Effect of E450 on the body. Sodium pyrophosphate e450 - what is it and how does it affect human health E 450 food

Almost every modern product contains a variety of food additives, while the full degree of harm to human health is unknown to many consumers. Many manufacturers do not provide reliable information about the composition of their products, or mask the names of harmful additives with synonyms, and only an experienced and attentive consumer can figure out what's what.

To date, the most common additives in the food industry are sodium acid and potassium pyrophosphates - most often this type of additive can be found in the meat industry.

In the composition of products, pyrophosphates can be indicated in the form of a formula - E450. Let's try to understand in more detail what pyrophosphates are, how they affect the human body, what is the maximum daily intake of supplements, etc.

Scope of pyrophosphates

Pyrophosphates (when viewed from the side of chemistry) are esters and salts of pyrophosphoric acid (which has the formula H4P2O7). In the manufacturing process of a variety of products, they are used as stabilizers, or leavening agents, acidity regulators, moisture retainers, complexing agents and emulsifiers. If you look at E450 under a microscope, you can see small powdery crystals (granules) of white color.

The main purpose of these chemical compounds in the meat industry is to add volume to muscle fibers, therefore, the product increases in mass. This additive is always added to the composition of meat products and sausage products, since there is a special permission of the state type GOST R55054-2012 for this.

The use of pyrophosphates in the meat industry

In addition to the fact that after the use of additives, the mass of the product at the outlet increases, esters and salts of pyrophosphoric acid in the production of semi-finished meat products are also used for the following purpose:

  • saturate the product with a uniform and appetizing color;
  • improve and bring to uniformity the consistency;
  • stop the oxidation process;
  • extend the shelf life of the finished semi-finished product and preserve all its taste qualities.

The popularity of the food additive E450 is easy to explain, as it has special chemical properties. With the help of potassium and sodium pyrophosphates, it is possible to achieve an excellent homogeneous consistency of the product with a minimum number of pathogenic bacteria (they prevent the development of bacteria), and also help to keep the product fresh for a long period of time.

In addition to the fact that E450 is used in the food manufacturing process, pyrophosphates are actively used for the production of insect repellents, detergents (they perfectly eliminate and prevent the reproduction of pathogenic organisms).

Yes, it’s quite difficult to do without a moderate addition of E450, since manufacturers need to maintain the presentability and freshness of products that fall on store shelves for as long as possible, otherwise the products would deteriorate instantly, which, of course, is unprofitable for manufacturers, and products are not for consumers. would be able to reach.

Classification of pyrophosphates

To date, the food industry uses eight varieties of pyrophosphates, which have their own personal marking from I to VIII - it is indicated in close proximity to the E450 formula. List of food grade pyrophosphates:

  • disodium;
  • trisodium (acid pyrophosphate);
  • tetrasodium;
  • dipotassium;
  • tetrapotassium pyrophosphate;
  • dicalcium;
  • calcium;
  • dimagnesium.

Body reaction

This food additive is in the group of permitted additives among the EU countries, in Ukraine and Russia. But there are exceptions. In Europe, dimagnesium pyrophosphate has not been used for a long time, but in our country it can still be used, and therefore manufacturers actively use it. All esters and salts of pyrophosphoric acid are chemical elements of the third degree of harmfulness, in other words, their harmlessness to the human body is in doubt.

The use of E450 in small doses will not harm the body, but it is worth considering the individuality of each organism - the reaction to this supplement can vary significantly. According to the results of numerous studies and practical exercises, it has been proven that these chemical elements can provoke the appearance of a variety of allergic reactions (including severe forms), a sharp increase in pressure, and can also disrupt the digestive system, the process of assimilation of nutrients and nutrients.

Regular addition to the diet of foods containing E450, even in insignificant amounts, entails impaired absorption, and. Consequently, these elements will be retained in the kidneys, and, as a result, will lead to the formation of stones, and in addition, the absence of phosphorus, iron and calcium will adversely affect the condition of the teeth and bone tissues.

According to the results of numerous medical studies, it became known that regular use of E450 can provoke the manifestation of cancerous tumors, as well as unbalance species in the body.

During the shopping period, you need to carefully study the packaging, and pay attention to the content of the E450 additive - its safe rate is seventy milligrams per kilogram of the product.

Areas of use

The record holders for the use of this additive in the production are meat processing enterprises: the additive is used in the production of cold cuts, minced meat, sausages, sausages, sausages, etc.

Pyrophosphates are mandatory in some dairy products, especially in the composition. Often E450 can be seen on the label of low-quality cheap.

Sometimes these inorganic additives can be found in baby food and in the composition of toothpastes - such products should be avoided as much as possible.

Some unscrupulous manufacturers have begun to add pyrophosphates to (for weight). It is for this reason that some types of bakery products do not go stale for weeks.

The use of artificial preservatives and flavorings in foods has become an integral part of the food industry. It has become difficult to find products on store shelves that do not contain artificial additives. They help manufacturers improve the taste of products and extend their shelf life. However, such a way out of the situation for the manufacturer often turns into a problem for the buyer.

Among the additives used in the food industry, potassium pyrophosphates are also popular under the E450 marking. This white, translucent stabilizer is odorless and in powder form. Although the E450 stabilizer dissolves well in water, once it enters the body, it can accumulate in organs and blood vessels.

Additive E450 is widely used. It can be found in meat, dairy products, confectionery, canned food.

Food supplement E450

Manufacturers widely use the E450 food additive due to the fact that it has several functions:

Harm of the E450 additive

This preservative is approved for use in the food industry, but in limited quantities. Studies on the effect of E450 on the body have shown that this chemical compound leads to an imbalance in the body of calcium and phosphorus. As a result, the body may experience a deficiency, which will lead to the development of osteoporosis.

In addition, the negative effect of E450 on the body lies in the fact that the supplement helps to increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood. But the worst thing is that the systematic use of products with the addition of E450 can provoke the development of cancer.

The food industry of the 21st century is a high-tech mass production. Countless conveyors produce huge batches of food products every second.

Since most giant factories are located at a considerable distance from most of their consumers, they resort to the use of preservatives.

What are harmful food additives

The main harmful additives that are included in the composition of food products can be:

  • a preservative that provides a long shelf life;
  • a dye that gives a brighter color to the product (sometimes even acidic);
  • thickener, which gives the product ductility and a pleasant texture;
  • a flavor enhancer that contributes to the development of a person's addiction to the product;
  • flavoring, thanks to which you can smell even through the box.
Classification of harmful food additives

Most of the additives that have a harmful effect on the human body are included in the commonly known classification of food additives in the European Union. The difference between this classification is the presence of a unique code for each food additive, and all codes begin with the letter "E" (European Union / Europe).

5 most dangerous additives

The following 5 additives are not only the most harmful food additives, but also banned in the territory of the Russian Federation:

  1. E121 is a dye that can be written in the composition as “citrus red”, or “citrus red” (dangerous because it causes cancer);
  2. E123 is also a dye, better known as "red amaranth" or "amaranth" (the additive causes cancer, allergic reactions, is not associated with the Amaranth plant - a completely synthetic additive);
  3. E128 is a dye "red 2G" or "red 2G" (causes multiple allergic reactions);
  4. E173 is "aluminum" or "aluminum" (causes liver disease);
  5. E240 is a preservative "formaldehyde" or "formaldehyde" (a carcinogen that causes cancer).

What we eat

Some additives, although used in the food industry, are necessarily limited in the content of products. They can be found on store shelves - these are E 250 and E 450. If they are found in the composition of your usual products, put them back on the counter.

For example, is e 250 a food additive harmful or not? In order to understand, you need to know that this additive is “sodium nitrite” or “sodium nitrite”. The additive is used to kill harmful botulism bacteria that can appear in smoked sausages, and also as an antioxidant.

The danger of consumption is associated with the possible development of cancer, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system, but since these smoked products are rarely eaten, it is considered acceptable to use them.

When the question arises: “Is 450 a food supplement harmful or not?” We can safely say that it is harmful, because e 450 is a whole group of pyrophosphates, which can be designated by a number of different names. For people, especially children, this supplement is very dangerous, as it disrupts the phosphorus and calcium balance in the body, and contributes to the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

When buying meat for cutlets, processed cheeses, bread or sausages, the consumer wants to know that he is getting a safe product. However, in reality, everything turns out to be the opposite, since here the level of various food additives is often even higher than in sweets. In particular, the additive E 450 is often found, the harm and benefits of which are actively discussed by experts.

Pyrophosphates of potassium, sodium and calcium salts - to add a group of these substances under a single code "E 450". Or, more correctly, salts of pyrophosphoric acid: potassium, calcium or sodium, depending on the specific type of substance. Among themselves, they are further subdivided into 2-substituted, 3-substituted and 4-substituted. All these elements are of synthetic origin, based on phosphoric acid, which is affected by hydroxides, oxides or hydroxides in the process of dehydration. The finished substance has a white color, the structure of a crystalline fine powder. There is no smell, the taste is slightly sour.

Food additive E 450 is an emulsifier used as a leavening agent, pH regulator (acid-base balance) and also for liquid retention.

The greatest prevalence of pyrophosphoric acid salts was acquired from manufacturers of household chemicals: almost no detergent compositions with antibacterial properties can do without them. The same quality was appreciated by companies involved in the food industry, as they paid attention to the antioxidant qualities of pyrophosphates. Mostly sodium salts are used here, which can be found in the following products:

Product group Purpose of using food additive E 450
minced meat, sausages starting the process of protein swelling, retaining moisture, increasing the juiciness of the mass
young cheeses, processed delamination prevention
bakery sweet products, confectionery, syrups preservation of consistency, inhibition of the crystallization process
vegetable cream, spread, margarine structure stabilization
soft drinks, fruit preserves, loose leaf teas for brewing acidity regulation
unsweetened bakery products, flour improving the structure of the test
cocoa-based drinks prevention of turbidity, stratification, sedimentation
raw frozen potatoes prevention of surface darkening (oxidation), preservation of density during subsequent heat treatment

According to this table, the harm of the food additive E 450 cannot be assessed, but one can imagine how popular it is with food manufacturers, as well as what a wide range of properties it has. In some moments, it is related to polyphosphates (additive E 452), and it is considered less dangerous, but it still cannot be called a healthy substance.

The allowable norm of this substance (for a person) is 70 mg / kg, while more than 9 g per each kg of the mixture is not directly introduced into food products, excluding sports nutrition, where 20 g / kg are possible. For this reason, doctors believe that it is difficult for most consumers to exceed the safe dosage, which means that there is no need to actively avoid products in which pyrophosphates are introduced.

According to studies, this food supplement has a 4th hazard class, i.e. it is relatively harmless to the body. However, not all nutritionists agree with this and argue that the food supplement E 450:

  • has carcinogenic properties, and therefore can cause malignant neoplasms;
  • not in the best way affects the work of the digestive tract;
  • can cause an imbalance of vitamins and minerals, washing out some important salts from the body, which is primarily dangerous by reducing bone density;
  • increases cholesterol levels.

It is difficult to find a product that does not include the food additive E 450. Appetizing pieces of sausage without fatty smudges, elastic cheese, soft confectionery fudge - all this gastronomic splendor is created using synthetic substances based on pyrophosphoric acid.

The additive has antimicrobial activity. This does not make it safe for human health.

In 2014 was put into operation GOST R 55054-2012 prescribing the name - E 450 pyrophosphates, as well as the technical conditions for its use in the food industry.

Index "E" denotes the product code in the European classification system.

An international synonym is Pyrophosphates (or Diphosphates).

The product combines several substances similar in structure and technological functions:

  • 2-substituted sodium pyrophosphate (E 450i), synonyms: disodium pyrophosphate, sodium dihydropyrophosphate (international name Disodium diphosphate); formula Na 2 H 2 P 2 O 7;
  • 3-substituted sodium pyrophosphate (ii), synonyms: trisodium pyrophosphate, sodium monohydropyrophosphate, (Trisodium diphosphate), formula Na 3 HP 2 O 7;
  • 4-substituted sodium pyrophosphate (iii), synonyms: tetrasodium pyrophosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, (Tetrasodium diphosphate); formula Na 4 P 2 O 7 ;
  • 2-substituted potassium pyrophosphate (iv), synonyms: dipotassium pyrophosphate, potassium dihydropyrophosphate, (Dipotassium diphosphate); formula K 2 P 2 O 7 ;
  • 4-substituted potassium pyrophosphate (v), synonyms: tetrapotassium pyrophosphate, tetrapotassium diphosphate, (Tetrapotassium diphosphate); formula K 4 P 2 O 7 ;
  • calcium pyrophosphate 2-substituted (vii), synonyms: dicalcium pyrophosphate, calcium dihydropyrophosphate, dicalcium pyrophosphate, (Dicalcium diphosphate), formula CaH 2 P 2 O 7;
  • calcium pyrophosphate 4-substituted (vi), synonyms: calcium dihydrogen pyrophosphate, calcium dihydrogen pyrophosphate, (Calcium dihydrogen diphosphate), formula Ca 2 P 2 O 7.

In German, the product is designated as Dinatriumdihydrogendiphosphat, in French - diphosphate de disodium.

Substance type

Additive E 450 is sodium, potassium and calcium salts of pyrophosphoric acid. Pyrophosphates according to the main technological function are included in the group. In practice, the additive is used as a baking powder, water-retaining agent, acidity regulator.

For the production of food pyrophosphates, sodium and potassium hydroxides, calcium oxide and hydroxide are used (GOST 10678, grade A).

The product is obtained by dehydration of hydroorthophosphate with the appropriate acid.


Indicator Standard values
Colour colorless or white
Compound pyrophosphoric acid, salts
Appearance granules, crystalline powder of fine or medium fraction
Smell is absent
Solubility pyrophosphates of sodium and potassium are readily soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol; calcium pyrophosphates are insoluble in water, good solubility in hydrochloric, nitric acids
The content of the main substance 90–95% (after drying); content of phosphorus oxide (P2O5) from 42 to 64.5%
Taste sourish
Density unspecified
Other pH 3.7–4.4 (1% solution)


Food pyrophosphates are packed in polyethylene film bags (thickness from 0.08 mm). To ensure tightness, the bags are welded, less often tied with twine made from natural fibers.

The outer packaging is:

  • three-layer paper bags;
  • synthetic fiber grocery bags;
  • cardboard or plastic drums.


Pyrophosphates are mainly used in the production of household chemicals: the substances are part of most antibacterial detergents.

In food production, I mainly use sodium pyrophosphates. The leading consumers of the additive are the meat and fish processing industries. The substance is necessary for the production of minced meat (permitted rate is not more than 0.3% of the total mass), canned food, sausages. It is added during the heat treatment of the product to swell proteins. This helps to retain moisture, improve structure, increase juiciness and increase the yield of the finished product. Pyrophosphates can play a role, as they slow down the oxidative processes of fats, extend the shelf life.

Depending on the technological task set, the E 450 additive can act as:

  • emulsifying salt in the production of young and processed cheeses (9 g/kg) to prevent delamination of the emulsion, wrinkling of the product;
  • water-retaining agent (3 g/kg) in confectionery flour and sugar products, concentrated syrups: retains a given consistency, prevents drying, slows down the crystallization of sucrose;
  • texturizer in vegetable-based cream, sandwich spreads, dairy desserts, sauces, batter to obtain a homogenized mass (up to 5 g/kg); dry mixes and concentrates, milk, baking and egg powders (up to 10g/kg);
  • acidity regulator in soft drinks (artificially mineralized, flavored), fruit products, dry teas (including herbal ones), berry ice cream;
  • flour improver in pasta and bread products to improve dough structure;
  • turbidity stabilizer in chocolate and barley milk drinks to prevent particle settling, to prevent liquid stratification.

Additive E 450 is included in the production of frozen potatoes: the additive protects the product from browning, helps to maintain the structure during cooking.

Pyrophosphates as an emulsifier are included in protein shakes for sports nutrition (20 g/kg).

In the Codex Alimentarius, the additive is allowed by the standards for meat and fish products, processed cheeses, dry broths, frozen vegetables (from 1 to 9 g / kg).

Pyrophosphates with limited allowance (70 mg/kg) are approved for use in all countries.

The cosmetic industry uses food additive E 450 as a buffer. Commonly used in toothpastes to prevent plaque formation.

Benefit and harm

A synthetic additive does not have a beneficial effect on human health.

Independent experts (Kedr group) classify pyrophosphates as substances that provoke the development of oncological diseases.

Official structures recognize the additive E 450 as safe (class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007), but emphasize the need to comply with the allowable norm.

The advice is good, but it is difficult to follow: the percentage of chemicals added is not indicated on the packages. The consumer can only rely on the integrity of the manufacturers.

A high concentration of pyrophosphates can cause a number of negative consequences:

  • violation of the digestive tract;
  • joint diseases (for example, pyrophosphate arthropathy caused by the deposition of calcium pyrophosphate crystals in the tissues);
  • imbalance of macro- and microelements, which leads to the development of osteoporosis and other ailments;
    an increase in the level of LDL-cholesterol (“bad”), this can cause the formation of vascular plaques, disrupt blood supply, and provoke a stroke.

As part of cosmetics, the additive E 450 can cause an allergic rash, irritation of the mucous membranes.

Main manufacturers

The world leader in the production of pyrophosphates is the Belgian company Prayon S.A.

Food supplement E 450 is produced by:

  • OAO REATEKS, created on the basis of the Pilot Plant. L. A. Kostandova (Moscow);
  • the Nord Plus company, which is part of the NORD group (St. Petersburg);
  • Gebex 24 Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschraenkt), Germany;
  • Langfang Huinuo Fine Chemical Co., Ltd., China.

Food pyrophosphates are not as harmless as it seems at first glance. It is important to prevent their accumulation in the body. To do this, it is enough to exclude sausages, low-calorie fats and broth concentrates from the daily diet.

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