What is glutamine and what is it for? L-Glutamine, its effect on the body Why do we need glutamine

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

Mar 30 2017


One of the essential amino acids for the human body is L-glutamine. It is a component of protein. Amino acid accumulates in muscle tissue and blood. L-glutamine is synthesized by the body, but sometimes there is a lack of it, which can be replenished by eating certain foods. Each person should know why this amino acid is important, what it affects and where it is contained.

What is glutamine

Protein is made up of a number of essential amino acids. Glutamic acid (glutamine) is one of them. L-glutamine has an effect on the growth of muscle tissue, has a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthening and maintaining it. Acid is ubiquitous. L-glutamine is found in every body (more than 55% content), it is present in many foods. Due to its ability to enhance muscle growth, the amino acid is taken by many bodybuilders.

What is glutamine for?

Amino acid is directly involved in muscle growth, preventing their destruction. This is the main answer to the question of why glutamine is needed. The average person has enough of this amino acid in the body without additional intake, but the situation changes if, for example, he begins to exercise intensively or falls ill. In such a situation, due to its lack, the process of destruction of muscle tissue can start.

The action of glutamine

It is worth talking about how specifically the substance affects the body. The action of glutamic acid is as follows:

  • L-glutamine stimulates the growth of muscle tissue by transporting nitrogen to the generated cells;
  • reduces the recovery period after training;
  • L-glutamine neutralizes ammonia and promotes its excretion;
  • stimulates the metabolism of fatty acids;
  • L-glutamine strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to infections and diseases;
  • inhibits the growth of fatty tissue;
  • L-glutamine reduces alcohol cravings;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • L-glutamine does not allow muscles to break down during intense training;
  • increases the efficiency of the brain;
  • L-glutamine increases endurance by restoring glycogen levels;
  • increases the amount of growth hormone.

Properties of glutamine

The substance has many useful functions. Properties of glutamic acid:

  • supplying the body with energy;
  • increased concentration of attention;
  • positive effect on muscles;
  • pain relief and speedy recovery from injuries;
  • normalization of the digestive system, due to which nutrients are better absorbed;
  • L-glutamine has an antioxidant effect;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • neutralization and removal of ammonia;
  • stress relief.

Glutamine in foods

The lack of a substance in the body can be easily replenished with the help of certain foods. What foods contain glutamine:

  • rabbit meat;
  • grapefruits;
  • chicken (especially breast);
  • tomatoes;
  • beef;
  • lentils;
  • pork;
  • mussels;
  • hazelnut;
  • squids;
  • peanut;
  • kefir;
  • peas;
  • cottage cheese;
  • beet;
  • beans;
  • cod;
  • cabbage;
  • crab meat;
  • spinach;
  • hard cheeses;
  • parsley;
  • herring;
  • zander;
  • eggs;
  • pink salmon.

Glutamine instructions for use

Any substance must be used correctly. The use of glutamic acid with non-compliance with the recommendations specified in the instructions can not only not give a positive effect, but also cause harm to the body. As a rule, athletes take L-glutamine: bodybuilders, powerlifters. It can also be used for weight loss. L-glutamine can be prescribed for detoxification, treatment of disorders of the central nervous system, mental or physical exhaustion, rehabilitation after injuries.

In bodybuilding

For people involved in this sport, L-glutamine acts as a source of energy. With its deficiency, immunity weakens. Glutamine in bodybuilding helps to recover faster after intense workouts. This amino acid can be obtained from certain foods, or by taking a drug. L-Glutamine works well with many sports supplements.

Bodybuilders should consume 5 to 8 grams of the amino acid per day. It is preferable to divide the dose of L-glutamine into two doses. The first part should be taken immediately after training, and the second before going to bed. On weekends, one dose is taken half an hour before lunch. The second dose is carried out in the same way, before going to bed. The interval between the use of glutamic acid and a gainer or protein should be at least half an hour. So all supplements are better absorbed.

For weight loss

This amino acid is an essential element of sports nutrition for weight loss. Glutamine for weight loss stimulates the production of growth hormone. Thanks to this, the metabolism of fats is accelerated, muscle tissue is restored and grows. Athletes actively use L-glutamine when drying the body. Thanks to her, the muscles stand out, become more prominent. For weight loss, it is recommended to take L-glutamine on training days, dividing the daily dose into two equal parts.

In sports

Not only bodybuilders should take this amino acid. Sports nutrition glutamine is recommended for use in other activities that require endurance. The dosage should be selected taking into account the weight of the athlete. There are three reception schemes:

  1. Half L-Glutamine before workout and half after.
  2. The first part in the morning (immediately after getting up), the rest - before bedtime.
  3. The dose is divided into 4 servings. the interval between doses is three hours.
  1. It is preferable not to eat before drinking glutamine because it is better absorbed on an empty stomach.
  2. The supplement can be mixed with cocktails or taken just like that with a small amount of water or juice.
  3. You can use creatine and BCAA at the same time, but not protein.

How to use

Before you drink the drug, be sure to read the instructions and follow the recommendations. How to take l-glutamine:

  1. The dosage of the drug is always calculated individually, 0.3 g of amino acid is needed per kilogram of weight.
  2. Do not overdose on L-Glutamine.
  3. You can take the entire daily dose at one time only if you are training hard.
  4. If you have several days off, drink only half of the drug early in the morning on these days.
  5. Cancellation of L-glutamine should be done gradually. For 5 days, drink half the daily allowance. Take a quarter of the dose for another two or three days, then complete cancellation follows.
  6. If you are taking supplements other than L-Glutamine, please consult your physician. He will recommend the optimal dosage.

How to Take Glutamine Powder

There are different forms of supplement release. L-glutamine powder is more popular than capsules because it is cheaper and more economical. It is convenient to drink it, because the dose can be calculated as accurately as possible. On the other hand, it will only be possible to take it at home, because it will not work to carry measuring spoons and scales with you everywhere. The powder is diluted with water at room temperature, drink in slow sips. It is better to divide the dose into morning and evening receptions.

How to take glutamine capsules

This form of preparation is a good option for people who need to carry the supplement with them everywhere. Glutamic acid in capsules is washed down with a small amount of water. The shell will quickly dissolve, and the powder will disperse through the blood and begin to act. It is best to take the capsules before and immediately after your workout because it works very quickly. It is not recommended to drink them with juice or other drinks. The sugar contained there will prevent the absorption of the amino acid into the blood.

When to Take Glutamine

You must understand that it is not advisable to constantly drink the supplement, and therefore you need to calculate the moments of its greatest effectiveness. Admission Tips:

  1. The amino acid glutamine can be used every day only with intense physical exertion. The rest of the time, the body receives the norm from ordinary foods.
  2. Be sure to check with your doctor every 6 months. He must evaluate the main physical indicators of the body, change the recommended dosages.
  3. For moderate muscle-building exercise, drink the supplement periodically, and include the maximum amount of products with L-glutamine in the diet. After a month of admission, a two-week break should follow.
  4. To strengthen the immune system after an illness and treat nervous disorders, a 20-day course of L-glutamine is provided. You can take the supplement for a longer time only with the permission of the doctor.
  5. Abuse of the drug is fraught with the fact that the body will no longer absorb L-glutamine.

Side effects

The body may react ambiguously to taking the drug. There are such side effects of glutamine:

  • allergy;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

It is worth noting that side effects, as a rule, appear only with an overdose. With long-term use of L-glutamine, the following problems may occur:

  • anemia;
  • cracked lips;
  • leukopenia;
  • irritation of the oral mucosa.


Not everyone is allowed to take an amino acid, although it is synthesized by the body. There are such contraindications of glutamine:

  • individual intolerance;
  • obesity;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • kidney problems;
  • anemia;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • parallel intake of complex biological additives;
  • increased excitability;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • insomnia;
  • fever;
  • leukopenia.

l-glutamine price

You can order the supplement in the online store, purchase at the pharmacy. Its cost depends on the form of release, packaging (number of capsules or weight), manufacturer's rating, and other factors. The approximate price range is presented in the table.

In order to be not only athletic and strong, but also a healthy person, it is necessary to provide your body with all the necessary vitamins and micronutrients.

Among the various drugs available that flooded the shelves of pharmacies and sports nutrition stores, as well as the elements that we get from food, an important role is played by glutamine is a conditionally essential acid which is part of the protein.

It is glutamine that accumulates in large quantities in muscle tissue and ensures its productive growth. This explains the especially increased attention to this component of athletes in bodybuilding.

In periodicals and online, opinions differ significantly regarding the effects of glutamine in sports. So let's see if glutamine is really as useful for athletes as they say.

Building material of the body

Amino acid deficiency is very critical for the body, especially for an athlete-bodybuilder who prioritizes muscle gain.

Glutamine plays the role of a building material, being building blocks for the body, which make up about 60% of muscle mass and, due to the appropriate load during training, contribute to its satisfactory development.

What is the difference between glutamine and glutamic acid?

Sometimes consumers get confused when taking glutamic acid akin to the identical glutamine. This is far from true.

Glutamic acid is also part of the protein, but its functions extend mainly to the processes of brain development and acid-base balance. Also for the treatment of a number of nervous and muscular-dystrophic diseases.

Another distinguishing feature of this amino acid is the characteristic "meat flavor", which is isolated in a food additive to enhance or impart the taste of meat to certain foods.

Glutamine, in the first place, is an indicator, according to the level of properties of which the overtraining syndrome in athletes is determined and, accordingly, it is prevented.

And also acts as a participant in the synthesis of nucleic acids, which actively interact in the process of cell division in the body.

Glutamine in large enough quantities is used to maintain the excellent functioning of internal organs. Also for weight loss by reducing subcutaneous fat, takes part in the transport of nitrogen, the excretion of ammonia.

It also acts as a raw material for glutathione, an endogenous antioxidant that is directly involved in the neutralization of free radicals and is widely used in various metabolic and biochemical reactions.

The benefits and harms of glutamine

Athletes prefer glutamine mainly because of the activation of volumetric muscle growth and rapid recovery after training. But why else do you need glutamine and what positive properties it additionally has:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • inhibits the secretion of cortisol, providing an anti-catabolic effect;
  • provides an increase in muscle mass;
  • activates the secretion of growth hormone;
  • helps to cope with overtraining;
  • increases physical performance;
  • regulates the water-salt balance;
  • takes part in the formation of neurotransmitters that improve attention and memory.

Glutamine and its side effects

Glutamine is considered harmless to health and practically does not cause side effects, at least due to the fact that it enters the body in addition to sports nutrition with various products of animal and vegetable origin.

For a beginner, taking more than 15 grams of glutamine at a time can cause intestinal irritation or nausea. Therefore, before you start drinking glutamine, read the instructions. Try to stick to a progressive increase in the dosage of this supplement in order to have a positive effect of the drug on the body.

You can get acquainted with the amino acid arginine, its role and regimen in sports in the article "Arginine - benefits and harms, instructions for use."

Choosing the right drug

The choice of glutamine will depend on various factors, including the form of release, the content of the active substance in the supplement, the presence of a vitamin complex, other auxiliary useful substances, etc.

Glutamine dosage and how to take

Instructions for the use of glutamine mainly consist in the fact that one serving should not exceed the absorption threshold of the substance - 10 g. The recommended intake usually ranges from 10-25 g per day depending on weight - this is approximately 0.3 g of the drug per kg own weight.

To support the immune system, it will be enough to take glutamine in the amount of up to 10 g. You can drink glutamine both in capsules and in powder, after dissolving it in a small amount of water at room temperature. To increase the volume of muscle mass, about 25 g of the substance is enough.

It is best to take glutamine when you have finished training and in the evening before bedtime, you can also take 30 minutes before. before meals in the morning or before sports activities.

The action of glutamine in conjunction with other sports nutrition preparations

Creatine- to enhance the effectiveness of the drug. It is often used by bodybuilders along with creatine and a combination of other pre-workouts, testosterone boosters and supplements.

electrolytes- an excellent combination is glutamine in combination with electrolytes, especially sodium, which allows you to significantly increase the volume of cells. This quality will be appreciated as endurance and strength athletes alike, as cellular hydration is a critical aspect of muscle hypertrophy.

Glucose- the depletion of its reserves negatively affects the absorption of glutamine. When following a low-carbohydrate diet, N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) glycoprotein should be included in the diet. It is available as a dietary supplement and can promote both glutamine absorption and stimulate cell repair, growth, and vitality.

BCAA- modern BCAA complexes with glutamine are effective fat burners. They take part in the production of leptin, which helps to destroy excess subcutaneous fat deposits, reduce appetite, accelerate metabolism and lipolysis processes. It also promotes the formation of additional immune blood cells.

Glutamine - reviews of athletes


I have been using glutamine in its pure form for about a month, I won’t say that it has greatly strengthened the immune system, probably more time is needed. But I recover faster after physical exercises, and the training itself is easier, despite the increased load.

In addition, knowing which foods contain glutamine (beef, eggs, fatty cottage cheese, hard cheese, soy), I additionally actively feed the body by compiling the appropriate menu.


I was a professional athlete, now I just keep fit and glutamine is my favorite supplement. It is democratic in price, I try to take it virtually every day in the morning 15 minutes before meals.

The usual serving is 4 g, which I wash down with cold water. I prefer the drug in capsules.

I believe that with their help, the greatest amount of glutamine is absorbed and, accordingly, its effect on the body and the overall effect are felt faster.


I have been in bodybuilding for about 20 years, I have been using glutamine for the last 2 years and during this time I have never even felt that the disease is trying to penetrate me. No headaches, sore throats or snot, in addition, I got rid of muscle pain by almost 90%.

I take the supplement before and after training, as well as at night about 7 g of the drug at a time. I combine the consumption of glutamine with creatine - it helped me a lot to increase strength results and build about 5 kilograms of muscle mass.

Before you decide to purchase another drug to achieve your goals, it would be logical to find out what it is. As well as how to take glutamine in powder or capsules, how it works and, most importantly, what results it gives.

It is believed that it is necessary to listen not only to the opinion of specialists, but also to practicing athletes, sometimes it is their recommendations that are most valuable and act as the main driving force in decision-making.

We bring to your attention a video on the practical use of glutamine:

Glutamine is, without a doubt, one of the most important and essential sports nutrition supplements that will help not only develop strength, but also significantly improve health. It is he who, despite the contradictions, is the most reliable assistant for the athlete on the way to achieving the set results.

Have you ever used glutamine? Is this sports supplement right for you? What effect did you get by taking this drug? Write about it in the comments, share your thoughts and general impressions!

If one brick is removed from the building, it is likely that the house will remain intact for a certain amount of time, after which it will gradually begin to fall apart. This process can last for years or decades, and the result is logical - by removing one brick, we significantly accelerate the collapse of our building.

But what happens if you remove from the building not a brick, but a wall? Most likely, the building will either collapse immediately, or will exist for some time in an inferior form. And if arginine can be considered a brick, then glutamine is the wall on which the entire muscular foundation of a person rests.

What is glutamine?

Every novice bodybuilder, every more or less educated person knows that protein consists of amino acids. Perhaps some really believe that the eaten meat immediately turns into muscles, attaching to our muscles. Naturally, the reality is quite different.

In the digestive tract, the protein is broken down into amino acids, after which some of the amino acids, to put it very simply, go to build muscles, and some go to other needs of the body.

Despite the fact that l-glutamine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid, muscle protein is 60% composed of it.

Therefore, this amino acid is essential for muscle growth. Research supports the conclusion above. So, back in the mid-80s, when the sports nutrition market was not as developed as it is now, scientists discovered a pattern: the more of this amino acid in the body of an athlete, the more impressive his muscle mass. In addition, it is another amino acid that affects the amount of nitrogen released. This means that it also has some of the properties of arginine, including:

  • Influence on the growth of muscle mass.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Increasing the production of growth hormone - one of the main hormones for building muscle mass.

Scientific research proves that glutamine is a powerful anti-catabolic. Scientists have repeatedly proven its positive effect on the level of cortisol - a stress hormone that slows down the growth of muscle mass and suppresses the production of testosterone. Therefore, glutamine will also come in handy in hormonal matters when we need to increase the level of anabolic hormones by reducing the blood levels of catabolic hormones.

Due to the influence on the hormonal system, the supplement allows you to gain muscle mass more efficiently and quickly, the amino acid can also improve mood. Again, we are talking about reducing the level of cortisol, the excess of which leads to stress, preventing you from enjoying life.

How to take L-glutamine correctly?

To be frank, it makes no difference how you take glutamine. Another thing is that the advice to take before, during and after training does make some sense. Since glutamine is anti-catabolic, we have the opportunity to suppress catabolism, speeding up post-workout recovery. It is advisable to take a small dose before and during training, followed by a larger dose at the end of the training session.

Now let's decide on dosages.
Depending on the manufacturer, the recommended dose is between 900 milligrams and 3 grams. Athletes are recommended to consume about 5 grams per day. But, understanding that this is only a conditionally essential acid, we can look at the real data on how much glutamine is synthesized in the human body per day. 10 grams? 20? Really 50? No, they didn't guess. About 150 grams are produced in our body per day.

Naturally, on the order of one gram of an amino acid obtained from a supplement, it can only work as a placebo effect. In fact, from 1, 2, 5 and even 10 grams you will not feel any real effect. Working dosages - from 15 grams of glutamine per day. Really working - from 30 grams. At the same time, it is worth starting with 15 grams if you consume animal protein products in parallel.

Perhaps for an athlete who consumes 3-4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, 30 grams of glutamine will be excessive. But for the majority of ordinary people who visit the gym, it is this dosage that can be called working.

Glutamine in bodybuilding

In bodybuilding, this amino acid became popular in the 90s. Moreover, domestic bodybuilders immediately noticed that with the working dosages indicated by the manufacturer, "something is not right." It got to the point that athletes stopped counting dosages and ate the supplement as if it were some kind of candy, and not an amino acid.

Now l-glutamine has lost its position in bodybuilding and you will no longer see “crazy jocks” eating glutamine. But that doesn't mean it's ineffective. Indeed, over the past decades, studies have been repeatedly conducted proving the uselessness of this amino acid. Therapeutic doses were taken (up to 4 grams) and based on the results obtained, which, of course, cannot be at such dosages, it was concluded that this sports supplement is useless. Naturally, this is not so.

High doses of glutamine are still used by some bodybuilders who know that in high doses it is an indispensable addition to any sports diet. And it has been used very successfully.

Scientifically proven fact: the content of glutamine in the body, as well as its natural production by the body, drops by 25% during a low-carbohydrate diet.

And if within the framework of the mass-gathering cycle you can do without the additive, saving money and not getting the best result, then during drying it is an indispensable additive, which you still have to fork out for. If earlier adherents of the iron sport consumed it on an ongoing basis, since the supplement cost a penny, now financial difficulties may arise with this.

Thirty grams all year round is quite expensive, especially in our crisis conditions. Therefore, if your wallet is not happy that you have just discovered l-glutamine, you can not use it during the mass-gaining cycle, acquiring only on drying, where not only its 100% effectiveness has been proven, but the fate of your muscles is being decided, which can "burn" along with fat if a low-carb diet provokes a lack of glutamine.

Glutamine (or glutamine) is an amino acid found in proteins. The most abundant amino acid in the body, it makes up approximately 25% of all amino acids and 60% of muscle tissue. In the article we will answer the questions: What is glutamine? What is the correct way to take glutamine? Why Do Athletes Need Glutamine? What is the best glutamine? What is the correct way to take glutamine?

Glutamine or glutamine? In the pronunciation of Glutamine, both variants are used interchangeably.

The amino acid is not included in the list of essential, the formation of glutamine in the body takes place naturally. Replenishment of glutamine reserves with food is necessary only in case of urgent need, when the body loses the ability to produce it in sufficient quantities.

The peculiarity of glutamine is that it is used by 70% in the intestines, without even getting into the blood. But this has its own plus - glutamine can help both disorders and the treatment of intestinal diseases.

Glutamine has gained popularity in strength sports as an excellent building muscle mass, but here there is no scientific evidence for these effects yet.. All studies supporting these effects have been done in rats. In humans, there was no difference with the use of placebo, which was at a dosage of 1 g per kg of body weight, which was at 0.3 g per kg.

But in endurance sports, where high energy costs, glutamine effective as fuel for the immune system and muscles.

Application glutamine for weight loss it also turned out inefficient. No, it works, but a 100kg person would need to take as much as 75g of glutamine to burn 150kcal. Agree, meager benefit, when it is much more useful and economical not to eat an extra piece of bread.

To suppress catabolism on different diets, glutamine gave 0 effect. The loss of muscle mass along with fat is the same with glutamine and placebo. For this purpose, it is much more effective to take BCAA complexes and whey protein.

What foods contain glutamine

The main sources are animal products

  • Meat, fish, chicken, eggs
  • Cottage cheese, milk, kefir, cheese

Blood glutamine deficiency has been shown to occur with high volume endurance training, so supplementing with glutamine may improve performance during long-term workouts. Strength athletes and sprinters do not need additional glutamine, because. its blood level remains virtually unchanged during short, intense workouts.

Glutamine is used by the immune system to function, so low levels of glutamine in the body can pose health risks.

This is especially true for endurance athletes with large training volumes. However, sufficient intake of carbohydrates during long workouts, additional allow the body not to reduce the level of glutamine in the blood. The effect of glutamine supplementation on immunity remains controversial, but when protein, BCAAs, and carbohydrates are deficient, glutamine may provide immune benefits.

What is the best glutamine?

We buy Optimum more often. We order from the USA iHerb online store. According to our promo code MIK0651 You can get a 5% discount on your entire order. Whether you are ordering for the first time or have already ordered.

Like any sports nutrition, it is more profitable to buy glutamine powder, but more convenient in tablets. The choice is yours.

What is the correct way to take glutamine?

Optimal to take up to 10 g of glutamine per day, large dosages simply will not be absorbed, and the excess will be excreted from the body. Better break reception for 2 times:

  • after training, but before meals and protein intake
  • before bedtime

It is important not to mix glutamine with protein shakes and other foods, they will interfere with rapid absorption, and it is already in the protein. Glutamine is well compatible and quickly absorbed with and.

In sports nutrition, there is always a measuring spoon. Look at the packaging for how much one scoop holds and calculate how many scoops you need.

It is more effective to take glutamine powder by mixing 5 g in water or juice. Do not mix in protein shake, milk, etc.

Similar to powder, we look at the content of substances in one tablet and calculate 5 g. Take 2 times a day with water 30 minutes before meals or protein.

Side effects of glutamine

Glutamine is completely natural and causes no side effects. The only thing is that intestinal disorders can occur if taken constantly in high dosages of more than 10 g. But it is pointless to use it in such quantities.

What are the conclusions?

Glutamine is inexpensive and athletes take it on the principle of "it will not be superfluous." However, we recommend using sports nutrition wisely and scientifically, so think carefully if you are flushing money down the toilet.

Glutamine is effective for:

  • endurance athletes, especially marathoners, triathletes, skiers and cyclists
  • immune support during high volume training

Glutami is not effective for:

  • building muscle mass
  • fat burning

Go in for sports, move, travel and be healthy! 🙂
P.S. Did you find an error or a typo? Have something to discuss or add? - write in the comments. We are always happy to communicate 🙂

Glutamine is one of the conditionally essential and essential amino acids. Why vital? But because glutamine is part of the protein from which, in fact, the human body is formed.

Glutamine is essential for efficient and productive growth of muscle tissue. This amino acid is found in excess in muscle cells and circulates in the blood. Thus, the muscles in the human body consist of 60% of glutamine.

What is glutamine good for?

Glutamine takes an active part in the processes of muscle protein synthesis and, by suppressing the secretion of cortisol, has an anti-catabolic effect.

Glutamine can be compared to glucose, because it serves as an excellent source of energy. Another important effect of glutamine on our body is to strengthen the immune system and help speed up recovery processes after training.

Functions of glutamine in the body

Glutamine is able to normalize the functioning of the digestive system and significantly increase the activity of protein synthesis. The formation of neurotransmitters responsible for improving attention and memory takes place with the participation of glutamine. It perfectly helps to recover from injuries, surgery or long-term illnesses.

This amino acid is involved in the biosynthesis of carbohydrates, the synthesis of fat cells and protects liver cells from toxins. An important function is its ability to timely remove ammonia from the human body, which is formed as a result of protein metabolism.

Glutamine in bodybuilding is highly valued by athletes for being involved in the synthesis of growth hormone and slowing down muscle loss. Glutamine contributes to the smooth functioning of the immune system and is considered a powerful muscle growth catalyst.

The effect of glutamine on muscles

Muscle cells are made up of at least 60% amino acids derived from glutamine and are, by nature, a kind of container for this element. Intense physical activity reduces the content of glutamine in the blood by 20%, and its consumption increases by almost 5 times.

Back in the 80s, research found a relationship between the rate of protein synthesis and blood glutamine levels. It turned out that the higher the level of free glutamine, the faster and more efficiently muscle cells grow. Due to the fact that the muscle fiber absorbs the incoming glutamine, it becomes denser.

Glutamine and creatine

The combination of glutamine and creatine will satisfy the need of muscle cells for fluid. When the muscles become unable to respond to incoming cretin, they remain susceptible to the absorption of glutamine.

This means that taking glutamine in conjunction with creatine is guaranteed to lead to greater stretching of the outer shell of the muscle cell and thereby stimulate its growth. In addition, immediately after taking glutamine and creatine, the absorption of a large amount of fluid necessarily leads to an increase in blood pressure, which contributes to pumping the muscles with blood.

daily requirement

According to studies, it is necessary to take from 4 to 8g per day. The human body is simply not able to assimilate more.

Ideally, the daily rate is divided into two doses: during or immediately after training and before going to bed. The first technique will saturate the depleted pool, suppress the process of catabolism and start the growth of muscle mass. The second dose will enhance the synthesis of growth hormone.

On rest days, the first glutamine intake can be taken at lunchtime.

Glutamine: how to take it correctly?

When asked how to take glutamine, almost all experienced trainers answer the same way - glutamine is best taken on an empty stomach. For example, at least 30 minutes before a meal.

An amino acid needs some time to be fully absorbed before the body receives the rest of the amino acids and elements with a normal meal.

Glutamine: harm and contraindications

Since glutamine is a natural acid that constantly enters our body with almost any meal, there can be no harm from it. The use of this amino acid does not pose any health risks and has no side effects.

When ingested in large doses, for example, more than 15g, glutamine can cause an irritant effect. However, any overdose of this particular amino acid is very quickly excreted from the body in a natural way.

Glutamine: application

Glutamine is a vital amino acid. The additional intake of glutamine has a beneficial effect on the increase and preservation of muscle mass, significantly reduces pain in the muscles and accelerates recovery after intense training.

Glutamine is involved in the formation of glutathione, one of the most powerful antioxidants in the human body.

When playing sports on a regular basis, everyday stress, illness or injury, glutamine is recommended.

Glutamine in foods

When it comes to animal sources, glutamine is found in high amounts in chicken, beef, fish, dairy products, and eggs.

Among glutamine-rich plant foods, we see beets, beans, kale, spinach, and parsley. Some free glutamine is found in vegetable juices and fermented products such as miso.

Style Outcome

Glutamine, without a doubt, is one of the most important and essential amino acids for the human body. Naturally, he will not be able to turn a thin athlete into Mr. Olympia in the blink of an eye, however, it is glutamine that is an indispensable, effective and extremely important assistant in achieving the results set by the athlete.

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For most of us, childhood is still associated with the heroes of these cartoons ... Only here is the insidious censorship and the imagination of translators ...