"The most beautiful girl on the planet" grew up and became a supermodel. The school froze in admiration: the most beautiful girl in the world went to first grade 3 most beautiful girls

Nature rewarded these children with amazing appearance and incredible diligence. Kristina Pimenova, Anastasia Bezrukova, Anna Pavaga - perhaps we have before us the future top models of the world.

Model houses all over the world are ready to open their doors to them. They have millions of fans and thousands of envious people. We present the most beautiful children in the world, and the rating includes both girls and boys.

8 most beautiful child models in the world

Kristina Pimenova - the most beautiful girl in the world (10 years old)

Christina was born in the family of the famous football player Ruslan Pimenov and his wife Glikeria. The girl began her modeling career at the age of 3, and at 4 she was already confidently walking the catwalk. Christina collaborated with such fashion houses as Prada, Burberry, Roberto Cavalli, Dolce & Gabbana, Armani. She posed for the cover of children's Vogue. In 2014, a number of publications in Russia and abroad called Christina "the most beautiful girl in the world", and so far no one has been able to challenge this title from her.

The Women Daily Magazine website wrote about her:

"Her stunning azure eyes and angelic appearance will captivate all the important people in the fashion world"

The girl auditioned for the role of Ranesmee in the film "Twilight. Saga. Dawn: Part 1 ”, but did not pass the selection only due to insufficient knowledge of the English language.

Christina is very popular on social networks: she has over a million followers on Instagram and 2 million on Facebook. Christina's accounts, like her entire career, are handled by Glykeria's mother. A woman is often accused of exploiting the angelic image of her daughter. Some subscribers think that Christina looks too provocative in the photos and takes “too adult poses”. Christina's mother objects to this:

“I don’t accept accusations that we are exploiting a child’s sexuality. I am sure that all her photographs are absolutely innocent.

In addition to the modeling business, the girl is seriously involved in rhythmic gymnastics, and last year, having signed a contract with the LA Models modeling agency, Christina moved to California.

Anastasia Bezrukova - a girl with an angelic face (12 years old)

Nastya Bezrukova, contrary to popular belief, is not the daughter of actor Sergei Bezrukov, although she starred with him in the same film. The girl's father is a Moscow lawyer Dmitry Bezrukov, her mother Svetlana is an entrepreneur. Nastya is one of the most famous model girls in Europe. Nastya began her career at the age of eight. Her first photo shoot was done by photographer Zhanna Romashka. The girl turned out to be very photogenic and talented and almost immediately received offers from several modeling houses.

She starred for magazines such as Vogue Bambini, Harper's Bazaar, Collezioni and others. Collaborates with fashion houses Moschino, Benetton, Dolores, Pinko, Incanto, MonnaLisa, Armani.

Recently, Nastya tried herself in the cinema: together with her namesake Sergei Bezrukov, she starred in the family film "Milky Way". Nastya is a very sociable and active girl. He likes to spend time with friends, does rhythmic gymnastics and performs with the Freckles dance group. Anastasia's mother claims that her daughter is not going to connect her life with the fashion world, this is just a hobby. Most recently, the 2 most beautiful girls in the world Anastasia Bezrukova and Kristina Pimenova pleased their fans by starring in a joint photo shoot. The girls' subscribers admitted that they look like sisters.

William-Franklin Miller - the most beautiful boy in the world (12 years old)

On the Australian boy involved in the modeling business, fame fell suddenly. It all started when a Japanese schoolgirl posted his photo on her Twitter. In a matter of hours, the photo became incredibly popular in Japan and China, and then all over the world, and gained several thousand retweets. The blue-eyed boy with a bottomless look has a huge number of fans. Internet users unanimously recognized him as the most beautiful boy in the world. So, overnight, without knowing it, he became an Internet star. Although William has been a fashion model for 5 years and even appeared on television, he did not expect such popularity, because, in fact, he is the most ordinary boy who goes to school, likes to spend time with friends and play rugby. Now the newly minted celebrity gives numerous Skype interviews and starred in various Asian shows.

Laneya Grace - the girl with the most beautiful eyes (12 years old)

The girl owes her amazing appearance to a bizarre mixture of blood: among her ancestors there are Spaniards, Americans and Filipinos. Lanea was born in San Francisco on June 23, 2004. The girl began her modeling career at the age of three. Then her mother was expecting a second child and, thinking about what to do with her eldest daughter while she was babysitting the baby, she took her to the Ford modeling agency. Photographers were delighted with the pretty green-eyed girl and immediately signed a contract with her parents. Already in the first photo shoots, the girl showed extraordinary abilities: she perfectly knew how to pose in front of the camera. Since then, Laneya has appeared in more than 40 photo shoots, and also tried her hand as an actress, appearing in the music video of the Swedish band Avicii, along with the young Russian model Kristina Romanova. Now Laneya is in 3 modeling agencies.

The girl lives with her parents, younger sister and beloved dog Lando in San Francisco. Recently, she has switched to home schooling and stopped attending school due to being too busy filming. The young model is engaged in boxing and loves to ride a skateboard. Dreams of an acting career and idolizes Gigi Hadid. By nature, Laneya, in her own words, is cheerful, curious and a little strange. She used to suffer from shyness, but managed to overcome this shortcoming.

Elizabeth Hailey is a double of Kristina Pimenova (11 years old)

This Canadian girl started her career just 2 years ago when her mother Ann-Marie Ashcroft read an article in the Daily Mail about Kristina Pimenova and the scandal that erupted after Christina's mother posted on social media. network photos of a nine-year-old daughter in a bikini. Then the Pimenov family was accused of deliberately publishing provocative photos of their daughter.

But Anne-Marie Ashcroft was struck not by this scandal, but by Christina's incredible resemblance to her own daughter, Elizabeth.

“The resemblance between Christina and my daughter is just supernatural. Until I accidentally found out about Christina, I doubted that Elizabeth should start modeling at such a young age. Now I understand that the time is right for her.”

An enterprising woman immediately took the girl to a professional photographer. "A copy of Christina Pimenova" immediately became interested in several agencies.

Now Elizabeth, a serious and sensible girl beyond her years, collaborates with a Montreal modeling agency, dances, dreams of a career as an anesthetist and admires Romeo Beckham. Whether she can become as popular as Kristina Pimenova, time will tell.

Lily Chi (13 years old) - a beauty with an oriental appearance

The career of this girl from Brooklyn began quite suddenly. She and her dad went to the store for potatoes and caught the eye of an employee from the Wilhelmina modeling agency. A long-legged girl with an exotic appearance (Caucasian and Malaysian blood flows in Lily's veins) attracted his attention. And off we go! Contracts, filming, fashion shows. Now the girl is the face of the sports brand Nike, she also signed contracts with Ralph Lauren, Velveteen, Levi's. Over the past year, she earned more than $ 20,000. Her parents put all the daughter's fees earned on a special account, from which she can withdraw money only when she reaches the age of 18.

Lily is an active and mobile girl. She enjoys playing football and dancing.

Ira Brown - live Barbie (7 years old)

Ira Brown became famous a few years ago, when this two-year-old babe was just starting her career. Photos of the "live Barbie", posted on the network, caused a lot of emotions in the Internet community: from delight to an irresistible desire to "tear off the hands" of parents. And indeed, there is reason for indignation: the baby was given adult makeup, complex hairstyles and, according to rumors, even bleached her hair and enlarged her lips. Although the girl's mother assured her that her daughter loves to pose and dress up, it is highly doubtful that a two-year-old child enjoyed the long process of hair styling and makeup. Many have decided that parents are just making money on the beauty of their little daughter.

Now the popularity of the seven-year-old Ira has faded a little, but she continues to shoot for various brands of children's clothing.

Anna Pavaga - a young talent from St. Petersburg (6 years old)

Anechka Pavaga from St. Petersburg began to storm the model Olympus very early, at the age of 3. Her pretty face adorned the covers of the magazines "Erudite", "Children", "BILLBOARD". The girl starred a lot for advertising various children's products. She advertised the Taller brand of dishes, the Kideria children's store, the Waterville water park in St. Petersburg, and starred in children's clothing catalogs. Anya has already tried herself in the acting field: she starred in the clips of the Marseille group "Mood Autumn" and A. Malysheva "Little Man", as well as in a cameo role in the film "The Universe of Water".

Anya is a cheerful and positive girl. She has long and hard practiced ballet. She loves her older brother Misha and a Chihuahua dog. In terms of prettiness and ability to stay in front of the camera, Anya is in no way inferior to Kristina Pimenova, and she also has every chance to soon receive the title of "the most beautiful girl in the world."

This year, Anastasia Knyazeva went to first grade, like many of her peers. But if only their parents wrote about the rest on their pages on social networks, then well-known media wrote about Nastya.

What is unique about this child? In 2017, the British newspaper The Daily Mail named Nastya the most beautiful girl in the world. The girl is really gifted by nature with a very beautiful appearance: long luxurious curls, blue big eyes and a doll face.

Fame brought Nastya modeling activities. She first appeared in a children's clothing ad at the age of 2.5. At the age of 5, she has already become the face of the collection of the Australian fashion brand Little Miss Aoki. And even starred for the screensaver of the channels "Russia" and "Domashny".

The title now held by Knyazeva once belonged to 17-year-old French model Thylane Blondeau and 12-year-old Russian Kristina Pimenova. Girls, not yet reaching adulthood, made a successful modeling career and began to earn more than their parents.

Apparently, the same fate awaits Nastya. Now she has collaborations with such brands of children's clothing as Chobi Kids, I am special, Kenguru, Keti One, Kisabiano, Amoreco and even the South Korean automobile company Kia Motors.

It remains a mystery how the baby will be able to combine work with education. Nastya's mother plans to send her not only to general education, but also to choreographic and music school. It was Nastya's mother, Anna Knyazeva, who was promoting the girl.

To begin with, she started a separate page on Instagram for her daughter, on which she posted her best photos. When she managed to promote the page, she began to contact modeling agencies. Since in the past Anna herself worked as a model, it was not difficult for her to find the necessary contacts for her.

In addition to her daughter, Anna is also raising a 12-year-old son, who is sometimes filmed with her sister, but does not take this seriously, considering it not a man's business.

While the girl is only admired, the mother, as an adult, responsible person, is often criticized by her daughter's subscribers. Many accuse Anna of, predicting that this will negatively affect her character when she grows up.

Anna is also blamed for turning the child into a money-making item. In response, she says that she is not afraid to spoil her daughter and loves her first of all as her child, and not as a wallet: “At first I was not aware of the article in the Daily Mail. Didn't submit any tenders. They started calling me from Munich, Berlin, Austria and asking for an interview. And it's nice, of course. She hasn’t said anything to her daughter yet, maybe I’ll let you know later ... And she won’t understand - Nastya doesn’t care. ”. What do you think, glory will not spoil the girl?

For a long time, the Frenchwoman Thylane Blondeau held the palm as "the most beautiful girl in the world." Now, when Tilan has already grown up, a new star has ascended the podium - and this star is six-year-old Anastsia Knyazeva. After the publication of this decision, the girl's Instagram instantly became mega-popular - and now it has more than 660 thousand subscribers. So what did Nastya conquer the audience with?

Now Thylane Blondeau is already 16 years old, so it's time to pass on the title of "most beautiful girl" to the next generation. According to the British edition of DailyMail, the choice fell on Anastasia Knyazeva, who by this time was already a model with several contracts behind her. It is clear that at the age of six, Nastya is not yet in charge of her own affairs - her mother Anna is doing this for her.

However, the incredible attractiveness of the girl attracted the attention of not only local connoisseurs of beauty, but also foreign ones: her doll-like features, long hair and especially her huge blue eyes - this is what turned Nastya into a star of the fashion world. Her Instagram instantly became incredibly popular, and articles about the girl began to appear in publications around the world. Yes, and among the subscribers to Instagram, girls can be seen both from Asia and from Brazil, European countries, not to mention the large army of fans from Russia.

Nastya's mother has been publishing photos of her daughter since July 2015, when the girl was only four years old. Since then, several contracts have been signed with various companies, including the Amoreco and Kisabiano brands. Last year, the girl received the most votes, making her Little Miss Aoki, the face of luxury kidswear brand Mischka Aoki.

Some criticize the girl's mother, accusing her of excessive attention to the child, as well as the fact that the child has to use cosmetics at such a young age. But many still predict a great future for the girl - for example, Thylane Blondeau at one time became the youngest model of French Vogue, and has since been working as a model, signing contracts with leading European labels such as Vogue Bambini, Roberto Cavalli, Dolce & Gabbana , Armani, Benetton, and many others. For example, this year Thylane became the face of L "Oreal, and at Milan Fashion Week she modeled for Dolce & Gabbana.

Recently, every now and then there is news about small models that are conquering the catwalk at breakneck speed. On the one hand, many admire young beauties who have something to show the world, on the other hand, working at such a young age is really scary.

Recall at least a 14-year-old model from Russia, who went to a show in China and literally burned out at work. The girl developed multiple organ failure, it was not possible to save her.

However, parents, at their own peril and risk, are trying to promote their talented child in order to ensure his bright future. We will tell you about another little girl from Russia who is conquering the modeling world with amazing speed.

This is Anastasia Knyazeva and she is only six years old. It is impossible not to pay attention to her, her crystal blue eyes are simply mesmerizing. No wonder she was called the most beautiful girl in the world!

Nastenka has her own page run by her mother. And subscribed to it more than half a million people! Under each new photo, cute comments appear in which they praise the beauty of the girl.

Despite her young age, she has already signed contracts with Borelli, Mischka Aoki, Monnalisa, Gucci, Burberry, O'stin, Modis, Noble People and other brands.

In Russia, they first started talking about her when she became the face of the Kangaroo chain of stores. But thanks to shooting for Mischka Aoki, she became famous in foreign countries.

The baby's journey began with the fact that three years ago her parents decided to take her to the President Kids modeling agency, whose employees were amazed at Nastya's appearance. But then mom and dad did not even suspect what success awaited her!

Now Anastasia Knyazeva has no end to customers, and she is not afraid of a busy filming schedule. On the contrary, she really likes to be photographed in beautiful outfits. And the camera, I must say, also loves her.

In her free time, she sings, plays and sculpts from plasticine with pleasure - she does the usual things for her age. We can say that childhood does not pass by!

The standards of female beauty undergo changes over time. The most attractive female representatives, according to the public, do not have to have the parameters of podium stars. The place in the ranking is influenced not only by appearance, but also by popularity among the population, the presence of an army of fans and activities, thanks to which the beauty managed to become famous.

So, to your attention:

50 – Claudia Lynx

An Iranian-born actress based in Toronto. Removed from 3 years of age. In her image, toy designers created a doll.

49 - Candice Swanepoel

Supermodel from South Africa. The first angel of the world-famous Victoria's Secret lingerie company.

48 - Freida Pinto

Film actress from India. The film debut was the drama Slumdog Millionaire. Pinto actively fights for women's rights.

47 - Megan Fox

Actress, model from America, known for her roles in several parts of "Transformers" and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles".

46 - Letitia Casta

The top model comes from the French province. She started acting at the age of 15. Her image became the prototype of Marianne, the symbol of the French Republic.

45 - Nina Dobrev

Bulgarian by origin, Nina has achieved fame in Canada. Realizes herself as a singer, actress, fashion model.

44 - Mila Kunis

The American star was born in Chernivtsi (Ukraine). Nominated for Best Actress for Black Swan.

43 – Sandra Bullock

The actress has received worldwide recognition for many of her works. Winner of the prestigious Oscar. Donated $1 million to the Red Cross twice.

42 – Elise

Dancer and singer from Corsica. He is also fond of football and Thai boxing. The very first album, released in 2000, immediately became mega popular.

41 - Ksenia Sukhinova

Model from Russia, born in Tyumen. Won 1st place in beauty contests in all-Russian and world beauty contests.

40 - Sofia Vergara

Model, TV presenter of Colombian origin. Received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

39 – Kate Middleton

The most popular person in the UK. Duchess of Cambridge, wife of Prince William.

38 - Iris Mittenar

Model, winner of Miss France and Miss Universe 2016.

37 – Charlize Theron

Actress from America, producer originally from Africa. She won national love by participating in the films "Devil's Advocate", "Monster", "Hancock".

36 - Miranda Kerr

Supermodel from Sydney, who works a lot with famous brands from Europe and America. Twice included in the top ten richest models according to Forbes.

35 - Gisele Bündchen

Supermodel from Brazil, who previously dreamed of a professional sports career. Has a twin sister.

34 - Vera Brezhneva

33 - Olivia Wilde

Actress from New York, born in the family of a journalist and television producer. 4 times got into the hundred most bewitching women on the planet.

32 - Irina Shayk

The supermodel, originally from Chelyabinsk, has been working on the catwalks of Europe and the USA since 2005. Considered an icon of the fashion world.

31 – Margot Robbie

Australian film actress who gained fame after starring in popular TV series. For her role in "Empire" she was awarded the prize as the best debutante.

30 – Amanda Seyfried

Actress and singer from Pennsylvania. From the age of 11 she worked as a model, and she was invited to the first filming at the age of 15. She was nominated many times and won 6 times in authoritative film ratings.

29 - Natalia Vodianova

Supermodel from Russia, originally from Nizhny Novgorod. She started modeling at the age of 16. Natalia founded a charitable foundation called: "Naked Hearts".

28 - Anne Hathaway

Actress and producer from America. Winner of the Emmy, Oscar, and Golden Globe awards. She began to play in the theater as a child.

27 - Svetlana Khodchenkova

Moscow actress, debuted in the drama Bless the Woman. Has several awards for the best female role. I have experience in Hollywood films.

26 - Jessica Alba

The California actress started acting at the age of 13. Twice topped the lists of the most desirable beauties in the world.

25 - Stacy Keibler

An actress and model originally from Baltimore (USA), who devoted some time to performing at professional wrestling venues. She worked as a TV presenter for several years.

24 - Meryem Uzerli

The actress and model with Turkish and German roots became famous thanks to the Magnificent Age saga. Meryem founded her own cosmetics brand.

23 - Keira Knightley

The actress, twice nominated for an Oscar, was born in London. She played her first major role at the age of 16.

22 - Gal Gadot

Israeli movie star who starred in Hollywood blockbusters. The beauty represented her native country at the contest called "Miss Universe".

21 - Emma Stone

The beauty sunk into the hearts of the audience as a teenager, playing in the comedy "Excellent student of easy virtue." Today, the star has received numerous awards.

20 – Bar Refaeli

The top model of Israeli origin twice earned the title of the most fashionable and once - the most stylish girl.

19 – Aishwarya Rai

The sultry Indian beauty is a recognized standard of beauty. For her contribution to culture, she was awarded the Order of Arts and Literature.

18 - Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

British supermodel who started her career at the age of 16 quite by accident.

17 - Cheryl Cole

16 - Magdalena Meltzage

Polish actress and model with an angelic appearance. She is the face of Loreal.

15 - Sienna Miller

Akrisa was born in New York, but spent her childhood in the UK. Succeeded in the modeling business.

14 - Christina Hendricks

The actress is called extravagant and self-confident. Appetizing forms do not fit into model parameters, but the hourglass figure has found many fans.

13 - Monica Bellucci

Born in the Italian provinces, Monica dreamed of being a lawyer. Everything changed her way of working part-time - as a model.

12 - Scarlett Johansson

In addition to a successful film career, Scarlett participates in the election campaigns of presidential candidates.

11 - Natalie Portman

Her family were from Jerusalem. The pseudonym Natalie took from her grandmother with Russian roots.

TOP - 10 most beautiful girls in the world

10 - Emilia Clarke

Friendly and self-confident, Emilia gained national fame thanks to the Game of Thrones series.

5 – Jessica Bill

She started her singing career and even performed in musicals, but successful screen tests at the age of 14 sealed her fate.

4 - Nicole Scherzinger

A bright pop singer and dancer, in which a mixture of Filipino, Hawaiian and Ukrainian blood flows.

3 - Jennifer Lopez

Growing up in a poor area of ​​the Bronx, the star has climbed to the highest levels of Olympus.

2 - Adriana Lima

Model from Brazil, the face of Maybelline. Many times topped the ranking of the most beautiful models in the world.

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