Major food groups. Classification of natural foods. Distribution of food products by commodity groups

Classification is the distribution of many objects, phenomena into groups and categories, each of which has a certain set of features. Dividing food into subgroups makes it possible to study the whole wide range, carry out analysis, accounting, properly organize the storage and sale of goods, the delivery of food to restaurants.

Signs of food classification

There are several classifications of food products. Each of them is based on some classification feature, for example: educational, industrial, biological, commercial etc. Also, the following signs can be taken as a basis:

  • origin of goods- in this case, the goods are divided into products of plant, animal and mineral origin;
  • raw material processing degree- products are divided into semi-finished products, into raw and finished products;
  • by appointment- for taste and food;
  • chemical composition: well-known proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals;

Nevertheless, for the restaurant business and public catering establishments, the most popular classification of food products remains educational. Let's consider it in more detail.

Educational food classification

According to this division, products are classified into nine different groups:

1. Grain and flour products

Flour of all varieties, grains, cereals and products from them, pasta and bakery products). The distinguishing feature of these products is high content of carbohydrates.

2. Fruit and vegetable products

These include fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and berries, as well as their processed products - canned food, pickles, etc. The distinguishing features of this group are low energy value and at the same time pronounced taste qualities. According to the content of various substances in the composition, this group is distinguished by an increased content of natural sugars, minerals, vitamins and healthy dietary fibers.

3. Taste products

This group of products, based on its name, is designed to act through taste buds organism on the human nervous and digestive systems. The main active ingredients that make up the products of this group are caffeine, essential oils, alcohol components, vanilla. These products include tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages. Sweet and spicy spices and spices are especially distinguished, which cause a variety of taste sensations.

4. Starch, sugar, honey and confectionery

They also have high taste characteristics, but their difference from the previous group lies in high content of carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed by the body, that is, they have nutritional properties, but do not participate in other important life processes. So, these products include sweets and confectionery, sweet flour and rich products, including oriental sweets, cocoa, chocolate, caramel and other sugar products.

5. Dairy products

Milk, cheeses, a range of fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, yogurt, etc.), butter, cream, and canned milk. This group of products is high content of proteins and fats, which are able to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients, which are also easily absorbed.

6. Eggs and egg products

These also include egg powder, melange, etc. content of nutrients and the degree of digestibility are equal to the products of the previous group.

7. Meat (including poultry meat) and products from it

Meat is an indispensable source of animal protein, which is main building material for the body. In addition, meat has nutritional value, high palatability, contains some important minerals. Meat derivatives include semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, smoked products, offal, and other products.

8. Fish and fish products

Like meat, fish is source of essential building proteins, as well as a number of essential minerals and vitamins. The goods of this group include live, chilled and frozen fish, canned fish, semi-finished products, seafood.

9. Dietary fats

These include oils and fats of both animal and vegetable origin, as well as margarine and mayonnaise. A distinctive feature of this group is the high fat content - the most energy-intensive category of food. In addition, certain types of vegetable and animal fats contain vitamins A, D, E that are important for the body.

As can be seen from the listed list, the grouping of goods is carried out according to the main raw material component (for example, milk, meat, grain), or by the similarity of the use of products (flavoring goods), or by the commonality of the composition of the product (for example, honey and confectionery products; fats). Insofar as classification is carried out according to several criteria, it cannot be called scientific, but in practice - in the wholesale trade in products, in warehouse accounting, etc., it justifies itself perfectly.

Reading time: 5 min

According to the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-07-04/03 dated March 31, 2010, the definition of “food products” includes any food in natural or processed form that is in circulation and consumed by people. This category also includes bottled drinking water, alcoholic beverages, beer and beer mixes, soft drinks, chewing gum, nutritional and biologically active additives. The description provided by the Ministry of Finance is used for state regulation of wholesale and retail trade.

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From an economic point of view, food products are food products that allow you to satisfy the physiological needs of a person for vital energy and essential substances, which is required for the normal functioning of the body.

According to GOST R 51074, food products include products of animal, vegetable, mineral and biosynthetic origin intended for human consumption in fresh or processed form. This also includes any drinks, chewing gum, as well as certain substances used in the manufacture, preparation and processing of food products.

Thus, food is food products that are considered as a market or economic category, as well as a subject of commodity-money relations.

How are foodstuffs classified?

Depending on the properties and characteristics that are the basis of the classification method, products can be divided into different ones.

Commodity classification applies teleological (products are considered from the point of view of purpose and application), genetic (depending on the feedstock and basic chemical ingredients) and technological (recipe, production process are taken into account) criteria.

Teleological classification allowed to distinguish separate categories of food products, such as auxiliary products and baby food. Genetic classification is used to categorize taste products (drinks are , low-alcohol and non-alcoholic). In terms of technology, a product such as tea can be black, red, green, white and yellow, and cereals can be polished or polished.

Commodity science operates with several types of classifications. Among the main ones are standard, educational and trading.

Training classification considers in terms of their origin or main raw material, and also takes into account the similarity of the chemical composition and the use of goods. In practice, food products are divided into gastronomic and grocery. Gastronomic goods and products that are ready to eat are considered, while groceries are raw products that need to be processed and prepared.

Food products are also classified according to. This takes into account the fact that the country where the manufacturer is registered and the area of ​​origin of the raw material or product may be different.

Based on the definition of the state standard describing food products, all food products are classified according to their origin (animal, vegetable, mineral, biosynthetic and combined).

There are everyday and specialty items. In the first case, we are talking about eggs, bread, milk, cereals, vegetables. And the second category includes alcohol, delicacies and confectionery.

Distribution of food products by commodity groups

Certain products are grouped depending on the applied classification.

A common educational classification divides all food products into nine large product groups:

  • fruits and vegetables- products with high biological value and low calorie content (fresh fruits, vegetables, mushrooms);
  • grain flour- starchy products (bread, pasta, cereals, flour, grain);
  • dairy– milk and all dairy products;
  • sugar, honey, starch, confectionery- everything related to sweets and desserts;
  • taste- have an effect on the nervous system, and also have a pronounced taste and aroma (spices, tea, coffee, alcohol, salt);
  • dietary fats- all vegetable and animal fats, oils, margarine and mayonnaise;
  • meat- meat and poultry, including in the form of canned food;
  • fish- fish in any form, fish caviar and seafood, seaweed;
  • egg- eggs, as well as egg powder and melange.

Trade classification refers all products to one of the following product groups:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • egg;
  • milk and oil;
  • bakery;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • confectionery;
  • wine and vodka;
  • dietary fats.

If we talk about the degree of readiness, then the products may belong to the gastronomic or grocery product group.

Gastronomic goods:

  • meat culinary products;
  • sausages;
  • cheeses;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • milk products;
  • alcohol and so on.

Grocery is considered:

  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • flour;
  • dried fruits and dried berries;
  • mushrooms;
  • yeast;
  • sugar;
  • coffee;
  • spices;
  • salt, etc.

Food quality criteria

Food products, from the point of view, are analyzed for freshness, nutritional value and the absence of harmful components. An important role in some cases is played by the aroma and taste properties of products.

As for usefulness, due to the huge number of different systems and trends that promote one or another style of nutrition, it is not always possible to classify a food product as “harmful” or “useful”. For example, vegetarians will angrily reject the thesis about the benefits of such a high-protein product as meat, and a fitness instructor with traditional views will find a vegetarian diet too scarce.

The state operates with the standards established for goods of various categories. GOST provisions define food products. The category of chemical and sanitary safety is described in detail. It is believed that the evaluation of product quality should begin with the analysis of these indicators.

Another indicator of quality is the nutritional value of the product, which includes energy, biological, physiological and organoleptic values. It also includes the category of digestibility and good quality. The criterion of good quality is directly related to the preservation index.

Quality indicators are also formed by the culinary, technical, ergonomic, aesthetic and environmental properties of the product.

In laboratory conditions, organoleptic, physico-chemical and sanitary-biological indicators are evaluated. Together, these features allow you to form an idea of ​​the safety of the product. The conclusion issued by the laboratory determines, among other things, the quality of the food product and refers the product to one or another commercial grade (brand, number).

You need to know which foods belong to which groups: starchy and non-starchy, sour and sweet ... In order for your breakfast, lunch or dinner to be as healthy and saturated with proteins / carbohydrates as possible, we will list foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates, and - so called natural (neutral) products. You can use the latter both in combination with protein-rich foods and in combination with carbohydrate-rich foods.

Foods rich in carbohydrates

Foods rich in starch:

Bread is preferable from flour with bran or with the addition of bran;

Grain, wheat, spelt, spelled, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, corn, rice, millet;

Cereal products are preferable from flour with bran, semolina, cereals or wholemeal flour, flakes, muesli, pasta from flour with bran (not egg pasta);

Dried beans (except soybeans) and dried peas;

Potatoes including Jerusalem artichoke and sweet potato;



Sugars and syrups (limit as much as possible):

Yellow and white sugar;

Milk sugar;

Various jams and marmalade;

Maple syrup;

Beet syrup;

Pear condensed juice.

Foods rich in proteins

B Christmas tree food of plant and animal origin:


Nuts (most);

All cereals;

Soybeans and their products, especially tofu, soy milk;
- Sunflower seeds;


Meat (use as little as possible!) beef, veal, lamb, lamb, rabbit, pork, poultry and game;

Offal (it is desirable to exclude!) liver, heart, kidneys;

Fish and other marine products;

Cottage cheese and dairy products;

Low-fat milk and low-fat dairy products;

Cheese with a fat content of not more than 45%;

"Neutral" products

Products compatible with carbohydrate or protein foods:

Vegetable oils - burdock, olive, sunflower, corn, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, grape seeds, etc.;

Nuts and seeds - hazelnuts, walnuts, southern nuts (Brazil nuts), coconuts, almonds, pistachios, pecans, cashews, pine seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds;

Fruit vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, eggplants, zucchini, pumpkin, sweet peas, green beans;

White cabbage, sour, red cabbage, Savoy, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, gryunkol, spitzkol, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, pak choi;

Leafy vegetables - head lettuce, ice lettuce, romaine lettuce, field lettuce, endive chicory, red head lettuce, chicory, dandelion leaves, watercress;

Root and tuberous vegetables - carrots, celery, green and black radishes, radishes, goats, beets, horseradish, rutabaga;

Bulbous vegetables - leeks, onions, shallots, garlic;


Seeds and shoots;

Cheese only fatty varieties with a fat content of more than 45%;

Egg yolk.

Foods rich in fat

Oils - olive oil, rapeseed, vegetable, peanut, soybean, sunflower, corn and butter;

Most nuts;

Animal products: Sea fish fats, lard, fatty meat, cream, sour cream, cheese;

Non-starchy and green vegetables

Lettuce, celery, chicory, dandelion, cabbage, turnip leaves, sour sorrel, beet leaves, onion, turnip, eggplant, cucumber, parsley, rhubarb, asparagus, garlic, sweet pepper, radish.

Moderately starchy vegetables

Cauliflower, beets, carrots, rutabagas.

semi-acid fruits

Fresh figs, sweet cherries, sweet apples, pears, peaches, apricots, blueberries, currants, strawberries.

sweet fruits

Dates, figs, raisins, dried apricots, grapes, prunes, persimmons, dried pears and apples (sweet varieties) and others.

sour fruits

Orange, grapefruit, pomegranate, lemon, sour grapes, sour plums, sour apples. Tomatoes are also sour.


5 most unsafe and cheap products

People most often buy cheap food to save money, or memories of the difficult 90s are firmly planted in their heads. But is it really economical, given the negative health consequences and not the cheapest medical services?

With food products, each of us faced almost daily.

We are used to the fact that a set of products in stores is represented by a fairly extensive range and with a different price range.

This allows you to make purchases for every taste and budget. Food products - what is it?

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Concept and classification

What are food items?

Under product classification refers to the system of division of specific classes and the grouping of goods into smaller groups according to similar properties.

These properties are the origin, purpose, components of products. Food products are broadly divided into products of plant and animal origin.

Classification helps to better content of products, promotion of turnover and helps in studying the demand market. Products subdivided into the following basic levels:

  • Class;
  • Group;
  • subgroup;
  • category.

Classification of food products.

Classification into groups according to the scientific literature is somewhat different from product grouping in trade. It is listed as follows:

What applies to them?

Food products are considered products of the food industry. Products are made up of products requiring special handling, and those who can be consumed immediately.

The former include grocery products, such as cereals, pasta, tea; to the second - gastronomy: sausages, cheeses, dairy products.

Trade classification of products contributes to the correct organization of storage, placement and sale:

  • bakery;
  • fruit and vegetable;
  • confectionery;
  • wine and vodka;
  • milk and oil;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • egg;
  • dietary fats;
  • tobacco products.

From the above classification it can be seen that even cigarettes fall into the category of food products, since they are produced by the food industry.

Product groups

In product groups products connected for the same purpose, are designed for the same categories and belong to a certain price range.

Often shops specialize in the implementation of one such group. For example, alcoholic products, fish products.

According to their purpose, products are divided into the following groups:

  1. grocery items mass consumption implemented for the majority of the population.
  2. Products made for special medical nutrition are needed only for certain categories of citizens.
  3. Food products for children's nutrition up to 3 years old.

Most often in grocery stores there is a wide variety of product groups. Although there are specialized stores that offer a wide range of one product group, for example, confectionery, dairy stores.

Assortment list

For all retail outlets, an assortment list of food products should be developed, which stores form independently. He based on the specialization and profile of the outlet and is used to identify goods.

This list must be approved by local authorities and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service.

The list must contain social products. In their absence, the store may be fined 100 minimum wages.

The assortment should have a variety in terms of the breadth of the products presented, in terms of cost and be constantly updated.

When drawing up the correct assortment list, the store will be able to satisfy the demand of customers and get maximum economic effect.

Assortment list of food products.

Consumer properties

Consumer properties of products are determined by the combination of the following components:

  1. Nutritional Importance products combines the desired properties, quality, nutrient content.
  2. biological significance The product consists in the presence of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements.
  3. Physiological value affects the basic human systems.
  4. energy force is established by the components of the triad of nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and their assimilation.

In accordance with the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and GOST R 51074-2003 "Food Products", each product must be labeled with information about the main consumer qualities.

By marking can be defined:

Storage and transportation technology

Compliance with certain features during transportation and storage makes it possible to sell products in proper condition and good quality.

Transportation of products carried out by special transport, which must be lined with iron on the inside and be in a clean state.

For vehicles transporting products, a sanitary passport is issued by Rospotrebnadzor, which is issued for a year.

Perishable products transported in refrigerators where the required temperature level is maintained for the transportation of food products.

Any products must be transported in special containers and placed on racks. During transportation, the rule of commodity neighborhood must be observed.

Also important is compliance with storage conditions in stock. To create an optimal environment, it is necessary to maintain the correct temperature, humidity, certain lighting and air composition.

It should be remembered that different storage conditions are defined for different food products. If the correct storage technology is observed, the product preserves its consumer properties.

The refrigerator is the best place to store food. And must be installed certain temperatures for specific product groups.

For vegetables and fruits the following conditions are required:

  • it is better to place them in a cool, dark place;
  • the room must be ventilated;
  • it is required to sort out products for the presence of perishable or rotten fruits and root crops.

Dairy products require quality packaging. Products in this group must be kept in the refrigerator.

The same conditions apply to fish and meat products. Only for them a lower temperature regime should be set. For cereal content you need a package that allows air to pass through so that they do not become damp.

Requirements for the seller

In one of the sections of GOST R 51305-99, professional requirements are imposed on the seller of food products.

He must:

  • know the range
  • comply with the rules of implementation, monitor the integrity of the packaging;
  • monitor the quality of products, if spoilage is detected, do not sell it;
  • know and comply with the terms and conditions of storage of goods.

Also, the seller is subject to sanitary and hygienic requirements, described in SanPiN No. 2.3.5 021-94. When applying for a job, all salespeople pass mandatory medical examination, medical books are issued on them.

All trade employees must observe the rules of personal hygiene. Everyone should have clean special clothing for trading.

Do not store personal items near the products.

O requirements for the seller of food products you can learn from the video:

Consumer rights to return


When trying to return a product of good quality the law is on the seller's side.

If the product was punched at the checkout, paid for, and the buyer changed his mind about taking it, then in this case, get the money impossible.

High-quality food products under the return law is not subject to.

Poor quality

A product is considered defective if it cannot be used for obvious reasons. For example, the expiration date has passed, the labeling and the content of the product do not match, the presence of foreign objects, an uncharacteristic smell, an opened package.

In these cases, the store is obliged to accept the goods and either return the money or exchange them for a similar one in accordance with the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" Article 18 and Articles 503 and 504 of the Civil Code.

It is possible to reduce the cost of the product. No receipt is not the reason for the refusal of a refund in accordance with Article 493 of the Civil Code. Camera recordings, witnesses, and matching product numbers can help determine where the purchase was made.

Is there a list of non-refundable food items? There is no strictly defined list of non-refundable products. The conditional list includes those products for which expiration date has not expired and they don't show any signs of deterioration.

If the product has a normal expiration date and his appearance does not inspire suspicion, then the trade employees will refuse to accept such goods.

Such a list can be defined as conditional.

Foodstuffs - quite a large group of products, which everyone faces daily when they come to a supermarket or a small specialized store.

All information about the product can be found on its labeling: expiration date, storage conditions, nutritional value. If a defective product is found, it you can always return to the store getting money back.

Currently, the quantitative ratio of products of different groups is usually depicted as a plate or pyramid of optimal nutrition. The "plate" and "pyramid" show the main food groups in the proportions that should be observed.

According to the "plate" or "pyramid" all products can be divided into 6 main groups.

Group I - bread, cereals and potatoes are located at the base of the pyramid and occupy most of the plate. These foods form the basis of the diet and should be consumed in the largest quantities (6-11 servings).

II group - vegetables are an important element of a healthy diet (about 3-5 servings).

III group - fruits just like vegetables, they are an important element of a healthy diet (3-5 servings). The more varied the diet of vegetables and fruits, the more balanced the diet.

IV group - dairy products(milk, yogurt, cheese) are recommended in the amount of 2-3 servings.

Group V - meat, poultry, slaves, legumes and eggs) protein products) are recommended in the amount of 2-3 servings.

VI group - this is the top of the pyramid and the smaller part of the plate, which depicts fat, represented by butter, margarine, various types of cooking fats. These products should be used in limited amounts and infrequently. In the same area, pyramids and plates are depicted alcohol and sugar, including those contained in sweets, sweet drinks, sweetened foods. These foods are high in calories, but contain virtually no vitamins and minerals. To prevent obesity, diabetes, and caries, these products are not recommended to be consumed frequently.

It should be remembered that older people (over 65 years old), people with a low level of physical activity (leading a sedentary lifestyle), and those who are overweight or obese, need smaller amounts of food servings, and, conversely, young people, as well as people leading an active lifestyle, with a normal weight

large quantities of products are required, corresponding to the maximum number of conditional portions.

The following table shows the approximate amounts of various products of various groups (in conditional portions) of which the daily ration should consist.


GroupSource of substances Servings Weight or volume per serving
IBread, cereals and potatoes Carbohydrates, including dietary fiber, protein, iron, B vitamins - 1 piece of bread;
- 1/2 cup (cup, 1/2 serving plate - PT) ready-made porridge;
- 1 cup (cup, 1/2 PT) potatoes, cooked;
-1 cup (1/2 PT) soup
IIVegetables - 1 vegetable (piece) of medium size;
-1/2 - 1 cup (cup, 1/2 PT) boiled or raw vegetables;
- 1 cup (1/2 PT) vegetable soup;
IIIFruitsVitamins, dietary fiber, mineral and non-nutritional substances
- 1 fruit (piece) of medium size
- 1/2 glass (cup) fruit juice
IVMilk products Proteins, calcium, nicotinic acid, vitamins A, B 2, D 2 - from 2 to 10 and over 24 years old;

3-4 - 11-24 years old, pregnant and lactating women

- 1 cup (cup) skim milk or 1% fat milk, low-fat yogurt
- 1 piece (30g) cheese with less than 20% fat
VMeat, poultry, fish, legumes and eggs Proteins, B vitamins, iron, etc. minerals - 85-90g meat or fish in finished form (110-120g raw);
- 1/2 chicken leg or chicken breast
- 3/3 cup (cup, 1/2 PT) chopped fish;
- 1/2 - 1 cup (cup, 1/2 PT) legumes
- 1 egg
VIFats and oils

Alcoholic drinks

Saturated and unsaturated, fatty acids, vitamin A and E

No more than 2

- 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil or regular margarine;
- 2 tbsp. spoons of diet margarine;
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mayonnaise;
- 2 tbsp. spoons of nuts
30 g vodka
110-120 g red wine

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