Our family heirloom. Start in science What can you write about family heirlooms

Family heirloom.

A family heirloom is a thing that is dear to the memory, left by inheritance by relatives. A family heirloom is the face of a family or a whole family. In my essay, I want to talk about the relic of our family, which was left to us as a memory from our ancestors.

Any thing can be a relic, from an ordinary photograph to a precious stone. Keeping family heirlooms is a wonderful tradition that many families have, including ours.

My mother told me that my great-grandmother, in the hut where she lived, had a holy corner, and many icons hung in it, which, after the death of my mother's great-grandmother Agafya, remained with her daughter, my great-grandmother Vera Mikhailovna Goncharova. Great-grandmother managed to keep these icons, no matter what. It was especially difficult during the war, when the Germans came to the village. She hid them, worried that they would not be found and taken away, because she valued them very much. According to legend, these icons appeared in our family at a wedding, and it was believed that they bring peace and goodness to the family. Great-grandmother Vera gave the icons to her children: my grandmother Olya and her brother. When the great-grandmother was very old, she strictly ordered her children to keep the tradition: to pass on icons to their children, so that families would have peace and prosperity.

My mother got the biggest icon. She looks very old, but beautiful. This is an icon of Saint Mary. The icon is very many years old. It is written on a wooden board. Despite the fact that so many years have passed, it is well preserved. The face of St. Mary is as if alive, especially expressive eyes. They look, radiating light and kindness. One can only guess how old this icon is, but my great-grandmother on September 30 would have turned a hundred years old.

When we brought the icon home, dad decided to update it a little and make a frame for it so that our relic would be kept for many more years. This icon is in our children's room. Maybe someday my mother will give this icon to me, and I will give it to my children, and they will also sacredly keep this relic.

Municipal educational institution

"Dankovskaya secondary school"



Essay theme

Family heirlooms can tell a lot.

Teacher (leader):

Turner Katasonov

Olga Anatolievna Alexander Sergeevich

primary school teacher 4th grade student

Our family has a lot of interesting things that are kept in the grandmother's shell box. What can you not find there! These are ancient unusual jewelry, and old money, various documents ... There is also a pipe, which I saw in the encyclopedia in the hands of the great emperor - Peter the Great. One day I became interested: where did this pipe come from in our family? I asked my grandmother about this - the keeper of this box. She told me that this pipe belonged to my great-great-grandfather Kuzin Petr Pavlovich. He was a heavy smoker and almost never parted with his pipe. Only on two occasions did he not take her with him when he went hunting and when he took pictures. He worked as a foreman at Konshin's print factory. Pyotr Pavlovich was considered one of the best craftsmen in the factory. The workers respected him for his knowledge and justice. They determined his mood by the way he walked through the shop. If with a pipe in his mouth, then the mood is good. If the tube is in your hands, then something is wrong. The pipe was always extinguished, he never smoked in the shop.

And once during the revolution, such an incident happened to him. He himself was very industrious and did not like it when working time wasted. He accepted the revolution immediately, but at that time work at the factory was often interrupted by rallies. And at one such rally, he said: “Fight - fight like that, work - work like that, but there’s nothing to sharpen the laces.” For which the workers took him on a wheelbarrow outside the gates of the factory. My great-great-grandfather was left without work, which he devoted his whole life to. But Pyotr Pavlovich was a very proud man and never went to ask for himself. The family was left without a livelihood. At this time, his mother lived in the village in the country. Maria Ilyinichna Ulyanova, the mother of the leader of the revolution, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, who often came to her, rented a dacha nearby. My great-great-grandfather’s mother waited for the arrival of Vladimir Ilyich, went and told him the whole story, to which he said: “Can’t they figure out on the spot who is the enemy and who is not,” and wrote a note to the head of the working committee. According to this note, Pyotr Pavlovich was reinstated at the factory, and he worked there as a foreman until his old age.

Of course, I understand that smoking is harmful, but in this case I wanted to tell not only about the relic of our family, which is passed down from generation to generation, but also about a wonderful person who is my ancestor on my mother's side. And my grandmother, Karnaukhova Natalya Evgenievna, the granddaughter of Kuzin Pyotr Pavlovich, told me about this. She is the head of the school museum of local lore in our school and knows a lot of interesting things both about our family and about the history of our region. And now our family heirlooms - a stove tile, an old book that is already 100 years old and many others are kept in our school museum.

Come to our museum and you will learn a lot of interesting things about the history of our family and our Serpukhov region!

Municipal educational institution -

Secondary school №13

141600, Moscow region, Klin municipal district,

Borodinsky proezd, 23, phone 8-496-2-74-06

"Family Heirlooms"


Teacher (supervisor):

Arsent'eva Elena Vladimirovna Kuligina Xenia

primary school teacher, Konstantinovna

phone 8-903-241-71-14 student of the 4th grade

(27.11.2001 year of birth)

Our family has a relic. It's a small gold ring with a blue topaz. Not expensive in price, but dear to the heart, the ring turned out to be quite old. He is about one hundred and fifty years old. The edges of the stone are fairly worn. In shape, it resembles a raindrop, framed by small golden horns, like a snail. There is nothing special about it, only when you take it in your hands and put it on your finger, a shiver runs through your body. Looking into the stone, you begin to feel its depth and the inexhaustible energy of past generations. This thin energy thread connects me with my ancestors. Realizing this is breathtaking. I am looking forward to the moment when I can put it on my finger and become its full mistress. But that moment has not yet arrived. I will receive it on my birthday when I turn sixteen, just like my mother. She inherited it from her great-aunt, my great-grandmother, who, fortunately, is still alive. It was she who told her mother the story of this ring, and mother passed it on to me.

My great-aunt great-grandmother's name is Valentina Ivanovna Chabrova. Among our own, we call her "Lelka". She was born in the village of Teterino, Klinsky district, and spent all her childhood and youth there. Then she got married and moved to live in Moscow. She gave birth to a son and huddled in a small one-room apartment on the tenth floor with her family. She lost her husband early and raised her son alone. Now they have moved to the city of Elektrostal. Lelka helps raise her grandchildren, does simple household chores, goes to church. Sometimes he comes to his historical homeland. In the long evenings we gather around it, drink tea and listen to stories about former times, about our ancestors.

On one of those rare evenings, she once again told me the story of our family heirloom. I listened to her with bated breath. Words poured from her lips, and I plunged through the thickness of time back, when Lelka was still a little girl.

She got this ring from her aunt, her father's sister. Her name was Aunt Dora. She was born in 1887, also in the village of Teterino, Klinsky district, Tver province, in a large family of a wealthy peasant. From childhood, the girl had to work hard. After all, only those who managed the household and worked hard lived in prosperity. As a very young girl, at the age of seven, Dora actively helped the family. Together with her brothers and sisters, she got up with the first roosters, weeded, picked berries ripening in the garden, and looked after the cattle. She was even trusted to milk a cow. Her duties included picking grass for the rabbits and scattering grain for the chickens. There was little time for games. I also had to learn to read and write. Aunt Dora did not go to school, then she simply did not exist. She was taught to read and write by her older brothers. Aunt Dora learned to read and write quickly, but she didn't have to finish her studies.

Her parents married her off at the age of sixteen. After the wedding, when it was time to sort out the gifts, among the carved yokes, collars and various kitchen utensils was a small birch bark box. Inside, on a blue satin cushion, lay a small ring, its blue topaz spilling with transparent blue facets, like morning dew under the first rays of the sun. Who gave it to us remains a mystery to our family. We only know that it was not a young woman who had no children. She advised Aunt Dora to give this ring only to her daughter. It so happened that Aunt Dora had no children of her own, and when a daughter was born to her younger brother, she fell in love with her as if she were her own. This girl was Lelka.

When Lelka was sixteen years old, she gave her this ring as a gift. She told her about how it got to her, who this woman was and ordered to give this ring, only to her daughter. Unfortunately, the story of the woman who gave the ring to Aunt Dora has not come down to us, we only know that she also received it as a gift. Aunt Dora died in 1952 at the age of sixty-five. Thirteen years later, Lelka had a son, he was the only child in this family. The ring was given to my mother when she was sixteen years old.

According to my mother, in her youth she never parted with this ring day or night. She believed that the ring gives her strength and lifts her spirits. Mom sometimes takes out this ring and wears it with pleasure, reminding me of the significance of this ring for our family. The day is not far off when it will become mine, and I will become its rightful mistress.

I will proudly accept this gift from the depths of centuries and try not to end the story of this ring on me.

Mon, 27.04.2015

Educator of the first qualification

What is a family? Family. This word is clear to everyone, like the words "bread" and "water". A family is a home, it is mom and dad, grandfather and grandmother, it is love and care, work and joy, misfortunes and sorrows, habits, traditions and relics. I will tell you one legend. In ancient times, there lived one family, and love and harmony reigned in it. The rumor about this reached the ruler of those places, and he asked the head of the family: “How do you manage to live without ever quarreling, without offending each other?” The elder took a piece of paper and wrote something on it. The ruler looked and was surprised: the same word “UNDERSTANDING” was written a hundred times on the sheet. Indeed, love and peace reign in families when there is mutual understanding.

We grow up in the family circle

In the family circle, all your roots,

And you come into life from the family.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

When did the word family appear? Once upon a time, the Earth had not heard of him. But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:

Now I will ask you seven questions. Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?

Eva answered softly:

- Who will bring them up, my queen?

Eva answered meekly:

- Who will cook, my joy?

Eva also replied:

- Who will sew the dress, wash the linen, caress me, decorate the house?

Me, me,” Eve said softly.

“I, I,” she said to the famous seven “I”. This is how the family was born.

The words "father's house", "family" enter our subconscious from the first days of life. Family is a great gift. The family is one of the masterpieces of nature. The family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the security of the entire large human society depends.

Once Leo Tolstoy said: "Happy is he who is happy at home." Each family is unique in its own way. Each family has its own foundations, traditions that have deep historical roots, relics that pass from generation to generation. Family relics are a unique material carrier that reflects specific historical events of the era. These events must not only be preserved, but also conveyed to the next generations in order to preserve the memory of their ancestors in them.

Memory and knowledge of the past, filling the world, make it more interesting and significant. Without the past, the world is empty for people; without the past, there is no future. Every family, every house has its own family heirloom. A relic is a thing that we inherited from already departed ancestors and keeps a bright memory of them. Relics are objects that are especially revered and kept as a memory of the past. Family heirlooms are doubly valuable. They help to understand that a person’s life is endless if descendants remember it, they allow you to touch the history of the family and feel that it is close to us, that it also affects our life, affects everything that happens today.

A relic (from the Latin verb relinquere - “to stay”) is a holy, revered thing associated with historical or religious events of the past.

Family relics - documents, objects belonging to a family or clan and inherited from generation to generation.

Family relics are particles of family unity, links between generations. Contact with a family heirloom gives a sense of the support of time. Almost every family has a painting, a figurine, an old wardrobe or a piano that has been passed down from generation to generation. We keep family heirlooms and sometimes we don’t even imagine the true value of the “grandmother’s inheritance”.

The owners in every house

There is something that is dear to everyone.

It will tell about the past of the family,

The fact that in the family it was a long time ago.

It's called a family heirloom

And we keep her memory sacred.

So that in the future all our generations

You could be proud of your ancestor!

Where to begin?

Past kind.

Going into the past of a kind, we want to know more and more. It is a pity that life does not stand still and time washes away a lot in its path, leaving only vivid memories. In our age of high technology, it is possible to capture fragments of life in photographs, video filming, which was impossible to do before. Every person needs to know and honor their ancestors. This is a tribute, a tribute. We should not forget about our eternal duty to our parents, that they gave us life, raised us. And then the foundation of our respect for the elders will become no less than once among the ancestors. Wherever we are, we always remember the house, it seems to attract with its warmth. The parental home has begun, do not forget about it.

Family heirlooms.

A variety of things can act as family heirlooms: family jewels, watches, orders, military weapons, documents, dishes, household items, books, diaries, letters, postcards, toys, cut children's curls, bracelets from the maternity hospital and much more. This is any thing that we inherited from our ancestors and keeps the memory of them. Keeping family heirlooms is a wonderful tradition that many families have.

Are there any relics in your family that have been passed down from generation to generation? And if so, how do your children feel about them, do they know the history of these memorabilia? What do you feel yourself, holding a family heirloom in your hands? It could be a letter from your great-grandfather from the front, or an old family icon, your great-grandmother's ring, or a yellowed photograph. The main thing is that these things are filled with meaning, they remember the hands of your ancestors and can tell you a lot about them, but only if you are interested.

Here is a boy of six or seven years old holding in his hands the order of his great-grandfather for Courage in battle ... Here is a little girl trying on an old hat with a veil. Their eyes glow with curiosity, the children are delighted that they were allowed to touch such interesting and important things, they will definitely listen to your entertaining story about their departed owners - their ancestors. But the attitude of children to family heirlooms depends entirely on the parents. If the family does not value, do not observe traditions and do not respect the memory of departed relatives, then all these things will be for the younger generation nothing more than unnecessary, dusty rubbish that someone kept there for some reason, clogging up space on the mezzanine. And then the great-grandfather's order will very soon be on the counter of an antique store, and great-grandmother's fashionable hat with a veil will be in the trash. Numerous old photo albums, letters, postcards and much more will go to the trash can, leaving no stone unturned from family memory. Unfortunately, I myself often observed how the corners of old graduation albums and Soviet greeting cards, written in ink faded from time, doomedly peeked out of the trash can.

In order for a family to be rich not only financially, for caring, spiritually healthy people to grow up in it, it is necessary:

  • maintain family traditions, and if they are not, then come up with your own, new and boring ones, aimed at uniting all family members;
  • tell your children the history of your family, try to learn something new with them, be interested in your ancestors (for example, you can make a colorful family tree - usually this task is given to high school students);
  • to look at old photo albums together with children, if possible, telling them about the people depicted in the photographs, their life and fate;
  • to instill in the younger generation a careful attitude to family heirlooms, to be interested in the history of these things;
  • try to develop in children a sense of pride in their ancestors, love for the motherland, humanism and indifference to the world around them.

All this can be achieved only by setting an example for your children. I think it's not difficult if you act from the heart.

At the first preparatory stage, I propose to pick up one or more family heirlooms that are most significant for a person now. This is not an easy task.

Firstly, most Russian families are very careful about old things, which, even if they are no longer needed, are stored on the mezzanine for many years. It is very difficult to choose from such a variety. The opposite situation is also possible, when a family, moving to a new place of residence, takes only a minimum of things with them. And then all reminders of the past remain in this very past.

Secondly, sometimes relics turn out to be either too bulky (grandmother's sideboard or great-grandmother's chest), or too fragile (porcelain, old books), or too valuable (diamond diadem). And then it is almost impossible to show this thing.

Thirdly, relics can be of a very intimate nature (love letters, toilet articles, etc.), and their presentation to the public is also undesirable.

However, these difficulties are surmountable, and at the first stage of work with relics there is an immersion in family history, myths and traditions. Then you need to start collecting information from relatives about the things stored in the family and their first owners, to reflect on the ancestors and their role in your destiny. All this helps to form the request.

At the second stage, work continues to clarify and clarify information about when the selected relics are stored. As a rule, examining relics and telling about them create an atmosphere of reverent awe and respect in the family, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the child's condition, filling him with pride and respect for his own roots.

The task of parents at this stage is to clarify the request. To do this, use the following questions:

1. Whose item is this? What does this person mean in your destiny and for your family?

2. Who keeps this thing? How is she treated? Is it customary to show it to guests?

3. What thoughts and feelings does contact with this thing give rise to in you? What memories does it evoke?

4. Do you know the history of this thing and its owner quite fully or is this story full of mysteries and secrets, "blank spots"?

5. If you are the custodian of this thing, then to whom and when will you transfer it for further storage? What for? How would you like to be treated?

Getting deeper and deeper into contact with the “material evidence” of family history, feeling the interest and support of adults, the child experiences less and less anxiety and more and more self-confidence. At this stage, the process of reconciliation and acceptance of one's roots as they are is launched.

In conclusion, I would like to note that such work is not only an effective way of processing family history, but also a fascinating process that provides almost unlimited space for creative activity.

Each relic is a touch on the history of the Great Patriotic War that lives in the memory of people. Ask adults about the relics kept in your home. Relive the pages of history with tales of items you hold dear. Family heirlooms are the flames of our memory. Today we light them with you. He and she. You and I. Let the children say after many years: “We know. We remember. We will save."

A family heirloom is a thing that is dear to the memory, left by inheritance by relatives. A family heirloom is the face of a family or a whole family.

What will the family be like tomorrow?

Scientists make predictions, and we create a family. But in order for everyone to be happy at home, it is necessary that all of us together and each individually also take under the protection of the world in which we live - the world of the family. We stand on the threshold of life. There are many paths ahead of us. When choosing your path, know that it will not be easy. Will it lead to happiness? It depends primarily on us!

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want friends to talk about us:

What a good family!

What is a family heirloom, why is it interesting? Probably, in every family there is such an item that is of a certain value, not necessarily material, and is passed down through generations. It can be anything: a coin, jewelry, porcelain service.

My family is no exception, as we have a unique item. This is my great-grandmother's recipe notebook. "Is this a relic?" - you think. Maybe for someone the written sheets of paper are not valuable, but in our family for 4 generations in a row, a notebook has been carefully and carefully passed from hand to hand.

For mom, she is an indispensable assistant in the preparation of delicious dishes. Great-grandmother wrote down family recipes there and did not reveal culinary secrets to anyone except relatives. You can't imagine what aromas hover around the house when mom prepares another culinary masterpiece from a notebook. A real holiday is coming for us, near and dear people gather at a large table, a good-natured and joyful atmosphere reigns.

On pieces of paper yellowed from time to time, in uneven but legible handwriting, the great-grandmother conveyed family cooking secrets, described in detail the cooking technique and shared tips. It contains recipes that you will not see on the Internet. For example, a duck baked in a Russian oven or oven, but with an unusual marinade, or meat porridge with a secret. And what ruddy and fragrant pies with plums are obtained from my mother according to great-grandmother's records, there are simply no words!

A family heirloom is a ring or a box. I believe that it is not at all necessary that a family heirloom should be something of that kind, especially expensive. For me, our old recipe book is a real treasure, which, even if it does not cost a lot of money, is valuable and necessary. After all, our relic, like a magic wand, is able to create a holiday and fill the house with smiles and laughter. I will try to keep and pass the notebook to my children and grandchildren when I grow up.

Medallion - Heirloom

Recently, my mother gave me an unusual, very valuable gift. She gave me a locket. And what was my surprise when I learned his story.

The medallion is very old, painted, made of real gold. It is inherited from my great-great-grandmother in the female line as a symbol of pure love. How did he appear? These were hard times when the history of the family heirloom began. My great-great-grandfather and great-great-grandmother had just got married when the war started. They loved each other very much, and were very afraid that they would never see each other again. Then my great-great-grandfather collected all his savings, went to a jewelry store and bought the most beautiful gold medallion. When he got home, he inserted a photo of himself and a photo of his wife. And on the day when he left for the front, he gave the medallion to his beloved as a symbol of eternal love.

Long and painful four years of war. At first, great-great-grandfather often wrote to his wife. Then the letters stopped coming. In 1943 he was taken prisoner but escaped. In 1945 he went missing. The great-great-grandmother was offered to marry her husband again, but she remained faithful to her lover and believed that he was alive. That's how it all happened.

When the war ended, great-great-grandfather returned home. They lived a long happy family life full of joy and love. Great-grandmother kept the medallion, carried it through her whole life.

The medallion was inherited by my great-grandmother, who for a long time could not find her love. But as soon as she hung this medallion around her neck, she met my great-grandfather. They also had difficult times, the post-war years. But their love overcame everything. And the medallion went to my grandmother, and then to my mother. Every woman in our family carefully keeps this medallion and sincerely believes that it is a symbol of eternal love. Along with the medallion, his incredible story of reverent love is also transmitted. The medallion always reminds that true love exists. We must be able to wait, hope and believe.

Now I hold this family heirloom in my hands. This is an old medallion that has survived a lot. I open it, and there are two photographs: my great-great-grandfather is looking at my great-great-grandmother. The photographs are almost all faded, but still radiate warmth, kindness and love. I will give this medallion to my daughter and tell her this amazing story.

3.5, 7, 9 grade.

Some interesting essays

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I remember, as a child, I often looked at a postcard with an inscription in an incomprehensible language. The painted dogs gave the girl a basket of flowers. On the back of the postcard you could read: "Tick off the folder from the front." Grandfather's tunic, wrapped in a clean cloth, was carefully kept in my father's closet. I liked to carefully touch the bright buttons. These are our family heirlooms. Dad explained to me that relics are things that once belonged to good, kind, brave people. Relics are kept, surrounded by attention and honor. Each house has photographs, letters, insignia and awards, portraits. From the second floor, Natasha's family kept a flask and a letter from her great-grandfather from the hospital. At Alyoshka's, I saw a real military tablet and an indelible pencil. These are their family heirlooms.

Years have passed. Now the postcard and the tunic are kept in my family.

Each relic is a touch to the history of the Great Patriotic War living in people's memory. Ask adults about the relics kept in your home. Relive the pages of history with tales of items you hold dear. Family heirlooms are the lights of our memory. Today we light them with you. He and she. You and I. Let the children say after many years: “We know. We remember. We will save."

Your rating: No Rating: 9.2 (60 votes)

The battle path of Ilya Nikandrovich Cheredov

Cheredov Ilya Nikandrovich

My great-grandfather was born on 08/02/1909 in the village of Semenovka, Znamensky district, Omsk region. He had four children. He worked as the chairman of the village council in the village of Avyak and in the village of Butakovo. He was a member of the CPSU. After the declaration of war in 1941, he was sent to the village of Cheryomushki, Omsk Region, for two-month courses for military training. After the courses, he was awarded the military rank of lieutenant and sent to the North Caucasian Front.

At the beginning of 1944, in one of the battles, artillery major I.N. Cheredov was seriously wounded by a shell fragment in the back. Part of the ribs was crushed, vital organs were damaged. Hospitalized in the Gorky region (now Nizhny Novgorod) Mulino station. After treatment, he was declared unfit to be sent to the front for health reasons.
Until the end of the Great Patriotic War, Ilya Nikandrovich worked in the Nizhny Novgorod region in the training center as a teacher of initial military training for recruits. In peacetime, he worked in the military trade as the head of the economy.
This was told to me by my grandmother, his daughter. We keep the photo from the front at home as a relic.

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My great-grandfather's flask

This flask belonged to my great-grandfather Reznik Kopel Davydovich.
Now it is kept in our house.
A flask is a camping flat bottle for wearing on a belt.
The flask "passed" the whole war. Most likely, it was made in Germany before the war. Great-grandfather got it as a trophy after a difficult battle. She "fought" together with her master on the Belorussian front and did not part with him throughout the war. She graduated from the "combat path" in East Prussia.
Dad told me about the flask.
The flask is like a thermos that I carry with me when it's hot, it's very handy and the water in it stays cool in the heat. It looks like a small cylinder and takes up less space, although I would love to carry a military flask.

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military tablet

It has long been a tradition in Russian families to learn about their ancestors. Every family has old things, documents that are carefully stored and passed from generation to generation.

In the old closet in my grandmother's apartment there is a military tablet, which was left from the grandfather of Egorenko Pyotr Mikhailovich, who went through the Great Patriotic War. Great-grandfather fought on the Kalinin Front, finished the war with the rank of lieutenant colonel, he has many orders and medals, he even had a personalized TT pistol (Tula Tokarev), presented to his grandfather by Marshal Rokossovsky, but this military tablet was dear to him most of all. I think because with him he went through the whole war from beginning to end.

When I was very young, I liked to play with the tablet, I kept my most important childhood secrets in it. Then I forgot about its existence, and recently I found it on the shelf and wanted to know more about it.

The tablet is made of tarpaulin (tarpaulin is artificial leather), dark brown in color, scuffs are visible in places, but in general it is well preserved. The tablet has two compartments, in front there are storage places for pencils, a small knife (for sharpening pencils) and other necessary little things. I was interested to find out what the small pocket on the button of an unusual triangular shape was for. It turns out that a curvimeter was stored in such pockets - a device for measuring the length of lines on a map.

You can fasten the bag in 2 ways, depending on how many documents are in it.

A strap for large documents (for example, maps) passed through the entire front compartment of the tablet. Now it is not there, most likely it was worn out from time to time.

The tablet served to store writing materials, as well as to sign orders in the field (the tablet was placed under the paper for convenience). Only the commanders had such field bags, the soldiers did not carry tablets, because they were not supposed to carry maps with them.

Many officers put on a bag only when they went to report to their superiors. The bag is too noticeable a detail, the Germans were well versed in the form of the Soviet army and tried to beat the commanders.

Even data on the number of tablets produced were classified - after all, it was possible to calculate the number of commanding officers of the army from them.

In what year and where our tablet was made is difficult to say. We found a print on the lining inside the tablet, but we could not make it out.

It was possible to carry the bag in 2 ways: with two shoulder straps and with one. It was not supposed to carry a bag in everyday life. A man with a military tablet on his shoulder could get in trouble - the very first patrol could ask: where did he get it from? But with the end of the war, tablets became valuable trophies for children: if someone went to school with a tablet inherited from their father, envy knew no bounds.

With this tablet, the son of Peter Mikhailovich, Oleg (my great-grandfather), went to school. On the back wall of the tablet he scratched the names of famous Russian writers and composers: Pushkin, Glinka, Tchaikovsky. Since childhood, my great-grandfather was very fond of poetry and music, so apparently he scribbled his favorite authors on the tablet. It is not known how Pyotr Mikhailovich reacted to the damaged expensive thing, but most likely great-grandfather got a big hit for it, because he was not even allowed to take a tablet to school, he took it without asking.

In addition to the military tablet, we also have a TT pistol holster at home (the pistol itself is lost), a flask and a compass, but these are the topics of my future research.

Informational resources:

  1. Meeting and conversation with the head of the Museum "History of Uglich" Kulagin A.V.
  2. Conversations with grandmother Chapaeva E.O.;
  3. Newspaper "Itogi" No. 23 dated 06/06/2005, article "With a thin bag on a belt";
  4. Site material https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_bag.

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wooden book

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Victory in the Great Patriotic War is a feat and glory of our people. No matter how the assessments and even the facts of our history have changed in recent years, May 9 - Victory Day - remains unchanged. Eternal glory to the winners!

From the family archive

Article from the newspaper "Soviet Trans-Urals" on the 40th anniversary of the Victory

From the family archive

Article from the "Saturday newspaper" for the 60th anniversary of the Victory. Lydia Ivanovna is still alive. She is 93 years old.

The story of one photo

Remembering our great-grandfathers

About my paternal great-grandfather.

Kotelov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich graduated from a military school. The war began ... At the front, he was in the position of deputy company commander. Here is one of the episodes of the war. At a meeting of the headquarters, the issue of taking the hill was decided and someone had to lead a penal company into battle. The command decided that senior lieutenant Kotelov would lead. And he led, he was 23 years old. In that battle, he was seriously wounded, but he survived. Of the entire company, eight people survived. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War, the medals For Military Merit, and For the Capture of Koenigsberg.

About my maternal great-grandfather.

Nikiforov Platon Andreevich was a scout all the years of the war. Together with his comrades, he performed very difficult tasks, risking his life. Scouts made their way behind enemy lines, captured "tongues", delivered important information about the movement of German invaders and their equipment. He was awarded the Order of Glory of the third degree, the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War, and the badge "Excellent Scout". Twice they wrote about him in the front-line newspaper. The news of the victory caught in Koenigsberg. "Everyone rejoiced, hugged and fired into the air," is how my grandfather recalls it.


"I have two great-grandfathers who fought against the Nazis. One of them, Melnikov Timofey Kuzmich, born in 1922, served as a driver at the front. He drove soldiers, ammunition, weapons during the liberation of the city of Stalingrad. Freeing the city of Leningrad from the blockade, my great-grandfather along the ice" road life" transported sick people, children, food. It was dangerous, as German planes constantly dropped bombs on trucks. The ice broke, and cars could drown. You had to drive a car professionally. My grandfather knew how to do it. He was awarded the medal "For courage."

From the family archive

And these postcards were in the 50s

Materials are placed from family archives with the permission of the owners.

1 G class MOU "Lyceum No. 12" of the city of Kurgan


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The Diary

We have a diary of my grandmother Shibut Anna Nikolaevna at home.

It describes the time spent in the German occupation near Orel. Grandma was 12 years old. Her father was seriously ill, he was not taken to the front. When the Germans came, they beat him with rifle butts and he died.

In her diary, grandmother writes about the terrible days she experienced during the war: how the village was bombed (the front line passed nearby), how their house burned down, how children from unexploded shells got gunpowder for lamps and died. People did not live, but survived. I told my classmates about my grandmother's diary. We decided that it is very important to preserve the memory, the history of your family. It is necessary for us and our descendants.


Member of the "Umki" team, Tuguluk Liza S.

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A small contribution to the Great Victory.

I'm Alyosha Polaznov, I'm only 9 years old. I saw terrible pictures of the war only in the cinema, which is now shown very rarely. Time flies very quickly, many years have passed since our Russian people won this terrible war. Of course, I only know about her through stories. A big holiday has already passed, 65 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. In order for us to know something about such a great event, to be interested in something, many competitions are held in our district and in the region, in which our teacher invites us to participate. Yes, and my mother, she works as the director of our school, always says that I should be active in everything. One of the contests was the essay contest “My family in the history of my country”. My family and I decided to take part in it, collected information, and what we came up with seemed very interesting to us. I think not everyone has such unique documents. This is a true story, these are my relatives. This essay, with many additions, we offer for your competition.

Quite recently, being interested in what lies in the far drawer, in a securely closed box, I began to sort through old documents. Mom let me do it. She said that I was already an adult and I had the right to know what was written in these documents.

It turns out that in our house my parents and grandmother carefully store the small number of documents that remained after my great-grandfather. I asked why is grandma so sad when she sorts through these papers? What she shared with me, I would like to write for everyone. Because I think that we should be grateful to those who, dying in the war, protected us. After all, it was thanks to my great-grandfather Petr Ivanovich Moshkov that my grandmother, my mother, my brother and I were born.

My great-grandfather Pyotr Ivanovich Moshkov was born on March 18, 1910, a very long time ago, back in the 20th century. We have his birth certificate. He was born in the village of Bogorodskoye, Sergachsky District, Gorky Region, in the family of peasants Moshkovs Ivan Mikhailovich and Pelageya Alekseevna, who, in addition to Peter, had two more sons, Evgeny and Ivan. My great-grandfather graduated from a seven-year school, in 1932 he was drafted into the Red Army, served 5 years, returned to his homeland, in 1939 he got married with his whole family, moved to Moscow with his parents, getting a job at a factory. Everything was fine, they were already used to work, they got a separate, small, but their own housing. But, as always, the war broke out. It began on June 22, 1941. And already on June 23, 1941, great-grandfather was taken to the war. Great-grandmother was given a certificate for receiving a special allowance, she was already expecting a child, and she had to live on something. This certificate is still with us today. But the great-grandmother did not want to stay in hungry and cold Moscow with a child in her arms, and she returned to her homeland in the village of Bogorodskoye, Sergachsky district. On December 1, 1941, she had a daughter, my grandmother, who never saw her dad, but still carefully keeps documents and his letters from the front.

And great-grandfather was taken to the active Army from the second day after the declaration of war in the 422nd separate engineer battalion. He wrote letters, whatever he had to, never complained. We have preserved one of these old letters. It is large, on paper that is half torn off. He wrote it a few days before the New Year 1942. I really remember a small piece from the letter, where the address and its signature are. It was one of his last letters. My great-grandfather went through the war from Moscow to Smolensk. My mother and I searched for historical information to find out under what circumstances our great-grandfather went missing. We found a lot of information, a small excerpt from the book "The Battle of Rzhev 1941-1943", ed.: "History of Rzhev", Rzhev, 2000. we copied.

"... At the beginning of 1942, after the successful counter-offensive of the Red Army near Moscow, Soviet troops approached Rzhev. At the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, it was decided to continue moving forward without an operational pause in order to complete the defeat of the Nazi Army Group Center. On January 8, offensive operation, called the Rzhev-Vyazemskaya. It involved the troops of the Kalinin and Western fronts with the assistance of the North-Western and Bryansk fronts. As part of the Rzhev-Vyazemskaya operation, the Sychev-Vyazemskaya and Toropetsko-Kholmskaya operations were carried out. Initially, success accompanied the Red Army. March-April 1942, the troops of the Kalinin and Western Fronts, trying to fulfill the directives of the Supreme High Command, continued offensive battles... The troops were supposed to defeat the Rzhev group of Germans and liberate the city of Rzhev no later than April 5. But instead of an offensive, they often had to fight off fierce counterattacks of a strong enemy who had big advantage in tanks and aviation ... "Fierce battles continued later near Smolensk in the Sychevsky region, from where a notice came that my great-grandfather had gone missing after the battle near the village of Goncharovka, Sychevsky district, Smolensk region. A notice of death (funeral) was sent to his homeland. There were many tears, he never saw the daughter who was born without him (my grandmother Nina), about whom he wrote in letters home. We found evidence that during the Rzhev-Sychevsk operation (only from July 30 - August 23, 1942) our Army suffered heavy losses:

  • irretrievable losses of 51482 people,
  • sanitary - 142201 people,
  • total -193383 people.

The irretrievable losses include those killed on the battlefield, those who died from wounds during evacuation, missing and captured, the sanitary losses include the wounded, shell-shocked, burned and frostbite servicemen who were evacuated from the combat areas to army, front and rear hospitals. (The book "Secrecy has been lifted"). Of course, this figure is approximate. How huge it is and what a pity that my great-grandfather was among them. We remember him as a soldier of the Red Army from a photograph that we have preserved. After the death of his great-grandfather, his father remained in the war and his two brothers, who also did not come from the War, died defending their homeland. We also have a letter from my great-great-grandfather, it was sent later, in 1943. None of my ancestors returned War.

I do not regret that I spent a lot of time getting acquainted with these documents. I listened to the story of my grandmother, wrote an essay together. Of course, my mother helped me, but I did a lot myself. Now I will definitely, for the rest of my life, remember the feat of my great-grandfather Petr Ivanovich Moshkov, who gave his life so that WE live.

While we were writing the essay, we talked a lot. Dad, mom, my grandmothers, older brother. I understood for sure that our people are very strong and love freedom. This is probably why a huge number of people died, but they won the war, they did not allow the Germans to conquer our country. Now not only my relatives know this story, but I, too, and someday, I will tell my children about our dead relatives. About the fact that we have heroic ancestors who glorified our Russia to the whole world with their victory in the Great Patriotic War.

I belong to a new generation of citizens in Russia, I was born already in the 21st century, and I agree with the words of our President D. A. Medvedev, “Today we must win!” and to glorify the Motherland with our achievements at the present time is up to us. I am not very big yet, so my relatives helped me to do this work, but I try very hard. I want my great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather and all my relatives to be proud of me. Therefore, I study well, participate in many school events, go to the ice hockey section at our FOK "Leader", I try to participate in competitions. And, what I especially like, I already have small achievements, about 20 awards, which means that my family can be calm, I will be a good replacement for them.

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My great-grandfather Silyutin Efim Konstantinovich

On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, I would like to tell you a little about my great-grandfather Efim Konstantinovich Silyutin.

Great-grandfather was born in 1911 in the Bryansk region, went through the entire war. He passed away in 1991, but his memory is kept in our memory and in our hearts. Of course, we do not know all the details of his life, but the whole family tries to carefully preserve what is left after him. And one of his documents will tell about part of his military path.

The war ended a long time ago and every day there are fewer and fewer people who have gone through and survived it, so it is especially important not to forget and appreciate the fact that our life and our peaceful existence is their merit.


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Victory Reward

Every year our country celebrates Victory Day. And our family remembers the relatives of those who died in the war, those who contributed to the Victory over Nazi Germany and saved our future.

My great-grandfather Vasily Koshelev participated in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. He was awarded medals: "for the capture of Budapest", "for the capture of Vienna", "for military merit", "for the defense of Stalingrad", "for the Victory over Germany", as well as the Order of the Patriotic War and the Order of the Red Star. Unfortunately, I did not have time to listen to his stories about the war, about how hard it was for our people at that difficult time.

It is very important for me to keep the memory of my relatives so that their exploits are not forgotten, and the next generations can know the truth about that terrible war. Therefore, every time on May 9, we remember their feat, watch the Victory Parade, and congratulate the veterans.

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My great-grandfather awards

My grandmother carefully keeps her great-grandfather's Red Army book, money certificate, military and jubilee awards of her father - my great-grandfather Fyodor Vasilyevich.

My great-grandfather during the Great Patriotic War fought at the front against the Nazi invaders. The war began on June 22, 1941.

My great-grandfather's family lived in the village. Great-grandfather and great-grandmother worked on a collective farm, grew bread, looked after cattle. The war came to their family 2 months after it began - on August 22, at the height of the harvest. On this day, great-grandfather was mowing barley in the field on a horse-drawn harvester.

Right in the field, a messenger from the district military commissariat handed great-grandfather a summons for mobilization, that is, a call to the front.

Thirty-year-old great-grandfather was sent by the district military commissariat to a sniper school in the city of Slobodskoy. After graduating from school on September 24, he was enrolled in the 381st Rifle Division, which held back the onslaught of the enemy on the outskirts of Moscow. Under the city of Rzhev there were very fierce bloody battles. In December 1941, my great-grandfather was wounded in the leg. The orderlies saved great-grandfather, pulled him out of the battlefield.

All the wounded were transported to the rear by a sanitary convoy. A sanitary convoy is a string of horses harnessed to a sleigh and equipped with the distinctive signs of a red cross. The path of the convoy to the rear hospital was long and difficult. The Nazis spared no one. The sanitary convoy was constantly bombarded by fascist aircraft, was surrounded, but still managed to get to its units.

Great-grandfather entered the hospital in the city of Karaganda of the Republic of Kazakhstan (now the country of Kazakhstan) on January 21, 1942.

After a full recovery, great-grandfather was again sent to the front as a trailer mechanic.

For skillful and courageous actions in the fight against enemies in January 1945, great-grandfather was awarded the medal "For Military Merit".

Great-grandfather met the victory over fascist Germany in Poland in the rank of guard corporal and was awarded the medal "For the Victory over Germany".

On the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 28, 1945, great-grandfather was demobilized and returned to his family at the end of November 1945.


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I found my grandfather's awards (Amelkin Nikolai Mikhailovich)

I learned about my great-grandfather from my parents, back in kindergarten we prepared with my parents such a photo sheet, which depicts my great-grandparents, whom I have not seen, but I know them very well. And just recently I came across documents, these are my great-grandfather's award sheets, they are yellow, military and so valuable.

My great-grandfather was truly a real person, he went forward towards the Victory, not fearing either wounds or bullets, he knew that the outcome in the war for peace depended on him, like on every soldier, commander, general. During the war, my great-grandfather served in the position: Specialty Radio Specialist of the Missile Forces and Artillery. From May 1, 1942 to May 9, 1945, he was a member of the Great Patriotic War as part of the 2nd Heavy Howitzer Artillery Red Banner Leningrad Order of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Destruction Brigade with the rank of corporal. During the capture of Berlin, he laid telephone and radio communications.

Awarded the Medal for Courage. Medal for the Victory over Germany. Medal for the liberation of Warsaw. Medal for the capture of Berlin. Transferred to the reserve November 10, 1946. After the war, he left for the Far East, started a family, raised four children, lived in the village of Zarubino, Primorsky Krai, until August 12, 2003. In peacetime in 1982 he was awarded the Medal "Veteran of Labor" for many years of conscientious work, later in 1996 he was awarded the Zhukov Medal. This is the real fate of a real person!

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What the yellowed pages told

My great-grandfather Araslanov Mukhamedsha Sadyrovich fought against the Nazis from July 1941 to May 9, 1945. He was an ordinary Red Army soldier, served in a mechanized company as a tractor driver. I learned about this from a family heirloom, which is kept in our family. This is the Red Army Book. The book is worn, the pages are yellowed. Not all entries are easy to read. But this brief document is dear to us: it contains scanty lines of great-grandfather's long military career. From the notes, I learned that he was wounded, and after the war with the Nazis, he took part in the battles with Japan.

For my great-grandfather, the war ended in March 1946. The book lists all the military awards of the soldier:

medals "For Military Merit",

"For the defense of the Soviet Arctic",

"For the victory over Germany",

"For victory over Japan."

These medals say my great-grandfather is a hero. Such heroes defeated the Nazis.

We also have a great-grandfather's cigarette case, which he brought from the front. Homemade cigarette case made of aluminium.

Maybe it's made from the skin of a downed plane. I look at this family heirloom with excitement: this cigarette case was held in the hands of soldiers. He kept tobacco in it, in moments of rest, between fights, he probably made cigarettes and smoked, thinking about home, about family, dreaming of victory.

We carefully preserve these relics. Great-grandfather died a long time ago, and we remember him and are proud of him.


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Old photographs are carefully kept in my mother's family. And, one dayWhile looking through her album, I came across a photo. On the reverse side was signed "Caps 1942." It turns out that the old picture showed the parents' house in Shapki, where they lived before the war. When the Germans came, they were driven out of the house, and subsequently the house was destroyed. But our family will now also keep an old picture taken by someone unknown as a memory. My children can say: "We remember we keep."

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