Chinese patches for back pain. How to properly apply a Chinese patch Chinese patch for pain in the spine

Back pain is not a disease, but only a manifestation of a number of diseases. The most common cause of the development of this symptom is dorsopathy. The use of patches for this pathology complements complex therapy, promotes earlier relief of pain and increases the patient’s activity. For each case, a specialist must select the optimal local treatment option.

Despite the minimal level of absorption of the active components, most patches for back pain are contraindicated during pregnancy.

  • glucosamine sulfate
  • chondroitin.

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    What types of patches are there for back pain?

    The patch is a product intended for local use. The active ingredients are practically not absorbed into the blood and have no overall effect. This method of using the drug allows you to create the necessary concentration of the active substance at the site of inflammation, avoiding the general effect of the drug on the body. For example, for lower back pain, the plate is fixed in the area of ​​the lumbar muscles, acting directly on the source of inflammation.

    Based on the principle of action, this type of product can be divided into several groups.


    The active component of analgesic patches are medicinal substances that have a local analgesic effect. Such drugs are used in the acute period to relieve severe pain. Reducing pain helps to gradually ease muscle spasms. Such drugs do not have an anti-inflammatory effect. An example is the Versatis lidocaine patch for back pain.


    As active ingredients, such drugs contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which affect the metabolism of inflammatory mediators - prostaglandins, inhibiting their formation. The result of this effect is a decrease in the intensity of pain and other signs of inflammation. An example is the Voltaren patch.

    Magnetic patch

    Instead of pharmaceutical drugs, such products use components that can integrate infrared waves and direct them to the site of the lesion. The condition for the use of such products is the integrity of the skin. An example is the Nanoplast nanoplaster.

    Distracting and warming

    Another mechanism of action of patches is the so-called distraction therapy. The pepper patch works on this principle, causing a feeling of warmth up to a burning sensation. It somewhat dulls the sensation of pain. The warming effect helps to dilate blood vessels and improve blood supply to the inflamed area. The patch reduces swelling and reduces muscle spasm. Products that have a warming effect are used by athletes to warm up a specific muscle group or relieve pain after training.



    • glucosamine sulfate;
    • chondroitin.

    These substances take part in the synthesis of cartilage tissue in intervertebral joints.

    Chinese patches

    This is the collective name for a group of drugs based on active ingredients that are traditionally used in Chinese medicine. Exotic ingredients often cause allergic reactions, so it is recommended to conduct a skin sensitivity test before use.

    Before starting to use local remedies for back pain, you should consult a specialist and carefully study the instructions for use.

    Treatment options with patches

    Local remedies for back pain, while eliminating the most noticeable symptom of dorsopathy, do not affect the causes of its occurrence. Each case requires detailed consideration in order to identify the cause and develop treatment tactics.

    For example, with an intervertebral hernia, the patient, in addition to local painkillers, needs complex therapy, and in some cases, surgical treatment.

    Review of patches for back pain

    The group of pain relievers in the form of patches is heterogeneous. It includes several varieties:

    NameActive substanceOperating principleInstructions for useContraindications
    Nanoplast ForteInfrared Radiation Generating Nanopowder Rare Earth Magnetic PowderThe total effect of the magnetic field and thermal radiation provides analgesic and anti-inflammatory effectsFixed directly on the painful area. The duration of the application should not exceed 12 hours, and the interval between them should not be less than 6 hours. Duration of therapy - from 3 to 9 daysDamage to the skin at the site of application, pregnancy
    Pepper patchRed pepper extractNormalization of microcirculation and metabolic processes in the inflammatory focus, resulting in a decrease in swelling and muscle spasmBefore the first use, a tolerance test is required. Before sticking to the skin, it is recommended to degrease it - this way the patch will stick better. It is recommended to wear the patch for up to 48 hours. To make it easier to remove the plate from the skin, apply a damp cloth to it for a few minutes.Skin defects, moles and other skin growths at the site of intended use, childhood, increased skin sensitivity, fever, oncology, blood diseases
    Ketonal ThermoIron powder, water, activated carbon, saltThe mixture heats up after opening the package and continues to radiate heat for another 10 hoursApply directly to the affected area - on the skin or on cotton linen. Not recommended for use while sleepingPregnancy, childhood, tendency to thrombophlebitis, menstruation
    VoltarenDiclofenac sodiumBlocking prostaglandin synthesis, anti-edematous effect and restoration of microcirculationApplication duration is 24 hours. Duration of treatment - three weeksMechanical damage to the skin, bronchial asthma (including a history), pregnancy and age group under 15 years
    VersatisLidocaineLocal anesthetic effectDuration of application 12 hours; frequency of use - 1 time per day; Duration of treatment - from 2 to 4 weeksIndividual intolerance to the active ingredients, age under 2 years, damage to the skin
    Chinese patchesExtracts of medicinal plants, which have traditionally been used in oriental medicine for centuries, supplemented with mineral and other components, often exoticAnti-inflammatory, decongestant, absorbable effects, restoration of microcirculationThe application time varies for different products from 12 hours to 3 days. The duration of the course of therapy lasts up to three weeksPregnancy, lactation, childhood, skin damage, skin tumors, allergic reactions
    Transdermal Physiotherapeutic Therapeutic and Prophylactic Self-Heating PlasterMore than 30 components that have a variety of effectsThe effect is achieved through a combination of warming and electromagnetic effects in combination with the influence of the acupuncture layerBefore fixing on the surface of the skin, the plate should be lightly rubbed with your hands. The warming effect lasts up to 16 hours; Once the heat radiation has stopped, the patch should be removedHyperthermia, oncology, thrombophlebitis, skin defects

    Even with a pronounced analgesic effect, you should not expect that the use of the patch will relieve the pathology that caused the pain syndrome. This remedy only helps to reduce muscle spasm, acting only on the mechanism of pain development, but not on the causes of its occurrence.

    The use of local medicinal products is effective and advisable as part of complex therapy.

Osteochondrosis is one of the most common back diseases. Previously, it was believed that its development was due to age-related changes in the intervertebral discs and spinal tissues. However, today it occurs with equal frequency in both elderly and young people of 20-30 years of age. Degenerative changes that have occurred are accompanied by pain and inflammation. To eliminate and improve the quality of life of patients, many different methods are used: drug treatment, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, acupuncture, etc. Today, Chinese patches for osteochondrosis are gaining popularity. They are effective, easy to use, have almost no contraindications and have no side effects.

Types of patches

Currently, pharmacies offer a wide range of patches. Essentially these are small pieces of fabric with an adhesive surface. Depending on the composition of the impregnation, products are divided into categories, each of which has a specific effect or several actions:

There are several types of patches for osteochondrosis

  • pepper patches;
  • warming up;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • heat-reflective (reflect heat emanating from the body, promoting its accumulation in the damaged area)

Products included in each category may differ in the composition applied to them.

Operating principle

Chinese patches for osteochondrosis have a fabric base. It is impregnated with various medicinal substances, mainly of natural origin. These can be plant extracts, tree resins, herbal decoctions, essential oils. The fabric base prevents the components from volatilizing, so they enter the body in large quantities. The analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect begins immediately after gluing the patch, since the product is applied directly to the affected area and biologically active points.

The perforated base of the patches allows you to not limit the access of oxygen to the source of pain and ensure normal metabolism and blood circulation. Metabolism and microcirculation are also supported by the medications used to impregnate the patches.


Pine resin is included in the patches
  • dyeing safflower;
  • myrrh;
  • Angelica officinalis;
  • pine resin;
  • ginseng;
  • dubious corydalis;
  • drinaria;
  • beeswax;
  • Ginura pinnate;
  • Cybothium.


Patches for osteochondrosis have several actions simultaneously:

Mode of application

  1. The skin on the affected area is cleaned with alcohol or detergent.
  2. The protective layer is removed from the patch and pasted directly onto the painful area or on both sides of it. Leave to act for 2 days.
  3. After time has passed, the patch is removed.
  4. After 6-7 hours, the procedure is repeated in the same order.

Some experts recommend first cutting the Chinese patch for osteochondrosis and gluing the pieces to the areas where biologically active points are located. According to reviews, this method of use allows you to achieve more pronounced results.

Many products are moisture-resistant, so they can not be removed during a shower or bath.

To obtain a lasting result and consolidate it, the procedures are repeated 10-15 times. The average course duration is 2-5 weeks.


Side effects

Undesirable consequences occur quite rarely and are exclusively local in nature. They are mainly the result of intolerance to the components of the patch. In such cases, an allergic reaction occurs in the form of swelling, irritation, and persistent redness. If such symptoms occur, the patch must be removed.

Popular Chinese patches


The drug is made based on traditional Chinese medicine recipes. Its active ingredients are extracts of medicinal herbs, as well as bee venom, scorpion venom, and black ant powder. It is used for various back diseases, effectively eliminates pain and inflammation, improves blood supply to damaged tissues.


  • Black ants
  • Dried Chinese scorpion
  • Drinaria Fortunena.
  • Safflower oil.
  • Processed Aconite Root
  • Frankincense extract
  • Resins from the arecaceae family
  • Myrrh (gum resin)
  • Borneol


The Chinese patch effectively relieves pain from osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc prolapse, cervical spondylopathy, rheumatoid arthritis, and reduces the severity of inflammation.

The patch is left on the body for 2 days. To get a good result, it is recommended to use 4-8 products.


One patch costs 150-180 rubles.

Xinyi 03

The product is intended for the treatment of pain in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine and for the prevention of their occurrence. The patch can be used for osteochondrosis, chronic joint pain, and bursitis. The basis for its creation was medicinal herbs popular in Chinese medicine.

The base is a microporous non-woven fabric that is perfectly breathable and does not irritate the skin even if it is highly sensitive. The fabric used is made from natural highly elastic fibers with transverse stretching, which ensures ease of use on different parts of the body. The Chinese patch has an effect on acupuncture points, soft tissues, regulates the movement of Qi, blood circulation, and fluid balance in the body.


  • Boswellia
  • Cochin Momordica
  • Myrrh
  • Bee Honey


Using a Chinese patch allows you to quickly get rid of the manifestations of osteochondrosis, relieve pain and inflammation, and eliminate swelling.

Similar effects are achieved due to the activation of blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and metabolism. The drug is indicated for use for pain of a chronic, post-traumatic, post-operative nature (including joint pain), for any swelling, hematomas.

Before applying Xinyi 03, the skin area should be gently massaged for a minute in a clockwise circular motion. The duration of the massage is approximately 2 minutes. This preparatory procedure relaxes the muscles and allows you to achieve better results. The patch is left to act for 18-36 hours.

To relieve the symptoms of a mild form of osteochondrosis, 1-3 packages are enough (4 patches are included in the package). For severe symptoms, 6-8 boxes will be required.


The price is 120-140 rubles.

Mao Zheng

The magnetic patch, developed on the basis of recipes from Chinese and Korean traditional medicine, has a powerful healing effect on damaged tissues thanks to the healing properties of the magnetic field (developed by South Korean scientists) and medicinal herbs (recipes from Chinese medicine).

The patch is made on the basis of environmentally friendly spunbond. Its advantages are durability and breathability. A substrate based on polytetrafluoroethylene (a biologically inert material) is impregnated with a therapeutic mixture. A micromagnetic element is also located here. To insulate the working surface, silicone paper with the manufacturer’s logo is used. It is removed immediately before using the patch.


Main components:

  • Ginger root
  • Cinnamon
  • Schizonepeta thin-leaved
  • Chilli

Auxiliary components:

  • Neodymium magnetic element
  • Spunbond
  • Hypoallergenic medical glue
  • Polytetrafluoroethylene
  • Silicone paper


The effect is based on the complex action of herbal medicine and magnetic therapy. Thanks to the use of transdermal nanotechnology, the penetration of active substances into tissues is improved, which helps to obtain a more pronounced result. The medicinal composition penetrates the membranes of cells, skin and muscle tissue, relieves pain, inflammation, accelerates blood circulation, eliminates swelling, promotes the resorption of microthrombi, which reduce the mobility of the vertebral joints and their sensitivity. The therapeutic patch eliminates congestion and improves the healing process of the skin. The effect is enhanced by magnetic induction. Studies have shown that magnetic therapy using neodymium is more effective in reducing chronic pain than modern medications.

The patch can also be used for prophylactic purposes - to prevent osteochondrosis. It is recommended for people who lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle.

The Mao Zheng patch is used according to the traditional scheme: applied to clean, dry skin and left for 48 hours. The duration of use depends on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the body. Experts recommend a course lasting up to 15-20 days. The minimum number of patches used is 6. Treatment should not be stopped immediately after the pain disappears or subsides. To consolidate the result, therapy is continued for several more days. In addition to general contraindications, the Chinese patch for osteochondrosis Mao Zheng is not recommended for use in cases of cardiovascular diseases, renal failure, and cancer.


The price of 1 package is 480-550 rubles. The package includes 8 products.

One patch can be bought for 60-70 rubles.


The patch is designed to pull out “cold diseases”. It has a local and general stimulating effect and is easy to use on any part of the body. The patch is used for back pathologies, inflammatory processes in soft tissues, and joint pain.


The drug contains 17 components. The main ones:

  • Safflower dyeing
  • Common fennel
  • Menthol
  • Angelica Root
  • Chinese honey locust fruits
  • Rabonia
  • Wolfsbane root
  • Camphor


When they enter the body, the active substances stimulate blood circulation and metabolic processes, reduce inflammation and pain.

The price of 1 patch is 50-60 rubles.

Bang De Li

The patch is produced using the latest technologies, does not contain harmful components, is non-toxic, and completely safe. Intended for the treatment of symptoms of a number of diseases: osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, prolapse of the lumbar intervertebral disc, knee joint. It has an anesthetic effect, stimulates blood circulation, and relieves swelling.


  • Safflower
  • Ginseng
  • Angelica sinensis (Angelica officinalis)
  • Bai Zhi
  • Bornean camphor
  • Earthworms


According to experts, the Chinese patch for osteochondrosis Bang De Li has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, relieves spasms, increases local immunity, and normalizes cellular functions. Angelica vulgaris, which is part of the drug, has an analgesic and disinfectant effect, and, thanks to its diuretic effect, eliminates swelling. Dried earthworms have been used in Chinese medicine for more than 2 thousand years to treat diseases of the spine, arthritis, and inflammation. Bornean camphor has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

For diseases of the spine, the effect is achieved thanks to the complex effect of active components and infrared radiation, which promotes local expansion of blood vessels, improvement of blood circulation, metabolism and tissue nutrition. At the same time, the absorption of decay products, harmful compounds, and excess fluid is accelerated, and damaged tissue is restored. Good penetration of medicinal substances guarantees the achievement of a pronounced effect.

The patch is applied to clean, dry skin and left for up to 3 days. After removing it, the treated area is washed with warm water. The next patch can be used after 24 hours. The recommended course includes applying strips five times. The course can be repeated 2-3 times.

After this, the patches are used to prevent exacerbations or when pain occurs.

For orthopedic spinal problems, experts advise applying two patches simultaneously: in the cervical-scapular and lumbosacral areas.

If there is an inflammatory process, the product is applied on both sides of the spinal column or directly on the site of pain.

During treatment, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily.


The price of 1 plate is 77-90 rubles

Hayao's dog skin

The patch is suitable for the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthritis, and other diseases of the spine and joints. Relieves acute pain, improves blood circulation, and has a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.


  • Frima thin-carpal
  • Ginger root
  • Immature Sichuan aconite
  • Stephanie's roots
  • Corydalis tubers
  • Carmichel aconite tubers
  • Red pepper herb and fruits
  • Galang root
  • Menthol
  • Petrolatum
  • Salicylic acid
  • Toad skin gland poison


The patch improves blood circulation, reduces the severity of inflammation, eliminates congestion, swelling, compaction, has an analgesic effect, helps eliminate toxins, cleanses the body, and normalizes the condition of the affected part of the spine.

The patch is applied according to the usual pattern. The maximum exposure time is 12 hours. If your skin is sensitive, the product can be left on the skin for up to 3 hours.

A good effect is achieved when used in the area where biologically active points are located, but the product cannot be used in all points at the same time.

The duration of the course is 10-20 days. For severe pain, the patch can be used as needed. Experts warn: for chronic pain, the effect does not appear immediately, but with regular use of the patch. At the beginning of use, a feeling of coolness may occur (due to the presence of essential oils in the composition), which, as blood circulation is activated, is replaced by a feeling of pleasant warmth.


There are 4 plates in a plastic bag. The price of 1 plate is 70-80 rubles


The Chinese patch is designed to solve problems of the cervical spine, relieves pain from osteochondrosis and other spinal lesions. The product can also be applied to the shoulders.


  • reed root
  • Motherwort
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginseng powder
  • Safflower dyeing
  • Angelica
  • Astragalus


The effect of the patch on the cervical region relieves the main symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis: back pain, headaches, dizziness, numbness of the hands, helps normalize intracranial pressure, sleep, improves hearing and vision. The active components have a warming effect, eliminate stagnation, areas of hardening, and increase performance. The action lasts up to 15 hours. To improve the result, experts recommend combining the use of the patch with special exercises for the cervical spine.

After removing the protective layer, the patch is glued directly to the area where the pain is located. Due to the large number of plant components, Vikola often causes allergic reactions. Manufacturers recommend conducting a preliminary test to identify possible intolerance to components. To do this, the day before use, the patch is applied to a small area of ​​skin and left for 1-2 hours.


The package includes 5 products. The price of 1 package is 600 rubles, 1 strip costs 120-130 rubles.

Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao

Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao patch is considered the most effective in the Tianhe product line. It is made on the basis of traditional recipes of oriental medicine. This is a very convenient and easy-to-use drug that provides a powerful analgesic effect in a short time. Thanks to the presence of healing plant components, the patch relieves back pain, headaches, and other manifestations of osteochondrosis.


The drug contains more than 35 herbs and other plant components. The main ones:

  • Safflower flowers
  • Tubers of aconite Kuznetsov
  • Clefthoof Herb Zilborra
  • Chinese clematis roots
  • Carmichel aconite tubers
  • Roots of angelica pubis
  • Cinnamon oil
  • Carter's boswellia resin
  • Myrrh resin
  • Menthol


The patch helps to quickly eliminate pain during exacerbations of osteochondrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, etc. A warming effect is felt at the application site, blood flow is activated, and recovery processes are accelerated. Aromatic resins have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which increases the effectiveness of the therapy. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and increases the body's resistance. As a result of the transdermal penetration of medicinal ingredients into the tissues and bloodstream, there is a general healing effect on the body as a whole. When applying a patch to acupuncture points, the effect is not limited to this area of ​​the skin, but extends to the internal organs.

The duration of exposure to the patch in the absence of redness and irritation of the skin can range from 5 minutes to 12 hours. A 12-hour break is required before the next use.


The packaging is a plastic bag with 4 plates. The cost of 1 plate is 85-100 rubles.


This drug, unique in its properties, relieves pain of various etiologies. The basis for its creation was the ancient Chinese recipe Jizhen, the effectiveness of which was greatly enhanced thanks to the use of innovative modern technologies.


  • Angelica coarse serrata
  • Notopterygium
  • Girchovnik vaginalis
  • Myrrh
  • Olibanum
  • Scorpio blood
  • Tuyuan Worm
  • Neodymium magnet


The therapeutic effect is based on the properties of the magnetic field, which greatly enhances the effect of the components of the patch. The active substances penetrate deep into the tissue, helping to neutralize pain and discomfort in a fairly short period of time. The pain begins to soften within 10-15 minutes after gluing the strip to the problem area. The patch is used for osteochondrosis, prolapse of lumbar intervertebral discs, arthritis, and other diseases of the spine and joints.

Along with the Chinese osteochondrosis patch, the kit includes a special napkin for pre-treatment of the skin. The napkin is opened and applied to the affected area. A gentle massage is carried out for 1-2 minutes, due to which the active components penetrate into the tissues much faster. After this, apply the patch, straighten it and securely fix it on the body. In addition to general contraindications, there are also additional ones: the patch cannot be used to treat children under 3 years of age.


A set of 4 napkins and 4 strips costs on average 450-550 rubles.

Shanghai Zhitong Gao

The Shangshi Zhitong Gao pain-relieving patch qualitatively and quickly relieves pain of any etiology and accelerates the healing of injuries. Recommended for use for diseases of the back and joints, various types of injuries, hematomas, and tissue swelling.


  • Raw aconite root Kuznetsov
  • Chinese angelica
  • Ligusticum vallicii
  • Sichuan aconite
  • Safflower dyeing
  • Pine resin
  • Cinnamon
  • Boswellia Cartera
  • Myrrh resin
  • Alcoholic extract of belladonna
  • Allspice
  • Galang root
  • Chilibuha seed
  • Ginger officinalis
  • Borneol
  • Camphor
  • Salicylic acid


The patch has a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, is an effective stimulator of blood circulation, and promotes the healing of damaged cartilage tissue and muscles. The aroma of herbs has an additional positive effect on the body.

Before applying the strip, the skin is degreased with alcohol or an alcohol-containing product. Depending on the indications, the patch can be left on the skin from several minutes to 12 hours, during which its anesthetic effect continues. The next strip can be applied after a 6-8 hour break. Course duration is 10-20 days.

Strips of Chinese plasters for lumbar osteochondrosis

Most people suffer from a disease such as osteochondrosis. Everyone struggles with this disease and its consequences in their own ways.

Some resort to folk remedies, some to painkillers, while others use Chinese patches, which are popular today.

Today we will tell you in detail about the principle of their action, benefits and harms.

In what cases is a patch prescribed?

Chinese patches are not just sticky stickers on your back. They contain extracts of medicinal herbs and warming components. When prescribing a drug, it is necessary to exclude a future allergic reaction.

Since the Chinese patch really belongs to medicines, it must be used for absolute indications.

Most remedies have a warming effect, so it is worth considering the type of disease and whether it can be influenced by heat.

The effectiveness of treatment with a patch

Patients who have used patches to treat osteochondrosis claim that the drug helps.

The Chinese patch does not act only in one direction, but in several at once:

  • Reduces or completely eliminates pain in the spine. Fights headaches and dizziness by improving blood circulation.
  • Helps reduce the inflammatory process, after which the functioning of muscle fibers is normalized. Thanks to the natural components of the patch, the medicine relaxes the soft tissues of the spine. They relieve muscle spasms and congestion.
  • Leads to normal metabolic processes in the tissues surrounding the spine that nourish it. It also provides the opposite effect of removing processed products.
  • Promotes adequate nutrition of the affected tissues with vital substances.

Indications for use

Chinese patches cannot be used for all diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It will best help you get rid of:

  • Heel spurs;
  • Corns;
  • Spinal hernia;
  • Shoulder and glenohumeral periarthritis;
  • Aches in the bones;
  • Numbness of the limbs;
  • Muscle tears;

Photo gallery of diseases:

  • Bone injuries;
  • Muscle fracture/strain;
  • Post-traumatic pain;
  • Other diseases, legs, arms, chest.


In certain cases, the use of Chinese plaster is prohibited.

It is undesirable to use the drug when:

  • There are stitches, open wounds, abrasions, irritations or other damage on the skin.
  • There are large moles and warts or other neoplasms on the epidermis;
  • A person may be allergic to any of the components.
  • There are any dermatological diseases. Using a Chinese patch during this period may worsen the course/development of the underlying disease.
  • A woman is carrying a child. There is no information about the effect of the drug on the fetus, so it is better to delay using the patch.

Side effects and consequences

Any adverse reactions to the use of the drug appear very rarely. But, nevertheless, when they develop, they do not spread beyond the place of attachment of the drug.

The reaction is always local and manifests itself in the form of swelling, redness and irritation. If you observe any of the manifestations while using the Chinese patch, then the medicine should be removed.

The principle of operation of Chinese patches

Most medications include substances that can prevent the development of degenerative processes.

These include:

  1. Glucosamine sulfate;
  2. Thiamine;
  3. Chondroitin.

Chinese patch can stop the degenerative process of osteochondrosis

Thanks to the presence of these components, the use of the Chinese patch can replace drug therapy.

Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin activate the restoration of cartilage tissue, feeding it with the necessary components.

Thiamine helps speed up the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

Composition and release form

Most Asian manufacturers package each medicinal strip in individual plastic packaging.

Some people fit 4-5 patches into one package.

The composition of Chinese patches, depending on the manufacturer, varies greatly. Some may consist of 5-6 components, while others may consist of more than 20.

The advantage of medicinal strips is that they are mainly made from natural ingredients, namely black ants, ginger root, menthol, red pepper, various medicinal plants and many others.

Instructions for use

Since the patches are different, the instructions for using them may vary greatly. The main difference is the exposure time and the duration of the course of treatment.

Some types of medicinal patches can be used for 10-20 days, while others have their limitations, namely, use no more often than every 12 hours.

Useful video:

The best Chinese patches

There are a lot of medicinal patches and each type has its own characteristics.

CompoundActionFeatures of use
DaseziDrinaria Fortunena;
Black ants;
Safflower oil;
Arecaceae palm resin
Relieves pain in the presence of osteochondrosis, disc prolapse, cervical spondylopathy, rheumatic arthritis, severe inflammation.1 patch is applied for 2 days. The effect is guaranteed from 4 to 8 medicinal patches.
ZB PAIN RELIEFCombined nanotechnology and recipes of ancient Chinese medicine.The drug effectively relieves pain and relieves inflammation. Eliminates swelling by removing excess fluid from tissues, preventing re-inflammation and complications.Before applying the drug, thoroughly wash the area and dry. You can wear 1 patch for about 3 days, and apply a new one no earlier than after 5-8 hours.
Xinyi 03Boswellia;
Bee venom;
Cochin Momordica
Removes symptoms of osteochondrosis in a short time. Relieves pain, swelling and inflammation. The drug is recommended for relieving post-traumatic and postoperative pain. The medicinal strip activates blood circulation, lymph outflow, and metabolism.Before applying the patch, the affected area should be lightly massaged, no longer than 2 minutes. When the muscles are relaxed, the drug substances penetrate their structure better. The drug is kept on the body for up to 36 hours.
Mao ZhengMain components:
Ginger root;
Thin-leaved schizonepeta;
Magnetic element neodymium;
Silicone paper;
Hypoallergenic medical glue
The therapeutic effect is achieved through the interaction of medicinal herbs and magnetic therapy. This allows for improved penetration of nutrients. The composition of the drug helps relieve pain, eliminate swelling and inflammation, improve blood circulation and resolve microthrombi. The patch can be used to prevent osteochondrosis.The patch is applied for 2 days to clean and dry skin. The course of treatment is 15-20 days.
The drug should not be used by patients with heart problems, kidney problems or cancer.
brindleDyed safflower;
Common fennel;
Chinese angelica root;
Fruits of Chinese honey locust;
Aconite root
Reduces inflammation and pain by stimulating blood circulation and metabolism.It is not recommended to leave it on the body for longer than 12 hours. The drug can be reapplied after 4-5 hours.
Bang De LiChinese angelica;
Bai Zhi;
Bornean camphor
The drug acts as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, immunomodulatory. Using a patch helps relieve swelling and disinfect the area.After gluing, the medicinal patch is kept for 3 days, and a new one can be applied only every other day. During the period of patch therapy, it is recommended to drink about 1.5 liters of liquid.
Hayao's dog skinThin hand frima;
Sichuan aconite immature;
Corydalis tubers;
Red pepper fruits and herbs;
Salicylic acid;
Ginger root;
Stephanie's roots;
Monkshood Carmichel tubers;
Galanga root;
Poison from the skin glands of frogs
The drug relieves inflammation, prevents congestion, relieves swelling, relieves pain in osteochondrosis and removes toxins.The medicinal patch is kept on the skin for no longer than 12 hours, and if the skin is sensitive, then about 3 hours. The course can last no more than 20 days.
Reed root;
Dyed safflower;
Ginseng powder
The drug relieves the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis. Valid for about 15 hours.The drug is applied to the sore spot.
Tianhe Zhuifeng GaMore than 35 herbal and other componentsThe medicine relieves pain, warms, improves blood circulation and relieves inflammation. It acts not only on superficial tissues, but also on deeper ones.Keep the drug for at least 5 minutes and no longer than 12 hours with the same break.
Tuyuan Worm;
Large-serrated angelica;
Vaginal girchovnik;
Neodymium magnet;
Scorpio blood
The therapeutic effect is based on the interaction of the magnetic field and plant components. Thanks to this, a decrease in the severity of symptoms of osteochondrosis occurs 15 minutes after applying the drug.The napkin should be applied to the site of pain, then you need to massage it for a few minutes for a better effect of the medicinal components, then stick on the patch.
You can wear it for no longer than 72 hours, the course of treatment is 8 patches.
Shanghai Zhitong GaoMore than 20 natural and synthetic componentsThe drug acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic for soteochondrosis. Activates blood supply and cartilage restoration.The drug is applied for no longer than 12 hours on skin wiped with alcohol. The course of treatment is up to 20 days.

Which patch to choose for osteochondrosis?

Each Chinese patch is effective in its own way.

But, if you choose among such a variety, it is better to give preference to the drug that is not only the most popular, but has also been studied in Europe and the USA (Stockholm). These include the drug ZB PAIN RELIEF.

In addition, the formulation of herbal components was composed by the Tibetan monks themselves, so it is non-toxic and safe and, most importantly, it improves metabolism, blood circulation and has an analgesic effect on areas of osteochondrosis.

Modern scientists have been able to combine dozens of herbal components in one product and make ZB PAIN RELIEF strips more effective than others.

For osteochondrosis, the best effect is achieved by sticking two patches at the same time: one in the lumbosacral region, the second in the cervical-scapular region, that is, in places where pain occurs.

The patches can be worn for three days, then they are removed, the surface of the skin is washed, and the action can be repeated after five to eight hours.

The original patch is sold only on the official website.

Price of Chinese patches and where to buy?

You can buy the medicine at a pharmacy or specialized online stores.

Prices are completely different and depend on the manufacturer and the amount of ingredients used.

Table with prices for osteochondrosis patches:

No.Name of Chinese patchAverage price in rubles
1 DaseziFrom 150 to 180/1 strip
2 ZB PAIN RELIEFFrom 40 to 60/1 strip
3 Xinyi 03From 120 to 140/1 strip
4 Mao ZhengFrom 60 to 70 /1 strip
5 brindleFrom 50 to 60/1 strip
6 Bang De LiFrom 77 to 90/1 strip
7 Hayao's dog skinFrom 70 to 80/1 strip
8 VikolaFrom 120 to 130/1 strip
9 Tianhe Zhuifeng GaFrom 85 to 100/1 strip
10 JizhengFrom 450 to 550/4 strips
11 Shanghai Zhitong GaoFrom 130 to 180/1 strip

Not everyone has the opportunity to fully treat their back in a hospital or at home. Many cannot leave work or other important matters. But when back pain makes it difficult to concentrate, and analgesics no longer help, you need to look for a new remedy. Moreover, it is desirable that it is not addictive and gives not only an analgesic, but also a therapeutic effect.

The orthopedic patch for back pain Zb Pain Relief has this property. This is a unique development of Chinese healers, which has become popular throughout the world.

ZB Pain Relief patch for back pain

What is a transdermal patch and how does it work?

Transdermal patch- This is not a simple fabric sticker that protects against the penetration of bacteria from the outside. This is a completely new medicinal product, impregnated with a special composition for back and lower back pain. When glued to the body, the healing components are gradually released and act on the affected area.

Wearing a transdermal patch helps get rid of back pain caused by a variety of diseases:

  • radiculitis and radiculopathy;
  • sciatica;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • rheumatism.

Also, the Zb Pain Relief medical patch helps eliminate any muscle spasms caused by nervous disorders, weather dependence or physical damage (bruise, excessive stress, etc.). It can be used in the lower and upper back, as well as along the entire length of the spine. It also helps with neck pain.

Unlike other external methods of treating back pain (ointments, physiotherapy), the transdermal patch acts continuously, from the moment of sticking to removal. This is not a magnetic product, so you can use it even if you have a pacemaker.


The whole secret of the healing effect of the Zb Pain Relief orthopedic patch lies in its composition. It is thanks to the effects of the multicomponent mixture that a therapeutic and analgesic effect is achieved.

  • Millettia reticulata: to stimulate blood circulation.
  • Cistanche salsa: to relieve swelling, to improve blood microcirculation.
  • Drynaria: to relieve muscle spasms.
  • Cibotium: to reduce pain from arthritis of the shoulder joints.
  • Angelica grosseserrata Maxim: An excellent herbal topical pain reliever.
  • Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius): to relieve acute pain.
  • Gynura pinnatifida: for speedy healing of bruises.
  • Corydalis ambigua (Corydalis ambigua): to relieve inflammation.
  • Bornean Camphor: for pain relief.

Plaster in packaging and without it.

The raw materials are crushed almost to nanoparticles, so the medicinal substance easily penetrates through the outer layers of the dermis to the affected area, helping to relieve pain and concentrate on business.

Price – how much does the patch cost?

Zb Pain Relief is not just a pain-relieving sticker on the body. This is a modern development that combines the experience of ancient traditions and innovative technologies. But the price is not at all prohibitive: 990 rubles for a pack of 10 pieces. It turns out that the cost of one patch is only 99 rubles.

And, if you consider that One course requires only 5-7 patches, it turns out to be very economical. That is, after treatment, you still have a few pieces left that can be used in critical situations: to relieve pain that arises suddenly.


The price of 990 rubles is valid on the official website. Fraudsters may offer counterfeits at a reduced cost. It is also not recommended to purchase Chinese transdermal patches individually - the integrity of the packaging may be damaged during transportation.

Where can I buy Zb Pain Relief

In addition to the official website on the Internet, there are several online stores that sell Chinese patches. But usually these are resellers who mark up prices, or scammers who will not send Zb Pain Relief at all or will not send the parcel at all. Therefore, it is better to buy medicinal transdermal patches on the official website. By the way, this product is not sold in the pharmacy.
Ordering Zb Pain Relief is very simple: at any time of the day you go to the website and make a purchase in a few clicks. If you have questions or doubts, you can contact the operator. Payment is made upon receipt of the parcel.

Instructions for use - how to stick correctly

When you open the package, you will find a dozen small sealed bags with Chinese characters inside. Each sachet must be opened immediately before use. First you need to wipe the area where the patch is applied with alcohol.

Biologically active points are places where you should stick a patch for pain.

For rheumatic back pain, apply the Zb Pain Relief patch to the area of ​​the spine that hurts the most. For pain in the neck or shoulders, we stick a healing rectangle just above the shoulder blades, also on the spine. Sometimes a person cannot determine the exact location of the pain, so you can stick 2 patches on him at once: on the upper and lower back, or on the left and right sides of the lumbar region.

If your back rarely hurts, but sometimes it shoots, you don’t need to take the course. It’s enough just to keep a few patches in your first aid kit so that in case of acute pain, it can be immediately relieved. Do not get the patch wet! Therefore, you should shower very carefully while wearing it. If the patch gets wet, apply a new one.

There are no contraindications for treatment with Chinese transdermal patches. There is, rather, an exception: it is not recommended to stick them on damaged areas of the skin (dermatitis, allergies, rashes, open wounds, ulcers, psoriasis). Side effects include mild burning and redness of the skin. In this case, you can lubricate the area with baby cream, and apply a new patch after the symptoms of irritation have resolved.

Orthopedic patches should be stored in a dry and cool place. A refrigerator door is ideal. Shelf life: 24 months.

Customer Reviews

“You can’t imagine my happiness when I tried these patches. My main problem is my lower back. I tried massages, ointments, but the terrible pain did not go away. And the patches helped. After just 2 days I began to forget about the pain.”

“And it helps me a lot with back pain. ZB pain relief is a great thing!!!”

“I suffer from back pain, I tried injections and massage. Then I moved on to patches, starting with Voltaren, then Nanoplast - they didn’t help. Finally I found out about Payne Relief on the forum. After the course of treatment I realized what I needed. What’s interesting is that when you wear them, you don’t feel anything. No burning sensation, not even any warmth. But there is a result. Yes, not right away, because it takes a long time to heal. I’m still planning to take the second course to consolidate the results. I can tell the skeptics: the nanoplastic works, don’t even doubt it!!!

“I fundamentally do not believe in the miraculousness of various pain remedies, and here I was afraid that it would turn out to be another scam. In any case, I doubt that a plaster can cure your back. But already on the second day I felt that the pain became less. And already on the third, the result became very noticeable. But it’s still too early to talk about effectiveness, I don’t know yet, maybe when I stop wearing the patch, the pain will return.”

Inna Alexandrovna.

“I see that not all people believe in the veracity of what is said here, pointing out the absence of negative reviews. They simply do not know that there is simply no better remedy for back pain. That's why there are no dissatisfied people. I’ve been treated and now I’ve started doing gymnastics again. Incredible product!!!"

Grishina S.

“I am a driver by profession, and my professional problem is that my neck constantly hurts. I have been suffering for 2 years now. My boss gave me the bandages. I decided to try it, I think it won’t be worse. It worked immediately! So I bought 4 more packs for myself and my wife. We use it all the time and we already feel better.”

Alexey Ivanovich

Doctor's review

“My name is Alexander Kovalenko, I have been working as a general practitioner for 6 years. I, along with my colleagues, note that diseases of the joints and spine (including osteochondrosis) are increasingly being diagnosed in fairly young people. Nowadays this is a common problem among both old and young. Manifestations of osteochondrosis include headaches, dizziness, and muscle spasms. If you begin to notice such symptoms regularly, seek medical help immediately. If the doctor carries out treatment at an early stage, it will be possible to avoid painful long therapy with expensive drugs.

In my practice, I regularly prescribe to patients an effective Chinese remedy - Zb Pain Relief patches. They have proven themselves to be effective for diseases of the spine and joints. The patch acts on the source of inflammation, relieving it, significantly reduces pain and, what is very important, prevents the disease from developing further. The strength of the product is that the active substances included in it (and these are extracts of 9 medicinal herbs at once) remain on the skin for up to 3 days, while ointments or creams are effective only for up to 6 hours.

Do not forget that, like most medications, orthopedic patches have contraindications. Therefore, do not use the product without consulting your doctor.”

Transdermal Chinese back patches– a good alternative to other methods of treatment and pain relief. After all, painkillers have a negative effect on the liver, and the effect of kema is not so long-lasting. The nanoplaster works around the clock. In addition, it is invisible under clothes, so it can be worn even under thin blouses. Such a remedy should be in the first aid kit of every person suffering from weather dependence, playing sports, as well as the elderly.

Buy Zb Pain Relief patch on the official website

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