Worst sin. Indifference is a terrible weapon

Quotes for the final essay 2018 in the direction "Loyalty and treason".

The worst sin in relation to one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; this is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. (Bernard Show)

Sympathy is indifference in a superlative degree. (Don Aminado)

How painful is indifference to oneself! (A.V. Suvorov)

I always believe and will continue to believe so in the future that indifference to injustice is betrayal and meanness. (O. Mirabeau)

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul. (Maksim Gorky)

They say that philosophers and true sages are indifferent. It is not true, indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. (A.P. Chekhov)

When a person is so wounded that he is unable to show generosity, at these moments he especially needs sympathy and support.

You love everyone, and to love everyone is to love no one. You are all the same indifferent. (O. Wilde)

Don't feel sorry for yourself. Only primitive people sympathize with themselves. (H. Murakami)

Where moderation is a mistake, there indifference is a crime. (G. Lichtenberg)

Indifference to painting is a universal and enduring phenomenon. (Van Gogh)

Only those who cannot pass indifferently past the joys and sorrows of an individual are capable of taking to heart the joys and sorrows of the Fatherland. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

There is nothing more dangerous than a person who is alien to the human, who is indifferent to the fate of his native country, to the fate of his neighbor. (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

An ungrateful son is worse than someone else's: he is a criminal, since the son has no right to be indifferent to his mother. (Guy de Maupassant)

Coldness is a consequence not only of a sober conviction that one is right, but also of an unprincipled indifference to the truth. (C. Lam)

One very talented writer, in response to my complaint that I did not find sympathy with criticism, wisely answered me: “You have an essential flaw that will close all doors to you: you cannot talk to a fool for two minutes him to understand that he is a fool. (E. Zola)

Tolerance inevitably leads to indifference. (D. Diderot)

Teenagers, of course, are emotionally tender and extremely vulnerable creatures, but they are not very sympathetic. It comes later, if it comes at all. (S. King)

The eagle gaze of passions penetrates into the misty abyss of the future, but indifference is blind and stupid from birth. (K. A. Helvetius)

It is easy to hide hatred, it is difficult to hide love, and most difficult is indifference. (C.L. Burne)
Indifference is a serious disease of the soul. (A. de Tocqueville)

The most unforgivable sin in relation to one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference. Indifference is the essence of inhumanity. (J.B. Shaw)

Egoism is the root cause of cancer of the soul. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Family selfishness is crueler than personal selfishness. A person who is ashamed to sacrifice the blessings of another for himself alone considers it his duty to use misfortune, the need of people for the good of the family. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you.
Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.
Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth. (B. Yasensky)

Indifference is the highest cruelty. (M. Wilson)

Calmness is stronger than emotions.

Silence is louder than screaming.

Indifference is worse than war. (M. Luther)

On the way you need a companion, in life - sympathy. (proverb)

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness ... (E. Zola)

Taking the path of dialogue is far more effective and sensible than trying to prove how selfish or responsive anyone can be. (H. Bukai)

The responsiveness of others is often the best psychologist or psychiatrist. (L. Viilma)

Life teaches a lot, but not tact, not responsiveness, not the ability to help a person in difficult times. (I. Shaw)

Most of all in women I appreciate shyness. It is beautiful. The basis of femininity is not appearance, but an increased sense of shame and sympathy for others. (F. A. Iskander)

If someone else's grief does not make you suffer,
Is it possible to call you a human then? (Saadi)

The more you live, the more you become convinced that arousing sympathy for yourself is a rarity and happiness - and that you should cherish this happiness. (I.S. Turgenev)

Whoever has acquired the ability to sincerely sympathize with human grief, at least in one single case, having received a miraculous lesson, has learned to understand any misfortune, no matter how strange or reckless it may appear at first glance. (S. Zweig)

Real help always comes from someone who is stronger than you and whom you respect. And the sympathy of such people is especially effective ... (F. S. Fitzgerald)

Sympathy alone is not enough. Actions speak louder than words. (N. Vuychich)
Too much empathy often becomes a barrier.

Sympathy in times of adversity is like rain in times of drought. (Indian proverb)

After all, it is necessary that every person should have at least one such place where he would be pitied! (F. M. Dostoevsky)

Do not sympathize too much with people who are unhappy. If someone is unhappy, help, but do not sympathize. Don't give him the idea that suffering is something worthwhile. (Osho)

She said in the sense that when a beloved animal dies, a person is left alone with his grief, no one sympathizes much. When a loved one dies, then everyone understands, and who is sincere, who is formal, and who is for the company, but everyone understands and sympathizes. But the cat died, she said, and loneliness was terribly exposed. (E.V. Grishkovets)

Why is indifference the worst sin in relation to one's neighbor? Is it really not hatred, but indifference is the pinnacle of inhumanity? Let's try to figure this out. Undoubtedly, you will not seek help from a person, knowing that he hates you. Here everything is transparent and clear - avoid anger and enmity. Sometimes indifference is not immediately recognized. We expect support and sympathy from our neighbor and suddenly come across coldness and indifference. Bitter disappointment awaits us, we are losing faith in people, and this is very painful.

Let's turn to the literature for examples. In N. V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls", the first landowner visited by the enterprising Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, who buys up dead souls, is Manilov. Manilov corresponds to the first circle of hell, where despondent sinners abide, deprived of the light of the gospel truth.

Despondency is indifference and indifference to everything. The author notes that each person has his own enthusiasm, his own passion, Manilov had nothing. This sky-smoker spends whole days in his office with a tobacco pipe, laying out mounds of ashes on the windowsill in beautiful mounds. An empty pastime is filled with baseless dreams, inventing unrealistic projects, such as building a stone bridge over a pond. The landowner is not at all interested in his household. When the peasants ask for leave from him in the city, he lets them go without asking, not even suspecting that the peasants are going to a tavern. It is no coincidence that many literary critics believe that it is Manilov, with his indifference, who stands on the last step of human development, he is the most "dead" soul of the five landowners.

An example of inhumanity and indifference can be found in A.P. Chekhov's story "Tosca". Petersburg cab driver Iona Potapov buried his son, a young cab driver, three days ago. He is filled with great longing, knowing no limits and boundaries, ready at any moment to flood the whole world with itself. Jonah really wants to relieve his soul, tell someone about his grief, he turns to his passengers for sympathy, but runs into a cold wall of alienation. Having never met compassion, Jonah goes to the stable and talks about his grief to the horse, which silently chews hay, breathes into the hands of the owner, and it seems that she sympathizes with him. Jonah gets carried away and tells the mare how his son fell ill, how he died in the hospital, what he feels. It is sad that people are soulless and show complete indifference to someone else's misfortune, and only in the animal did Jonah find sympathy.

We see that indifference is indeed the pinnacle of inhumanity. If people sympathized with each other, the world would be a better place.

People tend to experience emotions. Sometimes even a calm and balanced person can laugh loudly and indecently, or, conversely, scream and wave his arms, being beside himself with rage. At such moments, emotions are so overwhelmed by a person that he is no longer able to rationally analyze the current situation. Emotions and feelings are the invisible abyss that separates man and machine.

No matter how complex artificial intelligence is, no matter how skillfully it simulates joy or grief, it is always controlled only by a set of algorithms that analyze and process external information. Therefore, the most important thing in relationships between close people is the mutual manifestation of emotions. It doesn't matter whether we love a person or hate; as long as we have at least some feelings for him, he is not indifferent to us. I agree with B. Shaw: indeed, the worst sin in relation to one's neighbor is indifference and indifference.

As an example confirming the correctness of the above thought, I would like to cite F. M. Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. One of the main negative characters of the novel, Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin, values ​​money most of all in life and does everything only for personal gain. Struck by the beauty and education of Dunya Raskolnikova, Pyotr Petrovich proposes to her. However, it is by no means love that guides him: Luzhin is extremely flattered that the poor girl will have to owe him for the rest of her life. In addition, Petr Petrovich finds that a smart and beautiful wife can contribute to his further career growth. The top of Luzhin's indifference and composure is the fact that he does not bother to ensure that Dunya and his mother can comfortably get to St. Petersburg. In the above example, it was not revenge or hatred that prompted Pyotr Petrovich to such heinous deeds, but cold-blooded indifference to the fate of his future wife.

Another example of indifference towards loved ones can be found in the novel by the British writer William Somerset-Maugham "The Burden of Human Passions". The priest William Carey, despite his clergy, was a cold-blooded and callous person all his life. He did not love either his wife, although the latter was faithful to him until her death, or his nephew, whom he took into care after the death of his mother. During the funeral of his wife, the priest was busy counting the number of wreaths that the neighbors had sent. Philip, who had also come to see his aunt on her last journey, was struck by the calmness with which his uncle spoke of the death of a man with whom he had lived for more than forty years. The priest died almost alone: ​​only his nephew came to visit him, and even then, in order to receive the bequeathed inheritance. This episode shows us the sad fate of a man who has been indifferent to his loved ones all his life.

Finally, let's turn to the canvas of the Russian artist Nikolai Nevrev "Family Accounts". In the picture we see the relatives of the deceased entrepreneur. Four sons are busy reading the will left by their father. There is not a shadow of sorrow or sadness on their faces, only a business interest in who will receive how much from a rich inheritance ...

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Bernard Shaw's statement is beyond doubt. Indeed, there is no worse sin than an indifferent attitude towards people. Each of us hopes for sympathy from the other person, but often, instead of understanding and empathy, he receives coldness and indifference. This is depressing and leads to disappointment, despondency, longing, and sometimes even more serious consequences.

In the work of N.V. Gogol "The Overcoat" there is an example of how an indifferent attitude towards a person leads him to death. We meet the unfortunate Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin. He dies not from the fact that his overcoat was stolen from him, but from the complete indifference of those who could (even should) help him. Gogol's hero does not find an answer to any of his requests for help. He thrashes about in despair and eventually dies. The indifference of people leads a person to the loss of faith that his case is interesting to someone else. The loss of the overcoat turned out to be the outcome of his whole life for Akaky Akakievich. But no one extended a helping hand to him, did not show sympathy, did not understand the problem. As a result, a man lost his life ...

In Leo Tolstoy's story "After the Ball", an indifferent, cruel attitude towards people radically changes the life of another person. We are watching the scene of the beating of a poor soldier. The colonel, who had recently danced at the ball with his daughter Varenka, handsome and successful, now stood on the parade ground and severely punished the offending soldier. He was ruthless to his cries for help. And he even hit one of the soldiers in the face, who, in his opinion, did not hit the victim hard enough with a stick on the back. He hit him in the face because the other showed sympathy for the beaten ... Everything he saw so influenced the consciousness of the protagonist (Ivan Vasilyevich, Varenka's lover), that he changed his life. He gave up his career because he didn't want to harm anyone. He was afraid to appear cruel, indifferent, indifferent to the fate of other people. And from the lips of other heroes of L. Tolstoy's story, we learn that he tried to help people all his life. The hero was not inhuman, he could not do otherwise.

Indifference kills every living thing in a person. Hatred and anger are also feelings, albeit negative ones, and indifference is their complete absence. And this is the worst thing that can happen to a person.

About 50 million Americans suffer from some form of arthritis: 30 million suffer from low back pain, millions from neck pain, and 200,000 children have juvenile arthritis. This dooms a person to torment for the rest of his life - unless he realizes the true cause of this problem.

Rheumatoid-arthritic pains should be considered from the very beginning as indicators of lack of water in the affected joints. In some cases, a lack of salt acts as an additional factor.

The cartilage of bones contains a large amount of water. Water, like a lubricant, helps the cartilage surfaces in the joint to rub against each other freely.

While bone cells are immersed in calcium deposits, cartilage cells are immersed in matrix - an intercellular material containing a large amount of water.

In the process of friction of cartilage surfaces, some unprotected cells die and are sloughed off. New cells take their place. In well-hydrated cartilage, friction damage is minimal. In dehydrated cartilage, the degree of abrasive damage increases significantly. The ratio between the degree of regeneration of cartilage cells and abrasive exfoliation serves as a factor in the strength of the articular connection.

Actively growing blood cells in the bone marrow outnumber cartilage in terms of water content. In the process of dilating blood vessels to allow more blood flow to an area, it is possible that an artery that enters the bone through a small hole is not able to expand properly. Cells, to which blood vessels supply water and nutrients, are subject to tight rationing controls. Under these conditions, and until the bloodstream brings sufficient water, the serum needs of the cartilage will be met by the blood vessels feeding the joint capsule. Blood flow redistribution mechanisms also send pain signals.

These painful sensations indicate that the joint is not ready to withstand the load until it is sufficiently supplied with water. Pain of this kind must be relieved only by increasing the amount of water consumed. This will lead to saturation of the blood with water; thanks to improved blood circulation, dehydrated cartilage will receive water and restore its functions (Fig. 6 and 7).

I put forward the assumption that swelling and pain in the joint capsule serve as indicators of the expansion and swelling of the vessels that ensure the flow of blood to the capsules of the vessels. The surfaces of the joints are dotted with nerve endings that regulate all functions. When they require increased circulation in order to extract more water from the serum, compensatory vasodilatation in the capsule should make up for the lack of circulation by supplying the bones with water.

Since dehydration in the joint surfaces inevitably leads to damage - the surface of the bones will be exposed until osteoarthritis appears - the damaged tissues will start the mechanism of joint reconstruction. The capsule of the joint contains cells that secrete hormones. In cases of damage (caused, among other things, by dehydration), the tissue must be restored. “Reconstructive hormones” are taken to work, which restore the surface of the joints.

Unfortunately, the recovery process leads to deformity of the joints. To avoid this, you should carefully and seriously treat the pain and immediately increase the amount of water taken. First of all, pain should be defined as a signal of local dehydration. If the pain does not go away after a few days of drinking water and light exercise to increase blood flow to the joints, it is recommended to seek professional advice.

You have nothing to lose, but you can gain a lot by starting to deal with pain and non-infectious inflammation of rheumatoid joints as a consequence of dehydration.

If the body may have some difficulty in determining the state of thirst, then they are very likely to be inherited by the child. Dehydration in a rapidly growing child's body is manifested by painful sensations in the joints, as well as painful sensations with heartburn. The signaling system for dehydration may well be the same in young people as it is in older people. In this regard, it is recommended to treat juvenile arthritis by increasing the daily intake of water. Dr. Lawrence Malone's (his letter is reproduced below) study of the effect of water on rheumatoid joint pain proves that our medical colleagues must pay attention to the medical, healing properties of water in order to prevent diseases.


As the book was about to go to press, several brands of water appeared on the market with ostensibly scientific explanations for the particular way they were "produced." This makes it necessary to clarify the following points.

The positive physiological effects of ordinary tap water in the conditions described in this book are attributed to special brands of "structured water" for sale. As I have already explained, water has many magical properties. Water, which is part of membranes and cells, has special characteristics.

However, if we simulate these characteristics outside the body, this does not mean at all that water will enter the cells with the same properties. In effect, the cell membrane filters and separates water from its solid contents and frees it from solutes, thus producing clean and healthy water before it enters the cells. In order to pass through the membrane, water molecules must be located one behind the other. Water diffuses into cells at a rate Yu- 3 cm per second. Solutes remain outside the cell, and their entry into the cell is regulated by a complex transport system. Thanks to this, the body functions. Please don't be tempted by titles and advertisements. Think carefully before believing supposedly scientific claims that are only meant to get you to buy a product.

Lawrence A. Malone, MD, PhD

The educational center

Global Health Solutions Inc.

Dear F. Batmanghelidj, MD

Falls Church, VA 22043


At the age of 82, I am still in good shape and my only regret is that I came across Dr. Batmanghelidj's excellent books Your Body Calls for Water and Lower Back Pain so late.

The doctor's arguments are very convincing, his knowledge in the field of medicine is brilliant and distinguished by exceptional logic. His books are an invaluable asset to my library. I followed his advice to treat arthritis in my arms and back, and within two weeks the pain was almost gone. I began to sleep better, got stronger physically, my coordination improved. Now I look at life from a completely different position: I know that I can handle everything.

Dr. Batmanghelidj's books are distinguished by common sense and useful medical advice. He sees at the root, sees the true cause of diseases, and anyone who is lucky enough to read his books will not be disappointed by following wise advice.


Lawrence A. Malone

8225 East Washington Street

Shagreen Falls, Ohio 44023

Pain in the lumbar region.

It should be taken into account that the joints of the back - the intervertebral joints and their discs - depend on the hydraulic properties of the water contained in the nuclei of the intervertebral discs. In the joints of the dorsal vertebrae, water is not only a lubricant for the contact surfaces, it fills the intervertebral space and supports the compressive weight of the upper body. Almost 75 percent of the upper body is supported by the volume of water contained in the nuclei of the intervertebral discs, 25 percent is supported by the fibrous material surrounding the disc (Fig. 8). The structure of all joints provides that water will act as a lubricant, as well as bear the load produced by weight and the tension produced by muscle movement.

The importance of the fifth lumbar disc

The vacuum in the joint spaces allows water to enter the joint, only to be forced out by the pressure resulting from joint mobility. To avoid back pain, you should drink as much water as possible and perform a series of special exercises that allow you to periodically create a vacuum that draws water into the nuclei of the intervertebral discs. These exercises also help reduce back spasms, which in most people (80 percent of all back pain) is the main cause of lower back pain. Learn to take the correct posture. The problem of back pain and its relationship with water is so important that I have dedicated a separate book to it - "How to deal with back pain and rheumatoid joint pain." In addition, a video cassette entitled "How to Cope with Back Pain" was released.

If you suffer from back pain and especially sciatica pain, you can learn a lot from reading a book and/or watching a videotape that describes exercises that create a vacuum in the interdiscal space. This allows you to get rid of sciatica pain within half an hour.

Pain in the neck.

A low head when sitting, working on a low seat, an uncomfortable posture when working at a computer for a long time, too many pillows - all this can cause pain in the neck. Therefore, it is necessary to create good fluid circulation in the space between the discs in the neck area. Under the weight of the head, water may leak out of the discs. In order to fill the space again with water, a vacuum must be created inside it. This can only be achieved when the head and neck simultaneously move backward.

For less severe cases of neck pain, the simplest solution is to bend the head and neck back slowly and repeatedly. Stretch your neck forward, hold in this position for 30 seconds. Such an exercise will create a vacuum and help fill the space between the discs with water. At the same time, all discs, due to the anterior connection with the dorsal ligaments, move back to a normal position between the vertebrae.

I suggest another simple exercise: lie on your back on the very edge of the bed, so that your head is without support. This position helps to stretch the neck, which in that case does not carry any load, and tilt it back. Lie in this position for a few minutes, completely relaxed - this will help relieve tension in the neck. As a result, the necessary vacuum is created in the space between the disks. After gently bending back - so that you can see the floor - raise your head just enough to see the wall near your feet. This procedure is very useful because it periodically creates vacuum in the space between any two vertebrae. Due to the rarefaction, water enters the space between the discs and spreads to all parts of the cervical joints, acting as a lubricant. It is necessary that this water be absorbed into the core of the intervertebral disc until it stretches and takes on a natural size, separating one vertebra from another. Now tilt your head from side to side. Try to look at the floor and at the walls, first from one side, then from the other. Those who suffer from cervical arthritis or dislocated cervical discs may want to try this simple exercise to improve the mobility of their neck joints.

Anginal pains.

(See Chapter 4 on cholesterol for more information.) Anginal pain is indicative of a lack of water in the body, a common factor in various conditions that are defined as heart and lung disease. Read the letters of Mr. Sam Liguori and Loretta Johnson, published with their kind permission (see pp. 118-119). The anginal pains that tormented Mr. Liguori disappeared as soon as he began to drink more water. In addition, he suffered from a hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm, which, with an increase in the amount of water consumed, no longer made itself felt. And as Loretta Johnson's letter testifies, even at the age of 90, anginal pains can be treated with water, and so successfully that no heart medicines are needed.


Based on my own experience, I can say that among the causes of migraine are the following: dehydration; too warm blanket; alcoholic beverages, which initiate the process of cellular dehydration, especially in the brain; allergic factors causing the release of histamine; high atmospheric temperature with a lack of water. As a rule, migraine is indicative of "heat stress". Thus, intensifying headaches, dehydration plays a significant role.

The most reasonable and logical way to fight migraines is to drink water regularly. Once a migraine destroys the pain threshold, a whole series of chemical reactions are triggered that prevent the body from functioning normally. In this case, it is usually recommended to take painkillers and drink plenty of fluids. Cold water cools the body (and brain) from the inside and promotes vasoconstriction. Excessive expansion of peripheral vessels may well be the main cause of headaches.

Mrs. Mavis Butler, an Australian Adventist missionary in Silang, Philippines, has a very interesting story. For many years she was tormented by a terrible migraine, sometimes the pain became so unbearable that she completely lost her ability to act. Then this book caught her eye, and she followed my advice. Mrs. Butler wrote to me that her condition had improved immeasurably. Read her letter, and you will understand that this is one of those stories that make us wonder: “How could it be that we had absolutely no idea how important water is for the body and how destructive its lack is?”

North Queensland, Australia

Dear Doctor Batmanghelidj!

I have suffered from headaches for many years now. I consulted doctors, neurologists, chiropractors and spent hundreds of dollars on X-rays and ultrasounds. All to no avail. Sometimes only faith in God did not allow me to wish for death, when I did not get out of bed with stumps, tormented by unbearable pains.

No medicines saved, the pain disappeared for a while, but always resumed with renewed vigor. I could not identify any connection between food and headache, but I noticed that it occurs several hours after eating.

Once a friend of mine noticed that most likely headaches are the result of a lack of water in the body. I really did not drink much water, being sure that herbal tea, juices and fruits in large quantities fully satisfy the body's needs for fluid. Just three weeks later, I was leafing through a magazine and I came across an advertisement for your book “Your body is asking for water.” I bought: a magazine and ordered a book.

When I received the book, I read it over and over again from cover to cover, and realizing what my mistakes were, I decided to immediately start correcting them. Can someone who has not experienced it understand what it is - wonderful days without pain, when you can do your own thing, and not lie in a bed, tormented by pain. For this grace, I thank God every day.

It took me several months to get my body well hydrated, and now I only get headaches from time to time. I thank the Lord for leading me step by step to this amazing truth. No doubt he had tried to open my eyes before, but I was too blind. I thank you, doctor, for your amazing work and perseverance, for your desire to convey this truth to people.

I give lectures at the evening courses "Proper Eating Habits" and devoted a whole lesson to the problem of the body's need for water. I have been able to help many people get rid of pain and start a new life. A friend of mine once informed me that he was going to the hospital in a few days to be treated for a stomach ulcer. I begged him not to do this and try the water treatment.

He agreed, though not very willingly, but to his astonishment he found that the pains had ceased, and some time later he was even more surprised to find that his ulcer had disappeared without the use of medicine.

Let me once again express my gratitude and pray that the Lord will bless and guide you in your efforts to help humanity.

Sincerely, Mrs. Mavis Butler

(The letter is abridged.)

Chapter 5 - Stress and depression.

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