How to make a wish on the new moon - the best rituals. The New Moon is a time when all forms of growth are supported Make a wish on the New Moon

The most mystical time comes during the period of the new moon. Darkness comes into full force and reaches its climax at this time. All energy in the universe is at zero. The beginning of a new one. It is at this time that the energy decline occurs. Women are associated with the moon and their character at this time also deteriorates.

A person born at this time is considered a young soul. He is just beginning his path to enlightenment. His task is to explore this world. They are distinguished by enviable health and longevity. Character remains until the end of life, like small children, they are easily manipulated.

What is the new moon and its impact on the world

This is the phenomenon when the moon "disappears" from the sky. And if we consider this phenomenon from the earth, then the moon takes the place of the luminary. The light from the sun is so bright that the satellite of the blue planet becomes transparent in its radiance, almost invisible.

The new moon occurs on the 15th day of the waning moon. Last day of the lunar month. Lasts exactly 24 hours. On these days, it is undesirable to do anything. This is a time for meditation and awareness. For future planning and dreams.

When the moon "grows", the peak of magic and mysticism begins. At this time, supernatural forces are activated. The universe begins to grant wishes. Women perform various rituals and rituals. They write spells.

Dreams and signs

Dreams on the new moon are prophetic and carry the events of the future. The subconscious (soul) begins to speak with a person, predict his fate, reveal the most secret secrets hidden in the bins of the inner world. Helps solve problems and difficult tasks.

Signs have always played an important role in people. They arose from observations and have been going on since ancient times, when a person was without a hydrometeorological center and the Internet. They were inherited, they were believed and followed traditions.

  • Women and men bathed in natural reservoirs, clearing all negative energy. Sins and mistakes from the past month. Charged with health and strength.
  • Girls dreaming of getting married opened windows. They were waiting for the bird to fly, which would be the harbinger of the wedding.
  • The wedding was also scheduled for this period. Then the family will live in wealth, prosperity, prosperity.
  • Finding a coin was considered a big profit.
  • To increase the cash flow, they put a bill on the window, spoke and hid it. For a month it should be unchanged.
  • "Magic cleaning" - getting rid of old unnecessary things. It promised renewal.
  • The change of old housing to a new place on the new moon provided a happy, full of well-being, life
  • The sign "Hair cutting" is clearly rooted among the people. If you cut your hair on the growing moon, they will be healthy and grow back quickly.
  • Seedlings, plants and trees were also planted during this period. It was believed that in this way they would take root, grow and bear fruit.
  • If they wanted the road to be easy and without incident, long trips were planned for the new moon.
  • To increase prosperity, it was considered a blessing to give and receive gifts.

Rites, conspiracies, divination and rituals

Fulfillment of desires

  • Take a red thread, preferably wool. Fold it in half for your wrist. Write in advance on the wish sheet. Holding the thread in your left hand, imagine a wish, make and tie knots on it with the words: "It is done." Same with the whole list. Tie a thread with knots on the left hand. It is better if the bracelet frays itself. Or cut it off on the 9th day and put it on fire.
  • Take a blank sheet of paper. Write in it the desires that you want to come true in the near future. Mentally visualize each desire as if it has already been realized with the end result. Roll the leaf into a tube, tie it with a red ribbon or thread and hide it under the pillow. At the end of the lunar month, read the list again. Cross out what has already come true and burn the paper.
  • "Magic drink" - half a teaspoon of ginger, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of honey. You can add raisins. Pour hot water and speak of wealth and desires. Drink in small sips and imagine how the energy of wealth enters with the drink. Anticipate the miracle of the fulfillment of desires.
  • Ritual for prosperity and fulfillment of desires. On a piece of paper, write your plans and desires. Close eyes. Take a deep breath, exhale. Imagine that you are standing in front of a plowed field. Smell the spring earth that is ready for sowing. In the hands of the grain are desires. And mentally you sow them. Imagine how desires germinate, and golden rain pours down on them in the form of universal energy from heaven and waters your dreams and desires. As they reach for the sun, they fill with juice, they are saturated with the energy of the earth. Imagine clear pictures of how all wishes come true one after another. Inhale, exhale. Open your eyes.


  • Attracting money and success in your business. Take a sheet of paper the size of a banknote. Write your name on one side and the real amount you need to earn on the other. Fill paper with candle wax. While dripping wax say: "I have." Carry as a talisman in your wallet. Do not crush and do not show anyone.
  • Stand at the window, take banknotes and whisper over them: “As the moon grows, so does the money go into the wallet. Multiply, stay, multiply my wallet. For the joy of me and the whole world. Let it be so". Hide in a secret place and do not waste a few days.
  • Conduct the ceremony, only during daylight hours. In order not to remain indebted to the dark forces. Take a banknote of 100 rubles, put it on the highest place in the room, as soon as new funds appear, take another banknote with a face value of 100 rubles. Take out the first one and put them together, then roll the banknotes into a tube and say: “Grow money, shine money, wish me wealth money. Let it be so". Tie folded banknotes with red thread and hide from prying eyes.

Health and beauty

  • Save yourself from being overweight. On every new moon, at exactly 12 o'clock at night, drink a glass of icy water with the words: "Save the icy water from obese forms."
  • Ritual for strengthening and growth of hair. Stand at the doorstep of your house. Squeeze your hands tightly over your head in a lock. Read the spell three times: “As the month was born, so let my hair be born and arrive. Just as the stars in the sky cannot be counted, so let my hair multiply and thicken without counting. Let it be so".
  • Energy charge with water. Place a bottle of water in front of you. And move your hands around it from the bottom up. Five minutes until palms are hot. Drink and wash yourself with this water. You can give to your friends and family.

Rites and rituals are best done on the 3rd - 4th day, from the beginning of the new moon. Then the Higher powers will hear you and help you fulfill your desires and requests.

What Not to Do

Strengthening physical activity. Lending and lending. Eat spicy and fatty foods. Avoid quarrels. Start new big projects.

What to do on a new moon

Travel, move to a new place of residence, play a wedding, cut hair and nails. Bring order to the house. Conduct ceremonies and rituals. Ask for forgiveness and forgive. Change the smell in the house with the help of aroma lamps, which contribute to energy changes, to improve the aura.

New moon calendar for the coming years

2019 Time 2020 time 2021 time 2022 time
November 26 18:05 The 25th of January 00:42 13th of January 08:00 January 2 21:34
December 26 08:13 February 23 18:32 February 11th 22:05 1st of February 08:46
March 24 12:28 March 13 13:21 2nd of March 20:34
April 23 05:25 12th of April 05:30 April 1 09:28
22nd of May 20:38 May 11 21:59 May 30 14:30
21st of June 09:41 June 10th 13:52 June 29 05:51
July 20 20:32 July 10 04:16 July 28th 20:55
August 19 05:41 8 August 16:50 August 27 11:17
September 17 14:00 September 7 03:52 September 26 05:54
October 16 22:30 October 6 14:05 the 25th of October 13:48
15th of November 08:07 November 5 10:43 November 24 01:57
December 14 19:16 December 4 10:43 December 23 13:17


The new moon is a time of new beginnings, renewal, fulfillment of desires. Planning your future. As nature is renewed, so a person in this phase of the moon has such a property. Observance of folk signs gives a chance to improve one's life and direct the bright pure energy to the well-being not only of the subject himself, but of the entire Universe. The more gracious and pure the soul, the more good things happen on the blue planet.

Dear sorceresses, soon, by the way, the new moon! Maybe for you this is an ordinary day, but for me it is the time of guessing the Universe of the next portion of my endless desires. And that's why...

Once I don’t remember when and on what site, I came across an enthusiastic article in which a girl shared her joy about the fulfillment of her desires made for the new moon. I, as a person who has been addicted to all kinds of magic since childhood, was immediately inspired by her success and decided to try the miracle method of fulfilling desires described in the article on myself!

New moon wish fulfillment ritual

And the method of fulfilling wishes made for the new moon was as follows:

Buy the prettiest notebook you can find in the store and let it meet all your ideas of the perfect notebook. It is very good if it is in a hard cover, with a key or in a box!

At the same time, buy a beautiful pen for it, you can with a colored rod.

Do not show these treasures to anyone, hide them in a secluded place before the new moon.
In the meantime, get ready - search the Internet for a list of all the new moons that fall on the current year (they occur every month at about the same time!), print them out for yourself or copy them and hang them in a prominent place so you always remember when it's time for you to make wishes!

On the day of the new moon, take out your magical notebook, arm yourself with an equally magical pen and start creating. What to do? Your life, of course! Feel free to make the most daring and incredible wishes that come to your mind - the new moon will endure everything!

The wording of desires should be as follows:

“I gratefully accept from the Universe ... then formulate your desire ... for my good (for the common good, for the good of my family)!”.

The very first time you write a long list of all your desires, and on the next new moon, you simply cross out the wishes that came true (by writing “Fulfilled! Thank you!” on top of them) and replenish the list with new ones.

Desires should be formulated clearly and concisely - for example, I want a laptop of such and such model, such and such size, such and such color. There is no need to indicate the timing - the Universe itself knows what and when to give to whom.

It is better to write a list of your desires exactly at the time when the new moon comes (it is indicated in the list of new moons for the year!), But if this is not possible, as, for example, with me, then do not bother - after all, desires are still fulfilled!

By the way, about laptops... I was just starting to work as a copywriter then, I didn’t have my own computer, and my husband works almost all the time on his laptop at home.

Can you imagine how difficult it was for me to start my career as an author of articles, contriving in the intervals between my husband’s work breaks, caring for a six-month-old son and housekeeping, writing unique texts and handing them over to customers ahead of schedule?! Fortunately, it did not last long - the Universe fulfilled my desire to get a brand new, and even a red laptop in a month! Although at that moment nothing foreshadowed his purchase for me ...

So, dear readers, feel free to make your wishes on the new moon - ask the Universe - and they will come true! All kinds of miracles, magic and fulfillment of your desires, of course!

List of New Moons for 2014

01 January 15:13
January 31 01:37
01 March 11:58
March 30 22:43
April 29 10:13
May 28 22:38
June 27 12:07
27 July 02:40
August 25 18:11
24 September 10:12
24 October 01:55
November 22 16:31

There is an opinion that if you make a wish on the new moon, it will certainly come true. For this to happen, you must follow some rules and remember that impossible desires are unlikely to become a reality.

Why do people make a wish on the new moon?

There are two different opinions why wishes made on this day come true. In general, they do not contradict each other.

First, following the new moon, the moon begins to arrive, bringing into the life of a person the changes that he wants. In this case, you should make a wish exactly on the astronomical new moon, looking at the lunar calendar when it occurs, so as not to be mistaken, focusing on the visibility of the heavenly body.

Second, the New Moon clears the way for change by removing old obstacles, especially when combined with the right rituals. Thus, life begins as if from scratch. And wishes come true due to the fact that nothing interferes with them in the current lunar month.

When trying to make a wish, you need to:

  • formulate it accurately;
  • do not use negative constructions;
  • formulate without the words “necessary”, “I want” or “was” (wrong: I want a car, right: I have a car).

Extremes are also not welcome. You can make a list of a hundred or more wishes and wish that they all come true. But you should look at things more realistically. As if by a wave of a magic wand, even easily fulfilled desires will not come true in one moment.

Important! There is another tradition - to make a wish on the full moon, but its significant disadvantage is that the best moment is the first full moon after the birthday, which means that this is possible only once a year.

How to make a wish for the new moon to come true

The right ritual is one of the important secrets of success. If you follow all the rules, but use the wrong rite, neither the new moon nor the wish list will help. Even the opposite effect is possible, when everything starts to come true in the opposite sense.

Visualization with a candle

The easiest way to make a wish come true is to make it on the new moon. In this case, it is necessary to visualize your needs using a candle:

  1. On a suitable day, they take a thick white or black candle, set it on the table. The time of day doesn't matter.
  2. After making sure that no one will disturb (at least 30 minutes), they sit down, light a candle and, looking into the flame, visualize their desires. To do this, you need to present the event or item that you want to receive in as much detail as possible.
  3. Continue to meditate until the eyes are comfortable looking at the flame.
  4. They finish the ceremony by extinguishing the candle with their hands, but without blowing it out, with the words “so be it” or with a short conspiracy “the candle will go out, the fire will go out, and the smoke will pick up the desire, but it will carry it away and fulfill it.”

The rest of the candle is removed to a place where no one will find it, a closet drawer with personal clothes will do.

To enhance the effect, you can rub the candles with essential oils that correspond to the goals. For example, patchouli essential oil is suitable for money.

Envelope with red triangles

You will need red cardboard, a clean envelope and a photograph of the one who was going to make a wish on the new moon. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Three or more equilateral triangles are cut out of cardboard.
  2. On each write one dream.
  3. Tops up put them in an envelope, supplement it with a photograph. It is preferable if a happy moment is captured on it.
  4. The envelope is placed in a secluded place in the southern part of the house.

They finish the ceremony by filling a glass with fresh water (on the first lunar day) and, reading the plot: “as a glass is full of water, so is my house full of happiness, so be it.”

Important! In order for a wish to come true, it is not enough to make it on the new moon. It is also necessary to keep it a secret, as well as the very fact of the ritual.

magic notebook

Another easy way is to start a magic notebook. Suitable as an album for drawing, and an ordinary notebook. The essence of the ritual is as follows:

  1. On the new moon, write down a wish list in a clean notebook, notepad or album. To enhance the effect, it is advised to cut out the desired objects or event symbols from the magazine and stick them next to each item.
  2. After the list is over, it is removed from sight for the entire lunar month. It is advisable to forget what exactly was written in the notebook.
  3. When the next new moon comes, they take out the album and check what has come true and what has not. Wishes that have come true are written on the reverse side in a separate list.
  4. New goals are written in place of the goals that have come true, as long as there is enough space.

A kind of magic notebook is a wish board. The principle of operation is the same, on the new moon they make wishes, cut out pictures from magazines. But they don’t write anything down, but attach pictures to a cork or magnetic board, hanging it in the most visible place.

Ritual with bay leaves

To conduct the ceremony, you only need a candle, a bay leaf and a pen. It is advisable to choose the largest sheet and without damage. You will need a bowl or long tweezers:

  1. First you need to make a wish, formulating it as accurately and briefly as possible. For example, not “I get a lot of money by honest work”, but “I get paid a big bonus”.
  2. Write down the desire on the sheet so that it fits completely. Both sides are allowed.
  3. They light a candle, hold a bay leaf in their hands for several minutes and think about how, where and when the wish will come true.
  4. After that, the sheet is set on fire and ensure that it burns completely. To make it more convenient to hold it by the very edge, use long tweezers. Another option is to light it and put it in a bowl.

The ritual is completed by extinguishing the candle without blowing it out and washing off the ashes from the bay leaf with running water. It is advisable to flush down the sink or bathtub, but not down the toilet.

Important! You should not think of the same thing several times consciously.

If you forgot that once you already wished for something, but it didn’t come true, but it’s really necessary and the rite for the same thing turned out again - it’s not scary. But it is not recommended to consciously think of the same thing from month to month.

Ritual with a mirror

In order to make a wish with a mirror on a new moon, a new and old object, of any shape and size, is suitable. As an option - a mirror in the closet or on the dressing table.

  1. A few candles are placed in front of the mirror, you can dim the light.
  2. They sit opposite, preferably without crossing their legs and arms.
  3. Looking at their reflection, they look at it with love, finding dignity in themselves or simply rejoicing in their company.
  4. They represent in detail, without ceasing to look in the mirror, how a wish comes true.
  5. On a reflective surface, a wish is written in the present tense with a marker or cosmetic pencil (for example, “I have a job in my specialty”).

It is good if the mirror is constantly in sight. If this is a pocket option, it is advisable to open it more often, if it is a home option, look into it as often as possible.

How to make a wish on the new moon for love

This does not require any additional tools. You need to go outside when a thin crescent of the growing moon is visible in the sky, look at the month and put your palms folded in a house to your eyes, make a wish and imagine an ideal relationship with a young man.

What wishes can not be made

There are varieties of wishes that are forbidden to make on both the new moon and the full moon:

  1. You can't think of anything that implies revenge. Such a wish may come true, but it is fraught with consequences.
  2. The new moon is a bad time to make wishes for getting rid of something. For this, a waning moon is better suited.
  3. It is possible to guess something on the new moon, formulated as “I have more than someone else”, most likely it will not come true or the result will be just the opposite.
  4. You should never think evil for someone, even if everything comes true, the consequences for the one who wishes will be very deplorable.

The rest of the desires are not only possible, but also need to be made from time to time so that there is an opportunity to improve your life.


It is not difficult to make a wish on the new moon, especially since there are many ways and it is possible to choose a convenient one. But it is important to remember that only what is possible will come true. It will not be possible to get a large amount of money just by making a wish, you will need to at least buy a lottery ticket.

The beginning of a new moon growth cycle is great for making dreams come true. Knowing several ways to make a wish on the New Moon, you can quickly achieve your goal and attract joy, happiness and prosperity into your life.

The New Moon carries a special energy: on this day you can go beyond the usual framework and see many possible ways of development. This feature also applies to the embodiment of what is desired, because the more ways to fulfill a dream, the more likely it is that all the wishes will come true in the shortest possible time. Esotericists call the two most effective ways to attract what you want into your life.

Ritual with a mirror

This method was used by our ancestors, passing from generation to generation. The girls used the mirror for Christmas divination, but after a while they noticed that some wishes expressed in front of the mirror are fulfilled on time from the New Moon to the Full Moon.

The special energy of the new Moon contributes to the formation of intention, and on the subtle plane, paths begin to appear along which you can achieve your dream in a fairly short period of time.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • new round mirror;
  • deep bowl with clean water;
  • thin wax candle.

You need to stay alone and wait until midnight. Place a mirror on the table and place a candle in front of it. Extinguish all electric light and light the fuse, thinking about your desire in a detached way, as if it does not belong to you. Candle flame meditation, which calms the mind and feelings, can be a good help in achieving the desired state.

When the desired state is reached, pick up a bowl of water and, looking into the mirror through the candle, say your desire aloud. After that, imagine in detail that you already have what you want, and remember your feelings. Dip your hands in the water and spray the mirror, saying the words of the conspiracy:

“Silver of water, gold of a candle and silver of a mirror! Three roads are intertwined, three rivers overflow, they run to my feet, they carry the thought! I release three streams, three rivers, three oceans: they return hidden, fulfilled, tamed by a word, caught by a bird. Let it be so!"

Say this plot three times, each time splashing water on the mirror. Then wrap the mirror in a cloth and hide it until the wish is fulfilled, pour the water into the ground, and leave the candle to burn out.

Visualization of the desired

This method is suitable for self-programming supporters. A vivid example of visualizing a dream is drawing up a wish map, but it will not suit people who do not have the opportunity to see the fruit of their labor in front of them every day.

Visualization takes place in a meditative state, and once a picture is built, it is constantly in your subconscious, launching a program for the realization of what was conceived.

Stay alone and get comfortable. Close your eyes and think about the change in the lunar cycles: imagine how the Moon is decreasing, becoming smaller and smaller every day, and then, having reached the limit, grows again until it appears in the sky in all its beauty and grandeur.

Imagine that you, like the new moon, are in the dark, seeing only a distant goal. Mentally build a staircase of 29 steps in front of you. The first step is your current state, and the last step is your desire. Consider all steps: they can differ from each other in height, width, size and even material. Remember these differences. Mentally climb to the end of the ladder and strengthen your desire on the last step by visualizing in detail your thoughts, feelings and the state in which you will be at this moment.

Then go back down to the first step, and imagine how you will rise a little higher every day for 29 days. Fix this image in front of your inner eye and slowly return to reality. Your subconscious will begin to work towards the fulfillment of the task, and the energy of the Moon will feed the energy form of your dreams. Thus, you can achieve your plan with due diligence and luck.

Do not miss the moment when a dream knocks on your life, folk signs about happiness will help. We wish you great joy and fulfillment of all desires. Smile more often and don't forget to press the buttons and

28.03.2017 03:03

Many people don’t even realize how useful visualization can be if used correctly.

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