Raw food diet - the path to recovery or life from hand to mouth? Where and how to start a raw food diet. Recipes for raw foodists Best age to go raw

How to smoothly switch to a raw food diet without harm to health, as well as types of raw food diet, basic rules for product compatibility and contraindications, recipes and menus for the week.

The transition to natural plant foods leads to a serious restructuring of the body, which reacts to changes in different ways. For some, the transition to a raw food diet is easy. Someone is faced with health problems, because over the years of malnutrition, he managed to acquire diseases. Therefore, novice raw foodists need to know as much as possible about this nutrition system, adhere to the principles of the correct transition to plant foods.

The essence of the raw food diet

Diseases are a deviation from the norm, attempts by the body to remove toxins and, a signal of the need to change lifestyle. The norm is absolute health, the foundation of which is a raw food diet. The absence of heat treatment allows you to get rid of most health problems.

A raw food diet is not just proper nutrition, it is also the ideology of a healthy lifestyle. After all, the transition to natural food changes not only the state of the body, but also thinking, perception of life and its essence. The foods used by the raw foodist are all that grow naturally:

  • fresh vegetables, fruits;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • seeds;
  • nuts.

In its raw form, these products contain all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, providing a person with good nutrition. The transition to a raw food diet allows you to:

  • cleanse the body of deposits of toxins and toxins;
  • lose weight;
  • improve the condition of the skin, as well as the whole body;
  • switch to a healthy lifestyle.

Types of raw food diet

Each organism is individual, so there can be no general scheme for all raw food diets. You need to choose the most suitable option for yourself by trying different types of power supply system.


This is the most suitable type of raw food diet for beginners. It is allowed to eat vegetable food without heat treatment, heating temperature up to 40 degrees is allowed. Products in the diet of a classic raw foodist:

  • fresh fruits;
  • vegetable salads;
  • cold pressed oil;
  • nuts;
  • natural sea salt;
  • palm sugar;
  • spices.

This type of raw food diet allows you to cook many different dishes, simply replacing the usual unhealthy goodies with more healthy ones.


This type of raw food diet, founded by Douglas Graham, is usually used after the classical one. The diet is based on the principle: 80% carbohydrates, 10% fats, 10% proteins. In his opinion, excess weight is not affected by calories, but by eating nonspecific foods high in fat. Eating only fruits and berries provides the body with a sufficient amount of calories. The right carbohydrates give the body "clean" energy, and fiber contributes to the effective removal of toxins.

Semi-raw food

Fruitarianism is at the heart of this method. At the same time, once a week or once a day, it is allowed to eat dishes from rice, potatoes, baked vegetables. But they need to be prepared without salt, oil, chemical additives and consumed separately from fruits. This raw food system allows you to stay alert, in excellent physical shape, cook vegan dishes and not avoid dinners with friends.

Raw food

The raw-mono diet is eating one type of fruit at a time without limiting its quantity. Breakfast can only consist of bananas or watermelon. This speeds up the digestion process as much as possible, allows the body to cleanse itself of toxins. But it is quite difficult to maintain such a regime, so a dish of vegetable salad with herbs is allowed for dinner.

Vegan raw food

This is the highest form of a raw food diet, balancing on the verge between nourishment with prana and a complete rejection of food. Many raw foodists strive to achieve this state. The vegan diet is divided into Jusorian(on juices) and Sprutorian(on sprouted grains of cereals). Fruit or vegetable juices can saturate the body, remove toxins, and get rid of diseases.

Such a nutrition system is tolerated quite easily due to a surge of strength for the first two months, after which the body begins to suffer from a lack of fiber. Therefore, liquid nutrition is recommended to be alternated with other types of raw food diet.


The raw food diet in Russia is based on simplifying the diet, reducing the amount of food. But prolonged malnutrition often leads to a breakdown, loss of strength, which forces malnourished people to switch to other types of raw food diet. Russian colds also make their own adjustments, so the diet includes honey, germinated seeds, green smoothies.

How to start the transition to a raw food diet

The raw food diet begins with the understanding that a serious restructuring of the body will take place. You need a well-defined goal and a smart plan for switching to raw food. The most difficult moment of the transition is the psychological attitude. You can face condemnation, attempts to return the novice raw foodist to their previous position. You need to be prepared for a change of environment, the loss of some friends who are not able to understand and accept a sharp change in established traditions.

The transition to a raw food diet can be done in two ways:

  1. Cutting. This is shock therapy for the body, as you need to abruptly stop eating thermally processed food. The method is fraught with breakdowns, stress, imbalance in the body.
  2. Smooth. At the first stage, there is a gradual rejection of fried, smoked foods and coffee. At the next stage, you can begin to exclude other familiar foods from the diet. The method requires a long time, but allows the body to gently adapt to changes, protects the immune and regulatory systems from stress. This is the perfect way for a beginner.

Basic Rules for Product Compatibility

Due to errors in the diet, people are often disappointed in this type of diet, as there is no loss of excess weight, getting rid of diseases. Beginning raw foodists mistakenly believe that products are allowed to be consumed uncontrollably, in any combination. But it's not.

During a raw food diet, there is no usual feeling of satiety even with a full stomach. People for the first time encounter unusual sensations and begin to mix products with each other. The wrong combination of components of the raw food menu can lead to such phenomena as fermentation, putrefactive processes. Ideally, you should eat each ingredient separately or follow a strict raw food diet plan.

Compatibility of raw food menu components:

  1. Fats (nuts, avocados and coconut) must not be mixed with sugar (fruit). The same rule applies to dried fruits, they should not be consumed with fruits and fats.
  2. It is forbidden to mix various types of fats, which are heavy food for the stomach. Nuts should not be consumed in a mixture with avocado or coconut, as well as seasoned with vegetable oil. Coconut and avocado are also incompatible with each other.
  3. Starches (boiled potatoes, bananas, bread) and acids (sour fruits and vegetables) are incompatible. This is due to the fact that various enzymes are used for their digestion. In a mixture, they begin to neutralize each other, which leads to digestive problems. For example, tomatoes belong to the group of sour vegetables, so you should not combine them with potatoes and bread. Bananas should not be consumed with oranges.

The correct sequence of the use of products also plays an important role:

  1. Liquid - fruit juices, it is better to start with sour ones.
  2. Slightly denser - vegetables.
  3. Dense - avocado.
  4. Hard - seeds, nuts.

The basic principle of raw food nutrition is a smooth transition from liquid food to solid food. Vegetables and nuts can be combined with each other, interchanged. Recommended to avoid:

  • fruit or starch after nuts;
  • fruits (including sour ones) after starch;
  • sour fruits after bananas;
  • fruits after dried fruits.

The basic principle of nutrition is the arrangement of food in the stomach in layers in the correct sequence.

Menu for the week

Day of the week breakfast dinner dinner
Monday Green smoothie (banana, kiwi, lemon juice, sorrel, celery, mint branch) A few pieces of watermelon or persimmon fruit Orange, banana, apple puree
Tuesday 1 cup raspberries or bunch of grapes Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, lettuce and herbs + a glass of fresh juice Grated with honey, nuts and raisins
Wednesday Green smoothie (strawberry, banana, bunch of mint, lettuce and herbs) Cold soup of 2 cups of carrot juice, 1 avocado, 1 tablespoon of ginger and rosemary, basil, green peas Pears or apricots (300–400 g)
Thursday A handful of nuts + 300 g plums Carrot and cabbage salad with greens and any vegetable oil + a glass of freshly squeezed juice 2-3 apples + 50g greens
Friday Green buckwheat (after overnight soaking in water) and tomatoes Raw pumpkin soup, avocado, lemon, lettuce, chickpea sprouts, cumin, curry, 2 cups water Banana +
Saturday Salad of mandarin, kiwi, banana, orange juice Chinese cabbage salad, cucumber and cold-pressed vegetable oil 300 g tangerines or
Sunday Green smoothie (2 pears, mint, water) + a handful of dried fruit Cold soup with avocado, 2 cups green peas, 1 carrot, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 cup almond milk, 1 garlic clove A couple of apples or 300 g of strawberries, cherries

The daily menu of a raw foodist may contain snacks: nuts, honey, marshmallow, dried fruits. A 24-hour fast on water is recommended, starting from 1 time per week. Gradually, you can move on to a three-day fast once a month.

Popular Recipes

Soup with buckwheat and cucumbers


  • germinated buckwheat - 250 g;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 4 medium cucumbers;
  • 3 art. l. peeled pumpkin or sunflower seeds;
  • lemon juice - 4 tsp;
  • pepper, salt.

Puree the pulp of avocado and cucumber, as well as buckwheat in a blender, add lemon juice, seasonings. Pour the puree into bowls, sprinkle with seeds, add greens.

Chia coconut pudding


  • 1 glass of coconut milk;
  • a third cup of chia seeds;
  • one ripe banana;
  • a couple of mangoes or peaches.

Add chia seeds to whipped with banana, then leave until thickened (you can overnight). Before use, add peeled and diced mango.

Green buckwheat, avocado and cucumber salad

It will take:

  • two thirds of a glass of green buckwheat;
  • one avocado, long cucumber, grapefruit;
  • a bunch of greens (arugula);
  • salad;
  • spices and salt.

Buckwheat is soaked for half an hour, after which it is left overnight for germination. Then it must be washed and dried. The peeled avocado is cut into pieces, grapefruit juice with spices and salt is added to it. Buckwheat is seasoned with sauce and laid out in the middle of the plate. Portioned along the edge, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcucumber, chopped lettuce and greens are laid out.

Cookies "Paradise"


  • 3 coconuts;
  • 2 bananas.

Chop the coconut, remove the pulp, peel the brown skin, cut into pieces. Peel bananas and cut. Add coconut liquid to coconut and banana pieces, bring to a homogeneous state in a blender. Coconut flakes can be coarse or finely ground. The resulting pasty mass is spread on a dehydrator sheet, dried. When done, turn the cookies over to the other side to speed up drying.

Pea paste


  • raw green peas - 450 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • water - from 50 to 100 ml;
  • salt, herbs optional.

Mix the thawed green peas with all the ingredients and beat in a blender. Add water as needed.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for switching to natural food is the restoration of a healthy state of the body. This system is available to any person who has no contraindications.

People with allergies should be cautious about switching to a raw food diet. Only heat treatment is able to neutralize the harmful protein substances to which the immune system of allergy sufferers reacts.

A raw food diet is contraindicated in children, the elderly, and pregnant women. You can not use the system for serious diseases of the digestive system.

What diseases can be cured

Nature has provided the human body with all the tools necessary to maintain health. But improper nutrition leads to clogging of the body, supplying it with unnecessary substances and depriving it of necessary ones. Organs can hardly cope with the increased load, their defenses are weakening. The method of raw food diet allows you to get rid of many serious diseases:

  1. A raw food diet can completely cure type 2 diabetes, reduce the dosage of insulin in the first type of disease.
  2. Obesity is cured. A person loses from 8 kg or more of excess weight per month. At the same time, the amount of food practically does not change, only its quality.
  3. Skin diseases (furunculosis, psoriasis, and others) recede after the cleansing effect of a raw food diet.
  4. Passes, which is the result of excessive consumption of fatty and salty foods.
  5. Prostatitis is able to recede after a month of practicing a raw food diet. Proper nutrition eliminates the source of inflammation and releases the reserve forces of the body.
  6. A raw food diet is indicated for oncological diseases. The transition to natural food restores the body, cleanses it of toxins, and eliminates chronic inflammatory processes.
  7. There is an improvement in the functioning of the digestive organs, strengthening of the gums, preservation of tooth enamel.
  8. Normalizes blood pressure and heart function. Normal bowel function and water metabolism are restored. Urolithiasis recedes, neuroses, diseases of the joints are eliminated. Level returns to normal. And this is not a complete list of the therapeutic effect of proper nutrition.

Benefit and harm

  1. The raw food diet has a lot of advantages, attracting more and more new followers. The main arguments in favor of a plant-based diet are:
  2. Due to the lack of heat treatment, all useful substances in food are preserved, raw foods contribute to a more complete absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  3. The ingress of harmful substances into the body is excluded: saturated fats, sugar, trans fats, carcinogens, harmful food additives. The body ceases to be clogged with toxins and toxins.
  4. The fiber in raw vegetables and fruits contributes to faster satiety, while the portion size does not decrease, and the calorie content remains low. This is a great opportunity to lose weight quickly and safely.
  5. Get rid of many diseases.
  6. The overall level of energy increases, well-being improves.
  7. For a week of a raw food diet, you can get rid of 3 to 6 kilograms of excess weight. This is due to the loss of excess fluid and the intensive removal of toxins from the first day of the new diet.

Despite all the benefits, a raw food diet cannot be recommended to all people in a row for several reasons:

  1. Imbalance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Plant foods are poor in protein, which leads to its deficiency in the body. Legumes and some cereals used as a source of protein are capable of accumulating toxic substances. Their excessive use without heat treatment harms the body.
  2. Deficiency (tryptophan, methionine, lysine), vitamins (B12, B2).
  3. The risk of developing or exacerbating allergies. Raw legumes, as well as wheat, contain allergen substances that can cause disruption of the digestive tract.
  4. For those who are used to eating industrially processed foods, it is psychologically very difficult to switch to eating raw plant foods. Such people often experience a breakdown, accompanied by a sharp overeating. Therefore, you need to start a raw food diet smoothly, spending fasting days, minimizing dinner.

The transition to a raw food diet is an individual process for everyone. You need to take your time and listen carefully to your own body. A measure and a reasonable attitude will help to smoothly rebuild the nutrition system towards natural and healthy food.

When a person thinks about his diet, he then begins to study its various types and systems that talk about the benefits of some products and the dangers of others. One of the most popular types of food is vegetarianism. Often, the rejection of meat is perceived with fear, because the paradigm prevailing in society inspires that it is impossible to live without it. However, the experience of many people shows that one can not only live without meat products, but, moreover, get rid of many health problems. Inspired by the results of the transition to vegetarianism, a person begins to become more interested in nutrition and encounters other types of nutrition.

A more strict form of vegetarianism is, whose adherents, in addition to meat, refuse dairy products. The transition to this type of food is usually due to ethical reasons: the modern dairy industry is a cruel exploitation of living beings. This choice can also be based on health concerns: milk acidifies the body and leads to the excretion of calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium and other trace elements. It is noted that in regions or nationalities where the consumption of dairy products is traditionally large, the population loses teeth early, has brittle bones and nails, and is also prone to various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Plunging further into the issues of proper nutrition, a person is faced with a raw food diet. This approach is based on the fact that nature does not provide for heat treatment of food. And it is the effect of temperature on food that causes inadequate digestion of food, which in turn leads to various diseases.

There is a lot of conflicting opinion about the raw food diet, from tales of healing from incurable diseases to warnings that this type of diet can cause serious harm to health. Why is that? Firstly, the body of each person is unique and is conditioned by different environmental conditions, nutrition, upbringing, lifestyle, and so on. What works for one may be deadly for another. And secondly, the transition to a raw food diet is often made with mistakes that the body does not forgive us. This leads to serious health problems. We will talk in detail about how to switch to a raw food diet correctly and not harm yourself.

Switching to a raw food diet

Sometimes it happens that after reading inspiring reviews or a motivating book about proper nutrition, a person rushes into the pool with his head and quickly changes his diet, which often leads to problems. A sharp rejection of meat can cause unpredictable processes in the body, especially if meat products have been consumed for 30-40 years. What can we say about such a radical type of nutrition as a raw food diet.

It is worth noting that the transition to a raw food diet will change your lifestyle, daily routine, and most often, no matter how sad it is to admit, your social circle too. In modern society, relationships between people are often tied to food. Not a single meeting - neither business, nor even more friendly - is complete without food.

Therefore, when changing the type of food, be prepared for the fact that many will not understand you, including those closest to you. It would not be an exaggeration to say that with the transition to a raw food diet, a lot has changed. New friends and interests appear. The time that you used to spend on cooking is freed up, and in the future you need to learn how to use it correctly. The environment will either come to terms with your new hobby, or completely change. As experience shows, many unnecessary connections simply break off. This is a kind of test: if a friendship or relationship was tied solely to delicious food, then they are likely to leave your life. Whether this is good or bad - everyone decides for himself. However, let's talk directly about how to change the type of food.

How to switch to a raw food diet

Where to start and how to switch to a raw food diet? As mentioned above, it is not recommended to drastically change the type of food. This is especially true of the transition from an all-food diet to a raw food diet. Such a change is fraught with a sharp cleansing of the body, which can be painful and even dangerous to health. Therefore, if you are currently eating meat and other junk food, then for a start it is better to exclude animal products and see how the body reacts.

However, the exclusion of meat is far from the most important thing in a raw food diet. Our body, grown on a traditional diet, is most often not adapted to the assimilation of raw food.

Therefore, if you decide to switch to a raw food diet, it is recommended to gradually - exactly gradually! - Add raw fruits and vegetables to your diet.

If you take the diet of an average person, it turns out that most often it consists of only 5-10% of raw foods. And this is at best. For fans of fast food with the use of thermally unprocessed plant foods, things are completely bad. With such indicators, a sharp transition to a 100% raw food diet is a big stress for the body. Therefore, with a traditional diet, it is better to start with a 30 percent inclusion of raw foods in the diet. Thus, the body, receiving the usual dishes, will gradually and gently adjust to the absorption of raw food. At this transitional stage, it is recommended to stay for several months. After that, you can gradually increase the proportion of raw foods in the diet to 50-70%.

At each stage, you need to monitor your condition, and in case of health problems, it is recommended to take a step back. The transition to a raw food diet will inevitably start the processes of cleansing the body, and this is far from always pleasant. To speed them up and facilitate the flow, it is recommended to first clean the intestines. For this, there is a yogic technique for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract - shankha prakshalana. You can read about it in detail on the website. You can also try different types of fasting. But you should not overdo it: it is better to start with a two-three-day food restriction.

It is also worth noting that not all raw foods are created equal. For example, onions and garlic, contrary to popular belief, have a negative effect on the body and mind. Garlic has such a negative effect on the brain that American pilots are forbidden to use it. Even the instructions indicate how long before the flight you can not eat it. Also controversial is the issue of eating cereals, legumes, seeds and nuts.

There is an opinion that a high molecular weight protein is toxic in itself, and it does not matter in what form - raw or boiled. Contrary to popular misconception - which, however, is imposed for a number of reasons - our body does not need protein. Because he is alien. And the body is forced to spend energy to decompose it into amino acids, and then assemble it back into the form of protein from which cells are built. Thus, we do not need protein, but 20 amino acids, eleven of which the body synthesizes itself, and the remaining nine can be obtained from raw plant foods.

During the transition period, the use of protein foods such as cereals, nuts, seeds and legumes is completely justified so as not to shock the body with a sudden change in nutrition. But most raw foodists after six to twelve months completely refuse the use of high molecular weight protein.

There is an opinion that vegetables are not fully digested, but coarse fiber perfectly cleanses the body. The most effective for cleansing the intestines are carrots, beets and cabbage. Therefore, at the transitional stage of a raw food diet, it is recommended to actively consume vegetable salads seasoned with cold-pressed vegetable oil. Oil, according to some reports, is also not absorbed by the body, but it decomposes the fat-soluble mucus that has accumulated in our body in the process of digestion, or rather, decay of animal food. Apples are also useful for the body: they contain special substances - pectins, which remove toxins and toxins.

Changing the type of food is always stressful for both the body and the psyche. Therefore, it is worth cautioning against radical steps in the process of switching to a new diet. Refusal of harmful products should be gradual and natural - then the stress for the body will be minimal.

The raw food diet is now a popular food system that does not leave anyone indifferent. Some consider the raw food diet to be a philosophical way of life, thanks to which you can lose weight, improve health and extend your life. Others do not share this optimism, believing that raw foodists doom themselves to a life of starvation and cause irreparable damage to health by refusing any food processing.

So who are these raw foodists? Happy and full of energy personalities or people who have deprived themselves of the pleasures of modern cooking? We will answer all your questions, and at the same time we will tell you about what constitutes a raw food diet for beginners.

What is a raw food diet

The raw food diet is a special food system that recommends eating only plant foods, without heat treatment (no boiling, frying, baking, smoking or pasteurization).

It is worth saying that there are several types of raw food diet, for example:

1. Raw food is omnivorous. Allows the use of meat, fish and eggs, as well as any vegetables, fruits and herbs, only in raw form.
2. Vegetarian raw food diet. Prohibits the consumption of fish and meat, but allows the inclusion in the diet of eggs and dairy products only in raw form. By the way, a vegetarian raw food diet is the most common type of such food in the world.
3. Raw food vegan. With this approach to nutrition, any food of animal origin, including eggs and milk, is excluded from the diet. A vegan diet is all about eating plant-based foods.
4. Fruitarianism. This is one of the most in-depth forms of raw food diet, which involves eating the fruits of plants, in particular fruit vegetables and fruits, nuts and berries.

The benefits of a raw food diet

People who are passionate about this approach to nutrition consider the heat treatment of products unnatural, because our ancestors ate exclusively raw, natural products, which means that a raw food diet is a return to its natural origin. Moreover, it has long been proven that a significant part of vitamins and minerals die during heat treatment, while in raw foods, useful substances are preserved in full, and besides, they are better digested by the body.

But there are other, much more serious reasons to become a raw foodist. For example:

  • eating exclusively raw plant foods, you can cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals;
  • raw foodists strengthen the immune system and develop resistance to infectious diseases;
  • by eliminating animal fats from the diet, a person loses weight naturally, which not only guarantees him a slim figure, but also prevents the development of a number of serious diseases caused by overweight;
  • the rejection of saturated fats and harmful trans fats has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, which means it prevents a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • a raw food diet improves the tone of the body, increases efficiency, improves mood and reinforces the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • the so-called “food endurance” increases, thanks to which the body begins to better determine and reject the harmful substances present in the products without harm to health.

Harm of a raw food diet

But there is another opinion, according to which eating vegetables and fruits alone can cause irreparable harm to health. It is known that good human nutrition involves the use of 6 elements (fats, proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water). And with a raw food diet, a person is simply not able to receive all these elements in the volume he needs.

1. Lack of protein food. It must be understood that some essential amino acids are present only in animal foods. According to doctors, losing the intake of these products, a person weakens his immunity.

2. Lack of B vitamins. Experts point out that vitamins B2 and B12, which are important for the nervous system, are found in sufficient quantities only in milk and beef liver, and therefore depriving yourself of these products can disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system and proper metabolism.

3. Lack of healthy plant foods in winter. You need to understand that the raw food diet originated in hot countries, where plant foods are freely available all year round. But the inhabitants of our country will be able to eat natural products only 6-7 months a year, while the rest of the time they will have to buy overseas vegetables and fruits, not always of good quality. It's no secret that greenhouse-grown products contain a lot of chemical additives. In this case, the benefits of a raw food diet can be reduced to zero.

Who is contraindicated raw food diet

  • persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (the acid present in raw foods strongly irritates the gastric mucosa);
  • allergic reactions to certain foods (citrus fruits, honey or nuts);
  • pregnancy (women during the period of bearing a child need a complete protein diet, which cannot be achieved without eating meat and offal);
  • experts do not recommend switching to a raw food diet for people under 30 years old, since before this age some processes in the body are still being formed. And after 30 years, the body is already fully developed;
  • persons over 70 years old, whose body is in the process of withering, are not recommended to switch to a raw food diet;
  • people who are underweight, who have recently had surgery or who suffer from anemia should also not switch to a raw food diet.

Read also:

Books on the raw food diet

Before you become a raw foodist, it's a good idea to read the beginner's guide. There are plenty of books on this topic on the Internet, but we would recommend you the following literature:

1. “Raw food. A guide for beginners" - author Sergey Zdravin.
2. "Eat Raw" by Carol Alt.
3. The China Study by Colin Campbell.
4. “Green for life. The real story of recovery "- author Victoria Butenko.

How to switch to a raw food diet

It is important to understand that a raw food diet is not a diet, but a way of life, and therefore, before making changes to your diet, you should understand why you need it. By the way, most raw foodists agree that such food not only benefits the body, but is also a means of spiritual growth.

Only fully realizing that a raw food diet is exactly your path, you can proceed directly to the transition to the use of plant foods. At the same time, remember that a sharp rejection of your usual food can adversely affect the state of the body, and therefore it is necessary to start with a gradual rejection of certain foods.

It looks like this:

  • 1st week: give up all products that the industry produces (sausages, sausages, confectionery);
  • 2nd week: eliminate red meat;
  • 3rd week: give up white meat;
  • 4th week: eliminate eggs;
  • 5th week: give up fish;
  • 6th week: remove milk and dairy products from the diet;
  • 7th week: give up cereals.

At the same time, more and more plant foods should get into your diet every week.

You will need to keep a raw food diary to record your feelings, information about unhealthy foods, and the goals you are trying to achieve through a raw food diet. A separate column in the diary should indicate the results of your work, which will motivate you to maintain the chosen nutrition system.

The most favorable times of the year to start the transition to a raw food diet will be summer and autumn, because during these periods on your table there will be an abundance of all kinds of vegetables and fruits. As for winter, during this period, the food stored in your cellar (apples, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beets and onions) will form the basis of nutrition. In the spring, fresh herbs, Jerusalem artichoke and radish will get into your diet.

And further. An important factor in the transition to a raw food diet should be willpower, without which it will not be possible to stick to the chosen diet for a long time. That is, if suddenly you are irresistibly drawn to eat a piece of fried meat, do not deny yourself this, but such temptations should not become systemic.

Beginner Raw Foodist Mistakes

As we have already learned, it is necessary to come to a raw food diet gradually, giving up certain foods week after week. If you refuse animal food in one fell swoop, there is a high risk of “breaking loose” and returning to the previous diet. But there are other mistakes that beginner raw foodists make.

1. Lack of water. After starting to eat exclusively plant foods, some people believe that they get enough water from green foods. Actually it is not. Whatever your diet, you should drink at least 6-8 glasses of pure water per day.

2. Lack of greenery. When switching to a raw food diet, the risk of a lack of animal protein in the body increases. To cope with this problem, it is necessary to include greens (lettuce, parsley, dill, nettle and celery) in the diet more often, and also eat nuts.

3. Excess consumption of vegetable oils, dried fruits and honey, fermented and canned foods. Oils contain a lot of fat, which interferes with the process of digestion of food. Dried fruits and honey also should not be consumed constantly, these products should be switched only when plant foods are not available.

4. Overeating. It should be remembered that by eating too many vegetables and fruits, you run the risk of lethargy and apathy, drowsiness and lack of energy. Over time, it will be necessary to reduce the amount of food consumed.

5. Lack of physical activity. By themselves, raw vegetables and fruits will not strengthen your muscles and improve your body, if you do not pay attention to physical exercises in parallel. Jogging in the morning, exercising or going to the gym should be regular in order to maintain a healthy mind in your body and strengthen your muscles.

Raw food for weight loss

Switching to eating raw plant foods in order to get rid of extra pounds has many advantages. Firstly, due to the large amount of fiber, the body is quickly cleansed of toxins and toxins. Secondly, the absence of fats and carbohydrates in the diet allows you to quickly lose weight, spending your own fat reserves. Thirdly, with a raw food diet, the amount of food consumed is reduced. Thermally unprocessed food has a coarser texture, which takes more time and energy to process. Finally, people who practice a raw food diet acquire not only a beautiful figure, but also activity and clarity of mind.

Approximate daily diet of a raw foodist

  • 45-50% raw fruits and berries;
  • 30-40% raw vegetables;
  • 10–15% legumes and grains;
  • 5-10% nuts, seeds, dried fruits and honey;
  • 1% vegetable oil, garlic and spices.

Sample menu of a raw foodist in the summer

Cucumbers + radishes + parsley + dill + lettuce;
Nettle + tomatoes + dandelion leaves;
Carrots + cucumbers + leafy green vegetables;
Bulgarian pepper + tomatoes + greens;
White cabbage + apples + peaches;
Carrots + cauliflower (broccoli) + peaches;
Plums + cabbage + apricots;
Several types of berries + cabbage;
Sweet apple + blackcurrant + nectarines;
Zucchini + cabbage + cucumbers;
Zucchini + sour apple + leafy greens.

Sample menu of a raw foodist in winter

Apple + carrot + celery root;
Carrot + cabbage + apple;
Apple + beets + prunes;
Carrots + cauliflower + garlic + beets;
Turnip + pumpkin + apple;
Broccoli + cauliflower;
Apple + dried apricots + radish (rutabaga).

In winter, you can include exotic vegetables and fruits in your diet, always in combination with familiar products:

Orange (grapefruit) + banana + apple;
Carrot + Chinese cabbage + orange;
Apple + cabbage + orange;
Orange + carrot + seeds;
Sweet and sour apple + orange + dates;
Avocado + pistachios.

At the same time, for breakfast, you can prepare salads with the addition of cold-pressed oil, adding lemon juice, honey, apple cider vinegar, mustard powder or garlic if desired.

By the way, any salad can be seasoned with nuts or seeds, which were previously soaked for 8 hours in water at room temperature. For this purpose, almonds and walnuts and pine nuts are best suited, as well as pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

Recently, more and more people are choosing a new type of food - a raw food diet. It implies eating foods that have not undergone heat treatment, i.e. raw vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts, cured meats, dried fish.

When exposed to high temperatures, foods lose most of their nutrients, vitamins and minerals are destroyed, protein denatures, food becomes empty.

Unlike regular food, there are many benefits.

  1. Firstly, raw food is better absorbed by the body, saturates it with useful substances.
  2. Secondly, with this type of nutrition, many diseases go away, the skin is cleansed, weight is normalized.
  3. Thirdly, many raw foodists claim that their consciousness clears up, memory and mental abilities improve.

All this perfectly motivates the transition to a new type of nutrition, but in practice it is not so easy to make a change in your usual way of life.

Moreover, this is not a diet, not an easy type of nutrition, but rather a new philosophy, which, in addition to changing the diet, implies a change in lifestyle, giving up bad habits, and more concern for your health and the world around you.

If the decision to change life for the better is made, you need to learn how to switch to a raw food diet easily and painlessly.

Raw food: how to start?

It is advisable to follow a few rules when switching to this method of nutrition:

  1. to begin with, you can give up meat, then fish, dairy products, then switch completely to live food;
  2. it is better to start smoothly, gradually replacing some foods with others, try to eat more raw foods in relation to boiled ones;
  3. recommend eating raw foods in the following order: for breakfast - fruits and juices, for lunch - vegetables, for dinner - nuts and cereals. This is necessary so that the products are well digested;
  4. Before eating for 15-30 minutes, you can drink a glass of water, this will reduce your appetite, help the body cleanse itself. It is not recommended to drink within two hours after eating, as this interferes with normal digestion;
  5. summer is considered the best time to go, when there are a lot of raw vegetables and fruits. In winter, it is rather difficult to start, since the choice of products is very poor, although experienced raw foodists know how to treat their body in the cold season.

You can start eating raw food abruptly, but if the body was very clogged, there were hidden diseases, they all come to the surface. It may seem that because of the new type of food, the body began to get sick, this will discourage all desire to be a raw foodist.

At first, the state of health can deteriorate greatly, fatigue, headaches, apathy, and allergies will appear. But if you continue to follow the chosen path, everything will pass, the body will gradually return to normal.

Separately, it must be said about eating raw food in the winter. Since there is not as much raw food in winter as in summer, it is possible to deviate a little from the rules at the initial stage. You can eat raw food for breakfast and lunch, and eat cooked food for dinner. Only it should be natural, no bakery products, fast food, canned food, etc.

There are many recipes for a raw food diet in winter. So, you can eat apples, pears, citrus fruits, beets, carrots, radishes, zucchini, algae - all that is well stored. Nowadays, it is possible to buy almost various products in supermarkets at any time of the year, it is recommended to eat those vegetables, fruits, nuts that are suitable for the season and grow in the country of residence.

About the benefits and harm

Modern doctors are divided into two camps regarding the raw food diet: some recognize the benefits of this type of diet, others are trying to prove its harm. Many scientists argue that it is possible not only to generally improve well-being, normalize metabolism, lose weight, but also cure many diseases such as diabetes, migraine, allergies, poor eyesight, and cancer.

Therefore, in order to answer the question: where to start a raw food diet, you need to think about whether there is a determination to do everything right, to change not only the diet, but also the approach to life? Is a person ready to start taking care of himself and take full responsibility for his life?

Is it possible to switch to a raw food diet during pregnancy?

It is believed that a raw food diet and pregnancy are incompatible. There is some truth in this, since it is not recommended to switch to a raw food diet during pregnancy.

The transition to a new type of nutrition is stressful for the body, all its forces are spent on restructuring, and during pregnancy it is dangerous to expose your body to such tests, it may not withstand the load and respond with diseases.

If a woman did not have time to switch to a raw food diet before pregnancy, then during childbearing it is best not to change the diet drastically. You can eat more fruits, vegetables, herbs and nuts, but leave boiled foods on the menu, the main thing is that the diet is balanced and complete.

Take care of yourself and your body, choose the type of food that best suits your nature, outlook and body, and take care of your health!

Hello dear readers of my blog! There are many reviews about the raw food diet as a nutrition system that helps to achieve the desired results in improving the body. I also recently wrote about this power system. Reviews are reviews, but they contain step-by-step instructions on how to become a raw foodist, where to start, etc.

People either praise the raw food diet or, on the contrary, condemn it. Raw foodists share their emotions, feelings, results. Where to start and how to completely switch to a raw food diet? Here are the questions that concern beginner raw foodists. And today we will talk about this.

Before moving on to step-by-step instructions, let's figure out what types of raw food diet exist.

There are a lot of classifications of raw food diet. I decided to focus on the two most basic classifications.

The first classification divides the raw food diet into types, depending on what is allowed to eat and what is not. There are 3 main types:

  • Vegetarianism (ban on meat and fish, milk is allowed);
  • Veganism (ban on any food of animal origin);
  • Fruitarianism (only fruits are eaten).

There is also a classification of raw food according to the possibility of mixing:

  • Mixed raw food diet;
  • Raw food diet (monotrophic raw food diet).

Mixed raw food diet involves mixing products according to certain rules.

There is a special product compatibility table, according to which you can trace the compatibility of a particular product with others.

A raw food diet or monotrophic raw food diet is a diet that involves the use of different types of foods, while not mixing them.

What type of raw food diet is most suitable for your body is up to you to choose. Perhaps today you will start with a vegetarian diet, and after a while decide to switch to a raw-food diet.

Mistakes beginner raw foodists make

The most common reason for the mistakes of beginner raw foodists is the lack of knowledge about the rules of the raw food diet. The reason may also be a lack of personal experience.

  1. Rapid transition to raw food. We always give everything at once. Do not hurry! And then the result will not keep you waiting. In addition, a gradual transition will save you from breakdowns and other problems. Remember that it takes an average of 5 months to rebuild the intestines alone, and sometimes more.
  2. Raw food beginners forget to pay proper attention to hygiene. Plant foods are great for cleaning our teeth, but they are no substitute for toothpaste. The rule of oral hygiene has not yet been canceled.
  3. Many raw foodists neglect the use of water. The norm is 1.5-2 liters per day. In this case, the water must be purified.
  4. Movement is life. These are the words of the great ancient Greek thinker Aristotle. And he is absolutely right. In no case do not forget about physical activity. Many beginner raw foodists obsess over their diet and skip exercise. Remember that physical activity is necessary for the body in the same way as a healthy diet.

Raw food rules

  1. gradualism. The transition to a raw food diet should be gradual. It is necessary to accustom the body to new products and at the same time not harm it.
  2. thoroughness. You need to chew your food as carefully as possible. In another case, it is much worse absorbed by the body.
  3. Moderation. You need to eat after the appearance of natural physiological hunger. In this case, portions should be small. This will greatly facilitate the work of your stomach and adjust the body to the perception of new types of products. By the way, for us girls, this is a great rule for losing weight 🙂
  4. The right temperature rule. Are you an avid fan of mashing something straight out of the fridge? Forget about this lovely habit. In heat or cold food temperature should be at room temperature!

In addition to these four basic rules, you must also remember the rule of drinking water. It is forbidden to drink before meals or immediately after it. The water must be clean. It is advisable to defend it for several hours or filter it. The norm is 1.5-2 liters per day.

How to painlessly switch to a raw food diet

I will not tire of repeating the main rule of a safe and painless transition to a raw food diet: “Gradual!”. You must understand that our body is cleansed slowly and only over time it can get used to a new diet.

And so, where do you start?

  1. Be sure to consult with a raw food expert. I can recommend an experienced raw foodist Denis Terentiev. Denis has been on a raw food diet for many years and learned from his own experience all the pros and cons of a raw food diet. He can get free consultations.
  2. Be prepared that all your eating habits need to be changed. Gradually, wisely, but change.
  3. It is very easy to choose a menu for every day. On the Internet, you can find not only various recipes for raw foodists, but also online stores where you can order the products themselves (legumes, grains, vegetables, juices, seasonings, and much more). For example, an online store iherb.com
  4. To prepare various dishes, you will need household appliances that are used by raw foodists. This is a blender, dryer, juicer, germinator, etc.
  5. Read literature on the raw food diet. Theory is always important because without it there can be no practice. There is a great book specifically for the transition to a raw food diet. It was thanks to her that I learned a lot about the raw food diet for myself. It will be useful for both raw foodists and just those who are interested in this food system. The book is called " 12 steps to a raw food diet”, the author is V. Butenko.


Before you change your diet, make sure that raw food is not contraindicated for you.

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