Is it possible to freeze honeysuckle for the winter fresh. Honeysuckle - recipes for preparing blanks for the winter and dishes for every day. In powdered sugar

Honeysuckle begins to bear fruit in early summer. There are about two hundred varieties of the plant, but not all of its fruits can be eaten. Edible berries are outwardly similar in color and a strong wax coating to blueberries. Fully ripened, they have a sour or sweet-sour taste and a barely perceptible aroma.

Pleasant taste is not the only advantage of honeysuckle. It is rich in many vitamins, but especially vitamin C. According to its content, honeysuckle is on a par with lemon. One hundred grams of berries replenish the body's daily need for ascorbic acid. Vitamin P, which is also filled with fruits, helps its absorption.

Anyone who has discovered the taste of honeysuckle is not afraid of viral infections, problems with blood vessels and the heart. Consuming berries helps the skin stay clear and wrinkle-free longer.


The berry picking season is short. They crumble quickly and need to be recycled. The disadvantage of honeysuckle is that it lasts two or three days fresh. A container with fruits can be placed on the lower shelves of the refrigerator.

Those berries are stored longer, in which the skin and pulp are dense. When the surface of the honeysuckle is thin and tender, it should be eaten or processed on the day of harvest or the next morning.

In addition, tasty and healthy preservation is obtained from berries, for example, jelly, jam, sherbet, fruit drink and compote.


While summer is in full swing, the berries can be dried in the sun. In order for the honeysuckle to reach its optimum consistency, it will take ten to twelve dry and sunny days.

  • The collected fruits are sorted and cleaned of impurities. Washing them under water is not recommended.
  • Lay out on a flat and clean surface in one layer.
  • We cover with gauze, protecting the berries from insects and birds.
  • We leave for the daytime under the sun or under a small canopy.
  • At night, we hide baking sheets with honeysuckle in the pantry.
  • We collect dry berries in paper bags or linen bags and send them to the pantry.

When drying honeysuckle in the open air does not work, you can use an electric dryer. In 10-12 hours at a temperature of 45-50 degrees, the berries will be ready. An oven is also suitable for drying honeysuckle. The process is simple:

  • Line a clean and dry baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Sprinkle a layer of honeysuckle on top.
  • We send the baking sheet to the oven, setting the temperature to 60 degrees. It will take four to six hours until the berries are fully cooked. The oven door should be left ajar.
  • Pour the dried berries into a flat bowl and let cool at room temperature.
  • We send honeysuckle in paper or linen bags. We leave them closed completely.

Dried honeysuckle can be stored for up to one year. The best place for it is a refrigerator or other cool and dry place. In winter, the berries will keep well on the balcony, if only it is insulated.

When the honeysuckle is contaminated and it is impossible to do without washing it under water, the berries must be laid out on a paper napkin so that moisture is absorbed as much as possible. Then the honeysuckle is dried by the methods described above.


Like all berries, frozen honeysuckle retains most of its nutrients. Therefore, storing it in this form depends on the capacity of the freezer. We prepare honeysuckle for freezing as follows:

  • We wash the berries and pour them into a colander to drain the water.
  • Lay out on a paper towel and leave for an hour. The honeysuckle must dry completely.
  • We lay out the berries on a dish in a small layer (maximum two cm high) and send them to the freezer for two hours.
  • Frozen fruits are poured into plastic bags. Close tightly and put back in the freezer.

It is advisable not to fill the bag with a large number of berries. It should be borne in mind that thawed honeysuckle must be used all. Re-freezing the berries is undesirable, since from such a repeated procedure they will lose almost all of their healing qualities.
In the freezer, the fruits are perfectly preserved until the next harvest and longer.

Honeysuckle is less popular than other berries. But the one who discovered it for himself and consumes it regularly, probably felt how healing these berries are.

As you know, in order to get the maximum benefit from honeysuckle, it should be consumed raw. Without heat treatment, the berries retain all their healing power and support the defenses of our body. But unfortunately, it seems possible to do this only during the fruit ripening season - in summer. And how to stock up on vitamins for the winter? Cook honeysuckle with sugar without cooking! Such a dessert will be a great addition to tea and at the same time will bring great benefits to our body.

Valuable properties of raw workpiece

Fresh honeysuckle has a rather pleasant taste, which is somewhat reminiscent of blueberries. But at the same time, it is more than that of strawberries, lingonberries and black currants. Not all varieties of honeysuckle are edible. Those that can be safely eaten can have a very different shape, from round to elongated, but their color must be dark blue or black with a slight bluish bloom.

Ripe honeysuckle berries contain a huge amount of useful components. Among them:

  • vitamins;
  • micro and macro elements;
  • Sahara;
  • pectins;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids.

On a note! The chemical composition of honeysuckle fruits may vary depending on the region where the shrub grows! For example, the southern berry will be saturated with sugars, and the northern one with ascorbic acid!

This berry can be used in dietary nutrition, since its calorie content is very low - about 30 kilocalories per 100 g of ripe fruit. Honeysuckle rubbed with sugar is first of all an excellent antipyretic, which shows very good results in colds. In addition, it helps to normalize blood pressure, which is accompanied by headaches and dizziness.

"Live" honeysuckle for the winter

Among the edible varieties of honeysuckle, everyone can choose a berry for themselves to taste. There are fruits with a spicy bitterness, with a slight sour tint and sweet ones. You can prepare them for the winter in various ways: jams, and juices. But today we will talk about the most gentle method - without heat treatment. Honeysuckle can be twisted with sugar or frozen fruits.
More and more housewives are leaning towards such options for blanks today. And this is not surprising, since this is how you can make not only very tasty, but also the most healthy delicacy.

raw jam

This recipe for honeysuckle with sugar is quite simple. For dessert, you will need ripe berries and granulated sugar, which must be taken in a ratio of 1: 1.5.

  1. We carefully sort out freshly picked fruits, discard spoiled ones, as well as plant debris.
  2. Gently wash the berries in several waters and discard in a colander. We wait until all the liquid has gone, after which we dry the honeysuckle, spreading it in a thin layer on a paper towel.
  3. We grind. To do this, it is convenient to use a blender. You can also skip the berries a couple of times through a meat grinder or mash them with a wooden crush.

    On a note! With the latter method of grinding, honeysuckle will retain all the power of nutrients, since the pulp will not come into contact with the metal, and, therefore, will avoid the oxidation process!

  4. We shift the finished mass into a large container and sprinkle with sugar. Mix thoroughly and leave for half an hour to extract the juice.
  5. While the berry mass is “resting”, we are engaged in jars. We wash them thoroughly and sterilize them for 7 minutes. Next, put the necks down on a towel. Sterilize lids and dry.
  6. After the berry puree has released the juice, it can be distributed into jars and tightly corked. We transfer our workpiece to a cool basement or cellar.

This fragrant dessert can be served with homemade cottage cheese, eaten with ice cream or just with tea.

Frozen in sugar

Another way to harvest honeysuckle with sugar, which allows you to save a maximum of useful substances, is freezing. You need to select whole fruits, preferably dense, without the slightest damage.

  1. We sort and wash the honeysuckle, dry thoroughly.
  2. Prepare plastic containers: wash thoroughly and dry in the same way.
  3. Pour a small layer of berries, sprinkle with sugar, shake gently. Next, again honeysuckle, sugar. We repeat the procedure several times until the plastic containers are 4/5 full.
  4. Shake the filled boxes again and lay the last layer of sugar about 1 cm thick on top.
  5. Seal tightly.
Frozen honeysuckle is convenient to use for making homemade pies and other baked goods.

In powdered sugar

Honeysuckle can be frozen not with sugar, but with powdered sugar. The ratio of ingredients will be as follows: per kilo of berries 2 kg of powdered sugar.

  1. We sort out the berries, dry them and put them in jars.
  2. Sprinkle each layer with powdered sugar and shake several times so that it is evenly distributed.
  3. From above we fall asleep fruits with a layer of sugar, the thickness of which should be at least a centimeter.
  4. We seal the workpiece and freeze.

In addition, honeysuckle can be frozen without additives. For this, the berries, as always, are sorted, washed and dried. Next, we cover the shelf of the freezer with cling film and lay the fruits on it in one layer. It is advisable to keep a small distance between them. After an hour, pour the honeysuckle into plastic bags and send it to storage.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

People of the North and the Far East have known about honeysuckle for a long time. They not only replenished the body with vitamins with the help of this early berry, but also used it for indigestion, and also treated various lichen and ulcers with it.

But recently, gardeners and the middle lane began to grow honeysuckle. Moreover, honeysuckle is undemanding in care, resistant to frost, unpretentious. And if we take into account the fact that it ripens even earlier than strawberries, then, in general, there is no price for it!

Valuable and medicinal properties of honeysuckle

  • Honeysuckle fruits contain sugars, pectin, tannins, organic acids, catechins, anthocyanins.
  • Berries are rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron. They contain manganese, silicon, copper, aluminum, iodine, barium. But most of all in honeysuckle magnesium (more than in other wild berries) and potassium.
  • In addition to vitamin C, berries also contain vitamins P, A, B, B9.
  • Honeysuckle berries have bactericidal, diuretic, tonic properties.
  • A decoction of the leaves and flowers of honeysuckle is used to treat eyes, throat diseases, and skin diseases.
  • Honeysuckle is a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for atherosclerosis, hypertension, various kinds of hemorrhages, and gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Honeysuckle berries are used to make jam, compotes, and are used as fillings for pies.
  • Honeysuckle is dried, covered with sugar, frozen.

What honeysuckle berries can be frozen

Honeysuckle has juicy blueberry-like berries. While the berries are not ripe, they are grassy green, and when ripe they are dark purple, almost black.

The shape of the berries in honeysuckle is varied: oval, pear-shaped, ovoid, crescent-shaped, pod-shaped, spindle-shaped. The taste of berries is sour or sweet and sour.

The berries on the bush ripen unevenly. Many varieties of honeysuckle, ripening, quickly crumble, so freezing is a very convenient way to harvest for future use, because honeysuckle can be frozen in small batches as it ripens.

The method of freezing is chosen depending on the variety of berries, because there is honeysuckle with a very thin skin, which is best frozen in sugar or in the form of mashed potatoes. And for freezing whole berries, varieties with dense skins are suitable.

If honeysuckle berries are bitter, then it is also better to freeze them with sugar.

Honeysuckle ripens in mid-June. This is ten days earlier than garden strawberries.

Berries are harvested in several stages. Since honeysuckle does not tolerate transportation and long-term storage, it is better to process it immediately after harvest.

Preparing honeysuckle for freezing

Honeysuckle is sorted out, wormy and bird-pecked berries are removed.

The fact is that these berries are practically not affected by diseases, but insects are often the culprits for spoiling berries. For example, the caterpillars of the honeysuckle fingerwing, which feeds on these berries, penetrate the fruits during ripening and eat away the pulp. Unpicked berries in time attract fieldfares, which enjoy them with pleasure.

The collected honeysuckle berries are washed and laid out on a towel to dry.

How to freeze whole honeysuckle berries

  • Whole and strong berries are transferred to a tray covered with parchment or tracing paper, and put in the freezer for 1-2 hours.
  • When the honeysuckle berries are frozen, they are poured into small bags of 300-400 g and sealed or tied well.
  • The bags are flattened and placed in the freezer.

Video recipe for the occasion:

How to freeze honeysuckle with sugar

If the honeysuckle is a little overripe, bitter or, conversely, strongly sour, then it is frozen with the addition of sugar.

  • Clean, dried berries are laid out in layers in small containers, sprinkling each layer with sugar.
  • The containers are closed with lids and put into the freezer. The total height of all layers of berries, together with sugar, should not exceed 3 cm, otherwise the berries will freeze for a long time and become very wrinkled.

How to Freeze Honeysuckle Puree with Sugar

  • Ripe and overripe berries are sorted, washed and crushed in a blender, adding sugar to taste, but the optimal rate is 250 g of sugar per 1 kg of berries.
  • Puree is poured into portioned plastic containers, without adding 1 cm to the edge, as frozen liquids increase in volume.
  • After that, close the lids and put them in the freezer.

To freeze the puree in the form of briquettes, place a bag in an empty container, pour the honeysuckle puree into it and freeze it. Then the package, together with the berry puree, is taken out of the container, and a neat briquette with frozen puree is obtained. The thickness of the briquette, together with the contents, should not exceed 3-4 cm.

: rejuvenates our body and supplies almost all the necessary vitamins and microelements, is an excellent prophylactic against hypertension, strengthens blood vessels, helps with liver diseases, reduces swelling, has a restorative effect on the whole body as a whole. It is especially useful during pregnancy and in old age.

Ripening before the rest, the wonderful berry helps us quickly recover after the winter, gives us a boost of energy, restores strength and improves immunity. The low calorie content makes it very attractive for various diets. Honeysuckle is used to make wonderful cosmetic masks that gently tone the skin of the face, restoring its firmness and elasticity. Gradually, skin rejuvenation occurs. Anyone who has ever been convinced of the healing power of the magical honeysuckle berries will forever remain her admirer.

It is especially good fresh, only from the bush. Juicy, tender berries with a slight sourness, light spicy bitterness and a delicate aroma are the first to delight us after winter. However, year after year is not necessary, it also happens that bitterness is felt more clearly. It depends both on the variety and on the weather conditions: if the spring was hot and dry, then the taste deteriorates.

What can be done with honeysuckle to get rid of bitterness? To do this, it is recommended to water the plant abundantly, especially during the period of fruit ripening. If the bitter taste still persists, then it makes sense to replace the variety. The modern assortment of honeysuckle allows you to choose varieties that have almost no bitterness.

So what to cook from honeysuckle, if it is still bitter? Best of all - filling for pies or blanks for fruit drinks. At the same time, the berry does not need to be boiled, but simply chopped with a blender or scrolled in a meat grinder and add more sugar. The bitterness will not disappear, but it will become less noticeable.

Honeysuckle sings quickly, but is stored for a short time, only a few days. To extend the shelf life, the berries are not washed, but only sorted out, removing too ripe ones, then spread in a thin layer on a tray and placed in the refrigerator.

Berries are used to make jams, jams, jams, marmalade and extraordinarily tasty jelly. Very good honeysuckle, grated with sugar. Less ripe can be dried or frozen. It is easy to determine the ripeness of the fruit: the riper the berry, the more tender and softer it is, the thinner its skin, and the stronger the aroma.

We bring to your attention interesting ways of harvesting honeysuckle while preserving vitamins and other useful substances.

From this article you will learn

Dry honeysuckle

On air

What is needed for this? A simple step-by-step recipe will help you do it quickly and easily. If the summer is quite hot, then you can dry it right in the fresh air. Depending on weather conditions, this process can take from one and a half to two weeks.

  1. First of all, the berry must be sorted out, all unnecessary removed.

    Important: do not wash the fruits! Otherwise, they may get moldy.

  2. Spread on a clean, flat surface in a thin layer.
  3. Cover with gauze or a special mesh, which will protect from insects and birds.
  4. In the morning you can leave it in the sun or under some kind of light canopy, in the evening it is better to remove it.
  5. When they are dry enough, pour them into natural fabric bags or a paper bag.

Advice! It is better not to use plastic bags, tightly closed glass jars and other sealed utensils, the fruits in them may deteriorate.

In the oven

If the weather is rainy, then you can dry it at home.
The process is also easy:

  1. As in previous recipes, we sort through the honeysuckle, remove spoiled, overripe fruits and debris.
  2. Wash the baking sheet, wipe dry and cover with baking paper.
  3. Spread in one layer on a baking sheet.
  4. Dry in the oven with the door ajar from 4 to 6 hours at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees.
  5. Cool the finished berry to room temperature and pour into linen bags or paper bags.

In an electric dryer

If there is an electric dryer, the drying process is simplified and accelerated several times. We dry the prepared berry at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees from 10 to 12 hours.

It is best to store in a cool dry place. It can be a refrigerator, and if there is an insulated loggia or balcony, then you can put dried honeysuckle in a cabinet or on a shelf. In this form, it is stored for no more than a year.

Sometimes it happens that the fruits are very dirty, in the ground or with small debris. In such an extreme case, it is allowed to rinse it before drying, but be sure to put it on a dry napkin until all the moisture is absorbed into the fabric or paper, and only then dry it.

How to freeze properly

Freezing is one of the best ways to store not only honeysuckle, but also most other berries. In this case, almost all the vitamins so necessary for our body are preserved.


  • In this case, you can wash the fruits. We drain the water. Pour the honeysuckle into a colander, letting the remaining water drain.
  • Sprinkle a thin layer on a paper or cloth napkin to dry the berries.
  • We spread it on a plate or dish in a thin layer and put it in the freezer for one and a half to two hours.
  • We pour the frozen honeysuckle into small plastic bags in such a way that after defrosting they can be used at a time.
  • Prepared tightly closed bags are sent to the freezer for storage.

Tip: if you only have large bags, freeze as evenly as possible with a thickness of no more than 3 cm. Then it will be easy to break off the right amount before use.

With sugar

  1. We wash and dry the fruits, as in the first version.
  2. In pre-prepared small clean containers, we fall asleep in layers of honeysuckle, while pouring each layer with granulated sugar. From above under the lid there should be air 1-2 cm.
  3. Tightly closed containers, filled no more than ¾, immediately put in the freezer.

You can store in this state until the new harvest, and sometimes longer. In terms of time spent on harvesting, this recipe is the fastest.

Important: re-freezing thawed berries is not recommended.

Harvesting honeysuckle without cooking

Recipe "Cold jam"

Ripe and even overripe fruits are suitable for this jam.

  • We sort out the berries, wash them, lightly dry them on a napkin.
  • Grind in a blender until smooth or pass through a meat grinder.
  • The resulting puree is gradually mixed with sugar, adding it in small portions. The container should be large enough to make it convenient to do this. We take one and a half times more sugar than fruit.
  • After all the sugar has dissolved, mix for another 5 minutes and put it in pre-prepared sterilized jars.
  • From above, pour granulated sugar into each jar so that it evenly covers the entire surface of the jam with a layer of at least 5 mm.
  • Carefully close with a plastic or screw cap.

Tip: a berry twisted through a meat grinder will be more uniform if you use a fine grate.

Honeysuckle rolled with sugar is best stored at a temperature of no higher than 10 degrees. Each housewife decides for herself how much sugar to put in such a jam. Since it acts as a preservative, the more it is, the longer the pureed mixture can be stored. But then the jam can be candied. To avoid this, add a little citric acid or lemon juice. It is the acid that prevents the cold jam from sugaring.

Candied Honeysuckle Recipe

As in the previous recipe, we sort and wash the fruits. We measure the right amount of sugar in advance. For 1 kg of honeysuckle you need 1.7 kg of sugar.

We shift part of the container, so as to fill a quarter of the volume. We knead the fruits with a wooden crush, gradually adding a little sugar. When the first part is already pounded, we transfer it to another container, and in this again we fill in a new portion of berries and the next part of sugar. We continue the procedure until everything is processed in this way. At the end, mix the mixture thoroughly with a wooden spatula until the sugar is completely dissolved.

We put our jam in sterilized small jars, lightly sprinkle sugar on top and close with a plastic or screw cap. This is a very simple recipe that always turns out well.

Candied honeysuckle is not only healthy, but also very tasty. Two - three teaspoons added to tea or compote will give it a special taste, color and aroma. Even if honeysuckle comes across with bitterness, it only adds a special charm to such a drink.

Such blanks from honeysuckle for the winter retain all the vitamins, bring maximum benefit and can be useful for healing the whole family.

Interesting recipes for winter preparations

Honeysuckle in its own juice

Both ripe and greenish fruits are suitable for this recipe. It is most convenient to use cans of 0.5 and 0.75 liters. A liter volume for cooking for the winter is only advisable if the family is large or honeysuckle is used for medicinal purposes.

  • We sort and, if necessary, wash the honeysuckle. We take a fairly wide, not very high pan. At the bottom we lay either a special stand for sterilizing cans, or gauze folded in several layers.
  • We fill clean jars to the very top with berries. We put in a saucepan. Fill gently with water up to the “shoulders” of the jar (or even slightly lower) so that during sterilization water does not get inside the jar. After that, you can put on fire.
  • As soon as the water boils, immediately reduce the heat to medium. As the fruit sags, we fill up the next portion. You can add a few tablespoons of sugar if you like.
  • When the whole jar is almost full and the released juice is visible from above, it is necessary to boil for another 10 minutes. After that, we take out the jars and close them with sterilized screw caps. We turn the jars over, put them on the lid, cover with something warm on top for at least 6 hours.

In winter, you can cook jelly, compote from this blank, or simply dilute it in boiled water, let it brew and strain. The result is a wonderful tonic drink, tasty and healthy.

Tip: don't use regular metal lids! They can oxidize by reacting with substances in the berry.

Honeysuckle jelly

I method, with gelatin

Unusually tasty jelly is obtained from honeysuckle juice. To do this, wash the berry, let it dry. Then wipe through a sieve or grind with a blender and squeeze through several layers of gauze. Add sugar to the resulting juice.

For 1 kg of fruit, 700 g of sugar and 2-3 teaspoons of gelatin or agar-agar are required. Boil the juice until the sugar is completely dissolved. Meanwhile, prepare the thickener. It can be gelatin, agar-agar or any other containing pectins.

We dissolve it in warm water until completely dissolved and pour it in a thin stream into the juice that has not yet cooled down, but not boiling. Put it back on the fire and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, but do not boil. We remove the foam, if it appears, and pour the resulting jelly into dry, clean containers.

II method, without thickeners

Honeysuckle jelly can be cooked without additional thickeners, since honeysuckle contains a sufficient amount of pectins.

In this case, simply boil the juice with sugar over very low heat with constant stirring at least twice. Readiness is determined drop by drop: if you drop it on a saucer, then it should keep its shape. Such jelly can be poured into jars, and it is better to close it not even with a lid, but with parchment paper. Such an extract from the juice can also serve as an additive to various dishes, for example, an original sauce can be prepared from it.

Advice: precisely observe the proportions of sugar and berries. Too much sugar will make the jelly less thick. The less sugar and more juice, the stronger the jelly will be.

Honeysuckle Confiture

Confiture is also prepared with the addition of gelling mixtures.

For 1 kg of berries, 50 g of water, 1.2 kg of sugar and 1 sachet of gelling agent will be required. If gelatin is weighed, then 20 g will be enough.

  • In mashed potatoes or berries twisted through a meat grinder, add water, sugar and bring to a boil.
  • Cook over low heat for no more than 10 minutes. Let's cool down a bit.
  • Add pre-dissolved gelling component.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil again, but do not boil.

Attention! The finished confiture is so thick that it can only be put into jars while it is hot.

In this video you will learn how to make a honeysuckle sauce that can be served with meat:

Jam from honeysuckle

For 1 kg of fruit we take 300 g of granulated sugar. Pour the washed berry into a container, pour a glass of water and boil it until it becomes completely soft. We filter through cheesecloth or wipe the resulting mass through a sieve. Add all the sugar to it and boil to the desired consistency.

How to cook povil so that it does not burn? To do this, it must be constantly stirred or boiled in a water bath. When the jam becomes thick, put it in sterilized jars to the very top, close with lids or tie with parchment paper.

honeysuckle jam

  • Pour the washed berry into a container in which we will prepare the jam. Add a little water so that it barely covers the bottom.
  • We put on a low fire. Boil the berries, stirring constantly for 5-10 minutes.
  • After that, add sugar. For 1 kg of honeysuckle, from 1.5 to 2 kg of sugar will be required, depending on preferences and on how acidic the fruits are.
  • We cook on medium heat. To prevent the jam from burning, stir it constantly.
  • When the sugar is completely dissolved, the jam is ready! We lay it out in jars, close the lids, turn it over and put it in a warm place for several hours.

Honeysuckle marmalade

Wash the fruits, dry and grind in any way. The resulting puree is boiled in a water bath to a thick consistency, gradually adding sugar, no more than half the volume of the honeysuckle mass.

If the honeysuckle is sweet-sour varieties, then you can do without sugar at all. As a result of evaporating the water, the volume of the puree should be halved. Next, lay out the future marmalade on a baking sheet, level the surface with a damp wooden spoon or knife if necessary and dry it in the oven with the door open for a few more hours.

Ready marmalade can be decomposed into special molds and stored in a closed state in the refrigerator.

A delicious jam recipe

Preparing almost like the famous five-minute. My berry, we sort it out, we fall asleep with sugar. For 1 kg of berries we take 1.5-2 kg of sugar. Leave overnight in a warm place. Drain the resulting syrup in the morning. Bring to a boil, remove the foam and pour the berries.

Mix thoroughly to dissolve the sugar that has settled at the bottom of the container. We leave until the evening. In the evening, drain the syrup again, boil for 5-10 minutes, constantly removing the foam. We fill the berry. In the morning, cook for 5 minutes, leave until the evening. In the evening, cook again for just a few minutes, no more. Pour into jars hot to the very top, close and wrap until morning.

The berry in such a jam does not fall apart, but remains intact and becomes like raisins, and the syrup remains transparent.

Tip: cook on low heat. Then the jam will not lose color and flavor.

Multicooker Recipes

Honeysuckle jam in a slow cooker

  • Wash the berries, sort them out, add sugar at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries.
  • We put in a secluded place for several hours, stirring occasionally so that the sugar dissolves.
  • After that, filter through cheesecloth or wipe through a sieve.
  • We shift the resulting mixture into a slow cooker and set to the “Jam” mode. For those who do not have such a function, we simply cook in the “Extinguishing” mode for 1 hour.
  • We lay out the finished jam, close and put it in a cool place.

Honeysuckle jam in a slow cooker

Pour the clean berry into the bowl of the multicooker. Separately, cook the syrup: 1 kg of sugar per glass of water. Pour berries with hot syrup. Set the mode "Extinguishing" or "Jam" for 60 minutes. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and seal tightly.

Honeysuckle blanks will come in handy especially in winter, when our body needs support. Marmalades, preserves, jams and marmalades can make the diet not only healthy, but also varied. And in our next article, read how to cook, where there is a detailed description of the recipes.

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Honeysuckle has unique qualities. Strengthening and increasing the tone of blood vessels, it contributes to the successful treatment of cardiovascular diseases, helps in the treatment of anemia and gastritis. These amazing berries reduce temperature and pressure, remove radionuclides.

Honeysuckle ripens in a short time, and fresh berries quickly deteriorate. Therefore, it is so important to know how to save them and harvest them for future use.

Blanks with preservation of useful properties

There are various ways to preserve honeysuckle for the winter, most often it is canning in the form of compotes, jam, jam, juice, etc.

Do not forget that the healing properties of fresh berries are lost during heat treatment. Therefore, recently they prefer to harvest honeysuckle for the winter, using drying and freezing methods.

Simple fruit freezing

This is one of the most widely available ways to harvest and save.

The sorted and washed berries are dried with a napkin. Now they need to be laid out on a flat dish with a 2-centimeter layer and put in the refrigerator. After 1-2 hours of cooling, you can transfer the freezer container to the freezer compartment.

Immediately after freezing, the berries are poured into plastic bags or other containers and left for storage in the freezer.

"Advanced" freezing

This is an unusually delicious dessert, in which the berries can be stored for the winter in almost the same form as they were in the summer.

A liter of prepared fruits is poured into a container and poured with condensed milk (1 jar). Condensed milk impregnates fruits, sweetens and promotes gentle freezing.

Dried honeysuckle

For this harvesting method, slightly unripe fruits are selected. Just spread them evenly in a thin layer on paper and dry in the sun for about a week or a week and a half.

You can dry the berries in the oven on a baking sheet for 6-10 hours at 40-60 ° C.

Berries harvested in such a simple way will come in handy in winter and can be used as an original and very healthy filling for baking.

Whole berries in sugar

4/5 jars are filled with selected honeysuckle fruits and sugar in a ratio of 1:2. It is important that the berries in jars are sprinkled with sugar evenly. Therefore, it is advisable to shake them slightly. The jars filled in this way are topped up with another layer of sugar one centimeter thick and immediately rolled up hermetically.

Jam "dry" without cooking

With this method of preservation for the winter, healing berries are ground with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. It is imperative to ensure that the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Therefore, light heating of the prepared mass is allowed. Such jam must be rolled up and stored at a temperature not exceeding 5 ° C.

Classic Recipes

Of course, these are options for making jam, jam, marshmallow, various compotes and juices from honeysuckle for the winter.


It is better to choose not overripe berries. When, sprinkled with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1, they release juice, you can start the cooking process. First, a 5-6 minute warm-up, then a 7-8 hour exposure. After that, the cooking process is continued until the moment when the berries stop rising to the surface.

So that the jam does not sugar over time, at the second stage of cooking it is good to add lemon juice or, alternatively, 1 g of citric acid crystals.

The workpiece welded by this method for the winter can be stored without hermetic clogging.


The fruits are washed, be sure to dry, crush and mix with sugar in a ratio of 1:1. After surviving 3-4 hours, bring the mass to a boil and lay it hot in jars.


For the winter, an unusual tasty preparation can be made with gelatin, or without it.

To do this, use freshly prepared honeysuckle juice, sugar and gelatin. The juice is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:1, 20 g of pre-soaked gelatin is added per liter of juice. Then boil it all for 3-5 minutes, after which it can be poured into jars and closed with lids.

It is possible to make jelly without the use of gelatin. To do this, a liter of juice with 800 g of sugar must be heated and, stirring constantly, boil down to 1/3 of the volume. Jelly is poured into jars and rolled up hot.


This healthy delicacy is prepared from the remains of berries obtained after squeezing the juice.

After mixing with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1, wait 3-5 hours until the sugar dissolves. The resulting mass remains to be rolled out, sprinkled with sugar quite a bit and dried. Then it is cooled and cut into pieces.

Healthy drinks

A pleasant reminder of the summer will be healthy drinks prepared for the winter from the fruits of honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle juice

The most useful is the juice. For a better separation of the juice, the berries are blanched for 3-5 minutes, then squeezed (most conveniently with a juicer). If desired, sugar can be added to improve the taste (150–200 g per liter of juice). Such juice is stored in a cool place.

Juice that they want to keep for as long as possible will require conservation rules. And this is a mandatory 3–5-minute boiling, quick filling into hot jars and hermetic sealing with pre-sterilized lids.

Compote for the winter

Honeysuckle compote can also be prepared in two versions - with and without sugar. But in both cases, pasteurization at 90°C for 15–20 minutes and airtight sealing are required.

Traditionally, compote for the winter is prepared as follows: syrup is boiled - 400 g of sugar per liter of water, jars are filled with 2/3 of the volume with berries, poured with hot syrup, pasteurized for 15-20 minutes, corked, turned over on a lid.

Compote without added sugar: 0.5 l jars are filled with berries for 1/2 volume, poured with prepared hot pre-squeezed juice. Further, as in the first method, sterilize, cork, turn over on the lid.

There are many ways to preserve honeysuckle for the winter, they are simple and accessible to everyone. Apply them and enjoy delicious and healthy berries throughout the year.

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