What is honor? Honor in simple words

HONOR, -and, about honor, in honor and in honor, w. 1. Worthy of respect and pride in the moral qualities of a person; its respective principles. Debt of honor. A matter of honor (concerns someone's honor). Hit someone. h. Court of honor (officer). 2. Good, spotless reputation, good name. H. family. Take care of hours from an early age (ate). H. brand name. Black uniform (about someone's official authority, reputation; ironic).3. Chastity, innocence. Maiden part 4. Honor, respect. Ch. for work. Give hours to someone. Ch. and glory to the heroes! * It would be an honor to be offered (colloquial) - it is said in response to a refusal, as you wish, do not want and do not need to. Your (your, his, her, their) honor (obsolete) - in Russia before the revolution: the same as your (your, etc.) mercy. There is, but not about your honor (proverb: yes, but not for you). In honor who (colloquial) - is held in high esteem. in honor of someone or something preposition with genus n. - especially for the sake of someone, as a sign of respect for someone-something. Reception in honor of the delegation. With honor to get out (from some kind of position) - to find a worthy way out. To do honor to someone - 1) to characterize from the good side. Such an act does honor to his mind and heart, 2) to show respect. Do honor with your visit. I have the honor (to ask, offer, inform) (obsolete) - a politeness formula in a speech addressed to a superior person. I have the honor to introduce my friend to you. To whose credit - characterizes someone well, does honor to someone. A lot of honor to whom (colloquially disapproved) - did not deserve, someone is not worthy. something Should I apologize to him? Lots of honor. To salute - 1) to whom, to greet, putting a hand to a headdress. salute an officer; 2) what, to pay due attention to what-mu-n. (joking). Salute the meal. The field of honor (obsolete high) is the same as the battlefield. It's time (or should) and honor to know

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salute- trump
take under the visor (make under the visor)
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Honour- well. the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience. A man of honour, unsullied honour. Honestly, I assure you...
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Honour- honor, honor, carry, that (old.). 1. Read. 2. Consider, believe.
Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

In Honor Preposition- 1. from the genus. pad. Use when referring to: 1) someone. or something, as a sign of respect, respect for which some kind of action and 2) a solemn occasion for smth.; on the occasion of........
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Honor According to Honor Adv. Razg.- 1. As befits; good, worthy, honor honor.
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Honor Honor Adv. Razg.- 1. As befits; good, decent.
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Honor Acceptance — -
acceptance of the protested draft by a third
face to rescue
credit or reputation
drawer, that is, the person who issued the draft.
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- - publication of such information in the press, broadcast on radio and television in newsreels
programs, presentation in office
characteristics, public ........
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Economic dictionary

Honour- -and; well.
1. The totality of the highest moral and ethical principles of the individual (honesty, decency, conscientiousness, etc.); maintaining dignity and respect...
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Dissemination of Information Discrediting the Honor and Dignity of Citizens and Organizations- - publication of such information in the press, broadcast on radio and television in newsreel programs, presentation in official characteristics, public statements, ........
Law Dictionary

Information discrediting honor and dignity- - information that does not correspond to reality, containing a statement about a violation by a citizen or organization of legislation or moral principles (about committing ........
Law Dictionary

Honour- - a category that means a moral assessment of a person by society, as well as self-esteem. One of the intangible benefits (Article 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) belonging to a person from birth; inalienable........
Law Dictionary

Honor Dignity, Business Reputation- (legal protection), according to Russian law, a citizen or legal entity has the right to demand in court a refutation of discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation ........
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Glory, Honor- “Give glory to God” means: do not pervert the truth (Joshua 7:19; John 9:24). The most important advantage of man over animals is his soul, which is why it is named........
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Honour- see "Glory".
Historical dictionary

Blessing, Honor— Philosophical meaning of the term: Virtue (Stoics, Cicero, Horace, Lucan).
Philosophical Dictionary

honour f., genus. p. -i, honest, honest cross, honor (see), regale (see), Ukrainian. honor, blr. Chest, other Russian. chst, st.-glory. chst τιμή (Klots., Supr., etc.), Bolg. honest, Serbohorv. part, Slovenian. čȃst, Czech. čest f., slvts. čest᾽, Polish. cześć, genus. n. szsi, v.-puddle. česć, n. sesć. Praslav. *čьstь, associated with Art.-Slav. read, clean (see read), related to other ind. cittiṣ f. "thinking, understanding, intention", Avest. čisti- "thinking, knowledge, understanding"; other degree of vowel alternation: other-ind. сḗtati "observes, notices, thinks", ltsh. šk̨ist, šk̨ìetu "to think, observe"; see Bernecker I, 173 et seq.; Trautman, BSW 135; Meillet, MSL 14, 349; M. - E. 4, 47; Libert 100. Cf. what, read. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Progress

Honor A noun cm. _Annex II

About honor

in honor ( unfold respected)

I knew not only by hearsay,

What is his labor in large honorand,

What without an iron stump *

And do not really weave the bast shoes.



-and , well.

The totality of the highest moral and ethical principles of the individual.

A matter of honor. Swear on honor.

Batiushka said to me: - Farewell, Peter. Serve faithfully to whom you swear; obey the bosses; do not chase after their affection; --- and remember the proverb; take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter.

He was a man of a new breed: Exceptionally understood honor, And even sinless income He called theft, liberal! N. Nekrasov, Masha.

Honour `Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language`

honour General Slav. Suf. derivative (suff. -th, cf. power, news etc.) from the same base as honor, honor"revere" čütti (tt > st, b > e), honor, read. Honour literally - "reverence, honor, respect." School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Origin of words. - M.: Bustard N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova 2004

English honor; German Ahre. 1. Dignity, high moral quality; honor and respect. 2. The type of encouragement received by the individual from society, the community.


- English honor; German Ahre. 1. Dignity, high moral quality; honor and respect. 2. The type of encouragement received by the individual from society, the community.

Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009

A category that means a moral assessment of a person by society, as well as self-esteem. One of the intangible benefits (Article 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) belonging to a person from birth; inalienable and intransferrable. A citizen has the right to demand in court a refutation of Ch.'s discrediting information, if the person who disseminated such information does not prove that it is true, as well as compensation for losses and moral damage caused by their dissemination.

Honour DIGNITY, BUSINESS REPUTATION (legal protection), according to Russian law, a citizen or legal entity has the right to demand in court a refutation of information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation, as well as compensation for losses and moral damage caused by their distribution. If it is impossible to identify the person who disseminated the said information, the citizen or legal entity has the right to apply to the court for recognition of the said information as untrue.

see "Glory".

And, about honor, in honor and in honor, f. 1. Worthy of respect and pride in the moral qualities of a person; its respective principles. Debt of honor. A matter of honor (concerns someone's honor). Hit someone. h. Court of honor (officer). 2. Good, spotless reputation, good name. H. family. Take care of hours from an early age (ate). H. brand name. Black uniform (about someone's official authority, reputation; ironic).3. Chastity, innocence. Maiden part 4. Honor, respect. Ch. for work. Give hours to someone. Ch. and glory to the heroes! * It would be an honor to be offered (colloquial) - it is said in response to a refusal, as you wish, do not want and do not need to. Your (your, his, her, their) honor (obsolete) - in Russia before the revolution: the same as your (your, etc.) mercy. There is, but not about your honor (proverb: yes, but not for you). In honor who (colloquial) - is held in high esteem. in honor of someone or something preposition with genus n. - especially for the sake of someone, as a sign of respect for someone-something. Reception in honor of the delegation. With honor to get out (from some kind of position) - to find a worthy way out. Make...



recognition that others voluntarily express to a person as a carrier of individual values ​​realized in him and by himself (respect); the recognition (self-respect) with which a person treats himself as a person (self-esteem) or which, in his opinion, he has the right to demand from people in his social circle (vanity). Awakening and careful development of a subtle and moderate sense of self-worth is one of the most important and most difficult tasks of education, since this feeling largely depends ...

Honor 1. honor, h e sti, about honor; but: to be honored (in honor) 2. honor, honor, honor, honor

Russian word stress. - M.: ENAS. M.V. Zarva. 2001 .


To be in (on) honor. Perm., Prikam. 1. Same as be honored. 2. It's expensive to appreciate. SGPO, 61, 680; MFS, 110

Be honored. Razg. Obsolete To be respected, to be honored. BMS 1998, 625; SHZF 2001, 27; Podyukov 1989, 227.

Get out of honor. Ohlon. Leave from somewhere. without scandal. SRNG 5, 286.

To my credit whom, whose. Razg. Paying tribute to the merits, merits of someone. (to say, notice smth.). FSRYA, 526.

By honor. Razg. 1. Properly; just like over...

the dignity of a person, his right to respect himself in the face of God and the right to be respected by spiritually sighted people (I.A. Ilyin). In this sense, in the terms of Holy Russia, "honor is above all." “The mind gives birth to honor, but dishonor takes it away”, “For honor, the head dies”, “Honor is protected by the head”, “Honor is firm, in the word stand”. Death can also be taken as honor, for "disgrace is worse than death."

Source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"


A huge honor

great honor

Huge honor

Dictionary of Russian idioms. . Word combinations with a high degree meaning Academic 2011


Cm. reverence

to honor...

Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. - under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999

recognition that others voluntarily express to a person as a carrier of individual values ​​realized in him and by himself (respect); the recognition (self-respect) with which a person treats himself as a person (self-esteem) or which, in his opinion, he has the right to demand from people in his social circle (vanity). The awakening and careful development of a subtle and moderate sense of self-esteem is one of the most important and most difficult tasks of education, since the development of the individual, fruitful for the person himself and for society, largely depends on this feeling.


HONOUR-and; well.

1. The totality of the highest moral and ethical principles of the individual (honesty, decency, conscientiousness, etc.); preservation of one's own dignity and respect for the personal dignity of others. Man of honor. Born without honor, without conscience(about a very dishonorable person). The concept of honor. Debt of honor(one on which the preservation of personal dignity depends). law of honor(one that requires immutable fulfillment in order to maintain a sense of personal dignity and decency). Working, professional, military, scientific Protect the hours and dignity of citizens. matter of honor(about the observance of some rules, ...

1. The story of the American writer W. Faulkner.
2. A poem by a Venezuelan writer of the 19th century. Andres Bello "Ode to ... farming in the tropics."
3. Roman Valentin Pikul "... I have."
4. Convention, which you strive to observe unconditionally.
5. The novel by the American writer Daniela Steel "Silent ...".
6. Girlish or army.
7. What did A.S. Pushkin advise to keep from a young age in the story "The Captain's Daughter"?
8. What can you give away without losing?
9. “The son-in-law loves to take, and the father-in-law loves ...” (last).
10. "Yes, but not about yours ...".
11. They give it to the army.
12. It can be given away without having or without losing it.
13. Take care of her from a young age.
14. Honor, respect.
15. Miniature of the Russian writer L. Andreev.

HONOR - DIGNITY, BUSINESS REPUTATION (legal protection), according to Russian law, a citizen or legal entity has the right to demand in court a refutation of information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation, as well as compensation for losses and moral damage caused by their distribution. If it is impossible to identify the person who disseminated the said information, the citizen or legal entity has the right to apply to the court for recognition of the said information as untrue.

What is "honor"? What is the correct spelling of this word. Concept and interpretation.

honour honor n., f., use very often Morphology: (no) what? what? Che?sti, (I see) what? what? what? about honor 1. Honor is a good, spotless reputation, an honest name. Family honor. | Company honor. | Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age. | To fight for the honor of someone, someone else. | Defend your honor in a newspaper article. 2. Honor is honesty, decency, conscientiousness, dignity, in general, all moral qualities and principles worthy of respect. Man of honor. | The concept of honor. | To offend, drop, tarnish someone's honor. 3. You call a matter of honor any deed, act, etc. that must be done, performed, otherwise your dignity will be hurt, you will not be able to respect yourself, etc. 4. Honor is called civil, class, professional, etc. dignity. Work, professional, military, scientific honor. | Protect, preserve the honor and dignity of citizens. 5. The law of honor, the code of honor is a set of personal or group rules of conduct that are considered mandatory, inviolable by a person or a group of people and protect a sense of personal (group) dignity and decency. 6. The honor of a uniform, white coat, etc. is called the official authority, the reputation of military people, doctors, etc. Protect the honor of the uniform. 7. If you get out of a difficult situation with honor, then this means that you act wisely, preserving your own and other people's dignity, find a worthy way out of a difficult situation. 8. If you honorably carry out the work entrusted to you, then this means that you are doing it very well, in good faith, your work is worthy of praise. 9. The court of honor is the trial of someone's guilt, misconduct, not by the judiciary, but by members of a group of people. 10. If you say that it is time or it is necessary and honor to know, then this means that your visit to some place has come to an end and you should leave. 11. If you are politely addressing someone, offering something or introducing someone, then you say I have the honor to offer, I have the honor to introduce, etc. A group of independent artists has the honor to offer you unique examples of decorative painting and welcome you on our website. 12. If someone lives according to honor, according to conscience, then this means that this person acts in accordance with the ideas of honor. 13. Chastity, purity, virginity are called honor. Keep your maiden honor. 14. Honor is called honor, respect. A huge honor. | To give honor to someone. | Honor and glory to the heroes! | Honor and praise to you! 15. If you say that the honor to do something belongs (entrusted) to someone or something, then this means that they received the honorable right to do it. 16. If you say that you consider it an honor (honor) to do something, then this means that the work ahead of you is accepted by you with gratitude, that you will gladly take on it. 17. If you talk about someone or something with little honor, then this means that you consider this person or object not worthy of respect, not worth the effort, attention, etc. 18. If you say (too) a lot of honor to someone, which means you think that this person is not worthy, does not deserve anything. 19. If a military person salutes, this means that he greets someone in a military way, putting his hand to the headdress. 20. If you talk about someone, that he was in honor? from someone, this means that this person is specially marked, favored by someone, received advantages compared to others. 21. The phrase Would be honored means an expression of indifference to someone's refusal to do something. 22. If they say about you that some act does you honor, then this means that it characterizes you from the good side. Sasha is generally a very principled person. - It does him credit. 23. Honor is a person or object that causes pride, admiration of relatives or those who possess this object. Writers are the honor and glory of our country. 24. You use the expression to tell the truth as an introductory phrase before telling someone something sincere, truthful. 25. If you have done something with honor, then this means that you did it correctly, properly, with dignity. 26. If something is named or done, done in honor of someone or something, then this means that it was done as a sign of respect, reverence, in memory of something or someone. Name a street after a war hero. | Reception in honor of the English envoy. | Pronounce toasts in honor of the newlyweds.

honour- HONOR. the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

honour- HONOR, honor, about honor, in honor and in honor, pl. (obsolete) honors, honors, honors, g. 1. only units Morality...

recognition that others voluntarily express to a person as a carrier of individual values ​​realized in him and by himself (respect); the recognition (self-respect) with which a person treats himself as a person (self-esteem) or which, in his opinion, he has the right to demand from people in his social circle (vanity). The awakening and careful development of a subtle and moderate sense of self-esteem is one of the most important and most difficult tasks of education, since the development of the individual, fruitful for the person himself and for society, largely depends on this feeling.

Great Definition

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the concept of moral consciousness and the category of ethics, closely related in many ways. similar to the category of merit. Like dignity, the concept of Ch. reveals a person's attitude to himself and the attitude towards him from the society. However, unlike the concept of dignity, the moral value of a person in the concept of Ch. is associated with the specific social position of a person, the type of his activity and the moral merits recognized for him. on the contrary, it differentially evaluates people, which is reflected in their reputation. Accordingly, Ch. requires a person to maintain (justify) that reputation, which he himself or the collective has, to which he belongs. Historically, the concept of Ch. arose in the moral consciousness of the society in the form of an idea of ​​the tribal and estate Ch. (a moral requirement that prescribes a person a way of life and actions that does not degrade the dignity of a certain estate or clan). In feudal morality, estate morality, in particular, included demands not to enter into equal relations with people of the “lower” classes, to challenge an offender to a duel, not to engage in work that was humiliating for a nobleman, etc. Having abolished feudal privileges, the bourgeoisie at the same time retained class understanding of Ch., making it dependent on the social status of a person. The bourgeois ideologists Fichte, Hegel, and Bentham, not to mention the more reactionary representatives of ethical thought, associate the concept of private property with the possession of private property. Even when this concept is associated with the individuality of a person (W. Hawking, R. Fluelling) - see Self-realization ethics), in most cases it turns out that the manifestation of this individuality is possible only for persons in a privileged position. In a class society, where Ch. is always associated with one form or another of inequality, it, on the one hand, degenerates into arrogance, arrogance, vanity, false pride, and on the other hand, for those who are deprived of these privileges, it gives rise to a feeling of offended pride, and sometimes a humiliating desire to assert one's prestige by slavish imitation of the "higher" classes, flattery and currying favor with those in power. In the socialist society, the concept of Ch. significantly changes its content. In place of class Ch. comes the requirement to protect the Ch. of his team, profession (Professional ethics), the people as a whole (Patriotism.). In an individual Ch., only the personal merits of a person are taken into account, first of all, his work and the measure of humanity, depending on which the measure of honor and respect rendered to him is determined. In the socialist community Ch. acts as a truly moral stimulus that encourages a person to commit acts for the common good. At the same time, a person's attitude to his actions with t. sp. Ch. is no longer considered by the socialist society as the highest form of manifestation of consciousness and morality of motives. The concept of dignity, which has a broader meaning, comes to the fore. If Ch. prescribes a person to perform moral deeds for the sake of confirming his or collective merits before the society, then dignity requires each person to do everything for the good of the society, regardless of what his past merits and. what is the specific type of activity. The concept of Ch. implies in relation to a person that measure of respect, to-ruyu he deserved, the dignity of the individual is based on the equal right of everyone to respect.

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Honor is a property of a person's character, to have a recognized, social and moral dignity, causing general respect in society, achieved by a person's personal merits through his deeds.

A man of honor has many virtues, he is characterized by sincerity, nobility of soul, honest and direct intention to adhere to previously reached agreements, conscientiousness, decency, valor and a clear conscience.

This is the internal setting of a very strong personality. This is good behavior in society. Honor adorns a person. Not only an officer (officer's honour), a knight (knight's honour), a merchant (merchant's honour) or any other member of a privileged group, but also any citizen can become the owner of honor, as a manifested personality trait.

A man of honor will not attribute the blame to circumstances beyond his control, but will act according to his manifested quality of personality - honor.

This quality began to manifest itself in people with the separation of privileged groups from the community - a princely squad was formed, a collective code of unwritten rules was created, which meant respect for honor. Honor meant following a system of rules that distinguished this group from others and emphasized its high status.

Disagreements may arise between honor and conscience. In our time of prosperity and self-interest, when many elite groups have disappeared, it has become more difficult to be a "slave of honor." Honor has disappeared from the general understanding, and even more so from the observance of the rules of honor.

There are few people left in this world who are able to give their lives for the sake of honor and the right to be called a man. To do this, you need to have a lot of courage. An example of the remaining echoes of Honor is the modern Navy and submarine combat officers, as well as modern elite units of the Army. Honor is successfully revived in difficult times of danger for the Country. Any feat of a soldier or officer can be safely attributed to honor and dignity in the name of the Motherland. These are not just empty words! This is the life of a person - the most valuable thing that he gave in the name of the life of others! Everything else can be ignored! !

Most people try to survive like animals, and neither honor nor dignity is needed for this. Children have not become better than their fathers, although one cannot condemn any generation as a whole. Few people risk throwing themselves on the embrasure, defending their own or someone else's honor.

Of course, this does not mean the abolition of honor - which is becoming more and more. The loss of such concepts as "honor" is fraught with numerous troubles for society.

People become Superficial, Indifferent and Dishonest. A man of honor is a principled person who follows the unwritten rules of any group or structure only when they fully comply with his views and principles. He is not able to lie and adapt to rules that are objectionable to him.

True Honor is the decision to do, under all circumstances, what will not cripple the lives of other people. Questions of honor know no trifles. For whom honor is a trifle, everything else in life is also not essential. For a man of honor, any trifle that affects his honor becomes not a trifle. Honor - can be defined as hypertrophied morality, devoid of tolerance for the slightest insults. The personal and the singular are sacrificed to the common, and the man of honor rushes forward without hesitation to defend his honor. He understands and realizes that behind his personal honor is the honor of his equals, and, therefore, it is necessary to behave uncompromisingly and militantly.

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