Social studies crosswords on the topic of labor. Social studies crosswords. Competition "Work of Art"

Make a crossword puzzle on the topic "Labor and Creativity" 20 words!


Horizontally: 1. Thanks to him, a famous art gallery still exists in Moscow to this day. 2. The main work of schoolchildren. 3. Product of labor intended for sale. 4. Experienced and talented specialist in his field. 5. Wealth obliges her. 6. Monetary remuneration for work. 7. Manual labor for the manufacture of various items. Vertical: 1. Great Russian scientist, founder of astronautics. 2. A rich person who allocates funds for the development of culture and science. 3. If this profession did not exist, textbooks would not exist either. 4. “If there was a hunt, everything would work out…” (indicate the missing word). 5. The work of writers, musicians, artists. Answers: Horizontally: 1. Tretyakov; 2. Study; 3. Product; 4. Master; 5. Charity; 6. Salary; 7. Craft. Vertical: 1. Tsiolkovsky; 2. Patron; 3. Teacher; 4. Work; 5. Creativity.

Explanatory note

Educational institution: GBOU SPO "Novoanninsky Agricultural College".

Position: student.

Discipline: Labor protection.

Course: III

Material name: Crossword “On topics in the discipline “Occupational Safety and Health”.”

Goals :


teach to apply existing knowledge in a non-standard situation, broaden the horizons of students;


cultivate interest in the discipline being studied;


develop logical thinking, attention, memory, and a sense of responsibility for the work being done in class.

Equipment : computer, multimedia projector.


Game moments that introduce an element of entertainment into the educational process are of great importance in enhancing the student’s cognitive activity.

Working with this crossword puzzle is effective for consolidating the topics studied in the discipline “Occupational Safety and Health” by third-year students.

  1. The crossword contains 11 words - 4 vertically and 7 horizontally.
  2. Question numbers are from 1 to 11.
  3. You can move to the next question with a mouse click.
  4. When solving a word in a crossword puzzle, left-click on the number of the guessed word.
  5. It is impossible to move on to another question without answering the previous one.
  6. The crossword puzzle is considered solved when the entire grid is filled.

in 1

p 2

n 3

b 4

about 5

p 6

b 7

by 8

t 9

p 10

t 11


4. A state of activity in which the occurrence of hazards is excluded with a certain probability, and the level of risk of the activity does not exceed an acceptable level.

5. A property of a person’s environment that causes a negative effect on a person’s life, leading to negative changes in his health.

7. Damage to the human body caused by rapid changes in atmospheric air pressure.

8. The main legislative act of domestic law in general, including in the field of labor safety.

9. Purposeful human activity aimed at modifying natural objects to satisfy one’s vital needs.

10. A disease caused by exposure to HMF during work.

11. Damage in the human body caused by environmental factors.


1. A production factor, the impact of which on a person leads to deterioration of health or illness.

2. Quantitative characteristics of the hazard.

3. Human activities carried out in production.

6. Trauma caused by severe psychological shock.


1. Devisilov V.A. Occupational safety (occupational safety): A textbook for students of secondary vocational educational institutions. - M.: Forum-Infra - M 2002 -420s.

2. Life safety: Textbook for students of secondary vocational educational institutions/NE. Belov, V.A. Devisilov, A.F. Kozyakov and others; Under general ed. NE. Belova.-M.: Higher School, 2002 - 357 p.

3. Life safety. Industrial safety and labor protection: Textbook. manual for students of secondary vocational educational institutions /P.P. Kukin, V.L. Lapin, N.L. Ponomarev and others.M.: Higher. school, - 431 p.: ill.

4. Occupational safety and health: Textbook for universities/N.E.Garngina, N. G. Zanko, N. Yu. Zalatareva and others; Edited by O.N. Rusaka.- Publishing house MANEB, 2001 -279 p. :il.

Collection of social studies crossword puzzles for 5th grade

Mamaev Oleg Vladimirovich, teacher of history and social studies MCOU "Batkovskaya Basic School", Ryazan region, Sasovsky district, Batki village

Description and purpose:
The collection consists of six crossword puzzles based on materials from all five chapters of the textbook “Social Studies. 5th grade” edited by L.N. Bogolyubov and L.F. Ivanova. The five crossword puzzles correspond to the five textbook chapters of the same name and each consist of 12 words. The last sixth crossword puzzle is the final one for the entire training course and consists of 16 words. Crosswords are intended for social studies teachers and 5th grade students and can be used in various forms in the classroom: to consolidate material studied in class, for individual or collective checking of homework, for conducting tests and intellectual and entertainment activities.
1. Test students’ knowledge of the material studied;
2. Stimulate the cognitive activity of students;
3. Contribute to the creation of a relaxed, creative atmosphere in the classroom.
Crossword "Man"

1. Thanks to it, many individual characteristics and characteristics are transmitted from parents to children.
2. Indicator of adulthood in adolescence.
3. The most important difference between humans and animals.
4. A bad habit common among teenagers.
5. They become teenagers starting from this class.
6. Man is not only a biological creature, but also... (insert the missing word).
1. A German scientist who fulfilled his childhood dream of finding the legendary Troy.
2. A distinctive biological feature of the teenage body is fast... (insert the missing word).
3. Another name for adolescence.
4. Innate actions and reactions of people and animals.
5. Adolescence.
6. A deaf-blind Russian woman who, thanks to hard work, became a famous scientist and writer.
Horizontally: 1. Heredity; 2. Independence; 3. Reason; 4. Smoking; 5. Fifth; 6. Social.
Vertically: 1. Schliemann; 2. Growth; 3. Transitional; 4. Instincts; 5. Adolescence; 6. Skorokhodova.
Crossword "Family"

1. The main responsibility of parents is ... children (indicate the missing word).
2. Family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood are protected by this organization.
3. Intellectual game that develops thinking and memory.
4. Family financial resources.
5. The name of the time that remains after completing obligatory tasks.
6. An important quality for housekeeping.
7. A person’s constant hobby.
1. A family in which one of the parents is missing.
2. Medieval Russian encyclopedia on housekeeping.
3. Family members in relation to each other.
4. This feeling is at the core of family.
5. One of the essential items.
Horizontally: 1. Education; 2. State; 3. Chess; 4. Money; 5. Free; 6. Thrift; 7. Hobbies.
Vertically: 1. Incomplete; 2. Domostroy; 3. Relatives; 4. Love; 5. Clothes.
Crossword "School"

1. They are known in trouble.
2. The result of the student’s educational activities.
3. Teenagers of the same age.
4. Students study at this school for 3-4 years.
5. Outstanding Russian scientist-teacher, author of the book “I Give My Heart to Children.”
6. In this educational institution you can get a higher education.
7. After graduating from this class, the student receives a certificate of basic general education.
1. You can’t study without them!
2. This is what mathematics studied in elementary school used to be called.
3. Thanks to it, you can expand your horizons, gain new knowledge and experience.
4. The first printed book in Russia.
5. This new academic subject appears in the school curriculum in the 5th grade.
Horizontally: 1. Friends; 2. Mark; 3. Peers; 4. Initial; 5. Sukhomlinsky; 6. University; 7. Ninth.
Vertically: 1. Books; 2. Arithmetic; 3. Self-education; 4. Apostle; 5. History.
Crossword "Labor"

1. Thanks to him, a famous art gallery still exists in Moscow to this day.
2. The main work of schoolchildren.
3. Product of labor intended for sale.
4. Experienced and talented specialist in his field.
5. Wealth obliges her.
6. Monetary remuneration for work.
7. Manual labor for the manufacture of various items.
1. Great Russian scientist, founder of astronautics.
2. A rich person who allocates funds for the development of culture and science.
3. If this profession did not exist, textbooks would not exist either.
4. “If there was a hunt, everything would work out…” (indicate the missing word).
5. The work of writers, musicians, artists.
Horizontally: 1. Tretyakov; 2. Study; 3. Product; 4. Master; 5. Charity; 6. Salary; 7. Craft.
Vertically: 1. Tsiolkovsky; 2. Patron; 3. Teacher; 4. Work; 5. Creativity.
Crossword "Motherland"

1. The form of popular voting is a national poll.
2. This tsar introduced a tricolor flag in Russia.
3. Love for the homeland.
4. Russian writer, creator of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.”
5. The largest subject of the Russian Federation.
6. Author of the modern Russian anthem.
1. They are obliged to obey the laws, defend the fatherland, and pay taxes.
2. A new subject of the federation, which became part of Russia in 2014.
3. The people living in our country.
4. White flag with a blue diagonal cross.
5. He is depicted on the Russian coat of arms.
6. State language of Russia.
Horizontally: 1. Referendum; 2. Peter; 3. Patriotism; 4. Dahl; 5. Yakutia; 6. Mikhalkov.
Vertically: 1. Citizens; 2. Crimea; 3. Ukrainians; 4. Andreevsky; 5. Eagle; 6. Russian.
Final crossword puzzle for social studies

1. It includes republics, territories, regions, districts.
2. One of the differences between humans and animals.
3. Patron of the arts.
4. These needs are common to both humans and animals.
5. Color of the state flag of the USSR.
6. Thanks to labor, two types of goods are created: goods and... (insert the missing word).
7. This organization helps parents raise their children.
8. This period of life is called transitional age.
1. In this place you can get the book you need.
2. Creative profession related to teaching children.
3. Flag of the Russian Navy.
4. “..., like need, destroys many” (indicate the first missing word).
5. To become a teacher or engineer, you must enroll in this educational institution.
6. These people live in the largest subject of Russia.
7. A group of people united by the principle of kinship.
8. Basic school begins with this class.
Horizontally: 1. Federation; 2. Speech; 3. Patron; 4. Biological; 5. Red; 6. Services; 7. School; 8. Adolescence.
Vertically: 1. Library; 2. Teacher; 3. Andreevsky; 4. Wealth; 5. University; 6. Yakuts; 7. Family; 8. Fifth.

Workshop on the topic “Labor”

Goal: to consolidate students’ knowledge on the topic “Labor”

Lesson type: game lesson.

During the classes

Organizational part.

The class is divided into groups and completes tasks.

    Term control

  • Creation

  • Craftsman

  • Charity

    Collect proverbs.

Words are written on pieces of paper, from which you need to collect proverbs. Which group will collect the proverbs faster and correctly explain the meaning.

When starting a business, think about the end

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

As is the master, so is the work.

To whom work is a burden, joy is unknown.

If there was a hunt, all work would work out.

Good work lives for two centuries.

If you have patience, you will have skill.

What goes around comes around.

The anthill is not big, but it digs up mountains.

    Who are we talking about?

Three clues are given, if they recognize the identity from the first clue -3 points, from the second -2 points, from the third -1 point. If there is no answer after the third clue, the right to answer may pass to the second group.

A) Tsiolkovsky

    born in Kaluga, lost his hearing after an illness

    passed the exams and worked as a school teacher

    built an observatory on the roof of his house

B) Tretyakov

    born in Moscow, engaged in business

    opened a school for the deaf and dumb

    collected a collection of paintings by Russian artists

    famous 18th century sculptor

    built the Church of the Transfiguration on the island of Kizhi

    built without a single nail

    studied at the artel of Moscow artists

    went to a monastery to find solace in the work of a painter

D) Levitan

    creator of the “mood landscape”

    loved to depict the beauty of Russian nature

    could sit for hours and look at the sky, lie in the grass, wander through the forest, watch nature

    contemporary of Socrates and Alexander the Great

    famous Greek philosopher

    lived in a barrel

    born into the family of a retired major

    participated in the Patriotic War of 1812

    became Minister of Public Instruction in 1854

Z) Alekseev

    industrialist turned actor

    founded the Art Theater in Moscow

    went down in history under the name of K.S. Stanislavsky

    “You are for me, I am for you”

Groups ask questions to each other.

    Captains competition.

Make up a syncwine with the words “work”, creativity.”

    Competition "Work of Art"

Distribute cones, grains, seeds, sheets of colored paper, glue, and scissors to the students. They must create their own work.

    Solving the crossword puzzle. Annex 1.(Reserve)

Summing up the game.

Determination of the winners.

Assessing students' work in class.

Annex 1

Crossword puzzle on the subject of "social studies" on the topic "Labor"


2. What is the name of the sphere of human activity aimed at developing and theoretically systematizing objective knowledge about reality?

4. This is the creation of something new, valuable not only for this person, but also for others.

6. This is a human activity that requires knowledge and skills. It always leads to results.

7. What is the name of the production of various necessary things?


1. What is the name of a person who has achieved high mastery in his craft, who puts ingenuity into his work, making unusual and original objects?

3. Artistic creativity

5. What do you call a person who masters a craft?

6. What is the name of a product produced for sale?




7. craft


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