Useful properties of decoction of oats for humans. Oat decoction - medicinal properties and contraindications Oat drink benefit and harm

Oats benefits and harm to the body

What is oats and what are its uses

Oats are a plant. People use the grains (oats), the leaves and stem (oat straw), and the bran (the outer layer of whole oats) to make medicines.

Oat bran and whole oat grains are used for:

  • high blood pressure;
  • high cholesterol;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • digestive problems, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulosis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), diarrhea and constipation;
  • for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, cholelithiasis, colon cancer and stomach cancer.

People use oats for:

  • treatment of joint pain (rheumatism);
  • getting rid of fatigue;
  • getting rid of a fatigue-related condition called neurasthenia syndrome;
  • withdrawal from addiction to nicotine and drugs;
  • reducing high levels of uric acid, which can cause gout.

Oats are also used to relieve anxiety, arousal and stress; as well as to maintain a weak bladder and treat kidney diseases. It is also used for connective tissue disorders, skin disorders, fat redistribution syndrome, and as a tonic.

Oat straw is used to treat:

  • flu;
  • swine flu (H1N1);
  • cough
  • bladder diseases;
  • pain in the joints;
  • eye diseases;
  • frostbite;
  • gout;
  • a skin infection called impetigo.

Currently, oats are used to treat skin conditions such as:

  • dryness;
  • fat content;
  • weeping eczema;
  • contact dermatitis.

Oats are also applied to the skin for:

  • chickenpox;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • liver diseases;
  • and added to foot baths for chronically cold or tired feet.

In production, oats are included in some natural bath products and soaps.

Oats are also often used in muffins, granola, cookies and other baked goods.

Useful properties of oats

Here are 9 scientifically proven medicinal properties of oats.

1. Oats are incredibly nutritious

The nutritional composition of oats is well balanced. This cereal is a good source of carbohydrates, including the powerful beta-glucan. They also contain more protein and fat than most grains. Oats are rich in important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

100 grams of dry oats contain:

  • : 244% of RDI
  • Phosphorus: 52% of the RDI
  • : 43% of RDI
  • Copper: 31% of RDI
  • Iron: 25% of the RDI
  • Zinc: 25% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid): 14% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 50% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): 13% of the RDI
  • Smaller amounts of calcium, potassium, and vitamin B3 (niacin)

This amount of oats contains 66 g of carbohydrates, 16 g of protein, 7 g of fat and 10 g of fiber, for a total of 389 calories.

This means that oats are one of the most nutritious foods you can eat.


Oats are rich in carbohydrates and fiber, but also contain more protein and fat than most other grains. It is very rich in many vitamins and minerals.

2. Whole Oats Are Rich in Antioxidants, Including Aventramide

What are the benefits of oats? Whole oats contain a significant amount of beneficial plant compounds called polyphenols. Most notable is a unique group of antioxidants called aventhramide, which are found almost exclusively in oats.

Aventramide can help lower blood pressure levels by increasing nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide gas molecules help dilate blood vessels, resulting in better blood circulation. In addition, aventramide has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects.

Oats also contain ferulic acid, which is also an antioxidant.


Oats contain many powerful antioxidants, including aventhramide. These compounds can help lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation and itching.

3. Oats contain soluble fiber beta-glucan

Oats are high in beta-glucan, which is a type of soluble fiber. Beta-glucan is partially soluble in water and forms a thick gel-like solution in the intestines.

Here are the health benefits of beta-glucan dietary fiber:

  • reduce LDL and total cholesterol levels
  • reduce blood sugar and insulin response
  • increase the feeling of fullness in the stomach
  • increase the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract


Oats are rich in beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber that is very beneficial for human health. It also helps blood sugar, contributes to the normalization of intestinal microflora and increases the feeling of fullness in the stomach.

4. Oats Lower Cholesterol and Protect LDL Cholesterol from Oxidation

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. One of the main risk factors for developing heart and blood vessel disease is high blood cholesterol levels.

Many studies have shown that the beta-glucan in oats is effective in lowering both total cholesterol and "bad" LDL cholesterol. Beta-glucan can increase the excretion of cholesterol-rich bile, thereby lowering blood cholesterol levels.

The oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which occurs when it reacts with free radicals, is another important step in the development of heart disease. This leads to inflammation in the arteries, tissue damage, and can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

One study reports that the antioxidants in oats work together to prevent the oxidation of LDL.


Oats may reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering both total cholesterol and bad LDL cholesterol, and protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation.

Oatmeal cookies are also very beneficial for the human body.

5. Oats May Improve Blood Sugar Control

Type 2 diabetes is a common disease characterized by significantly elevated blood sugar levels. This is usually the result of decreased sensitivity to the hormone insulin.

Oats can help lower blood sugar, especially in people who are overweight or have type 2 diabetes. It may also improve insulin sensitivity. These effects are mainly attributed to the ability of beta-glucan to form a thick gel that delays gastric emptying and absorption of glucose into the blood.


Thanks to the soluble fiber beta-glucan, oats can improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels.

6. Oats for weight loss

Oatmeal can serve as more than just a delicious breakfast - it also fills the stomach very well. This can help you eat fewer calories and lose weight. By delaying the time it takes for your stomach to empty, the beta glucan in oatmeal can increase your feeling of fullness.

Beta-glucan may also promote the release of Peptide YY (PYY), a hormone produced in the gut, in response to food intake. This satiety hormone has been shown to lead to reduced calorie intake and may reduce the risk of obesity.


Oatmeal can help you lose weight by making you feel fuller. It does this by slowing down gastric emptying and increasing the production of the satiety hormone YY.

7. Crushed oats help in skin care

It is no coincidence that oats can be found in numerous skin care products. Manufacturers of these products often label finely ground oats as "colloidal oatmeal".

The FDA approved colloidal oatmeal as a skin protectant back in 2003. But in fact, oats have a long history of use as a remedy for itching and irritation in a variety of skin conditions. For example, oatmeal products can help relieve symptoms of eczema.

Note that the skin benefits of oats are only related to applying them to the skin, not eating them.


Colloidal oatmeal (finely ground oats) has long been used to treat dry and itchy skin. This remedy can help relieve the symptoms of various skin conditions, including eczema.

8. Oats reduce the risk of asthma in children

Asthma is the most common chronic disease in children. This is an inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract - the tubes through which air enters the lungs of a person and exits from there back.

While not all children have the same symptoms, many experience recurrent coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

Many researchers believe that early introduction of solid foods into the diet may increase the risk of asthma and other allergic diseases in a child. However, studies show that this is not the case for all foods. Early introduction of oats into the diet, for example, can actually have a protective effect.

One study reports that feeding oats to infants under 6 months of age is associated with a reduced risk of childhood asthma.


Some studies show that oats may help prevent asthma in children when fed to infants.

9. Oats Help Relieve Constipation

Older people often experience constipation, in the form of infrequent, irregular bowel movements. Laxatives are often used to relieve constipation in the elderly. However, although they are effective, they are also associated with weight loss and a reduced quality of life.

Research shows that oat bran, the fiber-rich outer layer of the grain, may help relieve constipation in older adults.

One study found that 30 elderly patients who consumed oat bran soup or dessert daily for 12 weeks improved overall well-being and symptoms of constipation.

Moreover, 59% of these patients were able to stop using laxatives after the 3-month study, while the total use of laxatives in the control group increased by 8%.


Research shows that oat bran can help relieve constipation in older adults, greatly reducing the need for laxatives.

How to include oats in your diet

You can enjoy oats in several ways.

The most popular way is to simply eat oatmeal for breakfast.

Here is a very simple oatmeal recipe:

  • 1/2 bowl rolled oats
  • 1 cup (250 ml) water or milk
  • A pinch of salt

Mix the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer oats, stirring occasionally until soft.

To make oatmeal tastier and more nutritious, you can add cinnamon, fruits, nuts, seeds, and/or natural oatmeal to it.

In addition, oats are often included in baked goods, muesli, granola, and bread.

While oats are naturally gluten-free, they are sometimes contaminated with gluten during the manufacturing process. This is because it can be harvested and processed using the same equipment as other cereals containing .

If you have or are sensitive to gluten, opt for oats that are certified gluten-free.


Oats can be a great addition to a healthy diet. It can be eaten as porridge for breakfast, as well as various oatmeal pastries.

Harm of oats

Oat bran is safe for most people, including pregnant and breastfeeding women. Their use can cause intestinal gas and bloating. To minimize side effects, start at a low dose and slowly increase to the desired amount. Your body will get used to the oat bran and the side effects will likely go away.

Applying oatmeal topical products to the skin can lead to irritation in some people.

Special precautions and warnings:

  • Difficulty swallowing food or chewing problems: If you have trouble swallowing (due to a stroke, for example), or if you have chewing problems due to missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures, it's best to avoid eating oats. Poorly chewed oats can cause intestinal blockage.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract, including the esophagus, stomach, and intestines: Avoid eating oat products. Digestive problems that can lengthen the time it takes for food to be digested can allow oats to block your intestines.

Oats are incredibly good for you

  • Oats are an incredibly nutritious food containing important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In addition, it is high in fiber and protein compared to other cereals.
  • Oats contain some unique compounds, notably a soluble protein called beta-glucan and an antioxidant called aventhramide.
  • The benefits of oats for humans include lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels, protecting against skin irritation, and reducing the symptoms of constipation.
  • In addition, oats are very good for weight loss, as eating them promotes a feeling of satiety for a long time.
  • After all, oats are one of the healthiest foods you can consume on a daily basis.

If you already have experience in the treatment of various diseases and conditions with oats, or you have noted a positive effect on your body from the use of this product, please share your experience by leaving a review below in the comment form. Your experience may be useful to other people.

Many people have already convinced themselves of the beneficial properties of medicinal oatmeal broth from their personal experience. For many years it has been actively used in folk medicine, and its popularity continues today. It is used as an alternative to chemical medicines. So what are the properties of this decoction?


He really has a lot of useful properties. But it is important to remember that the benefits and harms of oat decoction apply depending on the amount of product consumed and the state of your body. At the reception, everything is individual. But it is recommended by herbalists even for small children. Starting from the age of six months, you can give a decoction to babies (but in smaller quantities than an adult, it is more accurate to check with the pediatrician who deals with the child).

Main useful properties:

  • Active restoration of the digestive system, the reception can be carried out with gastric diseases such as gastritis, peptic ulcer and others.
  • The removal of toxic substances from the body is accelerated, it can be taken even with liver diseases in order to facilitate the task of the damaged organ.
  • Lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, improving the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system.
  • Normalization of sleep cycles, putting the nervous system in order.
  • Increasing the tone of the whole organism.
  • Strengthening immunity and the fight against viral and colds in the initial stages.
  • Removing sputum and helping the body with cough during colds seasonal diseases.
  • Normalization of sugar levels in the body, making it easier for diabetics to control it.
  • Acceleration of metabolism due to the intake of essential vitamins, minerals and elements in sufficient quantities is suitable even for those who are losing weight and suffering from obesity.
  • Reduces physical cravings for nicotine, can be a lifesaver for a person who dreams of quitting smoking.
  • Reduces sweating of the feet, helps with a variety of eczema (can be used not only internally, but also externally).
  • It has a positive effect on the general condition of hair, skin and nails. Growth and regeneration will not accelerate, but a fashionable healthy glow will definitely give!
  • Useful for arthritis, urolithiasis, a number of diseases of other internal systems.

A drink can replace water or a glass of juice if you are on a diet. True, experts do not recommend drinking it all day. Do not exceed the recommended dose of one glass per day to lose as much weight as possible. He himself will leave when, with the help of a decoction, material metabolism is normalized.

But this drink will be a great help not only for ardent fans of healthy eating and actively losing weight. It is recommended to take it for diseases of the gastric system, liver, cardiovascular system, diabetes and even the simplest seasonal cold. It is also recommended to drink it for those people who suffer from constant exposure to stress, are faced with depressive conditions and sleep problems. Can't fall asleep for a long time and get exhausted faster? Try drinking a course of oatmeal to improve the functioning of the nervous system. Sleep will be strengthened, you will be less tired, the effect of stress on the body will decrease significantly. Of course, if you do not have individual contraindications.

Another advantage of the decoction is its naturalness. After all, it is prepared at home, it will not work to buy it at a pharmacy or the nearest supermarket. It does not contain any chemical impurities, the safety of which you will not be sure. An exceptionally natural remedy is also vegan (if you do not cook it with milk), and it belongs to the diet. So, suitable for almost everyone, regardless of age.


A negative effect on the body when taking oatmeal can also occur. The drink can provide not only useful properties, but also:

  • allergic reactions in case there is an individual intolerance to oats;
  • complications of diseases associated with the kidneys;
  • in the presence of diseases of the gallbladder, complications can also be caused;
  • an increase in acidity, which can negatively affect patients already suffering from it.

Yes, and excessive consumption of the drink will not lead to positive effects, but will cause negative ones. Therefore, the first step is to strictly take into account the maximum dosage (one glass per day, no more). If the condition worsens after the start of taking the remedy, be sure to consult a doctor, it is possible that you have an undiagnosed disease or increased acidity, which may be a contraindication to taking. And in general, before starting a course of folk remedies, it is recommended to check with a specialist if there are any individual contraindications.


Contraindications to the use of the drink include:

  • increased acidity;
  • individual intolerance to oats;
  • various diseases of the gallbladder;
  • kidney disease;
  • children's age up to six months.

If you are not entirely sure that you do not have intolerance or some disease from the list of contraindications, contact a specialist and undergo an examination so as not to aggravate your condition if something happens. If the conditions are not acute and the doctor does not see anything criminal at the beginning of the intake, you just need to be careful and monitor all changes in the body, in which case you should immediately stop using it. Useful properties can be useful in the above diseases, if taken in reasonable quantities.

Composition (vitamins and minerals)

The vitamin and mineral composition of the drink is based on the composition of the grain itself. And the oats themselves are rich in numerous vitamins and elements necessary for health.

Calorie content is 316 kcal per 100 grams of grain, there is a minimum amount of fat in it. The most saturated with carbohydrates and nutritious fibers. All the positive properties of the finished oatmeal decoction depend solely on its chemical composition. It can be supplemented with natural additives such as honey, rosehip infusion, elecampane and others.

How to cook

There are several ways to prepare oatmeal broth. Many fans of traditional medicine have their own options, which are complemented by some components. But there are also basic options that can be isolated and prepared at home from unpeeled grains. One of the easiest ways:

  1. Pour 200 grams of whole unpeeled grains with 1 liter of hot pre-boiled water (milk can also be used).
  2. Put on fire, wait until it boils, boil over full heat for about three minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and let stand for half an hour.
  4. Strain the resulting broth, removing whole grains from it.

Everything, the simplest version of oatmeal is ready. You can start taking. The average course of admission is 1-2 months, the duration is determined individually, depending on what the remedy is taken for. After one course, a mandatory break is made for a month. Then the course can be repeated. For a day, fans of traditional medicine are not advised to take more than one glass of ready-made broth. It can also be prepared separately for washing, rather than ingestion.

Some recommend boiling oats for three hours without changing the proportions (200 grams of grain per 1 liter of water or milk). It is believed that in this way it will collect more useful properties. But a lot depends on how much cooking time you have and whether you plan to use other additives. There are no clear boundaries here. So, if you decide to prepare a decoction aimed at improving the general condition and combating stress (within which the nervous system is strengthened), you can use the following recipe with honey:

  • Pour 1 cup of oats with 1 liter of boiled water.
  • Boil on fire until the jelly is formed in consistency.
  • Strain.
  • Mix with milk in equal proportions.
  • Again put on fire for 5-10 minutes.
  • Cool, add 3 tablespoons of natural honey without additives to the resulting mixture.
  • Drink warm three times a day, 200 ml (about one glass).

The course of use is a month or two, depending on the state of your body. At the same time, not only the general condition will improve and mood will increase, but immunity will also strengthen. You can give such a mixture even to small children, who will also benefit from its beneficial properties.


It is best to store the finished broth in the refrigerator. Do not leave it on a windowsill in the sun or where small children or pets can reach it. But it is also not recommended to clean it in the freezer. The best option is the middle shelves of the main chamber of the refrigerator. Before use, it is better to get it in advance so that it reaches at least room temperature. Drinking completely cold is not the best solution, even with such a useful product as ready-made oatmeal.

You can carry a warm decoction with you in a thermos if you plan to drink it throughout the day. First, it must be quickly warmed up and cooled down a bit. Drinking too hot will also not be welcomed by your body.

How to choose

To prepare a decoction, it is necessary to choose exclusively whole grains, unpeeled. They should be strong, not crushed. Water must be boiled before pouring grains. And milk to choose, if you want to use it instead of water, is fresh and best of all - 100% natural, from private sellers, and not in a store box that you are not sure about.

What is combined with

A simple oatmeal decoction with honey goes well. If you don't like how it tastes, just add some honey to it. The main thing is not sugar. Yes, and other sweeteners do not go well with the decoction.

Various useful components can be added to the decoction, depending on your needs. To increase immunity and prevent colds, you can add a little onion juice there. This will not improve the taste exactly, but it will increase the positive effect on the body. Vodka will not improve it either, but it can also be used in the preparation of drops that help with insomnia and exhaustion.

You can mix oats in the composition of the drink with raisins. Also, an infusion of wild rose or elecampane is added to it. You can also add hawthorn tincture. And a decoction can be made not only with oat grains, but also with the addition of rye or barley grains to them. Supplements will depend on what you specifically want to achieve from taking the remedy. In such cases, it will be necessary to take into account individual contraindications for them, so as not to harm the body.

The benefits of oats were discovered in ancient times, when oats were used to make cereals and were a favorite cereal for making medicinal decoctions and infusions. Oats really contain a huge benefit, which is used today for medicinal purposes. Oats are considered one of the healthiest grains. Everyone's favorite oatmeal is prepared from it, which is considered a very useful product for the intestines. But the beneficial properties of oats are not limited to this. Oats contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are essential for health and well-being. Along with the benefits, there is an opinion that oats can harm the body, and this harm is especially dangerous in the presence of chronic diseases, but this fact has not been confirmed. But there are many positive reviews about cereal-based folk remedies.

So a decoction and infusion on cereals are in great demand in alternative medicine and are used for both external and internal treatment. Self-medication is a shaky system of healing. This is due to the fact that the wrong dosage or abuse of a folk remedy, even on the most useful component, can be harmful to health, which is why many do not believe in the effectiveness of a decoction or infusion, but if you prepare the remedy correctly, it can help get rid of the violation no worse than expensive ones. medicines. Oats, on the other hand, are a storehouse of nutrients, so if you are still suffering from any diseases, then you should pay attention to oats and folk remedies based on it.

Oats, or rather a decoction based on it, contains a large amount of nutrients that are well absorbed by the body. The beneficial properties that oats themselves and the decoction on it have can be used to treat various pathologies. The beneficial properties of oats are stored in it for a long time, so you can use oatmeal products at any time of the year if you make the preparation correctly. Best of all, useful properties are retained by grains that are not peeled from the top husk. So the grains retain all their useful properties, do not absorb excess moisture and do not deteriorate. Useful properties are not only oats, but also any products based on it, therefore, if the cereal itself is not to your liking, you can make a decoction or infusion from it, which will be no less useful. What are its beneficial properties?

  1. Envelops the walls of the intestines. Oats contain beta-glucan and fiber, which allow it to turn into a porridge-like mass in the stomach, gently enveloping the mucosa. Such properties of cereal are used for gastritis and ulcers to relieve symptoms and accelerate the healing of damaged tissues.
  2. Reduces blood sugar levels. Oats, like a sponge, absorb excess sugar, and the insulin contained in it is absorbed by the body.
  3. Cleanses from toxins and toxins. Together with the enveloping property, oats have a cleansing effect. It absorbs toxins and toxins, removing them from the body.
  4. Relieves nervous tension. Oats contain a large amount of vitamin B, which contributes to the normalization of the state of the nervous system, prevents stress, the development of depression and improves sleep.
  5. Promotes the restoration of tissues and muscles. Oats are perfectly absorbed by the body and contribute to the growth of muscle mass. Oats help speed recovery from fractures, sprains, and tissue damage by promoting faster healing.
  6. Improves digestion. Oats have a viscous structure that normalizes digestion and promotes the complete absorption of nutrients.
  7. Promotes weight loss. Oats help to get the necessary vitamins and minerals for a complete diet and have an enveloping effect, filling the entire stomach, helping to reduce appetite. Oats are often included in the diet also because they help cleanse the body and speed up metabolism.
  8. Normalizes the work of the heart. Oats contain a large amount of magnesium, which strengthens blood vessels and normalizes the functioning of the heart.
  9. Improves brain function. Oats contain various substances that have a positive effect on brain function and improve memory, attention and thinking.
  10. Improves the functioning of internal organs. Oats help to establish the work of all functional systems, so its regular intake improves the functioning of internal organs and reduces the risk of developing diseases.

Useful properties of oats for the body

The beneficial properties of cereal make it indispensable for daily intake. Despite the fact that oat flakes are made from whole grains, they are less useful than the cereal itself, as they undergo heat treatment and pressing. If you make a decoction and infusion based on cereal, then you can save all its benefits and use it for medicinal purposes.

About grape seeds and their health benefits

Harm of oats

Cereal brings particular harm to the body due to the content of phytin. This substance is necessary for grains to germinate, so phytin has a strong effect on a living organism, which is the reason for its harm.

The main harm from cereal is due to the action of phytin on beneficial trace elements. It binds them and prevents them from being absorbed, and the lack of useful substances harms the body.

Some people do not tolerate phytin well, so its consumption is harmful to their health and has potential dangers. With increased acidity, grains can harm the stomach, so there are contraindications for taking them for gastritis and ulcers. There are also contraindications for taking cereal in the presence of:

  • diseases of the gallbladder;
  • liver diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • stones in the bladder.

Oats can harm people with gastritis

To avoid side effects, you need to properly take the cereal and products based on it. You can drink decoctions and infusions on oats in the absence of contraindications.

Broth on oats

A decoction is considered a useful tool that contains all the properties of cereal and has a large spectrum of action. You can cook a decoction according to different recipes, the main thing is that it retains all its beneficial properties. You can make a decoction of whole grains or sprouted sprouts. To germinate grains, you need to pour a small amount of grains into the bottom of the dish and pour water. Put gauze on top and moisten it again as the gauze dries. Hold the grains for 2-3 days and use the sprouts to make a decoction.

The most undesirable thing in oats is phytin. You can get rid of it if you soak the grains overnight in boiling water, and preferably in milk. The grains will give up this substance and absorb some moisture, so it will take less time to prepare the medicine. Many are interested in which grains to take: peeled or with husks. Grains with husks are more useful, so it is better to take them for making a decoction.

A decoction of oats can be drunk throughout the day for preventive purposes.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take 300 grams of grains and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Cook for 3-4 hours over low heat. Then the broth must be set aside, wrapped in a blanket and insisted overnight. Before you drink the broth, you need to strain. You need to drink a decoction of 250 ml. 2 times a day. The decoction can not only be drunk, but also used for making lotions, washing wounds, washing and rinsing hair. The decoction can be drunk for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Before you start drinking a decoction, you need to consult a specialist.

Concentrated infusion is best diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:1. You can use oatmeal to rinse your mouth, to strengthen tooth enamel and gums. The duration of the course can be adjusted after consulting a doctor.

Oats are a very useful cereal that has served people as both food and medicine since ancient times. A decoction of oat grains is a natural remedy that is used as an addition to the main therapy for serious diseases. It is useful for the functioning of the body, as it has a general strengthening effect and helps to cleanse it of toxins.

The benefits of decoction of oats are difficult to overestimate, and this remedy is practically incapable of harming health: it can be taken even during pregnancy, and it is safe for children. What treats a decoction of oats, how to make it and how to take it correctly.

14 Health Benefits of Oat Decoction

  1. Cleanses the body

  2. Improves the functioning of the digestive system

    The wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect of oats helps to restore damaged mucosa, which is useful for the stomach and intestines with gastritis and peptic ulcer. Means from oats also stimulate peristalsis and help eliminate constipation.

  3. Stimulates metabolism

    Practically all micro and macro elements that make up unrefined oats are necessary for normal energy metabolism. The same function is performed by B and F vitamins, which promote fat burning and accelerate the processing of complex carbohydrates.

  4. Accelerates the excretion of fluid

  5. Increases immunity

    Iron zinc, F vitamins and various amino acids that make up oats stimulate the immune system, stop inflammation in the body and accelerate the healing of damaged tissues. The presence of silver is also important to increase immunity, which is a natural antibiotic and can destroy more than 600 types of bacteria.

  6. Reduces blood sugar levels

    Vitamins of group B influence the stabilization of sugar levels. In combination with magnesium, they prevent the development of complications in diabetes, and a complex of micro and macro elements is useful for the work of the pancreas and thyroid glands responsible for the production of insulin.

  7. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system

    Proteins and iron increase the level of hemoglobin, improving the ability of the blood to carry oxygen, while magnesium and F vitamins improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, removing excess stress from the heart muscle. An important role in this is played by elements that prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques and promote the rapid healing of vessel walls.

  8. Strengthens the nervous system

    A decoction of oats helps with stress, neurosis, depression, has a sedative effect and helps to normalize sleep. All of its rich chemical composition contributes to this, but copper and zinc are especially important: they are necessary for the formation of nerve sheaths, the destruction of which leads to disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.

  9. Restores liver cells

    Helping the body to get rid of accumulated toxins and normalizing metabolism, organic compounds and enzymes contained in oats facilitate the work of the liver, also providing it with building material for the regeneration of damaged cells. These beneficial properties of oats are used to improve the condition of hepatitis.

  10. Reduces the risk of cancer

  11. Improves appearance

    The general strengthening effect of oat decoction on the body helps to improve the condition of the outer shells: hair, skin, nails. The immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties of oats play an important role in this, since skin problems often occur against the background of inflammatory processes and the activity of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

  12. Improves the functioning of the upper respiratory tract

    A decoction of oats is used for coughs and asthma due to its enveloping and expectorant properties. In the case of a cold cough, remedies from this plant help eliminate its very cause, helping the body fight the disease. Its decoctions and infusions are also indicated for "smoker's cough" caused by irritation of the respiratory mucosa.

  13. Normalizes the work of the endocrine system

    Vitamins, organic acids, enzymes, micro and macro elements contained in oats normalize the functioning of the endocrine glands. At the same time, the hormonal balance is restored and the functioning of all body systems improves. These medicinal properties of oats are used for pancreatitis.

  14. Improves the functions of the reproductive system

    Oats are rich in substances useful for the reproductive function of men and women. It contains arginine and vitamin F, which improve spermogenesis, as well as magnesium and zinc, necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones, preventing miscarriages and preeclampsia. It is very useful for pregnant women due to the presence of chromium, which prevents the development of diabetes during the period of bearing a child.

How to prepare a medicinal decoction of oats, 5 recipes

In folk medicine, since ancient times, they have known about the benefits of oat decoction and use it to improve the condition of the whole organism. There are many ways to properly process oats to make a decoction to solve a particular problem:

How to drink, instructions for use

There is a misconception that the more decoction of oats you use in herbal medicine, the more useful it is. However, even for such a safe remedy, which has received a lot of positive feedback from doctors and representatives of traditional medicine, there are rules for use:

    To cleanse the liver, take 2 tablespoons of decoction daily before meals for a month.

    For the kidneys, they begin to drink a decoction in a glass a day, dividing the portion into two parts. Gradually increase the dosage to 3-4 glasses.

    With pancreatitis, it is necessary to drink half a glass of decoction for a month three times a day before meals.

    For prevention, the decoction is drunk three times a day, 100 ml for a month.

Children can be given a decoction with honey before meals, but only with the permission of the pediatrician. Remember that in the treatment of the liver and gallbladder, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the hypochondrium may occur.

Contraindications and restrictions

Decoction treatment is safe, and the only absolute contraindication to its use is individual intolerance. In case of an overdose, the remedy can cause headaches, so before using it is advisable to consult a doctor who will prescribe a suitable prescription.

Starting treatment with a decoction of oats, you need to get expert advice when:

    heart failure;

    renal failure;

    stones in the gallbladder.

The biochemical composition of this cereal crop determines its beneficial properties for the body:

  • Regular use of the decoction optimizes the functioning of the digestive system. Functions are restored and (oatmeal is indicated for pancreatitis and cirrhosis), ulcers on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines heal. The latter property is used to treat gastritis and.
  • B-group vitamins, with which oats are rich, beneficial affect the nervous system. The tone of the body increases, sleep normalizes.
  • A lot in broth and magnesium providing stable heart function. The tool is effective for both treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the composition of the blood is optimized, sugar is excreted and even lowered.
  • Useful oatmeal and especially if you drink it warm. To enhance the healing properties, it is recommended to add honey or onion juice.
  • Oats are one of the best diet foods. The ratio of nutrients and vitamins in the decoction of this cereal allows you to activate the metabolic process and get rid of excess fat.

Another amazing property of oats is the reduction of nicotine addiction. The use of a decoction will help even the most heavy smoker to get rid of addiction.

What harm can oatmeal broth cause to the body?

Compared with the benefits, contraindications to the use of oatmeal insignificant. However, like any drug, it has a number of limitations. First of all, it is about individual intolerance to the product. If the body does not absorb any components of the decoction, then it is not advisable to drink it.

Various pathologies of the gallbladder are also a reason to abandon the use of oatmeal broth as a healing drink. If gallstone disease is diagnosed, then the remedy will only aggravate the situation.

Besides, chemically treated(pesticides and insecticides) corn by itself unsafe for humans.

cooking recipes

To make oatmeal really useful, you need carefully follow the technology cooking and choosing ingredients. The grain must be of high quality, since seeds that are rotten or treated with poisonous compounds can cause serious harm to the body. Especially valuable unpeeled oats.

The benefits of the final product also depend on the quality of the water used to prepare the decoction. Desirable take filtered, purified water because tap water contains a large amount of chlorine and other reagents. If possible, make oatmeal broth for pure spring water, then the drink will turn out to be truly healing.

Option 1

Cook classic oatmeal You can use both water and milk. A liter of liquid will require at least 200 grams of oat grains, pre-washed. Bay of oats milk or water, bring the mixture to a boil and boil for about 2 minutes over low heat. Having removed the container with the broth from the stove, close it with a lid and give stand for at least half an hour.

After this time, strain the drink and take it daily before each meal (1 glass 3 times a day). Optimal a course of treatment such oatmeal broth - 2 months followed by a four-week break.

Option 2

Washed oats (1 cup) pour a liter of cold water and insist about 12 hours. Then boil the mixture and simmer on low heat at least half an hour. Let it brew again, as it should wrapping the container with a decoction or pouring it into a thermos (also for 12 hours). strained drink dilute with boiled water, bringing the volume to a liter, and take half a glass daily before, lunch and dinner. Recommended drink such a decoction at least a year, alternating two months of admission with monthly breaks.

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