Not a difficult production. The most cost-effective production for small businesses. Step by step opening plan

When planning to invest money in a business, entrepreneurs are looking for the most profitable production for a small business. This means fast payback, high returns and low risk.

The most cost-effective production for small businesses

Which production is profitable to open in terms of profitability? Obviously, the product must be popular, and the cost of its production is minimal. It is desirable that the business idea has the following characteristics:

  • originality;
  • low competition;
  • demand for goods;
  • small investment;
  • simplicity in organization;
  • small staff.

The highest possible profitability is possible only in the case of production automation.

The most promising in this regard are two directions:

  • Food: mushrooms, greenhouse vegetables, honey, dumplings, convenience foods, etc.
  • Hygiene products: napkins, toilet paper, etc.
  • Production of concrete fences, tiles and other options.

Consider the top three most cost-effective ideas for manufacturing as a small business.

Mushrooms are a popular meat substitute due to their excellent taste and low price. Mushroom production is simple in technology and does not require large investments. For growing oyster mushrooms or champignons, any room with cheap rent is suitable.


  • Purchase of 30 tons of compost and mushroom mycelium - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Mushroom shop equipment - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Rent of 100 m 2 and salary of 3 employees for 1 month - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Utility and other expenses for 1 month - 20 thousand rubles.

Total: 390 thousand rubles.

The sale of mushrooms can be both independent - on the market, and sale to wholesalers and shops.

The productivity of 1 kg of compost is equal to 1 kg of mushrooms per year, and 30 tons of compost will produce about 30 tons of mushrooms per year ≈ 3 million rubles per year. The expected monthly profit is 250 thousand rubles, net - 100 thousand rubles. Profitability 66%.

toilet paper production

Toilet paper is a very hot commodity.

Volumes of toilet paper consumption are high, product quality requirements are not strict. Unlike napkins, which require the highest quality raw material, low-cost toilet paper is made from cheap bases.


  • Machine for winding and cutting wide rolls (used) - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Packaging equipment - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Rent of premises of 40 m 2 and salary of 2 employees - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

Total: 520 thousand rubles.

Since the line is fully automated, the production of toilet paper is not only profitable, but also the most cost-effective. The specified budget is designed for the purchase of 6 tons of raw materials≈60 thousand rolls of finished products. The expected income is 300 thousand rubles per month, and the net income is about 90 thousand rubles. Profitability 43%.

Production of concrete products

The production of paths, fences, decorative concrete stone will always find its own market. These can be free ad sites, a market and shops, as well as your own online store.

A little experimentation with the composition and pigment and you will get a tile that imitates natural stone, pebbles or paving stones. For production, you need to purchase:

  • molds for pouring;
  • concrete mixer;
  • ejection;
  • table for stripping and racks for curing products;
  • tool, film, etc.

You can even start production in a garage with a partner - this is how most large firms started.


  • Purchase of equipment - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of consumables - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Utilities and other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

Total: 270 thousand rubles.

The cost of production of 1 m 2 of tiles is 250 rubles, and the price is 350 rubles. Net profit from the sale of 1 thousand m 2 per month - 100 thousand rubles, profitability 40%.

How much does it cost to start a profitable production?

From the above projects, we can conclude that cost-effective production can be started with 300 thousand rubles. The profitability of projects is over 40%, which is considered an excellent indicator.

One of the essentials is bread. The need for it is beyond doubt. The demand for this product is always high, so the successful implementation of a bakery or mini-bakery will allow the owner to receive a stable income.

We launch the production of custom-made furniture

According to statistics, more than half of Russians update the interior of the apartment every 5 years - even if the old furniture is not too worn out. Sales in the furniture market do not fall even during times of economic stagnation, so you can be sure of the stability of the furniture manufacturing business.

Own business for the manufacture of penoizol

Penoizol as a sound and heat insulator has become more popular than polystyrene foam. This is an inexpensive material that is highly fire resistant. The production of penoizol can become a profitable business, since the initial investment is minimal, and the workshop itself can be placed even in a small garage.

Liquid soap: stages of organization and development of production in the context of positive market dynamics

Becoming a confident player in the liquid soap market will not be easy. Factors such as high competition and the need for large initial investments hinder. You will have to attract creative and expensive specialists to create a strong brand.

Production of labels and stickers: how to find your niche in the market and fix the payback in three months

The label making business may seem "difficult", but it is actually one of the cheapest types of manufacturing business. Due to the fact that you need a minimum of equipment, the payback of this business comes quickly enough.

Making candles at home as an example of a low-cost enterprise

It would seem, who needs candles when everything around is electrified? As it turned out, a lot of people. Candles are an important element of decor, an indispensable component of a romantic setting. In addition, candles are indispensable during church services.

The production of SIP panels is a promising direction in low-rise housing construction

In Russia, the option of building a house from SIP panels is still viewed with distrust, but the situation is changing - more and more people are convinced of the good characteristics of this building material. Houses made of SIP panels are much stronger and warmer than frame structures.

Production of change houses: a profitable business with high profitability

Change houses are called modular structures suitable for accommodating people inside. These are small trailers that you often see at construction sites and in summer cottages. Even on such an exotic product, you can make a fortune, although in this business it is very important to reach the “right” people as soon as possible.

Production of nails: the main stages of the formation of the business and calculations of its payback

The production of nails is an extremely simple business. No need to buy ingenious machines and hire highly experienced professionals. You can also make nails in your own garage - the main thing is that the quality of the finished products remains at its best.

Artificial marble: how to set up production and organize sales

Artificial marble is an affordable alternative to expensive natural marble used in interior decoration. In the artificial marble market, the demand is high and not yet fully covered, so starting a business in this area is a promising idea.

Sunflower oil: how to properly organize production and get maximum profit

Russians consume over 2 million tons of sunflower oil per year. At the same time, the production of this product is mainly carried out by small home farms. So, you should not be afraid of competition and lack of demand - the sunflower oil business has excellent chances of being successful.

Blinds production is a promising direction for investment

Can you find an office that doesn't use blinds? In modern organizations, they not only perform a sun protection function, but also play a decorative role. The demand for blinds is growing much faster than the competition in the industry - and this is a great opportunity for an aspiring businessman.

How to succeed in the production of cottage cheese?

The rate of consumption of cottage cheese is constantly growing - according to forecasts, by 2022, Russians will eat 1.5 times more cottage cheese than now. That is why the cottage cheese business is attractive - even taking into account the fact that there are many competitors.

The production of plastic film is a profitable business for serious people

Producing plastic film is a risky business. An impressive initial investment will be required, which simply will not pay off with a lack of demand. Therefore, before opening such a business, it is extremely important to carefully study the local market.

Business on participation in trade chains "we buy imported - we sell to compatriots" ceases to be profitable. There are many reasons for this, from geopolitical to economic. For Russian production of any scale, the green light is on today. How to navigate among the opportunities that have opened up, what can a small business bet on?

The time of intermediaries is running out.

From the very beginning of economic freedoms in Russia and until recently, domestic small businesses preferred the sphere of trade and services. Often the business model was elementary: we buy abroad, we sell at home. Low competition, huge choice provided high profitability of projects.

* - with annual revenue up to 1 billion rubles. (2014 criteria)

The crisis, sanctions, a high dollar and a weak ruble dictate new rules of the game: competition in trade and services is increasing, demand is narrowing, and profitability is falling. The most significant decrease in revenue for the 1st half of 2015 was recorded in wholesale and retail trade, in cargo transportation. It's time for small businesses to adapt to market changes: today, the trend is the production and implementation of innovative projects. This is where a lot of free / little competitive niches. Let's figure out what is profitable for small businesses to produce in Russia now.

Assessment of the current situation by SME sectors for the 1st half of 2015

* - index of the current situation - expert assessment of the state of affairs for the past period
Source: Small Business Pulse survey, Alfa-Bank, June 2015

Prospects for production: where to look for profit

Imported products are now available in any Russian stores: food, sports, children's, household, electrical and other goods. Often under the inscription "made in Russia" a product assembled from foreign components is hidden. A small business can successfully launch any of these products. The main thing is to identify what product, what quality and price will be in demand.

When deciding on production, it is worth considering the moods/preferences of consumers in the B2B and B2C sectors. Russians - individuals buy less, save more. The direction of using free money has changed.

What are Russians willing to spend on?

Russian enterprises are focused on the purchase of goods/services that allow them to maintain/increase the level of sales while reducing costs, i.e. they are looking for inexpensive ways to increase the efficiency of business processes and reduce product costs. For example, by replacing imported components with Russian ones.

What is profitable to produce in a crisis by industry

1 Furniture: landfill chic

Italian cuisine is becoming an unaffordable luxury for many. It's time to offer our compatriots high-quality eco-friendly Russian-made furniture. Our consumer now counts money, is sophisticated in the practicality of furniture and has tried Ikea.

Therefore, a successful furniture business idea should be:

  • cheap in production, competitive in price;
  • fresh and original, using design solutions;
  • environmentally friendly, using the ideas of recycling.

Furniture made from pallets (wooden construction pallets) meets these requirements. It can be country, garden, intended for offices and creating residential interiors in country, loft or industrial style. At the same time, it is not necessary to disassemble the pallets, they are used as modules, constructing author's models. The secret is in the right handling. Pallets are a cheap and grateful "building" material.

An important nuance. Furniture should look stylish and functional, not clumsy. Professional designers should participate in the development of models.

2 Products for animals: cheaper and healthier

According to VTsIOM, 76% of Russians have pets. We are third in the world in terms of the number of pets per capita after the US and China. What is profitable to produce in Russia for small businesses for smaller brothers?

The Russian pet food market is growing despite the crisis. In the most profitable market segment - food for cats and dogs - today there are two leaders: Mars and Nestle (joint share - 86%). They can and should be squeezed out by domestic producers. The main thing is to choose the right niche.

It is believed that Russians do not save on pets even when they themselves have nothing to eat. In real life, people switch animals to economy-class feed, preferring the most useful options available.

Healthy food for cats and dogs - minced meat and bones with vitamin and mineral supplements. Such feeds are used by specialized kennels, they are hunted by knowledgeable cat and dog owners. The production of "natural cutlets" for animals is carried out in Russia by a few small producers. The niche is uncompetitive.

For the production of natural food for cats and dogs, an expensive production line is not needed; everything can be organized on a minimal area with little investment.

To start a full production cycle, you will need equipment:

  • cutting table for meat products;
  • meat grinder and minced meat mixer;
  • molding machine / scales;
  • shock freezer and "hot" table for packaging;
  • freezer.

The cost of natural feed is lower than that of industrial “drying”, even if it is produced from mechanically deboned meat, which is used in the manufacture of sausages. The business model is simple. The main limitation of sales is that there must be refrigeration equipment at the point of sale.

3 Building and finishing materials: money out of thin air

The building materials market is shrinking. According to a study by RD Construction analysts, a decline in production in January-July 2015 compared to the second half of 2014 was recorded for cement, ready-mixed concrete, reinforced concrete, red ceramic bricks: -12, -30, -15, -1.5%, respectively. This is how the reduction in the pace of mass housing construction backfired on building materials - the demand for housing is falling.

The main product of the recycling of old tires, crumb rubber, is used in the production of:

  • rubber tiles / paving stones;
  • coverings for sports grounds and fitness halls;
  • wall finishing materials;
  • innovative road surfaces;
  • accessories for cars (rugs, mudguards, etc.).

The cost of technological lines for "grinding" tires into crumb rubber depends on productivity, the degree of automation of the process, the quality and size of the output fraction. But in general, we are talking about costs of 1-12 million rubles. In addition to Chinese equipment options, there are also Russian ones: the factories of Vtorrezina Ecoprom LLC, Alfa-SPK LLC and others offer lines of their own design. It is better to prefer domestic equipment - both the quality of the product and the reliability of the machines are higher.

It is more profitable to produce goods with a high added value, i.e., in addition to crumb rubber, to issue tiles and coatings. The last two products are cold or hot molded from chips, polyurethane adhesive and dye. The cost of equipment starts from 2 million rubles.

The payback period for a mini-factory for the production of rubber tiles is from 6 months. The indicator is excellent, but the investments for the start will require impressive. There is a more economical entry option: many manufacturers (EcoStep, Masterfaybr, etc.) offer to start a franchise business. From 500 thousand rubles.

4 Goods for tourism: wide is my native country

The growth of major world currencies and the rise in the cost of labor in China have a positive effect on the domestic light industry market. In 2015, the share of Russian manufacturers in this industry increased to 24% and continues to grow. What should a startup focus on?

Russians save money on vacation trips abroad. Most have to be content with local color and sponsor domestic tourism. They need equipment.

  • tourist clothing and equipment of the middle price category;
  • budget tents (up to 5,000 rubles);
  • fishing goods in the low and mid-price segment (up to 3,000 rubles).

The production of backpacks, ventilated caps / hats, windproof hats, gloves, encephalitis, thermal underwear, sweaters is a profitable business. You can choose a very narrow niche and engage in the production of mobile baths or thermal bags.

It is not necessary to develop innovative raincoats-boats or T-shirts-life jackets. It is enough to make practical and functional products a la the Expedition clothing range. But at reasonable prices.

5 Automotive equipment: Thule from Tula

What is profitable to produce in Russia for cars, where is the free niche? Comparing our popular Swedish plastic autoboxes from Thule brand with analogues is the same as putting Rolex against ordinary watches. The Thule customer pays for style and brand first. Moreover, luggage boxes from the point of view of production are the simplest products. Thule cost in Europe in the range of $400-970. The price, which is not humane at the current dollar exchange rate already at the place of production, in Russian retail stores turns into a completely surprising one: premium solutions cost 60,000 - 100,000 rubles.

The middle price segment of the autobox market in Russia (10,000 - 20,000 rubles) is now under the gun of Polish, Czech, Italian and Chinese manufacturers. Items from the Middle Kingdom deserve special attention: they are widely presented, but the quality is objectively low. Time to make car trunks in Russia. Domestic manufacturers of boxes for cars exist as a class, but are counted on the fingers (brands ATLANT, VetlaN, LUX). Moreover, some have a meager assortment, others specialize in “luggage systems from European components” (read: they depend on exchange rate fluctuations), and the quality of others is lame.

During the crisis, mini-production of universal luggage boxes (for all car brands) made of high-quality plastic with a reliable opening / locking system in low and medium price categories is beneficial.

This will require:

  • vacuum forming equipment (Russian - from 350 thousand rubles);
  • Press forms;
  • raw material is ABS plastic.

Cheaper to manufacture soft autoboxes made of polyester, PVC and other plastic polymers. But this is sewing production and a completely different story.

Almost every entrepreneurial person dreams of starting his own business. This is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, especially if you are going to start during the economic crisis. What kind of production is profitable to open in 2020, let's try to figure it out in this article.

Construction Materials

People do not stop building something even in the most difficult times, so building materials are always in high demand. If you are interested in which production is profitable to open in a private house, try it.

For this you will need:

  • Concrete mixer;
  • Vibrating machine;
  • Wheelbarrow;
  • Shovel;
  • Forms;
  • Other small accessories.

You will spend 50–80 thousand rubles on equipment and tools. If you produce several hundred products per day, your net income will be 5-10 thousand rubles.

Styrofoam manufacturing

Another lucrative manufacturing option for small businesses is Styrofoam manufacturing. In this case, the equipment will have to spend about 1.5 million rubles. The annual profit of such a mini-enterprise is 450-550 thousand rubles.

But this business is suitable only for experienced entrepreneurs who have a sufficiently large start-up capital and are ready to invest in the production sector. Newcomers in this niche have nothing to do, because it will be quite problematic for them to compete with large construction companies that produce quality products.

Poultry breeding

Rural residents are often interested in what kind of production can be opened at home. The most suitable option is breeding chickens, geese or ducks. This is a highly profitable business that allows you to get a good income. The purchase of young animals, cages and an incubator will require 0.5 million rubles. The initial investment pays off in about a year. For a mini-enterprise at the start, 10 thousand rubles is enough. Therefore, if you are a rural resident, think about this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity.

Homemade cottage cheese

If you have several cows and do not know which mini-production is profitable to open at home, try making homemade cottage cheese. For starters, you can only process your own milk. When the business starts to expand, purchase special equipment and buy milk from local residents. You will have to spend 1–2 million rubles on the purchase of equipment, raw materials and preparation of the premises. By processing 15-18 tons of milk per month, you will make a profit of 250-350 thousand rubles.


Assembling greenhouses is a fairly profitable production for small businesses. The structures are assembled from wood and polycarbonate. The purchase of equipment will cost you 250 thousand rubles. This is a highly profitable business that brings good income. Demand for greenhouses does not fall even despite the crisis. Therefore, you will always have a job.

Muesli bars

Modern people began to take care of their health, so they try to buy not only delicious, but also healthy food.

For stuffing bars, you can use:

  • Nuts;
  • dried apricots;
  • Raisin;
  • Berries;
  • Fruits.

In addition, the bars also include cereal grains and oatmeal. You need to spend 280-350 thousand rubles on equipment and raw materials. If you find good markets, the initial investment will pay off in just six months.

Entrepreneurial people who are thinking about what small production can be opened in our time can safely start making muesli bars. In order for the product to sell better, constantly expand the range, offering consumers new tastes. Such a new and interesting business idea may well become an impetus for you to a rich life.

parquet board

It is beneficial to engage in such a business for those who already have an operating woodworking enterprise and are interested in what profitable production can be opened on its basis.

Today, this area of ​​​​activity is rapidly developing, so you can safely invest in it. To open a parquet business, you will need about 3 million rubles.

wooden pallets

Pallets and pallets made of wood are used everywhere for the transport of goods, so they are constantly in high demand. Large enterprises and farms need such products.

With the necessary equipment, a worker can assemble 60 products in one hour. The cost of such a production line is quite high. It fluctuates between 1-8 million rubles. The main problem that entrepreneurs face is the purchase of raw materials. If you know where you can get wood for making pallets, you can safely open such a business.


It is a product that people buy daily. In this regard, the demand for baby diapers is consistently high. If so, you can get a good income. Diaper making equipment is very expensive, so this business has a long payback period. But, despite this, such an enterprise brings a high income, since there is practically no competition in this area. Most of the products consumed in the domestic market are imported from abroad. Therefore, if you can achieve high quality products and conduct a powerful advertising campaign success will not be long in coming.

Casts and decorative sculptures

Recently, many parents order the production of casts of the hands or feet of their children. Such souvenirs are also very popular among lovers who want to perpetuate the interweaving of their hands. This is a great option for those who do not know what kind of production can be opened with minimal investment. One unit of goods costs about 500 rubles. No special equipment is required for the production of sculptures. This business is characterized by high profitability and low level of competition.

Handmade soap

You will not believe it, but it can become quite a profitable business. In order to start such a business, you do not need large financial investments. You will spend about 500 thousand rubles on the purchase of equipment and rental of premises. If you are puzzled by what kind of production can be opened in a private house, pay special attention to this option, since at first soap can be made at home.

Frozen vegetables and fruits

Such products are in great demand, so the business of making various frozen vegetable mixes and fruit platters can bring good income. Blast freezing equipment is expensive. Approximately 500 thousand rubles will have to be spent on each unit. The cost of one refrigerating chamber is 150 thousand rubles. To transport products, you will need a special refrigerator.

If you cannot decide which production is profitable to open in a small town, start making frozen fruits and vegetables. Raw materials for processing can be purchased from farmers or from the local population.

paper napkins

These products are constantly in demand on the market, because, like baby diapers, they belong to personal hygiene items that are bought almost daily. Where there is high demand, accordingly, there will be high profitability. Approximately 800 thousand rubles will be needed for the purchase of equipment, raw materials and transportation of finished products. Nowadays, many entrepreneurs who want to have a highly profitable profitable enterprise choose.

Plastic box

This is a great business idea for those who want to get an answer to the question, what kind of production can be opened in the city? This direction has been successfully developed in recent years.

Plastic containers are used for packaging food, drinks, detergents and more. To open such an enterprise, you will need a solid start-up capital, approximately 3.5 million rubles. The monthly net income of such a business can reach 1 million rubles. The initial investment pays off in 2-3 years.


If you decide to open, pay attention to the fact that in our time, craftsmen began to use the clay casting method, and not the potter's wheel. Forms filled with a solution are dried in a special room. After complete drying, they are brought to perfection, that is, all unnecessary details are removed. The next stage is firing, with the help of which the product is given strength. This is enough profitable business which does not require large investments. If you have such skill, feel free to take this idea into service.


The most profitable areas of business activity are manufacturing and services. Each company has a number of its own specific nuances. Therefore, before you open your own business, carefully analyze the market, assess the level of competition and be sure to draw up a detailed business plan with calculations. If you provide a competent approach, your own business will bring excellent profits.

So, what is profitable in this business area, and what is better to produce from scratch?

Cinder blocks. This production idea is good for those who live in the private sector. After all, all the tools can be stored in the yard or garage. What will you need? Concrete mixer, vibrating machine, construction wheelbarrow and shovel.

Equipment costs will be about 55-100 thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the tools. A day, producing several hundred units of products, you can earn good money (about $ 100-200).

Styrofoam. The size of the required premises is about 150 square meters, the purchase of the necessary equipment will cost 1.5 million rubles. As for the revenue, you can count on an annual profit of about 1 million 500 thousand rubles.

2. Breeding laying hens

Very cost-effective and profitable production. For large-scale production of at least seven thousand chickens a year, investments in the amount of 400-500 thousand rubles are required, and the business itself will pay off in 8-12 months.

The largest costs are for the purchase of cages and an incubator. For a very small-scale production of several dozen chickens, about ten thousand rubles will be needed.

Breeding chickens is a great and uncomplicated business for a budding entrepreneur. Chickens are unpretentious in care and rarely get sick.

3. Casts and sculptures

Casts of children's hands and feet, compositions of lovers' hands, small sculptures-gifts are very popular now. Their production can take from half an hour to several days, depending on the complexity, and the net profit of one unit of goods starts from 500 rubles.

If a use forms for the most popular sculptures, then the profitability of the business increases several times.

4. Making cottage cheese

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