Easily accessible woman meaning. How to identify an easily accessible girl: the main signs. Men love the unreachable

Every man sooner or later begins to think about creating a family. Many of them are concerned about the question - how to distinguish a decent girl from an affordable one, because appearance can be deceiving. In fact, this is not easy to do, but there are several signs by which a man can identify a woman of this type. The main thing is to learn how to interpret these signs correctly, as well as to see the difference between "emancipation" and "immorality".

Signs of an easily accessible woman

There are a number of signs, knowing which, a man will be able to identify an easily accessible woman.


Appearance does not always help to determine who is in front of a man: a fashion victim or an easily accessible girl. Perhaps the woman chose a revealing outfit due to the fact that it is simply fashionable. Nevertheless, a decent girl will not allow herself to appear in the office in a short dress with a deep neckline or in shorts. Easily accessible girls, in turn, try to demonstrate naked parts of the body in any case, thereby attracting the attention of the opposite sex. And the presence of a large number of partners can be indicated by a slightly “shabby” appearance.

An indecent girl in every possible way demonstrates naked parts of the body, regardless of place and circumstances

Facial expression

The facial expressions of a girl can tell a lot about her character. Even if a woman demonstrates innocence and modesty with her whole appearance, a cheeky look and a vulgar smirk will give her a person of easy virtue.

An easily accessible girl is betrayed by a sassy look and a vulgar smile-grin


Easily accessible girls behave defiantly and too self-confidently. They can kiss and hug a stranger, let him touch his body. All this is done in order to attract attention. Do not forget that girls with an extroverted personality type, who are the "soul of the company", can behave noisily and defiantly. Therefore, before labeling, first observe and communicate.

An easily accessible girl flirts with absolutely all men

frank conversations

Easily accessible girls do not hesitate to talk about sex and easily accept obscene proposals. They normally respond to vulgar jokes, and exciting words never make them embarrassed or embarrassed. Such girls always take them literally and reciprocate.

A girl with a dubious reputation normally perceives "slippery" jokes, and she herself is not averse to joking like that

Speech and culture

Girls with a dubious reputation always show disregard for the moral standards accepted in society. In their social networks you can see quotes of great people, but in life they are not distinguished by curiosity. As a rule, such girls actively use profanity. If you met a woman at an art exhibition or a fashion show, then you should not immediately classify her as a highly cultured person. Maybe she's just looking for a new sponsor.

A woman of dubious reputation with all her appearance tries to show her disregard for generally accepted moral standards.

Bad habits

Easily accessible girls often smoke, drink heavily and even use drugs. And they happily justify their cheeky behavior with an extra glass of martini. Of course, many people drink alcohol, and a girl with a cigarette no longer surprises anyone, but alcohol abuse is a wake-up call.

Abuse of alcohol to the point of loss of pulse on a regular basis - an alarm bell

Dubious dating

Girls with a dubious reputation always have many friends, and most of them are representatives of the stronger sex with whom she had relationships in the past. She is familiar with many DJs, bartenders and security guards of nightclubs, which characterizes her as a frequent guest of such establishments.

An easily accessible girl has a lot of acquaintances and friends, and most of them are men.

love for money

Easily accessible girls are used to living off their men. They easily lure money and gifts. For the sake of material wealth and connections, they are ready for anything.

Easily accessible girls easily swindle money from acquaintances

Attitude towards men

Girls of easy virtue do everything to attract the attention of the opposite sex, but they do not like or respect men. For such women, a man is the one who will fulfill all desires or become a pass to a better life. As a rule, easily accessible girls have several lovers, and they marry only by calculation.

A man for an easily accessible girl is a "bag of money" or "a pass to a better life"

Health problems

The presence of a large number of sexual partners inevitably leads to health problems of an intimate nature. However, it will only be possible to find out about this after unprotected intercourse. A disease received from a woman as a gift will quickly make itself felt.

In the presence of promiscuity, health problems of an intimate nature are inevitable

Social media profile

A profile on a social network can be deceiving, but if a girl has more than 80% of her friends are men, then this is already a wake-up call. Also pay attention to the groups in which she is a member. For example, a group of acquaintances with foreigners clearly indicates that a woman is looking for adventure. Photos from expensive resorts should suggest how a girl earns her living full of entertainment. And the erotic photos posted on social networks speak for themselves.

Male ways to check female accessibility

Often, men identify easily accessible girls not through observation and communication, but through tests, sometimes cruel ones.

Hidden "blackmail"

To test the girl, the man offers to move on to an intimate relationship. When a girl gently refuses or categorically rejects the offer, the man accepts the refusal with understanding, says goodbye and disappears for a period of a week to a month. And further behavior depends on the reaction of the girl:

  1. If a girl began to call, make excuses, regret what happened and be active, then this indicates her availability. If she planned to build a serious, long-term relationship with a man, then she will not succeed.
  2. If a girl does not call and does not make excuses, but at the same time she is interested in a man, then he is unlikely to have the patience, and he will quickly show up.

The second option is always beneficial for a woman, because if a man pacified his ardor, coped with pride and offered to build honest relationships, then this is a reliable person who needs more than just sex.

The rapid sexual success of a man usually means the defeat of the girl and the collapse of her plans for a serious relationship and the creation of a family with this man.

Zberovsky Andrey, psychologist

Blatant "blackmail"

This method of verification involves outright blackmail on the part of a man. There are several tactics of their behavior:

  1. The man convinces the girl that he sees no point in building a serious relationship with her if he does not know whether she is sexually suitable for him or not.
  2. The man tells the girl that he is unable to control his instincts, and if his beloved refuses him, then he will have to look for sex on the side.
  3. A man gives the girl gifts, while hinting or saying directly that he is counting on her gratitude.
  4. The man tells the girl that he does not want to spoil her, but since nature takes its toll and he needs sex, it is better for them to leave.

Sexual blackmail is not a characteristic of your new friend at all. Most often, this is just the easiest way to check a girl "for availability" and clarify the question of whether there will be sex and if "yes", then when exactly. And the successful passing of this test completely allows the lady to count on receiving respect from her friend when building further love and family relationships with him.

Zberovsky Andrey, psychologist


Men who are ready to build a serious relationship always try to determine whether a decent girl is next to him or if she has a dubious reputation. If you know the signs of easily accessible girls, then in the process of observation and communication, you can clearly answer this question. Sometimes this is not enough for men, and they try to determine the type of woman with the help of tests. Of course it is effective method, but not every girl will be able to forgive a man if she realizes that he was testing her.

Our friend's girl is almost a model - tall, with thin legs, a bright brunette. One problem - he likes to take a walk. She ran away from him to Novosibirsk, leaving her alone with pain and packs of fenozepam. But they told him - do not get involved! She has a sister who is a prostitute. Didn't listen, and as a result...

But, really, is there a way for men to protect themselves from a woman capable of treason, and even at the stage of courtship and acquaintance to determine whether the chosen one will be faithful? I propose to consider seven main male myths and analyze them. Under each of the myths, men even created a special theory. The question is whether such a theory works.
So the first theory is physiological. To put it simply, the theory says that some women b, and it's inherited.Apparently there are some women who, literally with their mother's milk, absorbed a strong sexual constitution and a propensity for promiscuity. The message of the theory is this: look at the girl's relatives in the female line and draw conclusions. I'm not sure about the correctness of the theory. Recently, I was told about the spree of the daughter of a clergyman, who has extremely modest relatives.

Theory two - evolutionary. According to her, and in general, all the women would, but there’s nothing to say about the sun. Allegedly, in order to ensure genetic diversity, a woman should find as many genes as possible, good and different, preferably in a neighboring tribe, so that the blood does not mix. And let the beloved Tarzan feed them all. I didn't believe before. But after visiting a medical forum where expectant mothers hastily find out paternity after several contacts with different men, I began to think.

A third theory emphasizes the role education. Like, if they kept the girl in strictness, instilled in her the right ideals and respect for the man, then do not expect trouble. Everything will be decorous, true and in the best possible way. But oranges will not be born from aspen! And a dissolute mother will have a daughter like that. I'm not sure how this rule works with promiscuous mothers, but it's absolutely certain that shy girls often go rogue in moments of teenage rebellion.

It's not far off the talk of influence environments. And they have some truth in them. Remember what happened to the main character of "Faust"? Lost virginity did not bode well for the girl in those days. But now in any club you can easily find a girlfriend until the morning and don’t worry too much about it. And my friend is not offended. What is it for?

The fifth theory, which for some reason everyone often forgets, emphasizes the role of the man. For some reason, some do not have time to change girlfriends and have a lot of fans who are ready to fulfill their every desire, while no one wants to mess with others. It probably makes sense to conclude that the process and quality of courtship plays a special role here. That is, there are men for whom all women are easily accessible.

Do not forget about psychological state of a woman. Some believe that promiscuity for a woman is a kind of way to get positive emotions, love and affection that she did not get in another way, and an older partner, for example, is just a projection of her father. Inner emptiness, loneliness, the need for communication makes one enter into dangerous relationships.

Well, the last theory - taking into account the action female cycles. On different days, the same woman can be both a faithful wife and a bitch looking for adventures in her second ninety. It's all about ovulation. Whether this is true or not, I don't know. But before I noticed that as day X approaches, the men around become much prettier. When you start to like guys with missing teeth, you understand that the probability of conception is extremely high. Nature is atrocious.

And what do you think, under the influence of what factors a woman loses control over herself? Why are some accessible and others strict? Some change and others don't?

Almost any free man is a hunter. Moreover, a hunter with a scent for easy prey. Inappropriately rude and emotionally “deaf” in long-term relationships, when released, such men are transformed and become almost their own opposite. They read us as if they knew all their lives, and our timid attempts to hide in the "Trojan horse" of mystery and inaccessibility only fuel their interest and desire. Warm up to get the "desired" and the realization that easy accessibility goes hand in hand with unreliability, disposability and mediocrity. And in this they are wrong. Often. Making mistakes and leaving us without understanding, they offend and underestimate our often already low self-esteem. Unpleasant, agree! And instructive. Here, from my own experience, I can name at least eleven reasons why, at one time or another, I could be mistaken for a dummy girl from a pickup truck manual.

11 Reasons Why I Was Considered Easily Accessible

1. I didn't mind having sex on the first date.

Men want the impossible from us. Give them both openness with honesty and mystery with a slight hint of understatement; and "impregnability" and willingness to "continue" at home. The key to resolving this contradiction is gradualism. Yes, there is a category of men who give everything at once. But even they often "pass" when everything develops rapidly and without deviating from their wildest expectations. If you don’t want to scare a man away with your straightforwardness, simplicity and overly calm attitude to intimacy, give up sex on the first date.

2. I loved revealing outfits.

“Why not wear this little red short dress today, the one in the mesh tomorrow, and that one, translucent, wait, wait, I was in it yesterday!” - here are my thoughts at the moment when I choose what to wear on a date. Noticed the trick? Aha! I, like many other girls, deliberately reject the option of dressing modestly and not defiantly. And in vain. Attracting attention with defiant outfits and bareness of certain areas of the body, at the end I get attention only to these very areas and nothing more. But I didn't want that! So I advise you not to repeat my mistakes and not expect that the guy who “pecked” at your charms in the future is obliged to consider a beautiful soul behind them.

3. I didn't always make sure my thongs weren't peeking out of my pants.

Everything is simple here. Thongs are good. Thongs plus low-waisted trousers are at your own risk. Do not provoke a man if you are not ready to respond to his provocations.

4. I blabbed the nuances of my sex life to my friends.

No matter how reliable your best friends and girlfriends seem to you, remember that they are also people, with all weaknesses and negative qualities. Spoiled - be prepared that tomorrow, in a week or a month there will be common acquaintances who, by a "strange" coincidence, will "grease up", mistaking you for a trouble-free young lady.

5. I answered directly about the number of sexual partners.

Some girls go to any lengths to hide the number of their sexual partners. Some, like me, don't. Who is right? Hard to say. It is only important to remember that speaking openly about such things, we ourselves provoke the conservative mindset of guys into a frivolous and squeamish attitude towards us.

6. I got drunk too fast

For some girls, one glass of wine is enough for the evening. For others, even three per minute is not enough. What do you think, which of them cause unhealthy interest among lovers of one-time love affairs?

7. I used to flirt a lot.

Changing in her face, manners and habits only at the sight of a man, the girl herself gives him a sign - "it is not necessary to try, you see, you just looked at me, and I have already adjusted to you."

8. I didn’t know how to say “no”

Many girls are too afraid to touch other people's feelings and boundaries of comfort, trying to please everyone and everything. This gives others a sort of "automatic" advantage in anything other than what is important to the girls themselves. Learn to refuse, and the problems of being mistaken for a “girl for one time” will disappear by themselves.

9. I was too polite and courteous towards those who went too far.

The girls are arguing. They swear. Often they are even ready to pull out each other's hair for the "truth". But not in my case! In the past, I was willing to pull out a tuft of my own hair just so as not to aggravate any conflict that I happened to be a participant in or a witness to. Naturally, such a “weakness” did not go unnoticed by random people present of the opposite sex. The guys quickly noticed this, became impudent and acted differently than they would have done, not knowing for sure that I am a soft and non-confrontational person.

10. I put on too much makeup.

Girls who hide themselves behind makeup have one very vulnerable spot - self-esteem. I hid the real me behind a ton of make-up just to live up to the vast human expectations. Can you imagine? People's expectations were enough to induce me to act in a way that was not convenient for me. What will happen if a “knowledgeable” person puts pressure on this weak spot? What if someone compliments me while I'm not wearing makeup? Correctly! I will not be able to refuse such a "wonderful" person anything. Easily accessible? Maybe.

11. I lived surrounded by easily accessible girlfriends.

Tell me who your friend is and so on. And indeed. It is foolish to condemn people for judging us by who we surround ourselves with. Let people make mistakes, but we can only prove it by actions. In the event that you are surrounded by people with whom no one wants to have a serious relationship, the matter most often will not come to proof.

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An accessible woman instantly responds to calls and messages from a man who is interesting to her. It doesn't matter what she's doing, if she sees "news from the sweetheart" - she will immediately put aside all her affairs in order to answer him as soon as possible. She automatically puts his desires above her interests, plans and hobbies, which, of course, makes her more accessible in the eyes of a man.

2 She builds her day around him

The paramount question for her is not what she herself would like, but how her chosen one will react to it. And therefore, plans for the coming evening and weekend, she stands solely through the prism of his assessment. What if he invites me to dinner? I'll leave the evening free! What if he doesn't feel like going to the movies this weekend? I won't plan anything!

3 She Can Easily Cancel Her Plans At The Snap Of His Fingers

Cancel a meeting with friends that was planned a month ago? No problem! If he so wants - she is ready to reshape her plans. She will easily refuse to communicate with loved ones, if he so desires. Did he ask you out on a date an hour before the meeting? It's not a problem to postpone all household chores and plans!

4 Almost Always She Says "Yes"

The most frequent word in her speech is "yes". She agrees with everything he tells her, not because she sincerely supports his point of view, but rather because she does not want to contradict him. She is afraid to seem too obstinate and "uncomfortable", so she prefers to agree.

5 She seeks to spend time with him more often than he does with her

Sometimes there is a feeling that she is "imposed" - she is looking for a meeting with him, trying to get in touch and even often is the initiator of dates. In a word, she behaves as if she is more interested in continuing to communicate. Of course, the man sees this impulse on the part of the girl and does not seek to achieve her location, because it is already obvious to him: she is “on the hook” with him.

This information will be useful for both men and women. The first to arm themselves with knowledge of how to recognize a girl of easy virtue. For the latter, it will be useful to know how not to behave so as not to sow unnecessary rumors. So, what are the signs of a girl without complexes?

Takes the bull by the horns

Women of this type can be compared with male pickups. Just as a womanizer does not beat around the bush, but immediately seduces the victim, so the unspoken priestess of love begins to hang herself on a man at the first opportunity. It is worth being alone with her, she will immediately talk about sex, touch the intimate places of a man and unfasten the buttons on her clothes.

If the guy is not yet familiar with her, she will easily approach him herself and get to know him. She won't lower her eyes and blush. A girl of easy virtue looks at a man confidently and boldly. She may be the first to invite him to spend the evening at his own house. Such young ladies are not embarrassed if someone else sees their intimate scenes.

Girls of this type like to walk alone, slowly walking around the park in the hope of picking up a boyfriend for one evening. If you often see the same beauty, who sits alone at the bar and demonstratively smokes, then you have every right to suspect that she is the one.

She is not interested in the candy-bouquet period

The desire for a romantic and pure relationship is inherent in every woman. A decent girl needs time to get to know a man, and only then she agrees to entrust her body to him. But a young lady without complexes completely dispenses with flowers and cute gifts, and old-fashioned candlelight dinners bore her. She may not be a real night moth, but only a potential one, but she still has the psychology of a prostitute.

Provocative extravagant clothes

Any girl can wear a revealing dress with a high slit if there is a reason for it, for example, a bright party or other entertainment event. But in everyday life, a decent woman prefers simplicity and convenience. A girl without complexes always dresses defiantly.

Her chest constantly falls out of her low neckline, and instead of comfortable shoes she wears huge stilettos. Clothing emphasizes all feminine charms. The wardrobe is dominated by bright colors - red, orange, pink. These are visual signals to men, to which they react instantly.

Obscene behavior and vulgar expression

Girls of this type are pleased when they are pawed by unfamiliar men. They are not shy from indecent hints, and they themselves are not averse to joking about intimacy. A young lady without complexes does not need beautiful courtship and proof of feelings. She behaves not feminine, but vulgar. He likes to swear and tell "bearded" jokes.

It is easy to guess that this young lady has a lot of bad habits, and in general, she is not friendly with culture. She has predatory insidious eyes, a seductive look. Her smile is inconsistent. She brightly paints her lips and loves to grimace them obscenely.

Sunburn all year round and "intimate" tattoos

As a rule, girls of easy virtue take care of their body, regularly visit beauty salons. Solarium is their favorite place. Even realizing the harm of such procedures, they cannot refuse a beautiful tan, because it is another weapon for hunting men.

Agree, a decent girl will not make tattoos on her chest, buttocks or in the bikini area. Such art is of interest only to women with a vulgar nature. Drawings on the body can be both aggressive in nature (animals, skulls), and carry a completely innocent meaning (flowers, butterflies).

It is always easy and simple to communicate with such girls. They do not create problems, do not “strain” with questions and claims. However, they cannot give love and fidelity.

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