May good luck and fortune always accompany you. Poems to wish good luck. Other ways to wish good luck

When one of your relatives or friends is faced with a problem or experiences certain difficulties in life, it is quite natural to show concern or wish them good luck in life. If you just say "Good luck!" you are not satisfied, then there are a number of options. How to wish good luck. We will talk about this in our article. But first, let's find out what it is?

What is luck

The experience of notable, positive or incredible events is called luck. The natural interpretation of this word is that positive and negative events occur all the time in a person's life, both due to random and even unlikely events, and completely deliberate and natural processes. From this point of view, "lucky" or "unlucky" are just labels that indicate positive, negative, or incredible events.

If you know people who constantly try their luck, know that this is not just an accident, you can attract it to yourself. Actual studies of scientists have found a certain pattern between success and the correct attitudes of their behavior in life.

How to attract good luck

Most people associate luck as a random game. And although there is an element of chance in this, it does not determine our life. Being lucky is really a reflection of the choices we make.

What makes us lucky?

  1. The people with whom we are accustomed to communicate, we feel good and comfortable with them. With those to whom we can wish success and good luck.
  2. The media we watch or read.
  3. The environment in which we find ourselves on a daily basis.
  4. The ability to perceive the environment.

Together, these characteristics affect our emotional and psychological development on a daily basis. They force us to perceive the world at a certain level and give us the possibilities that flow from this.

For example, each person has a different way of perceiving the environment, but only optimistic people achieve great heights in life. Because optimism has a magical quality to it, it keeps us in the direction of our goals in life. A negative and pessimistic attitude usually repels any opportunities that a person can achieve.

How to wish good luck to others

In order for fortune to turn to face us, it is necessary to adhere to some rules. One of which says: be useful to others! This can be done very easily, it is not necessary to be "on errands" with everyone and fulfill any desire. It is simply enough to wish good luck to others under any circumstances, but do it sincerely. Make sure that the sincere word "luck" is heard around you, thereby you can not only learn how to wish good luck, but also create the ground for attracting it to yourself.

This can be done in several ways.

  1. Tell the person "Good luck!" or "Success!", while the main thing is that you say it sincerely. The insincere approach of the spoken word can be interpreted as sarcasm or ridicule.
  2. Use other words for this: since ancient times in Russia, the phrase "no fluff or feather" wishes a successful event, no one knows where it came from, but it is still used.
  3. Giving a horseshoe to a person is perceived as letting good luck into the house.
  4. In many nations, it is customary to give different coins, which mean gaining wealth.
  5. And many protect their relatives and friends with various amulets.

Considering the above methods, you can not only learn how to wish good luck to people who are dear to you, but by doing so you can attract fortune to yourself.

In everyday life, we often wish each other good luck when parting, and this seems to be a gesture of courtesy as well as care. However, many are sure that this should not be done, because on the contrary, only troubles and troubles can be caused.

Many are wondering why it is impossible to wish good luck to Orthodox people? Inherently, luck is something positive associated with luck that we so often want to have, so why not wish it to someone else? Following the holy prescription, a good combination of circumstances is directly connected with God, who helps the believer to reach the goal, and when you wish it to someone else, it is as if you are offering him the help of the Almighty. It is difficult to find something wrong in this, if not for the very word "luck".

In the Orthodox world, it has a negative connotation, and this is explained by the fact that a person who believes does not need luck. He will humbly reach the goal with his own efforts, relying only on his own abilities and capabilities, and will not idly count on a happy coincidence.

Why can't you wish good luck in Orthodoxy? The answer to this question is related to the Semitic people, who existed long before our era. His adherents worshiped a certain Moloch, who after that was repeatedly compared and mistaken for one of the guises of Belshazzar. This people, being pagan, like everyone else in those days, was engaged in sacrifice and they considered babies to be the best gift to their deity. Newborn children were placed in the hands of an idol, which was made in the form of a huge calf, and a huge fire was kindled under their hands. The Semites believed that in this way they made their way through the flame of life. They performed the ritual of sacrifice exclusively at night, playing flutes and lyres, in order not only to create a spirit of celebration, but also to muffle the cries of small children.

When bad times came, thousands of newborns died on such altars for victims, because the Semites firmly believed that by giving their child to be burned, they ensured themselves a whole year of good luck. Luck is why they committed such terrible deeds, and that is why, when the holy scripture appeared, and a ban was imposed on sacrifice, threatening death, the word “luck” had a dark, bloody connotation, which has been preserved in Orthodoxy to this day. Therefore, you should form your wish in a different way if you are really trying to provide someone with well-being in words, and not invite all sorts of trouble on him.

It is worth considering that there are those who do not know about this fact, but still against wishing them good luck. These people include gamblers who believe in all sorts of superstitions. They are initially self-confident and determined to win, to take first place, to lead the competition, why do they need luck? Her wish, they believe, only knocks down the mood.

Why is it impossible to wish good luck to a suspicious person? Because many of them are waiting for a gift of fate with great trepidation, and here, as with a fish, if you shout loudly while catching, it will scare it away. So it is with luck, if you mention it, then the wheel of fortune will certainly cease to bring success. Many athletes who believe in all sorts of omens and superstitions ask before an important game, on the contrary, to call them names to stimulate their mood, but not to wish them success. Everyone looks at this gesture of politeness differently, so there is no strict rule about whether you can or cannot wish well-being.

I am a fortune teller in the fifth generation,
In five minutes I deal with any damage ...
I send a conspiracy for wild luck
Now by e-mail to you:

Let, my dear, large bills fly
Always in your wallet, like bees in a hive,
So that the blessings of life, inaccessible in the past,
You devoured with a shark smile.

Let your success thunder from morning to evening
In career matters, yes, under any authority,
And the young ladies rush recklessly
Into your arms on the wings of passion.

And know that even if the blade is thinner
The path of fate suddenly turns silver,
On it, like a ballerina, with frisky jumps
You will pass, holding on to the tail of a blue bird!

Good luck! May you always be lucky
Let what you want become a reality
Let everything that you think come true right away,
And the lightness of the hand never fails!

I wish you good luck both in the morning and in the afternoon,
Let her live in your house!
Let the sun shine, and the rain does not pour,
And even in small things you are even lucky!

Let luck knock on your door at the moment when you are at home, in full combat readiness and in a great mood. And let her like your interior, the layout of the home and the general atmosphere to such an extent that she will ask to be registered in this house legally.

May luck be with you
In any undertakings,
Becomes a new task
More interesting than others!

At every moment and in every deed
You solve all problems
And you will reach your goal
And you will outshine everyone with success!

I wish you luck
Constant great luck.
To work with inspiration
To solve problems easily.

So that life flows like a stormy river
With shores of love and happiness,
So that the soul is forever young,
And my heart burned with passion.

May fate smile on you
Gives holidays and surprises,
May your dreams come true
And desires, and whims!

I wish you to always hear the confident steps of good luck behind your back. May her invisible presence inspire you to great achievements, give you confidence in your rightness and send success for all your endeavors. May your luck be true and never stop smiling at you.

Good luck
Permanent and real
And wealth to boot,
And have a brilliant career.

So that health does not fail,
Was strong as diamonds
And for everything to have enough strength,
All dreams and talents.

Let your head spin
From great love and luck,
May hope come true
There will be a joyful mood!

Let luck knock you down! May continued well-deserved success pursue you. May fortune choose you and smile at you with lifelong devotion, may the weather please you with any forecast, and may life give you many chances to become the happiest person in the universe.

When a serious misfortune happens, many say that you would not wish such a thing on your enemy. People are used to saying goodbye and wishing each other good luck in any business. But it turns out it's better not to. And above all, the Orthodox should abstain from this. Why? Today we will try to answer this question.

What or who is luck?

According to the definition of scientific encyclopedias, luck is a special positive event that occurred in a combination of uncontrollable and unpredictable circumstances. This can also include the happy ending of any action that occurred without the intervention of the person concerned. And perhaps, somewhere even against his will. But it's scientific!

In Orthodoxy, luck has a negative meaning. And Archimandrite Cleopas (Ilie) even wrote in his writings that this is another name for the demon - Moloch. He expressed such a point of view that "it was one of the biggest and most powerful demons that mowed down millions of innocent children's souls. And to include it in the commemoration book is a great sacrilege, and to wish for the coming is all the more a great sin."

Who is Moloch really?

Moloch (Luck) - the god of happiness among the Carthaginians, Sumerians and Romans. His statue, cast from a significant amount of silver or copper, was taken around the cities on a large two-wheeled cart. In front of the statue was a copper frying pan, in which oil was boiling. Behind was a stove made of the same material. The fire in it was constantly maintained by the priests walking nearby. These people held large and sharply sharpened axes in their hands, loudly clapped their hands and called those who wished from outside, shouting: “Who wants good luck, make a sacrifice to Good Luck!” Seems to be no big deal, right? But…

Why was Moloch terrible?

The ancient Romans, especially women, without hesitation, could answer why one should not wish good luck to a person. The thing is that Moloch was very fond of accepting bloody sacrifices. And as it most often acted infants - the first-born of noble and not very families. Children were taken and thrown into a terrible fire. It was believed that the torment of burning children brought pleasure to the God of Luck, and the tears of mothers quenched his intense thirst.

In gratitude, the “cruel ruler of the country of tears” was supposed to give the family that made such a sacrifice good luck, prosperity and a rich harvest. Be that as it may, it was once believed that it was such a sacrifice that saved Carthage from destruction. This madness continued until 586 BC. e., i.e., up to the Babylonian captivity. And this is despite the fact that, according to the law of Moses, by that time they were already prohibited.

How do Christians feel about Luck?

It is clear that such cruelty could not arouse approval among Orthodox people. They considered Moloch a real fiend. They talked about the fact that to wish relatives or even enemies you need the well-being and help of God, and not the "devil's offspring." And they forbade their children to even mention the name of the bloodthirsty demon. However, this was not the only reason why one should not wish good luck to the Orthodox.

There is another, not so terrible. Christians simply believe that all events are sent or allowed by the Almighty. The Lord, according to beliefs, gives every person the opportunity to be saved after the Last Judgment and return to the "promised land". And it is the hope in God, and not in an unintended accident, that will help them. The providence of God is what all Orthodox believe in. There is even a whole parable on this occasion. You can read it further.

What does the parable say about God's providence?

One hermit, knowing why one should not wish good luck in Orthodoxy, asked God to reveal the ways of His providence and began to fast. Once he went on a long journey, on the way he met a monk (it was an Angel) and offered to be a companion. He agreed. Toward evening they lodged with a pious man, who offered them food on a silver saucer. But, to the surprise of the hermit and the owner of the house, the monk, after eating food, took the dishes and threw them into the sea. Well, no one said anything, the travelers went on.

The next day the hermit and the monk stayed with another husband. But here is the trouble! Before the road, the owner decided to bring his little son to his guests so that they would bless him. But the monk touched the boy and took his soul. The elder and the father of the child, dumbfounded with horror, could not utter a word. The satellites are gone again. On the third day they stayed in a dilapidated house. The hermit sat down to eat, and his "friend" dismantled and reassembled the wall. Here the elder could no longer bear it and asked why he was doing all this, for some such purpose.

Then the monk confessed that he was in fact an Angel of God. and explained his actions. As it turned out, the first owner of the house was a charitable person, but that dish was acquired by him by untruth. Therefore, the dishes had to be thrown away so that the man would not lose his reward. The second owner is also charitable, but his son, if he grew up, would become a real villain, capable of the most malicious deeds. And the third husband is a lazy and immoral person. His grandfather, who built the house, hid precious gold in the wall. But the owner through it could die in the future. So I had to fix the wall to prevent this from happening.

In conclusion, the Angel ordered the elder to return to his cell and not think about anything in particular, because, as the Holy Spirit says, “the ways of the Lord are inscrutable.” Therefore, you should not try them, there will be no benefit from this. God gives everything - sorrow, joy, and sin. But one is according to good will, another is according to economy, and the third is according to allowance (Luke 2:14). And everything depends on His will. However, as well as from yours. After all, the Lord does not take away a person's freedom of choice. And luck, as you can see, has no place here.

Why is it impossible to wish good luck according to folk signs?

People who are not inclined to believe in God or Moloch have their own signs regarding fortune. For example, doctors. If you ask any of them why it is impossible to wish good luck to doctors, at first there will be a short silence. Well, after that you will hear that any wish, for example " Goodnight!", "Have a nice day!" or "Good luck in business", will lead to the fact that the entire watch will be very restless, fussy and unhappy. For the same reason, doctors in the hospital should not be told after the operation that everything is fine and nothing hurts. From such phrases, surgeons (and not only them) run like fire.

If you want to thank the doctor or say goodbye to him, say simple phrases "Thank you!" and "Goodbye!". And don't forget that folk omens, if you wish any person, not just a doctor, good luck, you can invite the evil eye or trouble, “turn away” fortune from a person, or cause damage. And also to call misfortune into the life of the interlocutor. Of course, you may not believe it, but it's still better to be careful. As they say, what if?

Why can't you wish good luck before an exam?

They say that in order to successfully pass the exams, according to signs, a student must remain unshaven until the moment of their onset, refuse to buy new clothes in favor of the “happy one”, enlist the support of the brownie and get up on the appropriate day only with his left foot. Superstition, of course. But one thing almost all students take seriously. Many of them refuse to wish success to fellow students, say "no fluff, no feather" and receive a playful wish "to hell with it." But to the question of why it is impossible to wish good luck on the exam, they answer that if this is done, 2 or 3 will show off in the standings, despite the long preparation and knowledge.

But how then can you wish for success?

If you encounter a person who sincerely believes that good luck cannot be wished on, do not refuse to communicate with him. Just try to choose a more soulful phrase, depending on the situation. For example, the words are perfect for wishing success: “All the best!”, “All the best!” or "Hope for the best!" You can even say the Star Wars line, "May the force be with you!" Or else show It is believed that this is also a special wish for success. If the person is already very close, you can also say: "Pulverize them!", "Tear them" or "I know you can handle it." And it will only be for the good! Well, or just hug him and say parting words.

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