. The iPhone 7 went on sale in two color options - matte black and glossy "black onyx". The glossy model is sold only with 128 and 256 GB of memory.

The surface and materials of the case also changed, and now you can not be afraid to carry a new device without a case, unlike the previous model, the case of which was very slippery and there was a great chance that the phone could simply slip out of your hands. The new case is made of a rougher and velvety material, which has a different tactile feel and looks more practical.

Apple has changed the camera eye in its device, which earlier, when the phone was in your pocket, could cling to your pants and scratch because it was a little convex, but now the problem has been fixed and you can safely wear the iPhone without cases without fear of scratching the lens.

The new smartphone also gained a waterproof surface, IP67 standard. This means that it’s not scary even to swim a little with the phone (although it’s not clear who this can please), well, you can try to do underwater photography.

One of the very nice innovations was also a new home button, which in the new iPhone 7 can determine the pressing force, now some well-known "giants" have already copied this function to themselves. The button works on ForceTouch technology, the same one used by Macbooks, but as the testers of this function say, it is still worse implemented on iPhones. Many users liked the feel of this new tactile feedback, and some argue that when you press the button, the entire bottom panel of the device is pressed, so it’s not for everyone.

The way to remove the SIM card with a paperclip has changed, for the most part this is due to the appearance of moisture protection, and now there is a plug in that place, which makes it a little more difficult for the tray to “exit”. Also, when trying to insert a lightning cable, you can feel that it is harder to enter.

iPhone 7 has 2 speakers in its design, which the company implemented in a very unusual way, the left speaker will also be responsible for the conversational function. Still, the sound does not reach the level of the speakers, but this is a big step for phones of this type.

If we compare the screens of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 7, then formally there are few differences.
. But the 7's color gamut is wider, so the 7's photos show that it's more voluminous than its previous model, and the seventh iPhone's display is more warm-toned.

In addition, Apple is the only company that could really implement the ability to automatically adjust the brightness on its devices well, so it is not for nothing that most users prefer the devices of this company.

The device is running iOS 10.

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