Watch the horoscope for this week Capricorn. Accurate horoscope for the week: Capricorn. Weekly financial horoscope for Capricorn

General horoscope for a week for Capricorn:

This week you may start to doubt yourself. Tuesday threatens to be an emotionally intense day, when you are better off as an observer. Closer to the weekend strength and energy will increase. You should think about your attitude towards people, you probably tend to demand too much. Someone who until recently seemed almost ideal, may find far from the best side of character. On weekends, try to protect yourself from unnecessary contacts and empty chatter.

love horoscope for a week for Capricorn:

Make a gift to your loved one. It may be modest, but significant. Love dates on Wednesday and Saturday will meet your expectations. However, try not to overdo it by expressing the ardor of your feelings.

Weekly career horoscope for Capricorn:

On Tuesday, it is undesirable to get involved in financial adventures, especially those that promise instant results, gains or fabulous profits. In the second half of the week, apathy and laziness seem to take over. So rest more and work less.

Weekly health horoscope for Capricorn:

This week you should be more careful about what you eat - not only the quality and freshness of the products, but also the way they are prepared. The stars strongly recommend that you give up everything canned, pickled and dried. Fruits and salad vegetables are best eaten raw, meat, fish, garnish - boiled or baked. Fried foods are not strictly forbidden - but if you want to feel more invigorated, limit it to the maximum.

General characteristics of the sign Capricorn

general characteristics

Capricorn is ruled by two planets: the gloomy and harsh Saturn, and the mysterious Uranus. People born under this sign combine exceptional passion and coldness, being endowed with intelligence, ambition and restrained self-control. You should not think that the Horned One is able to forgive you a mistake - he never forgives anything at all, both to himself and to those around him. Such a purposeful person knows exactly what he wants to achieve in his life, and is easily able to walk over corpses for his own fundamental goal. Even if one of these corpses will be his whole life, and he himself will have to limit himself in pleasures, working hard for a positive result. From the outside, Capricorns always look like icy, insensitive "blocks", but in their souls they are sensual, vulnerable, generous and touchingly shy. Horned can talentedly manage large teams, organize holidays, happily sharing life experience with those who need it. There is no need to expect any spontaneous actions and decisions from Capricorns: they always tend to carefully weigh everything, consider the consequences, being afraid to fail or make a reckless mistake. Even despite their isolation and detachment, the Horned Ones are excellent at communicating with people who, from the first minutes of communication, are imbued with deep respect and sympathy for them. A developed intellect is very characteristic of representatives of this sign - they love to read books, "eating" literature of various kinds, drawing from there Interesting Facts and ideas. For this reason, Capricorns are highly likely to become highly qualified specialists in any industry.


It can be said for sure that everything is in perfect order with the health and spiritual strength of the Horned Ones, although they often look physically frail and weak. The main problems haunt them with the skin, so its condition must certainly be monitored. Fragile and thin bones are the cause of frequent fractures and complications with the musculoskeletal system. Capricorns would do well to monitor their diet, making it more varied and healthy, get out into the fresh air more often and get as much sunlight as possible. Cold, dampness and rainy weather are not very good for the health of the children of Saturn and Uranus.

Capricorns tend to get younger and prettier as they grow older: in their mature years they become more open and less insecure. A distant, almost invisible, connection with instincts at first makes them cautious in communicating with others. Each of the Horned Ones is terrified of losing something important in his life and feeling heartache. In this regard, they would rather choose a life without any pleasure at all, but with a complete absence of suffering and torment, than a bright and rich existence with a high probability of being disappointed. Only now Capricorns are constantly trying to cope with their inner passions, hiding torment behind an icy mask of equanimity. Due to the constant mental imbalance, their nervous system is prone to breakdowns in various manifestations. Some Capricorns try to fill the spiritual emptiness with a thirst for possession by collecting items, while others succumb to nervous oddities, leaving their own egoism, loneliness and greed to oblivion. Some of them put up with the fact that they are doomed to be forever unhappy and lonely, presenting their awareness with pride, they say, this is the proof of their exceptional spiritual wealth. They can quite pretend to be good-natured, skillfully disguising tediousness and bile under the guise of complacency. For the Horned Ones, it will not be a problem to live one year up to 50. In old age, their character changes dramatically, and they succumb to any impulse that struck their imagination, without rejecting any of them. Men under the sign of Capricorn tend to be cynical about the weaker sex, preferring to live as a bachelor. If they still want to find a life partner, they want to see her reliable, honest and sincere. They are quite mercantile, so they are looking for the one that is older and richer. It is important for them that she not be capricious and be an excellent hostess, take care of money and be calm. There can be no scandals in their family, just like divorces. If there is an affair with another passion on the part of the husband, the wife will remain forever in good ignorance. It is typical for women under this sign to be callous and tough. They hate to take care of the housework, more eager to achieve success in their own careers - she doesn’t really want to bask in the gentle hands of a gentleman. These ladies enter into marriage exclusively by calculation, fleeing from social and financial problems. Some representatives of Capricorns want to be loved, considering themselves attractive enough for this. In general, suffering rarely touches the souls of the Horned Ones: they can be calm spouses, easily put up with disappointments and failures. Each of the Capricorns follows his blind principle of not giving in to emotions due to his weak connection with instincts.

And why not dedicate this day to Capricorn to himself, to his beloved? Think about it, how long have you been doing what you really want? Without looking back at someone else's opinion? Forgetting about time and business? Arrange yourself a day of disobedience, fulfill only your desires. The horoscope assures: on Monday it is possible. Recently, Capricorn could lose inner harmony due to chronic self-restraint. That is why on this day the main task of Capricorn is to make yourself happy! Do not deny yourself the amenities - dissolve in small pleasures!

Tuesday, March 31

A visionary and a dreamer woke up in Capricorn on Tuesday, and these guys will force his other incarnations to step aside. The main danger of this day is to go into fantasy with your head and lose touch with reality. No, the horoscope does not dissuade Capricorn from dreaming at all, but only advises trying to implement ideas, because some of them are very good. Otherwise, a lot of energy on Tuesday will be wasted. In addition, your brain should be occupied with something positive - you should not spend creative energy thinking about plans for revenge or treacherously capturing a “warm place”.

Wednesday, April 1

It is possible that Capricorn's mission on Wednesday is to bring someone to clean water. Perhaps the case concerns an innocent childish prank, or maybe we are talking about a serious deception or fraud. In any case, on this day, the horoscope invites Capricorn to listen carefully to their intuition and critically comprehend all incoming information. It is possible that on Wednesday Capricorn will be offered to become a judge in someone's dispute. Well, it will be necessary to help and try to find out the truth, while trying to maintain good relations with both parties.

Thursday, April 2

Capricorn on Thursday needs empathy, and therefore he is shown meetings with friends and parties, joint cultural trips and travel. The soul of Capricorn craves bright positive impressions; without them, his mood jumps like a hare in a spring meadow. The horoscope encourages him to please himself and others: with delicious food, compliments, jokes, gifts and smiles. Having got on the right wave on Thursday and properly organized his loved ones, Capricorn will get a lot of pleasure from communicating with people dear to his heart.

Friday, April 3

The main motto of Capricorn on Friday is: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself!”. Good luck will surely find you on this day, however, only if you go in her direction. The horoscope warns: on Friday, Capricorn is more prone to idle talk and even complaints about his hard lot than to active actions, and therefore runs the risk of being left with a nose, missing some opportunity. Try to give up reflections, regrets and doubts, forget about the previous negative experience, and break through the barrier that stands in your way to what (or whom) you dream of!

Saturday, April 4

If on Saturday Capricorn is overcome by an inhuman desire to chat from morning to night, the horoscope does not advise restraining one's own speech activity: on this day, the language will bring you to Kyiv. The danger comes only from overly open communication with unfamiliar people, which is why in conversations and general chats there should be a minimum of intimate details, a maximum of reasoning about nature and weather. Capricorn on Saturday can inspire with its positive, so give people smiles and hope! But without going into intimate details.

Sunday, April 5

To achieve their goals, Capricorn on this day should give up active actions and go with the flow. Imagine that you are a birthday person on Sunday, and let others take care of you, and for yourself take the role of a grateful recipient of gifts and attention. The horoscope advises Capricorn to give up shyness and directly tell people how they can be useful to him. Yes, this is not accepted, but on Sunday it works. Well, it will help Capricorn to dominate and conquer the increased charm and ability to make a compliment in time.

On Monday, Capricorn is very likely to have to reconsider his opinion about some person, event or problem. He can do this without even wanting to: just the situation will throw him new facts that he will have to reckon with. So that this does not unsettle Capricorn for the whole day, the stars of the horoscope advise him on Monday to be prepared for unexpected information and the need to be flexible in some matter.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

On Tuesday, Capricorn will be able to fully enjoy every minute! Distracted from business, he plunges into the "here" and "now". On this day, Capricorn is not in a hurry - he is in harmony with the world and will be able to fully experience what real feelings and real life are. Even urgent matters are unlikely to bring Capricorn out of a contemplative, meditative mood on Tuesday - most likely, Capricorn will find a way to put them off.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

On Wednesday, Capricorn will be a real maximalist! He will want certainty in everything - even in where it cannot be in sight. Thanks to this attitude, Capricorn will be easier than usual to make decisions, but they will be too categorical and one-sided. In order not to break firewood into the environment and not quarrel with others, Capricorn should be gentler with people. And most importantly - do not divide everything around into "black" and "white", remembering that there are other colors.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

On Thursday, the mood of Capricorn can be stormy, showing either “minus” or “plus”. Anger, joy, sadness, indifference, benevolence, unexpected sympathy - any colors and shades of emotions on Thursday can change with unprecedented speed. Some of them will be caused by external events, others - by the experiences of Capricorn himself. In order not to become an obedient toy of their own feelings, Capricorn on Thursday needs to control emotions. Well, or at least try.

Friday, April 3, 2020

On Friday, Capricorn will be able to use his abilities to manipulate others! These can be both direct methods of pressure - such as a dispute, an order, etc., as well as secret strings that Capricorn is able to gradually pull in order to get the result he needs. In the end, Capricorn will get what he aspires to, but it will take so much time and effort that his victory is unlikely to make him very happy.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

On Saturday, Capricorn will be able to attract the attention of anyone! This applies to both romantic acquaintances and business relationships. He will feel a surge of energy and strength, forcing him to behave defiantly, provoking others at every opportunity. Not surprisingly, many will not like this, so there is potential for conflict in today's Capricorn agenda. But people of the opposite sex will be attracted to his self-confidence. The stars of the horoscope advise Capricorn to spend their energy on love, and not on quarrels.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

On Sunday, it will not be easy for Capricorn to focus on everyday affairs - there are so many interesting things around! Because of his irresponsible attitude, in any work that requires attentiveness and patience from Capricorn, he is able to make mistake after mistake. If someone begins to put pressure on Capricorn, demanding that he fulfill his obligations, Capricorn is completely capable of rebelling, leaving everything behind! That is why the stars of the horoscope advise Capricorn on Sunday to do only what he himself is interested in - his other projects are still doomed to failure.

Lunar horoscope for tomorrow Capricorn

In terms of energy potential, this day is considered one of the most powerful in the entire calendar. This energy is huge, but the result depends on how it is used. It will either help to create something ingenious, or it will allow to destroy what was built for months. On this day, every minute is worth its weight in gold, it is forbidden to indulge in laziness and inaction.

On Monday, Capricorn is very likely to have to reconsider his opinion about some person, event or problem. He can do this without even wanting to: just the situation will throw him new facts that he will have to reckon with. So that this does not unsettle Capricorn for the whole day, the stars of the horoscope advise him on Monday to be prepared for unexpected information and the need to be flexible in some matter.

On Tuesday, Capricorn will be able to fully enjoy every minute! Distracted from business, he plunges into the "here" and "now". On this day, Capricorn is not in a hurry - he is in harmony with the world and will be able to fully experience what real feelings and real life are. Even urgent matters are unlikely to bring Capricorn out of a contemplative, meditative mood on Tuesday - most likely, Capricorn will find a way to put them off.

On Wednesday, Capricorn will be a real maximalist! He will want certainty in everything - even in where it cannot be in sight. Thanks to this attitude, Capricorn will be easier than usual to make decisions, but they will be too categorical and one-sided. In order not to break firewood into the environment and not quarrel with others, Capricorn should be gentler with people. And most importantly - do not divide everything around into "black" and "white", remembering that there are other colors.

On Thursday, the mood of Capricorn can be stormy, showing either “minus” or “plus”. Anger, joy, sadness, indifference, benevolence, unexpected sympathy - any colors and shades of emotions on Thursday can change with unprecedented speed. Some of them will be caused by external events, others - by the experiences of Capricorn himself. In order not to become an obedient toy of their own feelings, Capricorn on Thursday needs to control emotions. Well, or at least try.

On Friday, Capricorn will be able to use his abilities to manipulate others! These can be both direct methods of pressure - such as a dispute, an order, etc., as well as secret strings that Capricorn is able to gradually pull in order to get the result he needs. In the end, Capricorn will get what he aspires to, but it will take so much time and effort that his victory is unlikely to make him very happy.

On Saturday, Capricorn will be able to attract the attention of anyone! This applies to both romantic acquaintances and business relationships. He will feel a surge of energy and strength, forcing him to behave defiantly, provoking others at every opportunity. Not surprisingly, many will not like this, so there is potential for conflict in today's Capricorn agenda. But people of the opposite sex will be attracted to his self-confidence. The stars of the horoscope advise Capricorn to spend their energy on love, and not on quarrels.

On Sunday, it will not be easy for Capricorn to focus on everyday affairs - there are so many interesting things around! Because of his irresponsible attitude, in any work that requires attentiveness and patience from Capricorn, he is able to make mistake after mistake. If someone begins to put pressure on Capricorn, demanding that he fulfill his obligations, Capricorn is completely capable of rebelling, leaving everything behind! That is why the stars of the horoscope advise Capricorn on Sunday to do only what he himself is interested in - his other projects are still doomed to failure.

Horoscope for the current month - Capricorn (April)

My home is my castle” - this is your motto for the month. It is at home that you will feel great strength in yourself for exploits and accomplishments, it is there that your most brilliant ideas and plans will be born. Try to make sure that nothing overshadows your stay in your native walls.

Work: The Sun will spend the first and second decades of April in the 4th house of the horoscope, which means that the business that you have been doing in the previous weeks or months will come to an end.

There will be more free time - you can even afford to solve personal issues during the working day (but don't advertise it!). In general, this is a good time to take a short break: go on vacation or take a couple of days at your own expense.

The planet of energy Mars will cruise through the 2nd astrological field throughout April, drawing your attention to the financial side of life. Under his influence, many of you will look for additional sources of income and will definitely find them! However, the stars do not advise you to agree to any work: give preference to a case that arouses our interest. Otherwise, the money will get you too high a price.

On April 21, the Sun forms an unfavorable aspect to your patron Saturn. On this day, you can be loaded with burdensome responsibilities, forced to answer for other people's mistakes, put before a difficult choice. Do not plan any important matters on the 21st, refrain from any monetary transactions, and even more so, do not lend it: it is unlikely that you will ever be returned it.

Health: Take care of the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system during the period from April 1 to April 13, when the Sun forms a tense aspect to your sign. Do not overload your body with physical activity and food rich in cholesterol. Postpone traveling to warm countries, because against the background of the heat, you may experience tachycardia attacks and jumps in blood pressure. It is better to spend the indicated period in a calm, relaxed, home environment following a hypocholesterol diet.

The digestive system will be vulnerable on April 14 and 15, when your patron Saturn will interact with the Moon. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene, wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating. Eliminate spicy, fried and high-calorie foods from your diet. And, of course, give up the idea of ​​​​visiting a restaurant or other catering establishment, because the risk of poisoning is too high.

Try to master yoga or another oriental technique for healing the body, which Neptune, friendly in your sign, calls you to do from April 17 to April 30.

In the world: You will be especially charming and attractive in the first decade of the month, Venus promises, forming a harmonious aspect to your patron Saturn. This is a great time to make new acquaintances.

The period from 12 to 23 April will be tense. You may have difficulties in the process of buying movable property, processing important papers, passing tests, while learning something new. Similar problems will be caused by the influence of an unfavorably located Mercury. Double-check the incoming information, re-read the clauses of the contract several times. On April 23 or 24, when the friendly sign of Taurus is active, go shopping for decorative decorations for your home.

Auspicious days: 4.17, 29

Unfavorable days: 12.24

Capricorn love horoscope for today, tomorrow, a week and a month.

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