Features of the development of the real sector of the Russian economy. The real sector of the economy What is the real sector of the economy

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The place of the real sector of the economy in the economic structure

The real sector of the economy is part of the regional economy, which includes:

Real sector of the economy

social (non-profitable): social sphere, scientific and educational complex, healthcare;

ensuring public safety (not profitable): incl.

It's unclear?

army, law and order, civil defense, etc.;

speculative (profitable): financial, banking and credit operations, stock market, trade and consumer market, real estate market, advertising, recruiting, etc.;

mass media;

sector of housing and communal services;

catering sector;

entertainment sector: leisure, sports, tourism and entertainment.

The real sector of the economy (definition) is an economic, legally undefined term denoting a set of small, medium, large (industrial) enterprises of the territory, whose activities are focused on the production of commercialized products and goods (serial and mass production of products, including buildings and structures, etc.), services (communications, telecommunications, transportation, transportation, etc.). As a result of the process of commercialization of products, a stable profit of these enterprises appears, from which taxes are paid steadily and the regional, state budget is formed.

Thus, RSE can be defined as a set of sectors of the economy that produce tangible and intangible products and services, with the exception of activities related to other sectors.

The real sector is the basis of the Russian economy, which determines its level and specialization. It is dominated by industries for the extraction of raw materials and fuel and the production of energy and materials. The fuel and energy complex, metallurgy, a significant part of chemistry, the timber industry complex, the defense industry and the industries serving them (pipeline and maritime transport) are oriented to the foreign market, while the rest of the industries are oriented to the domestic market.

The specifics of the real sector of the economy in Russia

As in other countries of the world, in Russia the real sector is the basis of the national economy, which determines its level and specialization. It employs the population and produces about the same part of GDP.

The real sector is represented by a wide range of industries. However, it is dominated by industries for the extraction of raw materials and fuel and the production of energy and materials. On the one hand, this is a consequence of natural resources, especially mineral resources, which allows Russia to actively use its natural competitive advantage. On the other hand, this is the result of the deindustrialization of Russia: the preservation or slight reduction of primary industries in the past two decades was accompanied, unlike in Soviet times, not by the growth of other (non-resource) industries, but by their strong decline. The commodities industries were better able to weather the catastrophe of the 1990s. and take more advantage of the rise of the early 2000s. due to the high demand of the world market for their products. The products of other branches of the Russian real sector are, for the most part, not competitive enough (although there are exceptions, especially the defense industry). Before the crisis of 2008-2010 output volumes in many sectors of the real sector were radically lower than before the reform, especially in mechanical engineering (the production of machinery and equipment reached only half of the pre-reform level).

As a result, the real sector remains split into two parts:

§ industries oriented to the external market - export-oriented (fuel and energy complex and metallurgy, a significant part of chemistry, timber industry and defense industry) and industries serving them (pipeline and maritime transport). This part of the real sector is not large in terms of the number of employees (about 5%), but it brings more than half of all profits in the country, thus providing the main part of the state budget revenues and a very significant part of solvent demand in the domestic market;

§ Industries oriented to the domestic market (all others). This part of the real sector is unprofitable due to its low competitiveness (except for trade and construction, which actively meet the internal demand of workers in the first sector), the incomes of its workers are therefore small, which determines the generally low domestic effective demand of the bulk of the population and enterprises in Russia.

This situation is typical of the "Dutch disease" with its redistribution of income and economic resources in favor of export-oriented raw material and service industries, as well as the substitution of local production with imports.

This disease does not affect all countries with large reserves of raw materials (there are many in the USA, Canada, Australia, Norway), but countries with imperfect economic and political institutions (bad governance), whose elite is not able to resist the "big money" from the export of raw materials and agrees postponing modernization and an active industrial policy (in Nigeria and Saudi Arabia, oil exports even slowed down economic growth, giving rise to the so-called resource curse).

The cure for the "Dutch disease" is active support for the manufacturing industry, especially the science-intensive one, but the Russian government has been little involved in industrial policy and only in recent years has turned to it more as part of the country's modernization strategy. Thus, the Concept-2020 identifies high-tech industries in which Russia has or claims to have serious competitive advantages - the aviation industry and engine building, the rocket and space industry, shipbuilding, the nuclear power industry, the radio-electronic industry, information and communication and medical technologies, as well as energy efficiency and energy saving.

The real sector of the Russian economy includes:

§ agro-industrial complex;

§ machine-building complex;

§ fuel and energy complex;

§ military-industrial complex.

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Real sector of the economy- a set of sectors of the economy that produce tangible and intangible goods and services, with the exception of financial, credit and exchange operations, which are related to the financial sector of the economy.

The term does not have a clear legal definition. Often used in political vocabulary and journalism without specifying the meaning. Many authors under the real sector mean only the sphere of material production and do not include services, trade, science.

The real sector of the economy (real production sector) is the sector in which the gross domestic product is created.


Includes industrial production, consisting of enterprises in the extractive and processing industries, agriculture, the provision of industrial, domestic and other services.

The basis of the real sector of the economy is the production of industrial and agricultural products. It is in the sphere of production that the producer interacts with nature, new material goods are created. The quantitative and qualitative development of the production sphere ensures the welfare of society, the growth of incomes of the population, creates a material basis for the development of education, health care, and culture.

The state of the real sector of the economy is influenced by:

The real sector of the economy in the former USSR after World War II went through several stages in its development. 1945-1950 - reorientation of industry from military production to peaceful rails (conversion); the period 1950-1970 was characterized by rapid and efficient economic development; 1971-1991 - relatively high, but fading rates of development. Since 1991, the process of transition to a market economy began, due to a slowdown in economic growth, the emergence of intersectoral disproportions, a drop in capital productivity, the efficiency of capital investments, and a high level of militarization of the economy of the former USSR. At the same time, the transition to a market system was accompanied by a number of structural, financial and systemic crises.

The state of the real sector of the economy is significantly affected by:

  • the state of the financial market and, first of all, the level of interest rates, which determines the ability of enterprises to resort to short-term and long-term bank loans to replenish working capital and make capital investments;
  • country's foreign trade balance;
  • the investment climate in the country, the availability of favorable conditions for investment, primarily direct;
  • state policy guaranteeing the rights of investors, providing opportunities for the repatriation of profits, creating conditions under which it is impossible to review the results of privatization;
  • the presence or absence of restrictions in foreign economic activity.

An adequate tax system is also necessary for the normal functioning of enterprises in the real sector of the economy.

Material from Toviki - Tomsk wiki

Real sector of the economy (abbr. - RSE) - phrase, term, related to theories of economics, actively used by politicians and economists in the period (tentatively) since 1998. wears rather propaganda, populist character, as a single or official unambiguous definition term no.

see also:

  • Department of the Real Sector of the Economy Administration of the Tomsk region. Address: 41, Kirov Ave., 4th floor. Directions: timber industry, investments, small and medium business, industrial enterprises.
  • Journal "Real Sector"(Tomsk, retired from 2007)

Meaning of the term

Analysis of publications allows you to get an idea of ​​the meaning of the term RSE.

On the whole, the document, inherently contradictory and variegated, speaks of the need to concentrate attention on industrial enterprises and economic sectors of the production of real products and services.

  • The term is used in the International Wikipedia in the article " Monetary-disequilibrium theory", However, it is also not defined, not deciphered. As of January 15, 2010, the Russian Wikipedia does not provide a definition of the term either. The meaning of the use of the term refers to the basic industry of territories, countries.
  • Internet portal "Glossary.ru" in the section "Definition of terms" (economics), gives such explanations:
    • A sector of the economy is a large part of the economy that has similar general characteristics, which makes it possible to separate it from other parts of the economy for theoretical or practical purposes.
      • According to the forms of management, there are private, state and other sectors of the economy.
      • According to the type of products produced primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy.
      • Real sector economics refers to the concept Manufacturing, (inter. - Real sector of economy). The real sector of the economy is the sector of the economy that is directly related to material production , receiving arrived and filling budget a. (Source: http://www.glossary.ru/cgi-bin/gl_sch2.cgi?R1dRlqzr9wong.o9)
  • The dictionary of terms used in Russian legislation tries to give an explanation, understanding of the phrase as follows (see on the Kodeks.Ru website):
  • Yandex. Dictionaries give a brief definition: Real sector of the economy- sectors of the economy that produce a tangible product, intangible forms of wealth and services, with the exception of operations in the financial, credit and exchange areas that are not related to this sector.

Terminological analysis

The key links of linguistic constructions of the above attempts at definition are:

  • economic theory;
  • economy (sector or part economies with similar characteristics);
  • subject production area;
  • an object political programs;
  • totality industrial (industrial) enterprises;
  • branches of material production;
  • sphere of production of intangible forms of wealth and services;
  • industries material production (mining, industry, communications, transport, agriculture, creation of software and hardware computer systems, sale of telecommunications and virtual reality services, etc.) as opposed to service industry(consulting, education, healthcare, sports, culture, advocacy, notaries, other services for business entities) as part of the economy of a territory, country;
  • real products and services, tangible product;
  • intangible forms of wealth and services budget-forming (with the exception of financial institutions and commodity stock exchange speculation);
  • manufacturing enterprises small and medium business, entrepreneurship;
  • basic industry territories;
  • material production;
  • shaper profit and budget;
  • RSE is part of the processes structural adjustment and economic growth as opposed to the processes of evolution speculative capital;
  • need capital investments, investments;
  • RSE does not include the social and public spheres of the territory.

Definition synthesis

Real sector of the economy(definition) - an economic, legally undefined term denoting a set of small, medium, large (industrial) enterprises of the territory, whose activities are focused on the production of commercialized products and goods (serial and mass production of products, including buildings and structures, etc.) , services (communications, telecommunications, transportation, transportation, etc.). As a result of the process of commercialization of products, a stable profit of these enterprises appears, from which taxes are paid steadily and the regional, state budget is formed.

Thus, RSE can be defined as a set of sectors of the economy that produce tangible and intangible products and services, with the exception of activities related to other sectors.

In addition to RSE, the regional economy consists of sectors:

  • social(non-profitable): social sphere, scientific and educational complex, healthcare;
  • ensuring public safety(non-profitable): incl. army, law and order, civil defense, etc.;
  • speculative(profitable): financial, banking and credit operations, stock market, trade and consumer market, real estate market, advertising, recruiting, etc.;
  • mass media;
  • sector of housing and communal services;
  • catering sector;
  • entertainment sector: leisure, sports, tourism and entertainment.

Structure of the Tomsk RSE

  • Industrial production (industrial enterprises and military-industrial complex enterprises), including:
    • Petrochemical industry (TNHK, etc.)
    • Chemical industry (TZRO, etc.)
    • Pharmaceutical industry (Virion, TCHF, etc.)
    • Electronics and electrical engineering (TZIA, TPZ, TRTZ, NIIPP, TETZ, etc.)
    • Mechanical engineering and metalworking (TEMZ, TIZ, Roltom, Manotom, etc.)
    • Building materials industry (TDSK, ZhBK-100, Quarry management, TZSMI, etc.)
  • Fuel and energy complex (except for the oil and gas industry)
  • High-tech (science-intensive and innovative) sector of the economy
  • Main pipelines - transportation
  • Transport: river, air, rail, road

The real sector of the economy is the totality of all branches of material and non-material production, with the exception of financial services. This is the classic definition in economics today. However, this term has many opponents.

Alternative definition

Of course, the financial sector of the economy is connected with the real one; without one, the existence of the other would hardly be possible. For example, how can you build a powerful plant without large financial investments? But still, in science, the separation of these two concepts does not cause controversy. However, the "real sector of the economy" is a term that is interpreted ambiguously by many financiers and bankers. The stumbling block is non-material production, i.e. service industries. Many are in favor of separating, say, the production of a product from consultation on its operation, since in the latter case, a physically tangible product is not actually created. Speaking in simple "kitchen language", then the real sector of the economy is the production of goods that you can hold in your hands. However, this point of view does not resonate with most politicians and economists.


The real sector of the economy is the sectors of the real production of goods (light industry, agriculture, etc.), infrastructure and the service sector (including the provision of financial services without real lending). Let's move on to industries.


The real sector of the economy is quite widely represented by various sectors of the economy. It is impossible to list everything within the framework of one article, but we will still name some:

  • Gas industry.
  • Coal industry.
  • agricultural sector.
  • Transport (this also includes the gas transportation system).
  • Peat industry.
  • Construction (production of materials and provision of services).
  • Food industry.
  • Culture, health care, education - as a rule, they are united by the concept of "non-material services", etc.

Features of the real sector of the Russian economy

The sectors of the Russian economy have their own characteristics:

  1. Lack of a public sector in agriculture.
  2. Dominance of extractive industries oriented to the world market.
  3. Dependence of the service sector on the domestic market.

Let's analyze each point in more detail.

The state left the agricultural sector

In our country, there is almost no public sector in agriculture. The state completely abandoned it after the collapse of the USSR and gave it to private farmers. Many continued to exist on the basis of the former state-farm-collective-farm system, changing only the economic form and modernizing production. Some farmers have begun their development along the American pattern of smallholder farming.

Russia on the "oil needle"

In Russia, for many decades, the dominance of industries for the extraction of raw materials and fuel oriented to the external market has been traced. Whatever politicians tell us about the need to get rid of the "oil needle", in fact, over the past decades, the dependence of the federal budget on the primary industries has only increased. This is due to the fact that since the beginning of the 2000s, prices for hydrocarbons and other resources have skyrocketed, which has had a negative impact on other sectors of the economy. In fact, the budget was overfilled with petrodollars, which led to high inflation and rising prices. This, in turn, did not allow the rest of the sectors of the Russian economy to develop, since all investments were invested in "fat industries" and also went to support social projects.

For a long time, the Russian authorities assured the population that the development of the sectors of the economy was going on in an integrated manner and that we were no longer dependent on gas and oil. But as soon as world prices for energy resources fell by half, a huge deficit immediately formed in the budget, which was covered by additional money emission. This, in turn, led to a fall in the Russian currency and a doubling of prices.

Emission and devaluation are additional tools that the state has in its hands. Salaries to state employees and pensions can be paid in the same amount and on time, but you can buy half as much with them in supermarkets. This is tantamount to halving salaries and pensions.

Orientation of the service sector to the domestic market

As noted above, the real sector of the economy also includes the service sector. In Russia, it is aimed at meeting the needs of the domestic consumer. Recent events have shown that this development model is far from ideal: sanctions, counter-sanctions, and the global energy crisis have hit domestic consumers. As a result, domestic demand declined, and no one was oriented to the foreign market. As a result, we got a huge crisis of the entire consumer services market. People began to clean themselves in their free time, to relax without compromising their personal budget, etc.

Public Sector Economics

The public sector refers primarily to the public sector. Those. the economy of the public sector is aimed at serving the interests of the whole society. Its main areas include:

  • provision of public goods;
  • redistribution of income and expenses through taxes, social sphere, etc.;
  • production and sale of goods and services for commercial purposes in state-owned enterprises.

The last point may raise questions from readers, so we will try to explain it. The fact is that profits from state-owned enterprises go entirely to the state budget. Now we are talking about how it should be in theory, without taking into account the corruption aspect of this issue. All profits do not go to the purchase of yachts, villas, expensive cars, but go to the development of healthcare, education, science, culture, i.e. brings public benefit. Therefore, profits from the commercial activities of state-owned enterprises are included in the category of the economy of the public sector (public sector).

Features of the public sector in Russia

We have already said a little about the fact that the state has completely abandoned agriculture. However, it did not refuse to participate in the economy. On the contrary, in recent years the share of the state in the economy has only been growing. As a rule, this manifests itself in the purchase of a controlling stake in the country's largest enterprises, on which the security of the entire society sometimes depends. These are the country's leading banks (Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank), the largest oil and gas producing enterprises (Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, etc.), defense and strategic enterprises (Russian Railways, Research Institute of Chemical Reagents and especially pure chemicals, etc.).

However, the public sector faces many challenges. The key ones are the lack of effective management and excessive bureaucracy. The public sector in the West, for example, was present for a long time only in advanced, unexplored sectors of the economy, in which ordinary investors were afraid to invest. The state there acted as a locomotive for the development of science and technology, showing new stages of development. In our country, on the contrary, the state allocates money to “tested areas” that do not have long-term development prospects.

The essence of the real sector of the economy

The economic system acts as a very vast sphere. In it, researchers and authors distinguish two large and most significant sectors: the real and financial sectors of the economy. In this article, we will pay special attention to the real sector of the economic system, which has developed today.

The real sector is also a structured entity. It includes several economic sectors at once, each of which deals with several types of products: tangible products and intangible ones.

Definition 1

That is, the real sector should mean not only the system of production of material goods, but also the sphere of direct provision of services.

This includes services of science and education, trade. It should be noted, however, that there are several exceptions. For example, financial and credit, as well as exchange transactions, which relate mainly to the financial economy, which acts as the opposite direction of the economic sphere considered in this paper.

In the real sector of the economic sphere, production, distribution, exchange and consumption are also carried out, which are the four fundamental economic development and satisfaction of the needs that arise in society. In contrast, in the financial sector, for example, only monetary relationships are realized between people as economic entities that form two aspects of the financial sector: the demand for certain goods and services and their subsequent consumption.

An important parameter is the possible monetization of the real sector. In this case, the entire economic system can be depicted as a complex circulation of products and services, and on the other hand, as the entire set of monetary resources located in this sector. The modern economy, however, slowly transformed into a monetary structure. It includes the following elements:

  • Realization of goods;
  • Providing the most important services.

Remark 1

Both aspects are accompanied by a financial component, and each transaction on the basis of the “purchase and sale” principle is carried out using the monetary and financial resources available to the given economic system.

Infrastructure of the real sector of the economy

Remark 2

The infrastructure of the real economy is the entire economic system, which includes material and commodity content, as well as a fairly extensive set of economic relations between the subjects of the real economy (primarily markets), where the principle of "purchase and sale" is implemented. The subjects have a very important mission - to create the most favorable conditions for the subsequent growth of the market system of the economy.

There are several types of real economy infrastructure. Firstly, it is a production infrastructure that combines the entire set of enterprises and companies that are engaged in the production, sale and further promotion of material products produced in the real economy (transport, industrial, trade and telecommunications companies, as well as some marketing operations).

Secondly, non-productive infrastructure, which includes organizations that do not produce material products. Also, they do not have any direct impact on the formation of the relationship between the buyer and the seller according to the "purchase and sale" system. Non-production infrastructure includes the following areas:

  1. Scientific organizations and companies that contribute to the development and further promotion of innovative ideas, new equipment and technologies that affect the production of goods and services and are introduced into people's daily lives;
  2. State structures aimed at regulating the order of the formation of relationships. They perform this activity through the adoption of laws and other regulatory legal acts;
  3. Certain social organizations that provide a variety of services to various segments of the population (educational, medical, educational and cultural services). These services are able to create new needs in society, which leads to an increase in demand. These processes become a kind of sign for producers who increase the production of goods and services in accordance with the data on the needs of society.

Branches of the real sector of the economy

As we have pointed out earlier, the real economy acts as a very structured economic entity. In this regard, we are faced with the need to identify the main industries that play an important role in the daily life of a person and individual social groups. Firstly, this is the energy sector, which includes the production and further gradual sale of electricity in accordance with the needs of the population.

Secondly, one of the most important is the food industry - food production. Without daily food intake, a person will not be able to replenish their energy, which will lead to dehydration and the inability to physically perform some functions. Therefore, today manufacturers offer people a huge wide range of products to satisfy the needs and desires of absolutely any person, taking into account his preferences, physical characteristics and health status.

Thirdly, the oil industry, which consists of oil production and oil refining. Today, oil is one of the most expensive resources, and its quantity, as well as the level of imports, speaks of the internal well-being of the state. This also includes the level of resources in the industrial and construction sector, which determines the production of materials and construction services that an organization can provide. It is also worth noting the gas industry (gas production and gas supply to the population and allied countries with which agreements have been concluded).

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