Queen Elizabeth II of Britain on the conspiracy of "world government. Queen Elizabeth II has a WW3 speech she's ready to deliver "Stand Against the Odds"


Queen Elizabeth has been placed under 'house arrest' and has not been allowed to appear in public after attempting to educate the people of Britain and the world about the global network of 'dark forces' during the recording of her 2016 Christmas message for the BBC.

The Queen listed the names of figures in the ruling circles who were guilty of "the most heinous crimes against the most vulnerable people, our children." (As she put it.)
The queen asked forgiveness from all her subjects for having kept them in the dark about these "dark forces" for a long time and asked them to understand that she was hiding it simply to ensure her own survival.

A BBC producer and palace consultants canceled the recording after the Queen expressed fears that "dark forces" would try to make 2017 a year of slaughter the likes of which we have not seen since World War II, as these forces, which are global elite of the world, relied on war to achieve their goals.

The BBC staff were stunned.

The BBC staff involved in the recording were urgently summoned to the director. He said he had been warned by BBC executives that "we all need to erase everything we've just heard from our memory and get it over with.

"He said there would be no scandal as long as he was in power"

Senior officials at the palace contacted Prince Charles and the heir to the throne said he would "fix the problem". He found a solution to the problem by placing Queen Elizabeth II under "house arrest", banning her from public speaking.

A few hours later, after dinner, the film crew was informed that Queen Elizabeth II would follow the prescribed protocol and record a "clean" second take of the Christmas Message.

Since the second take of Queen Elizabeth II's speech was made, it was reported that all of her other traditional public appearances would not take place because it was "cold".

In the United Kingdom and online, broadcasts of The Queen's Christmas Message were embargoed until 3:00 pm GMT on Christmas Day. Elsewhere in the Commonwealth, the message first aired in New Zealand at 6:50 pm local time on New Zealand Television, in Australia by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation at 7:20 pm local time, and in Canada by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation at 10 am Eastern Standard Time, which is the same as 3:00 PM GMT.

Of course, the source is secondary. The Queen's words may be torn from the text. But there is nothing incredible in the message. In any state at all times there have been groups of people dreaming of a holy war against all those who think differently from them. Such groups grow especially during the liberal regimes, bringing to the top of politics people whose place is safe for the majority of the population, in general, in places of isolation: prisons and psychiatric hospitals. About it .

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This "cry of the soul" came just a week after the cry of Barack Obama, who scared his nation in a similar way (see "In 1.5 months, Obama issued another decree: prepare for an alien invasion").

Queen Elizabeth met with religious leaders to discuss the impending world war, which, according to her, can be spoken of as the "end of time" for mankind.

Following on from Obama's frightening admonitions, the Queen delivered a similar message. “Now we need to make the necessary preparations to say goodbye to loved ones, since no one can guess who will live and who will die. Many will die in these last days”, - quotes the words of Elizabeth II BBC

“I don't worry about little things like Christmas. I am concerned about the dire consequences we must expose ourselves to as the war drums beat ever stronger." she added, apparently having heard enough of Obama's African drums.

As for the “last Christmas”, the queen warned last year at about the same time. At the same time, the Pope, that is, a religious figure, issued a similar warning about the last Christmas of mankind. And now Patriarch Kirill has become a member of the group of prophets of war. Although it is worth reminding them that the Inquisition just burned the prophets at the righteous fires.

The strange thing about this situation is that the event, which the media called a "meeting with religious leaders," is not. In fact, for some incomprehensible reason, it was not the British, but the Russian patriarch, who came to the British Queen. And the plurality of religious figures was made by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

That is, the event is far from significant. And if we take into account that immediately after the visit of Patriarch Kirill to England, the Central Bank introduced a temporary administration in the bank of the Russian Orthodox Church, then the expediency and legitimacy of the trip of the Russian Patriarch "on the carpet" to the British Queen is a huge question.

Although after it the Patriarch gave several interviews. In particular, he has no doubt that the "holy war" declared by the queen "should be joint." “It is not only in Russia to fight. This is for all countries, we must unite to defeat this evil. And this war I call holy, says the BBC.

Kirill's secretary Alexander Volkov explained: “The Church should play an important role in international relations. Through faith, through the Church, the soul of the nation is manifested.”

Obviously, the Queen has an order from the Queen to incite war, otherwise there would not be so much talk about this. As for the soul of the nation, the Patriarch should decide: what kind of nation? The Russian nation does not want war. We don't need to be driven into it. And there is nothing to talk about this from the offices of shabby queens.

The words of the Queen of England, on condition of anonymity, were conveyed by one of the employees of her residence, the blogger "Stary" quotes a British source in his LiveJournal.

The British celebrate the official birthday of the Queen in June, but on April 22, the queen has a real birthday, it is celebrated only with a party in a narrow circle of the family and selected guests. And yesterday, Queen Elizabeth "totally ruined her own party" when she announced publicly that "World War III is to break out this year." According to the queen, the war is necessary for the Illuminati (members of a secret organization - approx. "NI") to plunge humanity into the next phase of their blasphemous master plan.

“2017 is a special year. This will go down in history as the beginning of the Third World War,” said the queen with an evil smile.

“The Queen spoke as if she knew the plans of the Illuminati from the inside,” says an insider at Windsor Castle, “But to make matters worse, she seemed to be swept up in a wave of enthusiasm for a new world war.” By the end of 2017, the world will be unrecognizable as the Illuminati gain strength.

War in the Middle East has long been the preferred method of initiating World War III, bringing Russia, China and the US into direct military confrontation. Only then will the final phase of the Illuminati's global domination plan take effect.

The queen said: “We need to prepare for a new dawn in which humanity will soon wake up. But the dawn cannot come without a period of complete darkness, the darkest night, the likes of which we have never seen in the world." It is clear that the "period of complete darkness" refers to the third world war. The "New Dawn" in which humanity will soon wake up is explained as the New World Order.

Queen Elizabeth, picking at her brought dessert with a fork, explained about the New World Order. It will be the time when we become socially and technologically advanced enough that we can live as one people under one government in one world.

This is not the first time the Queen has shocked guests with gloomy predictions for the coming year. In April 2016, the Queen accurately predicted that the year would be an "annus horribilus" for famous people, with an unprecedented number of celebrity deaths. Four of them will die because they rejected the teachings of the Illuminati, and their death will serve as a warning to the rest: join or die!

According to an insider, explaining the beauty of the New World Order at the final stage of the speech, the queen "fainted", and the speech itself was interrupted by cheers from the assembled guests, shocked by the queen's statement.

However, the rest of the room was quiet. Only outside, the crews of the Royal Horse Artillery detachment pounded on the pavement with their hooves. They soon fired a 41-gun salute, punctuating the deadly silence of Windsor Castle.

Published the material "Queen Elizabeth warns of the beginning of the "Holy War"". This "cry of the soul" took place just a week after the cry of Barack Obama, who frightened his nation in a similar way (see "").

Queen Elizabeth met with religious leaders to discuss the impending world war, which she claims can be spoken of as the "end times" for humanity.

Following on from Obama's frightening admonitions, the Queen delivered a similar message. “Now we need to make the necessary preparations to say goodbye to loved ones, since no one can guess who will live and who will die. Many will die in these last days, ”the BBC quotes Elizabeth II as saying.

“My beloved country will soon enter a dark period as a brutal and apocalyptic war will be unleashed in the east in the coming months,” the Queen shares her awareness.

“I don't worry about little things like Christmas. I'm concerned about the dire consequences we're about to face as the war drums beat harder and harder,” she added, apparently having heard a lot of African drumming from Obama.

As for "", the queen warned last year - at about the same time. Then the Pope, that is, a religious figure, spoke with. And now Patriarch Kirill has become a member of the group of prophets of war. Although it is worth reminding them that the Inquisition just burned the prophets at the righteous fires.

The strange thing about this situation is that the event, which the media called a "meeting with religious leaders," is not. In fact, for some incomprehensible reason, it was not the British, but the Russian patriarch, who came to the British Queen. And the plurality of religious figures was made by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

That is, the event is far from significant. And given that, then the expediency and legitimacy of the trip of the Russian Patriarch "on the carpet" to the British Queen is a huge question.

Although after it the Patriarch gave several interviews. In particular, he has no doubt that the "holy war" declared by the queen "should be joint." “It is not only in Russia to fight. This is for all countries, we must unite to defeat this evil. And I call this war a holy one,” reports the BBC.

Kirill's secretary Alexander Volkov explained: “The Church should play an important role in international relations. Through faith, through the Church, the soul of the nation is manifested.”

Obviously, the Queen has an order from the Queen to incite war, otherwise there would not be so much talk about this. As for the soul of the nation, the Patriarch should decide: what kind of nation? The Russian nation does not want war. We don't need to be driven into it. And there is nothing to talk about this from the offices of shabby queens.

Editor-in-chief of the newspaper "President",

The Queen of England has a pre-written speech prepared in case World War III breaks out. As tensions between Russia and the UK continue to escalate, the existence of this speech raises concerns about possible nuclear war.

The Australian news outlet, News.Com.Au, reported that some people already fear that a nuclear encounter is now more likely than during the Cold War era. Said speech was prepared for the Queen back in the 1980s. Information about this surfaced back in 2013, but so far no one has paid attention to it. The message to the nation was written in case of a real nuclear war, when the Queen would really need to address the citizens of Great Britain and the United Kingdom.

This speech was published by the government 30 years after it was written. The "scheduled" date for the broadcast of this speech is March 4, 1983. The appeal was prepared as part of military exercises. In the scenario of the hypothetical broadcast, the queen describes the threat to the "brave country" as "greater" than at any other time in history. The appeal also mentions the Queen's son Prince Andrew, who at the time was serving in the Royal Navy. A speech composed by Whitehall officials during one of the darkest periods of the Cold War was never recorded.

Although it was only a simulation, the text of the Queen's address (written as if it were broadcast at noon on Friday, March 4, 1983) is aimed at preparing the country for the trials of the Third World War. As the BBC notes, the speech begins with a reference to the Queen's traditional Christmas address to the nation:

It seemed that the horrors of war were so far away when my family and I shared our Christmas joy with the citizens of the United Kingdom. Now this madness of war is once again spreading throughout the world, and our brave country must again prepare to survive, which will be extremely difficult to do.

I have never forgotten the sadness and pride I felt as my sister and I huddled around the children's wireless receiver, listening to the inspiring words of my father [George VI] on that fateful day in 1939 [at the start of World War II] .

I never imagined for a moment that this sacred and terrible duty would one day fall on my shoulders.

But whatever horrors await us all, the qualities that have helped to preserve our freedom twice during this sad century will once again become our strength. My husband and I share with the families of our country the fear we feel for sons and daughters, husbands and brothers who left their homes to serve their country.

My beloved son Andrew is with his unit at this moment, and we constantly pray for his safety and the safety of all servicemen and women both at home and abroad. It is the close family ties that should be our greatest defense against the unknown. If families remain united and determined, and they give shelter to those who live alone and those who have no protection, our country's will to survive cannot be defeated.

Together we will fight against a new evil, and therefore let's pray for our country and people of good will, wherever they are. And God bless you all.

There is something sinister about the fact that the UK, whose relations with Russia have reached an extreme degree of tension, prepared in the midst cold war for his queen such a speech. The current crisis with Russia also began on March 4, when former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found near death on a bench in Salisbury. British Prime Minister Theresa May said they were poisoned with a nerve agent called Novichok, which is one of the deadliest in the world.

Although the father and daughter remain in the hospital, the prognosis for their recovery is not encouraging. And more importantly, much of the mainstream media still misses the fact that Skripal had links to Trump dossier author Christopher Steele. Skripal had a close relationship with an unnamed security consultant who worked for Christopher Steele's Orbis Business Intelligence.

Evaluation of information

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