The best loose leaf black tea. The best black teas according to customer reviews. What kind of tea is

In 1567, the Cossack chieftains Petrov and Yalyshev, having visited China, tried the local outlandish drink. These were the first Russian people who tasted tea. In 1638, Ambassador Vasily Starkov brought 64 kilograms of tea, which was then called "Chinese grass", to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich as a gift from one of the Mongol khans. PThe turning point in the "tea" history of Russia is 1679. Then the first trade agreement was concluded with China for the supply of tea, which was first used as a medicine.

Despite the fact that Russian tea drinking is more than 300 years old, the culture of drinking this drink is still quite low. The popularity of cheap tea in bags, artificially flavored tea leaves, and the habit of adding sugar to the drink, which neutralizes its natural flavor, is an incomplete list of the "bad habits" of most Russians.

KitchenMag is starting a tea series. In the first article - about the criteria for the quality of black and green tea, as well as what you should pay attention to when buying.

What to look for when choosing tea

There are several criteria for determining the quality of dry tea leaves.

1. Tea color

Most black teas ideally have almost black leaves. Brown-brown, "rusty" color of dry black tea is an indicator of average quality. For black tea, the gray color of dry tea leaves is also unacceptable.

Green tea can have various shades, but shades are exclusively green. If the leaves are brownish, then this is an old and low-quality tea that was not stored properly. Color uniformity is also important when choosing green tea. If whitish or completely green leaves come across, then this is a mixture of different crops. Blending is allowed only tea of ​​the same year, but not different years.

2. Homogeneity of raw materials

Ideally, in good tea, all tea leaves should be about the same size, and their size should comply with the international standard. Dry tea leaves of medium and poor quality often get a lot of dust and smaller tea leaves.

Teas are loose, pressed and extracted.

1. Loose teas are called loose teas in commercial practice, they are the most common. This is a mass of individual tea leaves, packaged in a closed (metal or paper) package in a variety of quantities, depending on the standards adopted in a particular country.

2. Pressed teas are no less famous. These are briquettes made from tea leaves of various qualities pressed under strong pressure. The shape of pressed tea can be very bizarre - a cylinder, a ball, a disk. Weight - from 100 grams to 2.5 kilograms.

3. Extracted teas are tea extracts or concentrates. They do not contain natural tea leaves - they are chemically synthesized powder or granules. Such teas are most widely used in America.

3. Absence of foreign inclusions

In the common people, such tea is called "tea with firewood", and experts use the term "box tea" (Chesty Tea). Foreign inclusions can be not only fragments of tea branches, but also pieces of wood, plywood, paper and even foil. This tea is best avoided.

Low-grade teas consist of specially ground leaves, as well as tea production waste generated during sorting or sieving. Tea bags, for example, are made primarily from tea crumbs and dust encased in filter paper bags, sometimes cloth.

4. Twisted tea leaves

The stronger the tea leaves are twisted, the better the fermentation took place and the better the tea itself. The tea leaves curled into a corkscrew are called "wire" (Wiry). These are long, thin twisted tea leaves, typical for high-quality large-leaf tea. Conscientious tea producers make a transparent window in the package so that you can assess its color and curl.

Green tea leaves can be twisted in different ways: if they are twisted strongly, then the tea will be stronger, if, on the contrary, weakly, then the taste will be softer and more aromatic. If the tea leaves are not curled, it means they have been dried naturally.

Whole-leaf green teas, for example, can be classified according to the degree of twist of the leaves: lightly twisted and heavily twisted.

Twisting tea leaves increases the shelf life of tea and preserves its best qualities, in addition, twisting allows you to adjust the extraction of essential oils and active ingredients during the brewing process.

5. The degree of dryness of tea

A well-made tea should have approximately 3-6% moisture content. It is believed that the more moisture in tea, the worse its quality. At about 20% humidity, tea becomes moldy and poisonous.

If the tea is too dry, it becomes too brittle. To test for dryness, take a few tea leaves and rub them between your fingers. If they easily turn into dust, it's bad. It often happens that tea is not just overdried, but burned. This can be easily identified by the burning smell.

6. The smell of tea

The quality tea you choose should be properly packaged and have a pleasant tea aroma. In principle, each type of tea has its own characteristic smell. For example, green tea is herbal or bitter, black is resinous-floral or sweet.

Quality tea should not smell:

Gary or something burnt. This is typical for overdried, burnt tea and is considered a factory defect;

metal. This is a very specific smell - something between rapidly oxidizing copper and rust;

Something extraneous (gasoline, cosmetics, fish, cat food, and so on). These are all indicators of improper storage and poor packaging.

7. Freshness

Freshness is the most important quality of any tea, except, perhaps, pu-erh tea, which is specially stored for years under certain conditions for fermentation. The most expensive tea is from 1-2-month-old leaves, 3-5-month-old leaves fall in price by 2-3 times, but their properties are almost the same - you won’t even feel the difference. Tea stored from six months to a year loses a lot of quality and is discounted by up to 20%. It is necessary to buy freshly packaged tea, as tea, approaching the end of its shelf life, has already lost a lot of smell. And after a year, such tea leaves can be safely thrown away: due to the splitting of tannin, the taste of tea becomes unpleasant, tart and bitter.

Tea packaged in polyethylene bags is not stored for long, especially since such a bag deprives the tea of ​​smell and taste even faster. In paper bags, tea is stored for about 6 months.It is worth remembering that the beneficial properties and maximum aroma of real tea are very short-lived. Therefore, it is better to buy it in small portions, with a margin for a week or two.

8. Leaf differences

Teas are divided according to the size of the tea leaves into leafy (large), broken or cut (medium) and small (chips and crumbs). Large and medium teas are divided into several categories depending on quality indicators, which in turn depend on raw materials and factory processing.

Whole leaf tea

At first, it can be easy to get confused in the classification of whole leaf tea.The most expensive and rare tea is Tips. It consists of unblown buds - tips. The so-called pekoi tea, better known to us aslong leaf, is a tea made from tips and young leaves. The more buds in tea, the higher the quality, the more aromatic, tastier and more valuable it is. Marking"orange" means a generalized name for high-class teas.

Medium leaf teas (broken leaves)

During the production of whole leaf tea, broken leaves may appear or the leaves are specially crushed. From such leaves, a stronger and more tart infusion is obtained, tea is brewed faster, but the aroma is lost.For medium-leaved tea leaves, the label "leaf" (loose leaf) is used.

Small leaf teas

These are teas made from leaves that have been specially ground, as well as from waste generated during the tea production process. Such tea is formed during sifting or sorting. As a rule, small-leaf tea is sold in the form of granulated or in the form of tea bags.

9. Markings

The quality of tea depends on which leaves are harvested. For high quality tea, the tops of the shoots are harvested. Rough leaves are also harvested and crushed, but sold at a low price.

Unscrupulous suppliers may mix different varieties of teas or substitute one variety for another. An abbreviation in Latin letters must be put on a pack of tea, which contains all the information we need about the quality of tea.

The decoding of the mysterious abbreviation is as follows.

1. In black leaf teas, the letters OP stand for a tea quality mark, that is, a bud and a few, no more than three, upper leaves are used in tea. The letters FP - the quality of the tea is slightly lower than that of OP. Designation PS - tea consists of coarse leaves, starting from the fourth leaflet.

2. In medium cut teas, the letters BOP mean the following: the tea leaf was broken during picking, and it was sifted out during sorting. Teas with this abbreviation are the best broken teas. They are usually expensive, as they have a very complicated production process. The letters BP mean that the tea leaf is slightly smaller than BOP, while the overall quality is about the same. BPS and PD are the last of the medium cut teas that are difficult to distinguish from small-leaf low-grade teas.

3. In small teas, the letter F means chives, and D means dust. These varieties are mainly sold in tea bags, consisting of the smallest particles of tea leaves. It is good to add milk and sugar to this kind of tea. Even if there is an abbreviation GD, that is, Golden Dast (in translation - "gold dust"), then this is still the lowest quality tea.

10. Indication of origin on the packaging

Teas from China or India should be approached selectively. The indications Made in China or Made in India do not say anything specific. And if there is nothing on the pack of tea except for such an inscription, then you can be sure that this tea has never crossed the borders of these states. Real Chinese tea is exported from China only by China National Tea & Native Product Import & Export Corp. There should be an inscription in English on the packaging about this. Then an indication of which province of China the tea is exported from - Fujian, Sichuan, Human and Yunnan. In addition, authentic Chinese tea labels indicate below the first 2 inscriptions that it is "Produce of the Peopled Republic of China". There are no inscriptions like Made in China on real Chinese tea.

With Indian teas, the situation is more complicated, since genuine and good varieties of tea have the inscription Made in India, unlike Chinese ones. But there are several well-known firms in India whose name can serve as a guarantee that the tea with their name is always genuine. These are Davenport, A. Toch, C.T.C. And for genuinely high-quality teas, instead of the “Made in India” label, it says: “Indian tea Tosha”, “Indian tea Davenport” or “Indian tea C.T.S.”. The best varieties of Indian tea are produced in Northern India, in Upper Assam and West Bengal: one of the best varieties of black tea in the world is produced there - Darjeeling (by the name of the province).

Real Ceylon tea can be distinguished by the image of a lion on the package and the inscription Packed in Sri-Lanka. On a box of Indian tea, look for a design in the form of a lion's head or a compass, as well as the inscriptions Davenport and A. Toch. Then you will definitely be sure that you have a quality product.

Tea is loved and drunk all over the world. This fragrant and invigorating drink pleases people with its diverse tastes from time immemorial and in every corner of our planet. Drinking tea stimulates the development of mental abilities and metabolism, improves efficiency and immunity, calms in stressful situations and strengthens the nervous system. In our country, there has long been a tradition of tea culture, the choice is growing every year, brands amaze with their assortment.
Below is a list of selected brands of tea, in which you are sure to find your inimitable taste. These brands have been working on the international market for a long time and come in both loose and packaged form.

The most famous brands are: Greenfield. In this brand, there are several lines, which consist of varieties of black, white, red and of course green tea. Greenfield also presents unique blends of natural herbs. The main feature of this brand is that all varieties are grown in the fields of Ceylon, China, India, Kenya and Japan.


Ahmad Tea Ltd is an English company that has been delighting fans with its product in different countries of the world for many years. From year to year it produces new inimitable varieties of this drink and is number one among black tea manufacturers. The quality of loose leaf tea has been noted by many experts in the field.


Grace bestseller: forget about all the problems with a cup of aromatic tea
If you are not used to skimping on quality, then be sure to try Grace bestseller. Thousands of people around the world can no longer imagine a day without this tea. The collections contain so many varieties and flavors that these products will surely attract the attention of even the most fastidious gourmet. There is a "bestseller" for everyone!
Did you like Count Grey? You are welcome! Invigorates "Green T with Melissa"? No problem at all! You will always find your favorite tea on the shelves of specialized stores in your city. Trust proven quality!

This tea house began its history in the 19th century. A distinctive sign of this brand is the yellow packaging recognizable all over the world, as well as, recently, a novelty of packaging in the form of pyramids. The original design, strong and rich taste attracts the attention of not only adult tea connoisseurs, but also children. Lipton produces not only traditional and familiar black tea, but also green, white and even for weight loss. It is drunk and known all over the world.

Hyleys is a drink that brings together the best tea traditions in Britain. Impeccable and top quality products of this tea house are able to satisfy the most demanding taste. Alpine, organic, this tea has a delicate taste and balanced aroma, with a beautiful amber color, grown in Ceylon.

This company differs from others in exclusive and elite varieties of tea. The epitome of a classic and fruity taste, it will deserve the attention of any skeptic in the open spaces of tea lovers. A huge selection of collections confirms the increased interest of gourmets in the Curtis brand. The refinement of the taste of the prepared drink makes it possible to enjoy every sip of this tea. For buyers who cannot decide on a taste, manufacturers produce sets of several flavors.


Akbar tea: choose only the best for yourself and your family
It is difficult to meet such an adult who has never tried Akbar tea or at least has not heard of this brand. There is nothing surprising. It is one of the fastest growing tea brands. And, if you believe the calculations of experts, Akbar is among the top 5 leaders in the local tea market in terms of sales.
Tea is produced under the strictest control of not only domestic, but also Ceylon masters. Whichever variety you choose (the range includes more than 100 types of tea), a great taste and aroma is guaranteed. Millions of people prefer Akbar tea. And, of course, do not regret your choice!


The Tess brand is a merger of two popular firms, GreenfieldTeaLTD and OrimiTrade. This is a brand that produces caffeine-free tea. The range of tea is huge, both in classic black tea and in other types. The main advantage of this brand is also the presence and combination of different tastes. For example: Apple with cinnamon or rosehip with apple and many other different flavors.

Dilmah is a distinctive and inimitable brand that upholds the tradition of uniqueness and quality of its teas. The philosophy of this tea company is: Tea is a gift from nature. Only in this wonderful drink are collected all the useful elements donated by nature to man. Love for this philosophy is passed on from generation to generation among true fans of this brand.

"Princess Noori": treat yourself to good tea for a reasonable amount
Appreciate every minute? Then "Princess Noori" will surely come in handy in your home and office. It is not surprising that this brand is one of the most popular among our compatriots. Black tea is sold in tea bags. It does not cost any fabulous money. Which, you see, is important at a time that is not the easiest from a financial point of view.
The high content of caffeine in the composition of tea can invigorate and give strength to every couch potato. The tea is delicious and fragrant. Does not contain harmful substances and impurities. If you are looking for a quality product at a reasonable price, "Princess Noori" is what you need!

Feb 23, 2018

Today it is difficult to find a person who would never drink tea made from a bag.

Even if you are against such tea drinking at home, then there are still train trips where the conductor will offer you just such tea, and tea and coffee breaks during various events in the “break” format, when the organizers need to treat a huge number of participants in half an hour .

This is how, perhaps, this type of tea should be treated - as a magic wand that helps save time.

If tea in a bag had not appeared a hundred years ago, then it would definitely have to be invented today, since the rhythm of life is accelerating and requires extraordinary decisions from us.

What it is?

Tea in individual bags is a dry brew, which is enough to quickly prepare a drink for one person. The main thing is to have a kettle of boiling water ready.

The contents of the bags are sometimes called "tea garbage", meaning that in its manufacture they used what was left of premium class teas - broken leaves, twigs, crumbs.

For conscientious producers, this can be quite high-quality raw materials, for scammers - various surrogates, up to dry leaves and herbs that have nothing to do with tea.

The same goes for fragrances. Either these are pieces of natural fruit that make the taste of the drink more interesting, or artificial substitutes that worsen it.

The task of the consumer is to choose the right product among many proposals.

History of appearance

The author of a brilliant invention is considered to be Thomas Sullivan from New York. Once this merchant came up with the idea of ​​selling tea leaves not in cans, but in small packages using silk bags.

These were a kind of "probes" - people did not immediately spend money on a large package, but purchased several small and different ones in order to choose "their" tea.

The goods began to be more readily dismantled, and some of the buyers decided that tea should be brewed in bags. We tried it - we liked it.

In 1920, disposable tea bags began to be produced industrially, replacing silk with porous paper. And only in 1952 the product was officially patented.

Why did the procedure take so long? It is possible that there were many applicants for the authorship of know-how. History has preserved, for example, one version of the invention, about which one can say: "Not to the table."

The fact is that during the first world war, soldiers adapted to put tea leaves in ... a sock so that the tea leaves do not fall into the tea, and then into the mugs (we will assume that in the field conditions one of the fighters had a clean pair lying around).

And here's how it was Russian embodiment of a brilliant idea, described in the 1901 culinary manual by Elena Molokhovets.

It turns out that the idea was "in the air" almost all over the world and came to mind not only Sullivan.

However, in Russia, tea bags were a rarity for a long time. Even today we use it much less than in other countries.

For example, in the UK, only one in ten people choose loose tea, the rest buy tea bags.

By the way, the British prefer small, for one cup bags, prefer large ones (both in size and in weight of the contents), so that brewing takes place in a teapot - immediately for the whole family or company.

Production technology: how and from what they are made

Suppliers of raw materials for the packaged product are the main "tea" countries: India, Indonesia, China, Kenya, Sri Lanka. At the factory, raw materials are subjected to inspection - defectological and for the presence of any impurities.

The next step is sorting by sheet size. It is carried out using a sieve with holes of various sizes. For bagged tea, the smallest leaves are selected, a large-leaf product will be made from large ones.

This is followed by the blending process: raw materials from several batches are mixed in various proportions to obtain a composition that suits the aroma, color and taste - the drink is tasted by specialists. This is perhaps the only operation in which a person is given the main role.

In general, the production of tea bags is automated. With special machines:

The material for the bag has been used differently for 100 years. At first it was paper, gauze, hemp, silk, and even the remains of ship ropes.

Today, in addition to paper, which still has not lost its position, nylon is used.

Expensive tea is produced in triangular bags from this durable material.(for example, "Greenfield", "Lipton"), and, unlike paper ones, the content is clearly visible in them, which allows you to largely confirm whether the product is of high quality or not. You can familiarize yourself with the assortment of Greenfield tea bags.

However, according to experts, we still cannot answer the question about the safety of this material in the affirmative: the effect of synthetics on the body does not appear immediately, it will take monitoring the health of several generations of people in order to remove all suspicions from nylon.

However, a paper bag can also be dangerous: so that it does not become limp in water, it is impregnated with special resins, also synthetic.

Manufacturers are trying to interest buyers with various bag shapes.: making round, two-chamber, with a thread holder, they are provided with perforation or a special thread for convenience, which helps to squeeze all the juices out of the tea leaves.

How many grams of tea in a filter bag

Tea leaves in a bag, as a rule, 2 g. However, it can be 1.5 or 3 g - usually the manufacturer indicates this parameter on the package.

To imagine whether this is a lot or a little, compare: 3 g of medium-leaf tea is included in a teaspoon.

Benefits of tea bags

Manufacturers' claims that their packaged product has all the health benefits of loose leaf black, green, or white tea are most likely a marketing ploy.

Nevertheless, it is made from the worst raw materials, the quality of which is not always possible to check.

Read about the benefits and harms of green tea for men and women in the material.

If you do not touch on the topic of health, then this type of tea also has a number of advantages.:

Also a positive point is the huge range of teas..

People gathered at the same table do not have to drink the same thing, they can choose a drink according to their own taste: someone will prefer chamomile or sea buckthorn tea, with bergamot or ginger, someone will want to try puer or milk oolong tea.

Some manufacturers have provided entire collections for such cases.. For example, Imperial tea is presented in a set of 250 bags (25 of each type) and assorted fruit teas, while Richard is an assortment of black tea flavored with mint, lemon, bergamot, and lime. With an assortment of Richard tea flavors, we have an article.

If you still return to the topic of health, then tea bags can be used as a compress to remove bags under the eyes.

In case of a burn, apply them (cooled) to the skin to relieve pain. Sometimes they are used in the fight against warts (in the form of a compress) and sores in the oral cavity.


Depending on the contents of the bag or sachet, teas are divided into types. In the first, whole leaves or rather large pieces of them are used..

Such a product can only be found from well-known manufacturers. Such tea is called "leaf" - leaf.

Raw materials for tea from the first group are usually produced directly on the plantation, these are the remains of leaves that have been sorted.

The second group contains high-quality crushed raw materials, these are “fannings”, small tea. This category of raw materials is replenished after packing on the conveyor.

The last group includes crumbs (“dust”) or even tea dust., to which leaves and herbs of a wide variety of plants can be added, as well as color and flavor enhancers necessary to “cheer up” a not the best product.

Some of the leaves with an expired shelf life and various garbage fall into it. This product is the cheapest.

A photo

How to choose the right quality tea

One of the main requirements for the product is reliable packaging.: The box with tea bags must be covered with a dense transparent film that does not have any damage.

When you open it, take out a few bags and see if the tea has spilled out at the bottom of the box. If this happens, then the quality of the product is far from perfect.

It is clear that it will not work to check the quality of the contents in the store, the only thing that can be done is not to purchase a product that indicates that it uses “identical to natural” flavors.

But at home, you can arrange a serious check of tea in order to buy it again in the future or refrain from purchasing it.

Black tea is tested like this: pour a bag in a glass of cold water and after a couple of minutes see if it remains transparent.

If the color of the water has not changed much or only slightly, then the tea is of high quality. Has the color become thick? This suggests that it contains artificial colors that can be hazardous to health.

The green tea exam is a little different.. The bag is poured with hot water (but not boiling water), its color begins to be studied after 10 minutes.

Transparent, with a slight tea shade, indicates the good quality of tea leaves made from natural raw materials. A cloudy drink indicates its poor quality.

Another test can be done with a slice of lemon. If it makes the drink lighter in a few minutes, then the tea leaves are natural.

If the color remains the same, most likely there are artificial colors in the bags, against which the lemon is powerless.

A test is provided to determine the freshness of tea. If the tea leaves have been recently harvested and processed, a thin film will form on the surface of the tea in the cup.

Leaves that are collected 2 years ago or even earlier do not give a similar effect.

Rating of the best tea bags: top brands

Determination of the best varieties of tea is usually carried out with the help of scientific research, taking into account the opinions of professional experts and ordinary buyers (as, for example, in the popular TV program Control Purchase) and data from the Roskontrol organization that protects consumer rights.

The best black tea bags are:

And here are the names of green teas that have received the most recognition:

  • Greenfield Japanese Sencha - an olive-colored drink, the taste of which is sustained in classical traditions;
  • Lipton Classic Green - fast brewing, light, with tart notes;
  • Ahmad Green Tea is a delicious Chinese tea with no bitter aftertaste that pairs well with lemon.

In addition, experts gave an assessment to some other varieties that were not included in the rating. In their opinion:

It is interesting that the buyers' opinion did not at all coincide with the laboratory conclusion about the Maysky Tea brand: experts rated it highly, and this packaged variety seemed of little interest to ordinary consumers.

How to brew and drink

For example, hibiscus as a diuretic or with ginger - for those who are going to lose weight with the help of this drink or protect their body from infections during the cold season.

In any case, tea bags per day, you can consume no more than five mugs.

There are also some rules to follow:

Are tea bags bad for your health?

Since tea bags are not the most ideal raw materials, they can cause health problems.

In old leaves and twigs, for example, a large amount of fluorine accumulates.

Tea, in which the concentration of this substance is several times higher than normal, can cause:

  • joint diseases;
  • bone spurs;
  • osteoporosis;
  • decrease in the strength of the teeth;
  • fusion of the vertebrae;
  • kidney disease.

Due to various artificial additives in tea, people may experience allergies, heartburn, and dermatitis.

The fastest and most painful reaction (up to anaphylactic shock) is in children, asthmatics, and allergy sufferers.

Does it cause cancer and infertility?

Doctors exaggerate the harmfulness of tea bags or not, but you need to listen to their opinion.

They believe that the main danger is fraught with a paper bag, or rather the chlorine used to bleach it, and the substance epichlorohydrin (used in agriculture as a pesticide), which is part of the paper.

Once in hot water, these substances become more active and can lead to such sad consequences as loss of immunity, infertility, and malignant tumors.

Synthetic flavors also play their negative role. containing toxic substances.

Shelf life

Tea, according to the results of research conducted by the Roskachestvo organization, was included in the list of products whose shelf life does not significantly affect the quality.

And one more “but”: loose leaf tea will withstand the “five-year plan” well, but packaged, it is desirable to store at home no longer than 1-1.5 years(even if the box says an expiration date of 3 years).

The fact is that the manufacturer indicates on the packaging only the date of packaging, and no one knows when the raw tea was prepared.

Do not drink expired tea because it accumulates the carcinogen aflatoxin.

The history of appearance, useful properties and contraindications, as well as find in this material.

Do you want to learn how to brew delicious Turkish coffee at home? Detailed instructions are in the publication.

It is difficult to argue with the experience accumulated over the millennia. Living in Western countries, we habitually drink tea every day, while in the East, tea has long been considered a source of health, happiness, as well as peace of mind and wisdom. More recently, various studies have been carried out in order to fully determine which tea is better and what are the health benefits of even one cup of tea in your daily diet. Some studies have shown that certain types of tea can prevent the occurrence of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, as well as promote weight loss, lower cholesterol levels and mental alertness. But what is the most valuable thing in tea? Undoubtedly, best tea not only great for your diet, but it also tastes amazing and comes in a huge variety of flavors with different caffeine content. Green, black, white, oolong, pu-erh - all these varieties of tea are obtained from the tea bush (Camellia), which grows in China, India and contains special antioxidants known as flavonoids. Herbal teas such as chamomile, echinacea, hibiscus, rooibos (herbal tea), and ginger tea are made from herbs, fruits, seeds, or roots that have lower concentrations of antioxidants and therefore their chemical compositions differ significantly. Herbal teas often have a sweet taste, while green or black teas can be too strong to drink without additional sweeteners. Natural products are a good choice to enhance the taste while maintaining the health benefits. Some products contain fruits such as Paradise Fruits by Jahncke or Healthy Natural Sweeteners from Fitday.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea is made from the herbaceous plant ginger. Its benefits include relieving nausea, reducing inflammation, improving circulation, reducing respiratory diseases, reducing stress, increasing fertility, and boosting the immune system. However, too much ginger tea can lead to side effects such as digestive problems or interrupted sleep.

Rooibos tea (herbal tea)

Rooibos (herbal tea) is the natural best tea with a sweet taste, made from the South African rooibos shrub. The leaves of the shrub are harvested, crushed and rolled, and then left to ferment and dry. This tea has always been used to treat headaches, insomnia, asthma, eczema, bone weakness, hypertension, allergies and premature aging. This tea does not contain caffeine and can be consumed at any time of the day.

Hibiscus tea

Echinacea itself is a plant that is used to make some medicines. It is used to activate chemicals in the body, to reduce inflammation and to stimulate the body's immune system. Echinacea is widely used to fight infections such as colds and other respiratory ailments. It is also used to combat migraines, indigestion, vertigo pain, snake bites, and some skin problems. Echinacea is native to North America and was used by the local Indian tribes of the Great Plains to make medicinal plants.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is made from the chamomile flower, a plant that has been used for centuries in folk and traditional medicine. Chamomile has calming properties and can positively influence sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, and stimulate the immune system. Antioxidants help prevent complications from diabetes, such as loss of vision, loss of nerve cells, and kidney damage. They can reduce the growth of cancer cells. The sixth line in the ranking of the most delicious and best teas in the world.

Puer tea

Pu-erh is a tea obtained by fermentation, the whole process includes fermentation and subsequent long-term storage or “aging” in humid conditions. The longer the pu-erh tea is steeped, the better it will taste. Pu-erh is made mainly in China, but is also popular in Taiwan. Tea has less caffeine than other teas, but is used to lower cholesterol levels, as it contains a small amount of the chemical lovastatin, which is not the case with other teas.

Oolong tea

Oolong is a partially fermented tea, while green is unfermented and black is fully fermented. It is used to concentrate the mind and improve mental alertness. Other health benefits include a reduced risk of cancer, tooth decay, osteoporosis, and heart disease. There are many varieties of oolong tea grown in China.

White tea

White tea is the least processed, compared to black and green; it has the highest level of antioxidants. White tea can reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, and heart disease. It is also used to relieve the symptoms of various diseases, promote recovery of the body by strengthening the circulatory and immune systems, strengthen bones, teeth and restore the skin. The third line in the list of the best and most useful teas in the world.

Black tea

Black tea is made from fermented tea leaves and is high in caffeine. Some studies have shown that black tea can protect the lungs from damage caused by cigarette smoke and also reduce the risk of stroke. This type of tea is widely used to increase mental activity, especially for learning, improving memory and information processing.

Green tea

The best and most delicious tea in the world. Steamed from tea leaves, green tea has the highest concentration of catechin (ECGC). It is a common antioxidant or flavonoid found in tea. ECGC and other antioxidants found in green tea are essential to prevent tumors in the bladder, breast, lung, stomach, pancreas, and reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. It also prevents clogged arteries, promotes fat burning, reduces stress, reduces the risk of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, and can reduce the risk of stroke and normalize cholesterol levels.

There is an opinion that you cannot buy good tea in an ordinary store. However, connoisseurs of the tea market are convinced of the opposite: you can find a quality drink on the shelves of a hypermarket. But how to choose it, so as not to be disappointed later? Do I need special secret knowledge to buy really tasty tea? Svetlana Veremetsko, the winner of the third tea championship of Belarus in 2017 in the category “Mastery of making tea” and a practicing coffee trainer, is helping us figure it out today. Together with her, we walked around the hypermarket, studied the assortment and opened several packages that we liked.

The higher the better

- You often hear the opinion that there is no good tea in hypermarkets,- says Svetlana. - And people invent some incredible schemes, they try to bring super tea from abroad. Or they are looking for specialized shops where tea, in their opinion, is somehow magical.

But the expert believes that loose "sorcerer's" tea is not much different from packaged store-bought tea.

- There are gourmets who prefer to consume only exclusives like Da Hong Pao. But such amateurs are at most two percent of the total number of consumers. Yes, and mega-gourmet varieties cost quite different money. The rest of the buyers just want to get a quality product at an affordable price.

In a good hypermarket, eyes widen from abundance. How not to get lost in this tea sea and choose a quality product? Do not open every package. But the expert says that much can be learned from external signs.

- The quality of tea primarily depends on the height at which the bush itself grows. The best tea is alpine. Due to specific conditions, its leaf grows slowly. And the smaller the leaf, the higher the concentration of nutrients in it, which means that the drink as a result is more saturated. In the low mountains, tea grows faster, so it is of lower quality and, accordingly, cheaper, but the concentration of substances in such raw materials is low. But it is precisely this that is purchased by manufacturers of a budget product.

Size matters?

- We believe that the best tea is large-leaf tea. But I will tell you a terrible secret: only Belarus, Russia and Ukraine think this way. This has been going on since the late 80s, when it was a large sheet that began to be imported to the USSR.

Another common stereotype: the worst tea is in bags. And the expert strongly disagrees with this. Such misconceptions arise due to ignorance of the features of tea production.

- During drying and fermentation, the leaf inevitably crumbles into particles of different sizes. And before packing, it is divided into fractions so that the tea leaves in the pack are approximately the same: the brewing speed depends on their size. A large sheet needs more time, a small one - less. Tea "dust" in bags is brewed almost instantly. But the size does not affect the quality, because it is the same tea.

Tea bags from the highlands can be more expensive and tastier than large-leaf tea made from lowland "burdocks". And despite the biased attitude of Belarusians towards the drink in bags, it accounts for 70% of sales in our market. Whatever one may say, but brewing it is much more convenient. For comparison, we buy two packs of tea bags from different brands. Both contain 25 bags, but one costs 4.32 rubles, and the second costs only 1.73.

I wonder what is the difference between tea bags and pyramids?

- There was a very curious story with the pyramids. Manufacturers began to pack large-leaf tea in bags, but faced consumer distrust: they say, it is not known what was actually put there. Then they came up with transparent nylon pyramids so that the buyer could see the contents. The taste of such tea also depends solely on the raw materials.

The packaging of tea is also different. The same product is packaged both in cardboard boxes and iron jars. What's the difference? What's better?

- It is more convenient to store tea in an iron can, and there it is better protected from moisture and foreign odors. And the difference in price arises from the cost of the tin itself. It's more like a gift.

But how to determine the quality of the sheet itself? Is price an indicator?

- It is, but only when we buy plain black or green tea without additives. It's relatively fair value for money.

Taste depends not only on raw materials: it is important to observe the conditions of storage and transportation. Now the bulk of the tea on the shelves of our stores is purchased in India and Ceylon, but packaged in Russia. Is this good or bad?

- It all depends on the manufacturer. A reputable company that values ​​its reputation complies with all conditions. The question is mostly economic: it is cheaper to pack in Russia.

But Svetlana herself prefers tea packaged directly in Ceylon. In her opinion, it preserves the taste and aroma better. Indeed, in Sri Lanka, many factories work "on wheels": in the morning they buy tea at an auction, and by the evening it is already in packs. And there is a lion with a sword on the product packed on the island. Permission to use this mark is granted by the Sri Lanka Tea Board. By the way, there are only four brands with this emblem left on the Belarusian market.

The smell of the smell of strife

Notice how many flavored and fruit teas are on sale. Some with very specific smells, like champagne or chocolate truffle.

- Flavors in tea have the right to exist: if the buyer likes it, then why not? The main thing is that the manufacturer uses a quality leaf, and does not try to cover up the lack of smell and taste of the tea itself with additives. Therefore, when choosing flavored tea, be sure to read the composition: according to GOST, the components are listed in descending order of their quantity. And if after tea in the list there is a flavor, and only then - pieces of an apple, then the drink will have more chemicals than fruits.

We randomly take green tea with mango flavor from the shelf: a vigorous smell hits the nose even through the packaging, knocking out the sense of smell for a while. It seems that the manufacturer has relied more on chemistry than on quality. A 100-gram pack of such a drink costs 4.59 rubles, which is not so little. For comparison: for such money you can buy an unpretentious, but good tea packaged in Ceylon.

- Chemistry gives out too fruity smell. Well, two pieces of dried strawberries cannot give a stunning aroma. Therefore, the natural smell is reinforced with flavorings. This is partly due to the peculiarities of consumer psychology. People believe that if tea is fruity, then it should smell like fruits. The same goes for jasmine tea. A real drink is obtained by impregnating the tea leaf with natural jasmine oil. And quite a few flowers are added to it - for beauty.

What the autopsy showed

First, let's compare tea bags. First difference: the more expensive product is placed in the package. The cheap ones are right in the box.

In budget tea, the rope is attached to the bag with an iron clip, which, according to the expert, is not good. “Why do we need extra iron in a cup?” But in more expensive tea, the rope is tied with an eco-friendly knot: this is done by a special machine. But a paper clip is easier and cheaper to install.

Now we open the bags and examine their contents.

- Please note: more expensive tea looks darker and more uniform. These are signs of a quality product.

The cheap one looks like a brown mass with fibers that come across in it and does not impress the expert. And the difference in taste will be noticeable.

On the left - cheap tea from a bag, on the right - more expensive

Now it's time for a mango-flavoured product. After opening the package, the smell instantly fills the whole room. The expert sorts through the contents, separating the tea from petals and cubes, declared as pineapple pieces. The diagnosis is disappointing: the tea is of poor quality. The tea leaves differ markedly in color and size, and this should not be the case in a good product.

Tea leaves vary in color and size

The second fragrant "patient" does not smell through the pack, but after opening the truffle spirit is felt very clearly. We disassemble the contents: cocoa beans and pieces of coconut flakes are added to the tea mass. The expert examines the sheet: a radically black color and increased brittleness. Conclusion: the product is stale and initially of low quality. Recall that it cost 4.59 rubles.

For comparison, we pour Ceylon tea with a lion on paper at 4 rubles per 100 g. The picture is completely different: the leaves are the same size, and the color is black with a bluish tint. And it smells like tea, not flavoring.

On the left - black tea with "truffle", on the right - black Ceylon without additives

- The product, though not the most expensive, but still very good.

But what does the best black tea we bought in the store look like? We open a 100-gram package, which cost us 9 rubles. The color and smell is good, but what are the light streaks on the leaves? These are tips - leaf buds. The more of them, the better the tea.

Expensive black tea with tips

We compare the appearance: at the top left - black flavored (4.69 rubles), on the right - Ceylon (3.82 rubles), at the bottom - Ceylon with tips (9 rubles)

- I will reveal another terrible secret: pure black or green tea is not the most profitable product, because it leaves no marketing loopholes. But with flavored ones, you can work “miracles”. For example, cocoa beans and coconut chips do nothing but increase mass. And we pay not only for tea, but also for cheaper decorative additives. And such a “soup set” costs more than an unpretentious, but “honest” Ceylon product.

Someone chooses cheap tea because quality is not so important to him. And there is a layer of buyers who are forced to put up with low quality for reasons of economy. But is this saving really that big?

-At first glance, there is a difference: buy 100 g of tea for 3 rubles or 9. But bad tea is consumed faster. You can check for yourself: measure out equal amounts of both teas by weight and brew in equal amounts of water. And you will immediately see the difference: the cheap one has a paler color and a weaker taste. Therefore, the benefit may be very insignificant.

Let's summarize our trip to the hypermarket:

  • ratio "price - quality» most clearly seen in tea without additives;
  • tea bags can be both very good and very average in quality;
  • flavored tea should not smell like a perfume factory;
  • petals, pieces of fruit and other inclusions do not add flavor and aroma, but increase the weight of the package;
  • the tea leaf in the pack must be uniform in color and size;
  • The quality of tea does not depend on the size of the leaf in the pack, but on the growing conditions.

The portal thanks Korona hypermarket for a wide range of teas and assistance in photography. news in your feed and on your phone! Follow us at

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