How to upload an app to the appstore. How to create an application for IOS and blow up the AppStore: techniques, instructions, tips. Certificates required for publishing to the AppStore

  • tutorial

In the first part of our tutorial, we registered in both stores - App Store and Google Play. But in order for your application to become available for download, you need to take a lot of actions. Let's take a look at them.

Before proceeding with the publishing procedure, be sure that your application meets the requirements (Google , Apple) for the quality and content of published applications. Failure to comply with these requirements often leads to the fact that novice developers are surprised to be denied publication, and even a warning for violation.

First of all, the application must have some kind of functionality, that is, be useful, valuable. Make sure your application is at least somewhat different from its peers. If you have not yet looked for analogues in the store, do not be too lazy to do this - at this stage, the creation of many projects ends. This is especially true for newcomers with an "innovative" idea.

There are also a lot of options to get rejected due to incorrectly written code. First of all, it concerns app crashes. Also, many developers are tempted to get into the internal API when there are not enough programming interfaces provided by the vendor. But believe me, if the API is closed, then this is done for a reason. Re-read the documentation on the technology used, you must have missed something.

If you use the names of other companies, trademarks, copyrighted images and images (even in the form of screenshots) in the name of the application or in its content - without the appropriate permission - then you can safely count on the application being "wrapped" with a reprimand . Therefore, carefully avoid such situations. If you need to use or mention copyrighted material, then you will need to immediately prove the right to use it using the appropriate form.

A complex or incomprehensible interface is another common reason for failure. Make sure that the app screens are not overloaded, easy to read, and the colors are chosen so as not to kill the user's eyes in 5 minutes of working with the app. Both companies have UI design guidelines, check them out (Google, Apple).

Apple is especially reverent about the performance of all the declared functions: if you have a distant menu item that you have not yet completed and placed a stub, then the reviewers will discover this and force you to finalize the application first.

If your application collects any information about the user and their device, then it is necessary to explain as clearly as possible in the application how you will use this data. It is not recommended to collect all kinds of telemetry without explanation and send it to your server, this is suspicious and punishable by refusal to publish the application.

When planning to take money from users using the built-in payment systems of the App Store and Google Play, then check if your application belongs to one of the categories supported by these systems. For example, if you plan to sell some services through your application, then you will have to “fasten” other payment systems.

background modes. These are the modes that your application can use when minimized/closed. But the application must contain functionality that justifies the choice of these modes. If you have Audio specified, but there is no audio, or Voice over IP, but you cannot call from the application, then wait for a refusal.

Most often, applications do not pass moderation when uploaded for the following reasons:

  1. Incomplete completion of all accompanying forms.
  2. Bugs and crashes.
  3. The application uses false, fraudulent or misleading data.
  4. The icons used are similar to the icons of third-party applications.
  5. When developing the interface, recommendations from official guidelines (Apple, Google) were not taken into account.
  6. Inconsistency of the declared functions and / or screenshots with the actual application.
About all sorts of malicious things - like using an application for hacking, spamming, using dishonest methods of attracting, etc. - may not be mentioned.

If you do not take a responsible approach to the issue of checking your application for compliance with the requirements, then your developer account may be blocked altogether.

To conclude on the application review process, a quote from the official website: " We will reject an app with content or functionality that crosses the line. Where is this line, you ask? As one judge once said, "I'll know when I see it." And we think you'll understand too when you cross it.».

App Store

Tools used:
  • Apple computer (with OS X installed).
  • Apple store - Apple app store.
  • - Apple Developer Center.
  • - a site for managing your applications, uploading to the store, viewing statistics, finances, etc.
  • Xcode is an integrated development environment.
  • Application Loader - Apple's program for uploading the collected application archive to iTunes Connect.
Every app submitted to the App Store must be signed with a valid certificate issued by Apple.

To sign the application we need:

  1. Request a certificate from Apple.
  2. Add a new application to the Developer Center.
  3. Create a provisioning profile.
  4. Create a new application on the portal (hereinafter referred to as iTunes Connect).
  5. Fill in all the required information about the application.
  6. Build an application archive from XCode, signing it with our Provisioning profile.
  7. Upload archive to iTunes Connect using Application Loader (Apple software).
  8. Indicate the archive that we downloaded in the new version of the application and send the application for verification.

Let's look at each step in more detail:

  1. Request a certificate from Apple.

  2. Adding a new application to the Dev Center.

  3. Create a provisioning profile.
    1. Go to .
    2. Click on "+". Select Distribution -> App Store. Click Continue.
    3. Select the certificate we created (iOS Distribution). Click Continue.
    4. Set the name of the certificate. Click Continue.
    5. The certificate has been created. Download it to your computer and open it - now you have it in XCode.
  4. Create a new app in iTunes Connect.
  5. Fill in all the necessary information about the application.

  6. Collecting an archive from XCode, signing it with our Provisioning profile.

  7. Upload an archive to iTunes Connect using the Application Loader.

  8. Specifying the archive for the new version of the application that we have uploaded and submitting the application for review.

Google Play

  1. We sign the APK file.
    In order to put your application on Google Play, you need to sign it with a special key. There are two types of keys:
    • develop - the key that absolutely all applications sign during installation from the development environment to devices;
    • production - the key with which the application is signed before being uploaded to Google Play.
    We need a second type of key. It is unique for each app and they also need to sign all updates to your app. If you suddenly lose it, then it will be impossible to restore it and you will have to upload a completely new application.

    Consider the signing process.

  2. Create a new project and upload the APK file to the developer console.

  3. Fill in the required application information.

So, your application has passed all the checks and appeared in the store. You are anxiously waiting for the first downloads and user reviews. But it can be very difficult to win the attention of users among many other applications. Therefore, after the publication of the application, it is necessary to pay close attention to its promotion. We will talk about how this can be done in one of the future publications.

Quark includes:


I will upload a file with your application through Application Loader or source code.

I will create an ID and get an iOS certificate (for signing the application)

I will upload screenshots for iPhone 8s plus, iPhone X, iPad Pro (if you upload the source code, if you upload a ready-made archive, then you must provide screenshots)

I will fill in the metadata and send the application for review.

Quark includes:

Uploading 1 application in the App Store and sending it for verification (the verification itself is not included in the kwork)


Opening an App Store developer account (instructions are provided for free, but you open an account and pay $99 yourself, see instructions)

Refinement of the application in the source code (if an error is written during upload, then you must fix it and provide the current working version of the source code)

Obtaining non-iOS certificates for app signing

Creation of graphic materials (everything must be in the source code)

Checking the App Store (passing the check is not included in the kwork, only you are responsible for the content and performance of the application, if your application was rejected, then we can just give advice)

Rules for placing applications in the App Store

1. Certificates required for publishing to the AppStore

First of all, we create an identifier App ID.

Enter any certificate name, ID is Bundle identifier, you specify it beforehand in the Xcode project and later when creating the identifier.

The second step will be to create a distributor certificate - iOS Distribution. In it, we choose the same identifier App ID

To load all this stuff in Xcode, there are 2 ways - “manual and automatic”, the second option is easier for me. For this, we go Xcode -> Preferences -> Account, select your developer account and click View details and in the window that appears Downloads All.

But that's not all. We open Build settings of your project and select your certificates added to Xcode iOS Development and iOS Distribution

We do the same for the application.

2. Submit your app to iTunes Connect

What project name do you choose when you create it? I'm sure in most cases it's "test1" or "MyFirstProga". So, in order not to get into such a situation that I got into, you need to change the name of the project, otherwise you will not pass the test or your users in iOS will show the name “MyFirstCoolProga” (in my case, everything is not so bad, of course) . To do this, enter the correct name here:

And in the window that appears, click Rename

Now you can start sending. Compiling the project Product -> Run, send the assembly to the archive Product -> Archive. If you accidentally closed the window, you can call it like this Window - Organizer. The archive will show all your versions and builds.

Select your build that you want to send to iTunes Connect and click Validate. In the window that appears, select who to approve and click Choose.

After that, a couple more windows will appear, in the first one click Validate, and in the second Done. Also in the second window you can be told that the project has "Warnings".

And most importantly, sending to iTunes Connect. Everything is simple here, click Upload to App Store, and further actions are identical to Validate
We go to iTunes Connect, select the application (or create it, if not already), go to the desired version (or add it), if you are doing this for the first time, then the version will be 1.0. Near Assembly will " + ”, click, a window opens with your loaded assembly. True, it’s impossible to choose right away, it undergoes a preliminary check within an hour.

3. Set up iTunes Connect for a paid app

With iTunes Connect, in principle, there were no questions, except for one thing. As I wrote earlier, when a paid application passes the test, it goes into the "Pending contract" state. What to do?
In iTunes Connect, go to the "Agreements, taxes and banking" section, against both contracts (Paid and iAd), click Request Request. After that, you will be able to set up Contact info, Bank info, Tax info.

contact info

Add a contact and select it for each role.

bank info

I didn’t even think about the method of withdrawing funds, so I was not ready for such a turn of events. For the status of the application "Ready for sale" it is still necessary to fill in all the information. But I got lucky, fortunately, I did not throw away the printout of the details of my account and bank (Sberbank). In my case it was like this: I open bank info, I press Add Bank Account, choose Russia, enter the BIC of the bank in Bank Identification Code. After that, they offer to fill in the data (account number, bank TIN, full name, correspondent account, etc.), I fill everything in, it's ready! This can be called the "first time" option to launch the application in the AppStore. Details are easy to get at ATMs, for this you need a card linked to the account. And in the future, of course, it is worth opening a dollar account in a bank that does not have% for a transfer to Russia. This question was not particularly asked, but the networks recommend VTB24, Alfabank, Bank24.

Tax info

If you:

  • Developer from Russia
  • Are you going to earn on royalties (selling applications), and this can be done by an individual, without any individual entrepreneur (although pay 13% of such royalties)
  • You are not a US resident
  • Do not have a business in the USA
then, next for you.

In this case, everything is set up simply. We open Tax info, click on set up under U.S. Tax Forms (because I have already filled in, the button is shown view).

We fill in the example:

We confirm and wait, soon your application will appear in the AppStore.

That's all. Thank you for your attention!

It seems that it could be easier - to install an application from the AppStore on an iPhone! However, even during this procedure, users encounter difficulties, most often associated with the quality of mobile coverage. With the ill-fated E even downloading a simple utility weighing 10 MB turns into torment - what can we say about professional programs like iMovie. If the quality of mobile coverage leaves much to be desired, the iPhone will only make pathetic attempts to download the application, after which it will report that the download is impossible.

The described problem is very relevant for people who live on the outskirts of their cities. Fortunately, in this case, you don’t need to change the operator in order to be able to install applications on the iPhone - it is better to use the power of the stationary (wired) Internet.

There are several ways to download the application on the iPhone, and first we need to consider the simplest, but requiring a stable 3G / 4G connection - downloading directly from the "apple" device. The user is required to do the following:

Step 1. Go to the AppStore store - for this you need to click on the blue icon with the letter A.

Step 2. Enter the name of the application you are interested in into the search engine. Then click the " To find» (« Search") in the lower right corner.

You can also search for popular apps in Apple's collections and top charts. To do this, you should use the corresponding tabs in the bottom panel.

Step 3. After iPhone finds the app you're interested in in the store and offers it, tap the " Download” (for free software) or a button with a price tag (if the program costs money).

Then click on " Install» (« Install»).

Step 4. Enter password from Apple ID. If you don't have an Apple account yet, you'll need to create one. Our site also talks about how to create an account on iPhone.

The difference between iOS and Android is that when downloading programs, the owner of the iPhone will be forced to enter the Apple ID password every time. In the case of Android, this is not required.

If the password is entered correctly, in place of the button " Install» appears circular loading indicator.

In addition, you can judge how far the download process has progressed by the icon on one of the desktops.

Step 5. Wait for the download to complete. Installation of programs on the iPhone occurs automatically.

The more up-to-date the operating system installed on your iPhone, the better your chances of downloading the app. Each of the programs in the AppStore has requirements for the iOS version. For example, the popular application Periscope it is impossible to download to a gadget with the 7th “OS”, because this software requires a minimum of iOS 8.0.

You will learn that you should “upgrade” from a message like this:

How to download apps on iPhone using iTunes?

The second way to download applications is a great solution for users whose mobile Internet leaves much to be desired. You need to enable the program iTunes on a PC and already through it transfer applications to an "apple" gadget. Follow these instructions:

Step 1. Run iTunes and go to the " Programs».

Step 2. Select the " AppStore».

Step 3. In the search bar, write the name of the application you want to download. Then click Enter.

The results for the query will appear on the PC screen in two rows: " Apps for iPhone" and " Apps for iPad". In our case, we need a program for the iPhone, so we are looking for it in the first row.

Step 4. Once you find the app you want, click the " Download” located under the icon.

Step 5. Enter password from Apple ID- as mentioned above, this is a mandatory procedure. Then click " Buy».

At the speeds offered by modern wired Internet, most programs download in just a few seconds. Go to the tab " media library» - if the application is in the list, then the download was successful.

All downloaded applications are stored in the computer's memory in a folder that can be found along the path C: Users Username MusiciTunesiTunes MediaMobile Applications. The iPhone application format is . ipa.

Step 6. Connect iPhone to PC, go to the device management menu by clicking on the button with the image of a smartphone.

Step 7. Start the mobile device synchronization process and iTunes.

Once the process is complete, you will find the app on one of the iPhone desktops. If it is not there, then the copying of the program did not occur due to an insufficient version of the OS.

How to transfer programs from an Apple device to a PC and why is it needed?

You can transfer applications not only from a PC to a mobile device, but also in the opposite direction. Why should this be done? Everything is very simple: if the program is stored on a computer, you can download it to your iPhone if necessary, even in the absence of the Internet. After copying the utility to a PC, you can erase it from the memory of the mobile device so that it does not take up memory.

Transferring programs from iPhone to computer is done like this:

Step 1. Run iTunes and select the " File».

Step 2. Find the section " Devices” and click on the item “ Move purchases from iPhone» in the menu that opens.

Synchronization will begin, after which all programs will be saved on the computer's hard drive.

How to download apps on iPhone through third-party file managers?

You can copy applications to iPhone not only through iTunes, but also with the help of third-party file managers, which have a number of advantages over the official media combine:

  • No jailbreak or internet connection required.
  • They don't sync.
  • Provide high speed data exchange.

Traditionally, two utilities are given as an example: iFunBox and iTools. We will look at how to transfer applications, using the first example - you can download it:

Step 1. Download the desired program from the AppStore on your PC and run iFunBox.

Step 2. Connect your smartphone to the computer via a USB cable and make sure that the utility recognizes the device. The top panel should contain the name of the "apple" gadget and its modification.

Step 3. Click on the button " Install the application”And through the explorer, find the program you want to transfer on the PC hard drive.

Then click " Open". This will start the data transfer process, the progress of which can be monitored using the indicator at the bottom of the utility window.

Upon completion of the process, you will see a report that will show how many applications were installed successfully.

Please note that developers iFunBox do not recommend downloading applications through their program, the weight of which exceeds 1 GB. There is a high risk that such an application will crash immediately after the initial splash screen.

How to download and install a tweak on a jailbroken iPhone?

Jailbroken iPhone owners should be aware that tweaks, unlike apps from the AppStore, are not in the format ipa, a deb. Tweaks should be downloaded in the store Cydia- an "underground" alternative to the AppStore.


How to proceed if you need to download a tweak?

Step 1. Add the repository from which you intend to download the application. This is done through the button Sources».


Please note that the list on the right shows the most popular repositories - in particular, bigboss and ModMyi. To add another to the list, click " Edit", then " Add».

Step 2. Enter the name of the tweak you are interested in in the search box and wait for the search results.

Step 3. Once you find the tweak you want, click on it. A page representing the application will open - here you should click on the button " Install».


It remains only to wait for the download to complete. As you can see, the only difference between the procedures for downloading tweaks and official applications is the need to add repositories when using Cydia.

iFunBox and iTools can also be used to download tweaks on the iPhone. Another interesting application that can act as an intermediary is iFile. With such a utility on a mobile device, it is not even necessary to have a computer at hand. Can be downloaded deb-pack through any browser on iPhone – iFile takes care of turning such a set of documents into an application.


iPhone users constantly complain about the lack of memory, but at the same time they continue to install applications, the importance of which, to put it mildly, is doubtful. Solving the memory problem is actually simple: it is recommended to transfer all the programs that are stored on the smartphone “for a rainy day” and are not used regularly to the PC. For a computer hard drive, the space occupied by applications for the iPhone is a drop in the ocean. The mobile device itself will “breathe” much easier.

The field of computer technology is developing rapidly. In order to make a fortune, it is no longer necessary to work around the clock - it is enough to come up with an interesting idea, assemble a team of developers, create an application for IOS and put it on the App Store.

Perspectives on creating and publishing iOS apps

No matter how young developers cherish their hopes, there is little that is pleasant in the application market. Of the many projects, not many become popular. One outstanding American company, Epp Promo, conducted a market research and got the following results: the majority of the app creators surveyed said that 60% of games do not make money at all, and 82% say that they cannot support themselves with this business. Therefore, they have to work somewhere else.

Apple claims that their platform is a good place for this kind of earnings, but in fact things are different. In order to earn money (well, or at least not go into the red), you need to get into the Top 100 or Top 200. Other developers explain this phenomenon by saying that people will simply be too lazy to scroll far down in order to find the product you offer. If you are not afraid of the above and you still want to create your own application - go ahead.

How to create an iOS app and submit it to the App Store

Let's figure out what needs to be done to get the application and start earning on it.

How to install the Xcode development environment

  1. The first step is to install the X code development environment. With the help of this program, all possible applications on IOS are created. You can get the child of apple makers on their official website, but there is one point: you can only download the application on a poppy, since there are no working versions on Windows and Linux.
  2. Download the application for working with word documents. The text editors JEdit and TextMate are very suitable here. Surely you ask, “why should I download something if I have a notepad?”. The answer to this question is very simple - when working with a huge amount of code, nothing should distract you. Everything should be aimed at improving your performance, and not vice versa.

    3. Download a graphics program. For any developer, an illustration of his game is important: characters, the world around him, various objects, and so on. When creating this kind of thing, the DrawBerry program will help you. If you are doing this business for the first time, it will suit you. Of course, this is not the only application that can be used in this way - there are also CorelDraw, Xara Designer, Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator.

    4. Learn Objective-C. All games for apple devices are written in this language. It is responsible for working with various objects and data. As you might have guessed, Objective C is close to the languages ​​of the C group. If you have experience programming in Java or C, a primitive study of this language will be enough.

    5. Consider hiring third party developers. If you are not computer savvy at all or can’t draw, but you want to make money on this venture, attract freelancers who understand programming. For a fixed fee, they will quickly and efficiently do the work for you and make a game that will bring you profit. Take advantage of sites like E lance and o Desk - the developers here are jack-of-all-trades.

Creating an application in Xcode

  1. How to create a new project. We open the application. Next, select the “file” menu and click on “create a new file”. Click on the application (application) under "ios" on the left in the window. Let's go to the template section. Click on the empty application (Empty Application).

    2. Create a storyboard. The Storyboard is responsible for displaying application screens in your program. Storyboards display what is on each individual window and show how they interact. This thing makes it possible to work out your game well. Next, do the following: Select File, then New, then File. Next, click on "User Interface". Click on the storyboard, select "next". In the device menu, you need to select the device for which your program is intended. In my case - I phone. We name the object "Main".

    3. Assign a storyboard to your project. Now we assign the storyboard as the main interface of our program. If everything is done correctly, the storyboard will be available immediately when we launch our program. Here's how to proceed: select the name of your file in the tab on the left, click targets and select your project from this header. Go to the Generals menu and select Deployments Infos. In the Main Interface, enter Main.Storyboard and move on to the next step.

    4. Adding the first screen. For this we need a view controller. With the help of them we will be able to generate an approximate view of the application. Initially, you can explore the view controllers and choose from several presets. If suddenly you are a teapot in this business, then it is better, of course, to choose from the existing ones. Thus, we will see how the application will look in the hands of an ordinary user. Select "Mains Storyboards". Find Object Library. At the bottom of the right side, you can select this same Object Library. On the right, you will see a window that appears, which is called the canvas. Drag the "Views Controller" there. When the user launches the application, he will see a loading window. Congratulations!

    5. Adding objects to our screen. After selecting a view controller, you can add objects to your application. They can be found in the same Object Library. This library can be found inside the view controller.

    6. Change the added objects. With the help of simple tools, you have the opportunity to change the interface, which will give the application beauty and personality. In addition, you can add hint text for the user to help them understand the game. You can also change the size of objects, the text font, and so on.

    7. Adding additional screens. Your app can't be single screen - it just doesn't make sense. Therefore, you will need to create them yourself. This is done extremely simply - the view controller on an empty part of the screen.

    8. Activate "Navigation Controller". We will use this feature to move between multiple windows. Achieved with the Navigation Controller. Navigation Bar is added at the top of the program. Remember, the Navigation Controller is added strictly to the home screen to control movement through all other windows. To do this, select the boot screen. Click on editor, then on Embed In, then click on Navigation controller. After the steps have been taken, a navigation bar appears.

    9. Adding the Navigation Controller functionality. Once the navigation menu has been created, tools must be added to it. With this feature, the user will be able to "move" through the application from one place to another. We propose to add standard functionality. Add a title (to do this, open the Navigation Item, and then the Attributes Inspector, after which we enter the title), a Navigation button and provide properties to the buttons.

    10. Associate the screen with the button. To link buttons, press ctrl, and then drag them to the next screen. The Action Segue item with the available options will pop up shortly. Select "Push" to move through the windows.

    11. Using the above steps, you can create a program with very primitive functionality and interface. If you still want to create a really interesting application with the ability to process data, learn the Objective C language.

How to test the created application

  1. Let's start the IOS simulator. X Code comes preinstalled with a feature that allows you to test your applications with emulators. To start, click "Debugs and Simulator" at the top of the window and click on the device we need.
  2. To function properly, the application, like any other coding program, must be compiled. To do this, click on the green “play” button, which is called “build” here. When the program is compiled, our simulator will open. This step has been completed.
  3. We check the program on your device. This process is very simple - we connect the apple phone to the computer via a usb cable and in the "Device & Debug" window that pops up, click on it. After some time, the program will start on your phone.
  4. Let's look for errors. If you did everything right, the application will launch safely and function perfectly. But it also happens that the application crashes. When falling, errors usually fly out. All you need to do with them is google, find a solution to the problem on the Internet and fix it.
  5. You need to determine the amount of memory used. Since the iPhone does not have a lot of memory, every time after using the application, the memory will need to be freed. The iPhone SDK tool will help you with this.

How to publish

  1. Create a Distribution collection. Next, select Build. In the Finder application, look for the "Release-iphones" folder. Here will be your program that needs to be archived.
  2. Open iTunes Connect. If you have not done something to the end, they will write about it from above. Once you're done, you'll need to fill in your banking and tax information.
  3. Fill in the information about your application. Select "Manage Application" and "Add New Application". Enter the name, ID Budle and SKU number.
  4. We upload our program to the Apple Store. Select "Ready To Upload Binary", download the Application Uploader Tool. Using it, we upload the application to the AppStore.
  5. We are waiting for verification.

Possible problems and solutions

During the review process, your application may not pass due to the fact that it does not pass the initial tests. In this case, Apple will send you possible solutions to problems related to the operation of the program. Listen to them and submit the application for review again.

Don't forget to follow the sales. You can do this using iTunes Connect Mobile. Apple will periodically send you notifications with sales analytics, but it will not be superfluous to follow up on your own. Good luck and great sales!

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