Horoscope for the next week for Scorpio. Accurate horoscope for the week: Scorpio. Information for strategic thinking

On Monday, Scorpio will spend the whole day in his inner world. However, this little world will be very attractive and filled with many enchanting colors and images. On such days it is good to dream, to do some kind of creativity, to sit in a cozy armchair with a book in your hands ... And even better - to invite someone else into this little world of yours so that it would not be so lonely!

On Tuesday, the views of Scorpio will be radically different from the views of everyone else. Scorpio will be incomprehensible and suspicious of the ebullient enthusiasm of others. Even more suspicious will seem to him attempts to infect him with this enthusiasm. In any case, Scorpio will not voluntarily get involved in any public events on Tuesday, preferring to spend energy solely on solving their own problems.

On Wednesday, the most effective way for Scorpio is not to resist circumstances and calmly go with the flow. On this day, it is pointless to argue with fate and even more so to try to act according to a strict plan. Of course, you can build plans, but at the same time, Scorpio should be prepared for the fact that they can change several times during the day. Trust your intuition - it will tell you how best to act in unexpected situations.

Thursday at Scorpio promises to pass against the backdrop of obsessive thoughts on the topic: what is still better - determination or caution? While you think, you risk missing both time and opportunities. And the answer is actually obvious: choosing from these two qualities, try to combine them. In general, for Scorpio on Thursday, the rule of success sounds something like this: “I came, I thought, I won.”

On Friday, nothing is more contraindicated for Scorpio than shopping. A seemingly innocent shopping trip that day can turn into an impressive hole in the budget. If Scorpio nevertheless dares to go shopping on Friday, then it does not bother him to take someone stronger with him to hold his hands in front of the counter. But on Friday, Scorpio will be great at infecting others with their ideas and plans.

On Saturday, Scorpio does not interfere with his bookkeeping, and this applies not so much to work as to his own wallet. On Saturday, Scorpio will be able to finally make sure that money loves an account. A reasonable distribution of funds will allow him to find money for the desired purchases and at the same time avoid completely unnecessary expenses.

On Sunday, Scorpio runs the risk of experiencing firsthand all the hardships of sybaritism and epicureanism. It will be especially difficult to resist the temptation to burden your figure and conscience with some delicious high-calorie dish. So if Scorpio is set to fight with kilograms, on Sunday it is better for him not to appear in those places where it smells delicious. And do not delude yourself that, they say, one piece is not much. On Sunday, where there is one, there are fifteen!

Enemies of Scorpio will not be happy on Monday: he is ready to remove anyone who interferes with him or simply does not like him. If the ill-wisher does not run away from one of his warlike appearances, then he will have to withstand a thousand small attacks, because the main tactic of Scorpio on Monday is to peck the enemy to death. However, in the absence of external enemies, he can find internal ones by turning aggression against family or friends. The horoscope invites Scorpio to carefully monitor their behavior and not turn into an indignant monster for no reason.

Tuesday, March 31

Wednesday, April 1

On Wednesday, Scorpio is able to repulse any problems: his attitude will allow him to deal with them “with one hand”, and without any outside help - on this day, one in the field is quite a warrior. However, the horoscope says that any outside interference can only interfere with Scorpio, because on Wednesday he is not set up to work in a team and does not want to listen to advice, so that the common cause will stall due to quarrels. It can be difficult to communicate with your family: Scorpio can behave quite sharply with them and offend them.

Thursday, April 2

This day can become really good for Scorpio if he directs energy on Thursday to solve work issues. In this case, Scorpio gets a chance to “break through” an obstacle that has long been in the way, to break resistance - to sign the desired contract, to convince the right client, manager or colleagues. Well, the horoscope advises Scorpio to return home rather tired, ideally completely exhausted, so that there is no more strength left for quarrels and squabbles, which are very possible because of this emotionality.

Friday, April 3

On this day, the spirit of Machiavelli instills in Scorpio: on Friday, he is excellent at managing people so that they do not notice it. Scorpio is now very good at inspiring, guiding and becoming an example, so it's time to start correcting the behavior of others, step by step pushing them in the direction you need. Presenting the right idea in time is the best way to influence. The horoscope encourages Scorpio to use the "art of the puppeteer" only for "peaceful" purposes. It's not worth pushing someone's foreheads and weaving intrigues, on Friday it's quite dangerous.

Saturday, April 4

It is very possible that on Saturday someone will want to influence the opinion of Scorpio, and the nature of the impact can have an intensity of different strengths: from light manipulation to hard pressure. The horoscope warns: voluntarily or involuntarily, the manipulator pushes you where you do not need to. Feeling the pressure, Scorpio should delicately hint at their own independence, and if this is not enough, you can show your teeth. On Saturday, Scorpio needs to live with his mind.

Sunday, April 5

This day may require a non-standard approach to solving a problem from Scorpio. The horoscope advises: if you feel that the standard steps do not bring results, do not repeat them over and over again, try improvising! Only in this way will Scorpio be able to overcome all the difficulties of this day. This recommendation is relevant on Sunday both for business or work, and for personal life: if you are not getting what you want from loved ones, try changing your approach.

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Weekly horoscope for Scorpio woman

In the pace of the modern world, it is very easy to “get lost” and lose your true bearings. It is necessary to constantly keep under control various areas of life. The best solution in this matter is planning. The Scorpio woman, due to her perseverance and determination, will, without a doubt, fulfill all the tasks that she herself sets for herself. But what if the business talks scheduled for Wednesday don't bring the expected result? Or is a quarrel with a loved one predicted and in order to avoid it you need to be more careful in your statements? Or maybe there are little things that the Scorpio woman does not pay due attention to, but is worth it? Do your children need more attention and motherly affection, and you are very busy with work or household chores? The weekly horoscope for Scorpio will tell you which area of ​​life will require your attention in the coming days. That is why, before planning important matters, it is better to look into the horoscope for the next week for Scorpio. As the proverb says, "Forewarned is forearmed." These words really have a deep meaning. Knowing the prediction for the week, Scorpio can easily adjust his affairs to him. Perhaps those very negotiations should be postponed until Thursday, but today it is better not to conflict with your loved one and pay attention to children. Agree - so much calmer. Sometimes at least some hints are so necessary, especially if a Scorpio woman is in doubt, when a lot of questions are spinning in her head, but there are no answers to them. A Scorpio woman is a maximalist in any area of ​​life, she needs everything at once. But every day life makes its own adjustments and may not turn out the way we would like. If you watch the weekly horoscope for Scorpio regularly, he can be mentally prepared for any turns and remain calm, balanced, and most importantly, he can avoid trouble. The weekly horoscope for a Scorpio woman covers all major aspects of life - love, friendship, family relationships, career, health. It does not hurt anyone to get acquainted with the recommendations of astrologers.

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Horoscope for the current month - Scorpio (April)

Excessive enthusiasm for work in April can come back to haunt you with a deterioration in well-being and apathy. Try to plan your day so that there is enough time for rest and hobbies. Yoga, meditation and music therapy will help you relax and rejuvenate.

Work: The Sun from the 6th astrological field advises to start the month with a general cleaning in the workplace. Put all documents in order, delete unnecessary folders from your computer, refresh the interior with new curtains, if possible, update office equipment - this will help you spend a very productive month and cope with all the challenges, of which there will be many, because the 6th house of the horoscope, in which the sun has set, - the sector of work. Many representatives of your sign will begin to fulfill new duties in April, the leadership will set a number of ambitious tasks that will have to break their heads. Probably the appearance of additional earnings on the side. Big changes await Scorpions working in the service sector, both positive and negative.

Important events in professional life can occur in the first decade of the month, when Jupiter will connect with your patron Pluto. Competition, the struggle for power within the company in which you work, will intensify, and it is you who will have every chance to finally take the best place in the sun. On April 5, you may have a large amount of money at your disposal. On this day, financial luck is entirely on your side: success is expected in commerce, insurance issues, investing money, resolving tax and debt disputes.

Health: The first week of the month will be psychologically difficult, which will pass under the intense influence of Saturn. Everything will be seen in black, and even a small nuisance can cause a nervous breakdown. To avoid depression, start practicing auto-training. Color therapy classes will be no less useful for you, the main thing is to find a competent specialist. On April 5 or 6, someone from your inner circle will just advise you of one, as the friendly Moon says.

Resume treatment for a chronic disease between April 9 and 18 when you come under the influence of Uranus. Try alternative medicine methods that will make you feel much better. Also note that this period is perfect for taking tests and conducting computer diagnostics of the body.

There will not be so much energy, so try to rest more, which is what the unfavorably located Mars calls for during the period from April 19 to 30. Be sure to take breaks during the work day or while doing household chores. Get at least seven hours of sleep and train yourself to go to bed as early as possible. On April 28 or 29, visit a massage or spa salon, which will be favored by the night luminary, which activates your friendly sign of Cancer.

In the world: The first decade of the month is a suitable period for familiarizing yourself with the beautiful, which is suggested by Neptune, which has a beneficial effect on your sign. Attend music concerts, exhibitions, theatrical performances, etc. Do not deny yourself anything. If you have some creativity, feel free to show it off and take part in a competition or similar event. Spend April 9 or 10 with close friends. Thanks to the Moon activating the sign of Scorpio, you will be the center of attention, which will give you indescribable pleasure.

Auspicious days: 3, 5, 6, 9.18

Unfavorable days: 14.19, 22

Scorpio love horoscope for today, tomorrow, a week and a month.

General weekly horoscope for Scorpio:

This is a good time to make positive changes in your personal life. You desperately need to feel the joy of life. And you will have such an opportunity. You will be lucky in business and in love. Show initiative, assertiveness and determination. Be honest about your feelings. And you will be reciprocated. Also, the stars promise you solid cash receipts.

Weekly love horoscope for Scorpio:

In close relationships, try to be softer, more compliant and attentive. A loved one needs your support, care, your energy and strength. Spend more time together.

Weekly career horoscope for Scorpio:

The week will be financially stable, you will receive additional profit. Thursday is likely to increase wages. On Friday, you can expect profitable offers and orders. Good luck promises a game on the stock exchange.

Weekly health horoscope for Scorpio:

As part of this seven-day period, you can cleanse the body - the stars recommend doing this to those representatives of the sign who have been thinking about it for a long time, but could not decide. This week it will bring you maximum benefit - and no harm if you act according to the rules and do not go too far. Those who doubt which method is better to choose should consult a doctor. Dry fasting is prohibited.

General characteristics of the sign Scorpio

general characteristics

The patron saint of Scorpions is Pluto. Those who were lucky enough to be born under his protection are distinguished by their mystical and mysterious authority. Even the toughest nut can't resist such charms. Poisonous predators unravel the most complex mysteries of the universe with enviable ease, knowing exactly what caused this or that global phenomenon. The reason for this is their sharp intuition and a sober view of things. It is typical for people of this sign to be smart, brave, hardy and extremely stubborn in achieving their own goal. They will not tolerate competition, wholeheartedly demanding a constant struggle for leadership. In peace and tranquility, these fighters for the throne of the ruler simply cannot imagine their life. Each Scorpio is constantly in search of difficulties in order to skillfully and quickly overcome them. No need to try to convince or advise the child of Pluto, because he is a typical loner, guided only by his own opinion. Nature has generously endowed Scorpios with magnetic sexuality and a bright ability for creativity. The inner world of such a person is so deep and confusing that it is not possible to plunge and understand it. The personality of Scorpio is dual, so he is able to combine incongruous, mysterious and incomprehensible. You can be sure: these stubborn people are able to resist external pressure forever, not allowing themselves to submit to anyone and never, sacredly honoring their independence. Their pride is truly great, as well as curiosity with irritability. No, they may well do good deeds, but one should not think that it is alien to them to do the most terrible evil. Scorpios have the talent to completely absorb a weak and passive personality, subsequently controlling it according to their sophisticated taste. Among the representatives of the sign there are psychics, doctors, surgeons, sailors, generals and dictators. In the event that an insidious predator has bright creative inclinations, he may well become a famous scientist or philosopher, for example. Also, they are not alien to the profession of show business stars and theater actors.


Iron will allows Scorpios to rarely get sick, skillfully managing all the vital resources of their body. It is these livestock that are able to quickly recover from the most terrible and life-incompatible injuries. However, if they are struck by any ailment, they suffer from the most severe forms, experiencing considerable discomfort. They should pay increased attention to the heart, legs and back. By the way, Scorpions are often haunted by nosebleeds. As already mentioned, they are endowed with exceptional sexuality, which makes them terrible jealous and lovers of passions. It often happens that ladies under such a sign are engaged in witchcraft or black magic. God forbid someone manages to arouse rage in the heart of this lady, then there can be no doubt: nothing will stop her on the way to wiping the offender off the face of the earth. The fact is that Scorpio does not know how to maintain a balance between negative and positive - he either loves madly or hates with all the fibers of his soul. It is common for men of this sign to be typical Don Juans, as a rule, rudely treating their passions on the basis of jealousy. Such a seducer is unlikely to run to the registry office after a month of acquaintance, and not everyone can endure life with such an unbearable and bloodthirsty tyrant.

The nature of Scorpio is sensual, not accepting restrictions in everything, but in love - in the first place. One gets the impression that this predator was born in order to love. He himself understands this very well, gravitating towards a wonderful feeling with all his might. Scorpios will never lose, knowing their own price. In the event that it is not possible to enter into a legal marriage with your soulmate, the conquered Scorpio will love his life partner with such love that spouses are sometimes incapable of. His ardent heart constantly tells him to do something, and Scorpio is unable to refuse him. True, one should not expect an active and vivid manifestation of one's feelings from him. In public, he, as a rule, behaves rudely, cruelly and coldly, which cannot be said about face-to-face communication: here he can shower his beloved with oaths of immortal love. Suspicion and jealousy are the hallmarks of this sign. As for the weak half of the scorpion society, they are endowed with the talent to see the soul of their potential companion literally through and through. It is vital for such women to burn in the flame of passions, which is connected not only with the intimate sphere of relationships. It is typical for her to treat everything around with a "light": either love or hate. Being a notorious jealous woman, she cannot stand being suspected and jealous of her. But how can you resist mental anguish when crowds of fans constantly revolve around this gorgeous lady?

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