Properties of prunes: benefits and harms to the body. Prunes. Useful properties Why prunes with a stone are healthier

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Dried fruits have the ability to have a complex effect on the human body. Their regular consumption in food normalizes the efficiency of internal organs and strengthens the immune system. Nutritionists, cosmetologists and doctors talk about the benefits of prunes. Based on the opinions of experts from various industries, we can conclude that dried plums, due to their composition, are identical to pharmaceutical preparations prescribed for the prevention of certain diseases.

The composition and calorie content of prunes

For the preparation of dried fruits, high quality and fully ripened fruits are used. Prunes differ slightly in composition from fresh plums, and are considered healthier in some properties. Dried fruits are used in different forms, and their taste properties are universal. They cook delicious compotes, medicinal decoctions, make desserts, complement pastries, salads or meat dishes.

100 g of dried plums contain:

  • carbohydrates - 57.6 g;
  • fats - 0.6 g;
  • proteins - 2.4 g;
  • energy value - 240 kcal.

The composition includes:

  • vitamins of various categories;
  • Sahara;
  • organic acids;
  • cellulose;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • zinc.

What prunes are useful

When buying dried plums, you need to pay attention to some nuances. For the manufacture of dried fruits, fruits of a certain degree of maturity are selected. If the production technology is violated, then prunes will not be useful for the body, and its acquisition will be a meaningless transfer of funds. In some cases, the use of low-quality plums can be harmful to health.

How to choose prunes:

  • when dried, plums lose moisture, turn black and shrivel (this is the traditional appearance);
  • the surface of good dried fruits is always matte, the color is uniform (a brown tint indicates the use of boiling water, a glossy sheen indicates the use of glycerin, such fruits will not be useful);
  • chemical treatment reduces the beneficial properties of prunes;
  • when tasting dried plums, bitterness should not be felt;
  • fruits should not stain the fingers.

You can store dried fruits using any container with a lid. It is better not to use plastic bags (condensation will cause mold). The place is chosen cool and dark. The total shelf life is from 6 months to a year. If prunes are purchased in a sealed bag, then after opening them, dry plums should be moved to a container or jar with a lid.

Medicinal properties

For the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, regular replenishment of the supply of useful elements in the body is necessary. Dried fruits cope with this task as efficiently as possible. Due to the content of potassium, dried fruits contribute to the improvement of the functioning of the heart muscle. It is recommended to use them in the presence of angina pectoris, pulse disorders, low blood pressure or established diagnoses of heart disease.

What are the benefits of prunes for the cardiovascular system:

  • negative environmental factors can weaken the immunity of a healthy person, vitamins from prunes normalize the immune system;
  • has a diuretic property (in diseases of the heart or blood vessels, edema is not uncommon);
  • vitamins contained in fruits normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • B vitamins have a preventive effect on the body to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • dietary fiber helps to eliminate toxins or toxins (prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels);
  • magnesium normalizes blood pressure.

The benefits of prunes

Dried plums are used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, not only in medicine, dietetics, but also in cosmetology. Dried fruits have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, help cleanse the body of harmful substances, improve the appearance of the skin, and increase vitality. This product has a bactericidal property, normalize blood pressure. It is recommended to use it in case of digestive problems, overweight, during pregnancy and healthy people to improve the general condition.

For weight loss

Dried fruits are rich in calories, but they are among the foods that help fight excess weight. When following a diet, it is recommended to consume 4-5 dried plums throughout the day. Nutrition should be fractional and balanced. You can not use prunes for weight loss if diagnosed with diabetes or obesity. In other cases, the product will help reduce body weight.

What are the benefits of prunes for weight loss:

  • normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • there is a rapid saturation with food;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • performing the function of an antidepressant;
  • cleansing the intestines from harmful substances.

For constipation

Prunes are considered one of the most effective natural laxatives. Constipation is caused by a lack of fluid or fiber. Dried fruits replenish the body's supply of nutrients, improving stool. In terms of effectiveness, they are not inferior to pharmaceutical preparations. Moderation is considered the main rule of their use. When overeating, there will be a negative effect on the body, diarrhea will appear.

In what form to use prunes for constipation:

  • 4-5 fruits before dinner;
  • prunes compote throughout the day;
  • crushed dried fruits on this teaspoon before the evening meal.

During pregnancy

During the period of gestation, a pregnant woman needs an increased amount of vitamins and useful elements. Prunes are contraindicated in cases of significant weight gain or high blood sugar. Without the presence of such factors, eating it is not only possible, but necessary. The excessive introduction of dried fruits into the diet has a negative effect on the body. Side effects are stool disorders or an allergic reaction.

The benefits of prunes during pregnancy:

  • normalization of the intestinal muscles (disturbances occur due to hormonal changes);
  • prevention of anemia and beriberi (traditional companions of pregnancy);
  • exclusion of constipation, normalization of the digestive process;
  • enrichment of the body with organic acids, vitamins, useful microelements.


The use of prunes is prohibited in rare cases. The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the components or the presence of an allergic reaction to all varieties of dried fruits. It is not recommended to introduce dried plums into the diet of women throughout the entire lactation period. A negative consequence may be the occurrence of an eating disorder in infants.

Prunes are contraindicated in the presence of the following diseases:

  • obesity (fruits contain a large amount of sugar);
  • hypotension (dried plums lower blood pressure);
  • diabetes mellitus (due to the presence of sugar).

Excessive consumption of prunes leads to diarrhea, an increase in blood sugar (which can result in a problem with being overweight), allergies, or abnormalities in the digestive system. Feeding dried plums to a child is not worth it. It is better to replace them with compote, which, in terms of properties to weaken the intestines, is not inferior to dill water.

Video about the beneficial properties of prunes

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The benefits of prunes for the human body

The benefits of prunes for the body is beyond doubt. The product is recommended for regular use by healthy people, as well as those suffering from digestive disorders and blood pressure failures. Nutritionists are developing special schemes for the use of dried fruit as part of wellness programs, as well as for weight correction. Prunes are a product of processing plums of the Hungarian variety. Not so long ago, this fruit tree began to be grown in our latitudes, but it quickly earned the love of the population due to its healing and gustatory qualities.

Product information

Homemade plum was brought to the territory of the Russian Federation from Asia. Fruit trees quickly became popular, and the work of breeders was focused on breeding cold-resistant varieties. I must say that it was not particularly successful - the heat-loving Caucasian plum is common only in the European part of Russia, as well as in some Far Eastern regions.

Characteristics of home plum

The popularity of home plum reduces its ability to bear fruit only in the seventh or eighth year of the plant's vegetation. Prior to this, the tree completely lacks fruits. The height of the plum reaches about 6 m, but subject to a good landing site, with enough light, moisture, and also in a warm climate. The morphological features of the plum are as follows.

  • Trunk. Rounded, covered with grayish-white bark, densely mottled with cracks and furrows. The bark of the branches has a reddish-brown color, often smooth, almost glossy. The plum branches actively, the branches form a spreading crown of an ovoid shape.
  • Leaves. Placed alternately on branches, petiole of medium length, serrated or serrated edge. The shape of the leaf plate is oval, pinnate venation is clearly visible on the surface. The color of the upper side is dark green, the lower side is gray-green.
  • flowers. Often located on old shoots in several pieces. Color - white-green, the corolla can be simple or semi-double. Flowering accompanies the blooming of foliage. Homemade plum exudes a pleasant sweetish aroma.
  • Fruit. The drupes are oval, round, elongated or flattened, with a clearly visible seam on one of the sides. They have a thin skin covered with a bluish wax coating. Color from dark red to yellow, depending on the variety. The pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, sometimes with tart notes. In the center of the fruit is a stone with a rough surface. Active fruiting is observed from the second half of July to August.

Plum reproduces interestingly, least of all - by petioles, more often - by seeds or grafting. The fruit tree is classified as a hybrid. The progenitors of the home plum are cherry plum and blackthorn.

plum dried fruits

Harvesting plum fruits includes their preservation or drying. Just in the second case, the most valuable product is obtained - prunes, the medicinal properties of which correspond to fresh fruits collected from the tree. Making prunes at home is not difficult. This requires going through several steps.

  • Collection. Starts from the second half of July. Waiting for the full ripening of the fruit. In Hungary, the plum variety of the same name is left to ripen until the fruits begin to fall en masse from the tree, which greatly speeds up the process of preparing prunes. In the case of a rainy summer, it is advisable not to delay the harvest, since worms can start in overripe fruits.
  • Treatment. The fruits are washed in cold water until the impurities are completely eliminated. There is no need to completely wash off the wax coating. After washing, the stalks are removed. To speed up drying, the plums are blanched in boiling water for several minutes. After the water has drained, they are laid out on a lined baking sheet in one layer.
  • Drying. Dryers can be used to dry fruits. In this case, blanching the plum is not necessary. In the oven, set the temperature to about 50 ° C, leave the door open. Leave the fruits for several hours, during which they check the readiness of the product.

Fresh prunes can be pitted if desired. To do this, it is enough to use a smooth handle without a rod. Dried prunes, which have already lain for some time, are much more difficult to free from the stone.

The composition of the blanks

According to the chemical composition, prunes are among the most saturated dried fruits, which increases its value in terms of general strengthening of the body. It is also valued in dietetics as a remedy for constipation and an additional source of fast energy. The composition of prunes includes the following compounds.

  • Sugar substances. These include glucose, sucrose, galactose, and polysaccharides. These substances are easily absorbed by the body, converted into energy without additional effort. The sugar content in fruits is very high, which leads to impressive caloric values ​​of the final product.
  • organic acids. The largest share belongs to malic acid, and oxalic, citric, and acetic acids were also found in plums. They are able to improve digestion by stimulating the synthesis of digestive juices, have a slight antimicrobial effect, and stimulate the production of urine and bile.
  • Coloring substances. They have antibacterial, antitumor, immunostimulating and choleretic properties. Able to activate and maintain metabolic processes at a high level.
  • Pectins. They act in the lumen of the digestive tract as a sorbent, eliminate and prevent intoxication of the body in case of various poisonings, absorb and remove radionuclides, metal salts, toxic products of food processing and microflora activity.
  • Cellulose. It cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, acts as a mild laxative, and also creates a long-lasting feeling of satiety after eating prunes.
  • Tannins. They act as active protectors of the mucous membranes, since they form an albuminous film on them, which prevents irritating mechanical and chemical effects. They have an astringent effect, stimulate the regeneration of the epithelium.
  • Nutrients. The vitamin composition of prunes contains all the components most necessary for the human body - a complete set of B vitamins, carotenoids, vitamin E, as well as ascorbic and nicotinic acid. This gives the dried fruit immunostimulating and tonic properties, as well as the ability to treat and prevent the corresponding beriberi.
  • Minerals. Prunes contain a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle and maintaining a stable level of blood pressure. The combination of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus ensures the strengthening of bone tissue and tooth enamel. Sodium, iron and cobalt improve hematopoiesis, increase hemoglobin levels. Iodine and chromium act as active regulators of the endocrine glands, and at the same time - metabolic processes. Chromium eliminates excessive appetite and reduces sugar cravings.

Prunes cannot be swallowed because they contain amygdalin, a glycoside that is life-threatening by its decay products (hydrocyanic acid is formed).

Who can't eat

Prune contraindications include individual sensitivity reactions. In this case, the use of dried fruit should be completely abandoned. It is undesirable to eat it while breastfeeding, since some substances for babies can become provocateurs of severe intestinal colic. Prunes should be used with caution:

  • with diabetes;
  • obese people;
  • with nervous diseases;
  • tendency to diarrhea;
  • with exacerbation of gastric diseases.

The harm of prunes for the body with a duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer is provoked by the content of specific substances that can irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Acrylamide in prunes is a neurotoxin that is contraindicated in any concentration with increased excitability of the nervous system.

Easily digestible sugars can provoke jumps in the corresponding indicators in the blood of a diabetic. Eating with excess weight is fraught with a set of extra pounds due to the increased calorie content of the product. It exceeds that of a fresh plum by six times, due to the elimination of water during the drying of the fruit.

The benefits of prunes for the body

The main reason for the treatment of prunes in folk medicine is chronic constipation. The beneficial effect of dried fruit on the digestive tract is manifested by such actions:

  • improving the secretion of digestive juices;
  • stimulation of bile synthesis;
  • activation of digestive processes;
  • elimination of pathological bacterial agents;
  • stimulation of regenerative processes on the mucosa;
  • elimination of harmful metal salts, toxins;
  • increased peristalsis;
  • softening of feces.

Under the influence of prunes, the inflammatory process in pancreatitis, cholecystitis is observed to fade, the intestines are actively cleansed, and with it, the condition of the skin is improved. With moderate use, dried fruit helps in the process of losing weight. Its side effect is a mild diuretic effect, prevents the occurrence of urolithiasis, and helps to remove excess fluid from body tissues.

The medicinal properties of prunes actively manifest themselves in relation to the cardiovascular system. The product stimulates blood formation, preventing anemia. It also normalizes the work of the heart, regulates blood pressure. The content of vitamins has a beneficial effect on the condition of the vascular walls, and specific substances remove cholesterol, preventing atherosclerotic lesions of the veins and arteries, which is very important for men. The saturation of dried fruit with nutrients and minerals provides the following actions:

  • prevents beriberi;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • accelerates recovery from infections;
  • improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • slows down the aging process.

Medicinal use

For preventive purposes, as well as for general healing and rejuvenation of the body, prunes should be regularly consumed. It makes a good digestion-boosting dessert as well as a hearty snack if consumed daily in between meals.

For emergency weight loss

A strict diet implies a complete rejection of fatty, fried and high-calorie foods for three days. Before choosing such a path to harmony, you should make sure that you are not allergic to dried fruit. It will take about a kilogram of quality prunes to eliminate several kilograms of weight. The daily dose is 350 g. In the morning and at lunch, they consume 100 g of dried fruit, 150 g is left for dinner. To facilitate the absorption of the product, it can be steamed a little in hot water. Along with prunes, you can eat boiled or raw vegetables, black and green tea, kefir.

Infusion for constipation

Peculiarities. The tool has a powerful effect approximately two to four hours after use.

Preparation and application

  1. Five large prunes are poured with boiling water (a glass).
  2. Insist berries for two hours.
  3. The infusion is slightly heated along with the fruits, mixed with a quarter cup of lemon juice.
  4. Consume in the morning, on an empty stomach. First, they drink the liquid part, and then eat it with soaked dried fruits.

laxative candy

Peculiarities. For acute constipation, you will need to eat about four sweets at a time. To normalize the stool, the product can be consumed regularly, since it does not cause any harm to the body.

Preparation and application

  1. Choose four large prunes and four dried figs.
  2. The ingredients are ground with a blender, or carefully chopped with a knife.
  3. Mix until relatively homogeneous, divide into equal parts.
  4. Use as needed or as a prophylactic.

To strengthen the heart

Peculiarities. The recipe for honey with nuts, dried apricots and prunes has been known for a long time. Such a remedy is used for heart failure, coronary disease and angina pectoris, as well as for regulating pressure, eliminating anemia, and normalizing blood clotting. According to reviews, it also has a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive organs, cleanses the liver, and improves kidney function.

Preparation and application

  1. Take equal amounts of fresh honey, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, any nuts.
  2. A mixture of ingredients is passed through a meat grinder several times until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. The resulting substance is placed in a glass jar for storage in the refrigerator.
  4. Consume inside, three times a day, half an hour before meals.

pressure remedy

Peculiarities. Such a recipe is useful in case of high blood pressure due to fatigue or stress.

Preparation and application

  1. Five prunes are finely chopped with a knife.
  2. Pour hot infusion of black tea.
  3. Drink the infusion with dried fruits after 15 minutes of infusion.

The use of prunes in any form will help saturate the body with vitamins, normalize stools and increase activity. Dried fruit is characterized by the ability to improve mood, eliminate seasonal blues, especially in the cold season.

culinary value

Prunes have long been actively used in cooking. The content of a large amount of pectin makes it possible to prepare jelly, jam, jams of a specific taste from the fruits. At the same time, the product is often added to other fruits in order to emphasize and shade their taste. Prunes compote for the winter is best cooked together with apples, apricots, cherries. The combination with stone fruits guarantees a harmonious interweaving of taste, but prunes do not combine very well with berries.

Also, dried fruit perfectly sets off and gives a specific taste to meat. At the same time, it goes equally well with pork, beef, and is also used for stuffing poultry. Spirits prepared on the basis of prunes also have a rich taste.

Honey tincture

Peculiarities. Differs in amazing taste shades and pleasant aroma. Ideal as a dessert drink.


  • quality prunes - 400 g;
  • alcohol (45º) - 1.5 l;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • dry linden flowers - two tablespoons;
  • honey - 200 g.


  1. Dried fruits are put in a jar, honey, linden flowers, vanillin are added to them.
  2. You can insist prunes on alcohol, diluting it by half. However, good quality vodka tincture has the best taste.
  3. A mixture of alcohol and dry ingredients is tightly sealed, shaken thoroughly.
  4. Lower the container in a dark cool room for ten days.
  5. After infusion, filter through several layers of gauze into bottles.

Useful properties of prunes are concentrated in high-quality dried fruits. The most beneficial effect on health is the use of fruits that have not undergone heat treatment. Prunes should be chewed thoroughly for optimal absorption. Regular use of the product will provide reliable health support, strengthen blood vessels, as well as a positive perception of life and a powerful energy boost.

Prunes have long been recognized for their nutritional value and pleasant taste. But not everyone knows what its benefits for the body. Even in dried form, its composition does not lose its uniqueness and healing properties.

And this fact is not the only plus! In folk medicine, this natural product is used as a cure for many diseases.

Useful properties and contraindications of prunes

prunes called dried plum. Varieties may be different. For dried fruits, only the highest quality and ripe fruits are selected. Before steam drying, they are subjected to a blanching process in boiling water. Only in this way can all useful properties be preserved.

A good quality berry should be black. When there is a glossy sheen, it means that the berry was covered with glycerin or fat. Best to choose dried fruit with pit. They contain the maximum number of healing components.

Composition of prunes

For drying use the Hungarian Italian variety. These berries are large, fleshy and sweet in taste. If a brown color is noticed when buying, and not black, then this is a marriage. Such a product has been improperly processed and lost all its useful properties.

Enough calories in prunes high due to the high amount of sugar and carbohydrates. In addition to them, the composition includes the following substances:

  • water and fiber;
  • vitamins and mineral components;
  • acid: malic, salicylic, oxalic, citric.
  • glucose.

This set has a positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole and individually. There are about 230 kcal per 100 grams of product.

What are the benefits of prunes

For people who choose a healthy lifestyle and take care of themselves, this product is simply vital. His impact multifaceted:

  • normalizes the whole body;
  • normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves fatigue and drowsiness, raises vitality;
  • helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • potassium in the composition serves as a mild diuretic;
  • potassium has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, minimizing the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • magnesium contributes to the good work of the heart, relaxes the vascular walls, calms the nervous system;
  • prevents the occurrence of oncological diseases of the intestine, which is due to the rich plant composition;
  • improves vision and hearing;
  • restores water-salt balance.

Daily intake of dried fruit, in small quantities, will put in order nails and hair. The skin will become smooth and silky. Do not ignore the positive impact on the musculoskeletal system.

Prunes for the intestines

As before, prunes are used in medical purposes. Eating 3-5 pieces of dried berries every day, you can get rid of problems with the intestines. And the entire gastrointestinal tract begins to function more smoothly. It could be excellent prevention of ulcers and gastritis.

Here is the recipe for its preparation:

  1. Dried fruits in the amount of 300 grams are poured with 1.5 liters of cold water.
  2. The mixture is put on fire, and after boiling, it is cooked for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Cool and drink three times a day before meals.

With this unique product, you can get rid of slagging organism. This procedure is not only useful, but also pleasant to the taste. Cleansing normalizes blood glucose levels.

Despite the high content of sugar in the fruit, it has short glycemic index. The level of cholesterol in the blood also decreases and decay products are excreted. Due to the low amount of salt and fat, bad cholesterol is no longer produced.

Its high nutritional value can saturate a person for a long time. Can be used for snacks during the day, without harm to the body.

The fiber content, soluble and insoluble fibers are especially good for the lower intestine. Organic acids normalize the overall metabolism.

Prunes during pregnancy

Dried fruit is especially indicated for use during pregnancy. In such a crucial period, the composition and nutritional norms are more carefully selected. Products are selected that are exceptionally healthy and rich in vitamins and minerals. Similar criteria perfectly match prunes:

  • Potassium promotes stable urination, relieves swelling.
  • It has a mild laxative effect. During pregnancy, constipation is common.
  • Iron, in large quantities, helps pregnant women fight beriberi and anemia.
  • Regular intake improves the skin.
  • Prunes acts as an antidepressant, normalizes sleep, and adds energy.

During pregnancy, protection from harmful external factors is especially important. The free radicals present in dried fruits act as excellent antioxidants.

Prunes for the male and female body

This is natural source of health for men. Without the use of chemically harmful drugs, it is quite possible to maintain male sexuality at the proper level. Useful substances in dried fruit stabilize the processes of ejaculation and prevent premature outcome.

quantities magnesium and potassium in dry plums, several times more than in bananas.

May be helpful for the elderly mixture from honey, nuts and dried fruits. This renews nerve fibers, returns sexual activity.

For women, such a nutritional supplement will become invaluable contribution to health. This is especially true for an older age, during menopause and the period preceding it. On critical days, women have an increased need for magnesium, which is plentiful in prunes. There is a proven fact that dried plums can be a source of eternal youth.

Prunes for weight loss

Choosing a healthy lifestyle, first of all, they select the appropriate diet. It should include products rich in vitamins, minerals and with minimal contraindications. This is exactly what dried fruit is.

When losing weight, it will not only help to reduce weight, but also replenish the body with all the missing elements.

Acting as an excellent antidepressant, it will relieve mood swings and dull the constant feeling of hunger.

Here are a couple of the most popular prune diets:

  • Diet for 3 days. Every 3 hours you need to eat five berries, using as much water as possible. This is necessary for the swelling of fiber in the stomach. In this way, you can lose up to 4-5 kg.
  • Decoction diet. A handful of prunes is poured with 2 liters of water, two tablespoons of buckthorn are added and all this is boiled for about 40-45 minutes. After they put the rose hips and continue to boil for another thirty minutes. After settling, the compote is ready for use. Every day, before going to bed, one third of a glass is drunk. So for one month.

Prunes in combination with kefir is also effective in losing weight. Prunes, dried apricots and cinnamon infused with boiling water can be consumed every morning instead of tea.

Prunes: contraindications for use

In any case, it is necessary to comply measure and rationality. This also applies to the use of prunes. Despite all the benefits, it can also harm the body. It is not recommended to use it for dysbacteriosis and kidney problems.

Breastfeeding women should be extremely careful with this product. This can affect the work of the digestive tract in the baby.

Patients with diabetes should consult with their doctor beforehand.

To preserve all the healing qualities of the product, it must be stored in dry and cool place. The container is plastic, metal or glass. The plastic bag will rot. Before laying the fruits in the container, they are aired and sorted out.

Dried fruits are widely used in cooking. During heat treatment, their useful qualities are not reduced. You can cook compotes, add to salads, cereals, make cocktails and more.

With this product it is possible to cook a large range dishes that will have a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism. It all depends on your desire and imagination!

Prunes are the dried fruit of the plum tree. Like other dried fruits, it is used to make compotes and uzvars, as well as in desserts, salads and sauces. It goes well with meat, adding a characteristic sweet note to it. But besides the expressive taste, prunes are distinguished by a rich composition of vitamins and microelements. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the secretion of bile and improves the general condition of the body.

In what cases is prunes good for health, and in what cases is it better not to eat them? How to choose the right dried fruit and how to dry plums at home?

Useful properties of prunes

  1. The composition of prunes is dominated by pectin substances, which are considered a natural anti-inflammatory and cleansing agent for the digestive tract. In combination with plant fiber, which is also present in it, it perfectly stimulates the intestines and is a preventive combination in the fight against constipation.
  2. Prunes are rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9). Vitamin B1 is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, B2 stabilizes fat and protein metabolism. Vitamin B6 is involved in the metabolism of all essential trace elements, as well as the absorption of glucose by the cells of the nervous system. Without vitamin B9 (folic acid), the full functioning of the circulatory and immune systems is impossible.
  3. Due to the presence of iron, prunes help with anemia. Therefore, it is recommended for pregnant women and people with chronic diseases.
  4. Vitamin A, which is part of prunes, restores vision. It also belongs to the category of antivirals, so adding it to your food will help in the fight against seasonal infections.
  5. Prunes are indispensable in the struggle for youth. Acting as an antioxidant, it effectively fights free radicals, improves the general condition of the body and increases potency.
  6. The addition of dried fruit will help satisfy hunger. This wonderful product will not only make the taste of the dish more saturated, but also saturate. Therefore, it is often added to the composition of energy bars. It can be given to children, especially active teenagers involved in sports.
  7. Experts recommend paying attention to prunes for people suffering from problems with blood clotting. Vitamin K, which is part of the dried fruit, does an excellent job with this problem.
  8. Tonic vitamin C is important for the functioning of the immune system, the optimal functioning of connective and bone tissue.
  9. Prunes are used as a prevention of cancer. This feature of dried fruit stems from its ability to suppress pathological processes in the body.

Prunes are useful for heart disease, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and rheumatism.

But the main benefit of prunes is in the intestines. It has an antibacterial effect, inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microflora: staphylococcus, salmonella and E. coli. And due to the natural stimulation of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, it helps with the normalization of the stool and natural detoxification.

To combat constipation, you can eat dried fruit directly, or you can make natural infusions from it. They are suitable for people of almost any age.

Infusion of prunes
Take 12 units. prunes, rinse well, soak for 15-20 minutes in clean water, separate the pulp from the seeds. Put them in a convenient container and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and infuse for 10-12 hours. Give children 1 teaspoon after meals, adults can drink half a glass at once, but better before bed.

Laxative for babies
Prune puree is a great way to prevent constipation in young children. It can be given to children from 8 months. Take 5 to 10 pcs. prunes, rinse under running water, soak for half an hour in clean water. Pour softened fruit with boiling water and put it in clean water again for 12 hours. It is best to do this at night. In the morning, prunes should be boiled for several minutes in clean water, peeled off and twisted in a meat grinder. The result is a wonderful puree that can be given to a child. Start introducing it into your diet gradually, with one coffee spoon. Adjust the maximum amount of puree yourself, based on the age and condition of the child's intestines.

Contraindications to the use of prunes

Despite its enormous benefits for the body, in some cases, prunes should be discarded. First of all, it is contraindicated for diabetics, because it has a high sugar content in its composition. Do not abuse prunes and hypotension, because it helps to lower pressure. In cases of individual intolerance, the use of prunes can manifest itself as an allergic reaction.

How much prunes can you eat per day

The optimal daily intake of prunes is 5-6 pieces. Since it has a laxative effect, an excessive amount of it in the diet can cause problems with stool. In addition, it is a high-calorie product - 230 kcal per 100 grams.

Of fundamental importance when choosing any dried fruit is the technology of its drying. Not only the quality of the product, but also its safety for humans depends on the method chosen by the manufacturer. It could be:

Drying in the shade
The ideal way to harvest prunes, because it does not involve the use of any auxiliary means. Plus, the fruit retains all its beneficial properties, and the taste becomes even brighter. The only downside to this approach is that it takes a lot of time.

Drying under the sun
An acceptable way, but not the best. Prunes dried in this way are safe for the body, they contain vitamins and microelements, but all moisture and juice have been evaporated from it, so it tastes solid, compared to prunes dried in the shade.

Drying with chemicals
This is the worst and most common way to harvest dried fruits. We sell most often prunes smoked with sulfur dioxide and dyed with dyes. It looks more beautiful than prunes dried in the shade, insects do not land on it, and it can be stored for years. But the reason for this is the abundance of chemistry, which makes the dried fruit simply plastic.

Sometimes prunes are “smoked” with liquid smoke, which, despite the claims of manufacturers, is a carcinogen. It has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the intestines and regular consumption of foods processed by it threatens with oncology. It is banned in most civilized countries.

Some dodgy companies use caustic soda to treat plums. Unripe fruits often have very hard skins that take a long time to dry. To speed up this process, the plum is dipped in a solution of non-food soda, which destroys the skin and drying is faster. But in the end, prunes made in this way become a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, because any microorganisms easily seep into it through the skin.

Properly dried prunes have a matte, black color. It is not bitter and does not have a rich smoky aftertaste. Its natural taste is sweetish with neutral sourness.

If the prunes have a rich brown color, then before packing it was placed in boiling water to soften. There is nothing particularly bad about this, but it does not bring any benefit either. The same shade is in dried fruits, which were dipped in non-edible soda.

Prunes, which in appearance resemble coal (has a graphite hue and a glossy surface), are covered with a layer of glycerin. This is done to improve its presentation and make it more appetizing.

How to check the quality of prunes? Very simple - wet it and set it aside for a while. Natural in some places will turn slightly whiter, non-natural will remain “ideal”.

It is also better to buy prunes with a stone. According to Eastern philosophy, the “soul” is preserved in it, respectively, and the taste of such a fruit is very expressive. And Western experts, based on laboratory studies, argue that such prunes contain more vitamins and minerals.

Do not forget that dried fruits must be washed thoroughly, even if they seem to be perfectly clean. This will not only clean them of dirt, but also wash off at least some of the chemistry from them. For these purposes, it is very useful to soak prunes in hot water. It softens the fruits and absorbs some of the harmful substances.

How to prepare prunes at home

If you are not ready to put your health and the health of loved ones at potential risk, you can dry prunes at home. To do this, stock up on fresh plums and choose the technology that suits you best. Before drying, the fruit must be thoroughly washed and left to dry naturally. In extreme cases, they can be blotted with a paper kitchen towel.

In the oven
In order to quickly dry the plums in the oven, while retaining all the useful properties in them, you must first cut them in half and remove the stone. Otherwise, the rough skin of a whole plum will not allow it to dry well and you will have to dip it in boiling water. Drying in the oven itself consists of three stages:

  1. Preheat the oven to 50°C and place the plums in it for 5 hours. After this time, we take them out and leave to cool to room temperature.
  2. We heat the oven to 70 ° C, put the plums on the other side and again leave to languish in it for 5 hours. Then take them out again and leave to cool.
  3. We heat the prunes to 75 ° C and leave in the oven to “reach” until maximum readiness. The final stage usually takes several hours.

Prunes dried using this technology have a very rich taste and are completely healthy.

With an electric dryer

This is another simple and very effective way to harvest prunes without the use of chemicals and while maintaining all its useful properties. As in the previous case, the plums must be washed, dried and preferably cut. Lay them on a drying tray. If you cut the fruit, then lay the cut side up. The process is also divided into three stages. At the initial stage, you need to set the electric dryer to 50 ° C and dry the plums for 5 hours. Then take them out and leave to cool. After that, we lay it in the dryer again, increasing the temperature already to 60 ° C. Plums should be dried for at least 6 hours. Then take them out and let them cool down again. The third stage takes 5 hours and involves drying at a temperature of 80°C. At the end, prunes need to be cooled.

How to store prunes

You can store prunes in an enamel bowl, a glass jar or a rag bag. The container must be made of natural materials and must be closed.

Prunes are an affordable dried fruit, the addition of which to the diet will enrich it with nutrients. Even the simplest dish can be made more expressive and original with its help. And prune infusion is a safe alternative to pharmacy laxatives, even for children.

Video: the benefits of prunes

Prunes are plum fruits that have undergone a drying procedure. It has unique taste properties, because of which it is considered a favorite treat for many people who monitor their health and adhere to the postulates of proper nutrition. As you know, the mineral and vitamin composition of dried fruits is able to fill the daily need of the human body for certain nutrients.

The homeland of the plum tree is considered to be the coast of the Caspian Sea. Initially, plums were delivered to Europe, then to South and Central Asia. Americans first saw plum cuttings in the mid-nineteenth century, when the first plantations of trees appeared, producing delicious fruit fruits. Only by the thirties of the last century they began to be dried mechanically, before that the drying process was carried out using sunlight.

The nutritional value

Sun-dried plum is a product with a high calorie content, a large amount of carbohydrates, sugars. One hundred grams of prunes contains at least 231 kcal, while stewed fruits include up to 113 kcal. The calorie content of fruits in canned form is 105 Kcal. The main nutrients in prunes are:

  • proteins - 2.3 g;
  • fats - 0.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 57 g;
  • ash - 2 g;
  • 25 y.

Given the components of the dried fruit, it is not recommended to use it for people who are obese. Those who are inclined to be overweight need to limit themselves in the use of the product in cooking.

Vitamin and mineral composition

Vitamin substances are represented by the following groups of elements:

Vitamins per 100 grams of productContent
Vitamin A39 mcg
Vitamin B10.051 mg
Vitamin B20.186 mg
Vitamin B410.1 mg
Vitamin B50.422 mg
Vitamin B60.205 mg
Vitamin B94 mg
Vitamin C0.6 mg
Vitamin E0.43 mg
Vitamin K59.5 mcg
Vitamin PP1.88 mg

Macroelements and microelements in the composition of the fruit are represented by elements such as:

Beneficial features

Vitamins present in prunes in sufficient quantities determine its beneficial effects on the human body. The benefits of including this dried fruit in the diet are:

  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of the work of the digestive tract;
  • removing excess fluid from the body, preventing the appearance of edema;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • restoration of the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • improving the functioning of the organs of the visual system;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • reducing the level of cholesterol deposits in the human genetic material;
  • improving the functioning of the brain;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing oncological diseases;
  • strengthening of muscle tissue.

Often, dried plums are prescribed as an indispensable product in the diet for diseases of the kidneys, liver, atherosclerosis, anemia, rheumatism. Dried fruit is useful for those who are in the recovery stage in the postoperative period. The low glycemic index contributes to the rapid emergence of a feeling of fullness, even when eating a small amount of dried fruits.

For men

The benefits of dried fruit for men's health are enormous. A large amount of nutrients belonging to vitamin groups B, C, improves blood flow, which, in turn, protects the stronger sex from the development of a disease such as the prostate. In addition, testosterone production improves due to the presence of antioxidant substances in the fruit that stimulate the endocrine system.

There are several ways to enhance the properties of dried plums. It is enough to add raisins and dried cherries to it to get a strong antiviral agent that supports the activity of the human body's defenses. For those who consume such a mass, beriberi is not terrible. Moreover, such a combination, as well as prunes with honey and walnuts, can increase male libido, and, consequently, sexual activity.

For women

The benefits of dried plums for the female body are invaluable. Its use is mandatory in the upcoming menopausal period, when the risk of developing osteoporosis is high. Boron, contained in the fruits of the plum tree, combined with vitamin D, calcium, helps to strengthen bone and muscle mass.

It is important that the use of prunes favorably affects the female body during pregnancy. Often, the fair sex in an interesting position complain of chronic constipation, and the use of dried fruit in food helps to eliminate this problem. The presence of dried plums in the diet of a pregnant woman contributes to the normalization of metabolism, and also reduces the load on the liver.

For those women whose children are breastfed, prunes are vital. This contributes to the preservation of a white-toothed smile, accelerates the regeneration and renewal of the skin, strengthens the hair. However, the use of dried fruits should be under constant control, since their increased amount in the diet of a nursing mother can adversely affect the child's condition. He may experience colic, begin increased gas formation, and chronic diarrhea may also form.

When losing weight

The product obtained by drying plums is useful for those who seek to lose weight. It is important to observe the daily norm when using it, and then its properties such as:

  • increased intestinal peristalsis;
  • active binding of toxins, their removal from the body;
  • acceleration of metabolism in cells and tissues.

It is enough to replace chocolate, sweets and other confectionery sweets with prunes to notice how much easier it becomes for the body to carry out its usual actions. Depression, drowsiness will give way to fullness of energies and a positive mood.

Contraindications for use

Despite the amount of vitamins contained in prunes, there are situations when the use of dried fruit is prohibited. You should not add dried fruits to the main foods of the diet for people suffering from:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • severe obesity;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • individual intolerance to the product.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is also not recommended to eat fruit. In the first case, it can enhance the existing disorders of the functioning of the digestive tract in women in position, in the second case, it can cause flatulence, diarrhea, and skin rashes in babies who receive nutrients from mother's milk.

How to choose dried fruits?

When choosing prunes, it is extremely important to pay attention to its appearance. Fresh fruit will be distinguished by elasticity, softness, the presence of a black tint and a characteristic luster. In the event that the dried fruits have a brownish tint, we can talk about their poor-quality heat treatment. The taste of such fruits has bitter notes, which primarily indicates the loss of a certain amount of vitamin and mineral elements. This, in turn, will be reflected in the loss of useful properties of the product.

What is the best way to cook fruit?

Dried fruit is used to prepare various drinks, as well as desserts, uzvars. Many prefer dried plums that have passed the conservation stage. Others prefer to use the product by adding it to cereals.

Best of all, the fruit is combined with foods such as pumpkin, cottage cheese, apples, nuts, veal, citrus fruits. Its use at the time of cooking meat dishes allows you to give them a piquant, unique taste, to reveal all its sides.

When eating a fruit, it is important to remember that the daily norm established in relation to it is observed. During the day, it is permissible to use no more than 100 grams of prunes, otherwise changes may occur in the body, indicating a deterioration in the human condition. It is especially important to monitor the amount of fruit eaten by children and pregnant, lactating women, as well as people with extreme obesity.

The benefits of prunes

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