What are the rules for baptizing a child. What is baptism and why is it performed on a person. What Grandpa Needs to Know

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Baptism is a kind of spiritual cleansing of a person, which is performed only once in a lifetime. A person who is going to be baptized should know the basics of Orthodoxy, as well as the most important prayers. As for babies, they still cannot learn the Orthodox dogma, but their godparents can vouch for them. It is the godparents who, during the ceremony, undertake before God to educate their godchild according to Orthodox canons. They should be people leading a pious lifestyle, and even in case of misfortune, if suddenly their godson is left without parents, they should replace them for him.

The question arises whether it is worth baptizing babies, because they still cannot independently realize what is happening. The fact is that baptized children can venerate icons and receive communion regularly, thus, from birth they can have protection and an Orthodox upbringing. After a secret ceremony in honor of the little one, you can submit health notes, order magpies and mention his name in prayers.

Before the ceremony, you need to take care of acquiring an Orthodox cross. It is usually bought in the temple, as it is properly made and consecrated. But, if you need a cross made of gold, but there is no way to buy it in the temple. In this case, it is necessary to purchase it in a jewelry store, and show it to the Priest before the ceremony. In Orthodox practice, there should be two godparents: a woman and a man, but only one is required. For a baptized boy, participation in the baptism of a man is obligatory, for a girl - a woman.

Preparing a mother for the Baptism of a baby

On the eve of the day of the ceremony, it is necessary to discuss in advance with the Priest the question of the presence of the mother in the baptismal room. It is believed that a woman is cleansed only on the fortieth day after childbirth, so if the Baptism of the baby is planned earlier, then the mother will not be present at the same time.

If forty days have passed since the birth of the baby, and the mother wants to be present at this, she needs to inform the Priest the day before the ceremony so that he can read a special cleansing prayer, after which she will be admitted to the baptismal room.

How is the rite of Baptism

The duration of this sacrament is an hour and a half. Before it begins, candles are lit in the temple, and the Priest reads special prayers. For Baptism, the baby is undressed, and he is in the arms of the godparents. The godfather should hold the girl in her arms, and the godmother should hold the boy. In winter, the baby is likely to be left dressed. But, the legs and arms should remain open.

After all the necessary prayers have been read, the Priest will ask the godparents to turn their faces to the western side of the temple and answer important questions. Then, they recite a special prayer.
Further, the Priest will bless the water, oil and anoint the chest, ears, legs and arms of the baby.

Then, the Priest will take the baby in his arms and dip him into the water with his head three times. In this case, the baby should be turned to face the eastern part of the temple. And only after that, the baby is given into the hands of the godparents. When receiving the godson in the hands of the godfather, there is a kryzhma in his hands - a special canvas for baptism. After the child dries, he can be dressed in baptismal clothes and put on a cross.

The clothes should be white, this indicates that he has a pure soul, which he must preserve, and the cross is considered a sign of faith in the Lord. Parents should take care of the preservation of baptismal clothes and kryzhma.

After the rite of Baptism, the rite of Confirmation will be performed, during which the Priest smears the baby with specially consecrated oil (peace), as if outlining the image of the cross on the forehead, nostrils, eyes, ears, lips, arms and legs.

Then, the Priest makes a three-fold round of the font with candles, and wipes the myrrh remaining on the body of the baby. After that, a prayer is read, which is necessary for cutting the hair, and the Priest cuts the baby's hair crosswise. Then they are rolled up with wax and placed in the font.

At the end of all the rites, the Priest reads a prayer for the baby and godparents, blesses everyone to leave the temple. If the baby was 40 days old at the time of Baptism, then Churching is also performed. A priest with a child in his hands marks them with a cross at the entrance to the temple, in the center of the temple and near the Royal Gates. If a baby is baptized - a boy, then the Priest with a child in his arms enters the altar. If a girl is baptized, then she is not brought to the altar, since she cannot become a clergyman in the future. After that, the baby, both male and female, is applied to the icons of the Mother of God and the Savior. Then it is given to one of the parents. After that, the child must be communed.

Communion in Orthodox churches takes place at the end of the morning liturgy. If parents bring the baby to the temple at the time of communion, then they line up from the communicants. In the temple, parents with babies are usually allowed to go ahead. Usually, communicants are given bread and wine, but if the communicant is small, then wine is given to him. Communion of the crumbs is always necessary, at least once a month, then the baby will be less sick and feel great.

What items will be needed for baptism:

  1. A small Orthodox cross (you can choose any one you like, but it’s better to buy it in the temple, where it will already be lit);
  2. Christening gown or christening gown;
  3. Baptismal kryzhma - a canvas in which the godparents take the baby during Baptism;
  4. Icon;
  5. Diaper;
  6. Towel;
  7. Candles.

Parents should not forget immediately after the ceremony about the cross he bought, his child must wear it all the time, throughout his life. Therefore, take care in advance about what the cross will hang on the baby’s body. The best option would be a satin rope, as a chain or rope can rub the baby's delicate skin. When the child grows up, it will be possible to dress him with a chain.

The baby needs to be fed on schedule, so the mother should take care of the feeding time so that he is not hungry during Baptism.

If you want to capture this important moment in your life, find out in advance whether it is possible to take a photo or video during the ceremony, and if the Priest gives his consent, then agree with the photographer in advance.

How godparents and their duties are chosen

Currently, young parents choose godparents for their baby, not particularly thinking about the responsibility that will be entrusted to them after the ceremony. Therefore, it often turns out that a child has seen his godfather or godmother once or twice in his life.

When choosing godparents, you should take into account that they are close to your family, have good and friendly relations. Godparents must themselves be baptized. It is necessary that at the time of the ceremony there was a cross on the godparents. Relatives of the baby can also be godparents: grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters. But there can be no crazy people, leading an antisocial lifestyle, who came to the temple for a ceremony in a state of intoxication. Also, the parents of a baby who is going to be baptized, as well as a man and a woman who are married or who are going to get married, cannot become godparents. Monks and nuns, as well as minors, cannot be godparents.

If the parents of the baby are not baptized, then there will be no obstacles for the baptism of their child. The most important thing is that their godparents are baptized. The main duty of the godparents after the ceremony will be the proper upbringing of the child, facilitating the child’s visit to the temple, communion and explanation of the Orthodox canons to him.

How to choose a baptism day and name

Usually, up to forty days from birth, weak or sickly babies, whose lives are in danger, are baptized. In such cases, as a rule, the ceremony is performed in a hospital or at home. If everything is fine with the child, he grows and develops as it should, he can be baptized already on the fortieth day after birth. Before baptizing a child, it is necessary to choose a temple where this sacrament will take place, and talk with the Priest about the day. You can perform the ceremony on any day, there are no prohibitions on this matter, it can be performed both in fasting and on great Orthodox holidays.

As for the name, it is chosen by the parents even before baptism. Parents name the baby, as their heart tells them, they can come from the name of the saint on whose day the baby was born, or the name of the saint, whose memory day was on the eighth day from the birth of the baby. You can call the child any name you like, but it is natural to be guided by common sense so that in the future the child lives comfortably with this name.

If the parents chose a name for the child, but there is no saint with that name in Orthodox history, then the child can be baptized under the name of the saint on whose day he was born, and in the future in life he will be his patron.

This sacrament must be taken seriously. Properly performed rite will help protect the baby for life.

Useful video about the sacrament of baptism

Baptism is one of the important sacraments that signifies the acceptance of a person into the Christian Church. Long before the advent of Christianity, there were ritual immersion in water, such a rite is typical for many religions, because water is the source of life, the cult of water was among different peoples of the world. There was a belief that after dipping a person into water, he becomes protected from all his sins and returns to a new, pure life.

Today, the rite of baptism is not much different from the rite of baptism conducted several centuries ago. As before, so now, the priest does everything.

There are many Christian denominations and in all the rite of baptism takes place in different ways. For example, in the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church, baptism is classified as a sacrament. There are differences in the conduct of the rite of baptism itself during this ceremony in different churches. In the Catholic Church, the child is poured with water, in the Orthodox Church they are immersed in water three times, and in the Protestant Church, the child is sprinkled with water. And Adventist and Baptist baptisms are usually performed in natural bodies of water.

How is the rite of baptism performed?

The sacrament of baptism was instituted by Jesus himself. He was baptized in the Jordan River by Saint John the Baptist. It was no coincidence that the rite of baptism took place in water, because in the Bible water symbolizes life (everyone is well aware that a person mainly consists of water), spiritual and bodily purity, God's grace. Jesus himself did not have to be baptized, but in this way, by his own example, he showed all people that each of them should begin his spiritual life. Jesus Christ himself consecrated the water in the Jordan River, and the priest, therefore, calls on the Holy Spirit with the help of prayers to consecrate the water in the font.

Most often, baptism is performed in the temple, but outside the temple it is also quite acceptable. The Sacrament of Baptism lasts an average of about 30 minutes - one hour. The priest at the very beginning begins to read prohibition prayers, thus, he casts out Satan from the baptized in the name of the Lord. After that, the person being baptized (or godparents on his behalf) renounces Satan three times, and proclaims three times reunion with Jesus Christ as God and King. The Symbol of Faith is read three times, in which the whole essence of the Orthodox confession of faith is set forth. Next, the Priest sanctifies the water and oil (oil). The person being baptized is anointed with this oil, and this indicates that from that moment he is in the tree of the Church of Christ. The person being baptized is given a name, which must necessarily be only Christian. After this, the person being baptized is immersed in water three times. During the first dive, the priest says these words: “The servant (slave) of God (God) (the name of the person being baptized) is baptized in the name of the Father. Amen". Second dive: “And the Son. Amen". Third dive: “and the Holy Spirit. Amen". From the water, the child is placed in a christening diaper, which is called kryzhma (another name is krizhmo or krizhma).

Next is the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Gospel and the Apostle are reading, during the prayer, tonsure takes place - the Priest cuts off a small tuft of hair from the person being baptized. And a sign that the child has already become a Christian is put on a cross around his neck.

Basically, at baptism, the child is lowered into the water, but splashing and dousing with water is also acceptable. One person can be baptized only once in his entire life, since a person can be physically born only once. Despite different views in beliefs (even in understanding the process of baptism), the Sacrament of Baptism is recognized by the Orthodox Church only in the Armenian Church, the Calvinist Church, the Catholic Church (Greek and Roman), the Anglican Church, the Lutheran Church.

What is a feast after christening or a baptismal table?

Since ancient times, the ancient Slavs, after completing their pagan rites, held family holidays. In Christian Russia, they laid the christening table on the same day, fed everyone - both guests and the poor. All estates had a tradition of arranging a baptismal table, the process differed only in rituals and the variety of dishes served. Before entering the church, the godparents usually said the following words “Take the prayer one, and bring me the baptized one” Lee "Go and introduce the child to the Orthodox faith". At christening, the godfather brought bread and bought a cross, and in some cases paid the priest for the ceremony. The godmother provided the priest with a towel so that he could wipe his hands after the ceremony, a shirt for the child and three to four arshins of cloth.

At the baptismal dinner, the main guests were the godparents of the child and the midwife. They were invited to the festive table and treated to tea and snacks. The father of the child at this time invited friends and relatives to his house to celebrate such an important event.

On the day of the christening, the hosts festively set the table. At the beginning, cold dishes were served, for example, on a fast day - kvass with meat and eggs and jelly, and on a fast day - kvass with sauerkraut and herring. After the cold, they served noodles, potato soup with mushrooms, cabbage soup with smelt, which was seasoned with hemp oil - this is on a fast day, and on a fast day - offal soup (ushnik), milk noodles, noodles with pork or chicken, cabbage soup with meat. Regardless of what dishes were on the baptismal table, the most important dish was served without fail - buckwheat porridge (millet porridge was served before it was served).

After the end of the holiday, the guests expressed their gratitude to the hosts and wished the child many years and more health. The godmother and father were the last to leave. On the same day, in the evening or in the morning, they were offered snacks, followed by an exchange of gifts. Kuma gave her godfather a handkerchief as a keepsake, and the godfather, in turn, kissed his godfather on the lips and gave her money. Before leaving, the mother of the child gave the godparents a cake, for which she received a handkerchief or money (in some cases, soap, sugar, tea, and so on). This is where the holiday ends.

Today, the family holiday of christening is being revived. Children will be born in maternity hospitals (mostly), so you should entrust the role of a midwife to some relative or a very respected guest. This decision is made by the parents of the baptized person.

Is it possible to give the baby a name before the rite of baptism?

Can. The parents give the baby a name and register it in the birth certificate. The church has no right to influence that the name be changed. Naturally, at baptism, a child can be given a church name, which will not always coincide with the name registered on the birth certificate. The registered name will be used in daily life, and the church name in church ceremonies.

The role of godparents

The choice of godparents must be taken very seriously, because if something happens to the child's parents (illness or death), then it is the godparents who will be responsible for raising the baby. For this reason, they try to choose them among family friends, relatives or close people. Only Christians can be godparents.

In addition, the godparents of the child must be spiritual godparents for their godson. It is forbidden to take unbelievers, non-believers and unbaptized into godfathers. Also, godparents cannot take members of cult organizations, different sects, for example, fortunetellers, Roerichs. It is forbidden to take sinners (drug addicts, alcoholics, and so on) as godparents.

According to the norms of Church law, the following cannot become godparents: mentally ill people, minors, nuns and monks, parents for their children, bride and groom, people who are married (since married life between persons who are spiritually related is unacceptable ).

In the process of baptizing a child, godparents hold him to the cross in the temple. It can also be one person, the godmother can hold the girl, and the godfather can hold the boy. If a person is baptized as an adult, then godparents are an optional rule for him, since he can answer the questions asked on his own. The biological parents of the child may be in the temple during the baptism, but they must not hold the child to the cross.

Many people are interested in such a question, is it possible to take a pregnant woman for a godfather, can she be a godmother for a child? Of course you can, there are no barriers to this, since the church is very respectful and reverent towards pregnant women.

If you have any questions related to the baptism of a child, then it is best not to look for an answer from a neighbor or on the Internet, but it is best to ask a priest.

To carry out the process of baptism, the godfather should buy a pectoral cross; the child must wear this cross under clothing for the rest of his life. The godmother needs to buy a baptismal shirt and kryzhma (a white embroidered cloth in the shape of a diaper). In the roof, the child is held to the cross. Baptismal attire and kryzhma are symbols of the fact that the baby came out of the font without sins. Throughout the life of the child, the kryzhma is preserved. If in the future the child will get sick, then they cover him with a roof, as they believe that with its help a quick recovery will come. On the day of baptism, the child must appear clean, dressed in smart and clean clothes, and bathed.

When is the best time to baptize a baby?

The Church recommends that a child be baptized at an early age. Thus, original sin is removed from the child, after which he becomes a member of the church. Jesus Christ had a special attitude. He told his apostles "Let the children come to me and never forbid them to do so, for theirs is God's Kingdom". So parents do not need to delay with the baptism of their child, so that God's grace descends on the child at an early age. Immediately after the rite of baptism, the Holy Spirit descends on the child when the chrismation takes place.

Catholics and Orthodox try to baptize children in the first months of their lives, sometimes even in the first days from birth. Protestants baptize only in adulthood. They argue that at a young age a child is not able to understand the Sacraments of Baptism, but his soul is capable of receiving the grace of the Holy Spirit. It also happens that an early death of a child happens, so it’s not worth delaying baptism, as there is a risk of leaving the baby without God’s protection and the path to salvation will be cut off for him.

Basically, all parents take care of their child, want their child to be physically healthy and not get sick, give him all sorts of vaccinations, so what prevents them from thinking about the immortality of the soul of their child?

It is possible to carry out baptism in adulthood, if for some reason it was not carried out in infancy. In this case, a person must undergo catechesis. After that, both the original sin of an adult and all other sins will be removed.

How to conduct baptism correctly: immerse a child in water or pour water over him?

The Holy Letter does not say how much water is needed for baptism. Water is a symbol of life and the sacrament of baptism.

Just pouring or completely immersing in water at baptism is the tradition of the church.

There are churches that have special baptismal places where children are baptized, and even an adult can fully enter the water there.

What you need to buy for a baptism

If not the first child is baptized, then in order for the brothers and sisters to love each other very much and be very friendly, subsequent children are baptized in the shirt in which the first-born was baptized.

Despite the fact that there are so many different religions, they all have almost the same Baptism Ceremony. Basically, for a child, they acquire a baptismal cover or a baptismal set. In some cases, a special bag is also purchased, in which the child’s cut hair, a satin bracelet or boutonniere, and a bible in a satin cover will be stored in the future.

Christian Responsibilities of Godparents

Godparents must:

  • Be a role model;
  • Regularly prays for his goddaughter or godson;
  • Teach your goddaughter or godson to fight evil and believe in Christ;
  • Help her or him grow with faith in the heart of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

If the godparents live far from their cross and see it very rarely, then you need to keep in touch in some way - call up, write letters. The child must definitely feel the care of the godparents, he must also understand that in his life they are very important people. It is desirable that the godparents be present at the first communion of the child.

The godmother and father, both in the rite of baptism and in the life of the child, are very important people.

Even in pre-Christian Russia there was a rite of nepotism, a child was bathed in a lake, river or in a wooden trough. The child was bathed in a pond, swaddled and given a name. In parallel with this, religious ceremonies were held. There were two Kumovievs, and three, and four. In the event of illness or death of the parents, they took responsibility for the upbringing of the child.

christening gown, christening gown, christening gown

The most important element in the baptismal process is the baptismal attire, shirt or dress. He is basically chosen in advance by the godmother of the baby. When choosing, you need to focus on ensuring that the outfit is pleasant to the touch and soft, then the baby will behave well in church.

Kryzhma. Kryzhma is a relic that has been preserved for many years. Kryzhma - an openwork diaper of white color, which has never been washed, at baptism in kryzhma they take the baby from the font. At baptism, kryzhma must be present, it is the main attribute of christening. Very often, the date of the baptism of the baby and his name are embroidered on the corner of the kryzhma. Kryzhma should also be bought by the godmother of the child. Kryzhma is endowed with miraculous powers to heal the baby if he suddenly gets sick.

How to choose a baptismal outfit

This is the second outfit in the life of the mother, the choice of which she treats with such awe and love. The first such outfit was, most likely, the wedding dress of the mother. One way or another, we want to help you choose a quality christening gown that will be passed down from generation to generation.

Finding a baptismal outfit is not difficult, because today the market offers us a huge selection of this baptismal attribute. The problem is, it's a bit difficult to find the right baptismal outfit that fits your baby, that you like, that makes the christening chic and that fits within your budget.

Therefore, when choosing a baptismal attire, it is worth considering the following:

  1. Modern or traditional? The style of the baptismal attire plays a significant role. It is important to decide whether you want to buy something modern for your child, or whether you want to baptize him in your own outfit, which your parents have kept for many years. It is worth asking yourself some questions. Do you want your little one to be christened in a traditional christening gown, or would it be a modern satin suit? Do you want something exclusive? Do you want an outfit in the national style?

    Whatever style you choose, you must make sure that your child is very comfortable in it, and it is convenient for you to dress up your child. It is necessary to pay due attention to the fabric from which the baptismal outfit is made. The fabric should only be natural so that the child is comfortable and his body can breathe. An excellent choice would be fabrics such as 100% silk, satin, linen, satin (cotton). It is these fabrics that are always used for newborns, so this should not be an exception for baptismal attire.

    The baptismal attire should be comfortable, soft, made of high quality fabric, and the outfit should also be gentle and pleasing to the eye.

  1. The size. In order for the baby to be comfortable in baptismal clothes, you need to pay attention to the fact that the baptismal shirt of the bull is spacious enough. It is very important that the outfit does not press on the baby's skin and does not rub it when moving. When choosing an outfit, you should refer to the size chart, it usually gives measurements according to the baby's body without any allowances.
  2. Details. Details such as buttons should not be left without attention. They should be sewn very tightly, match the color of the outfit. It is also worth paying attention to how long the ribbons are on the outfit, are the buttons on the outfit hard to unfasten, how is the lining sewn: seams to the baby’s body or seams inside?
  3. Colour. Among the baptismal dresses, white dresses are considered the most popular. But it is not necessary to stop your choice on this particular color. You can choose an outfit for your baby in a different color. It should depend on what you want it to symbolize for the baby. It should be noted that white is a symbol of youth and purity.
  4. Season. When choosing a baptismal outfit, you need to take into account the time of year. If it is sunny and warm outside, summer or spring, then naturally, you need to choose an outfit with a short sleeve. If the child's christening is planned for the cold season, then you need to choose a warm hat, warm coat or sweater, cotton-lined kryzhma.
  5. Accessories. In the world of children's accessories, you can get confused, there is such a large selection of everything. In order not to buy anything extra, you should know what you need at a minimum: a bib, booties and a hat. If you plan to baptize a child in the cold season, then you will also need a lining, a fur coat or a warm sweater.

What is the best gift for a christening?

Practical or Traditional: Most traditional christening gifts are not practical. The usual traditional gift for the godmother is a christening shirt or kryzhma - a white openwork diaper. Traditionally, the godfather for christening should give a silver spoon. If you have to be the godparents of a child, then you should think about the fact that your gift for the baby should have a special meaning. You can think about such a gift that will be useful to a child when he becomes an adult. It can be a set of silverware, you can open a small savings bank account for it. Ordinary christening guests can donate clothes, books, toys.

Silver - if you are a guest and are thinking of giving your child some kind of jewelry for christening, then it is best to opt for silver items, since silver is the tradition of gifts for christening.

silver spoon. It will be very good if you give a set of 12 silver spoons, as they symbolize the 12 apostles. If your budget cannot allow you to make such a gift, then you can opt for 4 silver spoons or even one. On the spoon, you can engrave the name of the saint on whose day the baby was born or in whose honor it was named. The silver spoon is a symbol of prosperity.

Silver mug. Jesus Christ at the last supper drank from a silver cup. As a gift, the cup symbolizes that the baby's soul is empty and that she is waiting to be filled with purity and the holy spirit. For Catholics, a silver mug is an obligatory gift for the christening of the godfather, since it is from this mug that the baby is poured with water.

A popular christening gift is a Bible or a set of books with a religious theme. You can give something personal, for example, to embroider his name on the child's clothes, or engrave the baby's initials on silver or gold jewelry.

Gifts that are most often given for christening:

  • Money;
  • Silver;
  • Ribbon or chain for a cross;
  • Photo album with the name of the baby;
  • Silver or gold bracelet with an engraved name;
  • Earrings;
  • Cross;
  • Clothing;
  • Bible;
  • Books on religious subjects;
  • A set of books for the future;
  • Fairy tales;
  • Soft toys or simple toys.

Baptism certificate

Before the baptismal ceremony, check with the church if they have a baptismal certificate, because it can be kept for many years for pleasant memories. If the church does not have such certificates, then you should not be upset, as you can purchase them yourself.

Such certificates can be purchased for both the baptized and the godparents, with a description of their responsibilities. Many temples will have photographers at your service who will be able to capture this unforgettable event for a fee.

From christening to marriage

For boy boutonniere. A boutonniere is a small beautiful bouquet for a boy, made of snow-white flowers, which after a while becomes part of the wedding bouquet, which clings to the groom's wedding suit.

For girl a bracelet. This tradition is widespread in Europe. For a girl, they choose a beautiful bracelet made of white pearls, put it on the girl’s hand and keep it until the girl gets married. On the day of the wedding, such a bracelet becomes part of the jewelry on the bride's wedding dress.

The birth of a child is a great joy for parents. If the family is Orthodox, then relatives have many religious questions, among them: "what name to call the baby", "whom to take for godfathers" and "how is the baptism of the child going." What mom needs to know about the last ritual, the material will tell.

Happiness in the spirit world

With the birth of a baby, close people try to protect him from all the dangers and troubles of life. They buy ecological things, warm clothes, educational toys. Parents surround the little one with boundless love and care. For this, the child daily pleases them with new smiles.

But without the help of the Lord, it is impossible to protect the baby from the evil and misfortune of the whole world. In order for the baby to grow up healthy not only in body, but also in soul, the child is baptized. What do mom and dad need to know about this ceremony? The first and most important thing is that in this way parents introduce their child to God's world.

Orthodoxy explains this Sacrament as the spiritual birth of a baby. The ceremony is done once in a lifetime. The ritual is carried out through three times lowering the body into the water. The Lord, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are called upon. The baby is forgiven the sins of the parents that passed with birth. The sacrament means that a person now lives according to the laws of the Almighty and renounces carnal pleasures. But he will seek happiness in the spiritual world of light and goodness.

The deep essence of custom

The rite also signifies that the new Christian will dedicate his existence to God. A righteous life will give him joy and pleasure. If an adult who is aware of the responsibility that he takes upon himself joins the Orthodox world, then he must sincerely repent of all sins.

Today, parents are trying to quickly carry out a responsible business - the baptism of the baby. What mom and dad need to know in order for their baby to become a full member of the Church, the priest can tell. He will explain in detail all the subtleties of the ritual. If parents do not understand the essence of tradition and its role in a person’s life, then it is probably better not to perform the ceremony at all. After all, Orthodoxy is not a mere formality, but a way of life. After the Sacrament, parents are obliged to raise their child in the faith, teach prayers with him, attend the temple, take communion and confess.

It should be noted that for the Church there is no difference whether to baptize an elderly person or an infant. In this regard, many priests believe that it is better to perform the ritual of the Sacrament in adulthood, when the layman realizes what he is doing.

Day for the ceremony

There are no rules about when the ceremony should be held. Most often, a ritual is performed on the baby on the 40th day after birth. Although the procedure may occur earlier. However, many note that it is not worth delaying with the Sacrament.

Questions also arise regarding the dates when they will be held. What does a mother need to know about days? The main mistake that parents make is that they believe in the myth that the Sacrament cannot be performed during fasting. Actually it is not. It is usually more difficult to conduct a ceremony on such days, because the services at this time are longer than usual. Accordingly, the breaks between morning and evening liturgy are shorter. Consequently, the confessor simply physically does not have time to allocate time for the ritual. On Saturday and Sunday, the services are not so long, so these days they will be able to perform the Sacrament.

humble celebration

In any case, you should ask the priest about the rules of the temple in which the service will be held. In general, if there are no technical obstacles, then baptism can be held on any day.

But there is a logical explanation for the talk that it is undesirable to fast during fasting. What does mom need to know if she planned a holiday for a day when religion asks to refrain from fatty foods, drinks and fun? First and foremost, you can perform the ceremony, but you should not arrange a banquet and noisy festivities. If you want to celebrate this event with your family, then the celebration can be moved to another date that does not contradict Orthodox traditions. And on the day when your baby was christened, you can set a modest table of lenten dishes and spend time in simple conversations.

Temple of God as a home

A lot of knowledge and details requires a child). What does mom need to know about the place where the ritual will be performed? The most correct answer is everything. The fact is that parents who decide to introduce a child to Christianity must be believers and, therefore, constantly visit the temple. Usually a family has been going to the same church for years. There are cases when a person is baptized, crowned and buried in the same church.

When a layman is often at the service, goes to the shrine not only on holidays, but also on Sunday, takes communion and confesses with one priest, then the church turns not just into a building with domes, but into a home. In this case, parents know all the necessary rules. They should tell godfathers about the nuances in their temple.

Sometimes fate develops in such a way that it is necessary to carry out the baptism of a child in an unfamiliar church. What do mom and dad need to know about the priest and the shrine? The main thing is that they correspond to the Orthodox faith.

Straight Talk

But, besides this, a preliminary conversation with the priest should be held. Today, many churches themselves practice meetings with parents. In conversation, they learn about the true intentions of people.

Now the Sacrament of a wedding or baptism is perceived as something ordinary and necessary. In turn, many people do not even understand the essence of the rituals. Each ceremony for them is a kind of tribute to fashion. Others are forced to perform these ceremonies by older relatives. Because of this, the great rituals lost their festivity.

Therefore, the priests are talking. In conversations, important topics are raised that parents did not even think about when planning the baptism of a child. What do mom and dad need to know to pass the "test"? At least the main dogmas, commandments. Of course, at least two prayers should be read by heart: “Our Father” and “I believe.”

Religious rules and folk myths

Sometimes it emerges from the conversation that parents in religious matters are as incompetent as their child. Then the priest agrees to perform the ritual only on the condition that the unreasonable mom and dad get better. After all, people who do not understand the foundations of their faith will not be able to give the necessary knowledge to a child. Accordingly, the Sacrament will be nothing more than a formality.

In addition, other questions are raised, for example, the topic In a one-on-one conversation with the priest, one can understand where the border between religious rules and popular superstitions is.

There are many nuances that prohibit certain persons from even looking at the baptism of a child. What you need to know godmother and dad, who were invited to become godfathers, is that they will not be able to fulfill their mission if they profess a different religion. No matter how the parents of the priest ask in this case, he will not agree to conduct the sacrament with the Gentiles. The fact is that such people will not be able to teach the baby Orthodox traditions. If this nuance is silent, then the sin will fall on everyone who was in collusion.

Mission of the first couple

In the event that such a situation occurred due to ignorance, no one will re-baptize the child. Such a ritual is performed only once in a lifetime. But the baby can still communicate with the recipients.

There is another topic that is often brought up before a child is baptized. What do the godmother and father need to know if they are participating in the Sacrament for the first time? Often people say that a woman should be the first to pick up a boy, and a man a girl. Otherwise, adults pass on all their happiness to the child. Orthodox people should not rely on such superstitions. Moreover, in fact, everything is the other way around. From a religious point of view, only a person from the first couple (gender must be the same as the godson) is perceived by heaven as a real recipient. That is, only the first godfather is the named mother for the girl, and the godfather is for the boy. These people bear the greatest responsibility for the fate of the child.

Family and spiritual connection

Priests who are not closely acquainted with the family will not be able to clearly follow the implementation of all the rules. Therefore, this mission falls on godfathers. All recipients are responsible for the baptism of the baby. What does a godmother need to know? That she cannot fulfill such a mission if her husband or fiancé is standing next to her. The fact is that in this way people are combined with a spiritual connection. In fact, they become relatives. And such a union is worth much more than marriage. If young people baptized one child, and then fell in love and decided to get married, then this is possible. But all the information should be honestly told to the priest.

Can become godparents and people living in a civil marriage. From a religious point of view, such persons sin because they do not legitimize their relationship. But they are not a family before the Lord. On the other hand, what can people who spread fornication teach a child?

Great responsibility

Not only friends, but also any relatives can be godfathers of parents. It doesn't matter if the person is old or young, the main thing is that the person you have chosen is a good layman, aware of her responsibility.

The baptism of a child is not complete without unforeseen situations. What does a godmother need to know at baptism? She cannot participate in the ritual during menstruation. On such days, a woman should abstain from the Sacraments. If menstruation falls on this day, you need to honestly tell the priest everything. He will suggest the best way out. A tolerant priest will never get angry, but will praise for honesty.

But before calling someone to be a foster child for their child, parents should think it over well. Godmothers and fathers should be people who will take part in raising your baby, take the baby to church and teach prayers with him.

Soul Purity

Usually a woman cannot enter the temple when a child is being baptized. What does a mother need to know at baptism if she is at home or nearby at that time? You can read scripture in your mind. But the ban on the presence of the mother during the ritual applies only to the first 40 days. Then the priest can read a special prayer over the woman, and then she is allowed to look at the ceremony.

After the parents decide on the place of the Sacrament and settle all the formalities, you should take care of the purity of your own soul. The rite that will be performed on your baby is very important. On this day, everyone - mom, dad and godparents - will receive new responsibilities. Under their protection will be an absolutely pure and sinless Orthodox man. Before you start an important mission, you should carefully prepare.

general information

Before the ritual, you should devote several days to spiritual reflection. People participating in the process should remember that they are preparing not only for the holiday, but also for a responsible mission. It is best to fast a few days before baptism and refrain from intimacy. It is also worth confessing and taking communion the day before.

Dress for the ceremony should be modest, but in new bright clothes. Women shouldn't wear makeup. You need to bring a kryzhma (white cloth), a cross and a chain with you. These attributes are bought by successors.

The ritual itself lasts 30-40 minutes. Each of the godfathers must know by heart the “Symbol of Faith”.

A big event in the life of parents is the baptism of a child. What mom needs to know (photos partially reflect the ritual) - everything is described in the text. The main thing is that thoughts and intentions on this holiday should be pure.

And so, the article:

According to the rules, the baby must be baptized on the fortieth day after birth. But in extraordinary circumstances it can be done earlier. Moreover, in this case, any baptized person can act as a priest.

The optimal age when the baby is able to endure the ceremony without whims is 3-6 months. A month or two later, a child who is already beginning to distinguish between “us” and “them” may be frightened by an unfamiliar environment and cry, which will complicate the process of baptism for himself, his parents, and the priest.

Where to baptize?

Parents of a child choose an Orthodox church based on their own preferences. Baptism can be performed almost any day after the morning prayer service without an appointment. They baptize both in fasting and on holidays. However, if you have scheduled a certain time and day for this ritual, it is better to communicate with the priest in advance. The possibility (or impossibility) of photographing the sacrament is also preliminarily discussed. Now this is allowed in many temples, but most often for a fee. Those who are embarrassed to personally negotiate with the priest can ask for help from novices - women who work in the temple or trade in the church shop. When choosing a central temple for baptism, keep in mind that the date of the ceremony will be set regardless of your plans and the temple may be crowded at this moment. For these reasons, it makes sense to baptize the child in a small church near the house.

How to choose godparents?

The choice of godparents - godparents - should be approached with special responsibility. According to church canons, godparents are the spiritual educators of the child and guarantors for him before God. Therefore, this issue should not be decided for reasons of kinship, benefit, or “not to offend”. Rules for choosing godparents:

* Godparents must themselves be baptized in Orthodoxy;
* It is desirable that there are two godparents - a man (over 15 years old) and a woman (over 13 years old); if there is only one godfather, he must be of the same gender as the child;
* The recipients should not be married to each other or are going to get married;
* Relatives of the child (grandmother or grandfather, aunt or uncle, or other family members) can act as godparents;
* A pregnant woman can become a godmother, but since the girl will mainly have to be held in her arms, your chosen one needs to calculate her strength;
* A woman who gave birth less than 40 days ago cannot become a godmother.

What are the duties of godparents?

The people you have chosen as recipients should prepare for the ceremony as seriously as you, if not more seriously. To do this, they need:

* Visit a church to confess (repent of your sins) and take communion;
* Learn the prayer "Symbol of Faith";
* Fast 3-4 days before the ceremony;
* On the day of baptism, as well as before communion, godparents should not eat or have sex;
* On the recipients during the ceremony, pectoral crosses must be worn;
* According to custom, it is the godparents who bear the costs of;
* Also, according to the Orthodox tradition, the godmother gives the child an outfit for the ceremony, and the godfather - a cross.


I believe in one God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages; Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, Whom all was. For us for the sake of man and for our sake of salvation, he descended from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became human. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And resurrected on the third day according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. And the packs of the future with glory to judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets. Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come. Amen.

Rules of conduct in the church.

* Dress in church modestly and decently. Calm, dark tones are preferred, flashy ones are unacceptable.
* A dress or skirt for women should be long enough - up to the knees and even lower. Men, entering the church, bare their heads. Women, on the contrary, cover it with a scarf or other headdress. Jewelry on this day is best left at home.
* You can light a candle with either hand.
* You need to be baptized only with your right hand.
* Men stand on the right half of the church, and women on the left.
* A mother cannot enter the temple if her discharge continues.

What is required for the ceremony?

* Pectoral cross (on a ribbon), which can be purchased at a church shop or directly in the church. If the cross is bought in a store, then it must be consecrated in advance. Note that some crosses depicting a crucifix according to the Catholic model are not subject to consecration. The Catholic cross is easy to recognize by the fact that on it the Savior's feet are nailed to the cross not with two nails, but with one.
* Icon of an Orthodox saint, whose name the baby will receive.
* Baptismal shirt. In principle, any new white clothes can act as this, but it is better to purchase a special shirt in the church (and for a girl also a bonnet).
* A clean towel or diaper to wipe the child after the font (this item does not need to be consecrated).

How is the baptism?

Many parents are concerned that, according to church rules, they are not allowed to be present in church during the ceremony. However, now not all priests strictly adhere to this prohibition. Therefore, it is better for dads, moms, and godparents to know in advance the order of the baptismal ceremony.

Parents with a baby, a godfather and guests arrive at the church a little in advance so as not to start the ceremony in a hurry and, moreover, not to keep the priest waiting. After the sign to the beginning is given, the godparents bring the child to the temple (the godfather holds the girl, and the godmother holds the boy). In this case, the baby should be without clothes, but wrapped in a white diaper.
The first sacrament is the laying on of the priest's hand on the baby, symbolizing the protection that the Lord provides to the baby.

When the sacrament is performed, the godparents with the baby in their arms and with candles stand at the font. They read the Creed aloud, renounce the devil and promise to keep the commandments of God. Then the priest blesses the water, takes the baby from the godparents and plunges him into the font three times with the words: “The servant of God (name) is baptized in the name of the Father, amen, and the Son, amen, and the Holy Spirit, amen.” (There is no need to worry about the fact that the child will catch a cold, since it is usually warm in the temple, and the temperature of the water in the font is + 36-37 degrees).

Along with baptism, the sacrament of chrismation takes place. To a baptized infant, the priest anoints the forehead, eyes, ears, mouth, nostrils, chest, arms and legs with holy myrrh, each time saying: “The seal of the Holy Spirit, amen.” Next, the baby is handed over to the recipient of the same sex, who must wipe the baby and put on him a cross and a baptismal shirt prepared in advance. The white robe put on the baptized signifies the cleansing from sins received by him through the holy sacrament.

The priest cuts the hair of the baby in a cross-like manner (cutting off a tiny strand on each side of the head), which symbolizes obedience to God and at the same time marks the small sacrifice that the baptized person brings to the Lord in thanksgiving for the beginning of a new, spiritual life. At the same time, the priest says: “The servant of God (or the servant of God) (name) is being sheared in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.”

After baptism and chrismation, the baby is carried 3 times around the font. This means that the new member of the Church is forever united with her.

And, finally, if a boy was baptized, the priest brings him to the altar, if a girl, he helps her to venerate the icon of the Mother of God. Churching symbolizes the dedication of the baby to God according to the Old Testament image.
Be prepared for the fact that the rite of baptism will take from 30 minutes to 2 hours (the time of the rite depends on the priest).

How to celebrate baptism?

After the christening, the family and those invited go to the house where the child lives to celebrate the christening with a traditional plentiful feast. In addition to other pickles, guests are served a hot drink (punch, mulled wine or warmed wine) and a special holiday treat. It is usually a sweet cake decorated with the child's initials and the date of the christening.

And do not forget to take the baby to Communion after baptism (be it a baby or an older baby)

One of the most important events in a child's life is the christening of a girl. The priest will tell you about the rules for parents and godparents before performing the ceremony. The baptism of a child is a great sacrament, after which the baby receives the protection and protection of God. He has a guardian angel who saves from misfortunes and troubles.

Many do not know at what age to baptize a daughter. Priests advise doing this in the first year of life, but there are no restrictions. You can baptize both infants and teenagers. The only difference in the ceremony is that small children are dipped into the font, and older ones are poured with water from it on their heads.

After 40 days from the moment of birth, the mother is already allowed to be present at the ritual. The Church advises not to delay the sacrament, because before it is held, the baby does not have a protector and patron. There are practical explanations for this: babies easily endure immersion in water, react calmly and are not frightened when they are picked up by a stranger. It is difficult for an older child to withstand the entire time of the ceremony.

There is a Slavic custom to carry out baptism for 8 or 40 days. On the first date, it was customary to name the newborn, and on the second date, the mother can already visit the temple, since the natural cleansing after the appearance of the baby has ended. If a child was born weak and sick, it is advisable to christen him immediately.

Until the age of seven, the decision is made by the parents. Children under the age of 14 must consent to the ceremony. Older teenagers are baptized only if they want to. If the child is in the hospital, there is a threat to his life or there is no way to bring him from home to church, then you should contact the priest and ask him to perform the ritual outside the church. As a rule, doctors and clergy do not refuse people in such a situation.

Preparation for the sacrament

Native parents are not godparents for their child, they themselves choose where to baptize him. They need to agree with the priest about the time, it depends on the church schedule. It is advisable to choose godparents from among the believers: they are responsible before the Lord for the spiritual development of the child.

Choice of Godparents

Godparents must be chosen for the girl. They meet the following criteria:

  1. profess Orthodoxy;
  2. are not officially or civilly married to each other;
  3. are of legal age.

Pregnant women become godparents, but there are several nuances:

  • a woman should feel good in order to be able to withstand the whole ceremony;
  • she wants to take responsibility for this particular girl.

Parents need to know who cannot be godparents. These include:

  • unrepentant sinners;
  • young children;
  • unbaptized and non-believers;
  • nuns, monks;
  • women who have recently given birth, if 40 days have not passed since the birth of the child;
  • persons leading an immoral lifestyle, violating commandments;
  • alcoholics;
  • Gentiles.

For Orthodox who constantly visit the temple, additional preparation is not required. For others, it is obligatory to confess and take communion. The priest conducts a conversation before baptism, explains how to behave during the ceremony and what is needed for baptism. Close relatives: sister, grandmother, aunt can also be godparents.

What is needed for the ritual

The godmother is responsible for raising the girl in the Orthodox spirit. Before the sacrament, you will need to visit the church and pass an interview at which they talk about God and the rules of the great sacrament. It is important that she be able to handle the baby, as she will have to undress him and put on the baptismal set.

The baptism kit includes:

  1. For babies, a kryzhma (a large towel) or a baptismal dress for a girl. Godmother buys.
  2. The godfather acquires the cross. It can be worn on a string or chain. For small children, it is advisable to choose a cross with rounded outlines without sharp corners so as not to be scratched.

A cross and a chain are chosen based on their capabilities: from simple metal or from gold, silver. There are no strict requirements on what to buy and to whom, so parents, grandfather or uncle can buy them.

Preparation and rules for godparents:

  • visit the temple for confession and communion;
  • observe a short fast (3 days), refusing meat food, bad thoughts and words;
  • learn the text of the prayer for baptism "Symbol of Faith", "Our Father";
  • acquire the necessary attributes for baptism;
  • not to eat before the sacrament.

church rules

During the sacrament of baptism of a girl, the godmother is considered the main recipient. Church rules for the godmother say that her main task is to read during the ritual of prayer. If you are unable to memorize it, you can take a prayer book. By tradition, he buys a white towel (kryzhma), a baptismal set. As a gift, he acquires an icon with a saint whose name was given to the goddaughter during the ceremony. According to the church rules for the godfather, he brings the child into the church and holds it in his arms until the time comes to hand it over to the clergyman.

Godparents and spouses often do not know on which days the sacrament of baptism is performed. In church rules there are no prohibitions on holidays, fasting or ordinary days of the week. Exceptions are made only for three great holidays: Christmas, Easter, Trinity. At this time, the priest is unlikely to have free time for the sacrament. In many churches, a routine is established, baptisms are held only on certain days, as a rule, this is Saturday. In a conversation with the priest, they clarify how the ceremony goes, what is needed for it.

Parents and invited guests are allowed to attend the church. These include the next of kin, photography and video filming are allowed, but it is time to get the consent of the priest. Sometimes a professional is invited to capture all the important moments of the ceremony.

How to dress for a christening

When going to a ritual, you need to know what to baptize in. There are church rules that provide for festive clothing for all those present. Allowed:

  • skirt below the knees;
  • closed jacket with long sleeves;
  • head scarf.

You should not be in trousers, shorts, a short skirt in church. Clothing should cover the neckline, back and arms. Men can be bareheaded in a shirt and trousers, a woman must wear a headscarf.

The color and pattern of outfits is not regulated, but it is advisable to choose something light for baptism, because this is a big holiday for the family.

How does the sacrament happen?

During the ritual, crosses must be worn on everyone. Church laws stipulate the sequence of the ceremony. At the baptism of the girl, the godfather brings (brings) her into the premises of the temple, and after dipping into the font, the godmother accepts and dresses. The process of baptism is long, it takes place in several stages:

  1. Entry into the temple of the baby by the godparents of the opposite sex.
  2. Reading prohibition prayers to renounce the child from evil. The baby is wrapped in a diaper at this time.
  3. Prayers against Satan, during which there is a renunciation of him. The priest asks the question of refusal three times, his godparents are responsible for the small child;
  4. The combination to Christ and the reading of the "Creed" by the godparents.
  5. The recipients take lighted candles in their hands, three more are installed on the font. The priest sanctifies water and oil.
  6. The priest dips the child into a font of cold water three times, after which a cross is put on.
  7. During immersion there is a cleansing from sins and a birth for spiritual life.
  8. The godmother takes the baby in her hands and wraps it in a baptismal towel, then dresses it.
  9. The priest performs chrismation by applying oil to the cross on the legs, arms, back, stomach and forehead of the child.
  10. The godparents with the child follow the priest three times around the font, at this time he reads prayers.
  11. A small strand of hair is cut off from the girl's head, they remain in the church, symbolizing the spiritual unity of the child with God.
  12. The priest takes the child in his arms and puts it on the icon of the Mother of God. This means that the sacrament has come true and the child is churched.

Baptism is a lengthy procedure that takes from 40 minutes to an hour and a half. It also depends on whether one child is baptized or several.

A week after baptism, you should come to church for communion, the clergyman will tell the exact date.

Choosing a church name

During the ceremony, the child receives a new name. As usual, it is chosen from those that are consonant with the worldly or are in the lists of the saints. If there is no match for the name on the birth certificate, you should seek help from a priest. She will tell you which saint is revered on the girl’s birthday or baptism, her name will become the second for her. Will be used in church ceremonies. Thus, the children have another holiday - the day of the heavenly intercessor (saint), whose name was given at the time of baptism. The church name is not disclosed to outsiders, so as not to weaken the protection of the baby.

Responsibilities of a godmother

A woman who agrees to become a godmother takes responsibility for the life and spiritual development of the girl. Her responsibilities include:

  • pray for the goddaughter, ask God for help for her in a difficult situation;
  • go to church together, confess and take communion;
  • take part in spiritual education, development;
  • be a worthy role model;
  • talk about God, go to church together;
  • wish happy birthday, give gifts on angel's day;
  • give instructions, help with advice and practical deeds;
  • to take the girl to be raised if her parents are dead.

Baptism cost

Not everyone understands why pay for the ceremony, because Jesus bequeathed not to take money for baptism, so that poor people would not be excommunicated from the church due to lack of funds. But earlier there was a tradition to give a tenth of the income in favor of the church, to donate funds. Now there are fewer contributions, so ministers are forced to draw up a price list in order to be able to pay for the maintenance of the temple. The cost depends on the chosen church.

There is no single price, so you can find out how much to pay only in the temple that has been chosen to perform the sacrament. Boxes are set up in churches to collect donations, the clergyman may say that there is no fee, but you have the right to put any amount you can into it. The estimated cost of the ritual is from 1500, there is no upper limit. For him, you will need a baptismal set, which includes: a white dress, kryzhma and a scarf (bonnet).

How to store baptismal things

There are no rules in the Bible on the use of things left after christening, but the clergy recommend that parents keep the kryzhma and the baptismal cross. They can be folded into a chest of drawers and stored together with the child's clothes so that they are not in front of strangers. If he falls ill, behaves restlessly, they cover him with a blanket.

What not to do with a baptismal towel:

  • wash;
  • toss out;
  • be used to baptize others.

There is an opinion that the baptismal shirt is a healing amulet that is applied to a sore spot for a speedy recovery. Not all parents know if a child should wear a cross all the time. This is desirable, but if necessary, they are temporarily removed. This thing cannot be thrown away, because it is the best amulet. Even if they bought a new cross and chain, they keep the old one.

Folk signs and traditions of celebration

After the holy sacrament, the celebration of christening takes place in the family circle. It is customary to cook dishes from cereals and vegetables, poultry, pastries, pies. Godparents and guests usually ask their parents in advance what to give the girl. There are no special rules for choosing a thing, but the following are considered a good present:

  • saint icon;
  • a silver spoon or a set of them;
  • children's clothes, toys;
  • Bible.

It is believed that love relationships between godfathers are a great sin, there are many other folk signs:

  • you can’t show the newborn to anyone before baptism, because at that time he is weak and defenseless, it is easy to jinx him;
  • during the christening, the child appears before God, so he is smartly dressed;
  • a bad sign is considered an odd number of guests present at the christening;
  • during the ceremony, the candle must be held firmly in your hands, covering it with the second palm so that it does not fall, does not go out;
  • after the christening, they immediately go home, without turning anywhere along the road, otherwise the child's guardian angel will weaken.

Main Traditions :

  • to choose believing and reliable people as godparents;
  • do not argue with the priest about the choice of name;
  • do not purchase a gold cross for newborns;
  • after the christening, the godmother brings the child into the house;
  • baptize the child as early as possible;
  • do not have drunken parties;
  • invite the minimum possible number of people.

An Orthodox becomes a godfather any number of times, there are no restrictive rules. Baptism is the second most important holiday for a person after a birthday. The rite refers to one of the seven Orthodox church sacraments. After it, original sin is removed and God's grace and protection descend on the baptized. It purifies and gives eternal life, means spiritual birth.

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