When a child needs vitamins for immunity and how to choose the right ones. What vitamins are better to take for immunity in children of different ages? Immunity Boosting Vitamins for Children

More recently, by chance, a conversation arose on the bus about the importance of vitamins for strengthening the immunity of children.

One mother zealously argued that for a child there is nothing more important than fresh vegetables and fruits, berries and nuts.

Another young woman seemed to prefer multivitamins and gave them to her child to drink. Which of the two mothers is right?

What should be given to a native child so that diseases and infections do not destroy the growing organism? What to prefer to replenish it with the necessary substances and components? What are the opinions of experts?

Why do children need vitamins so much?

It has long been known that vitamins for immunity are essential for children, and starting from an early age, the little man needs the help and support of his mother.

It lies in breastfeeding, since it is in mother's milk that all the very active elements that can become a reliable defense against invading bacteria and pathogens in the first months of life are contained.

Further, an important stage of the formation and adaptation of the body continues, which is constantly growing and requires more nutrition and “building material”. For any age, it is important to have a balanced diet, its saturation with nutrients, physical activity that supports the usefulness of internal functionality.

If a child is deprived of the opportunity to receive proper nutrition in childhood, this can later result in a host of troubles: insufficient development of bone and muscle mass, mental lag behind peers, and also provoke the development of chronic diseases.

All this can be accompanied by constant colds and infectious diseases that occur against the background of a weakened immune system. That's why vitamins are so important for health and immunity, that's why Dr. Komarovsky, a famous Russian pediatrician, constantly talks about this.

Children's vitamins for immunity should be a real help from the first months to adulthood, and the task of parents is to determine the right dose and method of delivering them to the child's body.

It can be both natural food: fish, meat dishes, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, as well as multivitamin complexes that allow you to compensate for immunodeficiency easily and quickly.

I must say that the child who does not receive the necessary dose of vitamins:

  • more often and more severely tolerates various diseases of a viral and infectious nature;
  • the recovery period in weakened children is longer and can drag on for many months;
  • often in such cases there are chronic foci of inflammation, since the body is not able to effectively deal with microbes.
  • the rehabilitation period is increasing every time.

In order to break this vicious circle, a number of measures should be taken to eliminate immunodeficiency, and vitamins should be used as preventive measures.

They will help to partially reduce the frequency of diseases, reduce the duration and severity of illnesses, help to rehabilitate a weakened body after long-term medication.

What is immunodeficiency in children

The state when measures are urgently required to restore the protective properties of the child's body are easily guessed by the following signs:

  • frequent colds are observed, and, having barely ended, the disease arises with renewed vigor, literally in a few days. First of all, this applies to viral infections of the respiratory tract. And this happens regardless of the summer or winter season.
  • if the disease recurs more than six times a year, parents should take urgent measures to replenish the immune status;
  • in cases where the baby is recovering for a long time and painfully and the period of remission is lengthened;
  • there is an increase in lymph nodes;
  • if your child experiences drowsiness, rapid fatigue, his concentration is disturbed, and he becomes absent-minded;
  • with frequent diarrhea and bloating, as well as with frequent pain in the abdomen;
  • with delamination and fragility of the nail plates, as well as if intense hair loss begins;
  • when allergic reactions are observed for no apparent reason.

Many parents say with confidence that the replenishment of nutrition and vitamins in a child can only be carried out at the expense of food and a properly selected diet.

Of course, this is correct, because it is from high-quality products that we can get all the important substances and trace elements. The only question is the quality of these same products, which sometimes does not meet the requirements.

From fish caught from the sea, a person replenishes vitamin D, from berries and fruit crops, vitamin C is replenished, liver and carrots provide vitamin A in excess, and plant oils and egg yolks are used as a source of vitamin E.

However, it should be noted that in order to give the right amount of vitamins per day, the child will have to eat a considerable amount of these same foods, which is sometimes very problematic, especially since there are strong allergens among them.

And here vitamin supplements and complexes come to the rescue, which are produced in the required age dose and are simply an indispensable tool during beriberi.

Each tool is used according to the instructions, which it is highly not recommended to violate.

When to use vitamin complexes for children

  • If the child's diet is inadequate.
  • In cases of increased physical or mental stress.
  • If the child experiences severe overwork, especially at school age.
  • At the time when the acute period of the disease ends, and the rehabilitation stage begins.
  • With immunodeficiency and beriberi between seasons, spring and autumn.
  • During the period of intensive development of the body of adolescents.

As a prophylactic for a child's body, vitamin supplements are used to improve resistance against infections and colds, but a direct direct connection between these concepts has not yet been proven.

Doctors advise giving children multivitamins in the morning, this is due to the tonic effect that many supplements have. You can not greatly exceed the dose and use vitamins for other purposes.

It is advisable to consult a doctor before starting to use this product, because each complex has its own recommendations from the manufacturer and a certain focus.

Experts say that any child, without exception, has a vitamin deficiency to a greater or lesser extent, this conclusion was made on the basis of numerous studies.

Do vitamin complexes have contraindications? Yes, definitely. Caution should be given to a child such a medical product if on the face:

  • In the presence of hypervitaminosis.
  • Non-perception by the body of any substance.

The effect of vitamins on the child's body

The baby's body will be more resistant to disease attacks if it has all kinds of vitamins in sufficient quantities.

However, the following representatives of vitamin groups play the greatest role in improving immunity:

  • A is a vitamin that protects the small body from attacks by viruses and the formation of tumors. It helps skin regeneration, pacifies allergic reactions, helps improve vision.
  • E is a very necessary vitamin that allows the whole body to fully develop, successfully fights pathogenic bacteria, cancer cells.
  • C - serves as a strengthening agent for gums, teeth, blood vessels. Resists colds.
  • D is a very important component for the development and growth of bone tissue, for the normal functioning of the heart muscle, and is important for blood clotting.

If the complex or supplement that you buy for a child contains all these components, then your choice is correct and the health of your beloved child will be reliably protected.

Look carefully at the contents of the product when you buy it in a pharmacy.

Various types of vitamins for children against immunodeficiency

Preparations for replenishing children's immunity are produced today in various forms. It can be a powdered mass, syrup, chewable lozenges or tablets, as well as a coated tablet product.

  • For the smallest children, from about a year old, vitamins are produced in the form of a powder, which a mother can dissolve in water and give to her baby, there is also a syrup for the smallest children.
  • For older kids, pharmacological manufacturers offer chewing sweets and gummies with various flavors of fruits and berries.
  • Schoolchildren are offered a large selection of vitamins in the form of tablets that can be consumed with water.

In addition to the variety of forms, multivitamin supplements can be different in their composition. Among them are:

  • 1st generation drugs, which are used both for therapeutic purposes and as a prophylactic. They may contain only one main component, an example would be inexpensive ascorbic acid. Such supplements help to fill the deficiency of any one vitamin and improve overall health.
  • Second generation are vitamin supplements that can contain up to several components supplemented with trace elements.
  • third generation- the most advanced contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, and in addition, they contain extracts of plant crops: rose hips, blueberries, currants, lemons.

Of course, in modern society, it is difficult to deceive anyone. Information helps to master the worldwide global network.

Numerous reviews of parents prove that the most popular in Russia today are such vitamin brands and names as: Alfavit, Vitrum, Pikovit, Vitamishki. Their place in the ranking has remained in the first positions for more than a dozen years.

The human body, and above all, the child requires effective vitamins in various directions. They can be roughly divided into two main groups:

  • water soluble, which include groups of vitamins B and C. They are needed for the full development of the nervous system, metabolic and regenerative processes, hematopoiesis, normal reactions of various organs, the usefulness of breathing;
  • fat-soluble groups- these are vitamins D, A, E, K, important for strengthening bones and skeleton, teeth, hairline. They help blood coagulate, digest fats and strengthen the eye organs.

Each age has its own dosage and features of the reception.

First year of life

Each age has its own required daily dosage and preference. So children of the one-year-old period need vitamin groups B, D, C, PP, A.

They are responsible for the growth activity. It is mainly used vitamin syrup or powder. They are mixed with food or water and the child receives them without problems.You can apply the following complex supplements: Pikovit 1+, Sana-Sol, Alphabet our baby, Kiner Biovital, Multi-tabs baby.

2 years

Here, the norm and types of vitamins remain the same as in the previous period. The kid has already become the owner of numerous teeth, so you can not only drink tasty and healthy syrups, but also start giving him chewable tablets.

3 years

From the age of three, the child begins to attend preschool organizations: a nursery, a kindergarten, and slowly come into contact with other children. This is where its ability to resist viruses is tested.

Addiction can cause stress and illness, immunity support and especially needed vitamins A, B6, C, PP, riboflavin are required.

It is recommended to take: Alphabet Kindergarten, Pikovit 3+, Vitamishki immuno +, Pikovit prebiotic. They will increase the body's defenses, strengthen its resistance, and increase the activity of internal functionality.

4, 5, 6 years old

From the age of four, you can add groups D and B to the above vitamins and drink them in full once every six months. The rest of the supply of necessary support, as in the age of three. We continue to give a complex for the growth of bones and muscle tissue, because the child is actively moving and growing.

7,8,9,10 years old

The peculiarity of this period is that there is an intensive formation of the brain. Support for mental and intellectual development is required, so the child should consume vitamins E, C, B, A. They are represented by good effective preparations: Pikovit 7+, Multi-tabs immunokids, Alphabet schoolboy, Vetoron.

The list of essential vitamins to boost immunity

  • A - found in large quantities in such products as: liver, dairy products, chicken eggs, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin. It is able to protect against infectious lesions. In the presence of the vitamin, the skin begins to peel off, visual acuity decreases.
  • B2 - riboflavin is found in fish, yeast, egg whites, meat, fish, cereals. Saturates cells with oxygen, fights toxins, improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system. With its deficiency in the body, weakness is felt, appetite is lost, the head begins to hurt, the mucous membranes become inflamed.
  • B5 - pantothenic acid is present in peas, cauliflower, yolk, cauliflower. Responsible for the synthesis of amino acids, fats, carbohydrates. If it is not enough, there is rapid fatigue, depression, pain in the head and muscles.
  • B6 - pyridoxine successfully fights infections, is found in chicken meat, fish, nuts, varnishes and legumes.
  • C - improves the body's defenses. These are butter, cheese, ultraviolet, yolks.
  • E - does not allow cells to collapse, binds free radicals. Found in seafood, meat, grains and grains.
  • This list is basic for improving the health and development of a full life of the child.

Only a balanced intake of the necessary vitamins and microelements into the child's body will allow him to grow up healthy and strong.

The primary task of each parent is to take care and maintain a weak immunity body, then your child is not afraid of viruses, pathogens and harmful organisms, especially in autumn, when the likelihood of infectious diseases increases significantly.

Drinking a vitamin once in the morning is not difficult, you should accustom your baby to this, suggesting to him that by taking it, he will get sick less.

Today, pharmacies offer a wide selection of various vitamin and mineral complexes, both in composition and in price. The ability to buy them is determined by parental creditworthiness and the price of the goods.

Among the drugs offered, there are both quite cheap and quite expensive ones. You should also not forget about fresh produce, berries, fruits, vegetables, especially from your own garden.

Herbal preparations and wild berries collected in the summer in ecologically clean places can provide the child with useful natural substances and components.

In a word, everything that nature gives should not be written off, and a smart approach and the use of the entire arsenal, both natural and artificially created, will help enhance the effect and give double benefits to strengthen the growing body.

The human immune system is responsible for producing antibodies that fight germs and bacteria. But before starting her direct work, she must learn to recognize the enemy in the face. Therefore, do not panic if at a certain age the child begins to get sick. All children get sick. Often this period falls on the beginning of attending a kindergarten or school. For many, the peak incidence falls on a transitional age, which smoothly turns into an introductory company and is accompanied by a change in social status. Pharmacists have not yet invented the best universal children's vitamins to boost immunity. The choice of a complex for recovery depends on many factors.

Before you go to the pharmacy for vitamins for children, it's a good idea to understand how the immune system works. Selection criteria such as inexpensive, on the advice of a friend, according to buyers or a pharmacist, do not work. At best, another review about the complete uselessness of their product will appear on the manufacturer's website. In the worst case, the case will end with an allergic reaction, indigestion or hypervitaminosis.

In the life of every child there are moments when his body needs the most attention and support.

  • The end of the breastfeeding period. Until that moment, his body resisted infections due to the immunoglobulins contained in mother's milk. Most often, it coincides with the beginning of the baby's activity and the expansion of the social circle, and hence the acquaintance with the new microflora. However, doctors do not recommend the use of vitamin complexes during this period, without urgent need, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction against the background of the introduction of complementary foods.
  • The period from 2 to 4 years, when the immune system has not yet begun to fully produce antibodies. But the child begins to attend kindergarten, development centers and children's activities. During this period, his body needs support. Vitamin complexes should contain vitamins A, C and D. They will help protect the child from respiratory diseases caused by new viruses and bacteria.
  • In the period from 6 to 8 years. At this time, the immune system enters the final stage of formation. In a healthy child, antibodies are produced almost in full. But, due to changes in social status, stress and changes in the environment, increased anxiety, it often fails. And when the child comes to school, he starts to get sick. To increase immunity, they choose not just vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes, which include such trace elements as iodine, calcium, and iron.
  • In the period from 12 to 15 years. No longer a child, but not an adult either. It would seem that a fully formed immune system should fully protect a teenager from respiratory diseases. But no. Often at this age, diseases appear that threaten the transition to the chronic stage. Nasopharynx, lungs, kidneys, joints suffer. The reason is simple. Hormonal restructuring of the body against the background of increased psychological and mental stress. Complexes for raising immunity should contain retinols, fatty acids, magnesium, selenium.

That is why children should not only not be given vitamins for adults, but in each case, one should focus on the age of the child and the clinical picture of his health.

When are vitamins needed?

You can not drink vitamin complexes constantly. Although, vitamins and trace elements are not medicines, they should be taken with caution. According to doctors, their reception is justified:

  • with increased fatigue and lethargy of the child;
  • with poor appetite;
  • with high mental and psychological stress;
  • subject to a therapeutic diet, when the intake of vitamins and trace elements in the child's body is limited by the diet;
  • when living in contaminated areas or in cities with a large number of industrial enterprises;
  • when recovering from past illnesses;
  • with frequent acute respiratory infections.

It is worth remembering that as a preventive measure for acute respiratory viral infections during the period of a seasonal increase in the incidence, vitamin complexes or dietary supplements should be drunk in a course some time before it starts. Doctors recommend drinking vitamins in mid-autumn and early spring to increase immunity. In the first case, the elements will have time to restore the immune system, and in the second, they will help the body recover after the winter.

By the way, this scheme also works when you first go to kindergarten or school. Don't rely on the miracle pill taken on September 1st.

When Vitamins Don't Help

As sad as it is in the case of frequent diseases, vitamins will be excellent helpers in improving immunity, only when conducting complex therapy. Parents should be alert and undergo an additional examination if:

  • the child is sick more than 4-5 times a year;
  • an ordinary runny nose in a couple of days leads to the development of bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis or otitis media;
  • the disease is severe or drags on for a long time, with incessant runny nose, cough, discomfort in the throat, periodic rises in temperature;
  • the disease is accompanied by a long recovery period with weakness, lethargy and poor appetite.

You should not say that these vitamins do not help, and grab onto another bright package. You need to find time and visit an immunologist. Which on the basis of analyzes and an immunogram will appoint or nominate treatment. Your doctor may also refer you to an allergist. Especially if there are frequent diseases of the upper respiratory tract, turning into bronchitis and pneumonia, which are difficult to treat with antibiotics.

Treatment will be long. And vitamins will play an important role in improving immunity.

How to choose the best vitamins to boost immunity

When choosing a drug for a child, in order to increase immunity and prevent colds, first of all, they pay attention to the content of vitamin C. Namely, it is responsible for the body's resistance to infections. It is also important the presence of vitamins of group A or retinols, which have a strong antioxidant effect. Further, it focuses on the age of the child and the problems that accompany his development. Let's conduct a short review of popular vitamin and mineral complexes.


Vitamins for the little ones. The gel contains vitamins B, E, D3, C, as well as lecithin and molybdate. As prescribed by a doctor, it can be used for children under 1 year old, for the prevention of rickets, stomatitis, digestive disorders, accompanied by colic. In children from 1 to 7 years of age, the effect of the drug is manifested in an increase in the protective functions of the body, especially during the season of colds.

Biovital gel for children lecithin


  • Convenient release form;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Does not contain artificial, dyes, preservatives and sugar;
  • In older children, the drug has a beneficial effect on mental and physical development;
  • It has a pronounced general strengthening effect, suitable for taking during illness and rehabilitation after antibiotic treatment;
  • Neutralizes the impact of harmful environmental factors.


  • The drug is suitable for preschool children. It can be used further, but the dosage will have to be increased.

The cost of one package: from 250 to 300 rubles.

Vitamins from the famous company KRKA from Slovenia. They have seven varieties designed for different ages, starting from 1 year. It is worth noting that they have a more general strengthening effect than they increase immunity. Their intake has a good effect on the mental and physical abilities of the child, increases appetite and helps to cope with the symptoms of increased anxiety or nervousness in children, thanks to the Pikovit Omega 3 complex, which includes saturated acids. Well, a calm, balanced and well-fed child, and it will hurt less.


  • Large selection of complexes designed for different ages;
  • A variety of release forms from syrup and pastilles in the form of bears or bananas, to simple dragees;
  • The presence in the line of the Pikovit Prebiotic complex for children with digestive problems;
  • Pikovit D 4+ and Pikovit 7+ complexes do not contain sugar in their composition, and can be used in diabetes mellitus;
  • Pikovit perfectly fights poor appetite, even during the recovery period after an illness.


  • Syrup most often receives complaints from parents. Many note its unnatural bright color, suggesting the presence of dyes, and a strong citrus aroma that children do not always like;
  • For children older than three years, it is recommended to take vitamins 3 times a day, which is not very convenient if the child attends a kindergarten or school;
  • Side effects include allergic reactions and indigestion.

Depending on the form of release, the packaging of Pikovit will cost from 300 to 450 rubles. ,


The Danish company Ferrosan produces vitamin and mineral complexes in two types:

  • Immuno-Kids for children under the age of 12;
  • Immuno-Plus for teenagers over 12 years old.

Both preparations contain 13 vitamins, and iron, calcium, iodine, selenium and magnesium are also indispensable for the proper development of the child's body. The latter is necessary in adolescence to maintain the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is no secret that the skeleton of modern children develops much faster than the circulatory system. And the presence of calcium and vitamin D in the composition will help to properly form bone tissue, from an early age to lay the health of teeth, nails and hair.

Multi-Tabs Immuno-Kids


  • The high content of vitamin C, probiotics and lactobacilli make the vitamin complex indispensable for the prevention of colds and intestinal infections;
  • Magnesium and pantothenic acid stimulate the heart muscle;
  • Children who are preparing for exams or olympiads speak especially well about the drug. After all, iodine has a beneficial effect on mental activity, and selenium and vitamin B6 relieve the feeling of nervousness.
  • The optimal dosage, 1 tablet per day, greatly facilitates the administration of the drug.


  • Application from the age of three;
  • There are only two release forms. Immuno Kids in absorbable lozenges and Immuno Plus in capsules;
  • Many doctors talk about some imbalance in the components of the complex for children over 12 years old.

The cost of a monthly course will cost 400-500 rubles for children under 12 years old, and 500-600 rubles for children older than this age.


Quite an interesting line of vitamin and mineral complexes for children from two years old. All complexes have a general strengthening effect and make up for the lack of vitamins and microelements necessary for the proper functioning of the child's body. However, there are plenty to choose from:

  • Multi+ will serve as an excellent base for the formation of the immune and nervous systems, as well as the metabolic system of the baby;
  • Bio+ with fennel extract and prebiotics will help improve the functioning of the digestive system, relieving the child of flatulence and constipation;
  • Calcium+, in addition to calcium, contains phosphorus, which will help the proper formation and strengthening of bone tissue and tooth enamel;
  • Focus+ with blueberry extract will protect your child's vision during school hours;
  • Immuno+, which contains sea buckthorn juice, will serve as an ambulance during the cold season.

Vitamins Calcium+


  • Large selection of drugs with multidirectional action;
  • An interesting form of release in the form of bears from marmalade based on natural juice;
  • Four flavors: peach, lemon, grape and orange. Even for a very picky baby, you can choose a drug that he will take with pleasure;
  • Natural composition and the absence of artificial colors and preservatives;
  • The dietary supplement not only reduces the risk of acute respiratory diseases, but also significantly speeds up recovery, preventing complications.
  • Ease of administration - 1 time per day.


  • The drug is still designed for children under 7 years. After this age, the dosage should be doubled.

The drug is available in packs of 30 and 60 gummies. The cost is 380-420 for a pack of 30 pieces, and 550-600 rubles for a pack of 60 pieces.

One of the numerous lines of the domestic manufacturer. Designed for children from 1.5 to 18 years. The composition and content varies by age. There are 4 products in stock:

  • "Our Baby", the complex is designed for children 1.5 to 3 years old and is aimed specifically at strengthening the child's immunity;
  • "Kindergarten" for preschoolers, which focuses on important micronutrients that help the child grow up healthy and develop well, both mentally and physically"
  • The "Schoolboy" list of components is selected in such a way as to help the child cope with mental stress and stress, and therefore get sick less.
  • "Teenager", a complex that allows you to go through the difficulties of adolescence without much loss of nerve cells in parents.

Alphabet schoolboy vitamins


  • The composition and dosage of the vitamin-mineral complex is perfectly balanced for each age;
  • Reception is divided into 3 times a day. At the same time, each composition of the drug is different, which allows vitamins and minerals not to mix. This approach greatly enhances the effect of the drug;
  • Produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution, lozenges with a sweetish taste and capsules;
  • Does not contain preservatives and dyes.


  • According to parents, somewhat confusing rules for taking, although the manufacturer makes it easier by dividing the morning, afternoon and evening doses in different colors.

A package of 60 doses costs from 160 to 180 rubles. But it is worth remembering that the package is designed for 20 days of admission. The course is 1-2 months.

Today, the pharmacological industry offers a wide range of vitamin and mineral complexes and dietary supplements for children and adults. Including drugs aimed at increasing immunity to colds and infectious diseases. It is worth remembering that all of them are not a panacea, but only an auxiliary element in the formation of the body. To increase immunity, you need a whole range of activities, which includes a balanced diet, adherence to the daily routine, sports, outdoor walks and hardening procedures.

All fathers and mothers want their child to be healthy, smart and fully developed at any age. Therefore, many are wondering which vitamins to choose for children to increase immunity?

The following signs indicate a weakening of the baby's immune system:

  • ARVI is often diagnosed. After recovery, after 2 weeks, the cold appears again. Viral infections occur more often than 5 times a year.
  • Difficult recovery period.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Decreased attention.
  • Apathy.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • The performance drops.
  • There is increased hair loss.
  • Unreasonable problems with the digestive system.
  • Allergic reactions are noted.

If several signs are identified, be sure to start a course of taking vitamins to boost immunity in children.

Indications for use

Vitamins to increase immunity in children are prescribed for unbalanced or malnutrition. Since the baby receives less nutrients and its development cannot take place fully.

During a period of high mental, emotional or physical stress. When your child starts attending a kindergarten or school, he needs some time to adapt, as a result, immunity drops and the need for a complex of children's drugs increases.

For many children, an enhanced school program causes overwork, so it is important to provide good nutrition, walks in the fresh air and a sufficient amount of useful vitamins, trace elements and lactobacilli.

After an illness, it is very important to give your baby special supplements, as they will help strengthen the immune system.

Pay attention to the fact that many pediatricians recommend using ascorbic acid for children during SARS. Since it enhances the body's resistance to various viruses, and recovery occurs in record time.

Children should consume vitamins during the season of lack of vegetables and fruits. The best time is spring and late autumn. This will strengthen the immune system.

Be sure to purchase drugs for children during their period of intensive growth. This is required in order for the child to fully develop.

You should drink the drug in the morning, since many drugs have a tonic effect. Also, never exceed the indicated dosages.


Like any drug, vitamins for children that increase their immunity should not be used:

  • If intolerance to one of the components of the remedy is detected.
  • For children up to a year, certain drugs are produced. Babies should not drink funds for a different age category.
  • If hypervitaminosis is detected.

What effect do they have on the body?

Good health requires:

  • Retinol (vitamin A) - has an antioxidant effect on the body, relieves eye strain, reduces the manifestations of an allergic reaction and stimulates the restoration of damaged skin.
  • Vitamin E - protection against infectious diseases. This component has a high resistance to cancer cells. Improves body regeneration and stimulates cell renewal.
  • Vitamin C is required to fight colds and improve gum health.
  • Vitamin D - helps the full development of bone tissue, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, and also has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

When choosing a drug, be sure to read the composition of the product.

What are the varieties?

The product is available in the form of a suspension, syrup, chewable plates and tablets. Babies from 1 year old should choose products in powder or syrup. From 2 to 6 years of age, chewable tablets are preferred. And children from 7 to 14 years old can use coated tablets.

Complexes for children are divided by:

  • The first generation - are prescribed for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, when a deficiency of one of the vitamins is detected. Consists of one active component (for example, ascorbic acid).
  • Second generation - several components, possibly supplemented with minerals.
  • The third generation - consists of vitamins and minerals, an extract of a medicinal plant can act as an additional ingredient.

Children's supplements are not a drug. But only a pediatrician can advise an acceptable drug for a child, based on his individual characteristics.

What are the age requirements?

A child can only be given funds for his age, since its composition is significantly different from the drug for an adult. Pharmacological companies in the production of the complex take into account all the features of the development of the child's body.

1 year

At this age, children's vitamins are required that contain retinol, the entire group B, ascorbic acid, D and PP. Since it is these components that help to actively grow a baby who is 1 year old. You should not purchase complexes with vitamin K, as it leads to a decrease in immunity and causes bleeding.

2 years

The needs of the body at 2 years remain the same

3 years

It is at this age that most children go to preschool institutions, and begin to communicate closely with other children. Many at this time experience stress, which can reduce the body's defenses. Therefore, complexes for children from 3 years old should contain vitamin A, C, B 6 and PP.

4 years, 5 and 6 years

At the age of 4, the baby begins to actively develop the bone and muscle system, so the need for vitamins increases. In no case do not limit the baby in walks in the fresh air.

Since at the age of 5 many parents send their children to sports sections, it is necessary to monitor the good nutrition of the baby.

7-10 years old

At this stage of development, the growth of bone tissue and muscles begins to slow down, as the development of the brain starts. In order for a child of 7-10 years old to normally endure emotional and mental stress, his need for vitamins and microelements increases.

11 years

The need for vitamins is similar to the needs of an adult. But there are some differences that depend on the gender of the child. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right vitamin complex in order to ensure the full development of a teenager.

The best vitamins from 1 year to 3 years

  • Multi-Tabs Kid. The drug is available in the form of a syrup. Supports the body's defenses and helps the baby grow fully. There are options for kids with allergies.
  • Pikovit is an orange syrup. Contains 9 vitamins. Increases the body's defenses.
  • Kinder Biovital Gel is a balanced vitamin complex.
  • Vitrum Baby - chewable tablets. Suitable for children from 2 years old.
  • Centrum Children's is a great choice for toddlers who have been diagnosed with anemia, calcium deficiency, and low energy levels. The tablet contains 12 vitamins and 10 minerals. There are several varieties of the drug.

The Best Supplements for Kids 3 to 6 Years Old

An overview of the vitamin for children that are allowed for this age group:

  • Pikovit 3+ - recommended for children who have started attending a kindergarten or a sports section. Also with poor appetite in a child.
  • Alphabet Kindergarten - the blister has tablets of three colors that contain a balanced amount of active ingredients. It is taken for full mental and physical development.
  • VitaMishki - many children are attracted by the appearance of the complex. Contains 10 vitamin, iodine, inosine, choline and zinc.
  • Jungle - the drug is prescribed for the diagnosis of hypovitaminosis.

What is better to buy vitamins for children 7-10 years old

  • Alphabet Shkolnik is the best modern complex, because it contains 10 minerals and 13 vitamins. When creating the additive, the developers took into account the compatibility of the components. On the day the child should take 3 tablets, which have different colors and composition.
  • Pikovit 7+ is the best option for seasonal beriberi, high loads and poor appetite.
  • Vitrum Junior - 13 minerals and 10 vitamins. Appointed with a decrease in concentration and loss of strength.
  • Centrum Children's - strengthens the bone and immune system, while the activation of thinking and memory occurs.

What vitamins are better to choose?

When choosing a good baby supplement, you need to choose proven products. Therefore, always pay attention to the manufacturer.

The possibilities of the Internet are huge, so read the reviews of other parents about vitamins.

At birth, a child already has immunity that protects the body from external and internal attacks of pathogenic microbes, bacteria and viruses. In the first months of life, a child receives many antibodies from mother's milk, but when breastfeeding is completed, a period of chickenpox, measles, whooping cough and other childhood diseases begins.

The frequency, severity and duration of ailments depends entirely on the strength and resistance of the body. Parents try to protect the baby, many are hardening and monitor the nutritional value. Vitamins to increase children's immunity will help to overcome the difficult stages of the growth of the child and the formation of the protective functions of the body.

When are vitamin complexes needed?

The main source of vitamins and microelements is nutrition, a properly composed diet ensures the supply of all necessary substances. In this case, the child receives enough vitamins, and there is no need to take pills. In combination with physical activity, frequent walks in the fresh air, sufficient sleep and lack of stress, the child grows up healthy and easily tolerates diseases common for his age.

A blissful picture in which a ruddy and cheerful baby pleases caring parents can be disturbed when a cold drags on, cough and runny nose do not go away, complications arise. Unfortunately, there is no certainty about the nutritional value of the foods we buy in stores, and chronic vitamin deficiencies weaken the body.

Children's vitamins for immunity should be taken with the following signs of weakening:

  • Frequent colds. If a child gets sick more than 3-4 times a year and does not get out of colds from autumn to spring, an urgent need to work on strengthening immunity.
  • Long recovery period after illness.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Rapid fatigue and lethargy, it is difficult for the child to concentrate, school performance falls.
  • Indigestion, not associated with poisoning, bloating and pain in the abdomen.
  • Fragility and foliation of nails, hair loss.
  • Allergy or food intolerance.

You can get vitamin D from sea fish, C from citrus fruits and currants, E from egg yolks and vegetable oil, A from red vegetables and liver. These products should be in a balanced diet, but either their quality is not always ideal, or parents do not take their child's nutrition too seriously - most children experience vitamin deficiencies.

A critical situation develops when a child has no appetite during or after an illness, and he does not want to eat either fish or oranges. In this case, children's vitamins do a better job, especially since the complexes are designed for different ages.

  • Unbalanced nutrition.
  • Increased physical and nervous stress.
  • Overwork at school.
  • Recovery after illness.
  • Seasonal hypovitaminosis.
  • Intensive growth.

Complexes to increase immunity have a tonic effect, so it is better to take these drugs in the morning.

Pharmaceutical vitamins are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and hypervitaminosis. The decision to prescribe medications should be made only by the pediatrician.

Types of vitamin preparations

Children's vitamins for immunity are available in the form of dragee tablets, chewable lozenges, powder and syrup.

  • Babies after a year are given powders that can be dissolved in food, or sweet syrups.
  • Preschoolers enjoy chewing lozenges and tablets.
  • Teenagers take pills and drink them with water.

The pharmaceutical industry is constantly improving drugs. Several generations of vitamins differ in the complexity of substances and the intensity of the impact:

  1. The first generation consists of one component. Give to children who lack, for example, only ascorbic acid or retinol.
  2. Second-generation drugs are complexes of two or more components, they often include trace elements.
  3. The most modern medicines of the third generation - they contain not only vitamins and minerals, but also extracts of medicinal plants.

How vitamins affect the immune system

In order for a child to be healthy, he must receive everything he needs with food, a deficiency of any substance reduces immunity. Some vitamins are critical for protecting a growing organism:

Names of vitamins Description
A (retinol) Without this vitamin, vision deteriorates, cuts and abrasions heal poorly, and viral diseases often develop.
E (tocopherol) It is necessary for children for normal development and resistance to viruses and bacteria.
C (ascorbic acid) Every parent knows about the beneficial effects of ascorbic acid, so colds cannot be treated without lemons and black currants. It helps not only to strengthen the immune system, without it, the gums bleed in children and bruises often appear.
D (cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol) Responsible for the growth and strength of bone tissue. In addition, it participates in the process of digestion - without it, calcium and phosphorus are not absorbed.
B6 (pyridoxine) Actively participates in the formation of the immune system and metabolism. B vitamins are included in most complexes to maintain immunity.

The composition of third-generation preparations usually includes trace elements (iron, selenium, zinc, magnesium), as well as probiotics and omega-3 fatty acid.

All vitamins can be divided into two large groups - fat-soluble and water-soluble. Vitamins B6 and C are water soluble, while vitamins D, A and E must be taken with fat.

How to choose vitamins

The child's immune system should be strengthened only with special vitamins and complexes. Even the best preparations intended for a different age group are not suitable in terms of composition and proportion of components.

In the first year of life, babies receive all the necessary substances with mother's milk, their immunity is maintained in a natural way. After the abolition of breastfeeding, there may be a need to take pharmacy vitamins.

Sana Sol
Alphabet Our baby
Kinder Biovital MultiTabs Kid
Kinder Biovital
Alphabet Our baby
Multitabs baby
Sana Sol
Pikovit Prebiotic
Alphabet Schoolboy
Kinder Biovital
VitaMishki Immuno+

Alphabet Schoolboy
VitaMishki Immuno+
Kinder Biovital
Age vitamins Name Peculiarities
1 year B, D, C, PP, A
2 years B, D, C, PP, AComplexes with vitamin K can provoke a decrease in immunity and bleeding
3 years Kinder Biovital
Multi-tabs kid
Alphabet Kindergarten
Sana Sol
Vitrum Kids

Pikovit Prebiotic

VitaMishki Immuno+

At this age, children are usually sent to kindergarten, it is better to take care of resistance to infections and viruses in advance.
4-6 years old Vitamins of groups B, A, D, E, C, K Vitrum Kids
Kinder Biovital
Sana Sol

VitaMishki Immuno+

Pikovit Prebiotic
Alphabet Kindergarten

Children grow quickly and need vitamins for bone and muscle tissue.
7-10 years old A, C, E and BThe growth of the skeleton and muscles slows down somewhat, but the rapid development of the structure of the brain begins.
11-15 years old Increasing need for PP and B9In adolescents, the need for vitamins is almost the same as in adults. But you need to consider the gender of the child.

Review of the best children's vitamins for immunity

If a child shows signs of reduced immunity, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will assess the level of deficiency and prescribe a drug. Vitamins are classified as supplements and are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, in difficult cases, more effective drugs may be needed. When choosing complexes for prevention or recuperation after an illness, be guided by the age of the child and the composition of the complexes.

The complex includes B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, retinol, D3, C, P, PP, phosphorus, folic acid, calcium.

Syrup "Pikovit" can be given to children from 1 year old, after 4 years they usually take pills. Vitamins well restore appetite and increase immunity in children weakened by illness. Side effects are extremely rare, but during the period of administration, urine may turn yellow.

The composition includes A, B1, B6, B12, C, D, as well as folic and pantothenic acids, choline, inositol, zinc, iodine, calcium, magnesium.

Children aged 3-7 chew pastilles with pleasure - no one has to be persuaded to eat a delicious fruit bear.

As part of "MultiTabs" B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, A, E, D3, C, folic and pantothenic acids, nicotinamide, selenium, manganese, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, chromium.

Chewable tablets are available for children of different ages, starting from 1 year. The effectiveness of this complex is due to the rich composition and balance of proportions. Allergy to components is extremely rare, but care must be taken that children do not eat pastilles uncontrollably and do not provoke hypervitaminosis.

Multivitamin-mineral complex for children from 4 to 11 years old. The composition includes probiotics that help strengthen the immune system. It works effectively when you need to support the body after an illness and a course of antibiotics.

As part of A, D, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, K, pantothenic and folic acids, iron, zinc, chromium, selenium, manganese, iodine, magnesium. Biotin helps to overcome the manifestations of dermatitis and eczema.

Gel and chewable lozenges contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, D3, E, C, niacin, iodine, lecithin, iron, zinc, choline, magnesium, copper, chromium, biotin, selenium, pantothenic and folic acids .

The gel is ideal for three-year-old children, from 5 years old you can give lozenges. "Supradin Kids" has established itself as an effective prophylactic before the season of colds and epidemics. If the child has diabetes, these vitamins are contraindicated.

As part of A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, D3, K1, C, PP, folic and pantothenic acids, molybdenum, iron, biotin, calcium, chromium, manganese, zinc, selenium, magnesium.

Alphabet complexes are produced in the form of powders for the smallest, multi-colored chewing sweets for preschoolers and schoolchildren. The names “Our baby”, “Kindergarten”, “Schoolboy” will help you navigate when choosing.

Alfavit contains a lot of minerals - this complex is effective if you need not only to increase the body's resistance, but also to compensate for the deficiency of iron, magnesium, etc.

Vitrum baby

Chewable tablets with vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, A, E, D3, K1, C, nicotinamide, beta-carotene, biotin, pantothenic and folic acids, zinc, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, iron, chromium, selenium, iodine , copper.

A multivitamin and mineral complex is necessary not only to increase immunity, but also with poor appetite in children 2-5 years old.


The pediatrician can prescribe this drug even to children of the first year of life, if there are indications for this. The gel contains vitamins A, groups B, E D3, C, nicotinamide, lecithin, molybdate, pantothenic and folic acids.

The gel is given to children with stomatitis and a long course of antibiotics, as well as a prophylactic against rickets, but the main purpose of "Biovital-gel" is to strengthen the body's defenses in children of different ages.

Multivitamin syrup can be drunk by children of different ages. For babies who are 1 year old, "Sana-Sol" becomes a source of important substances, teenagers receive a means to enhance appetite - thus increasing the amount of vitamins and microelements coming from food.

The syrup includes A, D3, E, B1, B2, B6, C, nicotinamide, pantothenic and folic acids.


The proportions and number of components in children's preparations are balanced, so taking acceptable doses does not cause harm. However, a child may perceive delicious lozenges or syrup as a treat and eat them more than they should. In this case, acute or chronic hypervitaminosis develops, with very unpleasant manifestations.

For example, with an excess of vitamin A, skin rashes appear, hair falls out, fever with nausea and vomiting may develop. Vitamin C in large quantities causes itchy skin and headaches. When too much B vitamins enter the body, insomnia can occur, heart rhythm and coordination of movements can be disturbed.

In order not to provoke hypervitaminosis in a child, keep the package together with other medicines in places closed to access. An excess can form if the intake is accompanied by the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in the same substances. It is in your power to provide the child with vitamins in the right quantities.

The child begins to go to kindergarten, and a lot of new problems appear. One of them is colds. The baby goes to the garden for a week, and is sick for two. This problem is familiar to every parent.

It's all about the weak immunity of modern children when they meet with a large number of new microbes in the children's team. In this situation, complexes of useful vitamins can help to strengthen and raise children's immunity.

Babies from 2-3 years old need a whole range of important substances to improve health and increase immunity - vitamins for immunity for children. But what is immunity? This is a special system of the child's body that fights against various microorganisms that can cause the development of the disease. Also, its functions include the neutralization of cells that have abnormal genetic material. They can become a source of development of a malignant tumor. Therefore, the role of vitamins in increasing the resistance of the immune system is very important for both the child and the adult.

Baby immunity can be of two types:

  • Cellular
  • Humoral.

Cellular immunity is provided by special cells that digest microbes that have entered the body. Most often it manifests itself in relation to bacteria. Against viruses, the most effective is humoral immunity - the formation of antibodies that attack those cells in which the viruses have settled (especially at the age of 2-3 years).

Children's complexes for increasing and strengthening immunity help to strengthen both antiviral and antibacterial protection of the child's body.

What is needed for the immune system

Children's vitamin complexes from 2 to 5 years and from 4 to 7-8 years improve the functioning of the immune system, activate its various links.

Children's complexes for immunity consist of the following vitamins:

  • Retinol - activates the process of destruction of pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the child's body
  • Riboflavin - improves the course of metabolic processes, enriches cells with energy, inactivates toxins that have entered the body
  • Pantothenic acid - takes an active part in the metabolic transformations of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and also participates in the synthesis of amino acids necessary for the functioning of the body
  • Pyridoxine - increases the activation of the formation of antibodies, is responsible for humoral immunity
  • Cyanocobalamin - takes an active part in the formation of red blood cells that deliver oxygen to all cells of the child's body, which improves the functioning of the immune system as a whole
  • Ascorbic acid - neutralizes free radicals that are constantly formed during the life of the body
  • Cholecalciferol - not only helps prevent the development of rickets, but also directly affects the functioning of leukocytes
  • Tocopherol - protects the formed leukocytes from damage.

For kids

How to strengthen the immunity of a child from 2-3 years old with the help of mineral fortified complexes: it is good to increase the protective properties of the body, the following drugs are suitable:

  • Polivit baby
  • Aquadetrim
  • Multi-tabs baby
  • sana sol
  • Biovital
  • Pikovit
  • Alphabet
  • VitaMishki
  • Vitrum
  • Centrum and some others.

A pediatrician will help you navigate the whole variety of vitamin complexes. He will select the most optimal drug, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child and his age. It should be noted that the health of the child is not worth saving. Therefore, it must be remembered that a high-quality complex will not be cheap.

Vitamin preparations from the age of 5 must necessarily include minerals. These macro- and microelements act as a cofactor that activates the enzyme systems of the body. Ultimately, this leads to advanced education energy spent on the neutralization of trapped microorganisms. The main minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning and boosting of the immune system are:

  • Selenium
  • Iron (part of lactobacterin - the main protein that destroys bacteria)
  • manganese and others.

Admission rules

Most vitamin complexes from 2-3 years old have a long half-life, so a single dose throughout the day is enough. The most optimal time for taking vitamins for children is the first half of the day. It is best to do this either during the meal or immediately after it. Under such conditions, useful substances are fully absorbed in the intestines and immediately enter the bloodstream.

For children from 2 to 5 years old, vitamin complexes are produced in the form of syrups, tablets, chewing sweets and gel. All these forms have pleasant taste and olfactory qualities, so children willingly accept them.

In the process of taking vitamins, parents should monitor the tolerability of the drug. Further use of the vitamin complex should be abandoned if symptoms such as:

  • There was redness of the cheeks
  • Rash on the skin
  • Skin itching
  • Nausea and vomiting.

To activate the immune system

Useful vitamins and minerals have a non-specific effect on the immune system. However, in some cases, special substances are required that purposefully affect the baby's defenses. The need for them is especially great during viral epidemics and outbreaks of bacterial infections.

Such drugs to increase immunity are the following:

  • Broncho-munal
  • Ribomunil
  • Imudon
  • IRS 19 and others.

All these medicines should be prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account how old the child is. And without fail, before the appointment, an assessment of the immunological status of the child is required. Depending on the identified disorders, the pediatrician selects the most appropriate drug that activates either cellular or humoral immunity.

To raise the protective properties of the body, strengthen immunity, a child from 2 to 5-6 years old needs special vitamin complexes. Such drugs have an activating effect on various parts of the immune system. On the one hand, they increase the formation of leukocytes, and on the other hand, they increase the efficiency of their work. As a result, the child successfully overcomes various diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms and his immune system works as it should.

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