Natural and ecological conditions of the territory. Natural and geographical position of the Yegoryevsky district Electronic educational resources

Geographical position

Turkey is located in the Eastern Hemisphere, between 25o 40/ and 44o 48/E. 35o 51/ and 42o 06/ N Its area (including internal ledges) is 779452 sq. km. The main part of the territory of Turkey - 97% - is located in Asia and only 3% - in Europe. The geographical feature of Turkey is its location at the crossroads of important routes, connecting Europe with Asia, the Black Sea countries and the peoples of the Mediterranean since ancient times. Nowadays, highways and railway lines run through the territory of Turkey, connecting Europe with many Asian countries. The maximum length of Turkish territory from west to east is 1600 km, from north to south 600 km. Those. on three sides, it is washed by the seas: in the north by the Black Sea, in the west by the Aegean, in the south by the Mediterranean. The European and Asian parts of Turkey are separated from each other by a water system that forms a maritime passage from the Black Sea to the Aegean and includes the Sea of ​​Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles. In the southern part of the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn of the Marmara Sea, one of the most beautiful cities in the world and the largest city in Turkey - Istanbul is located.

Natural and ecological conditions of the territory

Türkiye is a mountainous country. The average height of its territory above sea level is 1132 m. Almost the entire territory of Asian Turkey is occupied by the Asia Minor Highlands, which includes high mountain ranges dissected by specific units and crowned with powerful peaks, vast dry highlands and plateaus. There are few low-lying plains in the country; they are located on separate sections of the sea coasts, as a rule, at the mouths of rivers.


There are more than 100 types of minerals in Turkey. The country has many types of ore, mining, chemical, fuel and energy raw materials. First of all, it should be mentioned - chromium, tungsten, copper ores, borates, marble, coal, etc. Turkey accounts for 25% of the world's mercury reserves. Turkey has huge fuel and energy resources - oil, uranium, brown coal, coal. On the territory of Turkey there are such rocks as: asbestos, marble, borates, sulfur.

The territory of Turkey is located within the Mediterranean subtropical climate zone. However, the mountainous, strongly dissected relief, very difficult conditions for air circulation, the presence of climatic zonation - all this determined a wide variety of climatic regions. In the interior highlands the climate is continental. Precipitation prevails in the steppe up to 500 mm per year.


The territory of Turkey, with the exception of the Canian Plain, is covered with a dense network of rivers. But all rivers have a mountainous character, abound in waterfalls, rapids and therefore are not navigable. The high speed of the current makes them almost non-freezing, even in high mountainous areas. Main rivers: Euphrates (2800 km), Tigris (1900 km), Kyzyl-Irmak (1355 km), Sakarya (824 km).

About 9.2 thousand square meters. km. The areas of Turkey are occupied by lakes: crater, karst, lagoon, tectonic, dam-volcanic. The largest Van (3713 sq. km.) - salty, drainless, Tuz (1500 sq. km.) - salty.


The flora of Turkey, which includes about 6,700 plant species, is rich and varied. Two large vegetation zones can be distinguished - coastal and inland. The coastal part of the coastal zone is mainly a cultural zone, i.e. arable land, orchards, orchards. Behind it is an area of ​​forests and shrubs.

The fauna of Turkey is characterized by an abundance of desert-steppe and mountain species. Red deer, fallow deer, roe deer, wild boar, leopard, bear, and badger are found in mountain forests. The treeless mountains are characterized by the bezoar goat and the mouflon. The steppe lynx and jackals live on the plateaus. Such widespread animal species as the wolf, fox, hare, in Asia Minor have local subspecies. There are many steppe rodents and reptiles.

The bird world is very diverse. Of the large birds of prey, eagles, vultures, sarash, kites, hawks are found. There are white alets. Thrushes, woodpeckers, cuckoos, larks, tits, salt swallows. Cranes, herons, geese, ducks, lapwings, gulls.

The ichthyofauna is represented by a wide variety of fish species living in the marine basins of Turkey. These are mainly mullet, mackerel, herring, sturgeon, etc.

The ancient Greeks used the word "Mesopotamia" (Mesopotamia) to designate the lands that lay between the Tigris and the Euphrates. In fact, however, the Tigris and Euphrates are not the boundaries of this region in the exact sense of the word, but rather the main landmarks towards which its real boundaries gravitate. Using the name "Mesopotamia", the ancient authors wanted to emphasize that the vast majority of this territory lies between two rivers. Mesopotamia is a flat plain in the Tigris and Euphrates basin, stretching northwest from the Persian Gulf to the Upper Euphrates and the mountains of Eastern Anatolia. Now the territory of Mesopotamia is mainly part of Iraq. This entire vast region was divided into Lower and Upper Mesopotamia.

In Upper (Northern) Mesopotamia, the Tigris and Euphrates are far apart. Lower (Southern) Mesopotamia lay in the lower reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates, where these rivers flowed close to each other. Now the Tiger and Ev-

frat at the confluence with the Persian Gulf merge into

a single river Shatt al-Arab; in ancient times they had separate mouths. The Euphrates within Lower Mesopotamia was divided into several branches; their valleys were completely inhabited.

In ancient times, Lower Mesopotamia was called Sumer and, in turn, was divided into southern and northern parts. The south of Lower Mesopotamia was called Primorye, or Sumer in the narrow sense of the word, and the north was originally called Ki-Uri, and later Akkad (after the city of Akkad, the capital of Mesopotamia at the end of the 3rd millennium BC). Hence the name of Lower Mesopotamia as a whole, fixed from the end of the 3rd millennium BC. e., - "Sumer and Akkad". Even later, Lower Mesopotamia was called Babylonia, after its new main center - Babylon.

By the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. Lower Mesopotamia became known as Babylonia, and Upper Mesopotamia became Assyria. Both of these names were also used by Greek scholars, but at the same time they often called Assyria the lands lying west of the Euphrates to the Mediterranean Sea. Within the territory of this "expanded" Assyria, geographers had to distinguish between the part lying west of the Euphrates and the part lying east of it. The Greek geographers began to call the first of these parts Syria (a reduced version of the name Assyria), and the second - Mesopotamia.

Thus, the original name of Mesopot-

The mission applied only to Upper Mesopotamia. In addition, in the Hebrew language there was the name Naharaim, literally - "The country of two rivers" (the Russian synonym is Mesopotamia). So the ancient Jews called Upper Mesopotamia. The Greek "Mesopotamia" (Mesopotamia) corresponded to the biblical "Naharaim" (Mesopotamia). Finally, at the beginning of our era, Roman geographers extended the name Mesopotamia to Babylonia (Lower Mesopotamia). This is how the modern geographical concept of "Mesopotamia" arose.

The ambiguity of the name Mesopotamia and its analogues sometimes affects to this day. For example, where the name Naharaim is found in the Bible, it is translated into European languages ​​as Mesopotamia, although in the Bible only Upper Mesopotamia is called Naharaim, and the name Mesopotamia in modern European languages ​​means both Upper Mesopotamia and Lower Mesopotamia. Similarly, the modern Russian name Mesopotamia, being a tracing paper from the Hebrew "Na-haraim", also refers to all of Mesopotamia, and not only to Upper.

Scientists of the 19th–20th centuries it was believed that the Persian Gulf in ancient times went into the coastline much further north than it is now. This point of view reflects most of the maps and atlases of the Ancient East. Valid-

but, the Sumerian Ur and Eredu, now far removed from

seas, in ancient times were port cities in which ships were unloaded. However, geologists have found that in fact the boundaries of the bay itself since ancient times

And to this day, they practically did not change, and only the mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers was very wide and passed in such a way that ships from the Persian Gulf could easily rise to the river piers in Ur and Ered. In addition, a depression located near Eredu, apparently, in ancient times it was a lake, connected with the old channel of the Euphrates by a system of canals. The same channel could approach Ur.

The area freely connected with the Persian Gulf

The swampy estuaries of the Tigris and Euphrates and the lagoons connected to them were called in ancient times the “Bitter Sea”. Now, after aridization and uplift of the soil caused by the silting of both rivers, this area is the Shatt al-Arab valley.

Geographically, Mesopotamia is a wide, shallow depression bounded by the Arabian Plateau, the Syrian highlands, and the Armenian Taurus and Zagros mountain ranges. The main centers of civilization development were located in Lower Mesopotamia, which was the most favorable part of the entire Fertile Crescent for agriculture, but poor in mineral resources and wood. In addition, large-scale irrigation, which the Mesopotamians

tsy sought to develop as far as possible and without

In the beginning, agriculture here was initially impossible, leading to rapid salinization of soils and a drop in productivity. In the end, salinization of the soil and the aridization of the climate led to the desolation of southern Mesopotamia and its largest center, Babylon.

Ancient Mesopotamia

The territory of Upper Mesopotamia was a hilly steppe, in some places turning into low mountains. Assyria was located in the east of Upper Mesopotamia (this name was used by Greek authors and is accepted in science to designate

region centered in the ancient city of Ashur on

Middle Tigris).

One of the main features of the geopolitical map of Mesopotamia is its two permanent "fronts": in the north - northeast - east of it (where the lowland inhabitants of Mesopotamia interacted with the highlanders - almost always hostilely) and on the border with the Arabian Plateau (from where a wave of nomads invaded in a wave).

The extreme poverty of Mesopotamia in mineral resources, including metals, and wood from an early time stimulated the development of foreign trade and military expansion. The Mesopotamians exported textiles, grain and handicrafts, and they themselves sent trade and military expeditions for timber, metals and slaves.

The need to compensate for the lack of natural resources forced the Mesopotamian rulers to receive appropriate raw materials and products in the form of tribute from the mountainous periphery in the north and east, and also to establish control over the main trade routes leading west to the Mediterranean Sea. From the middle of the III millennium BC. e. and until the end of the existence of independent Mesopotamian statehood, the rulers of Mesopotamia systematically carried out military campaigns with these goals to the Mediterranean Sea and to the mountainous regions of Western Iran.

Ticket number 4

1. The concept of geographical location. Features of nature, population and economy of certain territories of Russia (give examples).

Geographical position is an indicator of the relative position on the earth's surface of geographical objects of various types - one of the main categories of geography. The geographical position can change over time under the influence of various factors, both natural and political and economic.

There are several types of geographic location.

1. Natural-geographical (physical-geographical). This is a characteristic of the location of the object in question in a number of natural objects, for example, in relation to continents and oceans, to landforms, to islands and peninsulas, to rivers and lakes, etc.

2. Mathematical-geographical allows to estimate the position of an object in the system of coordinates and reference points of the planet, i.e. in relation to the elements of the degree grid (to the equator and the Greenwich meridian), to the poles of the Earth, to extreme geographical points.

3. Political-geographical - in relation to neighboring countries with their capitals, to political groupings of countries, for example, to the European Union.

4. Economic-geographical determines the position of an object among various anthropogenic objects that perform certain economic functions. For example, industrial and agricultural enterprises, mining sites and industrial areas, as well as in relation to economic groupings of countries (OPEC, ASEAN, NAFTA).

5. The transport and geographical assessment assesses the availability of the object with transport and communication capabilities of economic relations (roads and railways, sea and river routes, air routes, oil and gas pipelines, fiber-optic communication lines and power lines, airports, sea and river ports, etc. .).

6. Military-geographical determines the degree of relation to objects of military-strategic importance (military bases, groupings of troops, nuclear facilities, ballistic missile silos, enterprises producing nuclear weapons), to military-industrial complex enterprises, as well as in relation to military-political groups countries (NATO).

7. Ecological-geographic characterizes the background of the environmental safety of the location of the object to places with environmental problems (for example, to points for the release of pollutants, to areas of radioactive contamination (Chernobyl), as well as to potentially dangerous objects that create an environmental threat).

Features of nature, population and economy of certain territories of Russia.

The large extent of Russia from west to east and from north to south, the relief features predetermine the diversity of natural landscapes (arctic deserts, tundra, forest tundra, taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest steppes and steppes, semi-deserts and deserts).

Tundra. Severe, cold climatic conditions (low average annual air temperatures), long winter - the snow cover lasts 7-9 months, a short summer period (2 months) and, accordingly, a short growing season. The presence of permafrost, excessive moisture - high waterlogging of the territory, infertile tundra-gley soils. Large open spaces with strong winds. The existing natural and climatic conditions are unfavorable for humans. As a result, the districts are characterized by a low population density and a relative predominance of the urban population. A special type of economy has developed, the main specialization of which is the exploitation of the natural resources of the Far North (extraction of gas, copper, nickel, etc.) and reindeer breeding.

The steppe is the main agricultural region of Russia due to favorable natural and climatic conditions for agriculture (fertile soil - chernozems, long growing season). This is the zone of the most developed animal husbandry (cattle, pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry farming). Developed food industry. The rural population predominates. Significantly high population density.

2. Fuel and energy complex: composition, importance in the economy, development problems. Fuel and energy complex and problems of environmental protection.

The fuel and energy complex is a group of industries associated with the production and distribution of energy. Includes the extraction of various types of fuel and its transport, the production of electricity and its transport. Recently, the extraction of fuel and energy production have become expensive, and there has been an increase in the cost of transporting fuel and energy. Energy development: exploration and development of deposits, construction of new processing plants and pipelines have an increasing negative impact on the environment, especially in the regions of the Far North.

The fuel industry consists of three main sectors - coal, oil and gas.

Among the fuel resources of the country in the explored geological reserves, coal accounts for more than 90%.

On the basis of the extraction of combustible minerals, territorial production complexes (TPC) of the country are being formed - Timan-Pechora, West Siberian, Kansk-Achinsk fuel and energy (KATEK), South Yakutsk.

The extraction of coking and power coal is concentrated mainly in Western Siberia (Kuznetsk basin), in the North (Pechora basin) and in the North Caucasus (Russian part of Donbass). The main region of the country for the extraction of brown coal is Eastern Siberia (Kansk-Achinsk basin). In recent years, coal production has decreased, which is caused by a reduction in production capacity and an increase in railway transport tariffs.

In terms of oil reserves, Russia ranks second in the world after Saudi Arabia. The largest oil-producing region is Western Siberia (70%), followed by the Urals and the Volga region. Approximately 70% of the country's continental shelf is promising in terms of oil and gas potential. For the vast northern territories of Russia, the transfer of oil through oil pipelines is more economical than sea transportation by tankers. The largest pipeline hub is Western Siberia, the main oil flows go to the west.

In recent years, oil production has been declining. The reasons are the reduction of reserves at the fields being developed, the insufficiency of geological exploration, wear and tear of equipment, the lack of modern mining equipment that makes it possible to rationally develop deposits. The reduction in oil production led to the fact that the share of oil in the total fuel production decreased and natural gas came out on top (37% and 48%, respectively).

Products of the gas industry are raw materials for the chemical industry and fuel.

At present, 3/5 of all Russian gas production comes from the fields of Western Siberia, the largest of which are Zapolyarnoye, Medvezhye, Urengoy, and Yamburg. The leading areas for natural gas production are West Siberian (more than 90%), Urals (about 7%), Volga (1%). The share of the West Siberian region accounts for more than 30% of all products of the fuel industry, the Ural region - 13%, the Volga region - 11% and the Central region - 10%.

Fuel and energy and consumer factors are the main ones when placing power plants. The bulk of electricity is generated at thermal power plants (3/4), hydraulic and nuclear.

Among thermal power plants, thermal power plants (CHP) and condensing power plants (CPP) are distinguished. According to the type of energy used, thermal power plants are divided into those operating on traditional fossil fuels, nuclear and geothermal; by the nature of public services - to district (GRES - state district power plants) and central.

The traditional fuel for thermal power plants (TPPs) is coal (more than 50%), oil products (fuel oil) and natural gas (more than 40%), peat and oil shale (5%).

TPPs are characterized by free location, generation of electricity without seasonal fluctuations, relatively fast and inexpensive construction. The capacity of the largest thermal power plants (TPPs) is more than 2 million kW. The TPP location factor is consumer, since the radius of transportation of one of its products (hot water) is a maximum of 12 km.

Nuclear power plants are located taking into account the consumer factor. The world's first nuclear power plant was built in the USSR in 1954 (Obninsk NPP, power 5 MW). Currently, the Kalinin, Smolensk, Leningrad, Kola, Kursk, Novovoronezh, Balakovo, Beloyarsk and Bilibinsk automatic telephone exchanges operate on the territory of the country. After the Chernobyl disaster, the construction of the Tatar, Bashkir, and Krasnodar nuclear power plants was suspended. In the coming years, blocks of many power plants in the country should be decommissioned, since the share of costs for uranium mining in the nuclear fuel cycle is approximately 2%, and about 3/4 is spent on processing and disposal of waste.

Geothermal power plants (GTPP) are technologically similar to combined heat and power plants, the factor of their placement is fuel and energy. The only operating GTPP in the country is Pauzhetskaya in Kamchatka.

Hydroelectric power plants are characterized by ease of operation, high efficiency, and the generation of relatively cheap electricity.

The country's largest hydraulic power plants are part of two cascades - the Angara-Yenisei (with a total capacity of 22 million kW) and the Volga-Kama (11.5 million kW). The most powerful hydroelectric power plant in Russia is Sayano-Shushenskaya (6.4 million kW).

Tidal power plants (TPPs) operate on the tidal and tidal phases of ocean level change. The only tidal power plant in the country is Kislogubskaya (400 kW) on the coast of the Barents Sea. Promising regions for the construction of TPPs are the waters of the White (Mezen TPP with a capacity of 10 million kW is being designed) and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk (Tugur TPP is being designed).

Almost all power plants in our country are part of the Unified Energy System (UES) of Russia, with the exception of power plants in the Far East.

In terms of electricity generation, the Central region leads (23%), followed by the Urals (12%), East Siberian and North Caucasian regions (11% each).

The electric power industry is a branch of specialization for the Central, East Siberian, West Siberian, Central Black Earth, Northwest and Northern economic regions.

3. Determination of directions and distances from a topographic map.

Algorithm for determining directions from a topographic map.

1. On the map we mark the point where we are and the point to which we need to determine the direction (azimuth).

2. We connect these two points.

3. Through the point at which we are, we draw a straight line: north - south.

4. Using a protractor, we measure the angle between the north-south line and the direction to the desired object. Azimuth is measured from the north direction in a clockwise direction.

Algorithm for determining distances from a topographic map.

1. We measure the distance between the given points using a ruler.

2. The obtained values ​​​​(in cm) are converted into a distance on the ground using a named scale. For example, the distance between points on the map is 10 cm, and the scale: 1 cm is 5 km. We multiply these two numbers and get the desired result: 50 km is the distance on the ground.

3. When measuring distances, you can use a compass, but then the named scale will be replaced by a linear scale. In this case, our task is simplified, we can immediately determine the desired distance on the ground.

Geographical position geographical position

the position of any point or other object on the earth's surface in relation to other territories or objects; relative to the Earth's surface, the geographical position is determined using coordinates. Distinguish geographical location in relation to natural objects and to economic-geographical objects. Geographical position in economic geography is a historical category.


GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION, the position of any point or other object on the earth's surface in relation to other territories or objects; relative to the Earth's surface, the geographical position is determined using coordinates. Distinguish geographical location in relation to natural objects and to economic-geographical objects. Geographic location in economic geography (cm. ECONOMICAL GEOGRAPHY)- Historical category.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

See what "geographical position" is in other dictionaries:

    The position of any point or other object on the earth's surface in relation to other territories or objects; relative to the Earth's surface, the geographical position is determined using coordinates. Distinguish geographic location by ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    geographical position- Characteristics of the location of an object on the earth's surface relative to other geographical objects and countries of the world ... Geography Dictionary

    The position of a geographic object on the surface of the Earth within a given coordinate system and in relation to any outside data that has a direct or indirect effect on this object. With a specific study ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    The position of any point or area of ​​the earth's surface in relation to territories or objects located outside this point or area. G. p. in mathematical geography refers to the latitude and longitude of given points or areas, in ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Position to. l. point or other object on the earth's surface in relation to other territories. or objects; relative to the earth's surface, the geographic distance is determined by means of coordinates. Distinguish G. of the item in relation to natural objects and to ekon. geographic… … Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    - ... Wikipedia

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    - (EGP) is the ratio of an object of a city, region, country to objects lying outside it that have one or another economic value, it does not matter whether these objects are of a natural order or created in the process of history (according to N.N. Baransky). In other words, ... ... Wikipedia

    The position of a region or country relative to other objects of economic importance to it. E. g. p. category is historical, may change in connection with the construction of the railway. or power plants, the beginning of the development of a useful deposit ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    The position of a deposit, enterprise, city, district, country or other economic and geographical object in relation to other economic and geographical objects of economic importance to it. EGP assessment of an object depends on its position... Financial vocabulary


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  • Geographic location and territorial structures. In memory of I. M. Maergoiz,. The collection is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Soviet economic geographer Isaac Moiseevich Maergoiz. The collection received its name - GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION AND TERRITORIAL STRUCTURES - from two ...

Natural-geographical (physical - geographical) position - this position is relative to natural objects: continents, oceans and seas, large mountain systems, borders.

Russia is the largest state in the world, washed by the waters of three oceans: the Arctic - in the north, the Atlantic - in the west. Quiet - in the east and has the longest coastline among the states of the world, and also has access to 12 seas and 1 sea-lake Caspian.

The territory of Russia covers an area of ​​about 17.1 million square kilometers. Russia is located on the Eurasian continent. It occupies both the eastern and western parts of the continent. Mostly the territory of our country is located in the northern and northeastern regions of the mainland. About 30% of the territory of the Russian Federation is located in Europe, and about 70% - in Asia.

Our country is located in the Northern Hemisphere, in two parts of the world, in the east of Europe and the north of Asia, i.e. occupies the northeastern part of the Eurasian continent.

The border between Europe and Asia runs along the eastern foot of the Ural Mountains, further to the Caspian Sea along the Ural (Emba) River, from the Caspian Sea to the Sea of ​​Azov along the Kuma-Manych depression and the Kerch Strait.

It should be emphasized that the features of the natural and geographical position of Russia to a large extent adversely affect the life and activities of its population.

In the north, the maritime borders of the Russian Federation are located along the seas belonging to the Arctic Ocean. In total, there are five seas in the north: the Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi.

The movement of ships across the expanses of these seas is difficult due to drifting ice that is present in the Arctic seas all year round. The territory from the northern coast of our country to the North Pole is our sector of the Arctic. Within this space, all islands (with the exception of a few islands of the Svalbard archipelago) belong to the Russian Federation.

In the eastern part of Russia, the borders are located along the waters of the Pacific Ocean and the seas of the Pacific basin. Japan and the US are two states located very close to Russia's Far Eastern maritime border. The La Perouse Strait separates Russia from the territories of Japan. It is located in the Sea of ​​Japan between Sakhalin Island and Hokkaido Island. In the west, the maritime border is located in the waters of the Baltic Sea.

Through these expanses of water, Russia is connected with a number of European countries: Sweden, Poland, Germany and the Baltic states. The fact that maritime transport is well developed in the Baltic Sea contributes to the establishment of strong economic relations. The southwestern sea border of Russia is located in the waters of the Azov, Caspian and Black Seas. These water boundaries separate Russia from Ukraine, Georgia, Bulgaria, Turkey and Romania.

Thanks to the Black Sea, Russia has access to the Mediterranean Sea. Along with long maritime borders, Russia has a fairly large land border. The land border separates Russia from 14 countries and stretches for 1605 km. 990 km of the border falls on the Baltic countries, and 615 km - on Azerbaijan and Georgia. Russia has land borders with China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Finland, Norway and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Outposts and customs are located along the border line. After the collapse of the USSR, the length of the border with Poland decreased. Currently, only the Kaliningrad region is connected with this Western European country. There have been changes in the border with China, it has halved.

Any of the elements of the physical and geographical position (position in relation to the initial meridian, equator, sea, height above sea level, position in the composition of climatic, soil-vegetative and other zones, etc.) remains almost forever unchanged, and therefore their role in a possible change in the physical and geographical position of any locality, it is absolutely passive.

Mathematical and geographical position of Russia

Mathematical and geographical position allows you to estimate the position of the object in the system of coordinates and reference points of the planet, i.e. in relation to the elements of the degree grid (to the equator and the Greenwich meridian), to the poles of the Earth, to extreme geographical points.

Relative to the equator, Russia is located in the northern hemisphere, relative to the zero meridian, most of it is in the eastern hemisphere, and only the extreme island eastern point has western coordinates.

In the north, the extreme continental point of the country is Cape Chelyuskin, located on the Taimyr Peninsula. The extreme point of the island is Cape Fligely, located on Rudolf Island in the Franz Josef Archipelago. The southern border of the mainland is a point located on the crest of the main Caucasian ridge. This section is the border of Dagestan and Azerbaijan.

In the west, the boundary point is the Sandy Spit of the Gdansk Bay, located in the waters of the Baltic Sea, not far from Kaliningrad. In the east, the extreme point related to the mainland is Cape Dezhnev. This cape is located in Chukotka. The most extreme point related to the islands is located on Ratmanov Island. This island is located in the Bering Sea, not far from the border with America.

The territory of Russia has a large extent from west to east. As a result, there is a large difference in time. There are 9 time zones in Russia. The division into time zones occurs in different ways depending on the population of the settlement. The boundaries of the time zones of the seas and areas with low population density are determined by the meridians.

In areas with a high population density, these boundaries are determined by the administrative subjects of the federation. The borders of the Russian Federation stretch for 58,000 km, of which 40,000 belong to maritime borders. The water border is located at a distance of 22.7 km from the land.

In sea waters stretching for 370 km from the coast, there is a maritime economic zone of Russia. The presence of courts of all states is allowed here, but only our country has the right to extract various natural resources. The Russian Federation belongs to a number of world maritime powers. The maritime borders of our country pass through the water basins of three oceans.

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