How to know if a man is greedy. Greedy man. What to do and how to behave

A woman, thinking about what a relationship with an ideal man should be like, always hopes that he will give her flowers and gifts, take her to restaurants and cinemas. But sometimes her dreams are broken at the initial stage of a romantic relationship. And the reason is ordinary male greed. To understand whether your chosen one is a miser or not, you can even on the first dates.

Building relationships with misers is quite difficult, because they do not seek to make extra expenses, not seeing an urgent need for them. Therefore, if you expect to spend a vacation on the sea coast at the expense of your loved one, you can safely forget about your plans. But even male greed can be fought, the main thing is to know how to behave correctly.

If you began to suspect your lover of greed, then it will not be so difficult to get confirmation of this. It is enough just to pay attention to such signs as:

  • He is not eager to visit places of entertainment, cafes and restaurants, he will not be dragged to the premiere of a new film in the cinema. He does not believe that spending money on vacation justifies itself.
  • If he does dine in a restaurant, he does not leave a tip to the waiter and does not allow himself or his companion to order expensive dishes.
  • He is aware of the prices in stores and is always aware of where the necessary or not so good goods can be bought at a discount.
  • The miser does not spend money on himself if there is an urgent need for this. He can walk around in worn and mended things, just not to buy something new. Such a man will not throw out anything superfluous and all his “junk” is smoothly sent for storage to the garage or to the far shelves of cabinets.

Causes of male greed

Psychologists say that greed is a pathology that is very difficult to cure. But this does not mean that the miser cannot be re-educated. Competent work with a specialist can significantly help in solving this problem.

Before you fight the greed of a loved one, you need to find out the origins of the problem. From the variety of reasons that affect excessive thrift, the following can be noted:

What to do if a man is greedy

Whether or not to build a relationship with a greedy person is an individual choice. If you are convinced that he is not just a thrifty person, but pathologically greedy, but still decided to be with him, then you can try to change his attitude towards spending money. However, do not console yourself with the illusion that everything will work out for you quickly, and he will cope with his pathology without unnecessary difficulties.

Gain strength and patience, and also pay attention to the following advice from psychologists:

  • Don't be overly modest. Often, women at the initial stage of a romantic relationship themselves refuse lavish gifts, trips to trendy restaurants and entertainment events. With such behavior, they are trying to win over a companion, showing that commercialism is not characteristic of them. However, a man is unlikely to understand the subtle move of his beloved and is more likely to believe that a woman simply does not need material signs of attention. So, if you do not want your gentleman to completely abandon the idea of ​​​​pleasing you with gifts and surprises, then do not go too far with the manifestation of your modesty.
  • Feel free to ask for help. If you need help, then you may well hint to your chosen one that you have a problem that he could help solve. Men are rarely able to understand veiled hints, so feel free to speak directly about your predicament. If he himself offers you his assistance, then do not refuse, but accept the help with joy and gratitude.
  • Don't forget to praise your man. Men love to receive praise and listen to compliments just as much as women. Therefore, do not forget to tell him that he is the most generous and caring, and how lucky you are with him.
  • Don't expect quick results. If you have consciously decided to continue a relationship with a greedy man, then do not expect him to change in record time. Be patient and consistent in your actions.
  • Don't dream of the impossible. Get used to making plans together with your lover. He must understand how you see your life together and what exactly you are counting on. But all dreams must be clear and achievable. That is, one must dream not of a villa on the coast of France, but of a summer cottage outside the city.
  • Be generous to your partner. If you expect him to be generous and caring, but you yourself do not have the same qualities, then all your hopes will remain so. It is impossible to demand from a stingy man to stop being a miser when they themselves are not ready to please him with surprises and their attention.

How to live with greed

Building a relationship with a stingy man is quite difficult and there are no guarantees that he will change his attitude towards handling money. If you have made every effort to re-educate him, but have not been successful, then the question arises of your willingness to continue this relationship. You can give it up and find a more generous life partner, or you can accept the status quo.

If for you love for him is more important than expensive gifts, then listen to the following recommendations:

  • Remember women's cunning and wisdom. In most couples and families, the man manages the budget, so learn to carefully manage his intentions. Gently push him to make the decision you need, passing off your desires as his. Do not insist, but subtly manipulate his mood. Then you will achieve great results.
  • Learn to justify the need for this or that spending. Fisted men will agree to make a purchase only when they recognize the benefits of acquiring it.
  • Take care of your own income. If you are in a relationship with a miser, you cannot sit at home and expect him to fund all your needs. Such men do not tolerate when their beloved sits on their neck. To begin with, he will begin to periodically resent, but over time, the need to support the chosen one will begin to cause dull irritation on his part.

Living with a miser is difficult, but possible. If you are driven by love for this man, and you make some efforts so that the relationship develops, despite his stinginess, then you can very well count on a wonderful future together.

Male greed is a fairly common occurrence, from which a large number of women suffer. As a rule, it is impossible to fight this character trait, therefore it is quite reasonable, at the first suspicion of the stingy inclinations of your chosen one, to hastily retire from among his entourage. But, there are also such male representatives who, despite pathological greed, are still able to pamper their lady of the heart with gifts.

Signs of a greedy man

- He does not spare money for himself and spends it with pleasure, provided that the purchase will be personally useful to him. Therefore, you should not be guided by "clothing", as a mean man can look quite presentable. Such a subject does not save on himself, but when the situation forces him to fork out for gifts and things that do not bring him joy, then all the signs of his greedy nature appear.

- Under no circumstances will he make a gift without a reason, even the most inexpensive and insignificant. This type will not miss the opportunity, albeit in a playful way, to comment on the high prices at the restaurant where you went to meet friends. He also often talks about money, but not in terms of ways to increase earnings, but discussing where and how much he had to pay.

- I tend to give only those gifts that will be useful to him. For example, instead of flowers and a cute plush toy, he presents his beloved with wine and sweets, which he himself will enjoy.

- Likes to get everything for free. Searching for discounts, free entertainment and the like, spends a lot of time. He also prefers to constantly calculate, figure out and seeks to gain even in small things. If he is lucky enough to buy a loaf of bread at one of the shops for a ruble cheaper than anywhere else, he will be incredibly happy about this fact, constantly remembering this “extraordinary luck”.

- Reluctantly changes large bills. For example, in transport, in a cafe, in a store, in a nightclub, he may ask if you have small money, because, you see, he “does not want to change a hundred.”

- Makes gifts, but then remembers these moments for a long time, emphasizing his rare "generosity".

- Never leave a tip to a waiter in a cafe or restaurant.

Experienced psychologists say that a greedy man is fundamentally different from a mean man. What is the difference? In some cases, male stinginess manifests itself as an unwillingness to part with money to acquire useless and unnecessary, in his opinion, things. For example, he does not agree to buy a dress you like in a store. But in the meantime, it fills your fridge full of delicacies or makes expensive repairs in your apartment. If a man is greedy in precisely this way, then this is not the worst variant of the manifestation of stinginess.

How to test a man for greed, being at the first stage of a romantic relationship

It is not only possible, but also very necessary to recognize male miserliness in a timely manner. Start checking small. Do not miss the opportunity with your chosen one to admire some not too expensive trinket that you saw in a shop window while walking with him. Passing by a flower shop, inform, as if by chance, what flowers you are not indifferent to. It is quite possible that he will not react instantly and will not buy everything that you liked - you should not draw hasty conclusions about him, since it is possible that today he simply did not have enough money with him. But if a man is generous and attentive, then a pleasant surprise awaits you a little later and, perhaps, more than one.

Rely on your own intuition in matters of male greed, and it will not let you down! Demand from your man only what he is able to give you and, based on this, decide whether this type of relationship suits you. It is unreasonable to demand diamonds from a man who lives on the modest salary of an office worker. But it’s completely stupid to endure next to the owner of a heavy wallet who comes on a date without bothering to buy even a modest bouquet of flowers or any other pleasant trifle.

Why do men get greedy

The main reason for male greed is a strict upbringing in childhood or the example of a father who was not very generous towards his mother.

Selfishness and pronounced selfishness. In this case, the man does not skimp on spending money on himself, but his woman is unlikely to expect expensive and frequent gifts.

Poverty or lack of funds in the past. Perhaps a man is overly frugal for the reason that the family in which he grew up was constantly in need of something, so now he seeks to save as much money as possible “for a rainy day” so that his current or future family does not need anything .

A man lives in the future, forgetting about the present. Sometimes the heads of families are so absorbed in the process of saving money for a car, an apartment, or something else that, for the sake of their goal, they neglect the needs of their loved ones.

Relationship insecurity. If a man is not sure that your relationship with him will last for a long time, then he can reason like this: “I don’t know her well, perhaps we won’t succeed in anything serious, so I won’t spend money on her for now.” Such an approach seems to be reasonable, but somehow too unpleasant. It is a pity that for some reason men do not realize that such a scenario of behavior today is unlikely to lead to a happy joint future tomorrow.

Fears and complexes. Men, in order to justify their greed, like to say: “I want you to appreciate and love me for who I am.” And, as a rule, it is precisely those who do not have a penny for their souls that voice it. Men who managed to achieve and achieve something in this life do not suffer from such complexes. But nature has laid down that women from time immemorial fell in love with the achievements and results of men's activities.

Misunderstanding of women's hints. Perhaps you think your man is greedy in vain. After all, the problem may lie only in the fact that he simply does not realize that you need gifts, flowers, surprises, and your hints are so veiled that for a man they seem like a real puzzle. Just tell him directly about your needs and desires, and after his reaction to what was said, draw conclusions.

Are there effective methods to combat male miserliness?

If you have come to the conclusion that the man who is now next to you is a real greedy man, then you can correct his behavior, but for this you need to have a lot of patience and a desire to take the situation into your own hands.

First of all, at the stage of acquaintance and first meetings, women themselves sometimes extinguish the desire of men to be generous suitors, for inexplicable reasons refusing chic gifts, visiting expensive restaurants, and thereby accustoming the gentleman to the idea that you can do without all this. So, dear representatives of the fair sex, down with excessive modesty!

Secondly, tell your greedy that he is your most generous, understanding, caring. If he truly loves and cherishes you, he will not want to fall from the pedestal on which you have so confidently erected. Praise is the thing that really works! Praise a man, and he will do his best to match the characteristics that you assigned him.

Thirdly, let the man feel the difference between your good mood and the chagrin that you may experience due to the lack of proper attention from him. It is important that your good mood brings him special joy. Make sure that he is careful not to refuse you the fulfillment of desires, because this will affect your mood and, of course, your relationship with him.

Always be grateful for gifts from him, do not skimp on kind words, but measure your gratitude to the man for the attention he has received. You should not be equally happy with a soft toy and a mink coat, otherwise ... from now on you will only receive teddy bears.

Convinced tight-fisted men are not very susceptible to re-education, especially if you started the educational process after such a man became your lawful husband. Of course, feelings are not measured in crisp bills, but a miserly husband is unlikely to be a joy to you. Happiness to you and generous gifts and attention of men!

There are men who call themselves frugal and economical, but in fact they are characterized by banal greed. Such people scrupulously count money and do everything in order to prevent unnecessary, in their opinion, expenses. A husband or boyfriend who is characterized by greed will not give his chosen one an extra gift, as he believes that this is an unjustified waste of money. Building relationships with such people is not easy, but there are some secrets in psychology that allow you to do this.

When a woman is deeply in love with such a man, then greed is perceived as a positive quality that characterizes the chosen one as an excellent owner and responsible person. As soon as the love gradually passes, the woman realizes that she has a greedy man in front of her, so she begins to think about whether to continue the relationship with her partner or not.

Greed in men has signs that are easily recognizable.

All men who are united by greed can be classified depending on the characteristics of psychology:

  1. 1. People with innate greed: these are egoists who have been taught from childhood that all the best should go to them. Such men are ready to spend money exclusively on themselves, while friends and relatives do not have to wait for generosity from them. It is possible to build a happy relationship with a man, but only if he truly loves the girl, thanks to which he will not refuse her anything.
  2. 2. Stingy: Recognizing a stingy person is easy. He saves not only on others, but also on himself. If a person constantly walks in the same clothes, does not allow himself to eat well, does not travel, having money for all material goods, then one can judge his stinginess. Such a man saves all earned finances, but does not spend. It is difficult to tolerate this person in family life, since a woman will have to account for every penny spent and limit herself in everything. It makes no sense to continue the relationship with a stingy guy, but if we are talking about a husband, then the woman can only provide for her material needs on her own.
  3. 3. Thrifty because of a difficult childhood: people who have been poor since childhood, even with a good financial situation, try to save. The thing is that from an early age they are accustomed to restrictions, so they are afraid of losing financial independence and becoming poor again. You can build relationships with such men if you understand their behavior and explain that in life you need to allow yourself pleasure, and this will not be considered wasted money.
  4. 4. Inadequate greedy: this guy's greed comes to the point of absurdity. A person can easily come to a birthday with a cheap gift that will certainly offend the hero of the occasion. Such a guy replaces a trip to a restaurant with homemade pies, for the manufacture of which no money was spent. The actions of a pathological greedy often cause laughter from others because of their absurdity. It is useless to fight such a man, because, together with pathological greed, he may have such shortcomings as a tendency to psychological violence, despotism, infantilism, and so on. It is worth leaving such a guy and finding a more worthy candidate for husbands.
  5. 5. Practical: this man is careful about money, but he is aware of why he does it. The desire to save money is explained by the fact that a person seeks to raise money for a quality vacation, a new car, and the opening of his own business. In order for such a man to become more generous towards his chosen one, a woman should behave tactfully. You can sincerely thank him for the gifts made, without stinting on the praise of your loved one. Seeing the joy of his beloved, the guy or husband will want to please her with pleasant surprises more often.

false greed

Guys who want to test a girl for lack of self-interest pretend to be greedy, but this does not go beyond the bounds of decency. A wealthy man may at first deliberately invite his chosen one to a not as expensive restaurant as she would like, give modest bouquets and ignore hints of requests to give expensive gifts. This behavior allows the guy to avoid a relationship with a lady who is only interested in money.

What to do if a man is greedy? And immediately I have a question, why do you need this? Why do you need a greedy man, with whom you are ashamed to even be, especially among strangers?

Well, maybe I'm wrong, and in other respects he is an ideal man, a handsome man, a Komsomol member, a gallant cavalier :) and there is no one else like him around. (This actually happens)

Let's look at the two main types of greedy men. These are completely different men and strategies of behavior with them may be different. The first type of man is a man who is indifferent to a particular woman and therefore does not want to spend money on her. The second type of man is always a greedy man with all women, in all circumstances. (There are still options. For example, Don Juans, psychopaths, rarely spend money on women, but we will consider only two main types).

Then I have, as usual, the first question. Is this man greedy only with you or in principle?

Quite often there is such a situation that a man, in principle, is not particularly greedy. It's just that his "greed" manifests itself in different ways. With those women with whom he is in love, appreciates them, etc. he may not be a model of generosity, but he spends money and not small ones.

If a woman is relatively indifferent to him, if he does not love her, but plans only a few meetings for sex (or even a few years for sex, without going into a relationship), then he can be very "greedy". In his opinion, why spend money if everything is fine anyway, if a woman is already running after him, calling, in love and without any expenses.

For example, women do not spend money on gifts for men at the first meetings, on cafes to invite a man whom she barely knows and whom she still likes moderately. (but there are no better ones yet) Why? Not because women are greedy. Of course not. Many women spend money on gifts for their beloved men with pleasure. But why spend money if you don't really like a man and there are ethical standards when a man should pay the costs of a date at least.

The same is true for men. If a woman already agrees to sex, lack of relationships, or even achieves this from a man with all her initiative, despite the fact that if he is not indifferent to her, then why spend money? It's just stupid. And the man does not spend. I repeat that a man does not spend money not because he is greedy. With another woman, he can behave in a completely different way. He does not spend, as it is stupid in his opinion.

And here greed is just one of the manifestations of the fact that a man does not love a woman. Why would he waste money on something he doesn't value? That's right, no reason.

This woman (whom she does not love) will leave, and he will not be very upset. (maybe even happy)

What is the way out in this situation?

I think it's obvious. You need to get away from this man.

Of course, there is a theoretical option to make a man fall in love gradually. That is, when there is already some kind of relationship where he does not really appreciate a woman, but then somehow make him appreciate her or even fall in love and spend money accordingly.

But this requires considerable psychological skill. And if it were, then the woman would not even get into a situation where a man for a long time shows greed for her at all levels. (money, time, nerves, initiative).

Therefore, try in the future to either build up this skill (which is difficult and long) or build relationships only with those men who clearly take the initiative in the first stages, fall in love with you, who clearly like you. Some kind of skill in such relationships is needed 10 times or even 100 times less.

How to determine that a man is greedy only for you? If there is an opportunity to see and compare how he spends money on you or on other women (he may have told or you know the former), then everything is simple. See and compare.

I gave my mother and sister a bouquet of 10 roses, but I forgot about you? He himself drives his car about his business without greed, but tries to get you to come to him for your light?

If there is no such possibility to compare directly, then the criterion still exists. A really greedy man always talks about how everything is expensive and / or how someone unreasonably spends money on something when it could be done much more economically. (Even if this savings is sometimes very controversial. That is, I saved on car maintenance, then repairs are needed)

A really greedy man talks and talks about it all the time. It is impossible to shut him up, he comments on everything and everyone in terms of expenses, their incorrectness, etc.

He not only says it, he lives it. That is, he may not go to a cafe, even if he earns very well, but try to spend the evening on the street. (If he is simply indifferent, then he will try to save money on a woman, and not on himself)

He constantly buys things at sales, he counts and saves all the time.

That is, the essence of a truly greedy man, and not an indifferent one, is manifested in everything and always. An indifferent man can spend a lot of money on all sorts of nonsense, but he will try to save money on a woman.

And further. A greedy man does not at all mean poor, or that he does not buy expensive things, or even that he does not give money to anyone. He just has different evaluation criteria for spending money, often incomprehensible in society, or at least for you. That is, he can buy expensive things that he considers important. For example, an apartment, shares, a car, etc. and the selection of these things for purchase will be made according to some of its criteria. But he can be greedy to buy tea in a cafe, a new pen (when you can buy a rod for an old one) or new trousers when they can be taken in for repairs in his opinion. (which sometimes looks funny when a man has a good income).

So, let's sum up a little.

There are few or even very few really greedy men (about them below). Most often we are talking about ordinary men who are relatively indifferent to a particular woman. (Or other types of men who rarely spend significant money on women, like don Juans or psychopaths) Why would he spend money if everything is fine anyway (there is a woman, there is sex, etc.) and even if such a woman leaves, then he not particularly upset. That is, such a man may well spend a decent amount of money on other women.

Which exit? I already wrote about this, but I will repeat. The easiest way out is to leave a man who is indifferent to you and find one who will like you, who will try to do something for you, try to help, etc.

The second way out is to make a man love you, coming out of a state of indifference. It is extremely difficult to do this, especially given the possible mistakes made. (excessive initiative on the part of a woman, self-disrespect, etc.) Such work requires good self-respect and mastery in the practical psychology of men. What exactly to do if you chose the second method? (Better forget about it) My whole site and books are about this.

The first is to restore self-respect. And after that, you will immediately come to the first point, when a man who does not want to spend a single ruble on his woman needs to be abandoned.

So what if the man is actually greedy? What to do?

I wrote above how to determine that a man is actually greedy, and not indifferent to a woman.

Then practically the only option is to at least first adapt to those criteria for spending money, at least in words, and better in actions.

If a man is not clinically greedy (there are very few of them) when money is not spent even on what is extremely necessary, then it is possible that he is very economical, simply perceived as greedy. Try to join him first.

For example, say that you didn’t eat at a cafe at work, but cooked at home and brought lunch with you, as it’s more economical.

Say that you bought something at a sale with big discounts. (or generally second-hand). Explain that when you travel, you stay in hostels, not luxury hotels.

Try to show the man that you are not going to waste your money first, and then his money (if you know each other better). In other words, show that you value his money and appreciate his beliefs about how to spend this money. Show that you are not going to, even if in the long term, as a result of a minute puff, waste years of his work and efforts to save money.

If you can show this to a man, then your chances of building a successful relationship with him will increase by an order of magnitude.

Secondly, if he believes you, he will begin to trust you and will spend money on you.

I repeat that a greedy man is not always a poor man. I will even say more. A greedy man does not always spend little on consumer goods. He just spends them differently. He wants to understand what he pays money for. He does not want to pay many times more for fashionable things, for something that he can easily make himself, for something that, in his opinion, costs many times more than it should.

Sometimes his behavior is unpleasant, not accepted in society. But, in fact, this is a different way of looking at spending money. (Again, we will remove the clinic when a person does not want to spend on anything other than water and bread).

You can get used to this behavior. It's not always easy. But I repeat that we are talking about men whose greed is not very developed and it is compensated by some significant pluses. That is, he can be reliable, make good money, can listen and reassure, etc., but there is a moderately developed lack of greed.

I have seen such examples of adaptation to the greed of a man more than once. Women live with such men relatively happily for years, they have children, and so on.

So, let's summarize.

Truly greedy men are rare. I have met in my life and heard stories from the lives of hundreds of men who spend little on their women. (compared to income of course). Very few of them are really greedy in everything. (not just greedy within the normal range, but unpleasantly greedy).

The vast majority of cases are not the greed of a man in the literal sense of the word, but indifference to a woman and the fact that he does not appreciate her very much. Yes, he can be polite and gallant, but usually in these cases he is polite and gallant with all women. That is, this is its background behavior.

Yes, he may like a woman in sex, but it just means that any other woman with a similar body will like him about the same.

And if a woman herself takes the initiative, if she herself carries even indirect expenses on herself, both temporary and monetary (comes to a man, her apartment, her dinner, etc.), then why should a man spend money?

After all, he practically does not care if a woman leaves or not.

Maybe, just maybe, if the woman really leaves on her own and doesn’t need to come up with something for parting or look at tears, unnecessary declarations of love, or even threats to do something with herself.

Therefore, the main reason why a man is greedy with a woman is his indifference to a particular woman. This is about 80% of all cases. The output here is clear. You need to part without scandal with the man who is indifferent to you. (You can scandal about the fact that a man does not do something unpleasant for you. Scandal and demand that you fall in love - this is a little funny and sad).

If a man is really greedy, that is, greedy with all people, with all women and in any situation, then the strategy may be different. That is to adapt to his greed. Understand why he does not spend money on this and that and learn how to spend money in a different way. Here, again, I repeat that such a lack of a man, in my opinion, should be compensated for by something good, at least, and greed itself is not expressed too strongly. That is, he must earn well, be reliable, love you, etc.

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.

Let's not dissemble: we all love generous men. But this seems to be a rare phenomenon: according to statistics, 56% of them are used to saving money, and 12% are real greedy people. What category is your partner in? To find out, according to psychologists, it is possible already from the first meetings. We tell you how to do it.

A generous boyfriend is every woman's dream

Why do we like generous suitors? You should not blame women's commercialism for everything, the reasons for this, psychologists say, have little to do with the financial solvency of a man. A number of studies and surveys have shown that in the understanding of women, generosity and the amount that a partner has are completely different things. So, for example, a partner with a low income, but ready to give everything just to please the woman she loves, ladies, as a rule, value it higher than a wealthy "mealer" who will spare money for his wife even for a chocolate bar.

Why? “For a woman, all these gifts, surprises, even if they are inexpensive, are proof of feelings. And if she loves, then I'm good, beautiful, she thinks. This gives her confidence in herself, in the future, in her partner, and in general makes her happier, ”- explains the psychologist Margarita Sultanova.

But let's be realistic: much more often we meet those who are not inclined to easily part with money. For what reason is an important question, psychologists say. From savings? This is not so bad: you can try to re-educate a thrifty partner, he will make all purchases in a balanced way, with him there is a chance to save up for a fur coat, and for a joint vacation by the sea, and for a new car, etc. It is more difficult with a pathological greedy: change it is impossible, as well as to convince him to spend a little ... on you. It is clear that if you have been living with your lover in the same apartment for a long time, then you will surely realize which of these categories he belongs to. In the early stages of the novel, this is a little more difficult to find out, but it is extremely important (except if you sincerely and wholeheartedly love the "miser" as a species).

To determine who is in front of you - a thrifty or greedy man - psychologists recommend paying attention to how he behaves in different situations:

1. At the first or second meeting

Some impressionable ladies are used to believing that if a new boyfriend came on a date without flowers, then he is greedy. And in vain! Perhaps he is not gallant, not romantic, or simply forgot to buy a bouquet. “But if he came with one carnation, this is already a reason to be wary. Your man obviously has not forgotten about decency, but decided to save money. And to impress, but "cheap"- says psychologist Margarita Sultanova.

Pay attention to how much he spends on himself. “If every date he comes on the subway and in the same shoes, but at the same time buys you some inexpensive goodies or cute souvenirs, this is a generous guy who cares according to his ability. But if you receive the same signs of attention from a boyfriend in a good car and in expensive watches, then most likely you have a rather stingy person in front of you. Margaret explains. From a greedy man, you will not receive even the smallest present "just like that." Exclusively on special occasions: birthday, March 8, New Year. But, you know, first you have to put up with cheap gifts, and then - with their complete absence.

2. In a cafe or restaurant

In which? Let him choose. A practical man, most likely, will prefer a delicious dinner at home to going to a restaurant. And if he takes you to a cafe, he will choose a middle-level establishment: cozy and inexpensive. A frugal man will most likely convince you of how pointless it is to overpay for a bottle of wine at exorbitant prices. Greedy, perhaps, will also talk a lot: look for reasons to refuse to go to an institution. Still agreed? Do not rush to rejoice, but watch what he orders.

“Looking for something cheaper on the menu? And then carefully checks the check? Economical. Leaves no tip - greedy. Offer to split the bill? Here it is already possible to make a diagnosis - an incorrigible miser!- continues our expert. Do not think that greedy people do not like expensive food or wine. They love it, how! But only “behind closed doors”, while no one sees, so that they don’t have to share. Spending money on someone, if they are, is very reluctant.

Greedy people do not like to spend money and require an account for everything, even the smallest expenses.

3. At the cinema

As you know, in many cinemas the price for daytime sessions is much lower than evening ones. An economical man will behave in this case as follows: he will offer to go tomorrow and watch a film in the afternoon. Why overpay? he will judge. A miserly boyfriend, most likely, instead of going to the cinema, will prefer walking around the city. Get ready to hear a lot of words about how beautiful the environment and weather are around, how much he wants to “just talk” with you in order to get to know each other better. Don't believe! In fact, he just does not want to spend money on you. Not scary? Okay, but then it’s better to figure it out right away: are you ready to forget about joint trips to cultural events. With greed they will not. At all.

4. In the store

Thrifty will choose carefully: both the store and purchases. But not because he wants to find cheaper - it is important for him that the price matches the quality. Greedy people, on the contrary, are not averse to spending money, but only on themselves. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that your purchases will not please him. “The greedy person will most likely find a thousand explanations that you don’t need these things. And if he still reaches the cashier, then, obviously, he will pay only for himself. And then, with a straight face, he will ask: “Zai, are you coming soon?” - predicts Margarita Sultanova. Therefore, the future with a greedy man seems rather bleak: you will have to account for the cost of each purchase, for every ruble spent. If you suddenly buy an expensive, even worse, unsuccessful thing - the greedy one will “nag” you for a long time.

However, even with a greedy person you can get along. True, on one condition - if he loves you as much as himself. “Where more important is not what gifts he gives you, but how he treats you. The main thing is that he does not skimp on courtship and emotions. This is more valuable than any flowers and presents,- says Margarita.

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