How to care for a money tree at home. The birthplace of the money tree plant A short message about the money tree flower

The money tree, also known as the tree of happiness, love and prosperity, is quite often found on the windowsills of houses and apartments. The popularity of the plant is largely due to its unpretentiousness and the belief that this tree attracts good luck, prosperity and well-being to the house.

Homeland of the fat woman plant

In the world today there are about 300 species of this amazing plant that grows in various parts of the world, including in artificial home conditions. However, the homeland of the houseplant is South Africa, or rather, its western part, where it grows in a very significant amount in natural conditions.

Until recently, it was believed that only South Africa was the birthplace of the flower, but several decades ago, scientists found that some of the species first appeared in Madagascar. As for the habitual houseplant of the money tree, its homeland of origin is South Africa, from where the crassula spread, first to North America and Asian countries, and then further.

Why is Crassula called the money tree?

Crassula arborescens or, popularly known by the names: money tree, crassula, tree of love and happiness, monkey tree, African money tree, tree of well-being and good luck. The most popular and well-known name is the "money tree".

The fat woman received such an unusual name because its thick, rounded leaves look like coins in appearance.

People have long believed that if a fat woman is settled in a house, then luck, happiness and prosperity will enter it. The money tree is able to eliminate negative energy and attract all that is good. For the first time such a concept appeared in ancient China, during the reign of the Han Empire.

During this period, there was a legend about a special solar tree, which had golden coins instead of leaves.

According to legend, in order to get to heaven and see this tree, a person had to always be generous during his lifetime. During the excavations of the tombs of the rulers of this dynasty, many adornments in the form of a fat woman made of faience and bronze were found.

What does a fat woman look like in nature

The homeland of this group of plants is Africa, in the tropical latitudes of which there are many species of fat woman, represented not only by tall trees with a thick massive trunk, but also by shrubs, semi-shrubs, as well as herbaceous creeping plants and even aquatic crops.

Some representatives require a dry and sunny climate, therefore it grows on high hills, closer to the sun. The other part, related to ground-blood and ampelous crops, grows under natural conditions mainly in a tropical climate.

Some species require a humid environment and grow with pleasure in swampy lowlands and on the banks of water bodies.

A domestic small tree with a thick and short trunk, in nature, in its homeland, reaches a huge size and a height of about 3 meters, while it has a very wide and spreading crown.

How to identify Crassula by appearance

The fat woman plant or its other name is the money tree, whose homeland is Africa, like any other plant, has a number of distinctive features, consisting in the structure of the root system, the features of the trunk, crown and leaves, in the appearance of flowers. The tree belongs to evergreens, therefore it pleases with its beauty throughout the year, especially with proper care and optimal growing conditions.


In many ways, the trunk of this plant, whose homeland is Africa, is similar to the trunk of real trees. It is covered with a thin bark, which is a fairly dense shell, it is distinguished by a considerable thickness, a powerful appearance, especially in undersized specimens with a pinched growth point.

A considerable number of winding branches always depart from the trunk of a fat man, forming a lush crown. The height of the trunk during indoor cultivation, in the event that the young plant did not pinch the growth point, can be up to 1 meter, and sometimes more, depending on the age of the tree. The thickness of the trunk is generally in the range of 1.5 to 4 cm in diameter.


In large trees growing in the homeland of the plant, the shape of the crown may be different, depending on the location of the plant and the general thickening of the colony. In free-standing specimens, the crown is usually spherical or slightly flattened. At home, the crassula crown can be formed independently, removing excess shoots and giving the desired look.

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In order for young plants to branch strongly and form a lush beautiful crown, it is necessary to plant them in pots and planters one at a time, and pinch the growth shoot at the desired height in a timely manner.


Even in his homeland, the leaves of the plant are often compared to coins. Crassula leaves are thick, have very juicy pulp, saturated with moisture. They are located oppositely, and often grow together in pairs at the points of exit from the branches.

The appearance of the leaves may be different, depending on the type of fat woman.

In some plants, the edge of the leaflet is absolutely even (they are called whole-edge), and in the other part, there are small teeth along the edge of the leaves (cartilaginous-toothed type). The color of the leaves can be different, from light green with a silvery or bluish tint to dark green with a burgundy-red edge.

Some of the leaves on the wrong side may have reddish spots.

Their width is from 1.5 to 2 cm, and the length is 2 - 3 cm. In some types of fat woman, the length of the leaves is about 5 - 7 cm, but at the same time their width is much larger. On average, the difference between the length of a leaf and its width is usually about 1 cm.

root system

Crassula roots are under the soil surface, have a fibrous type, and are far from always able to maintain the balance of an adult plant. Therefore, in the homeland of the fat woman, you can see fallen trees, the branches of which have grown to the soil and gave new trunks, forming dense thickets.

At home, in order to avoid tipping the pot with a heavy crown, it is necessary to choose a wide and heavy, best of all ceramic container for planting, on the bottom of which, along with drainage, you can put a broken brick.

And so that the crown does not outweigh the plant itself and does not provoke its separation from the soil, an adult fat woman may need supports.

For the same reason, you can not sharply turn the plant, shake it, move it from place to place. The horses of the tree are very thin and weak, they are very sensitive and vulnerable, therefore they can be easily damaged by any inaccurate action.


The money tree in nature blooms very profusely, covered with small flowers that have a pure white color, but sometimes the shade of the flowers can be pinkish or greenish. The diameter of one flower does not exceed 1 cm.

Their aroma is quite intense and is stable. It is dominated by sweet, and sometimes very sugary notes.

However, the first flowers can only be seen on a tree that is 10 years old. After flowering, in place of inflorescences collected in semi-umbrellas, seeds are formed from which new plants can be grown.

The flowering period is usually about 3 months, but if the tree is in a very hot place, then these terms can be reduced by half. With proper care, the fat woman blooms every year at the end of autumn. In case of violation of the conditions of maintenance, the interval between flowering can increase up to 5 years.

Proper plant care indoors

The homeland of the plant is distinguished by a special climate and natural conditions, due to which the trees are endowed not only with unpretentiousness, but also with a significant degree of endurance. In fact, the fat woman does not require special growing conditions.

However, Crassula loves the sun very much, so it is best to place the pot in a sunny place.

The money tree perfectly tolerates direct sunlight, but in the hot summer it is still recommended to protect it from them, especially those passing through glass. For this reason, it is recommended to hang light tulle curtains on the window, or temporarily remove the plant from the windowsill by placing it on the nightstand by the window to prevent burns on the leaves.

Since the homeland of the money tree is Africa, where the climate is mostly arid, the plant does not need frequent and plentiful watering. In addition, abundant watering is dangerous for the plant, as it can lead to decay of sensitive roots.

For this reason, it is very important not to overmoisten the earthen clod and to water only when about 2/3 of the total amount of soil dries out in the pot. Complete drying must also be avoided.

The plant does not need to be sprayed. In addition, do not wipe its leaves from dust with a damp cloth or cotton pad. Such a procedure will damage the protective wax coating on the surface of the leaves.

It is best to clean the money tree from dust with a soft warm shower, tilting the pot over a tub or sink to prevent water from getting on the roots. You need to carry out this procedure every month.

Why doesn't Crassula bloom?

If in the homeland of a fat woman its flowering can be observed quite often, then at home, few have seen such a miracle. Only an adult plant, whose age is at least 10 years, is capable of flowering.

If even at this age the fat woman did not bloom, it is necessary to reconsider the conditions of its maintenance. The main reason is often incorrect or too plentiful watering. Experienced flower growers recommend leaving the tree without watering for 7 to 10 days to stimulate flowering, after which give it water in very small quantities.

With an excess of moisture, Crassula is not able to form flowers, because in her homeland it rains so rarely.

At night in the summer, you can take out the fat woman on the balcony allowing her to breathe cool air. With the onset of late autumn, it is best to lower the temperature to 12 - 15 degrees and not water the plant more than once a month.

You do not need to replant the money tree too often. In order for the fat woman to bloom, its roots must be cramped in a pot. In addition, to stimulate flowering, it is recommended to cancel top dressing, because at home no one contributes nutrients to Crassula.

At home, in Africa, in adult plants, the trunk can have a very impressive thickness, since the older the tree, the more massive the trunk becomes, and its surface is covered with dense bark.

The crown also thickens with age. At home, the trunk is covered only with a dense film. The fat woman in the house is an indicator of energy, since the state of people living in a certain room is reflected on the plant.

If a person is sick, then the leaves of Crassula draw in sick energy and a negative atmosphere, as a result of which the tree also begins to hurt.

His trunk may begin to dry, branches and leaves may fall off. However, after the owner of the plant recovers, the fat woman will also quickly restore her strength. Therefore, in the people this tree is called an indicator of health. In the homeland of the fat woman, in Africa, it is customary to give sick people a money tree with wishes for recovery.

In addition, the fat woman is able to filter the air in the room, cleaning it from many contaminants.

As a result, the presence of this tree in the house not only attracts good luck and prosperity, but also helps to improve people's health and influence their well-being.

The leaves of the money tree are able to absorb various odors., so many people put these plants in the kitchen so that they absorb the smells of cooking food. However, such placement leads to rapid death of plants due to constant high humidity.

Signs and rituals associated with a fat woman

Of course, the main sign, known in the homeland of this plant, is that the money tree is able to attract good luck in financial affairs, prosperity and luck in everything to a person. In many countries, Crassula is planted in the house in order to attract money into it and get rid of want.

For the same purpose, in the homeland of a fat woman, she is planted next to the dwelling, in the yard, and often not in the singular.

However, in order for the plant in the house to bring wealth to its owners, it must be properly placed, which helps Feng Shui. According to this ancient teaching, only plants with large and thick rounded leaves, located in a special “wealth zone”, that is, on the southeast side, are capable of bringing prosperity to the house.

After the correct placement of the tree, it must be surrounded by care and love so that the fat woman will respond in kind and bring the expected result.

It is very important to personally plant the plants and take care of them yourself. When planting in the ground, it is recommended to bury a few coins. And, according to popular belief, a sprout of a fat woman for planting in order to attract money must be stolen.

When the young plant grows a little, it is recommended to tie a wide red satin ribbon on its trunk to further attract good luck in money matters.

Crassula (popular name "money tree") is a genus of African succulent (accumulating water in leaves and stems) plants from the family of the same name. She has a different homeland - in addition to African countries, these plants are found in Saudi Arabia, Yemen and some other tropical and subtropical countries. Fat women are interesting for botanists because they have a special metabolism. The scientific name of the fat woman is Crassula..

Crassula Ovata

Where does the money tree come from? Its evolution took place in the hot climate of the Southern Hemisphere, which gradually became drier and more continental. From there, plants from this genus spread to the tropical zones of Asia and North America. The history of its origin is inaccurate.

Man met this plant in South Africa or in the territory of modern Yemen, and then in the southern part of North America (Mexico, Nicaragua, etc.).

Crassula got its more common name (money tree) thanks to resemblance of leaves to coins. This happened in the Middle East, because it was there that round points were invented, and several types of Crassulaceae grow there. In addition, among the Semitic peoples and their neighbors, legends are widespread in which the symbol of the Tree appears.

large crassula leaves

At the same time, there is a version that attributes the identification of a fat woman with money and wealth to the Chinese during the Han Dynasty. However, the Chinese, most likely, simply borrowed this image from their western neighbors, since both the fat girl and the round shape of the coins do not come from their country.

In Russian, it can be called "fat woman" due to the fact that her leaves and stems are thick and fleshy(because they accumulate moisture). The name spread to the entire Tolstyankov family, which also includes stonecrop, Kalanchoe and other plants.

The Latin name crassula (crassula) is also associated with the thickness of the stems and leaves, because crassus in Latin is “thick”.

How to identify Crassula by appearance - description of a flower

A fat woman can be easily recognized without resorting to any determinants and reference books. To do this, it is enough to know its characteristic features and their correct description:

Height The height of the crassula bush is quite large for an indoor flower - several decimeters. In rare cases (usually when grown in a greenhouse), it reaches a full meter.
Leaves The leaves are dark green, waxy, rounded or oblong. The underside of the leaf may be reddish or purple.
flowers The flowers are small, usually whitish and inconspicuous. There are varieties with bright colors, for example, Crassula Falcata with large bright red inflorescences.
Stem The stems are very thick, inside they contain a large amount of water, like an aloe leaf. The surface is vaguely similar to the bark of a tree, and the shape of the shoot is tree-like, but branches break very easily.

Large domestic fat woman

There are varieties with an unusual shape or color of leaves. The arrangement of the leaves is opposite, in some species - rosette.

The measles system is shallow, weak, there are no additional (aerial, etc.) roots.

What can this houseplant be called not scientifically

Crassula has several names:

  • fat woman
  • Crassula
  • Money Tree
  • tree of happiness
  • good luck tree
  • coin tree
  • Zhiryanka

In fact, this is the same plant, crassula. Just fat woman and fat woman - translations of the Latin name into Russian, and the rest of the options are folk names that arose in ancient times due to the coin-like shape of the leaves.

How not to get confused in the names and correctly identify the fat girl

In order not to get confused in the varieties of plants, it is customary in botany to give specific epithets, for example, the fat woman is oval (it is also ovoid). Crassula oval, Zhiryanka oval and Crassula oval (Crassula ovata), thus, different names for the same plant. But the tree fat woman is already another plant, related to the oval fat woman.

Inside each kind of fat woman there may be subspecies and varieties. They usually have pretty, commercially-friendly names like sunset.

Thus, fat women - desert plants, found mainly in Africa, less often in America and Asia. They accumulate a large amount of water in the stems and leaves, which is then economically spent during the dry season. Characterized by a peculiar, usually tree-like, shape, wax-covered leaves, rarely bloom.

Some fat women have small round leaves, which is why they began to be called "money trees" in ancient times.

Reading: 2 minutes

Crassula(scientific name Money tree) is a large, highly branched flowering shrub. It has been grown as a domestic ornamental plant in Europe, North America, East Asia and virtually the rest of the world for over a hundred years.

The popularity of this decorative flower is primarily due to the ease of its reproduction and unpretentiousness. It is this feature that has allowed it to spread in the wild and even be considered a weed in some areas. Let's find out where does this wonderful succulent grow from the Tolstyankov family.

Country of origin: where the flower Crassula comes from

We will not torment you for a long time and say that the genus Crassula has more than 300 species. Approximately half of them are found in southern Africa. It is this region that is the birthplace of the plant:

South Africa

However, that's not all, wild Crassula is also found in other regions of the globe.

Where else does Crassula live and grow in the wild?

The money tree is adventive ( newcomer) in Spain. Individual specimens are also observed wild in New Zealand, Australia and Mexico. However, the most well-documented representatives of Crassula are specimens from the United States.

Thickets of wild Crassula. Photo used as an illustration. Source: Yandex.Pictures

Although not listed as a California weed pest, the plant is naturalized in coastal areas and canyons near urban areas in Southern California. Also, some species of Crassids have been found in areas of San Francisco, Northern California, as well as in Los Angeles County and southern San Diego.

The difference between a wild plant and a domestic indoor plant

In its natural habitat, the Crassula is a large, highly branched rounded evergreen shrub. Unlike domestic counterparts, the flower reaches a height of 1-1.5 meters, but sometimes grows up to 5 meters!

The wild counterparts of the Crassula are larger in size. Photo used as an illustration.

Crassula has many names. They call her fat woman, money tree or monkey tree, tree of love or happiness. The plant belongs to the Crassula family and the Crassula genus, which has about 300 money trees.

Homeland of Crassula

A decorative leafy plant native to Africa - the arid tropics of the South and Southwest, Madagascar and South Arabia. Therefore, when choosing a place for a flower, choose the most warm and sunny side apartments.

Why is a fat woman called a money tree?

The money tree is the name of certain species of Krasulla, which have round leaves that have coin shape. This concept arose in connection with the legend of the Solar Tree, which says that you can find yourself in paradise if you show generosity in earthly life.

The name was first introduced by the Chinese during the Han Empire. Evidence is the excavated tomb of the emperor of this dynasty, decorated with a bronze and faience jade.


Among the plant varieties there are common signs characteristic of a fat woman is the appearance of the trunk, the shape of the leaves and crown, the device of the root system and the characteristics of flowering.


It resembles a real tree - the same powerful, winding and covered with a dense shell - bark. A significant number of branches depart from the trunk of the plant.

When kept indoors, the trunk of happiness reaches a height of one to two meters. The diameter of the trunk can be 1.5 to 3 cm(in a fat woman of respectable age).


The foliage of the monkey is thick, the leaves are opposite, often fused at the point of exit from the branch. According to the species characteristics, the leaves can be called entire and cartilaginous-toothed. They are painted in different colors - from green to silver or dark green. On the surface, the foliage is distinguished by a matte sheen and a prominent red border, or reddish spots on the wrong side of the leaf. Their shape is rounded, and the leaves themselves are fleshy and dense, densely planted on a branch. Their length usually ranges from 2-3 cm, and width - up to 1,5-2 cm.


In the classic version, it has a tree-like appearance and a spherical shape. In order for it to be lush and thick, Crassula is planted with no more than one sprout in a flowerpot. Then the plant will branch well.

The formation of the correct crown is achieved by its pinching.

root system

The roots are not able to keep the balance of a large plant, so pot will have to acquire deep and heavy commensurate with the dimensions of the flower.

The root system of Crassula is superficial and shallow, so it must be handled with extreme care. The roots of the fat woman are very vulnerable and sensitive.


With proper care, it blooms very profusely. The flowers of the fat woman are delicate, delicate and small - up to 1 cm, light(white, white-pink or white-green). They exude an aroma with sweetish and sugary notes, extremely persistent.

Blooms at the age of ten. Seeds are not formed. The flowers are collected in semi-umbrellas.

The flowering period lasts up to 2-3 months, with the exception of the plant being in a place with an excess of heat - this is fraught with a reduction in the fragrance of flowers.

A fat woman can bloom annually or at intervals of five years - it all depends on the correct care of her.

Flowering usually begins in late autumn or in the winter months, but there are times when this occurs in the spring. Crassula sometimes flowers after it has survived a week. droughts.

Fat woman in nature

It is represented by aquatic plants, creeping herbaceous species and tree-like shrubs. Basically money trees grow in tropical latitudes African continent.

A photo

See more photos of the fat woman:

This culture is considered the most popular talisman, which has the ability to attract wealth and prosperity to the house. Many home plant lovers acquire such a “pet” that has fleshy leaves, somewhat similar to coins. The flower has two more names: Crassula or Crassula. It also has medicinal properties - its leaves are used to treat nail fungus.

Scientific name of the money tree

If we talk about the scientific name, then in Latin it sounds like Crassula, the plant itself is a representative of the Crassula family. This includes 300-350 different species whose habitat is in South Africa.

money tree appearance

Also, some plants are common in Tropical Africa, Madagascar and the Arabian Peninsula.

Helpful advice. Every month it is recommended to wipe the leaves of the tree from dust. The plant loves this procedure very much. Some owners even arrange a warm water shower for the flower, but be sure to cover the potting soil with a plastic bag or film so that excess moisture does not damage the root system.

The plant is very famous among lovers of indoor flowers. In principle, it doesn’t matter what you call it: Crassula or Crassula, it’s all one plant. Further material will be of interest to those who have not yet dealt with such a flower, but only want to purchase it.

Description of the flower money tree

It is worth moving on to the appearance of the plant itself. Crassula, otherwise it can be called a fat woman, is a succulent, i.e. a plant capable of surviving in a dry area by creating a supply of fluid in the leaves. There is indeed a large amount of water in the thick leaves of a house tree.

Crassula or Crassula

The Tolstyankovye family includes approximately 350 varieties of similar plants. Some of them have a very small height of about 5 cm, others grow up to 3 meters. There are creeping and aquatic representatives, all of them are united by leaves of impressive thickness. Their shape depends on the cultivar, there are plants with leaf plates:

  • oval;
  • cylinder;
  • rhombus;
  • lanceolate form.

Most often, a money tree located at home or in an office looks like a tree with a thick stem. The older the flower, the thicker its trunk.

Leaf plates are interesting not only for their diverse shape, but also for their color variations: from the usual bright green to silver or even spotty.

How does a money tree grow in nature

Under natural conditions, the plant reaches 1-2 meters in height, its trunk is about 30 cm thick. The leaves are small in size, have the shape of an ellipse, the color of the plates is bright emerald, in some species there may be a red border around the perimeter. For domestic species of the money tree, flowering is uncharacteristic, but if such a rare occurrence occurs, then small white flowers appear, collected in inflorescences - umbrellas. The birthplace of the tree is in the Transvaal. This plant is also called ovata.

money tree in nature

Purslane crassula is a variety of the previous plant. Its trunk and branches are covered with aerial roots. Initially, they are white in color, gradually darken. Flowering for such a plant is very rare, it falls on a mature age. The flowers are small, collected in a paniculate inflorescence. The petals are white and pink.

How to grow a big money tree

Under natural conditions, there are only a few varieties of plants that can reach a large size. If the owner of home flowers set out to grow a giant crassula, it is recommended to follow the following recommendations:

An important point. Before planting a large fat woman, you need to take care of the presence of heavy drainage at the bottom of the pot. Otherwise, due to the severity of the crown, the tree will simply fall.

How long does a money tree live

Growing conditions directly affect the length of life. If a suitable microclimate is created for the money tree, then it will grow for decades and successfully increase in size. There are representatives of the family and fifty years of age, the question is, will the owner have enough patience for such a long care?


The most popular type of fat woman is oval, it includes varieties in large quantities. Leaf blades are 6 cm long and 3 cm wide. There is no petiole, the plate itself is attached to the stem.

The color of the leaves can be rich green or have a silvery sheen, their edges are decorated with a red border. The flowers of the oval fat woman are pink or white. The main advantage of this variety is considered undemanding to care.

Tree Crassula

In height, the tree can reach 1.5 meters in height. The leaf plates are gray in color, also framed with a red border. The leaves are about 9 cm long and 4 cm wide.

Crassula arborescens

The flowers are white in color, with time it becomes pink. It is recommended to place the tree representative on the western or eastern window.

Fat Schmidt

The leaves are lanceolate in shape with pointed tips. The upper part of the leaf is silver-green, the reverse is red. The flowers of the shrub are also red. This variety is popular in European countries; as an annual plant, it is planted every season.

Crassula Schmidt flowering

On a note. The direct sunlight on the flower leads to the fact that redness, wilting and fall of foliage begin. In the summer, it is recommended to move the plant to the balcony, with the onset of cold weather, put it on the windowsill facing south.

Lycopsus Crassula

The plant is the owner of fleshy, narrow leaves with a point similar to scales. The color of the flowers is yellow, but the culture is valued for the original branches hanging from the pot as they grow.

Lycopsoid variety

In height, the fat woman grows up to 25 cm. Some indoor flower lovers plant it in the same container with other succulents to get very beautiful compositions. Care for this variety is simple, because. the plant is unpretentious. Life span over 10 years. Reproduction occurs both by leaves and cuttings.

rock crassula

It is a representative of creeping plants reaching a height of 0.5 m. The stems are thin, with small thick leaves, decorated with a red border.


Flowers can be pinkish or yellow in color.

dot fat woman

It is a shrub with leaf blades located close to the stem. The ovoid leaves themselves are pointed at the top. In color, they are greenish, there is a silvery tint and dots of dark color. Blooming culture will be white flowers.

Dot Crassula

Good to know. With the onset of cold weather, the money tree goes into a state of rest, for this period it is recommended to put it in a room where the temperature is about + 5 ° C. Watering is carried out every 20 days.

Purslane Crassula

It has bright glossy green leaves in the shape of an ellipse with a thickening in the middle and a thinner part from the edges. As the shoots begin to develop, they become thicker. In height, such a plant can reach 2 meters.


Fat Cooper

Especially interesting are the shoots of this plant. The lower part is characterized by vertical growth, the upper part is inclined downward. The more they (shoots) grow, the more they press against the ground. The leaves of the flower are elongated, with specks of red, which gives the culture a very elegant look.

Fat Cooper

Caring for her is as easy as for the rest of the family.


It is not recommended to plant a home crop in open soil. If the weather is good, you can take the pot to fresh air. Such a procedure will have a beneficial effect on the well-being of the plant.

Worth knowing! Being on the street, in the fresh air, often ends up with aphids attacking the money tree. In order to recognize the problem in time and start fighting harmful insects, it is necessary to periodically inspect the culture.

Despite the fact that Crassula has rather harsh living conditions at home, there are some aspects that you should know in order to grow a healthy flower in your home. Money tree care at home:

  • The fat woman loves light, but the plant does not like direct sunlight. To provide the flower with diffused lighting, it is recommended to place the tree on a stand or shelf under the window. In the summer, you should think about shading the windows (especially for the south and south-west windows). On the north side, the plant is placed directly on the windowsill;
  • Dry air is not a problem for succulents; due to frequent changes in humidity, various diseases can develop. The plant is difficult to adapt to frequently changing conditions;
  • Adult crassula has a negative attitude to transplants, therefore, if there are no vital indications, the plant is best left alone;
  • Excessive watering leads to decay of the root system, which ends with the death of the flower. In spring and summer, the culture is watered once a week. Water is used soft, settled, at room temperature;
  • Frequent fertilizing should also be avoided. The plant will have enough that it will be fertilized every six months;
  • Contraindication - drafts, they provoke the disease. If during the winter period it is necessary to ventilate the room, then it is recommended to take the flower out of the room for this time or cover it. Prolonged exposure to cold air leads to the fact that the leaves begin to crumble from the culture.

On a note. The mealybug is not averse to settling on a money tree, which will bring great trouble to both the plant itself and its owner. Periodic flower inspections and preventive measures will help to avoid this. If, nevertheless, harmful insects were found, then you will have to use insecticidal agents to treat the plant.

Content temperature

For spring and summer, the optimal temperature for Crassula is + 20-25 ° С. With the onset of suitable weather conditions, it is recommended to take the flower out onto the street or balcony, because. the tree does not respond well to the lack of fresh air.


In winter, the most comfortable mode is +15°C and below, but not less than +4°C. If you organize a wintering for a money tree at room temperature, then you may encounter such unpleasant moments as wilting and falling leaves. Putting a pot next to a central heating battery is not recommended.

The unpretentiousness of the fat woman makes the money tree a favorite of many flower growers. If all care recommendations are followed, the plant will look great, please the owner for decades, and it will not need treatment.

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