Spike on the leg: treatment, what it looks like, causes of appearance

If a person experiences severe pain while walking or running, which is localized on the sole, this is most likely a spike on the leg. Where do they come from, and how are they transmitted if they are contagious? This tumor forms on the feet and toes and looks like a callus, but has black or gray blotches. Belongs to a subspecies of warts and is of viral origin. Gives a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to the owner. In medicine, it is called a plantar wart and insist on immediate removal.

A spike on the foot or toes appears as a result of prolonged walking activity, uncomfortable shoes, features of the anatomical structure and provokes discomfort.

What does a spike look like?

People, when faced with warty formations for the first time, do not know what a spike on the foot looks like, and take it for a corn.

At the first stage, it looks like a light knot that forms on the sole of the foot. Harder than the rest of the skin, it gradually grows, becomes larger and acquires a yellowish tint with black dots. The thorn grows quickly, from the moment it appears to reaching a large size and the appearance of strong painful sensations, it takes several weeks. Unlike common warts, a toe wart grows into the skin, has a long root, and is difficult to treat. The sooner it is detected, the easier it will be to cure it. Launched warts grow in clusters, have long roots reaching the muscle tissue, and cover the entire surface of the foot. Be careful in places of contact with potential carriers of this disease, the spine is easily transmitted through close contact with the patient.

How is it different from corn?

This wart is distinguished by the fact that it appears on the feet, for example, on the heel or on the little finger, and never on the body. Unlike a callus, when pressed, it gives the impression that a thorn has stuck into the foot. Because of these strong pain sensations, the name went. To distinguish a thorn from another wart, you need to take a hot bath and look at the place of formation. A plantar wart, after hot water, becomes like a cauliflower, all bumpy and patchy. Spines grow inside the skin, and do not grow above it, therefore they have a long root, and are difficult to treat. The sooner it is detected, the easier it will be to cure it. Launched warts grow in clusters and cover the entire surface of the foot. In case of injury, it degenerates into a malignant cancerous tumor, therefore it is recommended to treat the spine as soon as possible.

Causes and mechanism of infection

Weak immunity and the negative effect of external factors lead to infection with papilloma and the growth of spines.

A spinous is formed when a person is infected with the human papillomavirus. People with low immunity become infected through contact with a sick person and using common hygiene products. This virus can stay in the body for a long time and will manifest itself only for certain reasons, such as reduced immunity, constant stress, illness. The risk of virus penetration increases with foot injuries, wearing smaller shoes, and sweating feet. There is a high probability of catching the virus when visiting the pool, as the skin on the legs gets wet and can be easily injured. Plantar warts occur in adolescents due to poor personal hygiene, and in people with reduced immunity and those struggling with chronic diseases. In children, they are more often formed on the little fingers under the nail or on the thumb due to wearing tight and small shoes.

Symptoms and signs

The symptoms of this disease are very unpleasant. At first, this wart looks like a rough skin fold. Then, if run and not treated, it increases, changes color and texture, becomes bumpy, acquires a depression in the center, and grows into black dots that look like small craters. It is important to identify a thorn in the skin formation on the leg as early as possible, because it quickly begins to give rise to pain, as if a person stepped on the thorns. This happens when, growing inside the skin, it reaches the muscles and clings to them with a rod. There are cases when the spines are formed in groups of several pieces with the main, large wart in the center, when removed, all the others disappear. Main signs:

  • severe pain when pressing on the spine or walking;
  • constant growth of the wart;
  • recess in the middle;
  • the presence of black spots.

When treating at home, it is difficult to achieve complete removal of the wart, part of the tumor remains under the skin and then it grows again. Experts recognize the spine as the most difficult of all types of neoplasms to treat, as it multiplies rapidly and grows deep under the skin, affecting and infecting the muscles.

The danger of spikes on the legs is growth and severe pain when walking.

The consequences and danger of a spike on the leg

In very rare cases, the calcaneal spine can go away on its own, it has to be removed more often, and the sooner the better. The tumor is benign in nature, but with injuries and improper treatment, it degenerates into a malignant one, and becomes deadly. It is difficult for people who have this sore to move around and, in general, to step on their feet. Shipiga makes any physical activity impossible due to sharp pain. Another dangerous situation arises if a wart has appeared and is not treated, or treated incorrectly. It grows quickly and occupies all the free space on the foot and between the toes.

When should you see a doctor?

When a person notices that a wart or just an obscure growth is forming on the leg, an urgent need to visit a doctor. It is important to see a therapist as soon as possible. The thorn is the most difficult to treat type of wart. If the spike began to actively increase in size or, when treated with folk remedies, began to hurt on its own, ichor or pus began to stand out from it, you should urgently seek help. If an adult has found this formation on a child’s leg, you also need to resort to the help of a specialist, and not self-medicate. The doctor will help remove the papule with minimal impact on the children's body. At the first visit, all tests are taken, and immediately sent for treatment.


Treatment of thorns is a complex and time-consuming process. If the patient applied on time, it is possible to get rid of it using the developed methods and preparations. And if at the first manifestations it was not possible to remove it, then the frequently used recently, minimally invasive methods will help to effectively remove the spine. Surgical excision is not used, since its application has a too high percentage of relapses, and it causes negative consequences and complications.

For quick and effective elimination of spikes on the legs, you can seek the help of a surgeon.
Treatment methodDescription
Cryodestruction or application of liquid nitrogenCold burning method, under the influence of which the body of the wart is destroyed. After the operation, a bubble forms inside the former papule, which disappears in 1.5 - 2 weeks. Pros: bloodless, reasonable price. The disadvantages are the inability to accurately calculate the depth of freezing, a long rehabilitation period, a high risk of injury to healthy skin near the wart with little exposure to cold, or relapses with insufficient treatment. Don't do it if you suspect cancer.
ElectrocoagulationA method of exposure to the skin with high-frequency current, in which the wart is burned out with the help of a device in stationary conditions. Pros: low probability of recurrence, after the operation, the wound heals quickly and does not bleed at all. The disadvantages are that there is a high risk of injuring the skin near the spine, scars appear after the procedure.
Laser surgeryThe method of layer-by-layer removal of a wart using a laser beam that cauterizes the vessels and disinfects the site of the operation. Pros: painless, no relapses, no complications, quick rehabilitation, impossibility of infection. Cons: Injury depends on the qualifications of the doctor.

How to get rid of with chemicals?

Conservative methods of getting rid of thorns include the use of chemicals. These aggressive substances, upon contact with a neoplasm, cause necrosis of epidermal cells, which are then removed mechanically. The method is painful, but after an illiterate application, scars and scars remain. There are three main types of drugs:

You can get rid of spikes on your legs by using special chemicals.
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