Calculation of spiral staircases made of metal. How to calculate the spiral staircase correctly: expert advice. Ways of fastening steps and their influence on the dimensions of the structure

Spiral staircases deservedly attract the attention of private homeowners. This beautiful design will give any home solidity and attractiveness. The technology for making a spiral staircase with your own hands is quite simple. Given the availability of a variety of building materials in our time, any owner who has certain knowledge in carpentry can make such a staircase. The only point that causes difficulty in creating this original interior element is the determination of the correct dimensions of the spiral staircase in the manufacture of drawings. In this article, we will explain how to calculate the spiral staircase for your home in a quick and practical way.

The main parameters of the stairs: we calculate the steps

The first thing to start with the calculation of a spiral staircase is the correct calculation of the dimensions of the steps of the structure. To do this, you need to navigate in the conventions of the parameters presented below:

  • H is the height of the structure. It is determined by the sum of the distance from the floor to the ceilings, taking into account their thickness;
  • H1 is the interturn distance;
  • h is the height of the steps;
  • h1 - tread;
  • R is the outer radius of the step;
  • R1 - radius along the point of the main line of descent-ascent.

These symbols will later be used in calculations and drawings. It must be remembered that the design of spiral staircases is not an amateur activity. Their parameters, such as diameter, width, or the dimensions of the steps already mentioned, must clearly fit into the existing GOSTs and SNiP norms. Compliance with all requirements for the size of the steps and their other parameters will ensure the safety and strength of the staircase structure. Therefore, in the manufacture of drawings of steps, the following points are always taken into account:

Design subtleties: how to calculate a flight of stairs

The calculation of a spiral staircase is a procedure that requires perseverance. Only 100% correct calculations will turn your idea into a beautiful and safe design. For convenient work on a spiral staircase project, it is advisable to draw up a preliminary diagram with its dimensions, and already carry out all calculations on it. In carrying out such work, special construction calculators can be a good helper - programs that allow you to qualitatively make all calculations of a spiral staircase, even online. They are easy to use, have an intuitive interface and make working on a project a real pleasure.

If online programs are not available to you, you can purchase a disk with such licensed software. This profitable purchase will allow using a computer to create high-quality drawings of building structures according to the specified parameters of width, height, diameter, and other indicators that are entered in special program windows.

The calculation of the flight of stairs should begin with the calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site allotted for the arrangement of the interfloor structure. This important indicator is the main one for determining the minimum diameter of a spiral staircase, as well as for further calculations of the dimensions of the structure.
After that, you should proceed to determine the height of the interior element (H). To do this, as already indicated in the table, measure the distance from the flooring of the first floor to the second, taking into account the thickness of the floor. Here you should also decide on the entry-exit points, which will allow you to determine in the drawing the angle at which the flight of stairs will twist.

Having completed these preliminary measurements, the number of steps should be calculated. For example, we use the conditional calculation of a spiral staircase with a diameter of 2000 mm (radius - 1000 mm), a height of 3500 mm and a vertical angle of twist of 360 degrees. We get: R = 1000; H = 3500; ω=360°.

It is important to note that all measurements and calculations of parameters for drawings using formulas are made exclusively in millimeters!

The calculation algorithm is as follows:

Based on the fact that risers are usually not used in screw structures, it is possible to adjust the distance between the steps in the direction of increasing the gaps. During the adjustment, it should be checked for compliance with the results obtained with the reference dimensions, according to which the double height of the step in total with its depth should fit into the interval from 60 to 65 cm.

We calculate the diameter of the stairs and the width of the landing

At this stage, everything is quite simple. The diameter should always be slightly smaller than the dimensions of the spiral staircase opening. An exception is the option when balusters are installed along the outer edge of the steps. In this case, the width of the stairway may coincide with the diameter of the structure.

For example calculations, let's take the diameter as 220 cm and reduce it to 200 cm (220-20 = 200), taking into account only the part of the tread intended for walking. In this case, the length of the step will be equal to the radius: 200/2 = 100 cm. In this case, the width of the spiral staircase will be 1/2 less than the thickness of the support beam, but this will not affect the calculations.

The calculation of the width of the upper platform is made by calculating the loss of height when moving along the steps. In the case of our stairs with a 360-degree turn, when climbing one step, the distance to the platform will decrease by 22 cm. Having climbed 5 steps, the height loss will be about 110 cm. If we take into account the thickness of the ceiling (hp = 20 cm), then in there is still more than 2 meters left. Thus, the width of the top platform can be within the width of 5 steps. If it is increased to 6, then the two-meter margin will disappear, and the head of the climber will cling to the upper structures.

To check the calculations, you can use the formula:

  • H1 = H-5h-hp = 350-110-20 = 220 cm (good result).

By substituting your options into this formula, you can calculate the most suitable sizes.

As you can see, the exact calculation of all the parameters of spiral staircases for the further production of drawings is a laborious task, but simple and interesting. Using the acquired skills or resorting to help, you can easily prepare a quality project and bring it to life.

A spiral staircase is usually installed in cases where it is necessary to save space or complement the interior. Perfect for giving or a private house as a staircase to the second floor, attic or attic. Can be collected in the smallest areas. Inferior in compactness except that a folding ladder.

The design of spiral staircases is not very practical. It is difficult to carry oversized things to the 2nd floor along it, and you are unlikely to miss each other with a person walking towards you, unless, of course, this is a monolithic concrete structure. You should also be aware of the difficulties that pensioners or young children face when climbing a steep march.

A spiral staircase can be either wooden or metal. Very often these materials are combined to combine the best qualities of each.

If you have weighed all the pros and cons and decided to do it, you first need to calculate the steps of the stairs.

Dimensions of the spiral staircase to the second floor of the house

  • H - the height of the stairs is the sum of the distance to the ceiling and the thickness of the ceiling;
  • H 1 - the distance between the turns;
  • h is the step height;
  • h 1 - the depth of the step or tread;
  • R is the outer radius;
  • R 1 - radius of the main line of rise;
  • r is the radius of the inner support.

Considering that the safety of the structure is in the first place and following the requirements of GOST, SNiP and other standards, it is necessary to take into account the restrictions on the parameters and dimensions of the steps:

  1. the distance between the turns of H 1 must be no less than the height of a person, otherwise, you will beat your head on the step above you. The recommended value is at least 2 m;
  2. it must be remembered that the movement is carried out mainly along the line of ascent, which is approximately a third of its radius from the outer edge of the step. In this place, the depth of the tread should be the most convenient - from 20 to 30 cm;
  3. the width of the step near the central support should not be less than 10 cm;
  4. for safety reasons, the diameter of the spiral staircase must either be at least three meters, or the installation of a railing is mandatory. The height of the handrail is 90 - 100 cm.
  5. to save space, often, risers are not used, but the distance between the steps should be within safe limits, that is, from 12 to 22 cm.

How to calculate a spiral staircase - calculation of a flight of stairs

The design of a spiral staircase requires careful planning. Only if the calculations are correct, the product will be safe, convenient and attractive in appearance. For convenience, you can draw up a diagram with dimensions and use it to calculate the stairs for the house.

First you need to determine the area of ​​​​the site on which the product will be located, since the minimum dimensions and the calculation of the turning staircase as a whole depend on this. Next, measure the distance between the floor of the first and second floors, as well as the thickness of the ceiling, that is, the height of the stairs. Decide where you will have an entrance, and where an exit - the angle at which the flight of stairs twists will depend on this.

When all preliminary measurements are made, it is necessary to determine the number of steps. Suppose that we need to calculate a spiral staircase with a radius of 1 m, a height of 3 m and a twist angle of 360 ° (the entrance to the staircase is located strictly under the exit).

R = 1000 mm, H = 3000 mm, ω = 360°;

To do this, we find the length of the march (L) along the main line of ascent. It will be equal to 2πR 1, while R 1 \u003d 2/3 R, since this line recedes from the outer edge of the stairs by about a third of the radius. Substituting our values ​​into the formula:

L = 2πR 1 = 4/3πR = 4/3 * 3.14 * 1000 = 4190 mm(All calculations are in millimeters).

It turns out that the circumference (L) is 4.19 m. Now we divide the resulting number by the depth of the tread (h 1), for example, 25 cm.

n \u003d L / h 1 \u003d 4190 / 250 \u003d 16.796

Rounding off the answer, it turns out that we should have 17 steps. Given that the latter coincides with the floor of the second floor, we reduce the total number of steps by one. That is, for one turn we need 16 steps.

We take the depth of the tread at the central support for 10 cm (minimum value), and calculate the outer one using the formula:

h 1 ext = L in / n, where

L in \u003d 2πR \u003d 2 * 3.14 * 1000 \u003d 6280 mm substitute in the initial formula

h 1 ext \u003d 7536 / 17 \u003d 0.369 m \u003d 369 mm- tread depth at the outer edge (shown in the photo).

The height of the riser is determined by dividing the total height of the stairs (H) by the number of steps:

h = H / n = 3000 / 17 = 176 mm

You can slightly adjust the size of the steps, while observing the reference formula - 2h + h 1 = 60..65 cm- the sum of the depth and twice the height of the step should be approximately 60 - 65 cm. Let's try to increase the height of the riser to 19 cm and check according to the standards:

2 * 190 + 250 = 630mm- satisfactory

Since risers are usually not used in structures of this form, it is possible to slightly increase the distance between the steps and thereby make small adjustments to the size of the stairs.

To better understand the material, watch the video on how to calculate the stairs:

Calculation of the landing of the stairs and the height of the stairway

Particular attention should be paid to the calculation of the site on the second floor. In the case of a 360° turn, the start is directly below this platform (exit). When climbing each step, the distance to it decreases by the height of the step, that is, by 19 cm (in our case). Having overcome 4 steps, the height loss will be about 76 cm. Taking into account the thickness of the ceiling (h p), about 2 meters remain in stock. That is, the width of the landing may well be equal to the width of 4 steps, but no more. After all, if you increase it to five steps, then the distance to the ceiling will be less than 2 meters. In this case, a tall person will cling to his head, which is unacceptable.

H 1 \u003d H - 4h - h p \u003d 300 - 76 - 20 \u003d 204 cm- satisfactory

H 1 \u003d H - 5h - h p \u003d 300 - 95 - 20 \u003d 185 cm- not suitable

Designing a spiral staircase - diagrams and drawings

The design of spiral staircases can also be done through special programs. This method is more time-consuming and not everyone wants to understand, model on their own.

Computer calculation of stairs, as a rule, is needed for large-scale construction and is not at all necessary when constructing a home-made structure. The video will explain how to make a 3d model of a staircase.


The project of a spiral staircase should be thought out to the smallest detail, then the product will turn out to be convenient and safe. It is not recommended to make steps of different sizes. Ascent and descent should in no case create a feeling of discomfort. The materials of parts and assemblies must be strong and fully comply with the loads that the structure will experience. That is, it is necessary to correctly calculate the parameters of the stairs.

The cramped conditions inside the house force the owners to install a spiral staircase to climb to the second floor, attic or attic. Screw structures save space in the room, but they are very laborious and difficult to manufacture. You can build a spiral staircase on your own, but before manufacturing it is necessary to make a project, an accurate calculation of the spiral staircase and its elements, so that moving along it is convenient, and the staircase to the second floor itself is durable and lasts for many years.

Intra-house stairs have various designs. Screw stairs have a number of undeniable advantages over other types of stairs:

It is necessary to move on such stairs carefully and slowly. Reliability will give the device of strong enclosing structures.

How to start a project

Before starting the development of the project and drawing up calculations for the screw structure, it is necessary to determine the size of the opening leading to the second floor. Also, the initial data for is the interfloor distance. All these parameters will affect the length of the treads and the total number of steps. Before proceeding with the design, it is very important to determine the twist angle of the structure.

If you plan a staircase with a full circle - 360 degrees, then the exit from the stairs to the upper floor will be in the projection of the starting point of movement. If the staircase is placed in the middle of the room, the entry and exit points can be planned anywhere. But, when designing a spiral staircase against walls, you should take into account the direction of rotation, and accurately calculate the place of start and end, since it may happen that a design with a rotation angle of 360 degrees is not suitable for you.

It is important to understand that the convenience and safety of moving along a spiral staircase is ensured by the correct design and optimal dimensions of the steps. In this case, ergonomic indicators are taken as the basis, such as the length of a person's step and the length of the foot. So, the step length is considered optimal in the range of 59-65 cm. And the length of the foot of an adult is approximately 30 cm.

Designing a spiral staircase in a computer program.

Calculation example

The calculation of the spiral staircase is made according to the formulas. How to calculate a spiral staircase, consider the example of a design with a rotation of 360 degrees, the diameter of which is 2.2 m, with a height of 3 meters.

  1. We start the project by calculating the circumference (L), which, as we remember from the school course, is calculated as L = 2πR. The length of the line of motion is calculated in accordance with the formula L = 2πr, here r = 2R/3, since the projection of movement along the spiral lies at a distance of 2/3 of the radius of the structure. As a result, we obtain the desired length along the sweep L = 4πR/3 = 4×3.14×1100/3 = 4605 mm (4.6 m).

  2. At the first stage, as a result of calculations, we obtained the parameters of the development of our design in the form of a staircase from one flight. Now you can start counting the number of steps. With a given height of three meters and the optimal recommended step height of 17 (± 3) cm, in our case, we get 20 steps. That is, for the multiplicity, we took the value of 15 cm as the height, and got 300:15 = 20. The last 15th step already falls on the landing.

  3. Since the steps of the helical structure have a trapezoidal shape, we will calculate them in three stages. First, we calculate the depth of the treads in the middle of the ladder structure along the path of movement. For this, the circumference of the circle calculated in paragraph 1 along the development of the structure will be useful to us. We divide 4605 by 14 (the fifteenth step is considered a platform) and we get 329 mm. This slightly exceeds the accepted standards for indoor stairs, so the number of steps should be increased to 17, so that the number of rises is 18. In this case, we get a tread with a depth of 4605:17=271 mm and a height of 3000:18=167 mm. Such parameters fall into ergonomic recommendations based on the width of a human step.

  4. If the division produces a remainder, it can be taken into account by adjusting the height of the first step. Other treads must be the same, both in height and width.
  5. Next, you need to calculate the depth of the treads at the attachment point on the central support. As a rule, such a support is a metal pole with a diameter of 50 mm, on which steps are strung. To fix the steps, you need a hole of the same diameter as the pipe and 50 mm edges. Therefore, the depth of the trapezoidal steps in its narrow part will be 50x3 = 150 mm.
  6. Next, we calculate and design the opening in the interfloor ceilings, which must be provided for during the construction of the house or made in advance before designing the staircase structure, taking into account that its dimensions should exceed the staircase diameter by about 20-22 cm. The shape of the opening to the upper floor can be round or rectangular .

  7. In attic-type houses, it is necessary to take into account the distance to the upper floor.

In addition to correct calculations, it is equally important to correctly carry out the installation process itself. To do this, we recommend that you also familiarize yourself with. It discusses in detail the important points of installing a spiral staircase.

Spiral staircases are not just building structures, they are an ornament in interior design. They are more compact and more convenient than stairs of other forms. A variety of sizes, designs and materials used allows you to fit such a structure into any interior. And if you spend a little time and effort on studying the design and construction of a spiral staircase, you can independently make such a functional decoration in your home.

Types of spiral staircases

Shaped spiral staircases are polygonal and round. Polygonal ones are installed near the wall, and round structures look more spectacular in the center of the room.

By type of construction, they come with step support:

  • on the rack;
  • on the walls located around the perimeter (the walls of the well in which the staircase is formed);
  • on the fence or bent bowstrings.

If a design with a support post is chosen, then the treads can rest on it or be pinched in it.

Taking into account all the features of the design, it is possible to distinguish four types of spiral staircases:

  1. Simple wedge-shaped steps with a wide end rest on the walls of the stairwell, and with a narrow end on a support pillar, which can be built of bricks or made up of the ends of the steps, on which thickenings are made.
  2. The steps are fixed with a narrow end in the middle monolithic column without support on the walls. This is a very airy design that is not cluttered with details.
  3. The steps are fixed in curved bowstrings with an outer wide edge. In the design of such a ladder there is no supporting column. The construction is very beautiful and unusual and very difficult to manufacture.
  4. A steel spiral staircase with an internal support column, which is made of a thick-walled pipe with a diameter of at least 50 mm, since it is he who bears the main load. Such stairs are the most common and differ for the most part only in decorative elements.

For all types of spiral staircases, there is one feature - they are usually performed without risers, since the steps closer to the support are narrow and the leg, when climbing, stands on them with hanging forward. In general, it is recommended not to walk too fast on the spiral staircase, observing the rules of caution. Reliable handrails are not an element of decor, but a hard necessity, and the dimensions of treads that comply with standard standards are even more important for traffic safety.

The accepted dimensions of spiral staircases are based on ergonomic principles and safety rules, that is, the basis is convenient movement and safe operation of the structure.

Main dimensions:

  • the width of the flight of stairs 530-1430 mm;
  • diameter of the hole in the ceiling 1400-3400 mm;
  • staircase diameter along the outer edge of the railing 1300-3300 mm;
  • passage diameter along the inner edge of the railing 1200-3200 mm;
  • the distance between the turns (passage height) is from 1900 mm, higher than a person’s height, so as not to bend down when walking;
  • the angle of one turn of the staircase in a spiral is 270-360°.
  • the width of the tread in the movement area is from 200 mm, and at a distance of 150 mm from the rack - from 100 mm, although the optimal width is 280 mm, since when descending, relying only on the heel, you can fall;
  • step height 150-200 mm. For a spiral staircase, a height of at least 170 mm will be optimal, since when climbing, the upper steps are often above the head of the walker;
  • the number of steps in a full turn is more than 12, but in the whole structure there should be an odd number of them;
  • railing height within 900-1200 mm.

If we talk about the main staircase, and not about the attic, then the diameter of the opening in the floor should be not less than 2000 mm, and the tread should be from 900 mm long, that is, the diameter of the stairs is 1800 mm. The 100mm difference per side is meant to make the fence and the hand rest comfortably on the handrail. For access to the attic, an additional staircase with a diameter of 1200 mm in the opening will be convenient - 1400 mm.

If we take into account that thirty percent of the length of the tread goes to the overhanging of the winders over each other at the central pillar, then a little more than half a meter remains for walking. It is difficult to disperse on such a ladder, but it makes no sense to increase the diameter. In addition, it is difficult to carry loads along it; for this purpose, the diameter of the hole in the ceiling must be at least 2200 mm. But all these shortcomings are compensated by the beauty and compact size of the structure.

Size calculation

In the manufacture of a metal staircase, they take as a support steel pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and a wall thickness of at least 5 mm. Then the narrow part of the tread must be at least 150 mm in order to make a hole for the pipe, so that between the edge of the hole and the edge of the step there is a distance not less than the diameter of the hole. These dimensions are used in further calculations.

Opening dimensions


  • H - opening height;
  • R is the radius of the circle of the opening;
  • R1 - the inner radius of the opening or the outer radius of the support column;
  • r is the radius of the path of movement, usually r = 2/3 R (two thirds of the radius of the circumference of the opening);
  • γ is the angle of turn of the march around the axis in degrees;
  • n is the number of revolutions of the march around the axis, i.e. n = γ/360°;
  • L is the full circumference of the opening;
  • l is the total length of the circle along the line of motion.

The shape of the tread in the spiral staircase resembles a petal, rounded on the narrow side, with a hole in it for fastening on a support post, so we are talking about a console pinched by the narrow end.


h is the length of the step, h=R–R 1 (if h is less than 1000 mm, then the console can be made without a metal frame only from solid wood);

W 1 - the maximum width of the console, the chord of a circle with a radius R;

α is the angle between the radii R drawn through the outer edges of the step;

W is the width of the tread, the chord of a circle with a radius of 2/3R;

C - step height;

Z is the console thickness;

N is the total number of steps;

N 1 - the number of steps in one turn.

Calculations of the number of steps and their sizes

According to the formula

  • L=2πR =2πR,
  • l=2π* r=2π*2/3 R=4πR/3;

the approximate number of steps in one full turn (coil) can be determined by knowing the average width on the line of motion W ≥ 200 mm

N 1 \u003d l / W \u003d 3 l / 4 πR.

If the standard height of one turn is 1900 mm, then with a margin of 100 mm

C = ((1900+100)+ Z)/ N 1 and N = H / C .

angle α \u003d γ / N, then the width of the console W 1 \u003d R * sin α, and the width of the tread on the line of motion

W \u003d r * sin α \u003d 2 / 3R * sin α.

Having on hand Bradis tables, the width of the tread on the line of motion is easy to calculate. The resulting value should be within 150-200 mm of the required width. If it differs in any direction, you need to change the number of steps and make a clarifying calculation. With such a simple selection, you can set the number of steps for comfortable movement along the spiral staircase.

There is a formula by which you can check the optimal step dimensions: if you add up the width of the tread and twice the height of the step, then the amount should be in the range from 600 to 650 mm (average step size).

When calculating a spiral staircase, it is difficult to follow all the rules, because in addition to safety and convenience, there are also layout, aesthetic aspects, strength characteristics and geometric dimensions of the material from which the structure is made. The most stringent requirements are imposed on the height of the steps. Their width in a spiral staircase is not so important, because anyway it differs so much along the length of the console that even the steps of the right and left foot of the walker differ in size. Therefore, when determining the optimal value of the size of the step, they usually choose the option in which it is the height that best meets the standards.

Dimensions of typical spiral staircases

Building a staircase with your own hands is troublesome, calculation of parameters is not so simple, but there are firms specializing in the design and manufacture of spiral staircases according to standard and individual projects from various materials. Manufacturers of mass products offer ready-made standard designs that provide for changing the basic dimensions within certain limits and accessories for them.

The simplest and cheapest design is a spiral one with steps that are fixed on the central pillar and on the balusters of the screw handrails, and can be designed so that the movement along it occurs counterclockwise and along the way. It is made of metal with various types of coating and wooden steps.

The passport for the product usually indicates standard sizes(the notation may be different, but the essence of this does not change):

  • ladder diameter D = 2R = 1200, 1400 or 1600 mm;
  • ladder height in basic configuration H = 2860 mm;
  • the height to which the structure can be raised by changing the distance between the steps H" = 3090 mm;
  • height due to additional section H"" = 3320 mm;
  • distance between steps C = 220 - 238 mm;
  • step thickness Z = 35 mm;
  • number of steps N = 16;
  • the number of steps due to the additional section N "= 17;

and depending on the number of steps and the diameter of the opening different meanings flight rotation angle γ and step length h.

If the angle γ = 450° is specified, then the number of turns of the ladder n = γ /360°= 450/360=1.25.

Explore size calculation algorithm the whole structure and its steps is worth at least so that, choosing a typical spiral staircase, you can imagine whether it will fit into the existing opening or not, how convenient it is (at least theoretically, you can’t walk along it in every store) and safe, corresponds whether the main parameters of operation of such facilities. And when ordering an individual project, it will be possible to discuss with experts the parameters of future interior decoration almost on an equal footing and with knowledge of the matter.

Rice. 1 General drawing of stairs

  • H - the height of the stairs - usually determined by the height of the floors of your house
  • D1 - the diameter of the stairs - the dimensions of the stairs, depends on how much space you can allocate in your house for the stairs
  • D1 - inner diameter - the dimension of the rod to which the steps are mounted
  • A - angle of rotation - depends on the mutual placement of the beginning of the stairs and the "receiving" platform of the upper floor
  • Z - the thickness of the steps - the geometric parameter of the material (for example, boards) from which you plan to build a staircase
  • C - the number of steps - how many steps will it take you most comfortably to move from floor to floor

"Black and white drawing:" function

Rice. 2 Black and white drawing of stairs

It is useful to use this function in two cases:

  1. If you are used to working with standard GOST drawings, and, accordingly, better perceive graphics without color content.
  2. If you are going to print the results of the calculation of the spiral staircase online. Then you will spend less paint / toner and the visual perception of the drawings on paper will be better. And, of course, this function is used when printing on a black and white printer.

The main result of this calculator is the drawing and calculation of helical steps.

According to this drawing, the parts from which the structure is assembled are made.

Rice. 3 Step drawing example

All other drawings show the final view of the structure after joining the steps with the rod.

How to make a spectacular transition to the second and third floor? Which of the design options to choose so that your home gets its zest? Pay attention to the spiral staircases of different sizes and shapes that you can assemble with your own hands or entrust their manufacture to professionals in their field. The calculation of spiral staircases to the second floor with the help of our service will not only clarify the cost of the future product, but also determine the choice of parameters.

An online calculator for calculating the spiral staircase to the second floor will help you to independently equip the house with stairs, and if you entrust this work to professionals, then the entire list of works will be completed without your participation, but taking into account all your requirements and wishes. It is important to note that in comparison with other types of stairs, it is the spiral one that will cost less, and in design and reliability it will not be inferior to the others. It can be made from wooden or metal steps, but in the same style as the interior design.

Calculation of the spiral staircase to the second floor

The decision to make a staircase on your own should begin with a calculation of the features of the future product, marches, the size and shape of the steps and other nuances that will eventually paint the big picture. A convenient online spiral staircase calculator will help you calculate absolutely all the important parameters and determine the amount of material that will be needed during the implementation of this project, as well as see the parameters in the drawings.

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