The procedure for disabling automatic payment from a Sberbank card. Why does Sberbank block cards for money transfers? How to disable automatic debiting from the card

Bank cards first appeared over a century ago. During their existence, they have come a long way, from pieces of cardboard to miniature computers. Cards have spread all over the world, allowing their owners to comfortably manage their money.

The card was paid without my knowledge. What to do?

Unfortunately, most of us have become accustomed to taking recommendations for the safe use of bank cards quite lightly. It even comes to the point that people post photos of cards on the Internet, thereby providing any person with the opportunity to use their money. Or write a PIN code directly on the card.

Fraudsters are happy to use such gifts. Indeed, on many sites in the global network it is not a problem to pay for a product or service using only card data. And if you lose a card with a PIN code, you are almost guaranteed to lose your money. What to do if someone has used your card?

The first step is to block it. Even if there are only suspicions of unauthorized use of the card. It is better to lose a little time by being safe than to lose all the funds. Moreover, blocking the card is quite simple. All banks have a 24/7 cardholder support service. Her contact numbers are always listed on the back of the card.

The main law in the Russian Federation that determines the procedure for providing services using payment cards is Federal Law No. 161-FZ “On the National Payment System”, adopted in 2011. According to him, all banks are OBLIGED to notify bank card holders about transactions made with their help. If funds are received or debited on the card, the bank must notify you. The bank didn't? You have every right to demand compensation from him for the amount of unauthorized debiting, referring to paragraph 13 of article 9 of the above law. If you received a notice of illegal write-off, you must report it within 24 hours. It will be much more difficult, and in some cases even impossible, to receive a refund if this obligation is ignored.

The following issues should be clearly defined in the agreement with the bank:

  • support phone numbers;
  • the procedure for notifying the client about the movement of funds;
  • the procedure for notifying the bank of an unauthorized transaction;
  • deadlines for consideration of applications.

What to write in the application?

All banks have their own claim forms, but you can write it in any form. You must specify:

  • Surname, name, patronymic of the cardholder. The application will be accepted only from him;
  • Passport data of the holder;
  • It is mandatory to indicate the number of the card on which the unauthorized transaction took place and its validity period;
  • The amount you dispute;
  • Date, time and place of the event;
  • Describe the reason for the claim: incorrect amount, double debit, product (service) not received, etc.
  • Be sure to include your contact information;
  • Date of application.

The bank is obliged to respond within 30 days from the date of filing the claim. If the transaction is performed outside Russian Federation may be extended up to 60 days.

How to cancel an operation.

The specifics of making payments using bank cards is such that at the time of payment, the money does not leave the account, but is only blocked on it. The final payment occurs after a few days. Return of goods purchased with a card is carried out through the store. The cashier, using the card (or its details) and the original receipt, will generate a cancellation / partial cancellation of the payment, after which the blocking of the canceled amount will be released. In this case, the money will be available to you immediately.

The blocking of funds will be automatically removed if the outlet has not sent confirmation of the transaction within 45 days.

However, if the money has already left the account, there is still an opportunity to get it back. The cashier of the outlet will not cancel the purchase, but return it. In fact, this is a payment for goods with a negative check amount. It is worth being prepared for the fact that these funds will not become available immediately, but after a few days. If this does not happen within two weeks, you should contact the issuing bank. Often it is enough to present a refund receipt for the blocking to be lifted.

Payment systems continuously improve the security of card payments. With the spread of online stores, an additional degree of payment confirmation has appeared, without the physical presence of a card.

Initially, the systemVerified-by-Visa”, was implemented by the payment systemVisa. It is a two-stage verification system. The first step controls the card number, expiration date and authentication code (CVV2 code). On the second, an additional code is used, most often received by the client in the formSMS messages. Other payment systems have introduced similar mechanisms for additional protection of online payments, collectively called 3Dsecure.

3D Secure has significantly improved the security of online purchases. Indeed, for their successful completion, the attacker must take possession of not only the card data, but also, at a minimum, the SIM card of your phone, to which a one-time code comes. Of course, the likelihood of such a combination of circumstances exists, but the return of funds in such cases is already within the competence of law enforcement agencies. As with confirmation of payment with a PIN code or the personal presence of the cardholder.

Do not try to deceive the bank in order to return the funds you spent yourself. This will not only not bring the desired result, but will also lead to additional costs. If your claim is found to be unfounded as a result of consideration, the bank has the right to reimburse the costs of the investigation at your expense. And this is not a cheap pleasure.

Today there is no payment technology as convenient and widespread as bank cards. Most of the security problems are solved by attentiveness and observance of elementary rules. Be vigilant and do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to comfortably manage your money.

Despite the fact that the Sberbank card is a fairly reliable method of payment, cases when money is debited from it without the knowledge of its holder are not uncommon. Therefore, the question: “What should I do if money was withdrawn from the Sberbank card without my knowledge?” Is very relevant. But before taking any action, you should try to analyze the current situation for:

  • Do you have any unpaid fines that bailiffs can remove from the card.
  • When was the last time you made payments with your card.
  • Whether the deadline for paying the card account maintenance fee has come.
  • Is the write-off of funds related to any obligatory payment for utilities that you forgot about.

Current legislation and debiting funds from the card without the knowledge of the owner

The procedure for the provision of payment services by banks is regulated by Federal Law No. 161 “On the National Payment System”. The legislative document entered into force in 2011, but the most important amendments, which increase the responsibility of the operator, and are aimed at protecting the client, whose money was debited from the card without his knowledge, came into force only from January 1, 2014.

According to the current legislation, the bank is obliged to return to the cardholder the money stolen from the card, unless a violation of the security rules for using means of payment is proved. For this, a client's application is sufficient, which must be written no later than the next day after receiving a bank notice of withdrawal. If the client did not receive notification, then the funds are reimbursed without fail.

But, despite the fact that this law is close to the directives contained in the current European legislation, which has been successfully operating since 2007, it contains many wordings that can be interpreted in two ways, which means that cardholders should not count on a quick refund of money.

First of all, it should be understood that the law does not indicate the period in which the funds must be returned to the client.

The Bank of Russia recommends that banking institutions indicate it in agreements with cardholders. Therefore, before signing an agreement with a bank, carefully study it. It must necessarily include a clause that describes the procedure for contesting incorrect transactions, as well as the algorithm for the bank and the client in such cases.

Initial actions in case of detection of debiting money from the card without your knowledge

Each person may be faced with the question: “What should I do if money was withdrawn from the card of Sberbank or another bank without my knowledge?”. The unexpected loss of money always catches by surprise. And this is understandable, because for many it has already become a habit to keep some cash on the card. First of all, if this happens, you should not panic, but you need to take decisive and quick actions that will allow you to return the lost funds as soon as possible.

Having discovered a withdrawal of funds from a Sberbank card, you need to contact the call center as soon as possible and block your payment card.

To do this, call 8-800-555-55-50. This is necessary because fraudsters do not need to know the PIN in order to steal.

If for any reason it is not possible to call, then you should immediately go to a banking institution. There you will need not only to block the card, but also to take an account statement. If you are convinced that the money was debited from the card without your knowledge, then you must immediately write an appropriate statement of disagreement with the transaction.

Steps before and after applying

The basis for contacting the bank with a request to return those written off without your knowledge is not only the aforementioned Federal Law No. 161 “On the National Payment System”, but also Articles 7 and 14 of the Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. They fix the right of the consumer to receive safe services, and also indicate that the property damage caused is fully compensated.

In the application, you need to describe in detail the current situation, as well as attach a bank statement indicating the transactions with which you do not agree. It is very important before drawing up a document to re-read the existing agreement that was signed by you before receiving a plastic card. In addition, if possible, you need to attach any evidence that you are not involved in the debiting of funds. You should know that you should not count on a refund if it is proved that they were withdrawn from the card using the PIN code, as this indicates your negligence.

This statement is the basis for the bank to initiate an investigation. Security specialists will begin collecting personal information about you. Perhaps they will require a reference from the place of work or ask the opinion of colleagues. This should not be alarming, because, first of all, all such actions are due to the fact that it is necessary to exclude the involvement of the cardholder in fraudulent activities.

After the fact of fraud is recognized, the bank must return the funds to the victim's account as soon as possible. Therefore, in parallel with the ongoing investigation, bank employees are preparing a request to the bank that received the payment for the return of erroneously transferred funds. You should prepare for the fact that such a procedure will take at least three months.

The security service, as a rule, does not recommend that the client, in case of debiting funds from the card without his knowledge, apply to the police. But this should still be done, if only in order to push the banking institution to conduct a qualitative audit. The main part of such an application must duplicate the information specified in the application previously submitted to a banking institution. It is important to submit the document to the police in duplicate, one of which will be returned to the victim with a mark of receipt.

Filing a lawsuit

If the bank refuses to return money to the card, even after the fact of fraud has been proven, then you should not despair prematurely. If there are strong justifications and confidence in your rightness, you can file a lawsuit in court.

It is important to draw up a document correctly, so it is better to do this with the help of an experienced lawyer. It should describe in detail the current situation and attach the results of the investigation, as well as other supporting documents. If a positive decision of the court on the return of funds is made, then all legal costs will be borne by the bank.

It is necessary to prepare for the fact that the procedure for returning funds through the court always takes a long time. But according to statistics, recently judges quite often take the side of a deceived bank client. And this means that the chance to return the money in this way is quite large, and it must be used if necessary.

If the money was written off by bailiffs

Bailiffs have enormous powers. They can:

  • Request information of interest to them about debtors from banks.
  • Withdraw money without notifying the debtor from cards.

Bailiffs cooperate most closely with Sberbank. And this is quite understandable because most of the country's population prefers to use its services.

Moreover, upon presentation of a court decision, money can be debited without notifying bank customers, even from credit accounts.

First, you need to find out the reason for the withdrawal of money by bailiffs. To do this, you should take an extract from the bank, and then visit the FSSP at the place of residence. If the employees of the service do not provide the necessary information upon an oral request, then you should write a statement addressed to the head of the territorial unit with a request to sort out the situation. As a rule, such proceedings last for a week.

If it turns out that money was debited illegally from the Sberbank card, then you need to write an application again demanding to cancel the bailiff's decision and return the money to the account. In addition, you can speed up the return of funds if you provide a banking institution with a certificate stating that the bailiff service has no claims against you.

Transferring some services to a machine is becoming not only fashionable, but also convenient. For example, you can automatically top up your mobile from your bank card. Such a large financial institution as Sberbank helps to carry out such an operation. But if a bank client has lost his SIM card and does not know how to disable auto payment from a Sberbank card, then what should he do in this situation?

Considering that different mobile companies can set different limits for automatic debiting in favor of a mobile operator upon reaching a certain minimum balance. Also, with the help of this service, you can repay the loan by setting your own amount for repayment. But the loan will be paid in any case, and you will need to refuse auto payment at Sberbank. There are several convenient options for this.

Deactivation via contact center

Enough in a simple way deactivation of this service can be called an appeal to the bank's hotline. To do this, you need to call 8 800 555 55 50 and first provide your passport details and code word. Then you can already order the operator to turn off.

There is also a point for working with the service in automatic mode, without communicating with the operator. In the voice menu, you must select the desired section and, following a simple algorithm, disable an already unnecessary service. Calls to the contact center for customers are not charged. Therefore, you can apply from any region.

Disconnect using Mobile Banking

You can unsubscribe from the service by sending an SMS message. Clients form a code message and send it to number 900. In the body of the letter, you must specify the data in a strict sequence.

First, the code word "Autopayment" is written, and after it a minus sign "-" is placed. Then you need to specify the phone number to which the service was connected. Then write down the last four digits of the card. It looks something like this:

AUTO PAYMENT - 9091111111 2222

where 9091111111 is the phone number and 2222 is the last four digits of the card.

The code word is allowed in several variants: AUTOTEL-, AUTO-, AVTO-, AUTO-. By specifying any of the options, the client will receive the same result.

How to disable Sberbank auto payment through Sberbank Online

In the personal account of Sberbank clients, it is also possible to disable this service. After all, Internet banking is what customers use to manage their finances remotely.

After authorization, you must enter the "Personal Menu" section. There is an item "My Autopayments". Among the established templates, select the one that we intend to refuse. The monitor will indicate the allowed actions with the selected payment template. It can be temporarily suspended or completely abandoned this option of debiting money.

Instructions on how to disable Autopayment in Sberbank. The service from Sberbank "Autopayment" will help you remember about regular payments.

After connecting it, an SMS notification comes, and after 24 hours, funds are debited to pay for utilities, the Internet, and replenish the mobile balance.

You can cancel the service , , from or from the card in the self-service terminal. If you can’t turn off the service on your own, consultants will help you to refuse an unnecessary service.

How to disable Autopayment using Sberbank Online

The operation using the remote banking platform for corporate clients is performed according to the following scheme:

  • Log in to the Personal account of the service using your ID and password;
  • Click on the “My Payments” tab − "Auto payment management";
  • Select the auto payment that should be disabled, click on it, select "Operations" - "Disable";
  • Confirm the action by pressing the button of the same name.

AT "Sberbank Online" It is recommended not to disable auto payment, but to suspend it. Until the client selects "Connect", regular payments will not be automatically debited, but the previous settings will be saved.

How to disable AutoPay by SMS

If the automatic payment service is tied to a phone number, then in order to refuse it, send an SMS with the text "AUTO PAYMENT - phone number (10 digits) last 4 digits of the card number" from which funds are debited.

  • There must be a space between the phone number and the four digits of the card.
  • The command "Autopayment" and further information is entered without a space.
  • It is also possible to cancel the service by calling the short number 900.

Message example: AUTO PAYMENT - 9XX XXXXXXXX 1234.
Please note that there should not be a space between the word "AUTO PAYMENT" and the "-" sign. Correct spelling AUTO PAYMENT-

How to turn off Sberbank Autopayment through the terminal

In order to cancel the service using a bank card, you need to:

  • enter the card menu by entering a pin code;
  • choose "Mobile Bank" or "Information and Service";
  • go to the section "Auto payments";
  • click on the name of the operator that provides regular services, connected auto payments will be determined automatically;
  • "Turn off auto payments" and confirm actions.

Deactivate the service by phone

It is possible to deactivate automatic payment for services by calling the hotline number 8-800-555 55 50. Wait for the connection with the operator and answer all questions regarding the data.

The service will be disabled after the support consultant completes the operation.

Deactivation of Autopayment in a branch of Sberbank

If the methods described above are not suitable for any reason, you can turn off auto payment at the reception of a specialist at a bank branch. The consultant, in the presence of the client, will enter all the necessary data and turn off the service that has become unnecessary. The same operation is carried out in the presence of an employee of the bank hall, if a terminal is installed there that supports the deactivation of the service.

Conclusions: There are several ways to disable the automatic payments service, and the client can choose the most convenient one. The fastest is deactivation using remote banking services. If the client wants to make sure that the operation of turning off auto payments went without problems, then he can ask for help by calling the toll-free hotline or visit a branch of Sberbank.

As part of the anti-money laundering law, online transfers over 15,000 rubles were considered suspicious. Even marks in the comments during the transfer do not help, that this is a return of a debt or a transfer to a student for food.

Credit institutions have many reasons for freezing payments, and the criteria are rather vague. As a result, law-abiding citizens often suffer. Why can a transfer be blocked?

Until recently, online transfers were called the best banking innovation of recent years: with their help, it is easier for citizens to repay debts, pay for services, and, as it turned out, it is more convenient for the state to control the movement of funds.

But if earlier attention was attracted by amounts from 1 million rubles, now, as they say on the market, everything that is more than 15,000 rubles is of interest. Yes, and the notes “return the debt” or “buy yourself a gift” no longer convince controllers, said Valentina Galitskaya, chairman of the board of Orange Bank: “15 thousand rubles. - This is a legally determined amount for which confirmation is not required. Everything else is at the mercy of banking structures.

Explanations that the transfer is intended as a payment for a debt or a gift no longer work and is not a supporting basis. You need to provide the original document, for example, either a receipt for the provision of a debt, or a loan agreement.

All explanations are heard after the funds are frozen. And there may be several reasons for this - from articles for money laundering and financing of terrorism to illegal business and tax evasion. The criteria for suspicion are set by banks themselves and sometimes overly zealous in this, says Garegin Tosunyan, president of the Association of Russian Banks:

There are no such special instructions. Banks are just playing it safe. It is cheaper for them to just take and block the transaction than to find out that there are no risks here. This is rather an excess of the performer than an attempt to deal with some illegal actions.

And yet, being reinsured in the fight against theft of money from cards, banks block even the usual operations of customers. This happened to a Muscovite Natalya - a typical transfer, the addressee is known, and the rubles hung: “Everything was familiar: transfer, phone number, amount. I mean, that's what I always do. Immediately I received a message asking me to call the bank back, as they noticed suspicious activity, and my transfer was blocked. I called back, and literally in 10-15 minutes the transfer was gone. Why this happened, I don't know. They didn't tell me why."

Natalia was still lucky, because the trial took a few minutes. But there are cases when bank customers had to reissue cards in order to gain access to their own money. Others were offered to pay a commission of 15% of the transfer amount - this is how credit organizations struggle with cashing out. It is not surprising that those who regularly receive money on their cards think about their own peace. As Olga Saukitens, head of the sales department of the Moscow Real Estate Agency, told Kommersant FM, the owners of capital apartments, just in case, massively refuse online settlements with tenants: “Most owners prefer to make settlements in cash, as they are afraid that they will have trouble due to renting an apartment. The fact is that the tax authorities are now sending letters to the owners of several real estate objects with a demand to report whether citizens are renting them out.

The close attention of the state to online transfers, according to experts, is unlikely to soon bring Russians out of the "shadow", but it will certainly return them to cash payments.

So it's time for banks to start counting losses. Indeed, according to analysts, income from the online translation service can be up to 30% of revenue.

The rationale for the decision to block cards is federal law No. 167-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Part of Countering the Theft of Funds.” This standard, as the name implies, is aimed at preventing the withdrawal of funds from bank cards through illegal, fraudulent schemes.

After blocking the card, the law obliges banks to inform its owner immediately upon completion of the above steps. The staff of the financial institution must obtain personal confirmation from the owner of the bank card that the payment was made by him personally, with his knowledge and consent. The provisions of the law clearly regulate the period for performing this operation, which should not exceed two working days. At this time, a bank transfer that has caused the employees of a financial institution to suspect its legitimacy may be "frozen". And only upon receipt from the cardholder of confirmation that the transfer was carried out by him personally, and he agrees to its further implementation, the bank unfreezes the suspension of the funds and completes the transfer.

Bank actions upon confirmation of the theft of funds from the card by intruders

In case of confirmation of the fact of theft of money from the client's card by intruders using criminal schemes, the bank cancels the transfer of funds. The relevant staff of the financial institution will then inform the cardholder of the incident. Within two working days, the payment remains in a "frozen" state. If, at the end of 48 hours after informing the cardholder, no response has been received from him (confirmation or refutation of the money transfer by him personally) - - the bank removes the block from the transfer, and the funds are sent to the specified account or card.

That is why clients of Russian banks are currently concerned with only one question: What kind of payment can arouse suspicion in the bank and will be accompanied by further blocking?

Fortunately for bank card holders, a detailed explanation of this aspect has recently been received from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. All currently existing signs that characterize the money transfer as suspicious (carried out without the confirmation of the bank card holder) are combined in the order dated September 27, 2018 No. OD-2525.

List of suspicious payments to be blocked immediately.

According to the information provided in the above document, the category of suspicious money transfers of funds includes the following payments:

  • Money transfer to a recipient who is on the "black list" of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. According to the law "On the National Payment System", the Central Bank was forced to create a special information base that combines all the revealed facts of criminal embezzlement of funds from bank cards that are currently confirmed. This resource includes information about money transfers that the bank did not agree with the client (this also includes unsuccessful attempts by intruders to steal funds through the use of criminal schemes). The received data of bank cards of fraudsters are automatically entered into the database of the Central Bank on a priority basis. The holders of bank cards, upon revealing the fact of an attempted criminal embezzlement of funds from their accounts, undertake to inform the Central Bank about this. Due to this, banks, upon detection of a payment by a person who is included in the black list of the Central Bank, are obliged to block such a transfer and inform the cardholder about this fact.
  • Money transfers made from suspicious devices. The above database of the Central Bank also combines information about the characteristics of devices that were previously used for the criminal embezzlement of funds from a bank card. Due to this, the reuse of technology, with which money was previously stolen from bank cards, is currently impossible (since the bank, if it is detected during the payment, will instantly block the transaction).
  • Atypical money transfers. This category is the most opaque and difficult to understand for most bank card holders. Therefore, here it is necessary to consider in great detail each sign of an atypical payment.

Atypical money transfers

The bank may block a money transfer if it has the following characteristics:

  • Carrying out at an atypical time of the day. If the client has always made payments and money transfers during the day before, then the night payment may be regarded by bank employees as atypical and, therefore, raise suspicions about its legitimacy, and will be blocked with subsequent notification of the cardholder.
  • Receipt of an order to make a payment from abroad. This category also includes transactions with an order received from an atypical location (for example, from another city).
  • If a bank card owner used a new device to conduct a financial transaction, the parameters of which do not match the devices that were previously used for this purpose.
  • If the bank detects an attempt to transfer an uncharacteristically large amount that is not typical for the owner of this card (for example, if your average payment is 5,000 rubles, and the bank detects an attempt to transfer 20,000 rubles, the transaction may be blocked)
  • The bank detects a suspicious frequency of transfers (for example, once every few days)


If the bank detects activity that goes beyond the standard activity of the cardholder, the payment may be regarded as atypical and will be blocked. In order to avoid freezing the transaction, the client is advised to notify the bank in advance of the upcoming transaction in an unusually large amount, or the intention to transfer funds abroad, or from abroad.

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