Robotics and Lego construction. Summary of an open lesson on the course “Educational Robotics” First lesson in robotics

I suggest you summary of children's educational activities 10-12 years old (middle group students) on the topic “In the jungle of robotics.” This work will be useful for both school teachers and additional education workers (club leaders). We bring to your attention, which is aimed at developing curiosity among schoolchildren, as well as nurturing their interest in technical fields, the work of engineers and programmers. More details here:, you will find a lot of interesting things

Goal: to develop children’s ideas about what it is robotics, what is its history, purpose and place in the modern world.

Demo material:

  • Presentation on the topic “History of robotics and Lego constructors”,
  • video "Jungle".

Handout: Lego Education 9580 construction sets

Methodological techniques: conversation-dialogue, game situation, examination of the presentation, conversation, thematic physical education, experiment, productive activity of schoolchildren, analysis, summing up.

Lesson summary “In the jungle of robotics”

Teacher: “Hello, guys!

In all past classes, we got acquainted with the Lego constructor and the Lego Education program. You learned how to assemble robots using ready-made instructions and program their actions yourself. Today we will summarize all our knowledge in the “Funny Animals” section, namely, we will construct four models. 1st department:

  • "Roaring Lion"
  • "Hungry Alligator"
  • "Drummer Monkey"
  • "Dancing Birds"

To do this, today we will take a trip to the jungle, but not an ordinary one, but a robotics jungle. Travelers will be divided into 4 groups. Each department must assemble a robot in a short time, create a program in the Lego Education environment and “bring the model to life.” We find out which group is the most energetic, the friendliest, and the fastest in scientific experiments by observing the speed and correctness of the assembly, as well as the behavior of the robot.

Students begin to assemble.

Teacher: “While the designers are busy at work, we invite specialists in the field of Lego robots to talk about the history of modern designers and robots.”

Students: “Robotics (from robots and technology; English robotics) is an applied science that deals with the development of automated technical systems and is the most important technical basis for the intensification of production.

The most important classes of general-purpose robots are manipulative and mobile robots.

Manipulation robot- an automatic machine (stationary or mobile), consisting of an actuator in the form of a manipulator with several degrees of mobility, and a program control device, which serves to perform motor and control functions in the production process. Such robots are produced in floor-mounted, suspended and gantry versions. They are most widespread in the machine-building and instrument-making industries.

Mobile robot- an automatic machine that has a moving chassis with automatically controlled drives. Such robots can be wheeled, walking and tracked (there are also crawling, swimming and flying mobile robotic systems.

Robotic systems are also popular in the field of education as modern high-tech research tools in the field of automatic control theory and mechatronics. Their use in various educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education makes it possible to implement the concept of “project-based learning”, which forms the basis of such a large joint educational program of the United States and the European Union as ILERT.

The use of the capabilities of robotic systems in engineering education makes it possible to simultaneously develop professional skills in several related disciplines: mechanics, control theory, circuit design, programming, information theory. The demand for complex knowledge contributes to the development of connections between research teams. In addition, already in the process of specialized training, students are faced with the need to solve real practical problems.

Existing robotic systems for educational laboratories:

  • Mechatronics Control Kit
  • Festo Didactic
  • LEGO Mindstorms
  • fischertechnik.

Robotics draws on disciplines such as electronics, mechanics, computer science, as well as radio and electrical engineering. There are construction, industrial, household, aviation and extreme (military, space, underwater) robotics. The Lego series has become an important construction kit for studying robots in school.

LEGO(translated from Danish as “play well”) - a series of toys, which are sets of parts for assembling and modeling various objects. LEGO sets are produced by the LEGO Group, which is headquartered in Denmark. Here, in Denmark, on the Jutland peninsula, in the small town of Billund, there is the largest Legoland in the world - a city built entirely from LEGO constructors.

The main product of the LEGO company are colorful plastic bricks, small figures, etc. LEGO can be used to build objects such as vehicles, buildings, and moving robots. Everything that is built can then be disassembled and the parts used to create other objects. The LEGO company began producing plastic bricks in 1949. Since then, LEGO has expanded its reach to include films, games, competitions, and seven theme parks. However, there are many clones and fakes of the designer.

Presentation “The History of Robots and Lego” is underway

Teacher: “And now young researchers will share their knowledge about the jungle. They will tell you about the jungle."

Students: “Ju?ngli are trees and shrubs combined with tall grasses. The English who lived in India borrowed this word from the Hindi language.

The largest jungles exist in the Amazon basin in most of Central America (where they are called “selvas”), in equatorial Africa, in many areas of Southeast Asia, and in Australia. Jungle trees have several common characteristics that are not seen in plants in less humid climates: The base of the trunk in many species has broad, woody projections.

The treetops are often very well connected with each other by vines. Other characteristics of the jungle include the unusually thin (1-2 mm) bark of the trees. In the jungle there are broad-nosed monkeys, a number of families of rodents, bats, llamas, marsupials, several orders of birds, as well as some reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates.

Many animals with prehensile tails live in trees. There are a lot of insects, especially butterflies, and a lot of fish. Two-thirds of all animal and plant species on the planet live in the jungle. It is estimated that millions of animal and plant species remain undescribed."

The Jungle video is playing.

Students use Lego WeDo to create models of a roaring lion, a drummer monkey, a hungry alligator and dancing birds. Students assemble robots, program and demonstrate models. Those in charge announce the results of filling out the analysis table of the goals and objectives set in an open lesson.

Robot models

Group No. 1.

Student No. 1.1: “We assembled a “monkey-drummer” model and programmed it. The energy is transferred from the laptop to the motor, and from the motor, first the small gear rotates, then the ring gear. This in turn rotates the axis. The fists raise and lower the paws of our drummer. We were faced with the task of building a monkey that would beat out different rhythms, and we succeeded. We tried to create different movements of the monkey by changing the position of the cams. Changing the position changes the sound and timing of the monkey’s paw strikes.”

Student No. 1.2: “Despite its terrifying appearance, this large monkey, more than two meters tall, is very friendly; males from the same flock usually do not compete with each other, and in order for the leader to be obeyed, it is enough to widen his eyes and utter an appropriate cry, hitting himself on the chest with his fingers. This behavior is just an act and is never followed by an attack.

Before a real attack, he looks into the eyes of the enemy for a long time and silently. Staring directly into the eyes is challenging not only in gorillas, but in almost all mammals, including dogs, cats and even humans. Baby gorillas stay with their mother for almost four years. When the next one is born, the mother begins to alienate the older one, but never does it rudely; she seems to invite him to try his hand at adulthood himself.

Having woken up, the gorillas go in search of food. They devote the remaining time to rest and games. After the evening meal, they arrange a kind of bedding on the ground, on which they fall asleep.”

Group No. 2.

Student No. 2.1: We assembled a “roaring lion” model. The energy is transferred to the motor, which receives energy from the computer. This drives the gear, which turns the crown wheel. The crown wheel is connected to the same axle on which the lion's front paws are fixed; when the axle rotates, the lion sits down or lies down. Let's demonstrate how the model works.

Student #2.2:. “The lion is a species of predatory mammal, one of the four representatives of the panther genus. It is the second largest living cat after the tiger - the weight of some males can reach 250 kg. A characteristic feature of a lion is a thick mane in males, which is not found in other representatives of the cat family.

Prefers open spaces, where it finds coolness in the shade of rare trees. For hunting, it is better to have a wide view in order to notice herds of grazing herbivores from afar and develop a strategy on how best to approach them unnoticed. Outwardly, it is a lazy beast that dozes and sits around for a long time.

Only when the lion is hungry and forced to pursue herds of herbivores or when he must defend his territory does he emerge from his stupor. Lions were popular in culture in ancient times and the Middle Ages, they were reflected in sculpture, painting, on national flags, coats of arms, in myths, literature and films.”

Group No. 3.

Student No. 3.1: We assembled a “hungry alligator” model. The energy is transferred from the computer to the motor, which rotates the ring gear. This gear is mounted on one axis with a pulley. A belt is placed on a small pulley, which transmits movement to a large pulley. He opens and closes the alligator's mouth. Let's demonstrate how the model works: put a fish in - the mouth closes, take out a fish - the mouth opens.

Student No. 3.2: “Alligator is a genus that includes only two modern species: the American (or Mississippi) alligator and the Chinese alligator. Large alligators have red eyes, while smaller ones have green eyes. Based on this feature, an alligator can be detected at night. The largest alligator ever recorded in history was discovered on an island in the US state of Louisiana - its length was . Several giant specimens were weighed, the largest of which weighed more than a ton.

There are only two countries in the world where representatives of this genus live - the United States of America and China. The Chinese alligator is endangered. The American alligator lives on the east coast of the United States. In Florida alone, their number exceeds 1 million individuals. The only place on Earth where alligators and crocodiles coexist is Florida.

Large males lead a solitary lifestyle, adhering to their territory. Smaller males can be seen in large groups in close proximity to each other. Large individuals (both males and females) defend their territory; small alligators are more tolerant of individuals of the same size.

Difference between crocodile and alligator: The biggest difference is in their teeth. When the crocodile's jaws are closed, the large fourth tooth of the lower jaw is visible. In an alligator, the upper jaw covers these teeth. They can also be distinguished by the shape of their muzzle: a real crocodile has a sharp, V-shaped muzzle, while an alligator has a blunt, U-shaped muzzle.”


Group No. 4.

Student No. 4.1: “We constructed a “dancing birds” model. The energy is transferred to the motor, and the gear rotates from the computer. It is mounted on the same axis with a pulley, which also rotates. A bird is attached to the top of the pulley and a belt is put on the pulley. When a pulley rotates, the belt moves and rotates another pulley. Our goal was to create a structure in which the birds would spin first in one direction and then in different directions. Let’s demonstrate how the model works: by changing gears, you can rotate the birds in different directions.”


The purpose of this course is to introduce you to Lego mindstorms. Learn how to assemble basic robot designs, program them for specific tasks, and walk you through basic solutions to the most common competition problems.

The course is designed for those taking their first steps into the world of robotics using Lego mindstorms. Although all robot examples in this course are made using the Lego mindstorms EV3 constructor, robot programming is explained using the example of the Lego mindstorms EV3 development environment, however, owners of Lego mindstorms NXT can also join the study of this course, and we hope that they will also find something for themselves useful...


In the second lesson, we will become more familiar with the programming environment and study in detail the commands that set the movement of our robot cart, assembled in the first lesson. So, let's launch the Lego mindstorms EV3 programming environment, load our lessons.ev3 project created earlier and add a new program to the project - lesson-2-1. You can add a program in two ways:

  • Select team "File" - "Add program" (Ctrl+N).
  • Click "+" on the programs tab.


We will devote our third lesson to studying the computing capabilities of the EV3 module and will analyze examples of practical solutions to problems involving calculating the trajectory of movement. We launch the Lego mindstorms EV3 programming environment again, load our lessons.ev3 project and add a new program to the project - lesson-3-4. We learned how to add a new program to a project in the previous lesson.


The Lego mindstorms EV3 construction kit includes various sensors. The main task of the sensors is to present information from the external environment to the EV3 module, and the programmer’s task is to learn how to receive and process this information, giving the necessary commands to the robot’s motors. Over the course of a series of lessons, we will gradually get acquainted with all the sensors included in both the home and educational kits, learn how to interact with them and solve the most common robot control tasks.

Lesson on robotics

Lesson topic: Belt drives.

Additional education for children

Loseva Marina Ivanovna

Additional education teacher of educational robotics class

MBOU DO DDiU "Fakel" of the city of Tomsk

Target: Get to know belt drives



Development of communication skills, ability to analyze, generalize, compare

Developing interest in expanding and deepening the knowledge gained;


Mastering the basic methods of understanding the world around us (observation, comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, modeling);

Understanding and accepting a learning task, searching and finding ways to solve it;

Carrying out educational activities in different forms (theoretical survey, practical work with models)


Fostering cognitive interest in experiments in the design and programming of models with belt drives;

Generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic “Mechanical transmissions”;

Mastering the basics of logical and algorithmic thinking, spatial imagination;

Expected results:

Students should develop the following universal learning actions (ULA):

Cognitive: general educational skills to structure knowledge, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities

Logical: analysis, comparison, synthesis

Regulatory: when faced with a new practical task, independently formulate a cognitive goal and build your actions in accordance with it

Personal: motivation for educational activities. Interest in the method of solution and the general method of action.

Communication: the ability to express one’s thoughts

Lesson duration: 45 minutes

Lesson type: combined

Class: 1st grade students, 10 people

Equipment: computers, Lego WeDo 9580 sets, projector, screen.

Lesson structure.

1) Organizational stage. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. 5 minutes

2) Progress of the lesson. 35 min

3) Reflection (summarizing the lesson) 5 min

    Organizational stage. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Activities of a teacher

Student activities

Checks students' readiness for the lesson:

Hello guys! Are you ready for great discoveries?

“If you want to do something great one day, remember: that one day is today!” - so said George Lucas, an American film director, screenwriter, known as the creator of the Star Wars saga and a series of adventure films about Indiana Jones.

Listen, watch 1 slide of the presentation

Voices the topic and purpose of the lesson:

So, today is that wonderful day for you and me to do something great...

You are ready?

Today we will discover...what do you think - WHAT?.. right (read from the screen) - belt drives.

We will act as pioneers and conduct some experiments with belt drives!

Watch slide 2 of the presentation

They read out loud the theme “Belt Drives” written on the screen.

Monitors the material covered.

But first we need to remember something! In the last lesson, we studied the types of mechanical transmissions. Who can name them?

What is used to transmit motion?

Who can tell me how we increased and decreased speed in gears?

Great! You understood and remembered everything!

The children answer. (3 slide)

Answer: Type of mechanical transmission of motion - gears. Gear transmission is carried out using gear wheels, which engage the teeth with each other.

Increasing speed: the drive gear is large, the driven gear is small.

Reducing speed: driving - small, driven - high.

    During the classes

Now look at the screen. (There is a video on the screen). This green wheel, which is put on the motor axis, is called a pulley. I turn on the motor and the pulley begins to rotate. And on the axle next to it there is another pulley. How can I make it rotate too?..

Slide 4 (video)

Children analyze

Draws a parallel with previously studied material:

Let's try an analogy with gears. There, movement from one gear was transmitted to another due to close contact between the teeth.

With guiding questions, the teacher helps to identify cause-and-effect relationships in the transmission of mechanical motion using pulleys.

But here one and the other pulleys are not connected. How can you use what to make the second pulley rotate?.. Well done!

Children identify a pattern and express their point of view.

Answer: connect both pulleys with a belt (elastic band)

Explains a new topic:

Two pulleys connected by a belt - this is Belting . One pulley, which is put on the motor axis, is called the drive one - it transmits movement from the motor through a belt to the second pulley, which is called the driven one (the same as in a gear drive). A belt drive always has two pulleys and a belt. An elastic band, rope, chain can be used as a belt...

Listen and watch the presentation.

Please note: the belt is stretched straight between the pulleys, without crossing. In this case we get direct belt drive.

And who noticed how the pulleys rotate - in one direction or in different directions; at the same speed or at different speeds?

You noticed everything correctly! Well done! With a direct belt drive, the pulleys rotate at the same speed in the same direction.

Listen and watch the presentation.

Answer: The pulleys rotate at the same speed in the same direction.

Now look at the screen. What has changed?

The belt is now tensioned crosswise.

How do the pulley wheels now rotate: what is their direction and speed of rotation?

A belt drive in which the belt is crossed is called cross belt drive

Listen and watch the presentation. Analyze. They draw conclusions.

(When the belt is put on crosswise, the pulleys rotate in different directions at the same speed)

Emotional mood:

Well, in my opinion, the moment has come to “... do something great...” Are you ready?

And now we will begin the practical implementation of the belt drive, which we have just discovered for ourselves. We will create a project “Dancing Birds”, moreover, we will act as experimenters, making our birds spin in different ways! Watch the video on the screen carefully.

Children watch a video about Dancing Birds on the screen. (Appendix to the Lego WeDo 9580 computer program)

Formulation of the problem: can you create the same Dancing Birds so that they spin in different directions? To spin at different speeds?

Children are divided into pairs and seated at workstations at computers. Each pair is given a Lego set, and the children assemble according to the “Dancing Birds” pattern.

(See the appendix - video “Lesson in an educational robotics class”)

The teacher monitors the assembly and programming process. Gives advices.

Students assemble a model according to the diagram and offer their own solutions for modernizing the design and program to achieve the task.

Explain their choice.

Consolidation of knowledge: Performing the exercise (The exercise was performed by teacher Loseva M.I. on the website

The teacher observes the exercise.

After completing the practical part of assembling, upgrading and programming the model, students independently complete the task


After assembling the structure and its modernization, there is a discussion: who and how made the birds spin in different directions, at the same and at different speeds (see Appendix 1)

Students evaluate their activities based on their results


During the lesson, students learned:

    about methods of transmitting motion and types of belt drive

    on the influence of pulley diameter on movement speed

We created and programmed working models. Gained experience in oral communication using special terms.


Direct belt drive

Cross belt drive

Speed ​​reduction

Speed ​​increase





Lesson outline

on this topic : "Introductory lesson in robotics."


students of the “Robot” association

1 year of study, 11-18 years old

Art. Caucasian 2016

Target: developing children's interest and desire to engage in robotics


  • educational:

Introduce children to the main areas of robotics and modern robotic production;

Formation of polytechnic knowledge about the most common and promising technologies in robotics;

Learn to apply your knowledge and skills in new situations.

  • educational:

Cultivate accuracy and patience when working with constructors;

Foster a caring attitude towards the material and technical base of the robotics laboratory;

Foster a culture of communication.

  • developing:

Develop independence and ability to solve creative, inventive problems;

- develop observation skills, the ability to reason, discuss, analyze, and perform work based on diagrams and technological maps;

Develop design and technological abilities, spatial concepts.

  • health-saving:

Compliance with safety regulations.

Equipment: computer, multimedia presentation, ready-made robots.

Materials: robot assembly diagrams, designer parts.

Tools: pencil, ruler.

Basic concepts used in the lesson:Lego - robots, construction, programming.

Formation of UUD(universal learning activities):

Personal UUD:

  1. Develop curiosity and intelligence when performing a variety of problematic tasks.
  2. Develop attentiveness, perseverance, determination, and the ability to overcome difficulties.
  3. Foster a sense of justice and responsibility.

Cognitive UUD:

  1. Become familiar with the concepts Lego - robots ", " design», « programming».
  2. Select parts of a given shape on the finished robot.
  3. Analyze the arrangement of parts in the robot.
  4. Build a robot from parts.
  5. Determine the place of a given part in the structure.
  6. Compare the obtained (intermediate, final) result with a given condition.
  7. Analyze the proposed possible options for the correct solution.
  8. Model a robot from parts.
  9. Carry out extensive control and self-control actions: compare the finished robot with the sample.
  10. Know the basic rules of working with the constructor.
  11. Create standard robot models from parts.

Communication UUD:

  1. Develop the ability to work individually and in groups.
  2. Express your opinion and listen to the opinions of others,

Complement the opinion of comrades, cooperate with peers.

  1. Be able to ask questions.

Regulatory UUD:

  1. To develop the ability to determine the purpose of activity in the classroom.
  2. Accept and save the learning task.
  3. Carry out final and step-by-step control of the results.
  4. Adequately perceive the teacher's assessment.
  5. To develop the ability to carry out cognitive and personal


Pedagogical technologies used:


Group technology;

Technology of collective creative activity;


Individual training.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizational part of the lesson. (2 minutes)
  2. Communicate the goals and objectives of the lesson. (2 minutes)
  3. Posting new material. (10 minutes)
  4. Activity planning.(3 minutes)
  5. Practical work. (20 minutes)
  6. Summing up the work. (3 minutes)

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational part of the lesson. Preparation of jobs.

2. Communicating the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher: Guys, today we are going to get acquainted with the main areas of robotics and modern robotic production.

3.Communication of new material:

Teacher: Robotics is an applied science that deals with the development of automated technical systems.

Robotics is the first step in mastering technical knowledge in the field of automation. It is directly related to such sciences as electronics, mechanics, computer science, radio engineering, and electronics.

Types of robotics: construction, industrial, aviation, household, extreme, military, space, underwater.

The word “robot” was coined in 1920 by the Czech writer Karel Capek in his science fiction play. The robots created in it work without rest, then rebel and destroy their creators

A robot is an automatic device created on the principle of a living organism. The robot operates according to a preset program. The robot receives information about the outside world from sensors (analogs of sensory organs). In this case, the robot can both communicate with the operator (receive commands from him) and act autonomously.

The development of robotics and artificial intelligence systems is progressing by leaps and bounds. Just 10 years ago, only controlled manipulators were developed. Artificial intelligence programs were aimed at a narrow range of problems to be solved. With the development of ICT, there has been a qualitative leap in the development of robotics.

The development of robots in the future will be able to significantly change the way people live. Machines endowed with intelligence will be able to be used for a wide variety of jobs, primarily those that are unsafe for humans.

Industrial robotics is one of the most successfully developing areas. There are already factories where 30 robots assemble cars.

Currently, such a direction as the creation of bionic prostheses is rapidly developing. In the operating rooms of the future, robots will become an extension or replacement for the hands of surgeons. They are more accurate and allow operations to be carried out in remote control mode.

Robots will be endowed with the ability to “self-learn”, accumulating their own experience and using it in the same situations when performing other jobs. Any invention can be used with good intentions or with evil intentions, so scientists need to consider all possible scenarios and anticipate all possible consequences of their discoveries.

An Android is a humanoid robot.

Robot classes:

Manipulative,which in turn are divided into stationary and mobile.

Manipulation robots are automatic machines consisting of an actuator in the form of a manipulator with several degrees of mobility and a program control device.

Mobile , which in turn are divided into wheeled, walking, and tracked. And also crawling, swimming, flying.

A mobile robot is an automatic machine that has a moving chassis with automatically controlled drives.

Robot components: Actuators are the “muscles” of robots. Currently, the most popular motors in drives are electric, but others using chemicals or compressed air are also used.

4.Activity planning.

Teacher: You learned about robots and robotics, and now I suggest you work in a design office and draw your own models of robots, come up with their purpose, scope and equipment. For example: the model controls order on the street.

5. Practical work. Students work on creating a sketch of their robot. Describe its technical characteristics.

Victoria Fedoseenko

Vocals, foreign languages, cross stitch or robots? To help doubting parents, Smartbabr experts give arguments in favor of robotics.

Robotics classes help develop logical and systematic thinking, as well as creative abilities. Even if your child does not become an engineer and he does not need the ability to control a robot, then an understanding of how an automatic device works and design experience will definitely be useful in other activities, no matter what profession the child chooses in the future.

Nowadays school education is mostly formal. It does not allow a person to successfully build his life in a complex technical world. Thanks to robotics, a child gets to know drawing, 3D modeling, construction in practice, comprehends three-dimensional perception of space, and much more. In a word, he learns to think not only with his “head”, but also with his “hands”. And also at the same time: both with the head and with the hands.

In robotics clubs, high school students see physical laws in action. Students in grades 5-7 solve interesting geometric and mathematical problems. Kindergarten and elementary school kids doing robotics develop motor skills, attention, and the ability to work in a group.

If robotics is added to the core curriculum, even as a technology subject, its meaning will begin to be lost. Today, schools spend time and resources selectively. For example, many educational institutions do not support gifted children, although there are corresponding government programs and their implementation is the responsibility of the school. And technology lessons are not taught everywhere. There is a possibility that something similar will happen with robotics classes: formally they will exist, but whether they will be useful is a moot point. Of course, exceptions are possible and great and good things will flash somewhere.

But in any case, mugs are more suitable for gifted children interested in studying robotics, as they help them go deeper. Therefore, even if robotics is introduced into the main school curriculum, circle movement cannot be abandoned.

I believe that practicing robotics greatly develops logic, increases systematic thinking, and all this also affects the degree of awareness in decisions made. Just assembling robots can help develop fine motor skills. Children also gain knowledge not only about how robots work, but also how existing systems function. This skill will help them in the future when designing their own systems in any industry, because there is a set of rules and restrictions in any type of activity.

I am sure that you can start studying robotics, at least in some simple and illustrative examples, from the age of 5-6. A child at this age is already quite fully aware of his actions, and also has a thinking that has not yet become “overgrown” with patterns. At this age, children are very open and are simply bursting with ideas and creativity. Just take a look at their drawings. All this can contribute in the future to the development of qualitatively new systems, these children will be unique in their kind.

Should this discipline be included in the school curriculum? Not sure. After all, there is a state standard, and without proper participation of the state, it is quite difficult to adapt to it with something innovative. But as an elective, yes. However, now there is a large shortage of such specialists who would agree to teach these subjects in schools. I think this is up to technical higher education institutions, which will take on this burden as part of their career guidance work.

Robotics classes help develop logical and systematic thinking, as well as creative abilities. These are very useful qualities that will definitely be useful to a child in the future, even if his career is not related to technical sciences. If you delve deeper into the process of practicing robotics, you can understand that success in this area is impossible without knowledge of physics, mathematics, computer science and the ability to apply them when solving non-standard problems. That is, robotics is a meta-subject, and those teachers who are already organizing clubs for their children to develop robotic skills will definitely receive dividends in the future in the form of developing and nurturing an erudite and interested personality in their students, who will be able to analyze and reason logically using knowledge from various fields, and work at the intersection of sciences, which will definitely be in demand in the future.

In addition, not only adult schoolchildren, but also preschool children can engage in robotics. The robot control element for preschoolers is entertaining. For elementary school students, robotics classes develop logical thinking, and at this stage they also have a need to create new things. High school students are interested in creating robot models to solve real problems and problems. As a rule, at this stage, students already understand why they are engaged in robotics, and thus they develop a need to study technical disciplines, conduct project activities, and study related sciences aimed at solving a specific problem.

Of course, there should be an opportunity to engage in robotics, at least as part of a group activity. To a greater extent, robotics as a school subject can be aimed at explaining and applying theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom as an interdisciplinary applied project activity. If we talk about the “technology” discipline, it is usually aimed at gaining the practical skill of creating something, so robotics can also be an element of it.

I would divide robotics into two large components: programming and electronics.

Possession of these components separately already turns young people into sought-after specialists, and simultaneous possession of both the first and second makes one specialist equivalent to two.

I believe that robotics will benefit children of all ages, as it develops a general understanding of how any technology works.

What benefits does learning the structure and control of robots give to children? A very valid question. Its relevance will become especially acute in 50 years, when the computing power of computers will exceed the capabilities of the human brain. We are already surrounded by technology. Understanding the human-machine interface means controlling machines. Our children need to lay the foundations of human-computer-robot interaction now, in order to avoid the scenarios of the Terminator movie.

If we talk about school education, I believe that it is necessary to include classes in robotics as an elective in classes with in-depth study of mathematics and physics in order to link fundamental sciences to practice. You need to start from 5th grade and exclusively for those interested.

The task that now faces the Russian education system is the preparation of creative engineers who could invent and implement new technologies that have no analogues in the world. Now we can say that in the next five years the most in-demand professions will be engineering. Accordingly, those children who will be interested in robotics and design now are future innovative engineers who will be in demand not only in the Russian but also in the international market.

First of all, the basics of robotics and programming teach a child to think logically, build correct cause-and-effect relationships, carry out analytical operations and draw conclusions correctly. Secondly, modern children who are familiar with various mobile devices (such as smartphones and tablets with a touch interface) do not know how to write and draw by hand; the parts of their brain responsible for creativity are simply not activated. Such children are not capable of creating, they can only recombine something or simply consume.

Passion for robotics, programming, and design encourages children of any age to think creatively and produce a unique product. This is the key to a successful future not only for an individual child, but also for the country as a whole.

Children need to start teaching robotics as early as possible, since interest in engineering professions manifests itself literally from the age of 5. This interest needs to be developed and promoted everywhere, not only in schools, but also in kindergartens, private clubs and circles.

Photo:, from the personal archives of experts

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