Signs on the New Moon: what can and cannot be done at this time. The most effective magic rituals and rites for the new moon New moon what rites are performed

Time flies imperceptibly, like sand through your fingers...

Today is another New Moon and another period of change that it brings with it.

This phase of the moon since ancient times has been a symbol of transition, a kind of transitional period, as well as a symbol of renewal, rebirth, the beginning of a new one.

Also, as in the Full Moon, the psycho-emotional background increases in the New Moon.

But if on the Full Moon there are often problems with sleep, then on the New Moon, on the contrary, there is drowsiness, fatigue, even a feeling of exhaustion.

It's like your strength has left you...

This manifestation passes as soon as the crescent moon begins to grow.

On the day of the New Moon, nothing is recommended.

You can only prepare a plan for your actions, and start acting already on the growing moon.

During the period of the New Moon and the growing moon, it is good:

  • First of all, start new projects, implement plans. All your undertakings will bear fruit and give excellent results.
  • Deal with moving to a new home.
  • Cosmetic procedures will have a healing and rejuvenating effect, and a change in image will make you irresistible. Practicing yoga and meditation will increase their beneficial effects on your body as a whole.
  • Carrying out medical procedures related to cleansing and nourishing your body.
  • Release from harmful addictions and habits, rejection of unnecessary things that interfere with your movement.
  • It is very good to get married during this phase of the moon. In this way, you increase the chances of a happy marriage and a happy family life.
  • And of course, cleaning and cleaning your home and workplace. Before the New Moon, it is good to clean up and get rid of old unnecessary things and trash.
  • A good period for rituals and rituals to attract love into your life and improve your financial well-being.

    What should not be done on the New Moon and on the growing Moon:

  • Before the New Moon, it is not recommended to make large purchases. They will disappoint you or require huge investments in the future.
  • You should not lend money. This will contribute to the outflow of funds from you, and it will be extremely difficult to repay such a debt.
  • Repairing broken things, equipment before the New Moon is also not worth it. You run the risk of breaking the thing completely or making it even worse than it was.
  • On the New Moon, do not make important decisions and do not take on obligations. It is better to postpone it for another moment.
  • In the New Moon, stressful situations and overwork should be avoided. Try to translate conflict situations into a peaceful direction or simply not let yourself be drawn into the conflict.
  • You can not perform surgery on the New Moon. The body is in such a state that the recovery process will be very unstable and long.

On the New Moon, it is good to work with your desires and goals, in addition to rituals and rituals to attract money and love.

New moon wish fulfillment ritual

If you decide to perform this ritual, keep your intentions secret from everyone.

Get yourself a new notebook and pen before the New Moon.

Treat your purchase responsibly: choose a notebook that will meet all your requirements and dreams and a beautiful pen that pleases your eye.

It is desirable that it has a hard cover or may look like a treasure chest with a key, for example.

On the day of the New Moon, take out your treasures and start working on your desires, of which I hope you have a huge number.

Your task is to set out all your dreams in a notebook in the most thorough, detailed way, formulating them in a clear, concise form.

And you should begin to express your dreams with the following phrase: "I gratefully accept from the Universe ... - your desire and finish - ... for my good (for the common good, for the good of my family)".

You can make wishes every New Moon of the month, deleting those that have already come true from your main list, writing next to them in your notebook: “It has come true! Thank you! ”, And adding new dreams to the list, which are also destined to come true.

Ritual to attract cash flow

The simplest and most well-known ritual:

at night on the New Moon, show money, banknotes and coins, to the young month, with the words: “Month, my friend, give me a full wallet of money!”.

And shake the coins in your pocket or purse, making a little ringing sound.

Or choose an even number on the growing moon and at noon say the following words on a nickel: “As much dirt in the swamp, fish in the water, so much wealth for me. Month, grow, grow, and give me (your name), wealth. Key, lock, tongue.

The penny thus spoken is placed in the right corner of the room for 7 days and then spent. You need to repeat the ritual three times, that is, three New Moons in a row.

New moons in 2016

Universal Time (UTC)
Sun January 10, 2016 01:32
Mon February 8, 2016 14:40
Wed March 9, 2016 01:56
Thu April 7, 2016 12:25
Fri May 6, 2016 20:31
Sun June 5, 2016 04:02
Tue July 4, 2016 12:03
Tue August 2, 2016 21:43
Thu September 1, 2016 10:05
Sat October 1, 2016 01:13
Sun October 30, 2016 17:49
Tue November 29, 2016 12:20
Thu December 29, 2016 06:55

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Each phase of the moon has its own characteristics and is able to have a certain impact on a person and his life. Even our ancestors knew that signs and rituals performed on the new moon help to achieve what you want.

Signs about the new moon

The young moon has the greatest influence on the fate and life of people. The new moon phase is the perfect time to start something new or change your life. During this period, you can try to change jobs, something in everyday life or in a financial situation. If you follow the signs, the phase of the new moon will help you get the desired result.

love omens

  1. A bird flying into the house of an unmarried girl tells of an imminent engagement.
  2. A wedding played during the new moon will bring financial well-being and happiness in later family life.
  3. The celebration of the wedding anniversary during this period promises divorce and family breakdown.
  4. A dream about a pulled out or fallen tooth portends separation or parting with a loved one.
  5. Spilled salt in the phase of the new moon means a quarrel between loved ones.
  6. At the beginning of a life together, the first wash of clothes on a new moon promises an unhappy relationship and domestic problems.

Money omens

The new moon period is the time when you can attract money to yourself. Some advice about this is indicated in monetary signs..

  1. Take a large bill and turn it towards the young moon. Put a banknote in your wallet, and throughout the month it will attract money to you.
  2. Place a large denomination bill on your windowsill at night so that the light of the moon illuminates it. This helps to increase income and improve financial position.
  3. If you bow to the new month, then in the next few weeks you can receive a gift.
  4. It is not recommended to lend or borrow money to anyone during the new moon, as this will lead to the fact that your money will quickly disappear.

Many people believe that any business related to generating income is better to start in the waxing phase of the moon. It attracts cash flow and creates a favorable environment for your business. New purchases, projects and decisions during the new moon will be successful.

household signs

  1. According to popular belief, a person born on a new moon will live a long and happy life without knowing financial problems.
  2. If the phase of the new moon came on Saturday, then rain should be expected over the next 20 days.
  3. It is better to move to a new place of residence on a new moon. This will ensure prosperity in your new home.
  4. If for the first time you saw the moon in a new phase on your right side, then this month will be happy and joyful for you. If you saw the moon on the left side - the month will be unfavorable, failures are possible.
  5. It is not recommended to try to get pregnant during the new moon, as there is a chance that a child conceived at this time will be born weak.

Rituals on the New Moon

Rituals are performed to obtain what is desired during the period of the young moon. They can be directed to love, to solving everyday problems or to money. The power of the young moon helps to achieve dramatic changes in life. It all depends on what desires a person wants to fulfill.

love rites

Unmarried girls and adult women have always been attracted to fortune-telling and conspiracies associated with love relationships. They all want to woo men or renew fading love in family life.

Rite to receive an offer

There are times when a girl meets a young man for a long time and is already ready to marry him, but does not receive a marriage proposal. To help him decide and push him to take such a serious step, you can perform a simple ceremony.

During the new moon, you need to knit or sew some piece of clothing or accessory and give it to your loved one. An engagement can be expected in the near future.

A rite of passage for establishing contact

Very often, girls complain that their young man pays little attention to them, does not take them seriously or never listens to their opinion. To correct this, there is an effective rite.

In the phase of the young moon, you need to cook an ear from a fish head and feed your loved one. After that, you will quickly notice the result: your boyfriend will begin to respect your opinion, be interested in your point of view in any situation and always listen to what you say.

Rite of Allegiance

The ritual of fidelity has come to us since the last century. Its effectiveness still encourages girls and women to this practice. The rite is not only used as a preventive measure to make men faithful, but also helps in cases of infidelity.

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • red candle;
  • three bay leaves;
  • paper;
  • pen.

At night, when the moon is just beginning to appear, you need to light a candle and write on a piece of paper the name of the person for whom the ritual is being performed. Then you need to say the name out loud 3 times, bend the sheet three times, put bay leaves in it and again bend the paper 3 turns. This note must be sealed with candle wax and hidden where no one will find it.

Rite to attract love

If you cannot find your betrothed, try this ritual. It is not difficult, but be prepared to get naked.

You will need the following details:

  • medium or large mirror;
  • a cup of water;
  • red candle;
  • rose oil;
  • rose petals.

With the appearance of the new moon, take off all your clothes, stand in front of a mirror and light a candle in front of you. Add a few drops of oil and rose petals to a cup of water. After that, say these words to speak water:

“The rose bloomed and fragrant under the moon, so I would have blossomed with beauty, but I found my love. Lunar path, bring the groom to the threshold. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then this water should be lightly wiped over the whole body, still standing in front of the mirror. Do not waste all the water, it will need to be sprayed on the threshold and wiped with it on the door handle from the side of the street. You need to leave some water along with the petals and hide the cup under the bed. You should find your love soon.

Money rituals

If you want to attract money, then you need to try to conduct money rites on the new moon. They require no special props or spells. Usually only a banknote is enough. There are several options for obtaining financial well-being.

Rite of checkbooks

The first way to raise money is through a checkbook or receipt. When the new moon appears in the sky, write yourself a check for any amount you want, but not too much. Issue the check as a real one by entering the real data (full name, date, signature). Then hide it somewhere no one will find it. You can put it in a red envelope. Wait for the money to start flowing to you, usually within 7 days.

Sometimes, instead of cash, a successful purchase may occur, or you may receive good news. You need to understand that the smaller the amount you write, the more likely it is to receive it.

Ritual for water

On one of the nights of the new moon phase, pour water into a glass and place it on the windowsill so that the moonlight illuminates the vessel. It should stay there for a couple of weeks until the full moon phase begins. On the night when the moon is as full as possible, you need to wash yourself with this water and say:

“Just as you, the month, were thin, but became full, so I have every good thing to be full.”

This should help improve your financial condition.

Rite with bow

Another way to get rich is to go out into the street or balcony at night, make 7 bows to the young moon and throw a coin in its direction. After that, you need to ask her for money out loud.

Ritual for banknote

On the new moon, you can make a conspiracy for money. To do this, you need any banknote, but it is important that there are no units in its denomination. Take a banknote and turn it towards the moon, out loud asking for prosperity. After this ritual, the charmed bill must be stored for a month in a wallet or purse separately from other money. It should provide you with cash flow. Her power lasts only a month, so the rite will need to be repeated on the next new moon.

Ritual to attract wealth

For this ceremony, you will need several bills with different denominations. During the new moon, the money will need to be laid out throughout the house on hills (wardrobes, upper shelves, etc.), where they are not visible. After 3 days, this money needs to be collected and spent on some useful household items or food. When money imbued with the power of the new moon is spent, it attracts double the amount of money.

Ritual for gold

To attract wealth, you can speak gold jewelry or other jewelry on the new moon. Usually this ceremony is performed by women. At night, when the moon comes out, you need to go out onto the balcony or onto the street and turn the gold product towards the moon, while saying the following phrase:

“A month is young, you sparkle with gold, play with diamonds, walk in the sky, count the stars. There is no end to the stars in the sky, so there is no end to my wealth. As the month arrives, so my wealth grows. My word is strong, stucco and tenacious. Amen".

The spell must be learned. After the ceremony, the charmed decoration must be constantly worn in order to attract wealth.

Household rituals

Household rituals are performed in order to solve everyday problems: maintaining the comfort of the hearth, maintaining beauty, improving health.

Ritual to improve appearance

If you have weak hair, then the power of the new moon will help fix it. When the moon appears in the sky, stand on the threshold and, joining your hands behind your head, ask her to solve the hair problem, saying 3 times:

“As the month was born, so let the hair of the servant of God (name) be born and arrive. As no one counted the stars in the sky, so let the hair of the servant of God (name) multiply and thicken without counting. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Usually, after this, the hair does not split, does not break and does not fall out, as before. Since ancient times, it has been known that if you cut your hair on a new moon, they will grow faster.

You can perform a ceremony to improve the condition of the skin. To do this, you will need to break one chicken egg, separating the protein from the yolk, and make a mask for the face and neck from the protein. It should be well shaken and applied to the skin. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off with water. The yolk must be buried under a rose bush so that you are beautiful, like this flower. If the rose does not grow near your home, you can bury the yolk under any beautiful flower.

Rite of Purity

This rite will not only help to keep cleanliness and comfort in your home, but also helps to attract prosperity. During the new moon period, general cleaning should be carried out. After that, you need to take a bath or shower and put on clean clothes. According to popular belief, a house where there is cleanliness and comfort on the new moon will always receive cash flow.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish

If you want any of your desires to come true, you need to cut out several triangles from red paper during the new moon and write specific desires inside each, clearly formulating them. Then you need to take a beautiful photo of yourself (preferably one where you are happy) and glue all the triangles with desires to it. Place the photos on the south side of the house and wait for them to be fulfilled in the near future.

There is another option for the fulfillment of desires. Light a few candles on the new moon, focus, think about what you want. In a notebook or on a sheet of paper, write down the phrase “I will do everything to make all my dreams come true,” and under it write all your realistic desires and plans for this month. Throughout the month, review your notes periodically. Usually, most wishes come true quickly.


All rituals performed during the new moon phase are effective. With their help, you can achieve the fulfillment of desires and life changes. But for them to work, it is important to sincerely believe in the power of the moon and its ability to influence our lives.

Magic helps a person in solving any problems. Rites of attraction do not simply attract new opportunities into the life of a man or woman, but they also radically change their fate. New Moon rituals for money will help to improve the financial situation in the family and get out of a protracted crisis. Knowing all the subtleties of the execution of conspiracies, you can fulfill your innermost desires by fulfilling the most important of the conditions - do no harm.

Rites on the new moon for money are held infrequently, but the effect of the ritual can last all year. What money rituals for the full moon are the most effective?

magical rites

Magic to attract money works under certain conditions, which the magician must provide. Such magical manipulations with monetary energy have a positive impact on the life of an adult, if magic is respected. Money rituals for the New Moon are a clear message to the universe, a request that a person utters of his own free will. If you do not pay due attention to the ceremony, then you should not expect that it will work unconditionally. To conspire items on the full moon, you must believe in the forces that your magician turned to for help.

To conduct magical rites, you will not need in-depth knowledge of ancient rituals. Even a beginner can carry out money rituals on the New Moon. Simple and complex secret actions will help break the vicious circle of poverty, destroy the negative program for poverty and get rid of permanent restrictions. The money trap will work from the first days, releasing a person from stress due to lack of money. The principle of operation of such a magical attraction program is simple. A person speaks an object, thing or amulet, turning a trinket into an “energy magnet” that attracts pure magic with its power.

Every living person, thing or inanimate object is surrounded by an energy background. With the help of conspiracy magic (any attraction program), under the New Moon, monetary energy will begin to come to the house of a man or woman. It cannot be seen or touched, but the work of forces can be felt by the results. For a person who is not afraid to seem stupid and inexperienced, for someone who studies and learns a new world, the program will work, and the full moon will only help in this. Money is only a means to any achievement, but not the ultimate goal.

The new moon is a special time for the ceremony. Money, success and wealth are attracted to a house or apartment only on the growing moon. A waning month in combination with a money ritual will not bring any results, and will also harm the practice. It will make him weak and completely inert. The New Moon ritual is performed in complete solitude. Extra eyes and ears will only harm the work of the spell.

For a ceremony for money, success and wealth, you will need special attributes that are not chosen by chance. Each ritual is unique, and by performing consistent actions, a person receives a unique result. Will enhance the work of the New Moon rite and additional ancient symbols placed in the house instead of protection. Experienced magicians recommend combining several rites of attraction at once.

The Power of the New Moon

The New Moon and charmed money to attract wealth - this is what prudent people use. It is dangerous to conduct rituals on the new moon to quickly attract money without preparation or thought. The wrong technique of the rite or the descending Month will turn the already hard life of the conspirator into a real curse. Money on the New Moon is not just a random income, such material assets can become a permanent income. What needs to be done for a quick effect from the rite of attraction?

The New Moon is a special time to attract money, it will help every person to gain not only money, success or wealth. Magic on the day when the Moon is filled with power works thanks to the rites:

  • a strong conspiracy or ritual for the new moon for quick money;
  • rite of passage for promotion;
  • rite on the wallet;
  • permanent money spell (monthly stable income);
  • rite for money (bills or coins).

Each magician-practitioner chooses magical programs according to his own abilities and means. Having thought through the goal to the smallest detail, a person acquires a new path. Magic only reveals his inner potential, helps to get more material benefits from work or personal business. Success is work and luck, and wealth is only one of its components.

The duration of the rite depends on the power that the magician or beginner uses. Additional attributes and amulets enhance the effect of the conspiracy, but this type of magical action needs additional nourishment. Success when money rites are performed on the new moon is not always easy. If it is not possible to attract wealth in the usual ways, then effective rituals for the young moon are exactly what a person needs.

Rites for attracting money and strong conspiracies for a wallet will work flawlessly if a person believes in magic. It is impossible to carry out such magical actions for fun or out of interest. Although such types of magic can not seriously harm, they have the most unexpected consequences. What attraction of money will pass without complications?

How to prepare a ritual for the New Moon?

Attracting wealth occurs in several stages, which are enhanced by Moonlight. Rites for adjusting the cash flow are carried out only after a complete cleansing of the house. It is not easy to clean the house, but completely clean it of all kinds of garbage and rubbish. During such cleaning, the homeowner gets rid of everything unnecessary and long obsolete. Rituals for a stable income are not held if the living space is not cleared in advance.

Cleaning takes place with well-salted water. Salt is a universal remedy for negative energy, which drives out evil spirits. Energy cleansing involves the placement of amulets or runic protection around the house. Without additional protective measures, it will not be possible to keep the material goods entering the house. Conspiracies are not used if the owner of the house is damaged by lack of money. In such situations, conspiracy magic is unable to cope with a strong negative program. First of all, it is important to get rid of the evil eye and only then speak the wallet.

It is very easy to attract well-being to your own home, even if you have not previously encountered magic and rituals. Before cleaning the living space (it is necessary to clean the waning moon, which destroys harmful ties and affection), it is necessary to speak salt and holy water. After the conspirator throws away unnecessary trash, you should sprinkle the walls of the house with water and place small saucers with salt in the corners. Conspiracies for material stability will pass without complications if all the necessary attributes are prepared in advance. The ritual for attracting money also works on the New Moon from the first days, systematically improving the financial situation in family life.

Magic money attraction

Practice and diligent implementation of all conditional rules will change life for the better. Money conspiracies and spells for good luck should be carried out only during the period when the young moon begins to grow. A small nuance decides the outcome of all actions. The time and money spent pays off if rituals are carried out in a strictly defined order without amateur performance.

There are several popular and effective rituals to enrich your own wallet. Conspiracies that take place during the New Moon period will only work if the moon is visible to the conspirator. Moonlight is the main energizing force underlying any ritual. If you need to speak a wallet, then you should put it on the windowsill and say a simple spell. All night long, moonlight should fall on an item that will attract money. Otherwise, all the actions of the magician will go down the drain.

During the Full Moon, a new moon is born. This is a special time that absolutely all experienced magicians use. The conspiracy to cleanse the house with the help of water takes place late at night, when the moon is visible in the sky. A glass of water is placed on the windowsill and the liquid is charged with words for several days in a row. On the fourth day, you should wash your face with water and read the words of the spell:

“Just as you, the month, were thin, but gained weight, so I have all the good things to be full.”

Immediately after performing the ritual, a person feels light, the former things are given to him easily and without much difficulty. With the help of charmed water, all adversity disappears, and income only increases. A green candle placed next to the glass will enhance the work of the ceremony. Attracting considerable wealth is simple and accessible to anyone who is tired of going with the flow. The easiest practice is to charge the water from one full moon to the next full moon rising period. The green candle participates in the ritual only in those cases when the financial situation in the family deteriorates sharply. How to attract profit every day?

Powerful conspiracy for wealth

The ritual to attract money and on the New Moon, which was resorted to a hundred years ago, was used for their own benefit and for prosperity in the family. You can raise money with banknotes. For the ritual, you need to make protective amulets that will fill the wallet of a man or woman with constant profit. A multi-stage rite to help overcome poverty:

  1. On the first day of the New Moon, all the money in the house is collected. It is not necessary to count banknotes.
  2. Cash is lubricated with special essential oils. To attract more money, a bill or coin is rubbed with cinnamon or mint oil. The simplest rite will not cost too much.
  3. Banknotes are hidden under the pillow.
  4. The next morning, all banknotes are counted exactly 7 times.

The word is power, so all rituals are accompanied by spells. Not only currency or coins are spoken, but also food. Poppy after a conspiracy is able to attract new income for several months.

“The first knot of sorcery begins. With the second node, the work is done. With the third knot, the money goes to me. With the fourth node, new opportunities are knocking at my door. With the fifth node, my work flourishes. The sixth knot fixes witchcraft. With the seventh node I am given success. With the eighth node, income is multiplied. With the ninth knot, it's all mine."

Raising money for stability and prosperity for quick implementation is a simple matter, if you do not use only logical arguments. Magic has many secrets that are still unknown to man. Trusting the experience of ancestors, a person gets out of the financial crisis in a matter of days.

The new moon is the first day of the lunar month. Usually the new moon lasts only a few hours, although rituals can be done on the first, second and even third lunar day.

Below we offer you some effective rites and rituals that must be performed on the new moon or on the first days of the growing moon.

Ritual for money on the new moon

Take banknotes of different denominations and spread them throughout the apartment in different places (on top of cabinets, mezzanines, etc.) so that they do not catch anyone's eyes. After 3 days, collect all the banknotes and buy something for the house (you can buy food, things, household goods, interior items).

It is believed that you put into circulation money that was saturated with the Power of the Moon and in the next month they will return to you in double size.

Receipt for receiving money on the new moon

In many forums dedicated to this topic, users claim that this technique really works in an amazing way. With this practice, you can attract the desired amount of money.

So, in the first minutes of the new moon, make a list of everything you need to buy, write down all your desires, then calculate how much it will all cost. When you have figured out the exact amount, write yourself money receipt.

Take an ordinary sheet of paper and make a "magic receipt" out of it. Write today's date at the top, then to whom it was issued (your full name and surname), the amount for which the receipt was issued, sign below and write "Paid". Hide the receipt somewhere far away (you can in a book or in a locker). Rest assured that soon (usually within a month).

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires on the new moon

In the first days of the growing moon, take a sheet of thick paper and write your desire on it, for example: “I want to receive a bonus this month” or “I want to be promoted ...”. You will need two church candles (one more, the other less), place them in candlesticks and light them in turn (a large candle with a match, and a small one with a large one).

Think about your desire all the time. Then take the wish paper and very carefully burn the last letter of your wish. In this case, the letter "U" with the words “Today I’m burning the letter Yu. From curses, corruption, the evil eye, the Holy Spirit will immediately deliver.

Next, extinguish the candles and hide all used items. The next day, in the same way, burn the penultimate letter from your written desire, for example, "I". Do this ritual every evening, burning one letter at a time. When you burn the last one, leave the candles to burn out to the end.

Ritual for harmony and beauty on the new moon

This ritual is performed on three new moons in a row (that is, 3 months on the new moon - the first three lunar days in each new month). To carry it out, you need: a pectoral cross, a glass of milk, holy water, rose aromatic oil.

Type hot water into the bath and lower the cross into it, then pour a glass of milk, a glass of holy water, a few drops of rose aroma oil into the water.

Immerse yourself in a bath of water and enjoy water treatments. When you lie in the bathroom, relax, close your eyes and say the plot:

“You, water, listen to me! Don't get upset, don't boil, but take care of me!
You, water after the cross, make me slim!
Nurture me with milk, caress me with a rose,
so that I am neither fat nor thin, but even!

When the water has cooled down a bit, you can get out of the bath, draining the water, say a conspiracy for weight loss: “Water, go away, take the excess from me, flow under the black stone, lie there for a hundred years.”

New moon spell to conceive a child

It is necessary in the first minutes of the new moon to take a container of clean water and pronounce the following conspiracy over it: “As the new moon is born in the sky, so with us (your names) a child would be born. Amen". This water should be washed before sexual intercourse by a man and a woman.

Ritual for love on the new moon

If a girl wants to attract love, she needs to perform such a ceremony on the new moon. You need to completely undress, put a cup of water and a pink or red candle in front of the mirror. Add a few drops of rose aromatic oil to a cup of water, add petals there, light a candle and say this conspiracy:

“A rose bloomed under the moon, fragrant, so I would have blossomed with beauty, but I would have found my love. Lunar path, bring the bridegroom to the threshold. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, wipe yourself with this water, looking in the mirror, wipe the door handle from the side of the street with water, sprinkle water on the threshold. Put the rest of the water, along with rose petals, under the bed. It is believed that after that within a month you will meet your soul mate.

The New Moon is the time when the Sun symbolically connects with the Moon. The night luminary is hidden, and it cannot be seen in the sky. These are mysterious, dark and moonless nights. We feel energy weakness and emotional instability. On the new moon, you can perform special rituals related to making a wish, as well as for money and wealth.

In terms of astronomy, the new moon is the phase of the moon, in which the moon is practically between the sun and the earth. It is on the new moon that the lunar month begins, which lasts approximately 29.5 days.

The next new moon will occur on April 23, 2020 at 05:25 Moscow time.

There are only 4 phases of the moon:

If the Earth, Moon and Sun line up, a solar eclipse occurs. There are 2 to 5 solar eclipses per year. They are:

  1. full (when the moon completely covers the sun);
  2. ring-shaped (the moon covers the central part of the sun);
  3. private (the moon obscures part of the sun from the side).

How long does a new moon last and how often does it happen?

Astronomers calculate the exact date and time of new moons for all months of the year. Information for 2020 can be seen in the table below.

How often does this phenomenon happen? The lunar month, which includes 4 phases of the moon, lasts an average of 29.5 days. After such an interval, a new moon occurs. That is about once a month.

Table of new moons by months

To perform rituals, you need to know what time the new moon will happen. Therefore, in this section you will find the dates and exact times of all new moons for 2020.

Here it is, the new moon calendar for 2020. Be sure to look into it when you start making serious decisions. Why is it so important to know when the new moon begins? Answer below.

How does the new moon affect a person?

According to astrologers, on the days of the new moon, our energy resources are reduced to the lowest level in a month. We experience a lack of strength, weakness and a desire to rest. On a psychological level, there are:

  • apathy;
  • feeling of loneliness;
  • nervousness;
  • irritability;
  • inexplicable fears;
  • behavior change.

Changes in the new moon concern not only the human psyche, but also his health. Here's what to note:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • water leaves the body faster;
  • the pressure decreases.

For these reasons, hypotensive patients (people with low blood pressure) should monitor their well-being. It is also recommended that everyone drink more clean water.

The New Moon does not affect women as much as it does men. It is believed that it is the representatives of the stronger sex who are most affected by this period.

What should be done on such days?

Do not think that the new moon is a dangerous time in which there is nothing good. It's a delusion. Let's talk about what you can and even need to do on the new moon.

  1. Solitude and meditation.

You still experience apathy and fatigue. This is no accident. The universe is pushing you to seclude yourself and get distracted from the worldly bustle. During this period, it is good to do yoga, practice with and other spiritual practices.

It will be favorable to go out into nature and spend the day in the forest or near the river. Enjoy the beauty of the world, feel its harmony. And then you will return strength for new achievements. And there will also be ideas that would never come up on other days.

  1. New beginning.

Have you ever wanted to go on a diet or exercise? It's time to start. Develop an action plan, download workout videos, or join a fitness center.

However, you should not start classes on the day of the new moon. Wait a bit. And tomorrow you will start implementing your plans with renewed vigor.

  1. Rest and reflection.

Take your favorite book. Or put on your favorite music. Listen to your inner voice. What do you want from life? What steps need to be taken to make this happen?

Reflections on the new moon give excellent results. The strength of the moon on this day is minimal, which means you are not as influenced by emotions as on other days.

  1. Carry out the ceremony.

There are many rituals that need to be performed on the new moon. I will write about them below.

What can't be done?

  1. You can not start concrete actions to implement the plan. The first day of the new moon is suitable for making plans and contemplating your desires. But not for active steps.
  2. Overloading is also prohibited.

    The body is now weakened, it has little strength. Therefore, it is worth taking care. If you exercise every day, reduce your physical activity a little.

  3. Be careful driving. Do not plan long trips for this day, it will be difficult for you to maintain concentration for a long time.
  4. It is undesirable to take on complex and responsible cases. There is a high probability that you will not notice something important, lose sight of some detail. As a result, the job will not be done well enough. Try to take on this day only simple, routine things.
  5. Remember that on the new moon the mood of all people is unstable. Avoid quarrels and scandals. Know that on this day the energy foundation is laid for the whole month. You do not want to experience the consequences of an unnecessary quarrel for so long, do you?

Rituals, rituals for money, success, wealth

The new moon is a time when you can perform various rituals that can improve your life. The energy of this day is special. First, the new moon gives rise to the entire lunar month. Secondly, on this day, the power of the Sun is maximum, and the power of the Moon is minimal.

It should be remembered that sometimes the new moon coincides with solar eclipse. In this case, you cannot perform any rituals, because eclipses have their own characteristics. And the result may not be what you expected. In 2020, solar eclipses will occur on June 21 and December 14.

Abundance Check

I offer an effective technique that will attract money and improve well-being. You should write a wish check. I'll tell you more about how to do it right.

The idea is that you write yourself a check, which clearly states:

  • how much do you want to receive;
  • How will you spend these funds?

You should prepare a red envelope in which you will keep your wish check. You can glue it by yourself. In addition, download and print the form in advance:

How to fill out an abundance check?

  1. It is necessary to perform the ritual in the first hours after the onset of the new moon.
  2. Write down your last name, first name and patronymic in the "Recipient's name" field.
  3. In the "Amount" field, enter how much money you want to receive. Write in words and numbers.

It is important to keep in mind that the amount must be realistic. If you decide to prescribe the amount, but an inner voice tells you: “this is impossible” or “never be like this”, then you have exceeded your financial capacity. Choose a smaller amount for now so as not to experience internal resistance. Otherwise, the ritual will not bring results.

  1. In the “Purpose” field, write down what you are asking the Universe for this money for. For example, vacation for the whole family. Or a new car.
  2. Put the date of completion of the check and your signature.
  3. Put the abundance check in a red envelope and store it somewhere no one will find it.
  4. After that, try not to think about getting this money, let go of all thoughts about it.

During the next lunar month, the wish must come true. Or you will receive money. Or as compensation for an expensive item, prize, etc.

Ritual with a purse

Another simple but very effective ritual during which you need to charge your wallet. As a result of execution, you can receive finance from the most unexpected sources.

  • In the evening after the new moon, fill your wallet with money.
  • Put it on the window sill in the bedroom, on the right side.
  • Let it lie there all night. In the morning, the wallet must be picked up.
  • Repeat the next night.
  • Keep spreading your wallet every night until .

It is important to ensure that there is always money in the wallet - both banknotes and coins.

How to make a wish on the new moon?

The New Moon is a great time to make wishes. But here there are several rules, without which the desire may not come true.

Here is a list of things to do in advance of the new moon.

  1. Get rid of unnecessary and broken things. Don't throw away what's still good. Give clothes to those in need. Sell ​​furniture or give away for free. There are groups in social networks "I will give away for free", where you can offer everything that you do not need. By getting rid of the excess, you make room for the new.
  2. Clean up the house. And then ventilate the room.
  3. Fumigate the room with scented candles. Or light an aroma lamp with essential oils.
  4. You need to make a wish strictly on the 1st lunar day. It lasts from several minutes to one day. Look here to find out the exact hours of the 1st lunar day for your region.
  5. Take a shower, wash with cold water immediately before the ceremony.

When the first lunar day comes, we proceed to the implementation of the ceremony. If this lunar day lasts a long time, it is advisable to perform the ceremony in the first few hours after the new moon.

It is at this time that the Universe opens to hear your desires and help make them come true.

  1. Light a candle - any that you like and evokes pleasant associations.
  2. Make a wish. Only one thing is important!
  3. Imagine that it has already been fulfilled. Try to feel all those positive emotions that you are now experiencing.
  4. Visualize. For example, if you think about buying a new bicycle, imagine in your mind how you ride it along a forest path, how the wind blows your hair and caresses you, how happy you are from this and how freedom inspires you.

This ritual can be performed every month. Except for those months when the new moon coincides with a solar eclipse.

Useful video

I suggest watching an interesting video in which a psychologist will tell you how to make a wish on the new moon:

Can hair be cut?

Astrologers agree that since the human body is weakened on the new moon, it is undesirable to cut hair. It is better to postpone the haircut for a few days until the moon begins to rise.

On the new moon, it is only allowed to cut the split ends of the hair. It is believed that after that they will grow faster.

But what will be beneficial for your hair is nourishing care masks that will give your hair strength and shine.

People born on the new moon

There are two options here:

  • If a child was born shortly before the new moon, then his birth falls at the end of the monthly lunar cycle.

These days, souls with great experience, many previous incarnations behind them, incarnate on Earth.

These kids seem to know more than their age is supposed to. They are wise from an early age. But they often have a serious karmic task, and the character can be difficult.

These children may have inexplicable fears that actually relate more to past lives and have nothing to do with real events.

These people can achieve a lot in life thanks to endurance, strength of character and wisdom. But they do not always choose the path of achievements. Some of them prefer to lead a modest life.

  • If a child was born immediately after the new moon, then his birth falls on the beginning of the monthly lunar cycle.

On such days, young souls are born who have little experience and must accumulate it. Such people remain in the soul of children all their lives. And their behavior is also often to match: mischievous and open-minded.

Their advantage is that they are not weighed down by the burden of an unknown past.

They are not born with wisdom. They themselves will accumulate it, making their own mistakes and drawing their own conclusions.

Among the important character traits of these children are:

  • the desire to know the world;
  • attachment to the family;
  • integrity of the individual;
  • susceptibility to temptations, inexperience.


There are many signs for the new moon. Here are the most common ones:

  1. If you find a coin on the street - to a big profit. The coin must be picked up and carried in a wallet.
  2. Borrow or lend to others - to poverty.
  3. Moving to the new moon - to a happy future in a new place.
  4. If a bird flew into the house of an unmarried girl, wait for the wedding.
  5. Swimming in water brings good luck.

As we found out, the new moon is the time when the energy foundation of the upcoming lunar month is laid. At this time, you can not overexert yourself, do hard work. You need to rest, dream, reflect on life and make plans for the future. And, of course, you can perform rituals.

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