Insurance with 3 years experience. How to add another driver to the OSAGO? Sick leave insurance: what does it include

When calculating the cost of OSAGO, many constant and variable coefficients are used, one of which is the coefficient of driving experience. How is this coefficient calculated and how significant is its influence on the total value of the OSAGO tariff?

In this article, we will consider: what is the coefficient that takes into account the driving experience and how it affects the cost of the OSAGO policy; we will analyze what are the problematic moments in the calculation of the length of service and what tricks do insurers use to deceive drivers; and also estimate at what length of service and under what conditions the cost of the policy will be the lowest.

How is the driving experience factor calculated?

Despite the fact that the concept of driving experience seems obvious, many insurance companies deliberately mislead drivers by applying their own methods of calculating it.

In particular, one of the most common options for deceiving policyholders is the calculation of driving experience separately for each category of vehicles.

The calculation of driving experience begins immediately after the issuance of a certificate for the right to drive vehicles in the prescribed manner. At the same time, the following circumstances do not affect the period of such experience:

  • the driver has his own car;
  • the presence or absence of certain open categories of vehicles;
  • practical driving experience.

These parameters do not affect the total length of service and are not subject to practical verification. Accordingly, they cannot influence the calculation of driving experience for the formation of an appropriate correction factor to the base OSAGO rate.

Driving experience data can be obtained directly from the driver's license. When replacing rights, traffic police officials indicate the period of driving experience in the "Special Marks" column. It is this information that must be taken into account if it is necessary to confirm the corresponding value when calculating the OSAGO tariff.

The impact of driving experience on the cost of the policy

How much does OSAGO cost for drivers without experience? In fact, the cost of OSAGO for beginners depends not only on driving experience, but on the totality of experience and age. Based on these two variables, correction coefficients are formed for the basic OSAGO tariff, the main values ​​of which are presented in the table below.

Correction factors for drivers without experience in 2017

The table shows that for young drivers under the age of 22, in any case, increased coefficients will be set, and their exact value will already depend on experience - more or less than 3 years. According to legislators, it is the presence of driving experience in the amount of three or more years that indicates the acquisition of sufficient driving skills.

For drivers over 22 years of age and with more than 3 years of driving experience, the increasing coefficients cease to be valid, and by default the basic value of the correction coefficient becomes equal to 1. Thus, 3 years of driving experience can reduce the cost of insurance by 70-80%, which in the face of ever-growing tariffs for OSAGO is of no small importance.

Differences in KBM for "beginners" and experienced drivers

It is extremely difficult for novice drivers who do not have sufficient driving experience to get an acceptable bonus-malus ratio for accident-free driving. Unlike driving experience, this indicator takes into account every year during which the insured did not get into an accident and did not apply for insurance compensation under the OSAGO policy.

If we take for comparison the calculation of OSAGO policies for a young inexperienced car owner and a driver with an accident-free driving experience of more than 15 years, the cost of OSAGO for beginners will be several times higher if an accident occurs in the first year of driving a vehicle.

The fact is that with the maximum value of the coefficient of driving experience equal to 1.8, participation in an accident in the first year of insurance will lead to an increase in the coefficient to 2.45. As a result, even under the condition of normal values ​​for the rest of the coefficients that affect the cost of OSAGO, multiplying the maximum values ​​for age / length of service and accident-free will lead to an increase in the total cost of the insurance policy by almost 4 times!

For an experienced driver who has not been seen in an accident for several years in a row and has not applied for insurance payments, the coefficient for accident-free driving will decrease every year, and can reach a value of 0.5. A novice driver will be able to achieve this coefficient value not earlier than after 15 years of driving without a single case of applying for insurance compensation. Rating: 0/5 (0 votes)

For the period of temporary disability of the employee due to his illness or injury, as well as for the period of release from work in connection with caring for a sick family member, the employee is entitled to receive benefits if he has a sick leave. The amount of benefits paid on the basis of such sick leave depends on the length of service of the employee. That is, how many percent of the average earnings the accountant will take into account when paying sick leave is determined by the length of service: the more experience the employee has, the higher the percentage of sick pay. The correspondence between the insurance period and what share of average earnings an accountant should use when calculating sick leave in 2017-2019 is shown in the table.

Sick leave payment depending on the length of service 2017-2019 (part 1 of article 7 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ)

In other words, if your employee falls ill, then he will receive sick leave in the amount of 100 percent of the average salary only if he has been working for 8 years or more.

The amount of sick leave depending on the length of service when caring for a sick family member

If the employee was on sick leave due to the fact that he was caring for a sick member of his family, then sick leave payment will depend not only on the length of service, but also on who was cared for (parts 3, 4 of article 7 of the Law of December 29 .2006 N 255-FZ).

Sick leave insurance: what does it include

The insurance period for sick leave includes periods ():

  • work under an employment contract;
  • state civil or municipal, military and other service (fire fighting, service in the bodies of the penitentiary system, etc.);
  • other activities, when the person was subject to compulsory social insurance for temporary disability and in connection with motherhood. For example, with the voluntary payment of contributions to the FSS by an entrepreneur.

How to find out the insurance experience for sick leave

The data for calculating the length of service for sick leave are taken from the employee's documents: work book, written employment contracts, certificates issued at the previous place of work, other documents (paragraphs 8, 9 of the Rules, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated 06.02.2007 N 91). The duration of military service can be confirmed by the employee's military ID.

When crossing any of the indicated periods, only one of them is counted in the length of service (part 2 of article 16 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ).

How to calculate the insurance period for sick leave

Answering the question of how to calculate the length of service for a sick leave, let's start with the fact that it is determined on the date preceding the date of the onset of temporary disability (part 3 of article 16 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ, clause 7 of the Rules, approved. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of 06.02.2007 N 91).

By the way, is the sick leave included in the length of service? Yes, if in the future your employee falls ill again, the current period of temporary disability will need to be taken into account when calculating the length of service to pay for the next sick leave (part 1, 1.1, article 16 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ).

The calculation of the length of service for sick leave is based on full years and full months (clause 21 of the Rules, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 02/06/2007 N 91, Letter of the FSS of 10/30/2012 N 15-03-09 / 12-3065P). That is, first in the experience for sick leave in 2017 - 2019. full years and months of work of the employee are counted. A full year is not a calendar year, but 12 months from the date of employment (the day the period included in the length of service begins). A full month is not a calendar month, but 30 days. And then the procedure is this:

  • count the total number of days not included in full months and years;
  • Convert this number of days to months according to the rule: 30 days equals 1 month. That is, divide the number of days by 30 and for further calculation take only the integer part of the value obtained by dividing. It will correspond to the number of whole months;
  • if the resulting sum of whole months turns out to be more than 12, then the months will need to be converted into whole years according to the rule: 12 months are equal to 1 year. Months that are not included in whole years remain whole months for calculation.

The calculated values ​​of whole months and years must be added to the whole months and years initially taken into account when calculating the length of service for sick leave in 2017/2018/2019 (in the very first step of the calculation).

The length of service received must be indicated on the employee's sick leave also in whole years and months.

The article contains a step-by-step procedure for calculating an employee's length of service for sick leave payments, a table of maximum benefits depending on a person's length of service, as well as a useful service for calculating sick leave.

The insurance period is the period of work of an individual during which insurance premiums were paid for him to the FSS and the PFR, or he paid them himself, being in the status of an individual entrepreneur.

The BukhSoft program will automatically determine the employee's length of service when calculating temporary disability benefits. Try it for free.

Calculate sick leave online

What length of service is taken into account when calculating sick leave

Upon dismissal, a person is also entitled to sick leave. There are two situations:

  1. The employee took sick leave before being fired. On the day of the final settlement with the employee, the money due is paid. Sick leave is paid according to standard rules.

sick leave calculator

  1. The employee had already quit and fell ill after the final settlement with the company. In this case, the citizen has the opportunity to provide a sick leave to the organization where he previously worked. This is possible within 30 days from the date of termination of employment. But the accountant should make sure that the former employee did not get a new job.

Insurance and work experience: differences

Labor and insurance experience are not identical concepts. The first is the number of years of employment. The second takes into account only the periods of transferring insurance premiums to funds.


The citizen worked for 4 years under an employment contract and is an individual entrepreneur for 2 years. Being in the status of an individual entrepreneur, they do not make entries in the work book. But they independently transfer mandatory insurance premiums. Thus, the insurance period for sick leave will be equal to 6 years. The percentage of sick leave payment, depending on the length of service in 2019, is 80%.

What is included in the calculation of insurance experience?

Insurance periods:

  1. Activities under an employment contract.
  2. Passing service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  3. Work as a deputy.
  4. Labor activity in places of deprivation of liberty (after 01.11.2001).
  5. Work in the status of an individual entrepreneur (if a person paid insurance premiums).
  6. Labor in cooperatives and collective farms.

The time spent by a woman on the staff of the organization on leave to care for a child up to 3 years is taken into account in the insurance period for sick leave.

Periods not included in the calculation:

  1. Unofficial work without a contract.
  2. Entrepreneurial activity without paying insurance premiums.
  3. Leave at your own expense.

If the employee is unable to provide payroll documents from the previous employer, then the current employer must send a request to the FIU. Payments of the sickness allowance are made on the day of the transfer of wages or its advance.

All of the above nuances apply to citizens of the Russian Federation. The calculation of a hospital foreigner has its own characteristics.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons are entitled to benefits in case of employment in the territory of the Russian Federation under an agreement. They may be in the status of permanently or temporarily residing in Russia.

Temporarily staying citizens have the right to count on sick leave payments, provided that the employer accrued insurance premiums for them for 6 months or more before the onset of disability.

The allowance is calculated taking into account the average earnings and the period of deductions of social contributions. If a foreign worker cannot provide documents from a previous place of work, then the sick leave is calculated based on the minimum wage.

At the same time, the accountant must take into account how long the employee started working for a Russian employer.

Documents for calculating the length of service for sick leave

The insurance record for sick leave is confirmed by the marks in the work book. In the absence of a document or inconsistency of information, use:

  • employment contracts or agreements drawn up in accordance with the law;
  • certificates received from previous employers;
  • payment orders for the transfer of insurance premiums;
  • other extracts confirming social insurance.

Marks in the work book must be affixed according to the rules of labor legislation. Other documents for calculating the length of service must contain all the required details.

Step-by-step calculation of insurance experience for sick leave

When calculating, you need to correctly translate days into months, and months into years.

The calculation of the insurance period is performed according to the following algorithm.

Step 1. Establish periods of employment of a person at all places of work (where he worked earlier and at the current place). To do this, find the number of full years and months, as well as days in incomplete months of work.

Step 2. The resulting sums of full years, months and days in partial months are added separately.

Step 3. When the number of days in partial months is 30 or more, they are converted to months and days. The resulting months are then added to the number of complete months (see step 2).

Step 4. When the number of months obtained in the previous steps is 12 or more, convert the result to years and months. In this case, the years are added to the sum of full years (see step 2).

Step 5. Check result. The number of years can be zero or more, months can be from 0 to 12, days can be from 0 to 30.

Compulsory insurance has been introduced in our country since 2003. This innovation caused a storm of emotions in every car owner. Someone thinks that OSAGO is a very useful and necessary option, and someone thinks that this is a waste of money. Most often, the second group includes beginners, that is, drivers with very little experience. All this is due to the fact that you can truly appreciate the benefits of this policy only when it is really useful.

Why do you need compulsory insurance for beginners and what are its advantages

An OSAGO policy for a driver with less than 3 years of experience will protect you from the need to pay damages to third parties after an accident. This policy only covers situations where the driver is at fault. All this is especially true for car owners who do not have driving experience and can harm other road users.

Compulsory OSAGO insurance experience up to 3 years has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Moral peace. Knowing about the availability of insurance, an inexperienced driver will feel much calmer and more confident behind the wheel;
  • Saving money. If an accident occurs in which you are found guilty, you will not have to pay property damage to the victim out of your own pocket;
  • Affordable price. Despite the high guarantees, the cost of OSAGO with less than 3 years of experience is quite acceptable and affordable for every driver.

Documents required for issuing a policy

To issue an OSAGO for a driver with less than three years of experience, it is necessary to collect the following package of documents:

  1. Driver's identity card - a general passport;
  2. Vehicle passport;
  3. Documents confirming the state registration of a car;
  4. Driving license of all people who are allowed to drive this vehicle;
  5. Technical inspection certificate.

How much does OSAGO cost for drivers with less than three years of experience

The cost of compulsory insurance depends on several parameters:

  • vehicle type;
  • The region of its use;
  • Age of the driver;
  • Driving experience;
  • Seasonal use, etc.

If you are interested in the question of how much OSAGO costs less than 3 years, then you can get an answer to it on our website. We offer a very convenient calculator for calculating the cost of insurance for any parameters.

Online OSAGO calculator: advantages

Our calculator has a lot of undeniable advantages:

  1. The convenience of use. To calculate the cost of OSAGO for novice drivers, you just need to go to our website, fill out a very short questionnaire and get the result;
  2. Fast information processing. Our calculator processes the data very quickly, so you can find out the price of the policy literally in a matter of minutes;
  3. Ability to calculate multiple options. The online calculator will help you calculate several options for OSAGO tariffs at once. This will help you choose the most optimal and inexpensive.

You can issue a policy at a personal meeting with a representative of the insurer, or you can make a purchase directly on our website. Many drivers have already appreciated all the advantages of buying a site.

First, it is very convenient. You do not have to specially go to the city, sit in line and spend hours talking with the insurer. On our website, you can buy OSAGO for a driver with less than 3 years of experience online in the most comfortable conditions. You can sit at home or in a cozy cafe and at this time deal with insurance.

Secondly, it will provide an opportunity to protect yourself from other people's pressure. During a meeting with a representative of the insurer, an inexperienced driver can simply get confused and forget to ask important questions. And the specialist himself can easily impose his opinion and conclude a contract that is completely unprofitable for the car owner. On the Internet, no one can lead you astray!

Thirdly, it is a huge time saver. Our company will be able to process your request very quickly and send the finished policy by e-mail. Thus, the process of obtaining insurance from one month will be reduced to a couple of weeks, or even less.

Benefits of registering OSAGO in our company

If your driving experience is still very small, and you want to purchase OSAGO inexpensively, then our company can become a reliable assistant in this matter. We offer you to take out insurance online and receive the policy by e-mail.

Trusting this or that company, each car owner wants to know about its most important advantages. Why is it worth contacting us?

  1. Possibility of self-selection of OSAGO cost. Using our online calculator, you can independently calculate the policy rates and choose the most optimal one;
  2. Simple and clear registration process. We have developed a very affordable algorithm for obtaining insurance. By following the instructions on the site, you can apply for a policy as quickly as possible;
  3. The minimum terms for obtaining ready-made documents.

In the light of the changes taking place in the "avtograzhdanka", and also because of the extreme relevance of the issue of increasing OSAGO tariffs, the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, the main coordinator of the activities of insurance companies, proposed to make further changes to the calculation of OSAGO. This time they concern coefficients by age and experience of drivers. The developed amendments should become a tool to reduce the cost of insurance for older and experienced drivers and significantly increase it for young people. However, how will the position of OSAGO insurers actually change?

Current odds

Table 1. Current odds.

table scrolls to the right

As we can see, at the moment there are only 4 groups of insurers. According to many analysts, this is not enough to fully take into account the behavioral factor, which is much more dependent on the age and experience of drivers. So, according to various sources, 70-80% of OSAGO contracts are bought by car owners with more than three years of experience and over twenty-two years of age. But this is a very large and extremely heterogeneous group, in which it is not entirely fair to equalize the cost of OSAGO, for example, a twenty-three-year-old student with four years of driving experience and a respectable father of a family with an experience of 20-30 years. Based on these considerations, the PCA has developed a much more differentiated tariff scale, increasing the number of gradations by almost six (!) times.

What does RSA offer?

Table 2. Table of coefficients proposed by the PCA.

table scrolls to the right
less than 25 years old
25-32 years old32-45 years oldolder
45 years
Less than a year2,52 2,19 2,04 1,82
1-2 years2,30 1,98 1,81 1,66
2-4 years2,01 1,92 1,53 1,35
4-7 years old1,81 1,61 1,30 1,08
7-11 years old1,65 1,38 1,17 0,90
Over 11 years- 1,18 1,00 0,77

We certainly see a more detailed breakdown before us, which the PCA believes will adjust the adjustment factors with maximum accuracy and fairness. But what, in fact, is hidden behind these not at all small numbers for OSAGO customers?

Good or bad?

The Central Bank of Russia, to which the PCA sent its proposal on the coefficients, is still silent. But the Internet is buzzing, discussing the proposed changes, trying to calculate in percentage terms how much and for whom the price of OSAGO will increase or decrease. Who will win and who will lose? It is obvious that until the process of reforming the “car citizen” is completed, it is pointless to make any forecasts. However, I would like to comment on some points.

  • Mass media: "The proposed ratios will significantly reduce the cost of OSAGO for drivers over 45 years old and with more than 11 years of experience." After the increase in OSAGO tariffs and the increase in territorial coefficients expected in some regions, the phrase “will allow a significant reduction” sounds incorrect and misleading. In addition, it is still unknown what 2015 will bring us, in which OSAGO tariffs are also promised to be adjusted. And it is unlikely that in a smaller direction.
  • PCA: “Currently, older and more experienced drivers subsidize younger and less experienced drivers by overpaying for an OSAGO policy.” That is, the proposed adjustment will make it possible to turn the situation around 180 degrees: young car owners will overpay and subsidize. There is a certain amount of guile in this.

To understand the issue a little more thoroughly, let's consider the parameters of experience-age more critically. So, 45 years is the age when a person, as a rule, has already reached the age of majority and received rights. But not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a car for their offspring. Therefore, caring parents usually include young drivers in their OSAGO policy (or make insurance unlimited, which costs the same amount) so that they have the opportunity to improve the art of driving under the strict guidance of their elders. But the cost of insurance is determined by the youngest driver! As a result, our experienced car owner will have to pay very, very expensive for OSAGO.

There are many such options for increasing the cost of the policy. Will be sure to enter relatives, friends, colleagues, husbands - wives, wives - husbands. And the breakdown into such a large number of groups will lead to the fact that the policy will remain relatively inexpensive only on the condition that a company of drivers of the same respectable age and with great experience is entered into it. That is, objectively, the insurance premium will increase significantly for the vast majority of OSAGO policies.

Let's count a little

We will proceed from the fact that the RSA amendments have been approved and the coefficients have become a reality. What amount will the new OSAGO calculator show to a young driver of a car with a 25% increased tariff (engine power from 70 to 100 hp)?

Table 3. Cost of insurance.

table scrolls to the right

Frankly, for our standard of living, the amounts are not at all democratic.

So far, the PCA only asks to consider the proposed changes, and it is not a fact that these amendments will receive a positive assessment. Due to too high values, the new table of coefficients is perceived by many as a disguised attempt to raise the cost of OSAGO under the plausible pretext of caring for the client. Nevertheless, the trend is indicated, and in this form or another, but extended pricing by age and experience of drivers will be adopted in the coming year.

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