Kalanchoe how to use for women's diseases. Kalanchoe - use for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Eye injuries and diseases

For medicinal purposes, use the stem and leaves of the flower, it and the pulp. Besides the plant itself is an ideal room cleanser, in which it is located. It destroys harmful microbes, disinfects the air in the room.

Kalanchoe has several main ones:

The plant has these properties due to the combination of chemical compounds in it. Kalanchoe is recognized not only as folk, but also as traditional medicine. The regenerative property has been repeatedly proven. The biological elements that make up Kalanchoe instantly cleanse tissues of necrotic cells, accelerating the healing of damaged surfaces, including in the presence of pus.

Juice composition

Despite the wide popularity and use, the biochemical composition of the plant has not been fully studied. Kalanchoe leaves are almost 95% liquid.. The juice itself contains flavonoids and acids of organic origin:

  • gelatin;
  • quercetin;
  • kaempferol;
  • oxalic, acetic, citric and malic acids.

The pulp of the flower is rich in vitamins, macro and microelements, mineral salts. It also contains polysaccharides, tannins and enzymes (malic dehydrase and oxalic acid carboxylase).

IMPORTANT. The high biological activity of Kalanchoe is due precisely to the presence of unique components of the flower juice. Plant enzymes significantly accelerate all metabolic processes in the body. Vitamins C and P increase immunity, and strengthen blood vessels.


For a long time, doctors did not want to recognize all the beneficial and healing properties of Kalanchoe.

Only since the beginning of the 20th century, the composition of the flower began to be closely studied and preparations based on the plant began to be produced. Kalanchoe is widely used in such areas of traditional medicine:

  • otolaryngology (read about the use of plant juice for colds of the ears and nose, and you can learn about how Kalanchoe is used to treat sinusitis in);
  • surgery;
  • gynecology;
  • dentistry;
  • cosmetology.

In most cases, in traditional medicine, Kalanchoe is used externally.. In pharmacies today you can find many medicines with Kalanchoe:

  1. ointments to eliminate any skin lesions, boils and cuts;
  2. tinctures for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, skin and nasopharynx.

When combined with furazolidone, novocaine and lanolin, doctors use Kalanchoe juice to treat purulent-necrotic wounds, bedsores, ulcers, as well as in cases of skin transplantation. And when mixed with St. John's wort oil, Kalanchoe is used to eliminate infections in wounds, boils and abscesses.

Representatives of alternative medicine have considered the whole range of useful and healing riches of this plant for a very long time, and they are used externally and internally (you can learn more about the properties and use of Kalanchoe). No wonder the flower has earned the national title of home ambulance. In domestic conditions, leaves and stems, their pulp and juice are used. Various ointments, infusions, and extracts are prepared from them.

The range of application of Kalanchoe in alternative medicine is very extensive.:

Kalanchoe is great at helping to cope with a variety of skin problems.:

  1. acne;
  2. acne on the face;
  3. acne
  4. skin pigmentation.

ATTENTION. The most elementary and simple way in the fight against acne and inflammation of the skin is to wipe the damaged areas with a leaf of a plant, from which the top layer must first be removed. After a week of use, the skin is significantly tightened and smoothed, acne and peeling disappear.

Owners of oily skin use plant infusions as a lotion. The liquid cleanses the skin of impurities, tightens pores and degreases, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. The lotion is prepared like this:

  • protein of 1 egg;
  • 100 ml of cologne (any);
  • 100 ml of camphor alcohol;
  • 100 ml liquid from Kalanchoe leaves.

Combine all ingredients and mix well. Apply after washing daily, wiping with a swab moistened with lotion, problem areas.

Kalanchoe will help in the fight against dry skin:

  1. 25 g honey;
  2. 50 ml of purified water;
  3. 30 ml.

Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture and use after washing as a lotion.

Kalanchoe is suitable for every skin type and quickly get rid of all types of acne. Due to its cleansing properties, the plant helps in accelerating blood circulation and cell renewal, and also heals all kinds of inflammation.

Kalanchoe will help in the fight against all types of coughs in adults and children. From the first days of admission, sputum production improves significantly, and coughing fits will become much less disturbing to the patient. To eliminate sore throat and cough, chew a washed Kalanchoe leaf twice a day. With a serious cough, the juice of the plant, diluted with clean water 1: 1, will help to cope.

For the treatment of bronchial asthma and other complicated respiratory diseases, a prescription is used.:

  • 250 ml of Kalanchoe juice;
  • 4 lemons;
  • shell of 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of honey;
  • 2 tablespoons of Cahors.


  1. Whip the lemons with a blender into a homogeneous gruel along with the zest.
  2. Grind the shell into powder.
  3. Combine ingredients and mix well.
  4. Leave for 7 days in a dark, cold place to infuse.

Take in the morning on an empty stomach 30 g of the mixture. The treatment cycle is 3 months.

ADVICE. This plant quickly and effectively copes with the cough of people of all ages. But for children under 3 years of age, doctors do not advise using these recipes.

Before using Kalanchoe, be sure to consult a doctor. Despite its non-toxicity, the juice and pulp of the flower may not help in the treatment, but lead to complications.

It is forbidden to use Kalanchoe for people with hypersensitivity to substances in the composition of the plant, as well as women in position. Oral use should not be used in the presence of cirrhosis and hepatitis. People with low blood pressure are contraindicated in any drugs with the presence of Kalanchoe.

It is also strictly forbidden to use this plant in the presence of any type of cancer and for patients with joint problems. For young children under the age of 3 years, it is absolutely impossible to use Kalanchoe juice in the treatment of a cold with undiluted boiled water (read more about the use of a plant for a cold in children).

The flower of life has a huge spectrum of action. In addition to external and internal administration of drugs, infusions, lotions and ointments, it is recommended to have Kalanchoe on the windowsill in a flowerpot. The plant is endowed with soft energy, which is shared with everyone around. In the bedroom, it is recommended to put a flower for a good and sweet sleep. In the office, Kalanchoe will help to establish a workflow. And in the nursery, it will help the child to be in a good mood every day and strengthen the baby's immunity.

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One of the most popular indoor plants is Kalanchoe, since ancient times it has been used as an affordable folk medicine. It is undemanding and easy to grow. The Kalanchoe flower, whose medicinal properties are associated with a rich composition, is used for external and internal use.

Healing properties of Kalanchoe

The chemical composition of the plant is rich in various substances, as it contains polysaccharides, flavonoids, acids, enzymes and tannins. Medicinal Kalanchoe also contains C, as well as minerals, such as aluminum, silicon, iron and others. This explains the presence of a large number of properties:

  1. Strengthens the immune system, helping to cope with various respiratory diseases and flu.
  2. It fights well with various inflammations in the kidneys and stomach.
  3. Kalanchoe tincture is used externally to get rid of skin diseases. Due to the wound healing effect, the plant is effective in obtaining various wounds.
  4. It helps to fight some female diseases, for example, it is used for cervical erosion, mastitis and other problems.
  5. It has a choleretic and antimicrobial effect, and also contributes.
  6. With regular use, you can cleanse the body of toxins and radioactive substances.
  7. The plant is recommended for mental and physical fatigue as a tonic.
  8. Juice has proven itself well in the treatment of eye diseases, for example, with clouding of the lens or glaucoma.
  9. It is believed that the health benefits of Kalanchoe are associated with its ability to inhibit the development of tumors.
  10. Apply juice in the treatment of gingivitis, periodontal disease and severe forms of stomatitis.

Kalanchoe - use in traditional medicine

A common home flower is widely used not only in folk, but also in official medicine. Finding out what Kalanchoe treats, it is worth noting that it can be used both internally and externally. The plant effectively fights bacteria and viruses, and also reduces inflammation. In addition, it has a hemostatic effect and promotes wound healing. It is important to use the plant according to the rules.

Kalanchoe juice from a cold

Ideal for the treatment of respiratory diseases and associated symptoms. As a prevention of viral infections, it is recommended to regularly treat the nasal mucosa with Kalanchoe juice. It helps to quickly cope with the existing runny nose without any complications. It is recommended to drip 1-2 drops into each nostril three times a day. Finding out what Kalanchoe helps from, it is worth noting the fact that the juice of the plant is effective for sinusitis, but then be sure to dilute it with warm water in a ratio of 1: 2, and then draw it in through the nose several times a day.

Kalanchoe for cough

The plant is effective in diseases associated with the respiratory system. It helps reduce coughing fits, accelerates the process of sputum discharge and promotes recovery. There are several methods of using the Kalanchoe flower, the medicinal properties of which are confirmed by doctors:

  1. Mix 0.5 tbsp. fresh juice of the plant, to which add four chopped lemons with peel, 0.5 tbsp. honey and 2 tbsp. Cahors. Chop the shells of two eggs and add to the other ingredients. Mix the product until smooth and leave in a cool place for a week. Cough medicine should be taken on an empty stomach, 30 g for three months.
  2. With a strong cough, Kalanchoe medicine at home will help, for which mix 2 tbsp. spoons of juice, 100 g of interior fat, honey and unsalted butter, and add 50 g of cocoa. Mix until smooth and consume, diluting with hot milk.

Kalanchoe with sinusitis

The effectiveness of using a home flower in is associated with its antiseptic effect, and it also copes well with inflammatory processes. Already after the first application, the concentration of viruses decreases and swelling decreases. Kalanchoe contributes to the rapid liquefaction and discharge of sputum from the sinuses, along with which pus and microbes come out. The use of Kalanchoe for medicinal purposes with sinusitis can be carried out in several ways:

  1. Grind the leaves in any way to get a gruel, from which juice should be obtained and left for 24 hours in the refrigerator. After that, dilute it with vodka, given that 200 ml of juice should account for 10 ml of vodka. Spend instillation three times a day, injecting three drops into each nostril.
  2. Cut the leaves of Kalanchoe and take 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials. Fill it with 1 tbsp. vodka and keep 10 days in a cool place. The Kalanchoe flower, the medicinal properties of which have scientific confirmation, must be consumed according to the rules, so the tincture should be diluted with warm water in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per 150 ml. Rinse your nose with the product three times a day.

Kalanchoe from varicose veins

To reduce the manifestation of the vascular network and reduce the risk of blood clots, you can use various folk remedies for varicose veins. Home flower well reduces inflammation and fights bacteria. Kalanchoe tincture for varicose veins is effective due to its restorative action. There are two simple methods to get rid of the problem:

  1. To make an ointment for varicose veins, mix 0.5 tbsp. melted butter and 1/4 tbsp. Kalanchoe juice. Mix and refrigerate. Apply to affected areas up to three times daily.
  2. Kalanchoe tincture on vodka is prepared from 200-250 g of leaves, which should be crushed and sent to a 0.5 liter jar. fill the container with vodka, close it and infuse in a cool place. Duration of infusion - a week. Soak a cotton swab in the tincture and apply it to problem areas. After that, wipe your feet with camphor oil.

Kalanchoe for hemorrhoids

This delicate problem can be treated with the juice of this plant, as it has an anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic effect. It also fights bacteria well. The juice can be used to treat both external and internal bumps. There are a couple of simple ways to use Kalanchoe for medicinal purposes:

  1. Take the leaves, cut off the edges and grind them to make a slurry. Apply it at night to the anus to deal with external bumps.
  2. If you need to remove the internal cones, then squeeze the juice out of the gruel, in which you should moisten the turunda twisted from gauze. Insert it into the anus at night.
  3. You can make applications using Kalanchoe juice, which must first be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3.

Kalanchoe for toothache

A huge number of people suffer from toothache and there are times when it is impossible to go to the dentist, then a popular home plant will come to the rescue. The use of Kalanchoe is associated with its anesthetic effect, so it’s enough to chew a flower leaf for a couple of minutes to feel numbness in the mouth. In most cases, this state persists for 10-15 minutes. As a result, pain is reduced, inflammation disappears and all bacteria are destroyed. You can make lotions by soaking a cotton ball in Kalanchoe juice and applying it to the aching tooth.

Kalanchoe in cosmetology

The rich chemical composition determines the popularity of the use of plant juice for cosmetic purposes. It perfectly fights bacteria, stopping their growth, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieving redness, irritation and rashes. In addition, Kalanchoe tones well and improves blood circulation, which is important for both skin and hair. For those who are interested in how to use Kalanchoe, you should know that the plant is used to prepare healthy decoctions and infusions, but fresh juice is often included in recipes.

Kalanchoe for the face

To feel the benefits stated above, it is necessary to use plant materials correctly:

  1. Knowing how useful Kalanchoe is, we note that different skin types need their own funds. For oily, mix 100 ml of plant juice with protein and add 100 ml of camphor alcohol. Use the prepared lotion twice a day.
  2. For owners of dry skin, another remedy is suitable: mix warmed honey with Kalanchoe juice in equal parts and, if necessary, add warm water. Apply twice a day.

Kalanchoe for hair

There are several ways you can use a homemade flower to make your hair beautiful and healthy. If you are interested in how the Kalanchoe flower is useful, then you should know that it accelerates growth, eliminates dandruff, fights brittleness, and makes strands shiny and silky. You can use it like this:

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of plant sap, add the same amount of minced garlic, honey and birch sap. Add the yolk to the resulting mixture and apply the finished mixture on the scalp and curls. Wrap with foil and keep the mask on for two hours.
  2. Mix 200 g of alcohol with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Kalanchoe juice. Apply the finished product to the roots, wrap with a film and a towel. Leave the product for 20 minutes. and rinse in the usual way. This option is suitable for owners of oily hair, and with dry curls, alcohol should be replaced with water and take 2 tbsp. spoons of juice.

Contraindications Kalanchoe

To begin with, it is worth saying that herbal preparations should be used only after agreement with the doctor, otherwise you can cause significant harm to the body. The Kalanchoe flower has medicinal properties and contraindications that should be considered.

  1. In the presence of individual intolerance to the plant, which manifests itself in the form of an allergic rash, stomach pain and other symptoms, use should be abandoned.
  2. You can not use folk remedies for women in the position and during breastfeeding.
  3. The medicinal flower of Kalanchoe is prohibited for people with low blood pressure, in the presence of tumors and problems in the liver.
  4. Do not use pure Kalanchoe juice to treat children, as it can irritate the mucous membranes.
  • Perhaps the most popular indoor plant is Kalanchoe. With all my love for medicinal plants, I somehow bypassed such a beautiful and affordable flower that can help with various diseases. I urgently eliminate this defect, and today a detailed article about Kalanchoe, its medicinal properties and contraindications, as well as how to make and apply vodka tincture.

    About Kalanchoe: history, facts, application

    Botanists include about 200 species of plants to this genus, but two of them are considered the most famous in folk and official medicine - Kalanchoe pinnate and Kalanchoe Degremont. The last species mentioned is often referred to as "Goethe flower" or "Goethe tree" after the great German poet. Goethe admired this plant, mentioned it in letters to his friends. According to legend, in order to always look young, the poet ate a handful of the "children" of this plant every day.

    Translated from Chinese, the name "Kalanchoe" means viviparous. And indeed, on its leaves it forms a lot of small shoots - “children”, with ready-made shoots and roots. Having fallen to the ground, the "children" germinate - this is how Kalanchoe breeds.

    This is an evergreen succulent plant. It has a fleshy thick stem, a short branched root, thick fleshy leaves. The plant blooms in the second year of life with greenish-white flowers.

    The birthplace of the Degremont flower is Madagascar. The pinnate Kalanchoe grows in the tropics of America, Asia, Africa, the Hawaiian Islands and the Caribbean islands. It does not grow in temperate climates, because it does not tolerate frost well and dies when the temperature drops below zero degrees.

    Favorite places are areas with rocky soil, mountain slopes, sandy rocky coasts. "Climbs" into the mountains up to a height of 2500 meters.

    European botanists have known Kalanchoe since 1925. This succulent is grown for medicinal and decorative purposes (for winter greenhouses, landscaping, etc.). On plantations, bushes can grow up to one and a half meters. At home, the plant can be grown at any time of the year, it propagates by cuttings, seeds, leaves.

    In the homeland of Kalanchoe, local residents have long used it to treat various diseases, for example, in India they were treated with a liver, in Madagascar - headaches and cystitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes, etc., and Mexican women used Kalanchoe juice as vaginal contraception.

    "Having hit" in our latitudes, the bush for a long time remained only an ornamental plant. Paradoxical as it may seem, but its amazing ability to heal wounds was first noticed by an ordinary gas-electric welder. He sent the plant to the Kyiv Medical Institute, and eight years later, after a series of studies and experiments in the expanses of the former USSR, the serial production of the Kalanchoe Juice preparation was launched.

    For medicinal purposes, the aerial part of the plant is used. It is interesting that a bush of any age is suitable as a medicinal raw material. The collection of raw materials on special plantations is carried out in the fall or during the growing season, when the plants grow a little.

    Kalanchoe grows well at home. It is believed that this plant has a soft energy that uplifts the mood and creates a positive aura in the room.

    Medicinal properties of Kalanchoe leaves

    For medicinal purposes, Kalanchoe leaves are used, from which juice is squeezed. The shoots and juice contain:

    • flavonoids (kaempferol, gelin);
    • polysaccharides;
    • triterpenoids;
    • sterols;
    • bufadienolides;
    • tannins;
    • catechins;
    • lectins;
    • enzymes;
    • organic acids (malic, lactic, acetic, oxalic, citric, isocitric);
    • starch;
    • amino acids (phenylalanine, alanine, threonine, etc.);
    • trace elements (zinc, magnesium, etc.);
    • vitamins.

    Through experiments, it was found that if the plucked leaves of Kalanchoe are kept in a dark, cool place for a week, the amount of biologically active substances in them increases by half. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the leaves in the refrigerator for at least a few days before use.

    Due to the unique combination of chemicals, Kalanchoe has a wide range of therapeutic effects. Here is a short list of its properties:

    • bactericidal;
    • choleretic;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • bacteriostatic (stops the growth of bacteria);
    • astringents;
    • hemostatic;
    • wound healing.

    Kalanchoe Degremont is famous for its analgesic effect, it is effective for ulcer pain, tuberculosis, wounds and ulcers. In case of burns, the affected areas of the skin are effectively lubricated with juice diluted with egg white.

    ♦ In order to prevent influenza, the juice is instilled into the throat and nose (5 drops each).

    ♦ In gynecological practice, with cervical erosion with Kalanchoe juice, vaginal applications are made (within two weeks). With mastitis, it is recommended to lubricate the areola of the nipples with juice (2-3 times a day), and also to do warm compresses on the chest with it at night.

    ♦ Kalanchoe juice helps with inflammatory processes in the kidneys and stomach problems. In parallel with drug therapy in this case, he is prescribed to drink a teaspoon three times a day.

    ♦ It is also useful to drink juice in case of tuberculosis: a teaspoon of juice is diluted in half with boiled water and consumed after meals twice a day.

    ♦ Water infusion of Kalanchoe treat inflammation of the eyelids, skin diseases, gargle with colds, gums - with periodontal disease. It is prepared like this: one part of the crushed leaves is infused in six parts of water (6 hours), then boiled for 2-3 minutes. The finished infusion is filtered through a fine sieve or gauze. For skin diseases, the infusion is used in the form of compresses and lotions, for chronic colitis and gastritis with low acidity, the infusion is drunk 2-3 times a day (for a month) half an hour before meals.

    ♦ With gastritis, you can simply eat a leaf of Kalanchoe, it perfectly heals internal sores and wounds.

    ♦ In psoriasis, the leaves are crushed and this gruel is applied to the wounds, fixing everything with a bandage. The same is done with warts, it is noticed that after the third procedure the warts disappear. A slurry of Kalanchoe leaves is applied to sore knees (at night) and with bursitis.

    ♦ Effective for psoriasis and a mix of Kalanchoe and celandine juices (1:1). The solution is impregnated with a sterile gauze napkin and applied for 2-3 hours on the problem area of ​​the skin.

    Another recipe for treating psoriasis includes:

    • 100 grams of decoction of calamus rhizomes;
    • 2 tablespoons of Kalanchoe juice;
    • as much celandine;
    • 2 tablespoons of flax seed oil;
    • 2 tablespoons 5% apple cider vinegar

    Mix the ingredients, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for three hours. With the finished solution, make compresses on dry areas of the skin.

    ♦ With mental and physical fatigue, it is enough to chew a Kalanchoe leaf and in half an hour the working capacity will be restored.

    ♦ According to herbalists, it is able to slow down the process of tumor development, it is only necessary to eat a leaf of the plant daily on an empty stomach. Do this for 3 days, pre-hold the leaves in the refrigerator. A month later, repeat everything.


    After numerous studies, the relative harmlessness of this flower for the body (if applied externally) has been proven.

    For internal use, Kalanchoe, despite its medicinal properties, has its own contraindications. You can not use it during pregnancy, individual intolerance and allergic reactions, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, joint disease, people suffering from low blood pressure. Before using drugs from Kalanchoe, you should consult a doctor. Children are not recommended to take alcohol tinctures of the plant.

    The use of Kalanchoe tincture on vodka

    To prepare an alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe, a half-liter jar is filled with crushed leaves of the plant and filled to the top with alcohol or vodka. Insist for a week, shaking the jar daily.

    ♦ The finished tincture is rubbed at night on the legs with joint pain, varicose veins. With vasculitis (inflammation of the walls of blood vessels), a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe is wiped with diseased skin areas.

    ♦ With neuritis of the auditory nerve, a mixture of Kalanchoe juice, onion, aloe and vodka helps (take in equal proportions). The mixture is slightly heated and instilled while still warm in the ears, 1-3 drops, preferably twice a day.

    ♦ For prostatitis, an aqueous tincture is taken orally, a tablespoon on an empty stomach, once a day, until all symptoms of the disease are gone.

    Useful properties of kalanchoe pinnata: a healer in our home

    Very often in houses there is also such a species as Kalanchoe pinnate, so it is not surprising that people are interested in the healing properties of this plant. It is popularly called the "doctor" or "room ginseng", and this is quite justified.

    ♦ Leaf juice has an anti-inflammatory effect and perfectly heals wounds, trophic ulcers, burns. Usually, the problem areas of the skin along the edge are pre-lubricated with a thin layer of synthomycin or furacillin ointment, and then the wound is irrigated with Kalanchoe juice from a syringe and covered over a gauze bandage abundantly moistened with juice. It is fixed and left for 5 hours.

    ♦ An ointment is also prepared from this medicinal plant, suitable for the treatment of bedsores, chronic inflammation of the middle ear, trophic ulcers, and long-term non-healing wounds. Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh plant juice with 2 tbsp. spoons of anhydrous lanolin, several milled tablets of furazolidone and 5 ml of novocaine 2%. The resulting ointment is applied to a sterile dressing and applied to the wound.

    Ointment on lanolin is also actively used in dental, gynecological and obstetric practice.

    ♦ Bedsores are also treated simply by applying a peeled Kalanchoe leaf to them. In this case, you need to fix the bandage and leave it overnight.

    ♦ With cataracts in the initial stage, a slurry of Kalanchoe leaves is applied to the eyelids (before going to bed, for an hour), then removed, but do not wash the face at night. In inflammatory diseases of the eyes, it is recommended to instill 1-2 drops of freshly squeezed juice daily into each eye.

    ♦ Crushed Kalanchoe leaves can be used for melanoma (skin cancer). This gruel is mixed with apple cider vinegar (in a 1:1 ratio) and applied to wounds as a compress.

    ♦ To get rid of erysipelas, Kalanchoe juice and novocaine (0.5%) are mixed in equal proportions, a gauze bandage is lubricated with a solution and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. Do this 3 times a day for a week.

    ♦ For pain in the ears, otitis media, gauze turundas are made, crushed slurry of leaves is wrapped in each turunda and inserted into the ears overnight. The mixture will draw out pus and relieve pain.

    Kalanchoe for sinusitis, runny nose and varicose veins: how to apply

    ♦ When sinusitis is advised to definitely try to be treated with Kalanchoe juice. To do this, squeeze out the juice from a cleanly washed leaf of the plant, collect it in a pipette and instill a few drops into each nostril. Usually, immediately or after a few minutes, the patient begins to sneeze, so the maxillary sinuses are cleared and freed from mucus. It is recommended to bury the nose at least three times a day, for several days.

    ♦ With rhinitis, it is useful to lubricate the sinuses with fresh Kalanchoe juice (2-3 times a day). Also, additionally 4-5 times a day, 3-5 drops of juice are instilled into each nostril. A good effect when instilled gives a massage of the wings of the nose.

    ♦ For varicose veins, an appropriate approach to treatment is when drug therapy is combined with alternative medicine recipes. With this ailment, Kalanchoe helps remarkably, which reduces pain and helps to relieve swelling of the venous nodes.

    ♦ It is useful to rub the legs with an alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe, from the foot and above. Such rubbing is also a good massage for the legs, which increases blood circulation. The course of such treatment is 4 months.

    ♦ Kalanchoe-based ointment is also effective for varicose veins: mix fresh plant juice (3:1) with any interior fat and rub into problem areas.

    Adenoids in children

    Often children under 10 years of age suffer from adenoids, an inflammatory disease of the pharyngeal tonsil. If this disease is not treated in time, it leads to more serious consequences: rheumatism, heart defects, inflammation of the kidneys, etc.

    Traditional medicine offers its own methods for the treatment of adenoids in children. One of these is instillation into the nose of freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of Kalanchoe pinnate - 3-5 drops 3 times a day. At the same time, noticeable improvements are observed: breathing is cleared, mucus comes out of the nasopharynx, pain decreases.

    However, Kalanchoe should be used with adenoids in children very carefully, at the slightest sign of allergy, dryness in the nose, coughing, this method of treatment should be stopped immediately. You should not force the child if he cries and does not agree to the procedure. A little trick is to give the baby a third of a spoonful of honey after each instillation. The bitterness in the mouth will go away, and the child will no longer perceive treatment as an unpleasant mission.

    How to apply for cough

    Kalanchoe is also used to get rid of cough, which is one of the symptoms of various diseases (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, colds, etc.). It has long been proven such a simple and effective drug, consisting of the following ingredients:

    • shells from 2 eggs;
    • a glass of Kalanchoe juice;
    • 2 glasses of Cahors;
    • 4 lemons;
    • 100 g honey.

    Crush the shell into powder, twist the lemons in a meat grinder into gruel, mix all the ingredients and leave to infuse in a cool dark place. After a week, the drug will be ready, take it daily on an empty stomach, 30 grams. The course of admission is 3 months.

    ♦ Another recipe for a strong cough: mix 100 grams of butter, honey, visceral fat, 50 grams of cocoa and two tablespoons of Kalanchoe juice. Take the mixture, previously diluted with hot milk.

    Kalanchoe from hemorrhoids: treatment with healing juice

    In folk medicine, Kalanchoe is known as an effective remedy for hemorrhoids. The juice of the plant copes well with inflammatory processes, has an antibacterial and antihemorrhagic effect. It is believed that Kalanchoe juice is absolutely harmless to the body, it is used to treat both external and internal bumps.

    ♦ Only freshly prepared plant juice and fresh leaves are used. In the latter, the edges are carefully cut off, the leaves are rubbed onto a gruel and applied overnight to the bumps on the anus. If there are internal bumps, sterile gauze is moistened with Kalanchoe juice, twisted into turundas, which are inserted into the anus (like a candle).

    If the disease has not yet taken an advanced form, it is enough to conduct a weekly course of such procedures. Kalanchoe gruel will relieve swelling of the nodes, accelerate the healing process of cracks, and prevent the development of infection. If the situation is more serious, the treatment will require two weeks and a parallel intake of drugs prescribed by a doctor.

    ♦ Freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice also helps with hemorrhoids - in the form of applications to the anus. The juice is diluted in advance with warm boiled water (proportions 1:3).

    The use of a flower in cosmetology: masks, creams, lotions

    Due to the high content of biologically active substances in Kalanchoe, it is often used in cosmetology, adding to skin and hair care products.

    It is able to improve skin tone, refresh complexion, improve lymph flow and local blood circulation. The plant is used to care for mature, aging, problem skin.

    Creams with Kalanchoe, designed to care for the décolleté and neck skin, are especially effective. Such products nourish and moisturize the skin, protect it from aggressive environmental factors.

    In order for the effect for the face to be maximum, in addition to the cream, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the face with special exercises that maintain their tone.

    It is useful to squeeze a few drops of juice into existing creams to enhance their effect.

    ♦ Kalanchoe will help get rid of pigment and age spots on the face, due to the presence of acids in its composition, it perfectly whitens the skin.

    ♦ For people with dry skin, a lotion of Kalanchoe juice, honey and water is great (proportions: 2 tablespoons of juice, a spoonful of honey, a glass of water). Wipe the face with this solution at night.

    ♦ For dry skin, you can also try an oatmeal and Kalanchoe juice mask. Half a tablespoon of flour is diluted with boiling water to the consistency of thick jelly, juice and a teaspoon of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) are added. Such a tool will remove excessive peeling and dryness of the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles.

    ♦ This anti-aging mask also gives a good effect: mix a tablespoon of moisturizer with a teaspoon of Kalanchoe juice and a tablespoon of olive oil. The mask is applied to the face and kept for half an hour. Remove with a cotton pad previously soaked in a weak tea solution. Then any moisturizer is applied to the face. The procedure is carried out twice a week.

    ♦ Beauticians recommend for oily facial skin to make a multi-component mask from a mixture of herbs and Kalanchoe juice. You will need chamomile flowers, linden and mint leaves, a tablespoon of each component. The mixture is poured with boiling water (2 cups) and boiled for half an hour in a saucepan. Then the infusion is filtered, and the herbal cake is mixed with Kalanchoe juice (a tablespoon) and applied to the skin for 20 minutes. After removing the mask, the face can be rinsed with herbal infusion.

    ♦ To remove fatigue from the eyelids and get rid of dark circles under the eyes, it is necessary to apply a leaf of a plant without skin to the eyelid area.

    ♦ For a moisturizing mask with a whitening effect, mix a tablespoon of Kalanchoe juice, a teaspoon of cream and two tablespoons of chopped cucumber pulp. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water.

    ♦ Hair mask based on Kalanchoe will make hair lush and silky, restore their natural shine. You will need a teaspoon of garlic juice, birch, Kalanchoe, honey and egg yolk. Mix the ingredients, rub the mixture into your hair, wrap your head with an oilcloth, and on top with a towel and walk like this for two hours. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

    ♦ Kalanchoe is also used to strengthen nails. Gauze strips are moistened with plant sap and wrapped around each nail. They put cotton gloves on their hands, keep it like that for several hours (it’s good to do this procedure at night). After regular wraps, the nails become less brittle, their natural shine returns.

    How to get rid of acne on the face

    Kalanchoe is an ideal option for dealing with acne on the face and other imperfections of problem skin. The juice of the plant is slightly diluted with water and rubbed on the face in the morning. Also, a mask is made from crushed fresh Kalanchoe leaves on the face. The effect is noticeable after several procedures (the skin becomes whiter and cleaner) and is explained by the bactericidal properties of the flower.

    Even easier to get rid of single pimples daily just wipe them with a piece of juicy leaf.

    Plant care at home

    Kalanchoe is an undemanding plant, because it is easy to grow at home. It is photophilous and drought-resistant, with excessive moisture it can die.

    For this succulent, a special extract with the addition of sand is suitable as a soil. Typically, such a soil consists of the following components, taken in equal parts:

    • soddy soil;
    • peat;
    • small crumbs of red brick;
    • leaf soil;
    • sifted purified sand;
    • crushed coal.

    Sometimes, instead of peat, the use of coniferous land is allowed.

    The plant is thermophilic, the optimum temperature for its cultivation is + 15-22 C. In winter, it is not recommended to keep Kalanchoe close to the batteries, it may lose its decorative effect.

    Flower growers are advised to place pots with Kalanchoe on well-lit windowsills, but if necessary, protect it from direct sunlight. You need to water the plant with pre-settled water at room temperature. When watering, try not to pour water on the stem, otherwise it may begin to rot and the plant will die. Water from the pan under the pot must be poured out. In winter and autumn, it is advised to water less often and less - so the plant will survive the cold period.

    Kalanchoe suffers from an excess of moisture not only in the soil, but also in the air, so it is better not to put it in rooms where the humidity is high. Otherwise, mold appears on the trunk, and then on the leaves and stem, the flower loses its attractive appearance, and may even die.

    If the plant has grown, and the old pot has become cramped for him, he is transplanted. This procedure is ideal to do in the spring. It should be borne in mind that only those plants whose root system has filled the volume of the pot need to be transplanted. In a flower shop, you should buy a pot or flowerpot, larger in size and diameter - Kalanchoe is transplanted into it. Another sign that the plant needs to be repotted is dull leaves.

    Having prepared the soil, the bush is carefully removed from the old pot and transplanted into a new one. After transplantation, in order to quickly adapt Kalanchoe to new conditions, careful care is organized for him.

    The plant propagates by seeds or cuttings. Seeds can be sown from February to March. The soil for seeds is prepared the same as for succulents, you can add fine sand to it, carefully sifted through a sieve.

    The grown seedlings are waiting for two transplants: first in cassettes filled with the necessary substrate, then in small pots (6-8 cm in diameter).

    An easier way to propagate succulents is cuttings. Young shoots formed after flowering are suitable for this. They are cut during May - June and transplanted into specially prepared soil. Make sure that the temperature in the room is about 20-22 C. Seedlings that have grown stronger are transplanted into permanent flowerpots.

    Tips for beginners to grow Kalanchoe to care for him at home:

    • Avoid over watering.
    • Once a week, carefully inspect the plant for rotten leaves. If any appear, it is better to remove them immediately, and reduce the amount of watering.
    • In the cold season, Kalanchoe should be watered less often and less.
    • In order for the plant to receive enough light, during the cold period of time, additionally turn on a special fitolamp near it. It can be purchased at any flower or specialty store.
    • After flowering, sometimes the leaves of Kalanchoe begin to fall off, and it stops growing. This means that he lacks mineral fertilizers. In this case, “feed” the green pet with special fertilizers; you can also transplant it into fresh soil if necessary.
    • The key to flowering Kalanchoe is normal illumination and optimal temperature conditions. Keep in mind that the formation of buds begins to occur at a temperature of 16-18 C. Therefore, if you want to achieve flowering, it makes sense to rearrange the flowerpot on an insulated loggia.
    • After the plant has faded, old flower stalks and extra shoots are carefully cut off from it.
    • Kalanchoe and pinching are needed, which is done after the formation of the third pair of leaves on the shoots.
    • At the first signs of damage to the bush by insect pests (worm, scab, spider mites), it is treated with special means - insecticides. You can buy them at any flower shop. A soapy shower is also suitable for insect control: the plant is gently lathered, left for a few minutes, and then the foam is washed off with warm water. It is better to keep the affected bush in quarantine (set aside for a while from the rest).

    Dear readers. Of course, all of you have heard about the medicinal properties of Kalanchoe, but it never hurts to know more, in addition, you also need to have an idea about contraindications. Grow a healing flower on your windowsills, and you will always have an excellent medicine at hand - an ambulance.

    All health!

    As always with love, Irina Lirnetskaya

    The medicinal properties of Kalanchoe are widely used in folk medicine. In the seventies of the last century, it began to be actively used for the preparation of tinctures and decoctions. It is not for nothing that its name is translated from Chinese as “viviparous”, which is justified by its unique ability to suppress the growth of bacteria and viruses, heal the entire body, accelerate wound healing processes and increase immunity.

    Short description

    Perennial from the Crassulaceae family includes over 200 species. In the wild, it grows in Australia, America, Africa. Not all varieties have healing power. The most valuable varieties from a medical point of view are domestic species - Kalanchoe pinnate, Degremont and Blossfeld. Extracts, juice, tinctures, extracts from them are used for the preparation of medicines.

    An exotic plant native to the island of Madagascar is used everywhere as an indoor flower. It is called "living tree", "home doctor" for its ability to resist pathogenic microorganisms and purify indoor air.

    But only in 1962, physicians were impressed by the beneficial properties of Kalanchoe. Several studies have been conducted, the result of which was the confirmation of the healing powers of this flower. Since the plant consists of more than 90% water, all above-ground parts are used for the production of medicines - shoots, trunks, leaves, "kids".

    It is used both on the skin for healing wounds, ulcers, rinsing the oropharynx, and inside for detoxification of the body, as a tonic, antimicrobial, choleretic, immunomodulatory drug.

    Features of the chemical composition

    The Kalanchoe flower is rich in moisture, which consists of the following components:

    • acids of organic origin - acetic, citric, malic, oxalic;
    • enzyme components;
    • tannins;
    • routine;
    • polysaccharides;
    • calcium, manganese, other trace elements;
    • mineral salts;
    • vitamin c.

    Based on the personal characteristics of the Kalanchoe species, it has many therapeutic properties. As a house flower, it destroys microorganisms and dangerous impurities. In addition, it fights colds, blocks inflammation, and has bacteriostatic and antibacterial properties.

    Beneficial features

    The medicinal properties and contraindications of Kalanchoe allow us to recommend it for diseases of various directions:

    • skin burns of varying degrees, bedsores, abscesses, boils;
    • diseases of the oral cavity, eyes, ears - conjunctivitis, keratitis, periodontal disease, otitis media, stomatitis;
    • viral, inflammatory diseases;
    • arthrosis and arthritis, other pathologies of the joints;
    • varicose veins;
    • stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
    • kidney ailments;
    • tuberculosis.

    The Kalanchoe plant has a pronounced benefit due to the action of the components included in its formula:

    1. Improves oxidative and reduction processes, stimulates hematopoiesis. Macro- and microelements in the composition strengthen the immune forces of the body.
    2. The tannins included in the flower have an antimicrobial effect, stop bleeding, and have an astringent effect.
    3. Thanks to enzymes, the extract from the plant stimulates metabolic processes, accelerates many chemical processes in the body.
    4. Acids of organic origin stop the processes of decay in the gastrointestinal tract, have a bactericidal, choleretic effect, increase metabolism, and increase the absorption of calcium.
    5. Natural steroid-like bufadienolides normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, protect against the formation of cancer cells.

    A houseplant eliminates inflammation, stimulates the immune system, cleanses the blood and lymph of toxins, inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria, removes decay products, toxins, heavy metal salts, regenerates tissues, and accelerates the healing of wounds on the skin.

    Possible harm and contraindications

    The use of traditional medicine should also be treated with caution, despite all their benefits. Kalanchoe can bring harm to the human body if there are contraindications for its appointment:

    • with local use, there are practically no side effects, however, although rarely, there is a burning sensation, redness of the skin, swelling;
    • individual intolerance or allergic reaction to the plant;
    • cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis;
    • some pathologies of the joints;
    • children's age up to 3 years;
    • tumors, acute forms of diseases;
    • hypotension is low blood pressure.

    With caution, Kalanchoe-based products are prescribed during pregnancy, with the exception of external use, since it is as harmless as possible for all groups of patients.

    Use in traditional medicine

    Healing properties make the use of Kalanchoe as diverse as possible. For the production of medicines, all above-ground parts are used, but mainly leaves and “children” are taken for such purposes. Any follow-up treatment at home is important to discuss in advance with your doctor.

    fresh leaves

    This unusual medicinal plant is applicable in different variations. On its basis, decoctions, infusions on alcohol are prepared, juice is extracted for oral or external intake, fresh leaves and “kids” are applied to the skin. Kalanchoe leaves are in demand in cosmetic and dermatological procedures:

    1. Rubbing. Wash the leaf, remove the skin, wipe the skin of the face with the pulp. Leave the juice until completely absorbed, gently massage your face with your fingers. Then apply your usual cream. Such rubbing helps to narrow the pores, remove redness, oily skin.
    2. Leaves, peeled, can be applied under the eyelids (in the form of patches) to forget about dark circles and bags. You can also squeeze the juice and soak cotton pads in it, then apply them on closed eyelids.
    3. The juice has a brightening effect. To combat pigmented dark spots and freckles, Kalanchoe leaves are rubbed, 5-7 drops of lemon juice are added and applied to the face for 15 minutes.

    Also, fresh leaves can be applied to boils, areas of eczema, psoriasis, burns, to stop bleeding from small wounds. Before that, they must be thoroughly washed, doused with boiling water, carefully peeled off to expose the pulp.

    Infusion and extract

    It is possible to use infusions from Kalanchoe in the form of an antiseptic substance for external application. The solution is treated:

    • abrasions;
    • hematomas;
    • boils;
    • purulent wounds;
    • bedsores;
    • ulcers.

    Such an agent is suitable for rinsing the mouth, treating laryngitis, tonsillitis, in its pure form, the solution is used for lotions, compresses, rubbing, applications.

    In a diluted form, the mixture is used for instillation into the nose with a runny nose, treatment of sinusitis, and inside - for some pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Preparation of tincture begins with the selection of raw materials. The leaves of the bryophyllum Degremon variety are mainly used. The highest concentration of active substances in flowers that have already reached the age of two. A week before picking the leaves, stop watering and do not fertilize. Remove the lower succulent leaves and stems, then wash thoroughly, wrap with a cloth, keep at a temperature of + 4 degrees for at least 7 days in a dark place.

    Recipe for tincture of Kalanchoe on vodka:

    • chop the prepared raw materials, put 2 tablespoons of gruel from the leaves on the bottom of an opaque glass container;
    • pour one glass of vodka without flavorings and other additives;
    • tightly close the lid and put in a dark place;
    • shake the container regularly to ensure that all components are mixed;
    • after one week the mixture can be filtered;
    • tincture is stored for no more than 1 year at a maximum temperature of +10 degrees.

    Alcohol tincture

    The alcohol extract is more concentrated than the Kalanchoe vodka tincture. Using a similar technology, you can make a remedy on pure alcohol. Recipe: pass the leaves in a blender or through a meat grinder, then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, store in the refrigerator for 2 days, then decant the top layer. The remaining juice is diluted with alcohol at a rate of 20:1.

    The resulting mixture can be used in several ways. For inflammation in the mouth, dilute in a ratio of 1: 3, rinse 2-3 times a day for 1 week. Externally, to eliminate itching with insect bites, eczema and dermatitis, the tincture can be mixed with lanolin (propolis) and petroleum jelly 1:1:1, smeared externally on the desired skin areas up to 3 times a day.

    Gauze compresses impregnated with Kalanchoe infusion on alcohol are applicable for removing warts, in which case they are placed all night for 20-30 days. Cuts and wound surfaces are treated with alcohol tincture after washing. The gauze is fixed with a bandage, the full course of therapy is up to 3 weeks.

    Kalanchoe juice

    Pure juice is applicable for dermatological and cosmetic, surgical, dental purposes. They carry out the rehabilitation of wounds, inhibit the growth of infection, accelerate the recovery of the epithelium, normalize blood circulation in soft tissues, and also relieve inflammation.

    The method of use depends on the type and severity of the disease:

    1. In the treatment of trophic ulcers, pure juice, which is impregnated with gauze cuts, is applied to the damaged area. If such treatment causes burning of the skin, then the same amount of 0.5% novocaine solution is injected.
    2. With varicose veins in the morning and before going to bed, the skin at the site of the lesion is rubbed with a non-alcoholic infusion.
    3. Such a remedy is also effective in gynecological pathologies. To eliminate endocervicitis and cervical erosion all night (at least 8 hours), tampons with juice or soaked in ointment are used vaginally. After childbirth, such medications may be prescribed to heal cracked nipples.
    4. In dental practice, flower juice is applicable for periodontal disease, after abscess therapy, tooth extraction, as well as restoration of mucous membranes in the mouth and reducing the risk of suppuration after stomatitis. Gauze swabs are soaked with juice and applied up to 4 times a day, kept for 20 minutes in the desired area. Rinsing is carried out, but before that, the juice must be diluted with water 1: 1.
    5. In case of ENT diseases, juice is dripped into each nostril with severe rhinitis, sinusitis, before that it is important to mix it with water 1:5. The frequency of instillation is up to 5 times. Juice leads to sneezing, instantly clears the nasal passages without vasoconstrictor drugs.
    6. Inside it is used in the treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in a mixture with juices of fruits and vegetables. One teaspoon of warm Kalanchoe juice can reduce the acidity of the stomach and remove heartburn.

    To prepare raw materials for future use, take tender fleshy leaves and young stems, grind in a meat grinder, squeeze through cheesecloth. It is usually used within three days. For storage, the juice is not squeezed out, fresh leaves are wrapped in paper and stored in a dark, cool place. In a sealed container at a temperature not higher than +10, raw materials can be stored for a maximum of one week, alcohol tinctures can be stored for up to 12 months.

    home ointment

    It is mainly used for healing wounds, abscesses, various dermatological diseases externally. The ointment acts more gently than undiluted juice, which can cause redness and burning of the skin. Recipe:

    1. Select fresh juicy leaves, chop them with a knife or pass through a meat grinder to make a slurry.
    2. Strain the juice through several layers of gauze. Then mix 30 ml of the resulting liquid with lanolin and petroleum jelly (50 g each). Mix well until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
    3. Transfer the composition to a clean, dry, airtight jar and store in the cold.

    The ointment must be applied to accelerate the healing of scratches, abrasions, abscesses, sores, including trophic ones with varicose veins. It also helps in getting rid of joint pathologies. It can also be applied in its pure form, rubbing into the affected areas, as well as for impregnating dressings, tampons and compresses.

    Kalanchoe-based preparations are used not only to treat diseases, but also to strengthen the body, against beriberi, anemia, to increase immunity and as an adjuvant therapy for malignant tumors. An extensive range of therapeutic uses is one of the main advantages of this unique plant. But it must be used with caution, having received the advice of a doctor on taking medicines based on a plant, both internally and externally.

    "Goethe's flower" - this is how connoisseurs of indoor floriculture and experts in traditional medicine often call Kalanchoe. As historians assure, the famous German poet was cured of a stomach ulcer with the help of the “children” of this plant, consuming a tablespoon every day. And here a logical question arises, so what kind of Kalanchoe did Goethe use to treat?

    In culture, 2 types of Kalanchoe are known: pinnate (Kalanchoe pinnata) and Degremont's bryophyllum (Bryophyllum daigremontiana, Kalanchoe daigremontiana), which differ slightly in physiological characteristics. Bryophyllum in excess form "babies" at the edges of the leaf blades, which is not typical for Kalanchoe pinnate. At one time, botanists even distinguished bryophyllums (“livebearers”) into a separate subclass.

    It is likely that the great poet and scientist used Degremont's bryophyllum to cure stomach ulcers. Nevertheless, both types of Kalanchoe are endowed with medicinal properties, and therefore are equally used in official medicine in many countries of the world.

    In fairness, it should be noted that Kalanchoe received worldwide recognition thanks to Degremont's bryophyllum, which interested researchers in its extraordinary vitality. "Kids" of Kalanchoe - in fact, these are tiny full-fledged plants that quickly take root when they hit moist soil. If environmental conditions do not allow, then "kids" are able to do without moisture and nutrients for a long time (up to 2 - 3 months! - in this moment they have no equal).

    Both in official and in folk medicine, fresh (or "canned") Kalanchoe juice is used for medicinal purposes. Depending on the chemical composition of the soil, plants accumulate a number of macro- and microelements, or rather, everything that can be obtained (Fe, Al, Ni, Cu, Ca, Si, Mn, Mg ...). Vitamins, complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides), tannins, etc. are also synthesized in Kalanchoe leaves. Plants grown in extreme conditions are of particular value, since in this case their juice is enriched with biogenic stimulants (similar to aloe).

    Kalanchoe preparations

    - Kalanchoe juice is part of countless preparations (tinctures, sprays, ointments, liniments) produced by the pharmacological industry, as well as made according to unique recipes.

    Medicinal juice is prepared according to the method of academician Filatov, developed with the aim of obtaining biogenic stimulants (see aloe). Plants intended for obtaining juice are kept without watering for 1 - 2 weeks, then the cut shoots are kept in the refrigerator for about 7 days (at low positive temperatures within +5 - 10 ° C). The raw materials prepared in this way, firstly, give off juice better, and secondly, the synthesis of biogenic stimulants begins in the plant cells. The raw materials are crushed to a homogeneous mass (at home it is more convenient to do this with a meat grinder), squeeze the juice and then defend it (at a temperature of +4 - 5 ° C) for several days (usually no more than 3). The settled (“clarified”) Kalanchoe juice is drained from the sediment, passed through filters and “preserved” by adding chloroform (0.5% solution) or alcohol (this option has become widespread in home-made Kalanchoe juice). Packaged juice is stored in a cool place (temperature not more than +10 °C). Shelf life - up to 1 year.

    - Ointment. A classic drug that is very popular in surgery (preparation for skin grafting, suturing, purulent wounds and ulcers, etc.).

    The drug is produced on the basis of medical lanolin and Kalanchoe juice in a ratio of 6:4. Furazolidone (0.25 g for every 100 g of ointment) is added to the heated mixture (temperature about 60 ° C). It is advised to store the ointment at a positive low temperature (on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator). You can make it at home, for example, according to this recipe: Kalanchoe juice - 30 ml, 50 ml of petroleum jelly and lanolin each (mix all components thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained - heat in advance in a water bath).

    Medicinal properties of Kalanchoe juice

    If we recall the "Goethe flower", then a fair conclusion is imposed - Kalanchoe juice has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and bactericidal properties, and this has been proven by the results of countless scientific experiments. Nowadays, Kalanchoe juice, prepared using the technology for obtaining biogenic stimulants, is used in surgery, including plastic surgery. It is used to treat the wound surface, as it stimulates regenerative processes in skin cells, helps cleanse wounds and ulcers from dead tissues, destroys pathogenic microflora, including blue-green pus bacillus, and has a local anesthetic effect.

    Kalanchoe juice is of great benefit in ophthalmic practice - it is used to treat a large group of diseases and traumatic injuries of the eyes (erosion and trauma of the cornea, keratitis, etc.). It is also valued in dentistry - it is prescribed for the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, etc.

    Kalanchoe juice is able to relieve pain, for example, a toothache - it is enough to place a cotton swab moistened with the drug in the hollow of a diseased tooth.

    In many cases, in parallel with the use of Kalanchoe, intramuscular injections of the aloe preparation are prescribed. This combination is practiced in ophthalmology, in the treatment of trophic ulcers, as well as in surgery, with poor healing of postoperative sutures, etc.

    Medicinal properties of Kalanchoe in scientific medicine

    - Trophic ulcers

    Ulceration can develop during traumatic skin injuries (including after burns), as well as as a result of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. To alleviate the patient's condition, it is advised to use compresses with Kalanchoe juice in complex treatment. In advance, you need to treat the skin around the wound with alcohol or a solution of furazolidone (at a dilution of 1: 5000). The juice must be diluted in half with a solution of novocaine (1%) in order to prevent side effects (burning). Gauze dressings (of 4-5 layers of bandage) should be moistened twice a day with the prepared solution, and after 2 days replaced with a fresh one. If trophic ulcers have formed on the basis of diabetes mellitus, then it is advised to add insulin to the composition. The course of treatment is 1 month.

    – Comprehensive treatment of erysipelas

    Kalanchoe juice compresses (dilute in equal proportions with a 0.5% novocaine solution) should be applied to the affected skin surface, moistened from time to time (2 or 3 times a day). The course of treatment is approximately 1 week.

    – Treatment of extensive skin erosion

    For this purpose, it is advised to use an ointment prepared according to the following recipe: Kalanchoe juice - 40 ml, novocaine - 0.25 ml, medical lanolin - 60 ml, furazolidone - 0.25 g. The ointment also finds application in obstetric and gynecological practice (cervical erosion uterus, nipple cracks, perineal wounds, postpartum tears, etc.). The course of treatment, as a rule, is from 4 to 5 days.

    Medicinal properties of Kalanchoe in folk medicine

    - Runny nose. The popularity of the "home doctor" is very high, that even children know about Kalanchoe, as the first remedy for the common cold. Two - three drops of Kalanchoe juice diluted with water in a ratio (1: 1) (can be obtained using 2 teaspoons - instead of a press) should be dripped into each nostril, which in a couple of minutes will cause severe sneezing, after which the sinuses are cleared. It is noteworthy that in the absence of pathogenic microflora on the mucous membranes of the sinuses, there will be no urge to sneeze. Some healers recommend (to increase the therapeutic effect) Kalanchoe juice mixed with aloe juice in a ratio (1:1).

    - Herpetic eruptions. Traditional healers advise regularly lubricating the infection sites with Kalanchoe juice (up to 4 or more times a day). At the same time, with external use, it would be good to eat 1 tsp per day. "Kids" (or half a sheet). Internal use of Kalanchoe will "spur" the immune system, which will help the body fight entero-infection.

    - Otitis. It is advised to instill 1-2 drops of Kalanchoe juice into each ear canal. However, such treatment is considered secondary, so you first need to get advice from a specialist (an otolaryngologist, or popularly referred to as “ear-nose-throat”).

    – Sinusitis. As a secondary treatment, procedures for washing the nasal canals with half-diluted (boiled water) Kalanchoe juice are advised.

    - Colds. For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including in the presence of an infectious component (tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, etc.), it is advised to use a Kalanchoe leaf at night (half a leaf for children). Chew the leaf thoroughly so that the mass is well saturated with saliva, then swallow. As practice shows, if the disease proceeds without exacerbations, then the result appears after 1-2 days.

    - stomach ulcer. Many fans of traditional medicine follow the example of Goethe in the treatment of stomach ulcers. For example, it is recommended to eat a Kalanchoe leaf three times a day half an hour before meals.

    - BPH. There are cases when patients who were offered surgical treatment for prostate adenoma successfully got rid of the disease with the help of Kalanchoe (eat 1 leaf in the morning, on an empty stomach).

    — Cataract. According to experts, with advanced cataracts, Kalanchoe juice mixed with honey in equal proportions helps to cope with the disease (infuse for 2 hours in a warm and dark place). According to the advice of folk healers, the remedy should be instilled 1-2 drops into each eye in the morning and evening, before going to bed.

    - Ovarian cyst (uterus). For resorption of cysts, fibromas, as well as in the treatment of other diseases associated with the female genital area, traditional healers suggest using a cotton swab with bryophyllum juice. There is an opinion that such procedures give a positive result already after 1-2 weeks, and they must be carried out even in parallel with the main treatment, which repeatedly speeds up recovery.

    - Obliterating endarteritis. As an additional remedy in the treatment of endarteritis, warming compresses are recommended. A tincture is prepared from Kalanchoe leaves (5 pieces), ficus leaves (5 pieces) and chestnuts (10 pieces). Grind all the ingredients and pour a liter of alcohol (40% strength). The medicinal product will be ready after two weeks of infusion. Compresses are recommended to do before going to bed.

    Special cases of using Kalanchoe


    The course of treatment is 4 months. For treatment, 3 drugs are needed:

    1. Kalanchoe tincture. It is prepared with the use of alcohol of 70% strength. Place the crushed leaves of Kalanchoe in a glass container, filling it halfway, and pour alcohol to the top. After 7 days, the drug is ready for use. Infusion is carried out in a dark place at room temperature, shaking the contents every day. The tincture is used externally, for rubbing in the affected area.
    2. Kefir-wormwood compress. Finely chopped leaves wormwood mix with kefir in equal proportions. Apply the compress on gauze to the inflamed veins. The duration of the application can vary from 30 to 60 minutes.
    3. Infusion of hop cones. Brew with boiling water (200 - 250 ml) 1 tbsp. hop fruit. Divide the daily dose into 4 equal parts, and consume before meals, as well as right before bedtime.

    In the treatment of varicose veins, you can additionally use an ointment (liniment) made from Kalanchoe juice and goose fat. The proportions of the ingredients are 1:2, for example, 1 tbsp. juice and 2 tbsp. goose fat. The ointment is gently rubbed into the affected area once a day. Store the ointment in the refrigerator and warm to room temperature before use. It is advised to prepare the remedy in small portions.

    Treatment of sinusitis and ... asthma

    In the treatment of these ailments, steam inhalations prepared according to the following recipe are advised: 1 onion (the size of a chicken egg), 3 leaves of aloe and Kalanchoe, 1 tbsp. sunflower and camphor oil. Grind onions, kalanchoe and aloe, mix with oil, then place in a water bath and inhale the vapors (for asthma, breathe through the mouth, in case of sinusitis - through the nose). The procedure should be done daily, before going to bed (duration of inhalation - half an hour).

    In the treatment of sinusitis, it is also recommended to use a moistened swab. Preparation for tampons from aloe, root cyclamen, onions, Kalanchoe leaves, honey and Vishnevsky liniment (all ingredients are taken in equal parts). Grind the plant components, squeeze out the juice, mix with honey and liniment. Insert cotton swabs moistened with a medicinal composition into the nasal passages in the morning and at bedtime (for half an hour).

    The recipe for "universal ointment"

    The agent has been tested in the treatment of weeping eczema, boils, trophic ulcers, fistulas, gunshot wounds with gangrenous cyanosis, etc. To prepare a therapeutic ointment, you will need cedar resin(20 g), sea buckthorn (10 ml) oil and castor oil (30 ml), Kalanchoe juice (20 ml), yellow wax (10 g) and propolis (10 g). Fresh resin must be kept in the freezer for a day, and then crushed into powder. Heat castor oil in a water bath, then add propolis and resin. When the ingredients are completely dissolved, remove the composition from the heat and add the rest of the ingredients. The consistency of the ointment is selected by adding castor oil. Before applying the ointment, the wound must be treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

    Side effects and contraindications

    In some sources, you can find indications about contraindications to the use of Kalanchoe for treatment, however, it should be noted that none of them has been scientifically confirmed. In addition, the official literature emphasizes the non-toxicity of Kalanchoe juice, and therefore it is safe to use even for the treatment of young children.

    Kalanchoe juice sometimes causes a burning sensation on the skin, so it is diluted equally with novocaine solution.

    As for the properties of combined preparations (for example, multicomponent tinctures), then it is necessary to take into account possible contraindications and side effects that are possible for other (except for Kalanchoe) components included in the formulation of a particular remedy.

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