Presentation on the topic of the population of France. Presentation on the topic France. General characteristics. ranks in terms of industrial output volume

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The presentation was prepared by: students of class 9 A Pasevich.P, Mironov.E, Levdansky.A, Alexandrov.P, Lazovik.L High school No. 68 Minsk On the topic: France

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Oh, children of the motherland, forward! The day of our glory has come; An army of tyrants is coming against us, Raising a bloody banner! Do you hear these screams among the fields of fierce soldiers? They promise, ominously wild, Murders of women and children. To arms, citizens! Close ranks, you! Let our fields drink with the blood of the enemy! What does she, the horde of slaves, and the alliance of these kings need? They are preparing the shame of their shackles They have long been a Frenchman! Yes, that's for us! What a disgrace! Great anger burns in the hearts: Who dares to start a conversation about our slavery? And at the end of the project we will perform it for you

National anthem of France

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Flag of France

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State in Western Europe. The mainland of the country (Hexagon - “Hexagon”, as the French themselves often call it) in the northeast. Located in the temperate zone in the northwestern region of Eurasia.

Geographical location

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In the north and west of the country there are flat areas and low mountains. Plains make up 2/3 of the total territory. The main mountain ranges are: Alps, Pyrenees, Jura, Ardennes, Massif Central and Vosges

Relief and geological structure

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Minerals of France The subsoil of France is rich in a variety of minerals. Among the countries Western Europe France occupies a leading place in reserves of uranium, iron ore, lithium, niobium, and tantalum. Significant reserves of bauxite, gold, tin, fluorite, barite, talc, etc. have been explored


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The climate on the European territory of France is temperate maritime, turning into temperate continental in the east, and subtropical on the southern coast. In total, three types of climate can be distinguished: oceanic (in the west), Mediterranean (in the south), continental (in the center and in the east). Summer is quite hot and dry - the average temperature in July reaches + 23-25 ​​degrees, while the winter months are characterized by rain at an air temperature of + 7-8 ° C.

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All rivers of France, with the exception of some overseas territories, belong to the Atlantic Ocean basin, and most of them originate in the Massif Central, the Alps and the Pyrenees. The country's largest waterways:

Inland waters

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Botanical Garden of Rouen Palace and Park Complex of Versailles Arboretum Harcourt Park Andre Citroen


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State French. In the outskirts of the country they speak Basque, Catalan, dialects of Italian, German, Flemish and Breton

Populations French Germans Swiss

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The population of France is about 65 million people. 60,876,136 people live on mainland France. In terms of population, France ranks 20th among 192 UN member states. The population density in France is 108 people per 1 km². According to this indicator, France ranks 14th among EU countries. However, since almost two-thirds of France is occupied by meadows, mountains and forests, in the remaining territory the density reaches 289 people per 1 km².

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About 48% are Catholics, 15% Protestants, 1.3% Jews and 4.5% Muslims

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The country is among the most economically developed country peace. Its economy is comparable in size and has a post-industrial structure: the service sector accounts for 2/3 of their GDP. In a diversified industry, the leading role is played by: Complex and high-tech mechanical engineering, chemistry of organic synthesis.


Electric power industry

Light engineering Chemical

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Iron and uranium ores and bauxite are being mined. The leading branches of the manufacturing industry are mechanical engineering, including automotive, electrical and electronic (TVs, washing machines and others), aviation, shipbuilding (tankers, sea ferries) and machine tool building


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French cosmetics and perfumes are recognizable everywhere and valued all over the world.

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France is the fourth largest automobile manufacturer in the world and the second largest in Europe (after Germany). The main manufacturers are Renault and Peugeot (which includes Citroen).

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France consumes about 220 million tons annually various types fuel, while a significant role in energy production is played by nuclear power plants, the number of which is 59, which produce more than 80% of the electricity in the country. The entire French electricity grid is subordinated to the state-owned company Électricité de France (EDF). France's hydroelectric network is the largest in Europe. There are about 500 hydroelectric power stations on its territory. France's hydroelectric stations generate 20,000 MW of power.

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Ferrous metallurgy serves as the basis for the development of mechanical engineering (one third of the cast metal from a blast furnace goes into mechanical engineering) and construction (1/4 of the metal goes into construction).

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Mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering in the country provides 40% of the cost of manufacturing industry products

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Chemical industry

France has developed the production of mineral fertilizers, synthetic rubber and plastics

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France is one of Europe's largest producers of agricultural products, occupies one of the leading places in the world in the number of cattle, pigs, poultry and the production of milk, eggs, meat

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Agriculture accounts for approximately 4% of GDP and 6% of the country's working population. French agricultural products account for 25% of EU production

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Agricultural land covers an area of ​​48 million hectares, representing 82% of the metropolitan area. Characteristic feature socio-economic structure is the fairly small size of farms. The average land area is 28 hectares, which exceeds the corresponding indicators of many EU countries

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Transport in France

Rail transport Rail transport in France is very developed. Local and overnight trains, including TGV (high-speed trains) connect the capital with all major cities of the country, as well as with neighboring European countries. The speed of these trains is 320 km/h.

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Road transport

Road communication Network highways covers the entire territory of the country quite densely. The total length of roads is 951,500 km. The main roads in France are divided into the following groups: Highways - the name of the road is made up of the letter A with the road number

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Aviation transport

France is one of the world's largest arms manufacturers: aviation technology, missile weapons, warships, armored vehicles and electronics.

There are about 475 airports in France. 295 of them have paved or concrete runways, and the remaining 180 are unpaved (2008 data). The largest French airport is Roissy-Charles de Gaulle Airport, located in the suburbs of Paris. The national French air carrier Air France operates flights to almost every country in the world.

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It’s also impossible not to notice that the famous movie Taxi 1 2 3 4 was filmed in this city

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Tourism in France presents important aspect the country's economy. Since the 90s, France has been ranked first on the list of the most tourist destinations in the world. Only a small part of tourists are passing through French territory (for example, vacationers and holidaymakers from Northern Europe heading to Spain); the majority come on vacation to France. To these must be added that part of the French population that prefers to spend their holidays in France.

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The tourist attractiveness of France is explained by the large number of attractions for every taste, the diversity of landscapes, the wealth of historical and artistic heritage, the moderate climate and ease of transport access, as well as adequate services for tourists (hotels, amusement parks) and transport infrastructures.

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sights of france


EuroDisneyland is located 32 km from Paris in the town of Marne-la-Valle and attracts the largest number of visitors. This is the largest amusement park in Europe (1943 hectares). Hundreds of attractions, parades and shows operate here every day, a real train runs, pirate frigates and a steamship from the time of Mark Twain sail, geysers smoke and volcanoes “explode”, caves with treasures, tunnels and hanging bridges open, and many wild animals “live” and fairy-tale heroes, from Snow White and Quasimodo to the heroes of Indiana Jones and Lucas' Star Wars.

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Avignon. Papal Palace on the banks of the Rhone. Place of captivity of the popes in the 14th century.

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Lille. Place Charles de Gaulle

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Strasbourg, the "capital of a united Europe", is located on the border with Germany. The city has absorbed the influence of French and German cultures into its appearance, acquiring its own distinct individuality. The historical center of Strasbourg is located on an island (taken under the auspices of UNESCO in 1988) formed by the Ille River and canals. The monumental Gothic Cathedral of Notre Dame is the tallest church in Europe (height 142 m). Near the Orangerie Park rises a new symbol of the city - a complex of buildings of the Council of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights and the Palace of Europe, occupying an area of ​​220 thousand square meters. m.

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Chateau de Chambord, the largest castle in the Loire. Construction was carried out in 1526-1544 by order of King Francis I. The castle has 440 rooms, 365 fireplaces, 63 staircases.

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FOOTBALL The French love football. The French national team was World Champion in 1998, European Champion in 2000.

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France Capital - Paris Official language - French President - Francois Hollande Territory - 674,685 km2, 0.26% of the water surface Population - 65.8 million people, density - 116 people / km2

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Geographical location Most of France is located in Western Europe. In the northeast it borders with Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, in the east - with Switzerland, in the southeast - with Monaco and Italy, in the southwest - with Spain and Andorra. The length of the sea borders is 5,500 km. In the west and north, the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, in the south by the Mediterranean Sea. France is the largest country in Western Europe by territory.

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The relief and geological structure of the Plains make up 2/3 of the total territory. The main mountain ranges are: the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Jura, the Ardennes, the Massif Central and the Vosges. The surface of the Massif Central contains many extinct volcanoes and other volcanic landforms. In the central regions and in the east there are medium-high mountains. In the southeast, the Alps partly form France's border with Italy and Switzerland. The highest point in France is the highest mountain in Western Europe - Mont Blanc, 4807 m.

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Water resources The country's largest waterways: Seine (775 km) - flat river Garonne (650 km) Rhone (812 km) - the deepest river in France Loire (1020 km) - the longest river in France All rivers of France, with the exception of some overseas territories, belong to basin of the Atlantic Ocean, and most of them originate in the Massif Central, the Alps and the Pyrenees.

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Climate The climate on the European territory of France is temperate maritime, turning into temperate continental in the east, and subtropical on the southern coast. Summer is quite hot and dry - the average temperature in July reaches + 23-25 ​​degrees, while the winter months are characterized by rain at an air temperature of + 7-8 ° C. The main share of precipitation occurs in the period from January to April, and its total amount fluctuates between 600-1000 mm. On the western slopes of the mountains this figure can reach more than 2000 mm.

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Flora and fauna Forests occupy 27% of the country's territory. In the northern and western regions of the country, hazel, birch, oak, spruce and cork trees grow. On the Mediterranean coast there are palm trees and citrus fruits. Among the representatives of the fauna, deer and fox stand out. Roe deer live in alpine regions, and wild boar survive in remote forests. It is also home to a large number of different species of birds, including migratory ones. Reptiles are rare, and among snakes there is only one poisonous one - the common viper. In coastal sea ​​waters There are many types of fish: herring, cod, tuna, sardine, mackerel, flounder and silver hake.

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Industry Mining of iron and uranium ores and bauxite is carried out. The leading branches of the manufacturing industry are mechanical engineering, including automotive, electrical and electronic, aviation, shipbuilding and machine tool manufacturing. France is one of the world's largest producers of chemical and petrochemical products, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. French clothing, shoes, jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics are very famous on the world market.

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Agriculture France is one of Europe's largest producers of agricultural products and occupies one of the leading places in the world in the number of cattle, pigs, poultry and the production of milk, eggs, and meat. Agricultural land covers an area of ​​48 million hectares. There is great fragmentation in land ownership. The main branch of agriculture is animal husbandry for meat and dairy production. Grain farming predominates in crop production; The main crops are wheat, barley, corn. Winemaking, vegetable growing, horticulture, floriculture, fishing and oyster farming are developed. Agricultural products: wheat, cereals, sugar beets, potatoes, wine grapes; beef, dairy products; fish.

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Presentation on the topic: France

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Key facts: France, official name The French Republic (French France, République française) is a state in Western Europe. The capital is the city of Paris. France also has overseas territories in the Americas, the West Indies, the Indian and Pacific Oceans and Antarctica. The name of the country comes from the ethnonym of the Germanic tribe - the Franks. Population 64.5 million people, including over 90% French. Currently, there is a tendency towards more intensive population growth than in the 19th century. Believers are predominantly Catholic (over 76%). The legislative body is a bicameral parliament (Senate and National Assembly). Administrative division: 26 regions (22 in the metropolis and 4 overseas regions), including 100 departments (96 in the metropolis and 4 overseas departments). 4 Overseas regions include one department each

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Geographical position France is washed in the west and north by the Atlantic Ocean (Bay of Biscay and the English Channel), in the south by the Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Lyon and the Ligurian Sea). In the southwest it borders with Spain and the dwarf principality of Andorra, in the southeast - with the dwarf principality of Monaco and Italy, in the east - with Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium. Western and northern regions of France - plains (Paris Basin and others) and lowlands; in the center and in the east there are medium-high mountains (Massif Central, Vosges, Jura). In the southwest - the Pyrenees, in the southeast - the Alps (the highest point in France and Western Europe is Mount Mont Blanc, 4807 m). The climate is maritime, temperate, transitional to continental in the east, on the coast Mediterranean Sea subtropical Mediterranean. Average temperatures in January are 1-8°C, in July 17-24°C; precipitation is 600-1000 mm per year, in the mountains in some places 2000 mm or more. Large rivers: Seine, Rhone, Loire, Garonne, in the east - part of the Rhine. About 27% of the territory is occupied by forest (mainly broad-leaved, in the south - evergreen forests).

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Population of the country Population: 1987 - 55.5 million people. 1998 - 58.5 million people. 2005 - 60.8 million people. 2008 - 61.9 million people. About 5 million people. are of foreign origin (that is, they are immigrants or their parents or grandparents were immigrants), of which 2 million already have French citizenship. About 3.7 million inhabitants (6.3%) are Muslims (). The total fertility rate in France is one of the highest in Europe - 2.0 children per woman. At the same time, the highest birth rate is observed among immigrants. It is curious that, thanks to the policy of encouraging the birth rate, the birth rate in immigrant families after arriving in France becomes higher than before arrival

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The modern coat of arms of France is a lictor's bun with an ax and laurel and oak branches. The old royal coat of arms was a crowned shield with three lilies. Since some kings sometimes combined two crowns, French and Navarre, and Henry IV did this definitively, the coat of arms had two shields. On the second was the symbol of Navarre - crossed chains. The complicated image could have shield holders - laurel branches

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Red and blue have long been considered the colors of Paris (and the revolutionaries took advantage of this on the day of the storming of the Bastille), and white was the color of the French monarchy. First appearing in 1790, the French tricolor was then slightly modified (originally red was at the shaft, that is, on the left) and redesigned in 1794.

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Administrative division: France is divided into 26 regions (régions), of which 21 are located on the European continent, one (“Corsica”) is on the island of Corsica, and four more are in the overseas territories. Regions do not have legal autonomy, but can set their own taxes and manage their budgets. The 26 regions are divided into 100 departments (départements), consisting of 342 districts (arrondissements) and 4,039 cantons (cantons). The basis of France are 36,682 communes. The division into departments and communes is comparable to the division of Russia into regions and districts. The department of Paris consists of a single commune. The four overseas regions (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Reunion) each consist of a single department. The region of Corsica (including 2 departments) has a special status as an administrative-territorial entity, different from other regions of the metropolis (continental France). All these regions are part of the European Union.

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Country economy: France - 6th economic power world after the USA, Japan, Germany, China and the UK. With a metropolitan area of ​​551,602 km² and 64 million inhabitants including overseas territories, France cannot be considered a "large" country in the world. And yet, its economic weight allows it to play leading roles on the international stage. France enjoys its natural advantages, starting from the central geographical location in Europe to having access to the main commercial routes of Western Europe: the Mediterranean Sea, the English Channel, the Atlantic...

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Country's economy: France is a highly developed industrial-agrarian country and occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of industrial production. Gross national product per capita - $22,320 per year. Extraction of iron and uranium ores, bauxite. The leading branches of the manufacturing industry are mechanical engineering, including automotive, electrical and electronic (TVs, washing machines and others), aviation, shipbuilding (tankers, sea ferries) and machine tool building. France is one of the world's largest producers of chemical and petrochemical products (including caustic soda, synthetic rubber, plastics, mineral fertilizers, pharmaceutical products and others), ferrous and non-ferrous (aluminum, lead and zinc) metals. French clothing, shoes, jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, cognacs, and cheeses (about 400 varieties are produced) are very famous on the world market. France is one of Europe's largest producers of agricultural products and occupies one of the leading places in the world in the number of cattle, pigs, poultry and the production of milk, eggs, and meat. The main branch of agriculture is animal husbandry for meat and dairy production. Grain farming predominates in crop production; The main crops are wheat, barley, corn. Viticulture (the world's leading wine producer), vegetable growing and horticulture are developed; floriculture. Fishing and oyster farming. Export: engineering products, including transport equipment (about 14% of the value), cars (7%), agricultural and food products (17%; one of the leading European exporters), chemical goods and semi-finished products, etc. Foreign tourism.

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