Rules for granting subventions to mining towns and villages - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Regulatory documents for the installation of a barrier 428 paragraph of July 2






The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

Rules for the provision of other intergovernmental transfers for the implementation of local development programs and employment for mining cities and towns;

distribution of subventions for the implementation of local development programs and employment for mining towns and villages in 2005.

2. Establish that, if it is necessary to redistribute subventions for the implementation of local development programs and employment for mining towns and villages, it shall be carried out in accordance with the established procedure no later than October 1, 2005 on the proposal of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation.

Prime Minister

Russian Federation



Government Decree

Russian Federation




1. These Rules establish the procedure and conditions for the provision of other interbudgetary transfers from the federal budget for the implementation of local development programs and employment for mining cities and towns (hereinafter referred to as other interbudgetary transfers).

2. The provision of other interbudgetary transfers is carried out within the limits of budgetary obligations communicated to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation as a recipient of federal budget funds for the implementation of measures provided for in paragraph 5 of these Rules.

3. Other interbudgetary transfers are provided to the local budgets of mining towns and settlements on the following terms:

a) the use of other interbudgetary transfers by local governments of mining cities and towns for the purpose of financial support for the implementation of measures provided for in paragraph 5 of these Rules;

b) submission by local authorities of mining towns and settlements to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation:

a list of objects selected on a competitive basis, where new jobs are created, which are included in municipal programs and provided with project documentation;

information on the number of resettled families of laid-off workers of liquidated coal industry organizations;

reporting on the use of other interbudgetary transfers in the form and within the time limits determined by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

4. The transfer of other interbudgetary transfers shall be made to accounts opened for the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury in institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to account for transactions with budget funds of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

5. Other interbudgetary transfers are directed to financial support for the implementation of the following activities:

a) demolition of apartment buildings recognized as emergency and subject to demolition, and (or) residential buildings (residential premises) recognized as unsuitable for habitation, which became emergency or unsuitable for habitation as a result of mining operations at coal (shale) deposits liquidated before January 1, 2012 ) mines, as well as in the mines liquidated since January 1, 2012 in the years. Prokopyevsk, Kiselevsk and Anzhero-Sudzhensk (Kemerovo region) (hereinafter referred to as dilapidated housing);

b) assistance to citizens resettled from dilapidated housing in the acquisition (construction) of housing to replace the demolished one;

c) assistance in the acquisition (construction) of housing at a new place of residence for employees who were released before January 1, 2005 during the liquidation of coal industry organizations located in the Far North and equivalent areas and who have at least 10 years of work experience in coal industry organizations ( hereinafter referred to as departing citizens);

d) reconstruction of the social infrastructure facilities of mining towns and settlements affected by the liquidation of coal (shale) mines and cuts or the construction of new social infrastructure facilities, provided that the costs of their construction do not exceed the costs of reconstruction;

d) expired. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.05.2018 N;

f) operation of environmental facilities transferred by liquidated organizations of the coal industry to municipal ownership.

6. The amount of other interbudgetary transfers allocated for the implementation of measures provided for in subparagraphs "a" - "c" and "e" of paragraph 5 of these Rules is determined by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation for each mining town and village on the basis of duly approved projects for the liquidation of coal (shale) mines and cuts, lists of citizens subject to resettlement, as well as lists of citizens subject to resettlement in the cities. Prokopievsk, Kiselevsk and Anzhero-Sudzhensk (Kemerovo region).

The amount of other interbudgetary transfers allocated for the implementation of the measure provided for in subparagraph "d" of paragraph 5 of these Rules is determined by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation for each mining town and village on the basis of project documentation, a positive conclusion of the state examination of project documentation and a conclusion on the reliability of determining the estimated cost of the facility capital construction.

6(1). Other interbudgetary transfers directed to the implementation of the measure provided for by subparagraph "d" of paragraph 5 of these Rules are provided on the basis of an agreement concluded between the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. This agreement must contain, among other things, the following terms:

a) purpose of other interbudgetary transfers;

b) information about the capital construction object under construction (reconstruction) (including characteristics, term and estimated cost of its construction or reconstruction);

c) the amount of other intergovernmental transfers provided;

d) the schedule for the transfer of other interbudgetary transfers, unless otherwise established by the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation;

e) the values ​​of performance indicators for the use of other interbudgetary transfers and the obligations of the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to achieve them;

f) the obligation of the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation to submit reports on the implementation of budget expenditures of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the source of financial support for which are other interbudgetary transfers, on the achievement of the values ​​of performance indicators for the use of other interbudgetary transfers, as well as the timing and procedure for submitting such reports;

g) the right of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the financial and budgetary sphere to conduct inspections of compliance with the terms and conditions established by the agreement;

h) the procedure for the return of other interbudgetary transfers in the event that, based on the results of the checks specified in subparagraph "g" of this paragraph, a fact of violation of the goals and conditions for the provision of other interbudgetary transfers determined by these Rules and the agreement is established;

i) the consequences of the failure of the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation to achieve the values ​​of performance indicators for the use of other interbudgetary transfers established in the agreement;

j) other provisions regulating the procedure for granting other interbudgetary transfers.

6(2). The agreement establishes, among other things, the following performance indicators for other intergovernmental transfers:

compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of activities;

the level of technical readiness of facilities achieved as a result of the use of other interbudgetary transfers;

compliance with the requirements of project documentation during construction (reconstruction).

7. Payment for the work performed on the demolition of dilapidated housing is carried out on the basis of contracts concluded by local governments of mining cities and towns and performers of work, cost estimates for the production of work and acts on the performance of work and the provision of services.

Work executors are determined by local self-government bodies of mining towns and settlements in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. Assistance to citizens resettled from dilapidated housing in the acquisition (construction) of housing to replace the demolished one, as well as to citizens leaving - in the acquisition (construction) of housing at a new place of residence is carried out in the form of social payments. Social payments are provided on the basis of the lists of citizens subject to resettlement drawn up on the day of the decision to liquidate coal industry organizations and annually updated, approved by local governments of mining cities and towns and agreed with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

The paragraph is excluded. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 15, 2006 N.

The grounds for clarifying the lists of citizens subject to resettlement are:

birth (adoption) of children and their registration at the place of residence in dilapidated housing by parents (parent) included (included) in the list of citizens subject to resettlement and living (living) in dilapidated housing on the day the decision was made to liquidate the organization of the coal industry;

state registration of death or declaration of death of a citizen included in the list of citizens subject to resettlement;

removal of a citizen included in the list of citizens subject to resettlement from the registration at the place of residence in dilapidated housing.

The list of grounds for clarifying the lists of citizens subject to resettlement, provided for by this paragraph, is exhaustive.

9. The amount of social payment provided to a citizen in accordance with paragraph 8 of these Rules is determined on the basis of the cost of housing purchased at the rate of housing area in accordance with paragraph 10 of these Rules, and the average market value of 1 square. meters of the total area of ​​housing in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (for citizens resettled from dilapidated housing) or in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation, chosen for permanent residence, but not higher than the average market value of 1 sq. meters of the total area of ​​housing in the Russian Federation, determined by the authorized federal executive body (for departing citizens).

The amount of the social payment is calculated by the local government of the mining town or village in agreement with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and is unchanged until the acquisition of housing.

In the case of the acquisition of housing, the cost of which exceeds the amount of social payments, the additional payment is made by a citizen.

10. The norm of the total area of ​​a dwelling, used in calculating the amount of social payment, is:

33 sq. meters - for single citizens;

42 sq. meters - for a family of 2 people;

18 sq. meters - for each member of a family consisting of 3 people or more.

11. Social payments are provided on the condition that:

a citizen living under a social tenancy agreement in a dwelling located in a state or municipal housing stock, assumes an obligation to terminate the said agreement and vacate the occupied dwelling, its delivery (transfer) at the place of residence to the local self-government body of the mining town or village within a month after the acquisition of housing at the expense of the social benefits provided to him;

a citizen living in a dwelling owned by him and (or) his family members on the right of ownership and without encumbrances, assumes an obligation to transfer this dwelling to the local government under an agreement within a month after the acquisition of housing at the expense of the social payment provided to him .

These obligations are accepted and signed by all adult family members of a citizen.

12. The local self-government body of a mining town or village concludes an agreement with a citizen on the provision of social benefits for the acquisition (construction) of housing at the expense of funds provided for the implementation of local development programs and employment for mining cities and towns, in the form established by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation .

13. A citizen, within the term of the agreement on the provision of social benefits for the acquisition (construction) of housing at the expense of funds provided for the implementation of local development programs and employment for mining cities and towns, has the right to purchase housing from any natural and legal entities (one or more) residential premises (including an apartment, a room, an individual residential building or part thereof) that meets the established sanitary and technical requirements, landscaped in relation to the conditions of a settlement (including in a rural area) selected for permanent residence, or use the social benefit to participate in the shared construction of an apartment building.

Acquired (built) at the expense of social benefits, residential premises are registered in the common ownership of all family members specified in the agreement on the provision of social benefits for the acquisition (construction) of housing at the expense of funds provided for the implementation of local development programs and employment for mining cities and towns .

14. In order to pay for the acquired housing, a citizen shall submit to the local government body of a mining town or settlement a contract of sale, which was the basis for the state registration of the right to the acquired residential premises, a certificate of state registration of the ownership of the residential premises.

In order to pay funds in the amount of the price of an agreement on participation in shared construction of an apartment building, a participant in shared construction submits to the local government body of a mining town or village an agreement on participation in shared construction that has state registration (without state registration, an agreement on participation in shared construction of an apartment building can be submitted, permission for the construction of which was received before the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 30, 2004 N 214-FZ "On Participation in Shared Construction of Apartment Buildings and Other Real Estate and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation").

The paragraph is invalid. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 N 36.

15. Payment for the work performed on the construction of new ones to replace those affected in connection with the liquidation of coal (shale) mines and cuts of social infrastructure facilities of mining cities and towns or the reconstruction of these facilities is carried out in accordance with agreements concluded by local governments of mining cities and towns and performers of work, cost estimates for the production of works, acts on the performance of work and the provision of services.

16 - 17. Lost their power. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/10/2018 N.

18. Payment for the work performed by project executors is carried out in accordance with agreements concluded by local governments of mining cities and towns with project executors specified in paragraph 16 of these Rules, as well as documents confirming the validity of the costs incurred by project executors in accordance with the approved design and estimate documentation.

Project executors are determined by the local governments of mining towns and settlements in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

19. Financial support for the costs of operating environmental facilities transferred by liquidated coal industry organizations to municipal ownership is carried out on condition that these facilities protect the territories of mining cities and towns.

Payment for the work performed to ensure the operation of these environmental facilities is carried out in accordance with contracts concluded by local authorities of mining cities and towns and contractors, cost estimates for ensuring the operation of these facilities, approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, as well as acts on the performance of work and the provision of services .

20. Local self-government bodies of mining cities and towns are responsible for the implementation of expenditures of local budgets, the source of financial support for which are other interbudgetary transfers, in accordance with the conditions established by these Rules.

In case of violation of the conditions established by these Rules, other interbudgetary transfers are subject to return to the federal budget in the manner established by the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation.

21. Control over compliance with the conditions for the provision of other interbudgetary transfers is carried out by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the financial and budgetary sphere.


Government Decree

Russian Federation





Amount of subventions (thousand rubles)

Tula region

Municipal formation "City of Aleksin and Aleksinsky district"

Administration of the Municipal Formation "City of Kimovsk and Kimovsky District"

Administration of the municipal formation "Venevsky district of the Tula region"

Administration of the Donskoy Municipal Formation

Administration of the city of Shchekino and the Shchekino district

Administration of the municipal formation "Kireevsky district"

Administration of the Municipal Formation "City of Uzlovaya and Uzlovsky District"

Municipal formation "City of Bogoroditsk and Bogoroditsky district"

Administration of the Municipal Formation "City of Novomoskovsk and Novomoskovsky District"

Administration of Tula

Smolensk region

Administration of the municipal formation "Safonovsky district"

Tver region

Administration of the Nelidovsky district

Rostov region

Administration of the city of Krasny Sulin and the Krasnosulinsky district

Administration of Gukovo

Administration of Donetsk

Administration of the city of Belaya Kalitva and the Belokalitvinsky district

Administration of Novoshakhtinsk

City Hall of Shakhty

Administration of the Tatsinsky district

Oktyabrsky District Administration

Perm region

Administration of the city of Gubakha

Administration of Gremyachinsk

Administration of the city of Kizel

Sverdlovsk region

Administration of the municipal formation "Artemovsky district"

Municipal institution "Administration of the city of Karpinsk"

Chelyabinsk region

Administration of Yemanzhelinsk

Administration of Kopeysk

Novosibirsk region

Territorial administration of the Iskitimsky district

Administration of Toguchinsky District

Kemerovo region

Administration of the city of Berezovsky

Administration of Anzhero-Sudzhensk

Administration of Kemerovo

Administration of Leninsk-Kuznetsky

Administration of Belovo

Administration of Kiselevsk

Administration of the city of Prokopyevsk

Administration of Mezhdurechensk

Administration of Novokuznetsk

Administration of the city of Kaltan

Administration of Osinniki

Administration of the city of Polysaevo

The Republic of Buryatia

Administration of the municipal formation "Selenginsky district"

Republic of Bashkortostan

Administration of Kumertau

Chita region

Administration of the village Bukachacha municipality "Chernyshevsky district"

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Administration of the municipal formation "Beringovsky district"

Administration of the municipal formation "Anadyrsky district"

Krasnoyarsk region

Administration of Sharypovo

Primorsky Krai

Administration of the municipal formation "City of Artem"

Administration of the municipal formation "Nadezhda district"

Administration of the Partizansky urban district

Administration of the municipal formation "Oktyabrsky district"

Administration of the municipal formation "Shkotovsky district"

Administration of the municipal formation "Mikhailovsky district"

Sakhalin region

Administration of the city of Nevelsk and Nevelsk district

Administration of the municipal formation "Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky district"

Administration of the municipal formation "Poronaysky district"

Administration of the municipal formation "Makarovsky district"

Administration of the municipal formation "Uglegorsk district"

Administration of the municipal formation "Dolinsky district"

Administration of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Komi Republic

Administration of the municipal formation "City of Vorkuta"

Administration of the municipal formation "City of Inta"

Leningrad region

Administration of the municipal formation "Slantsevsky district"

Subvention recipient

Excluded. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 9, 2005 N 671

In order to improve the level of improvement of adjacent territories in the city of Moscow, as well as to ensure a comfortable urban living environment, the Moscow Government decides:

1. Approve the procedure for installing fences in the adjacent territories in the city of Moscow (appendix). 2. Control over the implementation of this Resolution shall be entrusted to the Acting Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for property and land relations Sergunina N.A., Acting Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for housing and communal services and landscaping Biryukov P.P. Acting Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin Annex to the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 2, 2013 N 428-PP


installation of fences in the adjoining territories in the city of Moscow

1. This Procedure regulates legal relations related to the installation of fences in the adjoining territories of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow and their dismantling. 2. For the purposes of this Procedure, fences are understood as devices for regulating the entry and (or) exit of vehicles into the local area (hereinafter referred to as the fencing device). 3. The installation of enclosing devices is carried out by decision of the owners of premises in an apartment building, adopted at a general meeting of such owners of premises in an apartment building. 4. If a fencing device is installed to regulate the entry and (or) exit of vehicles to the adjoining territories of two or more apartment buildings, then the installation of such devices is carried out on the basis of decisions taken at general meetings of the owners of the premises of all such apartment buildings. 5. The decision of the general meeting shall contain information about the person authorized to represent the interests of the owners of premises in an apartment building on issues related to the installation of fencing devices and their dismantling (hereinafter referred to as the person authorized by the owners). 6. Vehicles of owners of premises in an apartment building and other persons enter the adjacent territory in accordance with the procedure established by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building. 7. The decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building with the application of the project for the placement of the enclosing device, which indicates the location, type, size, appearance of the enclosing device, is sent by a person authorized by the owners for approval to the council of deputies of the municipal district on whose territory it is planned to place the corresponding enclosing device (hereinafter referred to as the council of deputies). 8. The decision to approve the installation of a fencing device or to refuse approval is made by the council of deputies no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the documents (clause 7). 9. The grounds for refusing to approve the installation of a fencing device by the Council of Deputies are: 9.1. Failure to comply with the requirements to ensure round-the-clock and unhindered access to the local area for fire equipment, vehicles of law enforcement agencies, ambulances, services of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, gas utilities and utilities. 9.2. The creation by the enclosing device of obstacles or restrictions on the passage of pedestrians and (or) the passage of vehicles on the territory of common use, determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities (hereinafter referred to as the territory of common use). 10. The decision of the council of deputies on the approval or refusal to approve the installation of the enclosing device is sent to the person authorized by the owners no later than 5 working days from the date of its adoption. 11. Installation and maintenance of fencing devices is carried out at the own expense of the owners of premises in an apartment building. 12. The owners of premises in an apartment building, during the installation and subsequent operation of fencing devices in the adjacent territories, provide round-the-clock and unimpeded access to the adjacent territory of fire equipment, law enforcement vehicles, ambulances, services of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Liquidation consequences of natural disasters, organizations of the gas industry and public utilities. 13. It is prohibited to install and operate fencing devices that impede or restrict the passage of pedestrians and the passage of vehicles in the public area. 14. In case of violation of the requirements of this Procedure during the installation of fencing devices, fencing devices are subject to dismantling and moving to specially organized sites for storage (hereinafter - dismantling) in the manner and on conditions similar to the procedure established for the release of land plots from objects illegally placed on them, not being objects of capital construction. 15. Fencing devices are dismantled if they interfere with the work on landscaping, construction (reconstruction) and (or) major repairs of capital construction projects carried out at the expense of the Moscow city budget, subject to compensation for the costs of owners of premises in an apartment building for the acquisition and the installation of such a barrier, determined on the basis of an independent evaluation report. 16. Payment of compensation (clause 15) is made by the state customer of works on the improvement of the territory or the state customer of works on the construction (reconstruction) and (or) major repairs of capital construction objects at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow allocated for the specified work (hereinafter referred to as the state customer), on the basis of documents (clause 18). 17. In the cases provided for in paragraph 15 of this Procedure, the state customer provides placement in the media, on the official websites of the state customer, the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow and the city district council of Moscow in the information and telecommunication network Internet, bulletin boards of the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow and councils of the district of the city of Moscow, as well as directly on the enclosing devices of the following information: 17.1. On the date of the work on the dismantling of the enclosing device. 17.2. On the place, deadline for submission and the list of documents submitted to the state customer for the purpose of payment of compensation provided for in paragraph 14 of this Procedure. 18. As the documents that are the basis for the payment of compensation, the person authorized by the owners shall submit: 18.1. The decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on the installation of a protective device, agreed in accordance with paragraph 6 of this Procedure with the Council of Deputies. 18.2. Documents confirming the fact of acquisition and (or) installation of the enclosing device. 18.3. Bank account details of a person authorized by the owners to transfer funds as compensation for the dismantling of the enclosing device. 19. State customer: 19.1. Provides an independent assessment of the cost of the enclosing device to be dismantled. 19.2. Transfers funds to the bank account (clause 18.3) as compensation for the dismantling of the enclosing device in the amount specified in the report on the evaluation of the enclosing device to be dismantled. 20. The amount of monetary compensation determined on the basis of the assessment report may be appealed by the owners of premises in an apartment building in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including in court.





In order to improve the level of improvement of adjacent territories in the city of Moscow, as well as to ensure a comfortable urban living environment, the Moscow Government decides:

9. The grounds for refusal to approve the installation of a fencing device by the council of deputies are:

9.1. Failure to comply with the requirements to ensure round-the-clock and unhindered access to the local area for fire equipment, vehicles of law enforcement agencies, ambulances, services of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, gas utilities and utilities.

9.2. The creation by the enclosing device of obstacles or restrictions on the passage of pedestrians and (or) the passage of vehicles on the territory of common use, determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities (hereinafter referred to as the territory of common use).

10. The decision of the council of deputies on the approval or refusal to approve the installation of the enclosing device is sent to the person authorized by the owners no later than 5 working days from the date of its adoption.

11. Installation and maintenance of fencing devices is carried out at the own expense of the owners of premises in an apartment building.

12. The owners of premises in an apartment building, during the installation and subsequent operation of fencing devices in the adjacent territories, provide round-the-clock and unimpeded access to the adjacent territory of fire equipment, law enforcement vehicles, ambulances, services of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Liquidation consequences of natural disasters, organizations of the gas industry and public utilities.

13. It is prohibited to install and operate fencing devices that impede or restrict the passage of pedestrians and the passage of vehicles in the public area.

14. In case of violation of the requirements of this Procedure during the installation of fencing devices, fencing devices are subject to dismantling and moving to specially organized sites for storage (hereinafter - dismantling) in the manner and on conditions similar to the procedure established for the release of land plots from objects illegally placed on them, not being objects of capital construction.

15. Fencing devices are dismantled if they interfere with the work on landscaping, construction (reconstruction) and (or) major repairs of capital construction projects carried out at the expense of the Moscow city budget, subject to compensation for the costs of owners of premises in an apartment building for the acquisition and the installation of such a barrier, determined on the basis of an independent evaluation report.

17. In the cases provided for in paragraph 15 of this Procedure, the state customer provides placement in the media, on the official websites of the state customer, the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow and the city district council of Moscow in the information and telecommunication network Internet, bulletin boards of the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow and councils of the district of the city of Moscow, as well as directly on the enclosing devices of the following information:

17.1. On the date of the work on the dismantling of the enclosing device.

17.2. On the place, deadline for submission and the list of documents submitted to the state customer for the purpose of paying compensation under this Procedure.

18. As the documents that are the basis for the payment of compensation, the person authorized by the owners shall submit:

18.1. The decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building or the results of a survey on the installation of a fencing device, agreed in accordance with paragraphs 7 and this Procedure with the Council of Deputies.

(clause 18.1 as amended by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 27, 2018 N 115-PP)

18.2. Documents confirming the fact of acquisition and (or) installation of the enclosing device.

18.3. Bank account details of a person authorized by the owners to transfer funds as compensation for the dismantling of the enclosing device.

19. State customer:

19.1. Provides an independent assessment of the cost of the enclosing device to be dismantled.

19.2. Transfers funds to the bank account (clause 18.3) as compensation for the dismantling of the enclosing device in the amount specified in the report on the evaluation of the enclosing device to be dismantled.

20. The amount of monetary compensation determined on the basis of the assessment report may be appealed by the owners of premises in an apartment building in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including in court.

Headquarters of the Supreme High Command
Order dated November 17, 1941 № 428
on the creation of special teams for the destruction and burning of settlements in the rear of the Nazi troops

The experience of the last month of the war showed that the German army was poorly adapted to war in winter conditions, did not have warm clothes and, experiencing enormous difficulties from the onset of frost, huddled in the front line in populated areas. The enemy, arrogant to the point of insolence, was going to spend the winter in the warm houses of Moscow and Leningrad, but this was prevented by the actions of our troops. On vast sections of the front, German troops, having met stubborn resistance from our units, were forced to go on the defensive and settled in settlements along the roads for 20-30 km on both sides. German soldiers live, as a rule, in cities, towns, villages, in peasant huts, sheds, rigs, baths near the front, and the headquarters of the German units are located in larger settlements and cities, hiding in basements, using them as shelter from our aircraft and artillery. The Soviet population of these points is usually evicted and thrown out by the German invaders.

To deprive the German army of the opportunity to deploy in villages and cities, drive the German invaders out of all settlements into the cold in the field, smoke them out of all premises and warm shelters and make them freeze in the open - such is an urgent task, the solution of which largely depends on the acceleration of the defeat of the enemy and the disintegration of his army.

The Headquarters of the Supreme High Command ORDERS:

1. Destroy and burn to the ground all settlements in the rear of the German troops at a distance of 40-60 km in depth from the front line and 20-30 km to the right and left of the roads.

To destroy settlements within the indicated radius of action, immediately drop aircraft, widely use artillery and mortar fire, teams of scouts, skiers and guerrilla sabotage groups equipped with Molotov cocktails, grenades and explosives.

2. In each regiment, create teams of hunters of 20-30 people each to blow up and burn settlements in which enemy troops are stationed. To select the most courageous and politically and morally strong fighters, commanders and political workers in the hunting teams, carefully explaining to them the tasks and significance of this event for the defeat of the German army. Outstanding daredevils for courageous actions to destroy the settlements in which the German troops are located, to present to the government award.

3. In the event of a forced withdrawal of our units in one sector or another, take the Soviet population with them and be sure to destroy all settlements without exception so that the enemy cannot use them. First of all, for this purpose, use the teams of hunters allocated in the regiments.

4. The military councils of the fronts and individual armies systematically check how the tasks for the destruction of settlements in the above radius from the front line are being carried out. Headquarters every 3 days to report in a separate summary how many and which settlements have been destroyed over the past days and by what means these results have been achieved.

After the introduction of paid parking, the Moscow authorities, as it were, went to meet the residents and adopted a Resolution on a simplified procedure for agreeing on the installation of fences (installation of barriers, gates, etc.) in the adjacent territories in the city of Moscow.

Coordination of the installation of a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building is carried out by the Council of Municipal Deputies in Moscow.
About procedure:
1. Residents of apartment buildings need to collect a small package of documents, in accordance with the annex to the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 2, 2013 No. 428-PP.
2. The collected package of documents must be submitted to the apparatus of the Council of Deputies. As a rule, it is located in the building of the district council. At the time of submission of documents, specify the phone number, by which you can then find out about the decision taken by the Council of Deputies and the date of the next meeting of the Council of Deputies. The decision is made at the meeting. Meetings are usually held once a month.
3. The decision to approve the installation of a fencing device or to refuse approval is made by the council of deputies no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the documents. It will be possible to pick up the decision in the office of the Council of Deputies.

The procedure for installing fences in the adjacent territories in the city of Moscow

1. This Procedure regulates legal relations related to the installation of fences in the adjoining territories of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow and their dismantling.

2. For the purposes of this Procedure, fences are understood as devices for regulating the entry and (or) exit of vehicles into the local area (hereinafter referred to as the fencing device).

3. The installation of enclosing devices is carried out by decision of the owners of premises in an apartment building, adopted at a general meeting of such owners of premises in an apartment building.

4. If a fencing device is installed to regulate the entry and (or) exit of vehicles to the adjoining territories of two or more apartment buildings, then the installation of such devices is carried out on the basis of decisions taken at general meetings of the owners of the premises of all such apartment buildings.

5. The decision of the general meeting shall contain information about the person authorized to represent the interests of the owners of premises in an apartment building on issues related to the installation of fencing devices and their dismantling (hereinafter referred to as the person authorized by the owners).

6. Vehicles of owners of premises in an apartment building and other persons enter the adjacent territory in accordance with the procedure established by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building.

7. The decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building with the application of the project for the placement of the enclosing device, which indicates the location, type, size, appearance of the enclosing device, is sent by a person authorized by the owners for approval to the council of deputies of the municipal district on whose territory it is planned to place the corresponding enclosing device (hereinafter referred to as the council of deputies).

8. The decision to approve the installation of a fencing device or to refuse approval is made by the council of deputies no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the documents (clause 7).

9. The grounds for refusal to approve the installation of a fencing device by the council of deputies are:

9.1. Non-compliance with the requirements for ensuring round-the-clock and unhindered travel to the adjacent territory of fire equipment, vehicles of law enforcement agencies, ambulance services, services of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, gas facilities and public utilities.

9.2. The creation by the enclosing device of obstacles or restrictions on the passage of pedestrians and (or) the passage of vehicles on the territory of common use, determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities (hereinafter referred to as the territory of common use).

10. The decision of the council of deputies on the approval or refusal to approve the installation of the enclosing device is sent to the person authorized by the owners no later than 5 working days from the date of its adoption.

11. Installation and maintenance of fencing devices is carried out at the own expense of the owners of premises in an apartment building.

12. The owners of premises in an apartment building, during the installation and subsequent operation of fencing devices in the adjacent territories, provide fire equipment, vehicles of law enforcement agencies, emergency medical services, services of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters to the adjacent territory, organizations of the gas industry and utilities.

13. It is prohibited to install and operate fencing devices that impede or restrict the passage of pedestrians and the passage of vehicles in the public area.

14. In case of violation of the requirements of this Procedure during the installation of fencing devices, fencing devices are subject to dismantling and moving to specially organized sites for storage (hereinafter - dismantling) in the manner and on conditions similar to the procedure established for the release of land plots from objects illegally placed on them, not being objects of capital construction.

15. Fencing devices are dismantled if they interfere with the work on landscaping, construction (reconstruction) and (or) major repairs of capital construction projects carried out at the expense of the Moscow city budget, subject to compensation for the costs of owners of premises in an apartment building for the acquisition and the installation of such a barrier, determined on the basis of an independent evaluation report.

16. Payment of compensation (clause 15) is made by the state customer of works on the improvement of the territory or the state customer of works on the construction (reconstruction) and (or) major repairs of capital construction objects at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow allocated for the specified work (hereinafter referred to as the state customer), on the basis of documents (clause 18).

17. In the cases provided for in paragraph 15 of this Procedure, the state customer provides placement in the media, on the official websites of the state customer, the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow and the city district council of Moscow in the information and telecommunication network Internet, bulletin boards of the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow and councils of the district of the city of Moscow, as well as directly on the enclosing devices of the following information: 17.1. On the date of the work on the dismantling of the enclosing device. 17.2. On the place, deadline for submission and the list of documents submitted to the state customer for the purpose of payment of compensation provided for in paragraph 14 of this Procedure.

18. As the documents that are the basis for the payment of compensation, the person authorized by the owners shall submit:

18.1. The decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on the installation of a protective device, agreed in accordance with paragraph 6 of this Procedure with the Council of Deputies. 18.2. Documents confirming the fact of acquisition and (or) installation of the enclosing device. 18.3. Bank account details of a person authorized by the owners to transfer funds as compensation for the dismantling of the enclosing device.

19. State customer: 19.1. Provides an independent assessment of the cost of the enclosing device to be dismantled. 19.2. Transfers funds to the bank account (clause 18.3) as compensation for the dismantling of the enclosing device in the amount specified in the report on the assessment of the enclosing device to be dismantled.

20. The amount of monetary compensation determined on the basis of the assessment report may be appealed by the owners of premises in an apartment building in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including in court.

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