The main elements of accounting policy for tax purposes. Basic elements of accounting policy for income tax purposes Basic elements of accounting policy for tax purposes

The taxpayer must apply from the moment of creation of the organization until the moment of its liquidation.

Once a policy is changed, one of the following circumstances must occur:

Change in applied accounting methods;

Significant change in the conditions of the organization's activities;

Changes in legislation on taxes and fees.

In the first and second cases, changes in the tax accounting policy are accepted from the beginning of a new tax period. In the third case - not earlier than the moment of entry into force of changes in tax legislation.

Changing the VAT accounting policy is possible from January 1 of the year following the year of its approval. In other words, VAT accounting policies can change once a year.

Newly created organizations are required to apply tax accounting policies from the moment of their creation. For the purposes of calculating VAT, the deadline for approving the accounting policy is set no later than the end of the first tax period of the organization's operation (clause 12, article 167 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

There are no specific deadlines for corporate income tax.

It is not necessary to draw up a new tax accounting policy every year. In tax accounting, the principle of consistency in accounting policies is applied. Once adopted, it applies until changes are made to it.

Note! The tax accounting policy is the same for the entire organization and is mandatory for all its divisions. With regard to VAT, this rule is expressly enshrined in paragraph 12 of Art. 167 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Taxpayers are not required to submit their tax accounting policy to the tax office immediately after it is drawn up. If the tax authorities conduct an audit with the taxpayer, the accounting policy will have to be presented within five days after receiving the request for the delivery of the document.

Accounting policy for income tax

The procedure for maintaining tax records for the purposes of calculating income tax provides for a large number of different options. Consequently, any enterprise can develop for itself an accounting policy in terms of profit taxation that fully takes into account the nuances of its activities. Let's consider some elements of an accounting policy for the purposes of the taxation of profit.

Valuation of work in progress

Direct costs relate to the costs of the current reporting or tax period as the sale of products, works, services, in the cost of which they are taken into account in accordance with Art. 319 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, a part of direct expenses will be recognized in the current reporting or tax period, and a part of direct expenses should be attributed to work in progress, to the balance of finished products in the warehouse and to products shipped, but not sold in the reporting or tax period.

Work in progress refers to products (works or services) of partial readiness, i.e. not passed all the processing (manufacturing) operations provided for by the technological process. Work in progress includes works and services completed but not accepted by the customer. Work in progress also includes the remains of unfulfilled production orders and the remains of semi-finished products of own production.

In Art. 319 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not spell out the rules for assessing work in progress. Currently, the taxpayer is obliged to independently develop a procedure for distributing direct costs for work in progress and for products manufactured in the current month, work performed or services rendered. The developed procedure for the distribution of direct costs should be prescribed in the accounting policy for tax purposes and applied for at least two tax periods. Thus, the organization has the right to use for the purposes of tax accounting the same procedure for assessing work in progress, as in accounting.

So, in paragraph 64 of the Regulation on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, approved. By order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 29, 1998 N 34n, organizations are given the right to choose a method for assessing work in progress, depending on their production or technological features:

According to the actual or standard (planned) production cost;

For direct cost items;

At the cost of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products.

With a single production of products, work in progress can be taken into account at actually incurred costs.

Methods for assessing raw materials, materials and goods

In order to determine the amount of material expenses, the taxpayer in the accounting policy for profit tax purposes must fix the method of valuation of raw materials and materials used in the production of goods, the performance of work and the provision of services, and to determine the cost of acquiring goods, the method of valuation of purchased goods when they are sold.

Methods for assessing raw materials and materials are enshrined in paragraph 8 of Art. 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

At the cost of a unit of inventory (goods);

At an average cost;

By cost of most recent acquisitions (LIFO).

Please note: the tax legislation only lists the possible valuation methods, but does not disclose their content in any way. Therefore, the rules for calculating the cost of goods, raw materials and materials using the indicated methods should be sought in accounting standards, namely, PBU 5/01 "Accounting for inventories", approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 09.06.2001 N 44n.

However, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 26, 2007 N 26n, from January 1, 2008, the LIFO method was excluded from RAS 5/01. It turns out a paradoxical situation: the LIFO method is in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, but it is not deciphered in any way there. In other branches of legislation, there is now no decoding of this method. Therefore, for now, you need to use the transcript canceled in accounting.


In paragraph 1 of Art. 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for two methods of depreciation: linear and non-linear.

For buildings, structures, transmission devices and intangible assets included in the eighth to tenth depreciation groups, depreciation can only be charged using the straight-line method. This rule is enshrined in paragraph 3 of Art. 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The eighth - tenth depreciation groups include property with a useful life of over 20 years.

For all other objects of the taxpayer, only the depreciation method fixed in its accounting policy can be applied.

Currently, the depreciation method can be changed. The change is allowed from the beginning of the next tax period. At the same time, the taxpayer has the right to switch from the non-linear to the linear method of calculating depreciation no more than once every five years (clause 1, article 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

For all depreciable objects of the company, a single depreciation method should be used (with the exception of the eighth - tenth depreciation groups).

However, first of all, the taxpayer must decide whether he will use the depreciation premium.

According to paragraph 9 of Art. 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxpayer has the right to include in the expenses of the reporting (tax) period the cost of capital investments in the amount of not more than 10% of the initial cost of fixed assets (with the exception of fixed assets received free of charge). This opportunity is also provided for expenses incurred in cases of completion, additional equipment, modernization, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, partial liquidation of fixed assets.

This rule does not apply to property received by the organization from the founders, and to fixed assets that are not depreciable property.

If you decide to apply a depreciation bonus to leased property, then you will have to prove the right to do so through the courts (see Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 03.03.2008 N 03-03-06/1/132 and Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the East Siberian District dated 10.24.2007 N A33-5298/07-F02-8011/07 in case N A33-5298/07).

If the taxpayer will use the depreciation bonus, he must record this in the tax accounting policy. Its percentage should also be set there - no more than 10%.

In addition, according to the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 17, 2006 N 03-03-04 / 1/779, the organization has the right to fix in the accounting policy a provision according to which the depreciation bonus can be applied only to fixed assets that meet certain criteria (for example, the initial cost of which exceeds 1 million rubles).

The procedure for applying the straight-line depreciation method is prescribed in Art. 259.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The essence of the straight-line method is that the amount of depreciation accrued for one month in relation to depreciable property is determined as the product of its original (or replacement) cost and the depreciation rate determined for this object.

This is the easiest (although not the most cost-effective) way to depreciate. The cost of depreciable property is transferred to expenses for the purposes of calculating corporate income tax evenly. When applying this method, depreciation is charged separately for each item of depreciable property.

Features of the application of the non-linear depreciation method are prescribed in Art. 259.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This method allows most of the cost of depreciable property to be transferred to expenses for tax purposes at the beginning of its useful life.

When applying this method, depreciation is charged not for each item of depreciable property, but for each depreciation group or subgroup. For these purposes, when the taxpayer uses the non-linear method, the total balance of depreciation groups (subgroups) is formed as the total cost of objects included in each depreciation group (subgroup).

Items included in the taxpayer's depreciable property are taken into account in the total balance sheet of depreciation groups or subgroups at their original or residual value. At the same time, the relevant objects are included in depreciation groups or subgroups based on the useful life established when they were put into operation.

Used fixed assets acquired by the company are accounted for in the depreciation group or subgroup where they were included from the previous owner for the purpose of determining the total balance sheet.

On a monthly basis, the total balance of depreciation groups or subgroups is reduced by the amount of depreciation accrued for this group or subgroup.

The depreciation rates applied for each depreciation group are not determined by the taxpayer independently. They are directly established in Art. 259.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The choice of the taxpayer is not limited to only two methods of depreciation.

In an order approving an accounting policy for tax purposes, an organization may provide for the application of special coefficients to the basic depreciation rate. They are divided into raising and lowering.

Taxpayers have the right to apply a special multiplier to the basic depreciation rate, but not higher than 2 in relation to:

Depreciable fixed assets used to work in an aggressive environment and (or) increased shifts;

Own depreciable fixed assets of taxpayers - agricultural organizations of an industrial type (poultry farms, livestock complexes, fur farms, greenhouse complexes);

Own depreciable fixed assets of taxpayers - organizations that have the status of a resident of an industrial and production special economic zone or a tourist and recreational special economic zone.

Taxpayers have the right to apply a special coefficient to the basic depreciation rate, but not higher than 3 in relation to depreciable fixed assets:

Taxpayers that are the subject of a financial lease agreement (leasing agreement), for which these fixed assets must be accounted for in accordance with the terms of the financial lease agreement (leasing agreement);

Used only for scientific and technical activities.

In paragraph 4 of Art. 259.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation contains a provision that allows depreciation to be charged at reduced rates by decision of the head of the organization, enshrined in the accounting policy for tax purposes in the manner established for choosing the depreciation method used.

Note! Mandatory reduced depreciation rates for expensive passenger cars and passenger minibuses have been canceled since January 1, 2009.

In the accounting policy, you also need to deal with the depreciation of property that was already in use.

If a company uses the straight-line method of depreciation, there are two possible options for determining its rate:

For fixed assets that were in use, the depreciation rate is determined taking into account the period of operation of the property by previous owners;

For used fixed assets, the depreciation rate is determined without taking into account the period of operation of the property by previous owners.

Formation of reserves

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides taxpayers with the opportunity to regulate the amount of calculated corporate income tax by creating reserves. By forming a reserve, the organization increases the amount of its tax expenses in the current reporting or tax period, thereby transferring the payment of part of the income tax to the future.

The nominal value of tax payments remains unchanged, only the terms for paying corporate income tax change: they move to the next reporting periods. At the same time, the economic interest for the taxpayer is the effect of a decrease in the purchasing power of money over time. The fact is that the purchasing power of the same amount of money at the previous moment of time, as a rule, is greater than at the next one, therefore, the later the organization transfers its funds in the form of taxes to the budget, the less it incurs real financial losses.

There are several such reserves in tax accounting:

For doubtful debts;

For warranty repairs;

Repair of fixed assets;

To pay for vacations and remuneration;

Forthcoming expenses allocated for purposes providing social protection of disabled people.

All "tax" reserves have a few things in common.

First, the ability to create reserves is a right, not an obligation, of the taxpayer.

Secondly, only enterprises that use the accrual method for calculating corporate income tax are entitled to form these reserves.

Thirdly, if the company has decided to create a reserve, the entire procedure for its formation must be approved in the accounting policy for tax purposes.

Fourth, in order to avoid problems with the calculation of various temporary differences, it is advisable to create a reserve simultaneously in both accounting and tax accounting in accordance with the rules of tax legislation, because there is no specific procedure for the formation of reserves in accounting.

Write-off method for retired securities

When selling or otherwise disposing of securities, the taxpayer has the right to independently choose one of three methods of writing off as expenses for the purpose of taxing the value of the disposed securities:

By cost of first-in-time acquisitions (FIFO);

By unit cost.

The chosen method is fixed in the tax accounting policy (clause 9, article 280 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

These methods apply to securities, both traded and not traded on the organized securities market.

However, it is necessary to pay attention to the following. First, the unit cost method of deducting the value of retired securities can only be used if the entity can accurately identify the securities being sold:

Or they have individually defined characteristics;

Or the accounting system and terms of the transaction allow the organization to determine which specific securities it holds are being sold, and it can determine the value of these particular securities.

Secondly, the FIFO method can only be applied to similar securities, i.e. comparable in terms of type, terms of circulation and type of income. In other words, one market quotation (weighted average price of securities) is applicable to them.

The weighted average price is the price of one security of a certain issuer, type, category (or type), determined as the quotient of dividing the total amount of all transactions with the specified security, made through the trade organizer for a certain period of time, by the total number of securities for the specified transactions.

This leads to the fact that when making transactions with securities, the taxpayer can choose the FIFO method only if he has at least two securities of the same issuer, of the same type and of the same category.

To determine the market price of a share, the taxpayer has two ways:

Invite an appraiser.

If an organization chooses the path of self-assessment, the method used must be fixed in the accounting policy of the taxpayer. But the method should not be any, but provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In our opinion, despite the given freedom of choice, organizations should still use the method of valuation at the cost of the issuer's net assets per relevant share. This evaluation method is the simplest. Another method - based on the forecast of future income of the issuing enterprise - is much more complicated. And it will be very difficult for a taxpayer to apply it competently without involving a specialist appraiser.

Method of recognition of expenses in the form of interest on loans and borrowings

The choice in this case is given to the taxpayer by the provisions of Art. 269 ​​of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

There are two options for recognizing expenses.

First, interest accrued on any type of debt obligation is recognized as an expense, provided that its amount does not significantly deviate from the average level of interest charged on debt obligations issued in the same quarter on comparable terms. If the organization switched to the calculation of monthly advance payments based on the actual profit received, not a quarter, but a month is taken for the reporting period.

Debt obligations issued on comparable terms are understood to mean debt obligations issued in the same currency, for the same terms, in comparable volumes and against similar collateral. In turn, a significant deviation in the amount of accrued interest on a debt obligation is considered to be a deviation of more than 20% upwards or downwards from the average level of interest accrued on similar debt obligations issued in the same quarter (or month) on comparable terms.

Since the comparability criteria listed in Art. 269 ​​of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are not specific; when forming a tax accounting policy, it is advisable to independently establish clear boundaries for each of the listed criteria. For example, based on the materiality principle of 5%. The Ministry of Finance of Russia, in Letter No. 03-03-01-04/1/20 dated August 27, 2004, warns taxpayers: if they do not establish criteria for comparability of debt obligations in their tax accounting policy, they will not be able to reasonably prove that certain debt obligations are comparable.

Secondly, the maximum amount of interest recognized as an expense is assumed to be equal to the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia, increased by 1.1 times - when registering a debt obligation in rubles, and equal to 15% - for debt obligations in foreign currency.

The refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia means:

With regard to debt obligations that do not contain a condition on changing the interest rate during the entire term of the debt obligation, the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia that was in effect on the date of raising funds;

With regard to other debt obligations - the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia, effective on the date of recognition of expenses in the form of interest.

The procedure for calculating income tax and advance payments

A taxpayer paying income tax has the right to choose one of two options for paying advance tax payments during the tax period.

The first option is that based on the results of each reporting or tax period, the amount of the advance payment is calculated based on the income tax rate and the amount of profit subject to taxation, calculated on an accrual basis from the beginning of the tax period to the end of the reporting or tax period. During the reporting period, taxpayers calculate the amount of the monthly advance payment in accordance with Art. 286 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The second option assumes that monthly advance payments will be paid based on the actual profit received. In this case, the amount of advance payments must be calculated by the taxpayer on the basis of the income tax rate and the amount of actually received profit, calculated on an accrual basis from the beginning of the tax period to the end of the corresponding month. In this case, the amount of advance payments payable to the budget is determined taking into account the previously accrued amounts of advance payments.

You can switch to the second method of paying advance payments only after notifying the tax inspectorate of this no later than December 31 of the year preceding the tax period in which the transition to this system of paying advance payments will take place.

Distribution of profit between separate divisions

The choice of the taxpayer regarding the payment of income tax at the location of separate subdivisions is provided by the provisions of Art. 288 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

First, if a taxpayer has several separate subdivisions on the territory of one constituent entity of the Russian Federation, he may not distribute profits for each of these subdivisions. In this case, the organization must independently choose a separate subdivision through which tax will be paid to the budget of this subject of the Russian Federation.

The amount of tax payable to the regional budget is formed on the basis of the share of profit calculated from the totality of indicators of separate subdivisions located on the territory of this subject of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, the tax at the location of a separate subdivision is calculated from the share of profit attributable to this subdivision. The share is defined as the arithmetic average of the share of the average number of employees (or labor costs) and the share of the residual value of the depreciable property of this separate subdivision, respectively, in the average number of employees (or labor costs) and the residual value of depreciable property in the whole organization.

The taxpayer should make a choice: he will apply the average headcount indicator or the indicator of labor costs. In this case, the selected indicator must be unchanged throughout the entire tax period.

Accounting for the cost of acquiring rights to land plots

If a company acquires a land plot that is in state or municipal ownership, on which buildings, structures, structures are located, or which is acquired for the purposes of capital construction of fixed assets, it must comply with the requirements of Art. 264.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In order for the costs of acquiring a site to be recognized in the manner prescribed by Art. 264.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, an agreement for the acquisition of a land plot must be concluded between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2011 (clause 5, article 5 of Federal Law No. second of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and separate legislative acts of the Russian Federation").

To write off the costs of acquiring a land plot in tax expenses, legislators proposed two options.

Firstly, the amount of expenses may be recognized by the taxpayer evenly over a period set by him independently, but cannot be less than five years. If the land plot is acquired on an installment plan with a period of five years or more, expenses are recognized evenly over the period specified in the agreement.

Second, the amount of expense may be recognized by the entity on a gradual basis. In each reporting or tax period, an organization may include in expenses an amount not exceeding 30% of the tax base for income tax of the previous tax period, until the entire amount is fully recognized. When calculating the tax base of the previous tax period, it should be taken without taking into account the amount of expenses for the acquisition of rights to land plots for that period.

Accounting policy for VAT

Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not give taxpayers as many options for choosing accounting policies as Chapter. 25. Nevertheless, they are. In addition, taxpayers need to think about the procedure for maintaining separate accounting if they have transactions that are not subject to VAT.

The procedure for maintaining separate accounting

For tax policy in terms of paying VAT, this issue is the main one.

Separate asset accounting

In Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, there is a mechanism for calculating the proportion for the reimbursement of input VAT amounts, which applies simultaneously to both taxable and tax-free transactions.

The proportion necessary for maintaining separate accounting is determined based on the value of shipped goods, works or services, taxable or not taxable in the total cost of goods, works or services shipped during the tax period. The period for determining the proportion is equal to the tax period, i.e. quarter.

If it is not possible to directly record the amounts of input VAT, if they simultaneously relate to both taxable and non-taxable transactions, the tax is deductible or taken into account in the value of property in the proportion in which these assets are used in the production and sale of goods, works or services, taxable or non-taxable.

The procedure for calculating the proportion in the tax legislation is clearly defined, without options.

In the accounting tax policy, the taxpayer must prescribe the procedure for maintaining other separate accounting. The taxpayer is required to keep records in the following areas:

For goods, works, services used only for transactions subject to VAT;

For goods, works, services used only for VAT-free transactions;

For goods, works and services used in both types of operations.

Separate accounting is necessary to separate one type of goods, works or services from another.

If an organization can clearly distinguish which goods, works or services are used for taxable and which for non-taxable transactions, accounting data can be used to maintain separate accounting. For example, in a company's working chart of accounts, separate sub-accounts can be opened to account for assets used for different activities.

Taxable period

In paragraph 4 of Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states: "The specified proportion is determined based on the cost of shipped goods (works, services), property rights, transactions for the sale of which are subject to taxation (exempted from taxation), in the total cost of goods (works, services), property rights shipped for tax period (author's italics - A.A.)". It is not specified which tax period is specifically referred to.

Can a taxpayer determine the proportion under consideration for the current tax period based on the data for the previous tax period?

The Ministry of Finance of Russia objects to this. Letter N 03-07-11/232 dated 20.06.2008 states: in order to determine the proportion when calculating the amount of VAT on purchased goods, works, services used for transactions, both taxable and non-taxable, it is necessary to take into account the data of the current tax period. However, the position of the Russian Ministry of Finance is not based on anything.

The problem of subsequent use

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in the general case, VAT amounts presented to the taxpayer upon the acquisition of goods, works, services and property rights in the territory of the Russian Federation after the said goods (works, services), property rights are registered and in the presence of relevant primary documents.

Thus, the input VAT on the purchased batch of materials must be reimbursed at a time.

However, very often the purchased material is not used in production immediately after its acquisition. What to do in this case?

This issue should be reflected in the tax accounting policy.

There are three options.

First, the taxpayer may defer the deduction of input VAT until the raw material or material is disposed of, because only then can it be determined whether it was used for taxable or non-taxable activities.

The possibility of this option is confirmed by the Ruling of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2008 N 9726/08. The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation decided that the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a requirement to accept VAT deductions exclusively in the period when assets are accepted for accounting and that it is impossible to claim input VAT deductions in subsequent tax periods.

The only limitation in this case is the statute of limitations for presenting the tax for deduction. It is three years from the end of the tax period in which the input VAT was presented to the taxpayer.

Secondly, it is possible to refund the input VAT in full, and then, if necessary, restore its part that cannot be refunded.

Thus, the company claims for deduction all input VAT received from the supplier in the period of capitalization of assets. And then, when this asset is retired to carry out transactions that are not subject to VAT, it restores the corresponding amount of tax.

This possibility is confirmed by the Decree of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Central District dated October 24, 2008 in case N A35-812 / 08-C21. The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, in Ruling No. VAC-957/09 of February 12, 2009, upheld the court's decision.

Thirdly, you can simply use the proportion specified in paragraph 4 of Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and in the future nothing can be corrected. In other words, determine the proportion based on the proceeds for the current tax period and, on the basis of this proportion, deduct input VAT on assets registered in the same tax period.

Fourth, use the scheme proposed by the tax authorities: first, calculate the conditional proportion in the period of acquisition of assets, distribute input VAT on its basis, and then, after it is precisely established which operations which part of these assets went to, calculate the amount of input VAT deductible, with absolute certainty, file an amended tax return, calculate and pay interest.

The first two options are the most convenient. They also have legal support.

Five Percent Limit

When applying paragraph 4 of Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxpayer is granted the right to one more choice.

The fact is that an organization or an entrepreneur may not apply the provisions of this paragraph to tax periods when the share of total expenses for the production of goods, works, services or property rights, transactions for the sale of which are not subject to taxation, does not exceed 5% of the total amount of total expenses for production. And at the same time, all amounts of input VAT received in the specified tax period are deductible.

Note! The application of this provision is a right, not an obligation, of the taxpayer.

Different tax rates

The VAT tax legislation uses three different tax rates - 0%, 10% and 18% (Article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The 0% rate can be used by Russian exporting companies, as well as taxpayers providing services or performing work directly related to export.

In other cases, rates of 10 and 18% apply.

When a taxpayer is simultaneously involved in export operations and operations in the domestic market, he needs to keep separate records of input VAT.

In this case, all transactions are taxable, only the rates for them are different. Therefore, the procedure for maintaining separate accounting, prescribed in paragraph 4 of Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, is not applicable here.

At the same time, there is no other strictly established procedure for this case in the tax legislation. Consequently, the taxpayer must prescribe the procedure for maintaining separate accounting in the tax policy.

For example, in paragraph 10 of Art. 165 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides that the procedure for determining the amount of tax related to goods, works, services and property rights acquired for the production or sale of goods, works and services, the sale of which is subject to a tax rate of 0%, is established by the accounting policy adopted by the taxpayer for tax purposes.

Situations where goods, works or services are initially purchased only for use in transactions taxed at 10% or 18%, or for transactions taxed at 0%, are rare.

As a rule, purchased goods, works and services are simultaneously used both for transactions subject to VAT at a zero rate and for transactions subject to other rates.

In this situation, the taxpayer needs to allocate input VAT by type of transaction.

How to distribute the input tax? Theoretically, almost any methods of maintaining separate accounting are not prohibited, for example:

Based on the actual cost of products sold;

Based on the percentage of products shipped for export to its total volume;

Proportional to the ratio of the value of goods shipped for export to the total value of goods shipped.

These are the three main options. However, there may be more complex schemes.

For example, input VAT directly related to export operations will not be distributed, but input VAT on costs that are incurred in the interests of the entire company as a whole will be distributed according to a criterion pre-selected by the organization.

The fact that the taxpayer in this situation is free to choose the distribution mechanism is confirmed by the Decree of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District dated September 26, 2008 N F04-5168 / 2008 (10379-A03-25) in case N A03-11860 / 07-34. The decision of this court was supported by the Determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 09.04.2009 N 658/09.

Thus, the organization has the right to develop a mechanism for the distribution of input VAT, which will take into account its features to the maximum extent and, accordingly, will be as convenient or profitable as possible.

OJSC ROSTELECOM does not have an accounting policy for personal income tax.

Accounting policy for taxation purposes - a set of methods (methods) allowed by the Tax Code for determining income and (or) expenses, their recognition, evaluation and distribution, as well as accounting for other indicators of the taxpayer's financial and economic activities necessary for taxation purposes.

In other words, this is a set of mandatory rules fixed in the order, according to which information on business transactions during the reporting (tax) period is systematized and summarized in order to determine the tax base for specific taxes. The main task in developing an accounting policy for tax purposes is to create an optimal system of tax accounting.

Almost any taxpayer has to choose one or another taxation option. The decision in favor of the choice made should be documented.

If the Tax Code contains a direct rule that does not contain the right to choose, it is not necessary to repeat it in the accounting policy.

The accounting policy for taxation purposes must be approved by the relevant order (instruction) of the head of the organization (clause 12, article 167 and article 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). There is no unified, “hard” form of an order on accounting policies.

The accounting policy adopted by the organization for tax purposes is applied from January 1 of the year following the year of its approval. This document is accepted by the organization as a whole and is mandatory for use by all its separate divisions.

Initially, it is assumed that the organization applies the tax accounting policy from the moment of creation to the moment of liquidation. Therefore, if it does not change, it is not necessary to take it again every year. The tax accounting policy, the validity of which in the order is not limited to a calendar year, is applied until the approval of the new accounting policy. If necessary, the adopted accounting policy can be amended by a separate order. However, if there are many changes, it is more appropriate to adopt a new accounting policy.

Let's present in the form of a table the elements of the organization's tax accounting policy.

Elements of accounting policy Accounting Policy Element Selection Options
The moment of determining the tax base for the sale (transfer) of goods (works, services) for VAT · in process of shipment and a presentation to the buyer of settlement documents, - day of shipment (transfer) of goods (works, services); · as funds are received, - the day of payment for shipped goods (work performed, services rendered).
The moment of determining the tax base for the sale (transfer) of goods (works, services) for income tax · in process of shipment and presentation to the buyer of settlement documents, - the day of shipment (transfer) of goods (works, services); Upon receipt of funds - the day of payment for shipped goods (works, services)
Classification of income (expenses) income (expenses) from the sale of goods (works, services); non-operating income
The procedure for recognition of income (expenses) recognition of income (expenses) in the reporting (tax) period in which they occurred, regardless of the actual receipt of funds, other property (works, services) and (or) property rights; day of receipt of funds to bank accounts or to the cashier;
Method of accounting for income and expenses The accrual method cash method (only if, on average, over the previous four quarters, the amount of proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services), excluding VAT, did not exceed 1 million rubles for each quarter)
Definition of fixed assets fixed assets are understood as: fixed assets used as means of labor for the production and sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) or for the management of an organization
Definition of intangible assets Intangible assets are acquired and (or) created results of intellectual activity and other objects of intellectual property (exclusive rights to them) used in the production of products (performance of work, provision of services) or for the management needs of the organization for a long time (lasting more than 12 months )
Depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets Depreciable property is property with a useful life of more than 12 months and an initial cost of more than 10,000 rubles. An organization can apply both for accounting purposes and for tax purposes two depreciation methods: linear (for depreciation groups from 8 to 10; with a useful life of 20-30 years), non-linear (for depreciation groups from 1 to 7; with a useful life of 1-20 years), while the depreciation method chosen by the taxpayer cannot be changed during the entire period of depreciation for the depreciable property. In addition, the organization can also use; Reduced depreciation rates on the basis of paragraph 10 of Article 259 Tax Code of the Russian Federation Part II (), Special coefficients on the basis of paragraphs 7, 8 of Article 259 Tax Code of the Russian Federation Part II (), Mandatory special coefficients on the basis of paragraph 9 of Article 259 Tax Code of the Russian Federation Part II (),
Method for evaluating purchased goods during sale · at cost of the first on time of acquisition (FIFO); · at the cost of the latest acquisitions (LIFO); at the average cost at the cost of a unit of goods.
Method for assessing raw materials and materials in the production of goods, works, services the method of valuation by the cost of a unit of reserves; the method of valuation by average cost; · method of valuation by the cost of the first acquisitions (FIFO); · method of valuation by the cost of the latest acquisitions (LIFO).
The procedure for allocating direct costs to the balances of work in progress for taxpayers whose production is associated with the processing and processing of raw materials, the amount of direct costs is distributed to the balance of work in progress in a share corresponding to the share of such balances in the feedstock (in quantitative terms), minus technological losses, for taxpayers whose production is associated with performance of work, provision of services, the amount of direct expenses is distributed to the balance of work in progress in proportion to the share of incomplete (or completed, but not accepted at the end of the current month) orders for the performance of work (rendering of services) in the total volume of orders for the performance of work (rendering of services) completed during the month services; for others, the amount of direct costs are allocated to the balance of work in progress in proportion to the share of direct costs in the planned cost of production.
Formation of reserves for doubtful debts; · on warranty repair and warranty service; · forthcoming expenses for the payment of vacations; · for the payment of annual remuneration for the length of service.
The period for which a reserve for doubtful debts is created the reporting period; · taxable period.
Allowance limit for doubtful debts The amount of the created reserve for doubtful debts cannot exceed 10% of the revenue of the reporting (tax period).
The procedure for using the unused reserve for doubtful debts the amount is carried over to the next tax period; · the balance is included in non-operating income if the value of the newly created reserve is less than the sum of the balance of the previous reporting (tax) period.
Limiting reserve for warranty repairs The maximum amount is determined as the share of expenses actually incurred by the taxpayer on warranty repairs and maintenance in the amount of proceeds from the sale of the said goods (work) for the previous three years, multiplied by the amount of proceeds from the sale of the said goods (work) for the reporting (tax) period. If a taxpayer has been selling goods (works) for less than three years subject to warranty repair and maintenance, the amount of proceeds from the sale of these goods (works) for the actual period of such sale shall be taken into account to calculate the maximum amount of the created reserve. A taxpayer who has not previously sold goods (works) with warranty repair and maintenance conditions is entitled to create a reserve for warranty repairs on maintenance of sold goods (works) in an amount not exceeding the expected costs for these costs.
The procedure for using the unused reserve for warranty repairs and warranty service · if the amount of the reserve was not fully spent, then it can be carried over to the next tax period; if the amount of the newly created reserve is less than the amount of the balance of the reserve created in the previous period, then the difference between them is subject to inclusion in the non-operating income of the taxpayer of the current tax period; · if the amount of the newly created reserve is less than the amount of the balance of the reserve of the previous reporting (tax) period, then the difference is included in other expenses.
Method of write-off of the cost of retired securities · at cost of the first on time of acquisition (FIFO); · at the cost of the latest acquisitions (LIFO); at unit cost.
Carry forward of losses the entire amount of the resulting loss; a portion of the resulting loss.
Procedure for making advance payments monthly, based on the actually received calculated profit; · quarterly advance payments; · quarterly advance payments based on the results of the reporting period if for the previous 4 quarters the sales revenue did not exceed an average of 3 million rubles for each quarter).
The procedure for paying advance payments by an organization with separate subdivisions at the location of the organization in terms of the federal budget; · at the location of the organization and the location of each separate subdivision in terms of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the budgets of municipalities.
The procedure for conducting tax accounting for corporate income tax · an organization can use the forms of tax accounting registers developed and recommended by the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation; · it is possible to use independently developed forms of tax accounting registers; · & n, bsp; tax accounting data can be obtained from accounting registers
Forms of maintaining tax accounting registers for income tax · in the form of specialized forms on paper, · in electronic form, · on any machine media.
Forms and systems of remuneration used in the organization In order to avoid disagreements with the tax authorities, it is advisable to approve the forms and systems of remuneration used in the organization.
The procedure for determining the costs of research and development It is advisable to justify the amount of expenses for research that did not give a positive result, to approve a document setting the maximum amount of costs incurred for research that did not give a positive result. It must be borne in mind that for tax purposes, the taxpayer's expenses on research and development and development work carried out in order to create new or improve existing technologies, create new types of raw materials or materials that did not give a positive result, are also subject to inclusion in other expenses for three years. in an amount not exceeding 70% of the actual costs incurred.
The procedure for paying corporate income tax (advance payments) When switching to the payment of monthly advance payments based on the results of activities, the taxpayer is obliged to notify the Tax Inspectorate of the Russian Federation of this no later than December 31 of the year preceding the tax period in which the transition was made and this moment should be reflected in the accounting policy.
Confirmation of tax accounting data are · primary accounting documents (including certificates of an accountant), · analytical registers of tax accounting, · calculation of the tax base.

The procedure for maintaining tax records for the purposes of calculating income tax provides for a large number of different options. Consequently, any enterprise can develop for itself an accounting policy in terms of profit taxation that fully takes into account the nuances of its activities.

In accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, an organization can determine the following points in its accounting policy:

1. The method of recognition of income and expenses for the purposes of taxation of profits.

The key point in the formation of the tax base for income tax is the choice by the taxpayer of the method of recognition of income and expenses. In tax accounting, income and expenses are recorded on an accrual or cash basis.

In accordance with Article 271 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, under the accrual method, income for tax purposes is recognized in the reporting (tax) period in which they occurred, regardless of the actual receipt of funds, other property (works, services) and (or) property rights.

In accordance with Article 272 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, expenses accepted for tax purposes under the accrual method are recognized as such in the reporting (tax) period to which they relate, regardless of the time of actual payment of funds and (or) another form of payment.

Income and expenses relating to several reporting (tax) periods, and if the relationship between income and expenses cannot be clearly determined or is determined indirectly, income is distributed by the taxpayer independently, taking into account the principle of even recognition of income and expenses.

However, as with any rule, there are exceptions to this algorithm. Thus, some non-operating income is included in the tax base only after the actual receipt of funds. For example, as of the date of receipt of money, dividends from equity participation in the activities of other organizations, funds received free of charge, the amount of the return of contributions previously paid to non-profit organizations that were included in expenses (Article 271, Clause 4 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) are taken into account. The actual transfer of money is also necessary to account for expenses under insurance contracts (Article 272, Clause 6 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

With the accrual method, the costs of production and sales incurred in the reporting (or tax) period must be divided into direct and indirect (clause 1, article 318 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Indirect costs are taken into account in full in the current period, while direct costs are only part of the cost that falls on products sold in this reporting period.

For tax purposes and for accounting purposes, you can establish the same list of direct costs. This will allow not to apply the rules of PBU 18/02. The list of direct costs must be fixed in the accounting policy, even if it fully complies with the list given in Article 318 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The cash method of recognition of income and expenses can only be used by those organizations whose average revenue from the sale of goods (works, services) did not exceed 1,000,000 rubles over the previous four quarters. per quarter (Article 273 of the NKRF). But if during the year the revenue turns out to be more than this indicator, the organization will be forced to switch to the accrual method. In this case, all income and expenses must be recalculated from the beginning of the year in accordance with this method. Therefore, if the taxpayer's revenue is close to the level at which the use of the cash method is impossible, it is better to initially approve the accrual method in the accounting policy.

Income under the cash method arises only after the actual receipt of money in a bank account (cash desk), or after the actual receipt of property. Also, the income will be when paying off the debt in another way (set-off, compensation, etc.).

With the cash method of determining income and expenses, advance payment for goods is taken into account when determining the tax base for income tax.

2. A method for assessing raw materials and materials used in the production (manufacturing) of goods (performance of work, provision of services), as well as sold purchased goods.

To evaluate raw materials, materials and purchased goods in tax accounting, the following methods are used (clause 8 of article 254 and clause 1 of article 268 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):

The method of valuation by the cost of a unit of stocks (goods);

Average cost method;

First Acquisition Cost Method (FIFO);

Method of valuation at the cost of the most recent acquisitions (LIFO).

The method of estimating by the cost of a unit of stocks (by the cost of a unit of goods) should be used by those who work with a product (raw material or material) that has a greater value and a certain uniqueness. These are, for example, expensive industrial equipment, articles made of precious stones, etc.

The average cost method is used with a large number of goods (raw materials or materials) and significant sales volumes (in retail). Other methods in this case are difficult to apply due to significant time costs.

The method of valuation at the cost of the latest acquisitions (LIFO) is beneficial if the cost of goods (works, services) being sold is constantly growing (for example, in conditions of inflation). In such a situation, the use of the LIFO method will increase material costs (the cost of acquiring goods), which will reduce the tax base.

The method of valuation by the cost of the first acquisitions (FIFO) is advisable to apply if there is a constant trend towards a decrease in the cost of goods (works, services) sold.

According to the amendments made to PBU 5/01 by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 26, 2007 No. 26 n., from January 1, 2008, the LIFO method is not used in accounting for the release of inventories (including purchased goods) into production. Therefore, if an organization wants to bring accounting and tax accounting closer together, then in the accounting policy for tax purposes it is necessary to fix the same method that is used in accounting.

3. Methods for calculating depreciation.

In paragraph 1 of Art. 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for two methods of depreciation: linear and non-linear.

The essence of the straight-line method is that the amount of depreciation accrued for one month in relation to an object of depreciable property is determined as the product of its initial (replacement) cost and the depreciation rate determined for this object (p. 259.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). This is the easiest (although not the most cost-effective) way to depreciate. The cost of depreciable property is transferred to expenses for the purposes of calculating corporate income tax evenly. When applying this method, depreciation is charged separately for each item of depreciable property.

Features of the application of the non-linear depreciation method are prescribed in Art. 259.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This method allows most of the cost of depreciable property to be transferred to expenses for tax purposes at the beginning of its useful life.

When applying this method, depreciation is charged not for each item of depreciable property, but for each depreciation group or subgroup. For these purposes, when the taxpayer uses the non-linear method, the total balance of depreciation groups (subgroups) is formed as the total cost of objects included in each depreciation group (subgroup).

For buildings, structures, transmission devices and intangible assets included in the eighth to tenth depreciation groups, depreciation can only be charged using the straight-line method. This rule is enshrined in paragraph 3 of Art. 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The eighth - tenth depreciation groups include property with a useful life of over 20 years.

For all other objects of the taxpayer, only the depreciation method fixed in its accounting policy can be applied.

Currently, the depreciation method can be changed. The change is allowed from the beginning of the next tax period. At the same time, the taxpayer has the right to switch from the non-linear to the linear method of calculating depreciation no more than once every five years (clause 1, article 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

For all depreciable objects of the company, a single depreciation method should be used (with the exception of the eighth - tenth depreciation groups).

4. Use of the right to liquidate the depreciation group.

If the total balance of the depreciation group (subgroup) becomes less than 20,000 rubles, in the month following the month when the specified value was reached, if during this time the total balance of the corresponding depreciation group (subgroup) has not increased as a result of the commissioning of facilities depreciable property, the taxpayer has the right to liquidate the specified group (subgroup), while the value of the total balance is attributed to non-operating expenses of the current period (Article 259.2, Clause 12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

5. Use of the right to depreciation premium.

According to paragraph 9 of Art. 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxpayer has the right to include in the expenses of the reporting (tax) period the cost of capital investments in the amount of not more than 10% (not more than 30% - in relation to fixed assets belonging to the third-seventh depreciation groups) of the initial cost of fixed assets (for with the exception of fixed assets received free of charge). This opportunity is also provided for expenses incurred in cases of completion, additional equipment, modernization, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, partial liquidation of fixed assets.

This rule does not apply to property received by the organization from the founders, and to fixed assets that are not depreciable property.

6. Creation of reserves.

Organizations that recognize income and expenses from the sale of goods (works, services) on an accrual basis can create reserves for future expenses. The creation of reserves allows you to evenly include certain types of costs in expenses for the purposes of calculating income tax.

In the accounting policy for tax purposes, it is necessary to determine what reserves the organization will create. In accordance with the norms of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, an organization can create reserves:

For the upcoming payment of vacations to employees, the payment of annual remuneration for length of service (Article 324.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Upcoming repair of fixed assets (Article 260 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Warranty repair and warranty service (Article 267 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Formation of expenses for doubtful debts (Article 266 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Upcoming expenses allocated for purposes ensuring social protection of disabled people (Article 267.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

7. Procedure for calculating tax and advance payments.

The amount of tax at the end of the tax period is determined by the taxpayer independently. A taxpayer paying income tax has the right to choose one of two options for paying advance tax payments during the tax period.

Taxpayers must pay an advance payment every month (until the 28th). Moreover, the procedure for calculating this payment depends on the quarter in which it is calculated. So, in the 1st quarter, the monthly payment is taken equal to the monthly payment, which was paid in the 4th quarter of the previous year (paragraph 3, clause 2, article 286 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In the 2nd quarter, the amount of the monthly payment will be equal to one third of the amount of tax paid, respectively, in the 1st quarter (paragraph 3, clause 2, article 286 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). And in the 3rd and 4th quarters, the monthly advance payment is determined as one third of the difference between the tax amounts for the two previous quarters. That is, for the 3rd quarter, the calculation formula will be as follows: monthly advance payment = (tax amount for the 2nd quarter - tax amount for the 1st quarter) / 3. And for the 4th quarter, this is: monthly advance payment = (tax amount for the 3rd quarter - the amount of tax for the 2nd quarter) / 3.

As you can see, in the calculation of the monthly advance payment, such an indicator as the amount of tax for the quarter is involved. Here we must remember that it is not necessarily equal to the amount received as a result of adding monthly advance payments. The fact is that the amount of tax for the quarter is already determined on the basis of the profit actually received for the quarter. Accordingly, this amount is transferred after the end of the quarter (until the 28th day of the next month). Advance payments made during the quarter are credited, and accordingly only the difference is paid to the budget. If this difference turns out to be negative, then the organization will have an overpayment of tax, which can be returned or offset by submitting an appropriate application to the inspection (Article 78 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

An alternative to the above option is the transfer of monthly payments, which are calculated based on the actual profit received. With this method of paying income tax, the accountant must monitor the real results of the organization's work on a monthly basis, determining the profit for the past period on a cumulative basis. And already from this profit the amount of the tax advance is determined every month. That is, the payment in this case is determined by the formula: advance payment = (advance payments for the previous months of the tax period - accrual profit) x tax rate. This amount must be transferred to the budget before the 28th day of the next month. In this case, no more payments need to be made to the budget (i.e., there are no quarterly payments).

You can switch to the second method of paying advance payments only after notifying the tax inspectorate of this no later than December 31 of the year preceding the tax period in which the transition to this system of paying advance payments will take place.

At the same time, organizations whose sales income for the previous four quarters did not exceed an average of 10,000,000 rubles. for each quarter, budgetary institutions and some other categories of taxpayers pay only quarterly advance payments based on the results of the reporting period (clause 3, article 286 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

8. The indicator used to calculate the share of profit attributable to a separate division.

The choice of the taxpayer regarding the payment of income tax at the location of separate subdivisions is provided by the provisions of Art. 288 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

First, if a taxpayer has several separate subdivisions on the territory of one constituent entity of the Russian Federation, he may not distribute profits for each of these subdivisions. In this case, the organization must independently choose a separate subdivision through which tax will be paid to the budget of this subject of the Russian Federation.

The amount of tax payable to the regional budget is formed on the basis of the share of profit calculated from the totality of indicators of separate subdivisions located on the territory of this subject of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, the tax at the location of a separate subdivision is calculated from the share of profit attributable to this subdivision. The share is defined as the arithmetic average of the share of the average number of employees (or labor costs) and the share of the residual value of the depreciable property of this separate subdivision, respectively, in the average number of employees (or labor costs) and the residual value of depreciable property in the whole organization.

The taxpayer should make a choice: he will apply the average headcount indicator or the indicator of labor costs. In this case, the selected indicator must be unchanged throughout the entire tax period.

The procedure for maintaining tax records for the purposes of calculating income tax provides for a large number of different options. Consequently, any enterprise can develop for itself an accounting policy in terms of profit taxation that fully takes into account the nuances of its activities.

The accounting policy (Appendix B) is understood as the set of methods for determining income and expenses, their recognition, evaluation and distribution, as well as accounting for other indicators of financial and economic activity necessary for taxation purposes, chosen by the taxpayer and allowed by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It may contain information on the procedure for recognizing income (expenses), methods for evaluating purchased goods upon sale, forming reserves, carrying forward losses for the future, forms of maintaining tax accounting registers for income tax, the procedure for determining expenses for research and development and etc. .

The main elements of the income tax accounting policy are:

  • * method of recognition of income and expenses;
  • * qualification of certain types of income and expenses;
  • * allocation of costs related to various activities;
  • * definition of direct and indirect costs;
  • * elements of accounting policy for depreciable property;
  • * elements of the accounting policy for inventories;
  • * Creation of reserves for taxation purposes;
  • * indicator used for the purpose of calculating and paying income tax to organizations that have separate divisions;
  • * elements of accounting policy on securities;
  • * the procedure for carrying forward losses for the future.

The accounting policy for the purposes of tax accounting for income tax establishes elements relating to both the procedure for calculating income tax and the method of paying advance tax payments.

The key point in the formation of the tax base for income tax is the choice by the taxpayer of the method of recognition of income and expenses. In tax accounting, income and expenses are recorded on an accrual or cash basis. In accordance with Article 271 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, under the accrual method, income and expenses for tax purposes will be recognized in the reporting (tax) period in which they occurred, regardless of the actual receipt of funds.

The cash method of recognition of income and expenses can only be used by those organizations whose average revenue from the sale of goods (works, services) did not exceed 1,000,000 rubles over the previous four quarters. per quarter (Article 273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). But if during the year the revenue turns out to be more than this indicator, the organization will be forced to switch to the accrual method. In this case, all income and expenses must be recalculated from the beginning of the year in accordance with this method. Therefore, if the taxpayer's revenue is close to the level at which the use of the cash method is impossible, it is better to initially approve the accrual method in the accounting policy.

If the accounting policy does not specify the method of accounting for income and expenses, then income and expenses in tax accounting are recorded on an accrual basis. If an organization uses the accrual method, tax accounting data will be as close as possible to accounting indicators.

Accounting policy for tax purposes

9.1. Main regulatory documents

1. Tax Code of the Russian Federation (parts one and two).

2. Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 15.10.2009 No. 104 n “On approval of the form of the tax return for value added tax and the procedure for filling it out” (as amended by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 21.04.2010 No. 36 n).

3. Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 15, 2010 No. ММВ-7-3/ [email protected]"On approval of the form and format of the tax return for corporate income tax, the procedure for filling it out."

4. Order of the Federal Tax Service (FTS of Russia) dated June 14, 2011 No. ММВ-7-3/ [email protected]"On approval of the form and format of the tax declaration on excises on excisable goods, with the exception of tobacco products, the procedure for filling it out."

5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2002 No. 1 “On the Classification of Fixed Assets Included in Depreciation Groups” (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11.18.2006 No. 697).

6. Non-departmental building standards (VSN) No. 58–88 (R) “Regulations on the organization and implementation of the reconstruction, repair and maintenance of buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities” (approved by order of the State Committee for Architecture under the Gosstroy of the USSR of November 23, 1988 No. 312 ).

7. Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR dated 05.29.1984 No. 80 “On the definition of the concepts of new construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of operating enterprises”.

8. The procedure for estimating the value of net assets of joint-stock companies (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Securities Commission of Russia dated January 29, 2003 No. 1 - n / 03-6 / pz).

9. The procedure for assessing the value of the net assets of insurance organizations established in the form of joint-stock companies (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 7 n and the Federal Securities Commission of Russia No. 07-10/pz-n dated February 1, 2007).

9.2. The concept of accounting policy for tax purposes

The concept of "accounting policy for tax purposes" was introduced by the PC of the Russian Federation.

In paragraph 2 of Art. 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states: “Accounting policy for tax purposes is a set of methods (methods) allowed by this Code for determining income and (or) expenses, their recognition, evaluation and distribution, as well as accounting for other indicators of financial and economic activity necessary for tax purposes taxpayer."

It should be noted that the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not form uniform accounting policies that would apply to all taxes. The accounting policies set out in the relevant chapter of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation apply only to the tax to which this chapter relates. In accordance with this approach, chapters 21 and 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation set out in various ways the procedure for approving and changing accounting policies for tax purposes.

With regard to VAT in paragraph 12 of Art. 167 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes the following rules: accounting policy for tax purposes is applied from January 1 of the year following the year of its approval by the relevant order, order of the head. Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for any restrictions on the procedure for changing accounting policies for VAT purposes. For a newly created organization, the accounting policy must be approved no later than the end of the first tax period. In accordance with the general rule set out in Art. 163 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a quarter is recognized as a tax period.

Accounting policy for tax purposes is mandatory for all separate divisions of the organization.

With regard to income tax, accounting policy issues are set out in Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in more detail.

Article 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states the following: “The procedure for maintaining tax records is established by the taxpayer in the accounting policy for tax purposes, approved by the relevant order (instruction) of the head.”

In this article, tax accounting is defined as "... a system for summarizing information for determining the tax base for a tax based on the data of primary documents grouped in accordance with the procedure provided for by this Code."

According to Art. 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax accounting data should reflect:

The procedure for the formation of the amount of income and expenses;

The procedure for determining the share of expenses taken into account for taxation purposes in the current tax (reporting) period;

The amount of the balance of expenses (losses) to be attributed to expenses in the following tax periods;

The procedure for the formation of the amounts of created reserves;

The procedure for the formation of debt amounts for settlements with the budget for tax.

Confirmation of tax accounting data are:

In primary accounting documents (including an accountant's certificate);

Analytical registers of tax accounting;

Calculation of the tax base.

At the same time, it is indicated that the forms of tax accounting registers are developed by organizations independently and are established by annexes to accounting policies for tax purposes (Article 314 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Article 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of changing accounting policies for tax purposes. At the same time, it is indicated that a change in the accounting procedure for individual business transactions is carried out by the taxpayer in the event of a change in the legislation on taxes and fees or the accounting methods used. The decision to make changes to the accounting policy when changing the accounting methods used is made from the beginning of a new tax period, and when changing the legislation on taxes and fees - not earlier than from the moment the changes in the legislation come into force. Certain provisions of the income tax accounting policy must be applied for at least two tax periods.

In the case of the start of new types of activities, the accounting policy should reflect the principles and procedure for recording these types of activities for the purposes of taxation on profits.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that it is necessary to reflect in the accounting policy for tax purposes the following elements:

The procedure for the formation of the tax base for each tax;

The procedure for separate accounting for taxable and non-taxable transactions;

The procedure for separate accounting for transactions taxed at different rates;

The procedure for maintaining tax records for each tax (forms of tax accounting registers, accounting registers, opening analytical accounts, etc.);

Methods of calculation used in determining the tax base;

Methods used for valuation of relevant assets and liabilities;

The procedure for the formation of created reserves;

The procedure for the formation of debt amounts for settlements with the budget for each tax.

9.3. Accounting policy for income tax

The main elements of the accounting policy for income tax are:

Exercising the right to exemption from taxpayer obligations by Skolkovo participants and applying the 0 percent rate to the tax base of educational and medical organizations;

Method of recognition of income and expenses;

Qualification of certain types of income and expenses;

Allocation of expenses related to different types of activities;

Definition of direct and indirect costs;

Elements of accounting policy for depreciable property;

Elements of accounting policy for inventories;

Creation of reserves for taxation purposes;

The indicator used for the purpose of calculating and paying income tax to organizations that have separate divisions;

Elements of accounting policy on securities;

Loss carry forward.

9.3.1. Exercising the right to exemption from taxpayer obligations by Skolkovo participants

In accordance with paragraph 1. Art. 246.1 NDT organizations that have received the status of participants in the project for the implementation of research, development and commercialization of their results, they have a right for exemption from taxpayer obligations for 10 years from the date they received the status of project participants, starting from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the status of project participants was obtained.

A project participant who has begun to exercise the right to exemption must send a written notification to the tax authority at the place of its registration in the form approved by the Ministry of Finance and the documents specified in paragraph 7 of Article 236.1 no later than the 20th day of the month following the month from which this participant project began to use the right to exemption.

Apply rate 0% to the tax base of educational and medical organizations

In accordance with article 284.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, organizations engaged in educational and (or) medical activities, entitled apply a tax rate of 0 percent subject to the conditions specified in paragraph 3 of Art. 284.1.

Organizations wishing to apply the 0 percent tax rate not later than one month before the start of the tax period starting from which the 0 percent tax rate is applied, submit an application and copies of the license (licenses) for the implementation of educational and (or) medical activities issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

At the end of each reporting period of application of the 0 percent tax rate, within the time limits established for the submission of declarations, organizations submit the following information to the tax authority at their location:

About the share of the organization's income from the implementation of educational and (or) medical activities in the total amount of the organization's income;

About the number of employees in the staff of the organization.

Organizations engaged in medical activities additionally provide information on the number of medical personnel with a specialist certificate in the organization's staff.

The exemption for educational and medical organizations is applicable if their activities fall under the List of types of educational and medical activities, which must be established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The deadline for publication of this List is December 31, 2011. When this List appears, organizations can exercise their right for 2012 and recalculate income tax for the entire 2011.

9.3.2. Income and expense recognition method

Guided by articles 271–273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when forming the tax base for corporate income tax can use two methods of recognition of income and expenses:

accrual method;

cash method.

When using the accrual method, income and expenses are recognized in the reporting (tax) period in which they occurred, regardless of the actual receipt of funds, other property (works, services) and property rights, as well as the time of actual payment of funds and (or ) other forms of their payment.

When applying the cash method, the date of receipt of income is the day of receipt of funds to bank accounts or to the cash desk, receipt of other property (works, services) or property rights, as well as the day of repayment of debt to the taxpayer in another way. Expenses of taxpayers are recognized as expenses after their actual implementation. At the same time, payment for goods (works, services) or property rights is recognized as the termination of the counter obligation of the taxpayer to the seller, which is directly related to the supply of these goods (performance of work, provision of services, transfer of property rights).

The accrual method can be used by all organizations. For most of them, the use of this method is mandatory.

Organizations whose average revenue from the sale of goods (works, services) for the previous four quarters does not exceed 1 million rubles. (excluding VAT) for each quarter, either the accrual method or the cash method may be used.

In addition to the criterion of revenue, one should take into account the type of activity and the legal form of the organization's activities. In accordance with paragraphs 1 and 4 of Art. 273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, banks, organizations - participants in agreements on trust management of property and organizations - participants in agreements of a simple partnership are not entitled to use the cash method of recognition of income and expenses.

When applying the cash method, the indicator of proceeds from the sale of goods used as the main criterion for the possibility of switching to this method is determined in accordance with the rules of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, sum differences are not taken into account in income and expenses for tax purposes if, under the terms of the transaction, the obligation is expressed in conventional units, since they are included in non-operating income or expenses.

If an organization applying the cash method during the tax period exceeded the maximum amount of proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services) - 1 million rubles. for each quarter, it is obliged to switch to determining income and expenses on an accrual basis from the beginning of the tax period during which such an excess was allowed (clause 4, article 273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the tax liability is specified from the beginning of the year during which the excess was allowed. Based on the results of the recalculation, adjustments should be made to tax returns for the past reporting periods of the current year. If the amount of tax on the revised declarations exceeds the previously calculated amounts, then the difference is paid to the budget along with penalties.

It is beneficial for organizations to use the cash method of recognizing income and expenses for tax purposes, since their income is usually recognized only after receiving cash. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that its use is associated with the risk of exceeding the maximum amount of proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services).

Recognition of income relating to several reporting (tax) periods and for production with a long technological cycle

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 271 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on income relating to several reporting (tax) periods, and if the relationship between income and expenses cannot be clearly determined or is determined indirectly, the income is distributed by the taxpayer alone with taking into account the principle of uniform recognition of income and expenses.

For industries with a long technological cycle (more than one tax period), if the contracts do not provide for the phased delivery of works (services), the income from the sale of these works (services) is distributed by the organization independently in accordance with the principle of formation of expenses for the specified works (services).

Methodological recommendations for the application of chapter 25 "Corporate income tax" of part two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia dated December 20, 2002 No. BG-3-02 / 729 (repealed), it was recommended to use in such cases two methods of distributing income between reporting periods:

Evenly throughout the term of the contract;

In proportion to the share of the actual expenses of the reporting period in the total amount of expenses provided for in the estimate.

It is advisable to use the indicated methods of income distribution between reporting periods at the present time, after the abolition of the mentioned Methodological Recommendations, indicating the chosen method in the accounting policy of the organization.

The procedure for recognizing expenses for the acquisition of the right to land plots

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 264.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the costs of acquiring the right to land plots of an organization may include in the composition of other costs associated with production and sale in the following order:

Uniformly during the period determined by the taxpayer independently (but not less than five years);

Recognize as expenses of the reporting (tax) period in an amount not exceeding 30% of the calculated tax base of the previous tax period, until the full recognition of the entire amount of these expenses. To calculate the maximum amount of expenses, the tax base of the previous tax period is determined without taking into account the amount of expenses of the specified tax period for the acquisition of the right to land plots.

If land plots are acquired on installment terms and its period exceeds the period established by the organization, then such expenses are recognized as expenses of the reporting (tax) period evenly over the period established by the agreement.

When deciding on the choice of the procedure for writing off expenses for acquiring the right to land plots, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the amount of expenses for these purposes. With significant amounts, it is advisable, as a rule, to include these expenses evenly over the years in other expenses. If the amounts are insignificant, these expenses can be included in other expenses using the second option.

The accounting policy must include:

The selected option to write off the above expenses;

Deadlines for their release.

The procedure for recognizing expenses that form the cost of a license agreement (license) for the right to use subsoil

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 325 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, if an organization enters into a license agreement for the right to use subsoil (receives a license), then the costs associated with the procedure for participating in the tender form the cost of the license agreement, which can be taken into account:

As part of intangible assets;

As part of other expenses related to production and sales, within two years.

The chosen procedure for accounting for these expenses should be fixed in the accounting policy for tax purposes.

When choosing an accounting policy option in this case, it is necessary to keep in mind the following: with significant amounts of the above expenses, it is more expedient to use the first option, which ensures that these expenses are written off for a long time as depreciation is accrued for this type of intangible assets.

Date of recognition of a part of non-operating and other expenses

The date of recognition of the main part of non-operating and other expenses is determined in accordance with paragraph 7 of Art. 272 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. However, the date of expenses in the form of: commission fees, costs for payment to third parties for the work performed by them and services rendered, rental (leasing) payments for leased (accepted for leasing) property and in the form of other similar costs may be recognized:

Date of settlements in accordance with the terms of the concluded contracts;

Date of presentation to the taxpayer of the documents serving as the basis for making calculations;

The last day of the reporting (tax) period.

The date of recognition of these expenses chosen by the organization must be reflected in the accounting policy, which is indicated in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 29, 2005 No. 03-03-04 / 1/183.

Usually, organizations consider the date of recognition of these expenses as the date of presentation to the taxpayer of documents that are the basis for the settlements. In this case, the date of submission of documents should be

9.3.3. Qualification of certain types of income and expenses

In accordance with Art. 249, 250 and 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, certain types of income and expenses can be recognized as:

Income from sales and expenses related to production and sales;

non-operating income and expenses.

Some types of income and expenses can be attributed to income and expenses from sales or included in non-operating income and expenses (from renting out property, from granting rights to the results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization, and some others). The main criterion for classifying these incomes and expenses as types of activities is the systematic receipt of income and expenditures.

According to paragraphs. 1 p. 1 art. 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when carrying out these types of activities on a systematic basis, income and expenses for these types of activities are recognized as income and expenses associated with the production and sale of products. If these types of activities are carried out infrequently, then income and expenses on them are included in non-operating income and expenses.

The accounting policy of the organization should indicate to which type of activity these incomes and expenses relate.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the qualification of these types of activities may affect the amount of proceeds from the sale of products and the value of indicators calculated according to the standards established as a percentage of the amount of proceeds (the amount of advertising costs (clause 4 of article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) , reserves for doubtful debts (clause 4, article 266 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, etc.)).

9.3.4. Distribution of expenses related to different activities

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 272 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, organizations using the accrual method distribute expenses related to various types of activities in proportion to the share of the corresponding income in the total volume of all income of the organization.

In the accounting policy for tax purposes, you must specify:

The composition (list) of expenses that cannot be attributed to specific types of activities;

The procedure for calculating the share of the relevant income in the total volume of all income (monthly or quarterly).

When determining the types of activities, it is often difficult to attribute individual costs to work or services. To qualify such expenses, it is necessary to take into account the provisions of 4 and 5 Art. 38 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 38 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, work for tax purposes is recognized as an activity whose results have a material expression and can be implemented to meet the needs of an organization or individuals (for example, project documentation for contract work).

A service is an activity, the results of which do not have a material expression, which is realized and consumed in the process of carrying out this activity (clause 5, article 38 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

9.3.5. Definition of direct and indirect costs and ways of allocating direct costs

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 318 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, expenses are divided into direct and indirect.

To direct costs can be attributed:

Material costs, determined in accordance with paragraphs. 1 and 4 paragraph 1 of Art. 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

Labor costs of personnel involved in the process of production of goods (performance of work, provision of services), as well as the amount of insurance premiums accrued on the indicated amounts of labor costs;

Amounts of accrued depreciation on fixed assets used in the production of goods (works, services).

All other expenses, with the exception of non-operating expenses, can be attributed to indirect costs.

The organization independently determines in the accounting policy a list of direct costs associated with the production of goods (performance of work, provision of services) (clause 1 of article 318 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It should be noted that, taking into account the amendments made by Federal Law No. 58-FZ of 06.06.2005 to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, at present the list of direct expenses is not limited. Organizations can supplement or reduce the list of direct costs, taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the organization, the feasibility of establishing the same composition of direct and indirect costs in accounting and tax accounting, items of direct and indirect costs recommended by industry instructions for accounting for production costs and calculating the cost of production. It must also be borne in mind that lists of direct and indirect costs can be compiled for the whole organization, by type of activity and other objects of accounting.

The Ministry of Finance of Russia announced the right of organizations to independently determine the list of direct expenses in letters dated 04/10/2008 No. 03-03-06/2/267, 08/27/2007 No. 03-003-06/1/597, 03-06/1/182. The letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 11, 2008 No. 03-03-06 / 1/621 indicates the right of organizations to provide in the accounting policy for the possibility of accounting as part of direct costs only material costs, and also to distribute them when assessing work in progress.

When deciding on the composition of direct and indirect costs, it is necessary to take into account the different order of their inclusion in the cost of production. Article 318 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes that direct expenses incurred in the reporting period refer to the expenses of the current reporting (tax) period as the sale of products, works, services, in the cost of which they are taken into account, while indirect expenses incurred in the reporting period , are fully related to the expenses of the current reporting period.

Changes in the composition of direct and indirect costs may have a significant impact on the tax base of the reporting period. In case of difficulties in the sale of products, works, services, the actual direct costs cannot be included in the income tax base. Under these conditions, it is more profitable for organizations to attribute costs not to direct costs, but to indirect ones.

In this regard, it is advisable to more reasonably resolve the issue of dividing costs into direct and indirect. It is advisable to refer to direct costs those costs that can be directly, according to primary accounting documents, included in the cost of goods, works, services.

With this approach, accruing depreciation on non-current assets, which, as a rule, is taken into account as part of general production and general business expenses distributed in the established ways at the end of the month, with good reason should be attributed to indirect rather than direct costs.

When deciding on the composition of direct and indirect costs, one can use the recommendations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the possibility of forming direct costs in tax accounting only at the cost of raw materials and materials (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of March 28, 2007 No. 03-03-06/1/182).

Due to the fact that direct costs incurred in the reporting period are related to the costs of the current reporting (tax) period only as products, works, services are sold, it becomes necessary to allocate direct costs to finished and sold products manufactured in the current month, shipped products and work in progress.

It should be noted that the subsequent distribution of direct costs for work in progress, the balance of finished products in stock at the end of the month, as well as for the balance of shipped but not yet sold products, is carried out only by those organizations that are engaged in the production of products.

Organizations engaged in the performance of work and the provision of services allocate direct costs only for work performed, services rendered and work in progress. At the same time, organizations providing services, Art. 318 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the right is granted to include the entire amount of direct expenses in the expenses of the current period without its distribution to the balance of work in progress. These organizations should reflect the decision on this issue in the accounting policy.

Since the beginning of 2005, organizations have been given the right to determine the ways of distributing direct costs for finished products (works, services) manufactured in the current month and work in progress. The only requirement is the need to ensure that the costs incurred correspond to the types of activities, finished products produced, work performed and services rendered.

When some direct costs cannot be attributed to specific types of activities, products (works, services), it is necessary to justify the choice of methods for their distribution (for example, the amount of depreciation for the production building in which various types of products are produced can be distributed between them in proportion to the area occupied by the relevant equipment ).

When determining the methods of distribution of direct costs between finished products and work in progress, it is advisable to use the distribution methods used in accounting.

The cost of work in progress at the end of the month in tax accounting can be determined based on the percentage of work in progress at the end of the month and the total amount of work in progress at the beginning of the month and direct expenses for the reporting month in accounting. In this case, the following calculations are performed.

1. According to accounting data, the percentage of work in progress at the end of the month (300 thousand rubles) in the total cost of work in progress at the beginning of the month (275 thousand rubles) and direct costs of the reporting month (2725 thousand rubles) is calculated:

300 thousand rubles: (275 thousand rubles + 2725 thousand rubles) x 100% \u003d 10%.

2. The calculated percentage ratio is multiplied by the total cost of work in progress at the beginning of the month (220 thousand rubles) and direct costs of the reporting month (2280 thousand rubles) in tax accounting:

(220 thousand rubles + 2280 thousand rubles) x 10% \u003d 250 thousand rubles.

According to the above example, the cost of work in progress at the end of the month for the purposes of tax accounting is determined to be 250 thousand rubles.

Thus, to evaluate work in progress at the end of the month in tax accounting, it is necessary:

Establish a list of direct costs;

Choose how to distribute them.

The procedure for distribution of direct expenses established by the organization shall be applied for at least two tax periods, i.e. two calendar years.

9.3.6. Elements of accounting policy for depreciable property

Elements of accounting policy for this type of property are:

Useful life of depreciable property;

Methods for calculating depreciation on depreciable property;

Application of special coefficients;

Application of depreciation bonus;

Option to account for the cost of repairing fixed assets.

Useful life of depreciable property

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the useful life of depreciable property is determined by the taxpayer on one's own as of the date of commissioning of the object, taking into account the Classification of fixed assets.

For items of fixed assets not included in the specified Classification, the useful life is established in accordance with the technical conditions or recommendations of manufacturers (clause 6, article 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Organization has the right to increase the useful life of an item of fixed assets after the date of putting it into operation, if after the reconstruction, modernization or technical re-equipment of such an item, its useful life has increased. At the same time, the useful life of fixed assets can be extended within the terms established for the depreciation group in which such a fixed asset was previously included.

If as a result of the reconstruction, modernization or technical re-equipment of an item of fixed assets there has not been an increase in its useful life, the taxpayer, when calculating depreciation, takes into account the remaining useful life.

Organizations acquiring used fixed assets (including in the form of a contribution to the authorized (reserve) capital or in the order of succession during the reorganization of legal entities) and using the straight-line depreciation method, entitled determine the depreciation rate for these objects, taking into account the useful life, reduced by the number of years (months) of operation of these objects by previous owners. At the same time, the useful life of these objects can be determined by subtracting from the period established by the previous owner the period of operation of the object by the previous owner.

If the period of actual use of an item of fixed assets by the previous owner is equal to or exceeds the period of its use specified in the Classification of fixed assets included in depreciation groups approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1 dated 01.01.2002, the taxpayer entitled independently determine the useful life of this object, taking into account safety requirements and other factors.

To determine the useful life of intangible assets, it is advisable to create a special commission, the composition of which is approved by the head of the organization. It should be borne in mind that in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the useful life of an object of intangible assets is determined based on the validity of a patent, certificate and other restrictions on the terms of use of intellectual property in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or the applicable legislation of a foreign state, as well as on the basis of the useful life of intangible assets, due to the relevant agreements . For intangible assets for which it is impossible to determine the useful life of an object of intangible assets, depreciation rates are set for ten years (but not more than the period of the taxpayer's activity).

It should be borne in mind that in accordance with Federal Law No. 395-FZ of December 28, 2010, a new paragraph was introduced in paragraph 2 of Article 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: “For intangible assets specified in subparagraphs 1–3, 5, 6 of paragraph three paragraph 3 of Art. 257 of the Tax Code, the taxpayer has the right to independently determine the useful life, which cannot be less than two years. This means that starting from 2011 under exclusive rights:

Patent holder for an invention, industrial design, utility model, selection achievements;

Ownership of "know-how", a secret formula or process, information in relation to industrial, commercial or scientific experience in NDT is fixed right organizations independently, but not less than two years to determine the useful life.

When deciding on the timing of the use of depreciable property, it is necessary to take into account the consequences of these decisions. Reducing the useful life of these items leads to an increase in depreciation for the reporting (tax) periods, the cost of production and, accordingly, a decrease in profit and income tax. At the same time, in this case, organizations get the opportunity to quickly replace depreciable property.

Methods for calculating depreciation on depreciable property

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in order to calculate income tax, taxpayers calculate depreciation using the following methods:



The straight-line method of depreciation is applied to buildings, structures, transmission devices, intangible assets, property included in the eighth to tenth depreciation groups, regardless of the timing of commissioning of these facilities. For other fixed assets, the taxpayer has the right to apply any of the aforementioned depreciation methods.

Depreciation is calculated separately for each depreciation group (subgroup) when using the non-linear method or separately for each object when using the straight-line method.

A change in the depreciation method is allowed from the beginning of the next tax period, and the organization has the right to switch from the non-linear depreciation method to the linear one no more than once every five years.

When using the straight-line method, the amount of depreciation is determined by multiplying the initial (replacement) cost of the object by its depreciation rate (K), which is determined by the formula:

where n is the useful life of this depreciable property, expressed in months (excluding the reduction (increase) of the period).

The procedure for calculating depreciation amounts when using the non-linear method is established by Art. 259.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, introduced into the Tax Code of the Russian Federation by Federal Law No. 158-FZ of July 22, 2008. The essence of the new procedure for calculating the depreciation amounts of depreciable assets using the non-linear method is as follows.

On the 1st day of the tax period, from the beginning of which a non-linear depreciation method is introduced for each depreciation group (subgroup), the total balance is determined, which is calculated as the total cost of all depreciable property items assigned to this depreciation group. In the future, the total balance of each depreciation group is determined on the 1st day of the month for which the depreciation amount is determined. When new objects of depreciable property are put into operation, the total balance is increased by the initial cost of the received property.

The total balance of the corresponding depreciation group also changes when the initial cost of objects changes in cases of their completion, additional equipment, reconstruction, modernization, technical re-equipment, partial liquidation, and decreases monthly by the amount of depreciation accrued for this group.

When objects of depreciable property are disposed of, the total balance of the corresponding group is reduced by the residual value of these objects.

If, as a result of the disposal of depreciable property, the total balance of the depreciation group is less than 20 thousand rubles, the organization has the right to liquidate this group and attribute the values ​​of the total balance to non-operating expenses of the current period. When the total balance for a depreciation group decreases to zero, such a depreciation group is liquidated.

At the end of its useful life, the entity maybe to exclude an object of depreciable property from the composition of the depreciation group (subgroup) without changing the total balance of this depreciation group (subgroup) as of the date of withdrawal of the object from its composition. At the same time, depreciation continues to be charged based on the total balance of this depreciation group (subgroup).

The amount of depreciation per month for each depreciation group (A) is determined by the following formula:

A \u003d B x K / 100,

where B and K are, respectively, the total balance and depreciation rate of the corresponding depreciation group.

For each depreciation group (starting from the first), the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes the following depreciation rates:

It should be noted that the method proposed by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for calculating monthly depreciation amounts using the non-linear method differs significantly from the methods provided for by international financial reporting standards and Russian accounting standards.

When choosing a depreciation method, it must be borne in mind that the use of the straight-line depreciation method provides for obtaining indicators used in both accounting and tax accounting. The relative simplicity of its practical application should also be taken into account.

It is advisable to apply the non-linear method of depreciation for fixed assets for objects with a high degree of obsolescence (for example, computers) and for objects with a relatively short period of use (up to 5–7 years).

Decision on the application of special coefficients for increasing and decreasing depreciation rates

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of applying increased and reduced depreciation rates (clauses 1–4 of article 259.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Organizations have the right to apply a special coefficient not higher than 2 to the basic depreciation rate in relation to:

Depreciable fixed assets used to work in an aggressive environment and (or) increased shifts;

Own depreciable fixed assets of agricultural organizations of an industrial type (poultry farms, livestock complexes, fur farms, greenhouse complexes) and organizations that have the status of a resident of an industrial production special economic zone or a tourist and recreational special economic zone;

Depreciable fixed assets relating to objects with high energy efficiency (according to the list established by the Government of the Russian Federation), or to objects with a high energy efficiency class, if the legislation provides for the definition of their energy efficiency classes in relation to such objects.

When deciding on the application of an increased depreciation rate for fixed assets operated in conditions of increased shifts, it should be borne in mind that, according to the Classification of Fixed Assets, the terms for using these objects are set based on the mode of normal operation of the equipment in two shifts. Therefore, the organization has the right to use the increased depreciation rate to the basic rate only if three-shift or round-the-clock work, which is confirmed in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 13, 2007 No. 03-03-06/1/78.

The decision to apply an increased depreciation rate must be formalized with the following documents:

By order of the head on the application of an increased coefficient, indicating its value (within 2);

Order of the head of the work in multi-shift mode (with an indication of the time);

Justification (monthly) of the need to work in several shifts, compiled by the heads of the relevant departments and services;

Employee time sheet.

Organizations can apply a special coefficient not higher than 3 to the basic depreciation rate in relation to depreciable fixed assets:

Being the subject of a financial lease agreement (leasing agreement) (the indicated coefficient does not apply to fixed assets belonging to the first or third depreciation groups);

Used only for scientific and technical activities.

Organizations that use the non-linear depreciation method and transferred or received fixed assets that are the subject of leasing, in accordance with agreements concluded before the entry into force of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, allocate such property to a separate subgroup within the relevant depreciation groups. Depreciation of this property is charged in accordance with the method and norms that existed at the time of the transfer (receipt) of the property, as well as using a special coefficient not higher than 3.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 259.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, by decision of the head of the organization, depreciation is allowed at rates lower than those established by Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Such a decision of the head should be fixed in the accounting policy for tax purposes. When selling depreciable property by organizations using reduced depreciation rates, the residual value of the objects being sold is determined based on the actually applied depreciation rate.

Decision on application of depreciation bonus (benefits)

In accordance with paragraph 9 of Art. 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 158-FZ), organizations have the right to include the following expenses on capital investments in the expenses of the reporting (tax) period:

Up to 10% of the initial cost of fixed assets (except for those received free of charge) (but not more than 30% in relation to fixed assets belonging to the third - seventh depreciation groups);

Up to 10% of the costs incurred during the completion, additional equipment, reconstruction, modernization, technical re-equipment, partial liquidation of fixed assets (but not more than 30% in relation to fixed assets belonging to the third - seventh depreciation groups);

If the organization uses the statutory right, then the relevant fixed assets, after they are put into operation, are included in depreciation groups (subgroups) at their original cost, less expenses included in the expenses of the reporting (tax) period as a depreciation bonus. The amounts of changes in the initial cost of objects during their completion, additional equipment, reconstruction, modernization, technical re-equipment, partial liquidation are taken into account in the total balance of depreciation groups or change the initial cost of objects whose depreciation is charged using the straight-line method, minus no more than 10% of these amounts (but not more than 30% in relation to fixed assets belonging to the third - seventh depreciation groups).

You should be aware that the depreciation bonus is not provided for in accounting, and therefore temporary differences may arise.

The accounting policy for income tax reflects:

Application of a depreciation bonus (indicating for which part of the objects and expenses);

Standard (up to 10%) of its size.

It must also be borne in mind that the use of special depreciation increments and depreciation premiums has the same consequences as the use of accelerated depreciation methods in financial accounting (see § 3.2.1).

Accounting options for the repair of fixed assets

In accordance with the provisions of Art. 260 and 324 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, organizations can use two options for accounting for the costs of repairing fixed assets:

Including them in other expenses in the amount of actual costs in the reporting period in which they were incurred;

Writing off the actual costs to reduce the created reserve for the repair of fixed assets.

When deciding on the creation of a reserve for the repair of fixed assets, it is advisable to create this reserve in accordance with the rules established in financial accounting, especially in terms of creating a reserve for the repair of particularly complex fixed assets (see § 3.2.6).

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in tax accounting, the maximum amount of the reserve for future expenses for the repair of fixed assets in the reporting year cannot exceed the average amount of actual expenses for repairs that have developed over the past three years (clause 2, article 324 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

If the taxpayer accumulates funds for carrying out particularly complex and expensive types of capital repairs of fixed assets for more than one tax period, then the maximum amount of deductions to the reserve for future expenses for the repair of fixed assets may be increased by the amount of deductions for financing the specified repair falling on the corresponding tax period according to the schedule for the specified types of repairs, provided that in previous tax periods the specified or similar repairs were not carried out.

The annual amount of deductions to the reserve for the repair of particularly complex facilities is determined by dividing the estimated cost of repairs by the number of years the reserve was formed. The standards for deductions to the reserve for the repair of particularly complex facilities are determined by the ratio of the estimated cost of repairs and the number of months of formation of the reserve.

It should be noted that the creation of reserves for the repair of fixed assets is especially beneficial for those organizations that plan to carry out repairs at the end of the year, since the amounts of deductions to the reserve are included in the tax cost throughout the year and the organization saves on advance payments for income tax.

When creating a reserve for the repair of fixed assets, the actual repair costs are written off as a reduction of the created reserve. If actual costs exceed the amount of the provision, the difference is included in other expenses. If the amount of the reserve is not fully used, then its balance on the last day of the current tax period is attributed to an increase in the income of the organization.

The reserve for the repair of particularly complex fixed assets is formed over several tax periods and written off upon completion of the repair of particularly complex fixed assets.

In the accounting policy of the organization for income tax purposes, it is advisable to indicate the following elements for accounting for the cost of repairing fixed assets:

The decision to create a reserve for future expenses for the repair of fixed assets or to include the actual expenses for repairs in other expenses;

Percentage of deductions to the reserve for future expenses for the repair of fixed assets;

The decision to create a reserve for future expenses for the repair of particularly complex fixed assets;

The percentage of deductions to the reserve for future expenses for the repair of particularly complex fixed assets.

The consequences of making decisions on the creation of a reserve for future expenses for the repair of fixed assets are considered in the accounting policy for the purposes of financial accounting.

Choice of the procedure for writing off R&D expenses recognized as intangible assets

In accordance with the new rules for accounting for the write-off of R&D expenses established by Federal Law No. 132-FZ dated June 7, 2011, R&D expenses recognized as intangible assets can be written off in two ways:

Amortize over the life of the patent;

Treat other expenses within two years.

The selected option for writing off the specified R&D expenses must be indicated in the accounting policy for tax purposes. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that R&D expenses previously included in other expenses are not subject to recovery and inclusion in the initial cost of an intangible asset.

Recognition of R&D expenses according to the government's list

The specified expenses of the organization have the right to include in the composition of other expenses with a coefficient of 1.5. To exercise this right, the organization must submit to the tax authority a report on the performed scientific research and development, the costs of which are recognized taking into account the specified coefficient (1.5). The report is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Interstate Standard GOST 7.32-2001 and submitted together with the tax return based on the results of the tax period in which R&D was completed.

Making a decision on the formation of a reserve for future R&D expenses

In accordance with Federal Law No. 132-FZ dated June 7, 2011, organizations can form a reserve for future R&D expenses.

It is allowed to create the specified reserve for the implementation of a specific R&D program for the period of performance of the relevant work, but not more than two years.

Allocations to the reserve are determined by the formula:

X \u003d D x 0.03 - P,

where D - income from the implementation of the reporting (tax) period;

R - R & D expenses in the form of deductions for the formation of funds to support scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities, created in accordance with Federal Law No. 127-FZ of August 23, 1996.

Deductions to the specified reserve are included in other expenses for the last day of the reporting (tax) period. The total amount of deductions to the reserve should not exceed the planned cost estimate. At the same time, the estimate includes expenses taken into account according to the rules of Art. 262 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Expenses incurred for R&D are written off at the expense of the created reserve. If the actual expenses exceeded the amount of the created reserve, then the difference is written off to other expenses in the period of completion of R&D. The unused amounts of the reserve are included in the composition of non-operating income of the reporting (tax) period in which deductions to the reserve were made.

Determination of the procedure for accounting for expenses on electronic computing equipment by organizations operating in the field of information technology

In accordance with paragraph 6 of Art. 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation specified organizations they have a right:

Use the general procedure for calculating depreciation for electronic computers;

Expenses for the acquisition of electronic computing equipment shall be recognized as material expenses as this equipment is put into operation. Organizations can use this right if the conditions listed in paragraph 6 of Art. 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The choice of the write-off option for these expenses largely depends on the amount of these expenses of the financial condition of the organization and the financial strategy for the organization's future expenses, which reduce the organization's property tax.

9.3.7. Elements of accounting policy for inventories

For inventories, accounting policy elements for income tax purposes are:

The method of distributing the costs associated with the acquisition of several types of material assets between them;

Method for evaluating consumed raw materials and materials;

The procedure for the formation of the purchase price of goods;

A method for evaluating purchased goods during their sale.

Methods for allocating costs associated with the acquisition of several types of material assets between them

In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated 02.08.2002 No. 02-5-10 / 98-Ya231, the costs associated with the acquisition of several types of inventory items are distributed among these material assets in proportion to any criterion justified by the organization. This criterion must be specified in the accounting policy.

Methods for evaluating consumed raw materials and materials

In accordance with paragraph 8 of Art. 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, raw materials and materials used in the production (manufacturing) of goods (performance of work, provision of services) are evaluated by one of the following methods:

At the cost of a unit of inventory;

At an average cost;

By the cost of the most recent acquisitions (LIFO method). The possible consequences of estimating consumed raw materials and materials using each of the listed methods are discussed in § 4.2.2.

The procedure for the formation of the purchase price of goods

Paragraph 4 of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes the following: if some costs can be equally justified attributable to different groups of expenses, organizations have the right to independently determine the appropriate group of expenses for such costs. In relation to goods, such costs are transportation costs for their delivery.

In accordance with Art. 320 Tax Code of the Russian Federation taxpayer may include expenses for the delivery of goods, storage expenses and other expenses of the current month related to the purchase of goods:

In the cost of purchased goods;

Included in distribution costs.

The cost of purchased goods shipped but not sold at the end of the month is not included by the taxpayer in the costs associated with production and sale until the moment the goods are sold.

Distribution costs are classified as indirect costs and are written off as a reduction in income from sales of the current month. However, the costs of delivery (transportation costs) of the purchased goods to the taxpayer's warehouse (if these costs are not included in the cost of the purchased goods) included in the distribution costs are included in direct costs and are accounted for in a separate item. The part of the indicated transportation costs related to the balance of unsold goods is determined by the average percentage for the current month, taking into account the carry-over balance at the beginning of the month as follows:

1) the amount of direct expenses attributable to the balance of unsold goods at the beginning of the month and carried out in the current month is determined;

2) the cost of acquiring goods sold in the current month and the cost of acquiring the balance of unsold goods at the end of the month are determined;

3) the average percentage is calculated as the ratio of the amount of direct costs (clause 1) to the cost of goods (clause 2);

4) the amount of direct expenses related to the balance of unsold goods is determined as the product of the average percentage and the value of the balance of goods at the end of the month.

The procedure for the formation of the cost of purchased goods chosen by the organization is indicated in the accounting policy and applied for at least two tax periods.

Transportation costs associated with the sale of goods are recognized as indirect costs and reduce the total amount of income from the sale of goods in the current month.

The choice of the method for evaluating purchased goods during their implementation. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 268 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when selling purchased goods, the taxpayer has the right to reduce the income from such operations by the cost of acquiring these goods, determined by one of the following methods for evaluating purchased goods:

According to the FIFO method;

By the LIFO method;

At an average cost;

At the cost of a unit of goods.

The unit cost method is usually used when individual characteristics are present.

The consequences of applying these methods of valuation of purchased goods are similar to those of the valuation of inventories (§ 4.2.2).

9.3.8. Creation of reserves for tax purposes

The procedure for creating and using reserves for tax purposes is determined by the following articles of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

266 - reserves for doubtful debts;

267 - reserve for warranty repair and warranty service;

267.1 - reserves providing social protection for disabled people;

300 – provisions for depreciation of securities held by professional participants in the securities market engaged in dealer activities;

324 - reserve for future expenses for the repair of fixed assets;

324.1 - reserve for future expenses for vacation pay, reserve for the payment of annual remuneration for length of service.

In addition, organizations can create reserves for certain types of production (for example, in the nuclear industry) or organizations that differ in the composition of the founders or participants (disabled societies).

The created reserves can be divided into the following two groups:

1) reserves, the balances of which can be left for the next financial

2) reserves, the balances of which must be added at the end of the financial year to accounting and taxable profits. In the next financial year or tax period, they must be created again.

The reserves of the first group include reserves for vacation pay, for the payment of remuneration based on the results of work for the year, for the repair of fixed assets, etc. For this group of reserves, it is necessary to carry out calculations at the end of the year to clarify the amounts of reserves that are transferred to the next year.

The second group of reserves includes reserves for the depreciation of securities and reserves for future expenses directed to the purposes of ensuring the social protection of persons with disabilities.

Allowance for doubtful debts

In accordance with Art. 266 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation can create provisions for doubtful debts. Doubtful debt is any debt that has arisen in connection with the sale of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services, not repaid within the terms established by the contract and not secured by a pledge, surety, bank guarantee. The amount of deductions to these reserves are included in non-operating expenses on the last day of the reporting (tax period).

It should be noted that the above provision does not apply to expenses for the formation of reserves for debts formed in connection with non-payment of interest, with the exception of banks.

The amounts of reserves for doubtful debts are determined on the basis of the results of the inventory, depending on the period of occurrence of doubtful debts:

For debts over 90 days - for the entire amount of the debt;

For debts from 45 to 90 days inclusive - in the amount of 50% of the debt;

If the debt is up to 45 days, the reserve is not created.

The amounts of reserves for doubtful debts cannot exceed 10% of the revenue of the reporting period. Organizations can also set lower percentages of contributions to the created reserves.

It should be borne in mind that when calculating the reserve for doubtful debts, receivables are taken into account with VAT (see letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 09.07.2004 No. 03-03-05 / 2/47), and sales proceeds - without VAT.

In order to control the maximum amount of the reserve for doubtful debts, it is recommended to carry out its analytical accounting approximately in the following form (Table 9.2).

Table 9.2

The amount of provisions for doubtful debts (thousand rubles)

The amount of the allowance for doubtful debts not used in the reporting period may be transferred to the next reporting (tax) period. In this case, the amount of the newly created reserve is adjusted for the amount of the reserve of the previous reporting (tax) period.

If the amount of the newly created reserve for doubtful debts is less than the amount of the balance of the reserve for the previous reporting period, the identified difference is attributed to an increase in non-operating income following the results of the current reporting (tax) period.

If the amount of the newly created reserve is greater than the amount of the balance of the reserve of the previous reporting (tax) period, the difference is included in non-operating expenses in the current reporting (tax) period.

If the amount of bad debts to be written off exceeds the amount of the reserve, the difference is written off as an increase in non-operating expenses.

Reserves for vacation pay

In accordance with Art. 324.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, organizations can create a reserve for future expenses for vacation pay.

The creation of this reserve makes it possible to evenly include holiday amounts in expenses by months and to reduce the tax base during the reporting period by expenses not yet incurred.

If a decision is made to create a reserve of expenses for vacation pay, organizations are required to draw up a special calculation (estimate) that determines the annual amount of expenses for vacation pay and the amount of monthly deductions to the created reserve. The percentage of deductions to the reserve is determined as the ratio of the planned amount of expenses for the payment of holidays, including deductions for social needs, to the planned annual amount of expenses for wages.

Expenses for the formation of reserves for future expenses for the payment of vacations are charged to the accounts of the expenses for the remuneration of labor of the relevant categories of employees.

In trade organizations in accordance with Art. 320 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, deductions to the reserve for vacation pay are included in indirect expenses, thereby reducing the income of the reporting month.

At the end of the year, an inventory of the created reserve is carried out. The amount of the reserve, which is carried over to the next year, should be specified based on the number of days of unused vacation, the average daily amount of expenses for the remuneration of employees and mandatory insurance payments from the amounts of wages.

The amount of the underutilized reserve on December 31 is included in non-operating income. The same is done with the amount of the reserve in case of refusal to use the reserve for the next year.

Deductions to the reserve of future expenses for the payment of annual remuneration for length of service and based on the results of work for the year are made in the manner established for the reserve of future expenses for vacation pay.

Reserve for warranty repair and warranty service

In accordance with Art. 267 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation taxpayers can create reserves for future expenses for warranty repairs and warranty service, if, under the terms of the contract, they assume an obligation to repair and service the sold goods during the warranty period.

The maximum amount of deductions to the specified reserve depends on the period of sale of goods with the condition of their warranty repair and maintenance.

Organizations that sell goods with the condition of their warranty repair and maintenance for more than three years, determine the maximum amount of deductions to the reserve as follows: calculate the share of actual expenses for warranty repairs and warranty service in the amount of proceeds from the sale of goods for the previous three years and multiply the calculated value shares on the amount of proceeds from the sale of goods for the reporting (tax) period.

Organizations that sell goods under the condition of their warranty repair and warranty service for less than three years, to calculate the maximum amount of deductions to the reserve, take into account the amount of proceeds from the sale of goods for the actual period of such sale.

Organizations that have not previously sold goods subject to their warranty repair and warranty service may create a reserve based on the expected costs for these purposes.

Expenses incurred during the year for warranty repairs and warranty service are written off during the year at the expense of the created reserve for these purposes.

After the expiration of the tax period, the organization must adjust the amount of the created reserve based on the share of actually incurred expenses for warranty repairs and warranty services in the amount of proceeds from the sale of these goods for the past period.

If the amount of the created reserve exceeds the amount of actually incurred expenses, then the calculated difference can be carried over to the next year. In this case, the amount of the newly created reserve in the next tax period must be adjusted by the amount of the balance of the reserve of the previous tax period.

In this case, if the amount of the newly created reserve is less than the amount of the balance of the reserve created in the previous tax period, then the difference between them is subject to inclusion in the non-operating income of the organization of the current tax period.

If the actual repair costs exceed the amount of the provision, then the difference is included in other expenses.

Upon termination of the production of goods (performance of work) with the condition of their warranty repair and warranty service, the amount of the previously created and unused reserve is subject to inclusion in the income of the organization at the end of the contract for warranty repair and warranty service.

Reserve for future expenses allocated for purposes ensuring social protection of persons with disabilities

In accordance with paragraphs. 38 p. 1 art. 264 and Art. 267.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the following organizations can create the specified reserve:

Public organizations of the disabled;

Organizations employing the disabled. At the same time, disabled people must make up at least 50% of the total number of employees, and the share of the costs of remuneration of the disabled must be at least 25% of the cost of labor remuneration.

When deciding on the creation of this reserve, organizations develop and approve programs for a period of not more than five years.

The amount of deductions to the reserve is included in non-operating expenses as of the last day of the reporting (tax) period.

The size of the created reserve is determined by the planned costs (estimate) for the implementation of the programs approved by the organization. At the same time, the amount of deductions to the reserve cannot exceed 30% of the taxable profit received in the current year, calculated without taking into account the created reserve.

If the actual costs of social protection programs for the disabled exceed the amount of the created reserve, then the difference is included in non-operating expenses. The unused amount of the reserve increases the non-operating income of the current reporting (tax) period.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 267.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, organizations creating the said reserve are required to submit to the tax authorities a report on the intended use of the reserve funds at the end of the tax period. In case of misuse of reserve funds, they are included in the tax base of the tax period in which they were misused.

9.3.9. The indicator used for the purpose of calculating and paying income tax by organizations with separate subdivisions

The procedure for calculating and paying income tax by taxpayers with structural subdivisions is established by Art. 288 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with paragraph 1 of this article, these organizations calculate and pay that part of income tax (advance tax payments) that is directed to the federal budget at their location without distributing the specified amount among separate subdivisions.

Payment of advance payments, as well as tax amounts to be credited to the revenue side of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the budgets of municipalities, is made by taxpayers at the location of the organization, as well as at the location of each separate subdivision, based on the share of profit attributable to these separate subdivisions, defined as the average the arithmetic value of the share of the average number of employees (labor costs) and the share of the residual value of the depreciating property of this separate subdivision, respectively, in the average number of employees (labor costs) and the residual value of depreciable property in general for the taxpayer. In this case, the taxpayer independently determines which labor indicator should be applied:

a) the average number of employees;

b) the amount of labor costs.

The selected indicator must be unchanged during the tax period.

Most organizations use the amount of labor costs to carry out the above calculations.

It should be noted that when making the above calculations, depreciable property and its residual value are determined according to the rules of tax accounting.

If the taxpayer has several separate subdivisions on the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation, then the profit distribution for each of these subdivisions may not be made. The amount of tax payable to the budget of this subject of the Russian Federation, in this case, is determined on the basis of the share of profit calculated from the totality of indicators of separate subdivisions located on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation. In this case, the taxpayer independently chooses the separate subdivision through which tax is paid to the budget of this subject of the Russian Federation, notifying the tax authorities of the decision taken, in which the taxpayer's separate subdivisions are tax registered.

Instead of the indicator of the average number of employees of an organization with a seasonal work cycle or other features of activities that provide for the seasonality of attracting employees, in agreement with the tax authority at its location, it can use the share of labor costs determined in accordance with Art. 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the share of labor costs of each separate subdivision in the taxpayer's total labor costs is determined.

9.3.10. The procedure for calculating the monthly advance payment for income tax

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 286 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation organizations (except for those specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of article 286) may Calculate and pay monthly advance income tax payments:

Based on the actual profit received for the past month;

In the amount of one third of the advance payment actually paid for the previous quarter.

The organization can switch to paying monthly advance payments based on actual profit by notifying the tax authority no later than

December 31 of the year preceding the tax period in which the transition to this option of advance payments takes place. During the tax period, the system of payment of advance payments cannot be changed.

9.3.11. Elements of securities accounting policy

The main elements of the accounting policy for securities are:

The procedure for the formation of the tax base by professional participants in the securities market (including banks) that do not carry out dealer activities;

Write-off method for the cost of retired securities;

Determination of the settlement price of securities not circulating on the organized market;

Formation of reserves for the depreciation of securities from professional participants in the securities market engaged in dealer activities.

The procedure for the formation of the tax base by professional participants in the securities market (including banks) that do not carry out dealer activities

In accordance with paragraph 8 of Art. 280 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, these organizations in their accounting policies for tax purposes must establish the procedure for the formation of the tax base for transactions with securities:

Circulating on the organized securities market;

Not traded on the organized securities market.

At the same time, the organization itself chooses the types of securities for transactions with which, when forming the tax base, other income and expenses are included in income and expenses, determined in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Choice of write-off method for the cost of retired securities

According to paragraph 9 of Art. 280 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes that when securities are sold or otherwise disposed of, they are written off as expenses using one of the following methods:

By unit cost.

The chosen method of valuation of retiring securities is indicated in the accounting policy of the organization. When making a decision on this issue, the prevailing situation in transactions with securities is taken into account. The general consequences of applying each of these methods are considered in relation to inventories (see § 4.2.2).

Determination of the settlement price of securities not circulating on the organized market

In accordance with clause 2 of the Procedure for determining the settlement price of securities, approved by Order No. 10/66/pz-n of the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia dated November 9, 2010, the settlement price may be defined:

As calculated on the basis of the prices of this security existing on the securities market in accordance with clause 4 of the said Procedure;

As calculated according to the rules provided for in paragraphs 5-19 of the above Procedure;

As the appraised value of a security as determined by an appraiser.

The method (methods) chosen by the organization for determining the settlement price of securities not circulating on the organized market is indicated in the accounting policy for taxation purposes. The need to reflect this element in the accounting policy for tax purposes is confirmed by the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 04.26.11 No. 03–03/2/69.

Formation of reserves for the depreciation of securities from professional participants in the securities market engaged in dealer activities

In accordance with Art. 300 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, professional participants in the securities market that carry out dealer activities and determine income and expenses on an accrual basis are entitled to create reserves for depreciation of securities.

These reserves are created (adjusted) as of the end of the reporting (tax) period in the amount of the excess of the acquisition prices of issue-grade securities circulating on the organized securities market over their market quotation (calculated value of the reserve). In this case, the acquisition price of a security includes the costs of its acquisition.

Reserves are created (adjusted) for each issue of securities.

In the event of the sale or other disposal of securities in respect of which a reserve was previously created, the amounts of this reserve are included in the income of the organization as of the date of sale or other disposal of the securities.

If at the end of the reporting (tax) period the amount of the reserve, taking into account market quotations of securities at the end of this period, is insufficient, the organization increases the amount of the reserve, taking into account additional deductions as expenses for tax purposes.

If the amount of the previously created reserve, taking into account the restored amounts, exceeds the calculated amount, the amount of the reserve should be reduced to the calculated amount, including the amount of the restoration in income.

Provisions for depreciation of securities are created in the currency of the Russian Federation, regardless of the currency of the par value of the security.

In addition to those listed in the educational policy of commercial organizations, it is necessary to indicate options for decisions on the following elements of accounting policy:

9.3.12. Loss carry forward procedure

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 283 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a taxpayer who has suffered a loss in the previous tax period or in previous tax periods has the right to reduce the tax base of the current tax period by the entire amount of the loss received or by a part of this amount. Loss carry forward is allowed within 10 years following the tax period in which the loss was incurred.

It should be borne in mind that paragraph 1 of Art. 283 of the Tax Code is supplemented with paragraph 2, according to which the losses received by the organization in the taxation period at the rate of 0 percent cannot be carried forward to the future. In 2007

all restrictions on the amount of recognized losses of previous years have been removed. At the same time, there are restrictions on losses received from the use of service industries and farms, from operations with securities and financial instruments.

In the accounting policy of the organization, it is necessary to indicate at the end of which period (reporting or tax) the losses of previous tax periods and the amount of losses written off by periods are repaid.

Loss received in service industries and farms, in accordance with Art. 275.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is recognized for tax purposes subject to the following conditions:

The cost of goods (works, services) sold by these subdivisions corresponds to the cost of similar services provided by specialized organizations for which such activity is the main one;

The costs of maintaining these units do not exceed the usual costs incurred by specialized organizations;

The conditions for the performance of work and the provision of services by these subdivisions do not differ from the conditions for the performance of work and the provision of services by specialized organizations.

If at least one of the specified conditions is not met, the loss received in service industries and farms can be transferred for a period not exceeding 10 years, and only the profit received in the implementation of these types of activities can be directed to its repayment.

When deciding whether to carry forward losses on transactions with securities, it should be taken into account that the tax base is determined by organizations separately for transactions with securities circulating on an organized securities market and for transactions with securities not circulating on an organized securities market. securities (with the exception of professional participants in the securities market engaged in dealer activities).

Taxpayers who suffered a loss (losses) on certain transactions with securities in previous tax periods, entitled reduce the tax base received from operations with securities in the reporting (tax) period (Article 280 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

During the tax period, the carry forward of losses incurred in the relevant reporting period on transactions with securities is carried out separately for the specified categories of securities within the limits of the profit received from transactions with such securities.

Organizations (including banks) engaged in dealer activities in the securities market form the tax base and determine the amount of loss to be carried forward, taking into account all income (expenses) and the amount of loss received from entrepreneurial activities (paragraph 11 of article 280 Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

During the tax period, the transfer to the future of losses received in the corresponding reporting period of the current tax period can be carried out within the amount of profit received from entrepreneurial activity.

9.4. Elements of accounting policy for value added tax

The main elements of the accounting policy for this tax are:

Exercising the right to exemption from the performance of taxpayer duties;

The moment of determining the tax base;

Exercising the right to refuse to exempt transactions from taxation;

The procedure for separate accounting of "input" VAT on goods (works, services) used in the implementation of taxable and tax-free transactions.

9.4.1. Decision on the exercise of the right to exemption from the performance of taxpayer obligations

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 145 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, organizations and individual entrepreneurs whose proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services) excluding VAT for the three previous consecutive calendar months did not exceed 2 million rubles in aggregate, has the right:

a) taxation of VAT shall be carried out in a general manner;

b) get exemption from VAT.

The provision of this article does not apply to organizations and individual entrepreneurs selling excisable goods during the previous three consecutive calendar months, as well as to obligations arising in connection with the importation of goods into the customs territory of the Russian Federation subject to taxation in accordance with paragraphs. 4 p. 1 art. 146 NK.

When making a decision on the use of the right to exemption from the performance of taxpayer duties, the organization, no later than the 20th day of the month from which it exercises this right, shall submit the following documents to the tax authority:

Notification of the use of this right (in the form approved by order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated 04.07.2002 No. BG-3-03 / 342);

Extract from the balance sheet;

An extract from the sales book;

A copy of the log of received and issued invoices;

An extract from the book of accounting for income and expenses and business transactions (for individual entrepreneurs);

A copy of the log of received and issued invoices.

9.4.2. The moment of determining the tax base

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 167 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the moment of determining the tax base is the earliest of the following dates:

Day of shipment (transfer) of goods (works, services), property rights;

The day of payment, partial payment on account of the forthcoming deliveries of goods (performance of work, provision of services), transfer of property rights.

There is an exception to this general rule regarding the moment of determining the tax base by a taxpayer that produces goods (performs work, provides services), the duration of the production cycle of which is more than six months (according to the list determined by the Government of the Russian Federation).

Paragraph 13 of Art. 167 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it is established that these taxpayers, in the event of receipt or payment (partial payment) on account of the forthcoming deliveries of goods (performance of work, provision of services) has the right to establish the moment of determining the tax base as the day of shipment (transfer) of the specified goods (performance of work, provision of services) with separate accounting for ongoing operations and tax amounts for purchased goods (work, services), including fixed assets and intangible assets, property rights used for carrying out operations for the production of goods (works, services) of a long production cycle and other operations. The list of these goods (works, services) is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2006 No. 468.

When organizations - manufacturers of goods make a decision on the use of the Art. 13 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, they should stipulate the rights in the accounting policy:

Availability of a decision on determining the tax base at the time of shipment of goods (works, services);

Methodology for separate accounting of ongoing operations and tax amounts on purchased goods (works, services), including on fixed assets and intangible assets, property rights used to carry out operations for the production of goods (works, services) of a long production cycle and other operations.

9.4.3. Exercising the Right to Refuse Tax Exemption for Transactions

In the case of transactions subject to taxation and transactions not subject to taxation, the taxpayer is obliged to keep separate records of such transactions (clause 4, article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the taxpayer has the right to refuse to exempt transactions that are not subject to taxation from taxation (clause 5 of article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) by submitting an appropriate application to the tax authority no later than the 1st day of the tax period from which the taxpayer intends to refuse the exemption or stop using it. The accounting policy should include:

a) the organization enjoys the right to exemption from taxation of relevant transactions;

b) the organization does not enjoy the right to exemption from taxation of the relevant operations.

It should be noted that the list of transactions exempted from taxation changes periodically. Their composition for the corresponding year is indicated in paragraphs 1–3 of Art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

When making a decision to waive tax benefits, an organization shall indicate in its application to the tax authority:

The name of the transactions for which she refuses to use benefits;

The date from which she intends to waive benefits;

The time period for which she intends to forego benefits.

9.4.4. The procedure for separate accounting of "input" VAT on goods (works, services) used in the implementation of taxable and tax-free transactions

According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, separate accounting of "input" VAT is carried out in the following cases:

When carrying out transactions subject to taxation, and transactions not subject to taxation (exempted from taxation) (clause 4 of article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

When applied by a taxpayer in the sale (transfer, performance, provision, including for their own needs) of goods (works, services), property rights at various tax rates (clause 1, article 153 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

In case of simultaneous sale of goods (works, services), property rights, the tax base for which is calculated in accordance with the generally established procedure, and the sale of goods (works, services), the place of sale of which is not recognized as the territory of the Russian Federation;

With the simultaneous sale of goods (works, services), the tax base for which is calculated in accordance with the generally established procedure, and the sale of goods (works, services), the sale (transfer) operations of which are not recognized as the sale of goods (works, services) in accordance with clause 2 Art. 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

For transactions in the sale of goods (works, services) both on the domestic market and for export (clause 10, article 165 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The procedure for attributing the amounts of "input" VAT to the costs of production and sale of goods (works, services) or accepting these amounts for deduction is determined by Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the amounts of "input" VAT on goods (works, services), including fixed assets and intangible assets, property rights used in the implementation of taxable and tax-exempt transactions, are deductible or included in the cost of purchased goods (works , services) in proportion determined on the basis of the value of shipped goods (works, services) subject to VAT (exempted from taxation) to the total cost of goods (works, services) shipped for the reporting (tax) period.

It should be borne in mind that from 01.01.2008 on the basis of paragraph 4 of Art. 2 of Federal Law No. 137-FZ of July 27, 2008, a quarter is considered a tax period. In this regard, from 01.01.2008 the proportion for calculating VAT amounts should be determined according to the data of the current tax period. VAT amounts presented to taxpayers starting from 01.01.2008 on goods (works, services, property rights), including fixed assets and intangible assets used to carry out VATable and non-taxable transactions, are also distributed according to the data of the current tax period (letters of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 06/24/2008 No. ШС-6-3/450 and the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06/03/2008 No. 0307-15/90).

When determining the proportions of taxable and non-taxable transactions, it is necessary to take into account all income that is proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services) subject to and not subject to taxation (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 10.03.2005 No. including income from the sale outside the Russian Federation of the amount of payment, partial payment on account of the upcoming supply of goods (performance of work, provision of services), the duration of the production cycle of which is more than six months, the amount of money in the form of interest when providing loans in cash (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 28, 2008 No. 03-07-08 / 104).

If the taxpayer does not have separate accounting, the amount of tax on purchased goods (works, services), including fixed assets and intangible assets, property rights, is not subject to deduction and is included in expenses accepted for deduction when calculating corporate income tax (tax on income of individuals). persons) is not included.

An organization may not keep separate records in those tax periods in which the share of total costs for the production of goods (works, services), property rights, transactions for the sale of which not subject to taxation, does not exceed 5% of the total value of total production costs (clause 4, article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, all tax amounts presented to such taxpayers by sellers of goods (works, services) used in the production, property rights in the specified tax period are subject to deduction in accordance with the procedure provided for by Art. 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

It should be borne in mind that the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 13, 2008 No. ShS-6-3/827 indicates the need to take into account both direct and general business expenses when determining the share of total expenses. The organization itself determines the method of distribution of general business expenses for taxable and tax-free transactions in the tax period (in proportion to labor costs, direct costs, sales proceeds, material costs, etc.), depending on the specific conditions of activity and the methods used in accounting .

In order to distribute the amounts of "input" VAT on goods (works, services) used in the implementation of taxable and non-taxable transactions, it is advisable to reflect the "input" VAT on these goods (works, services) on a separate sub-account "VAT amounts to be distributed" to Account 19 "Value Added Tax on Acquired Values". The amount of VAT recorded in the debit of the specified sub-account at the end of the tax period is distributed between taxable and tax-free transactions in the proportion determined in the above procedure.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in order to achieve comparability of the indicators of the cost of shipped goods (works, services), the sales of which are subject to taxation, and the cost of shipped goods (works, services), the sales of which are exempt from taxation, these indicators should be applied excluding value added tax.

VAT amounts accepted for deduction are debited from the credit of account 19, the subaccount “VAT amounts to be distributed” to the debit of account 68 “Calculations on taxes and fees”. VAT amounts to be included in the cost of purchased goods (works, services) are debited from the credit of the sub-account "VAT amounts to be distributed" to account 19 to the debit of accounts for accounting for purchased goods (works, services).

The organization can keep a separate analytical account of the "input" VAT on the above goods (works, services) in specially designed tax registers. For this purpose, you can use the books of purchases and books of sales, including in them, if necessary, the appropriate additional columns.

It is very important at the same time to ensure the correct filling of these registers.

In accordance with Clause 8 of the Rules for maintaining registers of received and issued invoices, books of purchases and books of sales when calculating value added tax, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 2, 2000 No. 914, an invoice is registered in the purchase book for that the amount that the taxpayer accepts as a deduction.

The method chosen by the organization for separate accounting of "input" VAT for goods (works, services) used in the implementation of operations, taxable and not taxable with VAT, is indicated in the accounting policy of the organization.

In addition, in the accounting policy of the organization for the implementation of separate accounting, it is advisable to indicate:

List of goods (works, services) used to carry out transactions subject to and not subject to taxation;

List of operations exempt from taxation;

The list of transactions subject to tax at the rate of 18, 10 and 0%.

9.5. Elements of accounting policy for excises

Elements of the accounting policy for excises are:

The procedure for maintaining separate accounting for operations with excises;

Indication of a responsible taxpayer under a simple partnership agreement.

9.5.1. The procedure for maintaining separate accounting for operations with excises (subject to and not subject to taxation and for operations for which different tax rates are established)

When determining the procedure for maintaining separate accounting for these operations, the following must be borne in mind: clause 1 of Art. 183 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes a list of transactions that are not subject to excise taxes. However, the right to exemption from payment of excise taxes for those listed in paragraph 1 of Art. 183 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxpayer can use operations only when maintaining separate records of operations for the production and sale (transfer) of these excisable goods (clause 2 of article 183 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Separate accounting must also be kept for excisable goods, for which different tax rates are established (Article 190 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In the absence of separate accounting for such goods, the amount of excise taxes on them is calculated based on the maximum tax rate applied by the taxpayer from a single tax base, determined for all operations subject to excises (clause 7, article 194 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In order to reduce the tax burden on excises, it is necessary to indicate in the accounting policy the procedure for maintaining separate accounting:

For transactions not subject to excise taxation;

On received excisable goods subject to excises at various rates;

For the production of excisable goods subject to excises at various rates;

On the sale of excisable goods subject to excises at various rates;

On the transfer (other than sale) of excisable goods subject to excises at various rates.

Separate accounting of operations with excisable goods in the indicated areas is carried out, as a rule:

On sub-accounts and analytical accounts opened for this purpose;

In the forms of accounting registers developed for this purpose. List of opened sub-accounts of analytical accounts and accounting registers it is expedient to indicate in accounting policies.

9.5.2. Responsible taxpayer for excises under a simple partnership agreement

In accordance with Art. 180 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the acting person for calculating and paying the entire amount of excise duty on operations carried out under a simple partnership agreement is either a participant conducting business in a simple partnership, or a participant chosen by the participants in the agreement (when conducting business in a simple partnership jointly by all participants).

In accounting policy appropriate to indicate:

Participant (service, person) responsible for the calculation and payment of excise amounts;

List of reporting documents submitted by participants in a simple partnership agreement on the fulfillment of obligations for the calculation and payment of excise amounts (copies of tax returns, payment documents, etc.).

9.6. Elements of accounting policy when applying the simplified taxation system

Taxpayers applying the simplified taxation system, has the right:

Choose a tax regime;

Select the object of taxation;

Choose a method for evaluating purchased goods purchased for further sale;

Reduce the tax base in the tax period by the amount of the loss received in the previous tax periods.

9.6.1. Choice of tax regime

In accordance with paragraph 2.1 of Art. 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, introduced by the Federal Law of July 19, 2009 No. 204-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” and clause 3 of Art. 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, organizations whose income for 9 months of the current year did not exceed 45 million rubles, with an average number of employees for the tax period of not more than 100 people and with a residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets not exceeding 100 million rubles. has the right:

Switch to a simplified taxation system;

Apply other taxation regimes provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If, according to the results of the reporting (tax) period, the organization's income exceeded 60 million rubles. and (or) during the reporting period, non-compliance with the requirements established by paragraphs. 3 and 4 art. 346.12 of the Tax Code and paragraph 3 of Art. 346.14, then this organization loses the right to apply the simplified tax system from the beginning of the quarter in which the indicated excess and (or) non-compliance with the specified requirements is allowed.

Individual entrepreneurs can switch to a simplified taxation system if the average number of employees for a tax (reporting) period does not exceed 100 people.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs listed in paragraph 3 of Art. 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Individual entrepreneurs in addition to the usual simplified taxation system entitled to go on a simplified taxation system based on a patent.

It should be noted that in accordance with paragraph 2.1 of Art. 346.25.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, introduced by Federal Law No. 158-FZ of July 22, 2008, individual entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system based on a patent are entitled to hire employees, the average number of which for the tax period should not exceed five people.

A patent is issued at the choice of the taxpayer for a period of 1 to 12 months (clause 4, article 346.25.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The tax period is the period for which a patent is issued. The types of business activities for which it is allowed to apply the simplified taxation system based on a patent are indicated in paragraph 2 of Art. 346.25.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Individual entrepreneurs can switch to a simplified system of taxation based on a patent in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation only after the adoption of the relevant law by the said constituent entity.

9.6.2. Choosing an object of taxation

In accordance with Art. 346.14 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, taxpayers applying the simplified taxation system are entitled to recognize as an object of taxation:

Income less expenses.

The taxpayer can change the object of taxation annually.

It should also be borne in mind that the participants in a simple partnership agreement or an agreement on trust management of property as an object of taxation apply only income reduced by the amount of expenses.

9.6.3. Choice of a method for evaluating purchased goods purchased for further sale

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation a taxpayer for tax purposes entitled to use one of the following methods of valuation of purchased goods:

By the cost of the first acquisitions (FIFO method);

By the cost of the most recent acquisitions (LIFO method);

At an average cost;

At the cost of a unit of goods.

The selected method of valuation of purchased goods is indicated in the accounting policy of the organization. The consequences of applying each of these methods are discussed in § 4.2.2.

9.6.4. Exercising the right to reduce the tax base in the tax period by the amount of the loss received as a result of previous tax periods

In accordance with paragraph 7 of Art. 346.18 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by Federal Law No. 158-FZ of July 22, 2008) a taxpayer using income reduced by the amount of expenses as an object of taxation, has the right:

Reduce the tax base calculated at the end of the tax period by the amount of loss received at the end of previous tax periods in which the taxpayer applied the simplified taxation system and used income reduced by the amount of expenses as an object of taxation. In this case, the loss is understood as the excess of expenses determined in accordance with Art. 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, over income determined in accordance with Art. 346.15 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

Carry forward losses to future tax periods within 10 years following the tax period in which these losses were incurred;

Transfer to the current tax period the amount of losses received in the previous tax period.

A loss not carried forward to the following year may be carried forward in whole or in part to any year in the next nine years. If losses are received in more than one tax period, they are carried forward to future tax periods in the order in which they were received.

The taxpayer is obliged to keep documents confirming the amount of the incurred loss and the amount by which the tax base was reduced for each tax period, during the entire period of exercising the right to reduce the tax base by the amount of the loss.

It should also be borne in mind that the loss received by the taxpayer when applying other taxation regimes is not accepted when switching to a simplified taxation system; the loss received when applying the simplified taxation system is not accepted when switching to other taxation regimes.

9.7. Elements of accounting policies for property tax and transport tax

Elements of the accounting policy for the specified taxes are:

The procedure for separate accounting of property, for which special conditions for calculating tax are established;

Decision on the application of a zero rate on the tax on innovative property;

The procedure for accounting for property that has not passed state registration;

The procedure for separate accounting of vehicles.

9.7.1. The procedure for separate accounting of property, for which special conditions for calculating tax are established

In accordance with Art. 376, 380–386 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, for the purposes of calculating and paying property tax, an organization must ensure separate accounting of property:

Taxable and non-taxable;

Taxable at different tax rates;

Taxed at reduced rates;

Being on the balance sheet of separate divisions allocated to a separate balance sheet;

Located outside the location of the organization and its separate divisions that have a separate balance sheet.

It is advisable to indicate the procedure for separate accounting of property for the specified groups of fixed assets in the accounting policy for tax purposes.

9.7.2. Decision on the application of a zero rate on the tax on innovative property

In accordance with Federal Law No. 132-FZ dated June 7, 2011, starting from 2012, organizations may apply a zero rate for this tax.

Innovative property includes:

Objects with high energy efficiency, provided that the object complies with the List established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

Objects with a high energy efficiency class, provided that such objects have a definition of their energy efficiency classes.

The validity of this benefit is three years after registration.

9.7.3. The procedure for separate accounting of vehicles

To calculate and pay transport tax, it is necessary to keep separate records of vehicles:

Taxable and not subject to this tax (Article 358 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

At their location (Article 363 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The procedure for separate accounting of the above vehicles it is expedient to indicate in accounting policies for tax purposes.

Questions for self-control

1. What is the purpose of accounting policy for tax purposes?

2. What are the main elements of the accounting policy for income tax.

3. What methods of recognition of income and expenses can be used when forming the tax base for income tax?

4. Can the organization itself determine the list of direct costs?

5. What methods of depreciation for fixed assets can be used in tax accounting?

6. What are the consequences of applying a depreciation bonus to an entity?

7. What methods of valuation of purchased goods are used in determining the tax base for income tax?

8. What reserves can be created when determining the tax base for income tax?

9. What are the main elements of the accounting policy for income tax on securities.

10. Specify the main elements of the VAT accounting policy.

11. What are the features of determining the tax base for VAT by organizations - manufacturers of goods with a long production cycle?

12. Can all organizations report VAT on a quarterly basis?

13. What are the possible options for separate accounting for "input" VAT on goods (works, services) used in the implementation of taxable and tax-free transactions.

14. What are the elements of accounting policy when applying the simplified taxation system.

15. What objects of taxation are entitled to apply to organizations applying the simplified taxation system?

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