Fitness club franchises. How to open a gym, where to start? Proper zoning of the room

The promotion of any serious business project involves fairly large financial investments and a tough fight with competitors in the selected market segment. More than half of the total number of start-up entrepreneurs already in the first year of work go into a huge loss and are forced to close their enterprise, which until recently promised mountains of gold.

What is a franchise and how does it work?

Therefore, such a way of doing business as a franchise is gaining more and more popularity.

Provides for the conclusion of an agreement under which representatives of a well-known brand (franchisor) officially transfer to a businessman the right to use their business model, logo, rules and developments. An entrepreneur starts his business under a well-known trademark, which significantly reduces financial risks. On the other hand, the franchisee (franchisor) is limited by a set of rules governing the flexibility of decision making.

Using the business model of a well-known company is not free - when concluding an agreement on the franchisor, the franchisor must pay a lump-sum fee. In addition, in most cases, the monthly amount of deductions from profits (royalties) is determined.

Benefits of Franchising in the Fitness Industry

The provision of fitness services is included in the list of the most popular areas of franchising. In an effort to open his hall, the entrepreneur must remember that cooperation with famous companies far from free and requires significant financial investments. However, the conclusion of an agreement with the brand saves the businessman from many problems that are automatically shifted to the shoulders of the franchisor.

The owner of a fitness center receives benefits such as:

  • representatives of the franchisor are personally involved in the design of the premises;
  • the entrepreneur is provided with a ready-made price list and a list of fitness areas with which the club will work;
  • the personnel department of a well-known brand independently selects personnel;
  • the franchisor takes responsibility for brand promotion, advertising and promotion of the new fitness center.

The main advantage of working with a franchise is much lower financial costs. For example, the independent opening of a solid fitness club can cost several million dollars. In turn, starting investments and franchising can fit in just a few million rubles. Experienced businessmen are increasingly leaning towards a fitness franchise. According to statistics, the number of clubs under famous brands annually increases by twenty percent.

Cooperation is beneficial both for a businessman who receives a ready-made business, and for a franchisor who gradually expands his own branch network and increases brand awareness. In an effort to win the trust of entrepreneurs, brand representatives offer their “wards” not only full support in doing business, but also all kinds of loyalty programs and bonus systems.

Starting to work on a franchise, the owner of a fitness club only needs to take care of renting or acquiring premises, as well as obtaining the necessary permits from government agencies.

The remaining questions and problems can be shifted onto the shoulders of the franchisor, and within a few weeks after the conclusion of the contract, you will receive the keys to a fully prepared fitness center.

The most famous fitness club franchises

If the entrepreneur nevertheless decided to build his business on the basis of a franchise, then he needs to choose one of dozens of proposals for cooperation. Each brand provides its own conditions for the initial payment, royalties and the amount of support. More and more new companies appear on the domestic market, luring potential partners with attractive "chips". Among the strongest franchisors in the field of fitness, it is worth highlighting such brands as World Class, Gold’s Gym, Alex Fitness, Planet Fitness and Zebra.

world class

The World Class fitness corporation has united under its name about 40 of its own clubs and about the same number of centers opened under a franchise. The geography of this brand includes 28 cities in Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. World Class has been a member of the international association of fitness clubs IHRSA for many years. In 2014, the company was the official fitness service provider during the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. The first World Class franchise club was opened in 1999.

The brand puts forward quite serious conditions for those who want to get a franchise. The entrepreneur must pay:

  • a lump sum contribution of $50,000;
  • monthly royalty (2-4%);
  • purchase of own premises with an area of ​​1-7 thousand sq.m. or payment of rent for a period of at least 10 years;
  • expenses for all necessary communications;
  • renovation of halls and design services;
  • salary costs for highly qualified trainers;
  • expenses for staff development;
  • advertising deductions (12% for new clubs, 5% for existing ones).

Alex Fitness

Unlike World Class, whose fitness clubs are intended mainly for wealthy people, Alex Fitness focuses on the maximum accessibility of its services for both customers and franchisees. A distinctive feature of cooperation with the brand is the absence of royalties and lump-sum payments. The main conditions for signing the contract are investments of at least 20 million rubles and an area of ​​more than 1 thousand square meters. m.

Gold's Gym

The legendary American network dates back to 1965. Today, more than 700 fitness centers are open in 28 countries, and the total number of customers exceeds 300,000 people. The brand has been operating on the Russian market for over 10 years. and the size of investments are determined individually depending on the scale and prospects of the project. Requirements - the presence of a room with an area of ​​​​more than 800 square meters and a ceiling height of at least 4 meters. The average return on investment is 3 to 5 years.

Zebra Fitness

This brand has dozens of halls on the territory Russian Federation, most of which are located in Moscow and the region. They focus not only on fitness, but also widely promote spa services.

Working with a franchisor will require at least 60 million costs and a large hall, but due to the wide range of services provided and brand recognition, the payback period will be only a few years.

Planet Fitness

One of the fastest growing fitness chains opened its first franchise club in 2003. Since then, more than 10 franchise projects have been launched in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. The lump-sum fee is $15,000, and royalties and other requirements can be found on an individual basis by contacting Planet Fitness representatives.

How to choose a franchisor?

The opening of a fitness club is one of the types of business that people come to seriously and for a long time. In any case, the costs will be serious, but with the successful conduct of business, in a few years the project will begin to bring solid profits.

The first thing to do when choosing a franchisor is to decide on the amount of investment. Based on the maximum possible amount of funds, you need to familiarize yourself with the offers of brands and choose those whose financial requirements fit into the budget. Next, you should focus on the following points:

  • determining the pricing policy of the fitness center and the income level of clients;
  • comparison of conditions, bonuses and franchise opportunities for selected companies;
  • collecting feedback from network customers and franchisees who have previously entered into an agreement with the brand of interest;
  • availability of assistance from the franchisor in choosing a location for the future hall;
  • brand awareness in the selected region.

Analyzing the above factors, you need to understand that it is impossible to find the ideal franchisor. In any case, pitfalls will surface, so it’s better to spend a few days studying the offers on the market than subsequently paying for your own inattention. Taking care of your own health and fitness is a popular global "trend", so the fitness industry can be called one of the most active emerging areas business.

In contact with

A healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular among people of all ages. If a person adheres to his basic principles, he becomes slimmer, stronger, more resilient and more flexible. In addition, everyone understands that this allows you to get sick less often and live longer.

One of the integral parts of this approach is regular training. At the same time, most people do not have the ability or willpower to exercise at home on their own. It is these factors that guarantee fitness clubs a stable flow of customers.

A fitness club is a fairly complex enterprise in terms of organization. First, it needs to find a good location in order to attract customers, subject to a low rental rate or purchase price. Secondly, it is necessary to clearly understand the approximate contingent of clients who will visit the hall, and build a policy regarding it.

In addition, this area is highly competitive. As a result, the potential consumer of such a service has a large number of options to choose from. Accordingly, companies have to look for new ways to attract and spend a lot of money on improvement and advertising. As a result, profits are drastically reduced.

That is why franchising is a profitable option for gaining a foothold in this business area. So, it guarantees the following benefits:

  • The ability to use the brand of the franchise company - this will allow you to quickly attract customers at minimal cost;
  • Assistance in the selection, purchase and installation of equipment in gym;
  • Support at all stages of business organization;
  • Simplification of procedures for obtaining permits and necessary documents;
  • Assistance in finding a suitable location;
  • Providing certified programs for group training;
  • Availability of partners from well-known industry chains, which guarantees discounts on the purchase of both equipment and related products that can be sold in the club (from sports nutrition to water);
  • clear definition target audience and separating it into groups in order to increase loyalty and profit from each client.

Description and conditions of the most popular options

world class

To date, the company has launched a total of more than 300 establishments in various regions since 1999.

It provides the following opportunities for franchisees:

  • Training - first of all, it concerns the hired personnel (from trainers to administrators). This will increase the efficiency of their work and increase sales.
  • Providing modern technologies and developments to the company - this applies to both the fitness industry and corporate information systems, marketing and customer service.
  • The company also provides services for the preparation of detailed and subsequent financial consulting at all stages of organizing and running a business.
  • This franchisor provides support in terms of construction and engineering and architectural solutions.
  • Finally, World Class helps franchisees establish pricing policies and provide advertising support.

The amount of investment in this case will be from 30 million rubles. It varies by region and other factors.

More information about this network and one of the clubs can be found in the following video:

Another popular company that considers itself to be in the democratic price segment (unlike the previous network). For a lump sum and the franchisee gets the opportunity to receive:

  • individually designed detailed financial plan;
  • work technologies;
  • assistance in personnel management;
  • architectural design of the premises for the club.

In addition, the company will monitor the quality of the franchisee's work, conduct regular audits, and organize trainings for employees. Since the Alex Fitness network is successfully developing in the regions, the new club is guaranteed support from regional managers 24 hours a day.

In this case, the total investment will be about 20 million rubles with an area of ​​1000 square meters. Refund times vary from 1.5 to 2 years, and the profitability will be about 30%, which is a good indicator for this area.

Gold's Gym

The next network, which is the largest in the world. In addition to the standard package of services, which includes both the development of the project and zoning of the club, as well as marketing support, the company provides various bonuses directly to the franchisee. Among them, visiting any club in the world for a short period of time, as well as participating in the annual conventions of this network, stands out.

Interestingly, this organization has its own university that trains coaches, as well as a management institute. An important factor for the franchisee is that the club does not have a rigidly fixed model and requirements for the size of the premises and its design: every time it is adjusted to the characteristics of the region, potential client audience, etc.

Starting investment will be about 52 million rubles at payback period 36-40 months.

Zebra Fitness

First of all, it develops in Moscow and the Moscow region. The main feature of the clubs is not only the provision of fitness services, but also SPA. An additional advantage is the presence of clubs of various formats.

It is important to understand that opening an institution under this brand will require a large area of ​​​​the premises, as well as a large level of costs, which will be minimally equal to 60 million rubles. However, the payback period will not be as high, since additional services increase customer loyalty and increase the profitability of the project.

How to choose a franchisor

A fitness club is not a business that you can open for a short period and forget about it if it turns out to be not profitable enough. That is why it is important to calculate each step and decision in order to get the desired result.

  • First of all, a franchise should be selected based on the availability of investments, since this is a very expensive enterprise. Next, having determined the upper threshold of the opening costs along with the lump-sum fee, it is necessary to find all suitable options. After that, the conditions are requested from all selected applicants and compared.
  • In the process of comparison (or rather, even before it), it is necessary to determine the set of the most important criteria and rank them.
  • It is advisable to become a client of potential applicants for the role of a franchisor for at least a few training sessions in order to understand in practice the company's approach to its visitors and employees.
  • Also, in the process of analyzing all available alternatives, it is necessary to contact regular customers of the chains in order to understand why they choose this particular club, whether they are satisfied with everything, etc. This is the most objective assessment that will help you understand what the franchisee can count on.
  • It is desirable that in the package of services the franchisor provides assistance in choosing a suitable location, since both the level of competition and the number of potential clients, and many other factors. In particular, it is important to know the average level of income of the target client, which will affect whether he will be ready to go to a club of a particular price segment.
  • No less significant is the criterion of network development policy. This applies to the regions in which the company develops. If it is distributed only in large cities (for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg), managers may not understand the peculiarities of the development of this business format in the regions. As a result, this will negatively affect the payback period and the level of profitability.

Thus, opening a fitness club is a time-consuming process, the implementation of which can be simplified by buying a franchise. However, even in this situation, the future businessman will need to learn how to independently calculate the risks and consequences of his actions.

Fast food gradually goes out of fashion: constant night parties with liters of alcohol, eating fast food and dancing in nightclubs. From now on, a healthy lifestyle, maintaining your figure and regular exercise are popular. That is why fitness club franchises are relevant today.

Benefits of opening a fitness club franchise

  • Opportunity to work under the sign famous brand trusted by people around the world.
  • Credits to start a business become more accessible.
  • Always high client flow. Even in difficult economic times, people need to maintain a figure.
  • Management of companies at all stages helps franchisee resolve any issues that are related to business.
  • The entrepreneur and his employees will regular free training and courses for advanced training. In addition, informative webinars will be available.
  • Businessman receives ready worker and all marketing and promotional materials.
  • Franchise fitness clubs bring monthly high profit.

How to open a fitness club from scratch on a franchise: the nuances of starting

When an entrepreneur chooses a franchise, he first of all looks at the value and reputation of the brand. Fitness franchises are no exception.

It would seem that there are many offers on the Russian market that do not require an investment of more than $10,000. But with a detailed study, it comes to an understanding that the benefits from such a business are at a minimum. Therefore, it is recommended to select a franchise of a higher class.

In addition, you need to take into account other equally important points:

  • room area. World practice shows that it should be from 800 square meters. The hall must be opened in places near a large crowd of people;
  • the need for a permit documentation to open a club
  • required equipment.

Top 5 Fitness Center Franchises

Franchise World Class

World Class is an international network of elite fitness clubs that has been operating on the market for over 15 years. Today, the total number of people involved is 110,000 people.

All areas of the club are comfortable and functional. 50 training programs have been developed, which have shown their high efficiency in practice.

The franchise offers not only modern equipment, but also the latest marketing tools and IT technologies to help build a good body. In addition, the coaching staff describes in detail the diet for each client.

Requirements to the franchisee:

  • compliance with the goals and objectives of the company, the desire to work carefully under a well-known brand;
  • availability of necessary investments;
  • have a room that meets the quality standards of the company.

Responsibilities franchisor:

  • provide the entrepreneur with the required equipment;
  • help solve emerging problems;
  • train new staff and conduct training for experienced employees;
  • provide timely developed technologies;
  • issue to entrepreneurs detailed business plan, if necessary, immediately clarify the necessary details.

Price fitness club franchises:

  • royalties - 4% several times a year;
  • marketing and advertising fees - 5%;
  • payback time - up to 5 years;
  • investment deposits - 30,000,000 rubles;

Alex Fitness Franchise

Alex Fitness provides visitors with wellness and sports services. They are available to everyone who maintains a healthy lifestyle.

The company makes it possible to open a fitness center even in small town. The franchisee is given a package of the necessary modern tools, thanks to which you can quickly develop a gym in your region.

All clubs are comfortable and modern, with their own technologies and know-how.

The main task of Alex Fitness is to attract every person to training, regardless of their status and wallet.

Requirements for the franchisee:

  • it must have the necessary cash reserves and options for premises;
  • be ready for fruitful cooperation;
  • know the fitness industry very well;
  • comply with corporate ethics.

The franchisor undertakes:

  • provide a detailed financial development plan;
  • describe the technology of work;
  • enable the use of the trademark;
  • conduct marketing and advertising support, as well as training for staff;
  • help in resolving any issues.

Financial indicators:

  • royalties - no;
  • marketing and advertising fees - none;
  • payback time for the Alex Fitness franchise - from 1.5 years;
  • entrance fees - not provided;
  • investment deposits - 20,000,000 rubles;
  • profit every month - 800,000 rubles.

Zebra Fitness club franchise

The network of premium-class clubs Zebra Fitness is widely known in Russia. However, today it does not provide services for opening its establishments within the framework of franchising. At the same time, the quality of service from such a decision has not deteriorated. The company provides gym services to visitors. SPA procedures, Turkish bath and Finnish sauna are available on the club card. For lovers of martial arts, boxing and hand-to-hand combat are provided.

Gold's Gym Fitness Club Franchise

Gold's Gym is considered today the largest chain of gyms, operating since 1965. In total, there are more than 700 fitness centers around the world. It has been operating in Russia since 1999.

Franchisees are provided with full-fledged marketing and advertising support, as well as high-quality trainings for educating entrepreneurs. In addition, the company's management regularly holds webinars.

Franchisees are required to:

  • Presence of 1500 sq. m, a free layout is desirable;
  • the desire to become part of one of the world's most successful networks;
  • an entrepreneur must be self-organized, enterprising, possess the skills of managing people.

The franchisor undertakes:

Financial and other indicators:

  • royalties - calculated individually;
  • payback time - from 3 to 5 years;
  • entrance fees - $50,000;
  • investment deposits - from 1,300 dollars per square meter;
  • monthly income is calculated individually.

Fitness club offer Fit Studio

In Russia, Fit Studio is considered the largest network of gyms and fitness clubs. Training is safe and effective, the prices are affordable for everyone. All clients receive a personal approach.

The franchisee will have a personal page on the main company portal. Assistance in finding premises and business development is guaranteed. Fit Studio regularly hosts events for entrepreneurs aimed at quality training and promoting new ways of working out.

Buyer Requirements franchises:

  • there must be free cash in the required amount;
  • it is necessary to accept all the goals and objectives of the company, to comply with its standards;
  • willingness to quickly deal with any emerging difficulties;
  • the desire to build partnerships for a long period.

Obligations of the franchisor:

  • grant full rights to use its brand;
  • post information about the entrepreneur's hall on your portal;
  • notify about events aimed at maintaining the image of Fit Studio;
  • minimize advertising and marketing costs;
  • issue the necessary development materials and a detailed business plan.

How much does it cost to open a fitness club from scratch? Financial and other indicators:

  • royalties - 100 rubles per square meter;
  • marketing and advertising fees - according to a special scheme;
  • payback time - from 12 months;
  • entrance fees - from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles;
  • investment deposits - from 5,000,000 to 25,000,000 rubles;
  • profit every month - individual calculation.

How to start a successful business in the field of manicure services? The answer is in ours.

Useful ideas for those who want to work from home:

How to choose the right fitness club franchise: a few tips

  • First, it is an expensive undertaking. Therefore, to open a fitness club from scratch, the cost options you need to study and choose the right offer.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to analyze and select companies for further cooperation. Be sure to learn how the workouts go and what techniques the coaches use.
  • Thirdly, the franchise package must include services to help you choose the premises.

S&I Fitness franchise with up to 9 times more revenue than a classic fitness center

The S&I Fitness company, which is actively developing a network of fitness studios for personal training (using EMC simulators that can effectively reduce the time of a standard workout by 9 times), invites you to become a partner and open your own EMC fitness studio as part of the network on the territory of Russia and the CIS countries under a franchise agreement.

We offer you to buy an S&I Fitness franchise, which includes a working business concept and the right to use our brand, detailed instructions for starting a studio, unique sports equipment, business management assistance and comprehensive support from our experienced professionals in all matters of opening a fitness club, its management, advertising and much more.

About the S&I Fitness network - a new approach to sports training for people who care about health, beauty and value their time

S&I Fitness is a chain of small, cozy fitness studios for personal training, equipped with innovative EMC equipment that allows you to spend less time on training while achieving the maximum effect from them.

Training with EMS technology (EMS, from English: "E" - electrical, electricity; "M" - mio (muscle), muscle, muscle; "S" - stimulation, activation, irritation) - absolutely safe, active and productive training , thanks to which you can achieve noticeable results in just 20 minutes a week.

People of any age and level of physical fitness can train on EMC simulators, injuries are excluded.

Training on EMC simulators contributes to weight loss, body shaping, skin elasticity, cellulite reduction, acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, normalization of blood circulation, elimination of edema and triggers other healing and strengthening processes.

Machines also allow you to train all muscle groups at the same time, build up faster muscle mass and increase endurance, improve reaction, fully train during the recovery period after injuries.

S&I Fitness studios are great for those who, for whatever reason, are not comfortable or don't like regular fitness clubs. In S&I Fitness studios, visitors train individually under the guidance of a trainer and according to a specially designed program. A 20-minute EMC workout replaces a 3-hour workout at a regular fitness club. Results are noticeable after the first session.

The S&I Fitness company ("S" - sport, sport; "I" - innovation, innovation; "Sport and Innovation") was founded in 2015 after a comprehensive study of similar companies in European countries. EMC technologies open up new opportunities in individual sports training and rehabilitation programs. The company plans to open 120 fitness studios (own and franchised) in St. Petersburg and other regions within 5 years.

At the moment, there are already 8 own studios and 18 franchise studios. Our geography now - Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Ussuriysk, Anadyr, Arkhangelsk, Izhevsk, Chelyabinsk and Alma-Ata.

We will be happy to help you open a fitness studio "S&I Fitness" in your region and we will provide qualified support, including detailed instructions for launching, staff training, assistance in selecting a room, its design and equipment, all promotional materials, online consultations from our specialists on operational issues of the club, and much more.

Support for opening a fitness studio under the S&I Fitness franchise

For a confident start and subsequent successful management and development of your business, we will provide you with:

  • Detailed instructions for starting a fitness studio;
  • Assistance in the selection of premises, a ready-made project for a future fitness studio, including design, studio equipment manual;
  • Contacts of suppliers offering everything you need on favorable conditions;
  • An individual page of your fitness studio on the official website andadvertising in official accounts in social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram);
  • Full description corporate style (“brand book”), price list, pricing policy instructions;
  • Detailed job descriptions for staff,advice on the selection of coaches and managers, their training in the parent company and internships, training partners in new training programs at their release;
  • Leasing on special terms;
  • Strong marketing support (all advertising materials are provided, recommendations for advertising campaigns and their design, advertising on the Internet, tips on attracting visitors and increasing profits);
  • Installment payment for EMC equipment;
  • Convenient system for working with the customer database (CRM-base), templates of contracts and other documents for working with customers;
  • Free online consultations on various organizational issuesthat arise when doing business (accounting for training, working with personnel, and others).

We share experience and provide support at all stages of opening and operating a fitness studio, leaving you the opportunity for an independent and creative approach to doing business.

Exist two cooperation options to choose from:

  • "Exclusive"- from 2.5 million rubles - the main offer - you completely trust us. Your business grows with our network. The offer includes everything you need: marketing, consultations, design project of the studio, internship at the training center, equipment, EMC simulators and special suits for training, a CRM program to improve the level of studio management.
  • "Auto Income"- from 1.4 million rubles - for those who want to strengthen the position of an existing business, attract new customers and increase income. The offer includes: marketing, consultations, design project of the studio, internship in the training center, equipment, EMC simulators and special suits for training.

Benefits of franchising a fitness studio "S&I Fitness":

  • An unoccupied niche in the fitness services industry, a new technology is used, which is just starting to develop in Russia and the CIS countries;
  • Innovative modern equipment is used;
  • The equipment is supplied directly from the manufacturer, through an exclusive distributor;
  • Warranty obligations for equipment - 24 months,service maintenance;
  • Free training for trainers and managers;
  • The equipment is easy to use;
  • Classes are interesting for an audience that cannot or does not want to go to traditional fitness clubs for any reason;
  • A tangible positive result for the visitor after the first lesson;
  • You will be able to train 9 times moreclients due to reduced training time (20 minutes replaces 3 hours in a regular club) and training space;
  • The studio does not require a large area due to the minimum space for training - only 7 square meters for each simulator;
  • Quick business launch, quick payback and profits are significantly higher than from a classic fitness club;
  • The opportunity to test the equipment for free under the guidance of a trainer;
  • Control over partner dishonesty - we make sure that the opening of new studios does not harm the attendance of already operating studios of the network.

The opening of a gym, a fitness club is within the power of people who love sports. A great way to start a business is to buy a stable gym franchise to save time on developing a business model, injecting into advertising. First, you can notify residents about the opening of a new gym with the help of leaflets, ads, the Internet, then the popularity of the purchased brand and word of mouth will work.

Important! Large gyms are developing a franchise program, taking into account the interests of businessmen. Incentive schemes, certification programs are offered - this stimulates franchisees to grow, increase profitability.

The parent company that controls the operation of the new gym will save the newcomer from common mistakes and will help to aim and optimally spend the allocated financial resources. Reasons to visit the gym:

  • spend free time useful;
  • remove excess weight;
  • pump up muscles;
  • form a figure
  • maintain the form.

Gym Franchise Offers in Russia

  • X-FIT. A network of 60 clubs in Russia, 25 years on the sports market. Buying a franchise is offered in one of two formats. Premium Club (2,000 sq. m.) - high-class fitness equipment, a pool filled with sea water, group programs, SPA-salons, martial arts rooms, cardio zones, fitness cafes, bars. Fit-Studio (220 sq. m.) - democratic format, effective workouts, convenient location, individual approach, low prices, gym, sauna, SPA, massage. At the start of franchising, a businessman is advised on the commercialization of the club's space, trains staff, provides exclusive conditions for equipment suppliers, and starts a page on the site. The cost of opening a Fit-Studio sports club is 5,300,000 rubles, a Premium fitness center is 25,000,000 rubles. The franchise price is 400,000 rubles, the payback period is 36 months.
  • Tonus club. A network of health and fitness centers for women, 130 points under the franchise scheme in Russia. A comprehensive training system includes sports activities, cardio training, relaxation, health improvement, immunity strengthening. The cost of investment, including the price of the franchise, is 200,000 rubles. Payback 24 months.
  • Trainingroom. Franchising of a manufacturer of sports equipment, which is used in fitness centers, gyms, rehabilitation centers, is purchased for individual use. The cost of initial expenses is 625,000 rubles, royalties are 5,000 rubles, the average payback is 9 months.

What is the best business to franchise

General Franchise Costs

Calculation of the cost of expenses. According to statistics, the contribution to each square meter of a premium class club in Russia is 900 dollars. At the same time, a minimum of 5 square meters is required to install one simulator. m plus a minimum of 30 sq. m for showers and changing rooms. The average cost of opening a democratic gym with an area of ​​150 sq. m under the franchising scheme - 500,000 rubles. It is unlikely that it will be possible to reduce the amount of investment: buying cheap exercise equipment means risking the reputation of a new gym. An unattractive building with poor engineering systems will also repel potential customers.

Important to remember! The high cost of expenses is justified by more than one hundred percent profitability of the business.

Minimum investment in the industry in rubles, area 150 sq. m:

  • rent of premises 50,000;
  • repair 200,000;
  • purchase of simulators, equipment 250,000;
  • salary 30,000.

The main factors when buying a franchise

room. It is better to rent or buy a space for a gym in a business center or a separate building along a high traffic street. It is not recommended to open a gym in a park area (no clientele), mall(high rental price). Mandatory space requirements: ceiling height of 3.5 m, availability of a bathroom, ventilation, non-slip floor, convenient access, parking, high population density in the area.

simulators. Only reliable equipment is purchased, the convenience of clients who keep fit is a priority here. It is possible to save only on bulk purchases with discounts from an experienced manufacturer. The franchise seller has well-established supplier channels that will help you buy simulators at a profit. Official dealers in Russia sell high-quality simulators, carry out free service repairs. Required groups of simulators:

  • for the back, press, arms, legs;
  • exercise bikes, treadmills;
  • dumbbells, barbells, weights.

Small Business Franchise Overview Directory

Equipment. In addition to simulators, you should buy equipment: horizontal bars, swedish walls, mats, fitballs. Personal protective equipment is required: belts, wristlets, knee pads, gloves. Put a cooler, boiler.

Staff. Small salaries do not work in the sports and fitness business. A decent level of salaries makes it possible to make high demands on coaches. Requirements for the instructor: athletic appearance, friendliness, knowledge of sports techniques, understanding of the issue, the ability to convey information, set a task. To facilitate cooperation, career growth is used: instructor - master - supervisor - manager. Clients understand the importance of an experienced trainer, often coming from afar to a specific qualified instructor.

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50 years ago, Alexei Leonov was the first in history to go into the airless space. Half a century ago, on March 18, 1965, a Soviet cosmonaut...
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