Effectively get rid of erysipelas on the leg at home

Erysipelatous inflammation occurs due to streptococcus, which causes infection by penetrating through microtraumas in the skin. The presence of erysipelas is manifested in redness, swelling, shiny area of ​​the skin, sometimes accompanied by high fever and nausea. Treatment of this disease at home is permissible after consulting a doctor.

Erysipelas on the leg - symptoms of the disease

From infection with streptococcus to the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, it can take up to ten days. At first, there is a general malaise:

  • weakness, loss of strength;
  • headache;
  • chills;
  • muscle pain;
  • lack of appetite, nausea;
  • indigestion - vomiting, diarrhea;
  • elevated body temperature.

Not later than 24 hours after the first symptoms, the following appear: the skin on the affected area turns red, becomes painful. There is swelling and burning, sensations of tension, tension of the skin. The remaining symptoms of erysipelas on the leg depend on the form of the disease. This may be the appearance of erythrema with fuzzy edges, peeling or peeling of the upper layer of the skin, the appearance of blisters filled with a clear or bloody fluid.

Treatment at home

Such an unpleasant and painful disease as erysipelas can be treated at home. To do this, use medicines, folk remedies, various ointments.


Erysipelas is a serious infectious disease caused by streptococcus. This inflammation of the skin quickly progresses and spreads. Therefore, the most effective method of treatment is medication, namely antibiotic therapy, which is administered intramuscularly. In especially severe and advanced forms, drugs are administered intravenously.

For the treatment of erysipelas on the leg is mainly used:

  • Erythromycin;
  • Penicillin;
  • Lincomycin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Levomycetin.

The necessary antibiotic is prescribed after the study and the results of the tests. The minimum course of treatment is a week. In severe cases - 14 days or more. The most effective is complex treatment, when, along with antibiotics, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory drugs are taken. Vitamins are welcome. Well established in the treatment of erysipelas physiotherapy - electrophoresis and ultraviolet irradiation.


Treatment of erysipelas with ointment is effective in local therapy, when it is necessary to destroy external foci of bacteria and reduce the pain syndrome that occurs with erysipelas. In such a situation, enteroseptol or erythromycin ointment is used. With the bullous form of erysipelas, the surgeon cuts the resulting blisters and squeezes out their contents. After that, a bandage soaked in a solution of furacilin or rivanol is applied to the damaged areas of the skin.

With an erymatous-hemorrhagic form of erysipelas, it is recommended to apply dibunol liniment twice a day. Also use an ointment prepared at home. Chamomile and yarrow juice is mixed with butter in a ratio of 1:4. This ointment is applied to the affected areas three times a day, these are the most effective ointments for erysipelas.


Streptocide for the treatment of erysipelas on the leg is used in the form of powder, tablets, ointment and liniment. The effectiveness of this drug is explained by antimicrobial properties in relation to streptococci. When taken orally, 0.5-1 gram is prescribed 4-5 times a day. When vomiting occurs, the drug is administered as a solution intravenously or intramuscularly.

Streptocid ointment is also used for erysipelas 10% and liniment 5%. In this case, the ointment, with erysipelas on the leg, is applied directly to the affected area or to a gauze bandage that is applied to erysipelas. In addition, powders directly on the wound with streptocide powder, previously sterilized, are effective.

In the absence of complications, Vishnevsky ointment can be used for erysipelas. Its effectiveness is explained by the substances present in its composition, which contribute to an increase in exudation and the formation and rupture of bubbles. Vishnevsky's balm against erysipelas is applied to a gauze bandage, which is wrapped around the damaged areas of the skin on the leg. The dressing is changed after twelve hours. However, in more severe forms of erysipelas, the ointment is not recommended. It promotes vasodilation and can aggravate the situation.

Beaver stream treatment

Beaver stream has bactericidal, healing properties, improves immunity. Therefore, it is effective in erysipelas on the leg. Beaver stream is recommended to be taken in the form of a powder. To prepare it, the dried stream is rubbed on a grater, then pounded in a mortar to a powdery state. Use once a day in an amount corresponding to the size of a match head. The course of treatment is two months, with a break for a month.

Folk remedies

How to get rid of erysipelas on the leg quickly and at home? This will help folk remedies.


A well-known and effective traditional medicine in the treatment of erysipelas on the leg is chalk. For the procedure, the chalk must be crushed to a powder state. Then sprinkle it on the affected areas of the skin and wrap it with a red cloth. Above is a towel. The compress is done at night. To the powder, you can add crushed chamomile flowers and sage leaves in equal proportions.

Herbal treatment

Prepare homemade ointments for erysipelas, for this you will need the following mixtures:

  • mix dry chamomile leaves with coltsfoot grass leaves in equal proportions;
  • add a little honey and apply the resulting mixture on the affected area of ​​the skin, leaving for half an hour.

Yarrow has long been famous for a large list of its capabilities, so much so that the ancient Greeks created a legend about it. In eliminating the infection, this folk remedy for erysipelas on the leg is quite capable of helping:

  • take some dried herbs and mix with butter;
  • Apply to the affected area several times a day, without washing off for half an hour or an hour.

The burdock leaf, which is used for many purposes, also has considerable benefits:

  • knead a fresh, only plucked leaf and mix with thick sour cream;
  • apply several times a day until the redness subsides.

When treating ailments at home, remember that the effectiveness of the healing effect depends on an accurate diagnosis.

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