Protein bread recipe. What kind of bread is considered dietary - healthy types with recipes from bran, whole grain and oatmeal Dukan bread recipe in the oven

I loved this bread very much as a child. It was so soft, airy and rubbery - for some reason I liked this rubberiness very much then. And so, having found at Luda mariana_aga recipe, I planned to bake it, but all my hands did not reach. Finally arrived last night. It smelled exactly the same, it tasted the same, it turned out to be incredibly soft, so soft that, even when it cooled on its side, it crumpled. But it seems to me that it came out more rubbery than the bread from my memories. Such bread is good not only for diabetics, but also for those who, trying to maintain a figure, correctly and thoroughly chew each portion of food sent to the mouth (30-40 chewing movements) - there is such a technique. You can’t chew this bread in a smaller number of these very movements. And it’s not surprising, because it’s baked from almost raw gluten. I even googled on the Internet to make sure that it should be so, even though I unconditionally trust Lyudin’s recipes, but, as I held the washed gluten in my hands, I doubted that something edible could be baked from such an amount.
So my inspiration is here:

Here is the recipe with my notes in brackets in red italics.

This bread is baked in the form of bricks weighing 100g, 200g or 300g. It can be prepared with raw or dry gluten. 100 g of this bread contains 21 g of protein and 22 g of carbohydrates. For comparison, a 100g piece of wheat bread contains 8g of proteins and 51g of carbohydrates.

RECIPE of raw gluten bread

Gluten raw 750 g (I washed this amount of 2 kg of flour for 1 s.)
Wheat flour of the highest grade 250g
Pressed yeast 30 g (I took 4 g. SAF Instant Gold)
Sunflower oil 30 g
Butter animal 30g
Salt 7.5g
Saccharin 0.1g (I’m not a diabetic, I don’t have saccharin at home, but I didn’t want to buy a package, so I took 30 g of sugar, given that saccharin is 300-500 times sweeter than sugar. My yeast is sugar tolerant, fermentation was normal)
water until a very soft dough is obtained (humidity according to GOST 52-55%) (I added 130 g of water)

Gluten is washed off 8-10 hours before cooking. To get 200g of raw gluten, take 700g of wheat flour of the 1st grade and 450g of water (20-23s). MIX 5-25 min, depending on the brand of the mixer, T test at the end of kneading should be 23s, and leave alone for an hour.

Then they begin to wash out the gluten from the resulting piece of dough. Pour portions of fresh water 20C into the bowl and mix. Drain the cloudy water (starch milk), add fresh water and mix. And so many times until you get a clot of raw gluten, practically free of wheat starch (that is, when the water is drained, it is almost transparent, non-starchy). The washed gluten is stored in cold water. (I washed over a sieve under a tap in cool running water)

Gluten is used to make protein wheat (white bread for diabetics) and protein bran (black bread for diabetics) bread.

A doughless dough is kneaded: gluten is put in a bowl, a solution of yeast and salt is added, the rest of the ingredients are added and kneaded for 8-20 minutes until a coherent mass is obtained (this dough is kneaded one and a half to two times longer than ordinary bread dough made from wheat flour). (it seemed to me that the rubber ball of gluten would never mix with the shreds of dough stuck to it from the remaining ingredients joined together. I beat it, stretched it, laid it on the table according to the French method, and, nevertheless, it mixed up)

The finished dough is put to ferment for 1.5 hours at 22-26C, crushed and allowed to ferment again for 1-1.5 hours (mine grew up to about 2.5 liters in 1.5 hours. Then I kneaded it carefully, kneaded it well. Another hour of fermentation, it grew to almost 3.5 liters. Knockdown. Another hour of fermentation, it grew to almost 4 liters)

The dough is made with wet hands on a wet table, kneading the pieces of dough well so that there are no swellings and voids in the baked crumb. They are placed in molds greased with vegetable oil or non-stick grease, filling them no more than 1/4, and sent for proofing in a warm ((35-40C) humid (85% relative humidity) proofer for 65-70 minutes. and in the conditions of the bakery, but then the proofing time changes. (I divided it into 4 forms (900 ml in volume) of 300 g of dough each. This turned out to be a lot, a large hat swelled during baking. It was necessary to divide into 5 servings)

Before planting in the oven, the blanks are pricked so that there is swelling of the crust.

Bread weighing 200 g is baked with steam humidification of the oven at the beginning of baking for 45 minutes at 220-235C. (I baked for 50 minutes, covering in the second half of baking with foil)

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

diet bread recommended for certain diseases or abnormalities, including overweight. What kind of bread is considered dietary, what is the norm of such bread when losing weight and how to cook it yourself - find out right now.

Types of dietary bread

The grocery market today offers a huge selection of bakery products. How to make the right choice for health and figure? First of all, you need to focus on the composition of the bread, which in most cases is reflected in the name.

Butter, yeast breads and products made from wheat flour are not dietary. Moreover, excessive consumption of white bread, confectionery or pastries leads to such consequences as intestinal volvulus, indigestion and constipation.

Rye bread. In the dietary diet, it is he who should take the main place of all the breads. Rye bread has the lowest glycemic index. It, in comparison with white bread, contains many times more magnesium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins. Calorie content of rye bread 180 kcal per 100 grams of product (for comparison - in wheat 235-240 kcal, in baking - up to 350 kcal). Of course, eating an unlimited amount of rye bread will not lead to weight loss. The rate of its use must be controlled in the calorie ratio of the diet.

Grain bread. Such bread is baked from wheat flour with the addition of coarse wheat grains. Calorie content of one hundred grams of such bread 250 kcal . It is included in the list of dietary products as a recommendation for those who suffer from constipation. Control the amount of bread consumed by calories, try not to consume more than 200 grams per day if your goal is weight loss.

Bread with bran It is also baked on wheat flour with the addition of wheat bran. This type of bread is considered the most popular among those who lose weight, although its calorie content is not so small - from 250 to 300 kcal per 100 grams. Why is he so good? The fact is that bran has the ability to swell, and after eating a small amount of bran bread, the stomach becomes full. As a result, you reduce the amount of food you eat.

Diet Bread Recipes

Try baking low-calorie bread at home - delicious, fresh, with a crispy crust. Dietary bread, the recipe of which we offer you, requires a little of your time, desire and creativity. With experience, you can vary the ingredients to create your own unique way of making healthy bread.

Rye with bran


  • Flour (rye with bran and wheat) 3 cups
  • Yeast - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 table. l.
  • Warm water - 3 cups
  • Salt - 1 table. l.
  • 2 table. grows a spoonful of oil.


1. Dissolve granulated sugar with yeast in warm water, let the mixture foam. This is a dough for the test.

2. Mix both flours together, with butter and salt.

4. After raising the dough, you need to divide it into two identical parts, spread it on a baking sheet (you can put it in a mold) and let it stand for another two hours.

5. Put the baking sheet in the prepared oven (heat up to 200 degrees) for 30-40 minutes. until a brown crust appears.

6. Lubricate the finished bread with butter, you can use milk. Let cool without removing from pan. If you bake in a mold, let it cool right in it, and only then take it out.

Bread with bran on kefir


  • Flour 4 stack.
  • Bran in the same amount
  • Kefir 3 stack.
  • Soda with salt for 1 teaspoon
  • Oil grows. - 1 stack.


1. Properly mix the flour with bran, salt and granulated sugar (1 tablespoon).

2. In a bowl, mix kefir with oil.

3. Knead the dough from the two mixtures obtained.

4. From the resulting dough, roll up several loaves of the same size. Lay them out on a baking sheet and place them in the preheated oven. Turn over after 20 minutes and bake for another 10 minutes.

Bread with barley


  • Milk glass
  • 1 egg
  • Yeast 5 gr. (dry)
  • Ready fitness flour - 1 cup
  • Salt 5 grams
  • Melted butter 1 table. l.
  • Corn - 50 grams (to grease a baking sheet)
  • Barley grains ground through a coffee grinder - 150 grams. Can be replaced with barley, rice, buckwheat or corn flour.


1. Pour yeast into a bowl of milk and beat in an egg. Dip the melted butter in there, mix everything.

2. Then add flour in small portions. The consistency of the dough will be like sour cream.

3. Lubricate the mold and pour the dough into it.

4. Put in the oven (250 degrees), bake until golden brown.

protein bread


  • Ground almonds and flaxseeds - 100 grams each
  • Bran - 4 table. spoons
  • Baking powder - 1 pack.
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • Fat-free cottage cheese - three hundred grams. If the cottage cheese is lumpy, crush it to a paste.
  • Egg whites - 7 pcs.
  • Any seeds for sprinkling


1. First, mix the dry ingredients in one container. Set aside a small amount of bran for sprinkling.

2. Then, adding cottage cheese with proteins, stir with a mixer to get a homogeneous mixture.

3. Place baking paper on the bottom of the mold. Moisten the walls of the mold slightly and sprinkle with the remaining bran.

4. Pour the dough into the prepared form, pour seeds on top.

5. The oven is heated to 175 degrees. We put bread there and bake for 50-60 minutes. Cool the finished bread in the form. This bread is best stored in the refrigerator.

We wish you bon appetit and a great figure!

Yes - yes, bread is not a forbidden product at all. Of course, store-bought pastries do not contain anything good in themselves, but homemade bread baked exclusively from their healthy ingredients is a real find! You can include it in your diet every day. Tempting? Then here are 7 recipes for just such a bread:

(Save to your wall so as not to lose).

1. cottage cheese bread with bran - a low-calorie replacement for store-bought bread!

Per 100 g: 127 kcal, proteins - 14 g, fats - 4 g, carbohydrates - 8 g.

Eating a sandwich with such bread is a real pleasure and, moreover, without harm to the figure.

  • 6 art. l. topped with oat bran.
  • 6 art. l. topped with wheat bran.
  • 250 g fat-free cottage cheese.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 0.5 tsp soda.
  • 0.5 st. l. vinegar.
  • Salt to taste.

Combine cottage cheese and eggs. Bran and add salt. Mix. An inhomogeneous mixture will result. Pour 0.5 tsp into a tablespoon. soda and extinguish it with 0.5 tbsp. l. vinegar, after the reaction, pour the contents of the spoon into the bran mixture. Mix. We are preparing a silicone mold.
With wet hands we form a loaf from the bran mass. He will strive to fall apart, but over time, the skill to sculpt an even loaf comes. You can simply level the mass in the form. Start preheating the oven as soon as you start preparing food, the oven should warm up for 20 minutes at 180 s. bake in a well-heated oven at 180-200 from 40-45 minutes, but in any case until golden brown. Bread should grow somewhere in 1, 5 times. Then turn off the oven, but keep the bread inside for another 20-30 minutes. Let the bread cool.

Bon appetit!

2. bran bread.

Per 100 g: 144 kcal, proteins - 11 g, fats - 6 g, carbohydrates - 11 g.


  • * egg - 3 pcs.
  • * egg white - 2 pcs.
  • * natural yogurt - 4 tbsp. l.
  • * rye bran - 2 tbsp. l.
  • * wheat bran - 2 tbsp. l.
  • * salt, spices, herbs - to taste.
  • * flax seeds - to taste.


Mix all the ingredients, put in a mold (we have silicone) and bake for 30-35 minutes at 180 degrees.

3. wheat - rye bread.

Per 100 g: 187 kcal, proteins - 7 g, fats - 1 g, carbohydrates - 36 g.

A great bread option for pp-sandwiches!


  • * kefir 1% - 300 ml.
  • * whole wheat flour - 250 g.
  • * rye flour - 150 g.
  • * soda - 1 tsp
  • * salt - 1 tsp.


Knead the dough. Comes out very tight. Make cuts. Sprinkle with flour and ground coriander.
Bake for half an hour at 200 degrees, and another 40 minutes at 150 degrees. Readiness is checked with a toothpick.
Let the bread cool and then cut.

4. Healthy bran bread.

Per 100 g: 168 kcal, proteins - 12 g, fats - 6 g, carbohydrates - 13 g.


  • * 10 tablespoons of oat bran.
  • * 6 tablespoons of wheat bran.
  • * 4 eggs.
  • * 6 tablespoons of soft low-fat cottage cheese.
  • * dough baking powder.
  • * salt, stevia, spices (coriander, oregano).


Beat eggs, add oat and wheat bran. Then add soft cottage cheese, salt, stevia, spices (coriander, oregano. Mix everything well, add baking powder, put in a silicone mold and in the oven, heated to 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes until golden brown.
Bon appetit everyone!

5. healthy bread: the most important pastry.

Per 100 g: 207 kcal, proteins - 7 g, fats - 2 g, carbohydrates - 40 g.


  • * oatmeal 1 cup.
  • *whole grain flour 1 cup.
  • * honey 1, 5 tbsp. l.
  • * skimmed milk 1 cup.
  • * baking powder 2 tsp.
  • * salt 1/2 tsp.


Preheat oven to 230*s. do this before you start kneading the dough!
Grind the Oatmeal in a food processor or coffee grinder (preferred but not required. In a large bowl, combine the oatmeal, flour, baking powder, and salt.
In another bowl, dissolve honey in vegetable oil, then add milk and stir.
Combine both mixtures and mix until you have a soft dough.
Shape the dough into the desired shape of the bread and place on a lightly oiled baking sheet.
Bake in preheated oven for approximately 20 minutes.

6. yeast-free diet bread.

Per 100 g: 187 kcal, proteins - 8 g, fats - 3 g, carbohydrates - 22 g.


  • 200 ml fat-free kefir.
  • 0.5 cups oatmeal (crushed oatmeal).
  • 1 egg.
  • 1 cup whole grain flour.
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder.
  • 0.5 tsp salt.
  • 2 tbsp. l. dried tomatoes.
  • 1 st. l. dried basil.


Preheat the oven to 230 * s, put in it a form in which you will bake bread. In a bowl, add flour, baking powder, salt, tomatoes and basil. To stir thoroughly. In another bowl, shake the egg with a fork, add kefir, mix. Pour the mixture of liquid ingredients into the dry mixture, mix with a spatula. Take out the form, grease with oil and lay out the dough, it will turn out to be of medium consistency, not thick, but not liquid either. Put in the oven and bake at 230 * s for 20 minutes, reduce the heat to 180 * s and bake for another 15 minutes, look at readiness, check with a toothpick.
Remove bread, cool slightly and serve warm.

7. whole grain bread for those who follow the figure.

Per 100 g: 200 kcal, proteins - 6 g, fats - 4 g, carbohydrates - 36 g.


  • Hercules - 1 glass.
  • Whole grain flour - 1 cup.
  • Baking powder - 2 tsp
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp
  • Honey - 1 1/2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Milk - 1 glass.


1. Preheat the oven to 230 C. do this before you start kneading the dough!
2. Grind the Oatmeal in a food processor or coffee grinder (preferable but not required. In a large bowl, combine the oatmeal, flour, baking powder and salt.
3. In another bowl, dissolve honey in vegetable oil, then add milk and stir. 4. Combine both mixtures and mix until you have a soft dough. 5. Shape the dough into a ball and place on a lightly oiled baking tray. 6. Bake in preheated oven for approximately 20 minutes.

If you are wondering what is the lowest calorie flour, this is spelled flour. She has a number of super-properties, for which it is impossible not to fall in love with her. Spelled has a high protein content, which is especially important for vegetarians and people who are seriously involved in sports. In addition, it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to remove toxins and pollution from the body, and is rich in useful substances. Spelled has another unique feature - it does not tolerate artificial fertilizers well, so it remains a clean and healthy product. Flour gives sweets a pleasant nutty flavor. And you can use it instead of ordinary wheat, because it is spelled that is considered the “mother” of modern wheat. Calorie content: 155 kcal / 100 gr. Proteins: 12, Fats: 0.7, Carbohydrates: 25.1.

  • Homemade bread is a dietary product, as it is low in calories.
  • Dark homemade bread is healthier than white bread.
  • The most useful is rye black bread.
  • Homemade bread cleanses the intestines of harmful substances.
  • Homemade bread contains a rich vitamin and mineral complex.

The main question that the hostess has when making homemade bread is how to choose the right flour. The premium flour contains starch and gluten, as it is produced only from grain kernels. In the process of making flour, the shell of the grain is sifted, and thus the flour is deprived of valuable vitamins and useful unsaturated fatty acids. Bread made from premium flour is light and has a beautiful golden brown crust. We pay for this by the fact that such bread is high in calories and can be harmful to digestion and the body as a whole.

There is another flour, which we have already forgotten in the era of progress. It is called wholemeal flour, wheat or rye. It is obtained by grinding the whole grain, including the shell. Such flour retains all the useful qualities of the grain. It was used by our grandmothers to make homemade bread in the oven. And now bread made from such flour in production is called whole grain. It costs about 100 rubles in stores and contains, in addition to flour, other components unsafe for human health, such as yeast and flavoring additives, a large amount of sugar.

You can buy wholemeal flour in diet food stores or replace it with bran and flax, which are available in pharmacies. From such healthy flour, you can make delicious homemade bread that is not inferior in quality to store-bought bread, and even surpasses it in terms of benefits. Here are some easy homemade bread recipes.

Bread is a frequent guest of any family table, without which many cannot imagine a meal. But, alas, this product is known not only for its popularity and prevalence, but also for its calorie content, which subsequently threatens to be overweight. Thus, people on diets have to limit themselves to eating bread. In this recipe, we will tell you how to bake low-calorie bread that can be consumed if you follow certain diets and will not create problems with your figure or digestion, and the taste remains at the level. The recipe does not use seasonings, the bread turns out to be slightly sweet, rich. By slightly reducing the amount of sweetener, replacing it with salt and your favorite spices and seasonings that are combined with olive oil, you can get very unusual tastes.

What is diet bread

It is necessary to clearly understand which products fit this concept. Diet bread is a flour product with a low glycemic index. This indicator characterizes the degree of influence of a particular food on blood sugar levels. If the index is low, then a person will quickly get satiated faster. You can determine it by carefully studying the composition of the product. The highest glycemic index is in premium wheat flour, baking powder, and rich additives. If any of these components is present in the composition of a bakery product, then it cannot be called dietary. Tips for nutritionists on choosing products:

  • Pay attention to bran. It has a very low glycemic index.
  • Suitable products made from whole grain flour, with cereals.

Very handy little bread that you can take with you to work. It is prepared on soft cottage cheese without additives (preferably, of course, fat-free). Any additional ingredients can be added to the dough - greens, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, nuts ... In this recipe, I only lightly sprinkled the bun with sunflower seeds. Ingredients: Preparation:

Mix egg, cottage cheese and salt. Add flour with baking powder and knead the dough.

You will have to interfere with it with a fork or spatula - it will stick to your hands mercilessly, but this is the right consistency. If you add more flour, the bread will turn out tough and too rough.

Wet your hands and transfer the dough to a silicone mat or parchment paper. Give it a round shape. Decorate the top with seeds.

Place in preheated oven at 200 degrees until done.

The bread will take on a very nice golden brown color.

You can eat!
The inside of the bread is soft and airy. It tastes like ordinary store-bought bread, but the benefits are many times greater!

Diet yeast-free cheese bread

If you want to diversify pastries prepared at home, we recommend that you enjoy an unusual treat according to Dukan. This flour product will only benefit the body and will become a full-fledged snack. Complement a piece of protein bread with fresh tomatoes or a glass of kefir. For cooking, take: 100 g of whole grain flour; 2 tsp salt; 40 g of wheat bran; 200 g each of flax seeds and almond nuts; 14 pcs. crude proteins; 0.6 kg. cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content; 80 g sunflower seeds; 20 g of baking powder.

How to cook: Sift flour and bran into a deep bowl. Add salt, peeled almonds, flaxseed and baking powder. Grind the cottage cheese and introduce it in small portions into the base. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt, mix them into the dough. Sprinkle a baking dish with a little flour. Fill the baking dish 2/3 full, cover the dough with seeds. Bake for 50-60 minutes.

The cooking time depends on the features of your oven. In the process, check the readiness of the dish. Dietary bread cooked in a bread machine, slow cooker or oven is a complete replacement for bread, the quality of which is questionable. Baking healthy flour products at home will not take much time and effort, and their use will allow you to improve the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve hunger and avoid spontaneous snacking in the form of chips or another sandwich with mayonnaise. Do not exclude bread from the diet and lose weight - it's possible!

Whole grain yeast-free bread is a wonderful product and you can cook it yourself without difficulty. Purchased pastries can not be compared with your own. Cooking process

Cooking at home without yeast bread will be especially appreciated by those who are losing weight, people who are on a diet. The product is low in calories and rich in nutrients. Homemade whole grain bread can be consumed by children from the age of two.
The composition includes:

  • whole grain flour - 1 cup
  • wheat flour - 1 cup
  • kefir or other lactic acid product 1 cup
  • bran - 3 tbsp.
  • oatmeal - ¾ cup
  • honey 1 tbsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • flaxseed - 3 tbsp
  • soda, salt 2 tsp
  • water 2 tbsp.

Grind the flax seed. Fry bran, flax seeds in a pan without adding oil. Mix all ingredients. Separately mix kefir, oil, honey.

Combine flour and liquid consistency, knead the dough. Pour the resulting dough into a container.

Set the mode to "Baking" or "Cupcake". The rest of the work will be done by the bread maker, about two hours of baking. When finished, remove the resulting loaf carefully and cool.

So that the dough does not stick to the walls of the form - you need to grease with vegetable oil.

An alternative to kefir can be sour milk, yogurt.

The loaf turns out to be crumbly, and the aroma will not leave indifferent even the thinner nature. Yeast-free corn bread Yeast-free corn bread is not difficult to prepare. This is a great replacement for the usual yeast, only more beneficial for the body. The fact that yeast is harmful to the intestinal flora has been proven. Children who do not eat porridge can consume such a product and will benefit from the corn composition. It can be consumed in its natural form, like sandwiches or crackers. The recipe in a multi-cooker will not seem complicated. It is necessary to prepare and mix the ingredients, the rest of the function will be performed by the technician. Ingredients:

  • cornmeal - 200 g
  • wheat flour - 100 g
  • kefir (yogurt can be used) - 250 ml
  • vegetable oil 30 ml
  • soda, salt - 2 tsp
  • flax seeds - 1 tbsp

In a separate bowl, you need to mix two types of flour, soda, salt. For lovers of spices - you can add turmeric.

Separately mix kefir, oil. Combine flour and liquid ingredients. Add a spoonful of flax seeds, mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a multi-cooker, after lubricating the walls with vegetable oil. Set the "Baking" mode.

Carefully remove the finished product and cool. You need to eat within two days. The main thing is that the kids are not afraid to give, as the ingredients are all natural and healthy. Seeds can be replaced with sunflower seeds. Delicious and fragrant bread, cooked with your own hands, will be loved by all loved ones.

Let's start with a flour-free recipe that even ardent opponents of yeast baking will love. The list of ingredients does not contain not only yeast, but also any other baking powder! Porosity is provided by egg whites. Of course, the loaf will not be airy, like purchased loaves, it will turn out quite soft and tasty, this can be seen even from the photo.

  • 1 cup oatmeal flakes (traditional)
  • 2 egg whites
  • 3 tbsp warm milk
  • 0.75 tsp any seasoning (I use dried herbs)
  • a pinch of salt

Cooking step by step:

In a blender, grind oatmeal with seasoning and salt into crumbs.

Bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 45 minutes at the middle level of the oven. Be careful not to burn, cover with foil if necessary.

Cool and cut.


I have been walking around and around this bread for a long time, everything did not bake at all. Although it is not long at all and very simple. No, she lied, it was physically hard, but nothing.

I remember this bread very well, when you could still buy it in the store like this, easily. It was quite expensive and was sold in small bricks, often found in the diabetic section along with other mysterious products - from an unknown sorbitol, etc. I don't see it at the moment. Thank God, I don’t need it, but there was still interest.

For some reason, I thought that since it is protein, then it is made on egg whites. And here it is not. On gluten. I have a bag of dry gluten, I bought it somehow out of interest, so it came in handy.

Fermentation temperature +26...28C + Fermentation time 120...150 min + Final proofing time 65...70 min + Baking time with 200 g mass - 40...45 min + Baking temperature +220...235C

Flour, dry gluten are poured into the container and mixed dry for several minutes. Then add a salt solution, yeast, well mixed to a single mass in warm water with a temperature of + 30 ... 35C, melted butter, vegetable oil and knead until a coherent homogeneous mass is obtained. The duration of kneading gluten dough is 1.5 ... 1.7 times longer than the duration of kneading regular wheat dough (for me it is 15 minutes). After 90 minutes of fermentation, the dough is punched down.

After fermentation, the dough is divided into pieces and formed with wet hands. When shaping, the dough is well kneaded to remove excess carbon dioxide so that the crust does not swell during baking and there are no large voids in the crumb.

Pieces of dough are placed in molds lubricated with vegetable oil and sent for proofing at a temperature of + 35 ... 40C (this is true) and a relative humidity of 75 ... 85%.

Before planting in the oven, dough pieces are pricked.

Bake with steam at the very beginning of baking.

My notes:

Yeast was dry active, 4 g.

As I said, I could only knead the dough by hand and then with great difficulty - just imagine that you are kneading a tennis ball ... Probably, it was necessary to mix both oils into water and beat until emulsified, because. I experienced the main difficulty with the distribution of oil in the dough. When I mixed everything, it turned out to be a nondescript grayish mass and I thought that it would never rise. Where there. The dough rose superbly, after the second approach it was generally like a balloon.

I cut the dough just on the table, slightly moistened with water. Actually, even she was not needed, the dough does not stick to anything at all.

It is especially funny to squeeze out extra bubbles from it - an activity for those who like to click the bubbles on the cushioning material (I don’t know what it’s called). Here, too, a lot of effort will have to be made.

Everything else was done by hand. Not sure yet what I will repeat, but the experience was interesting.

The grocery market today offers a huge selection of bakery products. How to make the right choice for health and figure? First of all, you need to focus on the composition of the bread, which in most cases is reflected in the name.

Butter, yeast breads and products made from wheat flour are not dietary. Moreover, excessive consumption of white bread, confectionery or pastries leads to such consequences as intestinal volvulus, indigestion and constipation.

Rye bread. In the dietary diet, it is he who should take the main place of all the breads. Rye bread has the lowest glycemic index. It, in comparison with white bread, contains many times more magnesium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins. Calorie content of rye bread 180 kcal per 100 grams of product (for comparison - in wheat kcal, in baking - up to 350 kcal). Of course, eating an unlimited amount of rye bread will not lead to weight loss. The rate of its use must be controlled in the calorie ratio of the diet.

Grain bread. Such bread is baked from wheat flour with the addition of coarse wheat grains. Calorie content of one hundred grams of such bread 250 kcal. It is included in the list of dietary products as a recommendation for those who suffer from constipation. Control the amount of bread consumed by calories, try not to consume more than 200 grams per day if your goal is weight loss.

Bread with bran It is also baked on wheat flour with the addition of wheat bran. This type of bread is considered the most popular among those who lose weight, although its calorie content is not so small - from 250 to 300 kcal per 100 grams. Why is he so good? The fact is that bran has the ability to swell, and after eating a small amount of bran bread, the stomach becomes full. As a result, you reduce the amount of food you eat.

Diet Bread Recipes

Try baking low-calorie bread at home - delicious, fresh, with a crispy crust. Dietary bread, the recipe of which we offer you, requires a little of your time, desire and creativity. With experience, you can vary the ingredients to create your own unique way of making healthy bread.

  • Flour (rye with bran and wheat) 3 cups
  • Yeast - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 table. l.
  • Warm water - 3 cups
  • Salt - 1 table. l.
  • 2 table. grows a spoonful of oil.

1. Dissolve granulated sugar with yeast in warm water, let the mixture foam. This is a dough for the test.

2. Mix both flours together, with butter and salt.

4. After raising the dough, you need to divide it into two identical parts, spread it on a baking sheet (you can put it in a mold) and let it stand for another two hours.

5. Put the baking sheet in the prepared oven (heat up to 200 degrees) min. until a brown crust appears.

6. Lubricate the finished bread with butter, you can use milk. Let cool without removing from pan. If you bake in a mold, let it cool right in it, and only then take it out.

Bread with bran on kefir

  • Flour 4 stack.
  • Bran in the same amount
  • Kefir 3 stack.
  • Soda with salt for 1 teaspoon
  • Oil grows. - 1 stack.

1. Properly mix the flour with bran, salt and granulated sugar (1 tablespoon).

2. In a bowl, mix kefir with oil.

3. Knead the dough from the two mixtures obtained.

4. From the resulting dough, roll up several loaves of the same size. Lay them out on a baking sheet and place them in the preheated oven. Turn over after 20 minutes and bake for another 10 minutes.

  • Milk glass
  • 1 egg
  • Yeast 5 gr. (dry)
  • Ready fitness flour - 1 cup
  • Salt 5 grams
  • Melted butter 1 table. l.
  • Corn - 50 grams (to grease a baking sheet)
  • Barley grains ground through a coffee grinder - 150 grams. Can be replaced with barley, rice, buckwheat or corn flour.

1. Pour yeast into a bowl of milk and beat in an egg. Dip the melted butter in there, mix everything.

2. Then add flour in small portions. The consistency of the dough will be like sour cream.

3. Lubricate the mold and pour the dough into it.

4. Put in the oven (250 degrees), bake until golden brown.

  • Ground almonds and flaxseeds - 100 grams each
  • Bran - 4 table. spoons
  • Baking powder - 1 pack.
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • Fat-free cottage cheese - three hundred grams. If the cottage cheese is lumpy, crush it to a paste.
  • Egg whites - 7 pcs.
  • Any seeds for sprinkling

1. First, mix the dry ingredients in one container. Set aside a small amount of bran for sprinkling.

2. Then, adding cottage cheese with proteins, stir with a mixer to get a homogeneous mixture.

3. Place baking paper on the bottom of the mold. Moisten the walls of the mold slightly and sprinkle with the remaining bran.

4. Pour the dough into the prepared form, pour seeds on top.

5. The oven is heated to 175 degrees. We put bread there and bake for a minute. Cool the finished bread in the form. This bread is best stored in the refrigerator.

We wish you bon appetit and a great figure!

What could be better on a hot day than enjoying a delicious juicy watermelon? But it not only perfectly quenches thirst. It also has a whole range of useful properties.

Different diets are needed, different diets are important. And every diet has a different effect on different figures, because the reasons for the imperfection of our figures are very different. That is why every year there is a very large number of different diets. But in principle, all these diets can be divided into groups.


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Arthritis. Diet for arthritis

Healthy and healthy food

Arthritis occurs for various reasons. Of course, timely diagnosis and elimination of the etiological factor will also lead to the elimination of the manifestations of arthritis - malaise, joint pain, fever, etc. To enhance the effectiveness of arthritis treatment prescribed by a doctor, following some dietary recommendations will help.

What foods should be in the diet

Healthy and well-balanced nutrition is the way to beauty and health!

Unfortunately, many strict diets lead to the fact that the body begins to suffer from a deficiency of vital foods. Yes, the figure becomes slim, but not without serious consequences due to a poor diet. The body, wanting to make up for the lack of vitamins and other useful substances, begins to take them from the hair, nails, skin, etc.

We change the diet

Balanced diet

Become great! We offer you some tips on how to change your diet.

Winter diet

Balanced diet

Winter dramatically changes our diet, and the point is not only the lack of vegetables and fruits, but also the preferences that for some reason change in the body. I want a completely different food than in summer. And if in the spring all thoughts about how to hone your figure, in winter you completely forget about diets. And this, as it turned out, has an explanation. Experts say that losing weight in the cold season is almost impossible.

Diet for the mind: how to make a diet for intense mental activity?

How to make a diet for intense mental activity?

A slender figure is, of course, just wonderful! But do not forget that nutrition is required not only for the body, but also for the brain. It is especially important to remember this before hard work, when solving important problems, etc. And you should not forget about exams, because the busy time has already begun.

Diet: for those who want to gain weight

Rational nutrition for those who want to get better

Overweight women are usually unhappy with their figure and want to lose weight, while thin women dream of gaining weight. And often the latter is more difficult to do.

Medical nutrition. Diet in the treatment of pneumonia

Diet during pneumonia

Therapeutic nutrition for pneumonia (pneumonia) should help to quickly relieve inflammation, remove toxins from the body, and increase immunity.

The diet of fasting days: rice, salad, apple

Fasting day diets

If you want to quickly put your figure in order, and the excess weight does not exceed 1-3 kg, then fasting days will come to your aid. In addition, in order to maintain harmony for ladies who are inclined to be overweight, it is useful to spend fasting days once every 1-2 weeks.

Diet for atherosclerosis

Useful products for atherosclerosis

Among the main reasons that lead to the development of atherosclerosis are excessive consumption of food of animal origin, which contains a lot of cholesterol, as well as excessive consumption of sugar, refined foods, a sedentary lifestyle (lack of physical activity). And heredity, and gender, and age, and the activity of the hormonal system (mainly the thyroid gland), and bad habits (smoking, addiction to alcoholic beverages), and stress, etc.

Bread in the diet for various diseases

Therapeutic diet food

Bread is the head of everything. No one argues with this simple truth, because in our diet the use of bread is habitual. Yes, and, you see, with a piece of freshly baked fragrant bread, any dish will be tastier. But there are a number of diseases in which it is necessary either to limit the consumption of bread, or to replace ordinary wheat or rye bread with a product with various additives. By changing the type of bread, you will keep it in your diet and not harm your health.

Healthy foods. Kiwi in our diet

(Healthy and healthy nutrition)

Kiwi is rich in magnesium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, mineral salts and fiber, which removes excess cholesterol from the body and normalizes digestion. And the high content of potassium in it makes it an indispensable product in the diet of people suffering from hypertension.

Healthy foods. Bananas in our diet

Healthy and healthy food

Now everyone knows that bananas are incredibly healthy and it is desirable that they are always in the house. Perhaps most importantly, bananas are the only fruit that never causes an allergic reaction in anyone. But, attention! Bananas are contraindicated in thrombophlebitis, and very carefully they can be eaten with diabetes.

protein bread recipe

It turns out porous and airy. When the proteins remain, you can bake such bread. Another kind of bread.

How to cook protein bread?

Bread protein recipe

This is how protein bread is obtained.

Let the bread rise and bake in the oven at a temperature of degrees until golden brown.

Second flax seed.

I sprinkled one with white sesame seeds. These ingredients make two small loaves of bread.

When the mass becomes homogeneous, add the rest of the flour (150 g.)

When the above ingredients are well mixed in a bucket, put the proteins there.

Beat egg whites with sugar until stiff. Pour yeast into flour.

Pour hot water into a bucket, pour out salt, put butter and add 350 g of flour. I already wrote that I cook the dough in a bread machine, especially for bread.

protein bread

a bit like a fresh cottage cheese casserole

this is a cottage cheese casserole)

how long is it stored?

Pretty long. There was a moment when a piece lay in my refrigerator for 4-5 days without packaging and did not even get stale.

how long is it stored?

stored, like cottage cheese casserole, for several days in the refrigerator

Stage 1. Acquaintance

course how to lose weight

Stage 1. Acquaintance

course how to lose weight

The information is provided for reference purposes only.

Do not self-medicate. Always consult a physician.

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