Orchis is helmet-bearing. Orchis is helmet-shaped, or orchis is helmet-bearing Infusion of orchis

HATHRISH- Orchis militaris L.
Orchid family - Orchidaceae Zindl.

Or Salep is a perennial herbaceous plant with two well-developed whole, ovoid tubers.

Stem straight, simple. 20-40 cm tall, in the lower part is shrouded in two membranous sheaths. Leaves 3-5, sessile, concentrated in the lower half of the stem. The leaves are elliptical, 25-50 cm wide and 8-18 cm long. The inflorescence is many-flowered, dense, 4-10 cm long. The flowers are whitish-pink. Outer tepals fused at base, 9-13 mm long. The lip is whitish at the base, with purple speckles and tiny papillae. Spur 5-6 mm long, two times shorter than the ovary, narrow-cylindrical.

Blooms in May-June. Propagated mainly by seeds. Distributed in Europe, Asia Minor, Iran, Mongolia and Northwest China. In Russia - within a narrow strip stretching from the St. Petersburg region and the Baltic states to the south of Eastern Siberia (Chita region), as well as in the Caucasus.

Grows in damp and dry, mostly floodplain meadows, clearings, light forests, in some places confined to soils rich in calcium.

For therapeutic purposes, young, fresh and especially dried root tubers are used, harvested at the end of the flowering of the plant.

In ancient Rus', it was believed that tubers orchis- salep (from the Arabic name of the tuber "Salab") have love charms and prepared a bewitching potion from them. In Persia, it was advised to store tubers as food reserves during a crop failure or war. In the Middle East, they were given to the sick to recuperate. The Tatars of the Great Horde took tubers with them on the road.

Traditional medicine uses powder from tubers for diarrhea, dysentery, colitis and enterocolitis, cystitis, food and other poisonings, when enveloping mucus is needed to treat inflamed mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. With diarrhea, to increase the effect, enemas are made from a powder solution with the addition of a tenth of flaxseed.

Salep is quite effective for maintaining strength in senile exhaustion, tuberculosis, weakness after bleeding or debilitating disease. In the countries of the East, soups, jellies, drinks are prepared from them, and dough is made. Dried tubers are harvested for future use for long-distance crossings.

tubers orchis should be stored in dry, well-ventilated areas. From dampness, they deteriorate and lose their qualities.

Methods of preparation and use:

1. 3-10 g mashed tubers orchis mix with 1/5 of a glass of cold water, gradually pour in boiling water (up to 2 glasses), boil with stirring for 10 minutes, filter. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day. Water can be replaced with milk.

2. From 2 teaspoons of tuber powder, prepare a decoction (for 1-2 cups of water), add 1/4 teaspoon of crushed flaxseed. Apply in the form of enemas. Decoction is best used warm. Children with diarrhea are given cold.


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In medicine, helmet-shaped orchis and its other varieties are used, for example: male orchis (O. mascula L.) and spotted (O. maculata L.).

ORCHIS MILITARIS L.- belongs to the orchid family. It is a perennial herbaceous plant with ovoid tubers 25-50 cm high, with scale-like leaves below and lanceolate in the middle, tapering at the base, about 8-18 cm long. Many pinkish flowers with dark stripes, collected in a spike 5-8 cm long and 3.5 to 5 cm in diameter. It blooms in late spring or early summer. The fruit is in the form of a small box with tiny seeds. In medicine, helmet-shaped orchis and its other varieties are used, for example: male orchis (O. mascula L.) and spotted (O. maculata L.).

Found throughout Europe. It grows in glades, forest edges and meadows, and in the northern regions it grows on soils rich in calcium.

Medicinal properties

For medical purposes, plant tubers are mainly used, which are harvested at the end of flowering. They contain a large amount of mucous substances, sugar and starch.

From orchis tubers crushed into powder and filled with hot water, a rather viscous mucus is formed, which has an enveloping, softening effect in case of poisoning, gastrointestinal disorders, especially in children. In folk medicine, it is used as a general tonic, if the body is weakened, after or during illness. Tibetan monks considered salep a remedy that positively affects the nervous system and promotes longevity. For the treatment of acute purulent inflammation, the leaves of the plant are used. Orchid tubers are also used to improve hair growth and to relieve toothache.

herbal medicine recipe

A simple remedy for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and breathing can be prepared from 0.5 tsp. powder, 250 ml of water and 1 tsp. honey. To do this, pour the powder with water, shake and let it brew for an hour, then add honey and take 100 ml twice a day before meals.

For culinary purposes, the powder from the tubers of the plant can be used to replace potato or corn starch.

To prepare valuable medicinal raw materials from orchis tubers, they need to be cleaned of dirty skin, washed, poured over with boiling water, cut and dried. When the chopped tubers are dry, grind into powder. This powder can be stored in closed jars for up to 6 years, in dark, dry, well ventilated areas.

Orchis militaris L. 1753
Class Monocots - Liliopsida
Orchid family - Orchidaceae

Description and difference from related species. A plant with an ovoid tuber. Stems at the base with 2 whitish membranous sheaths, above 3-5 oblong-elliptical or elliptical blunt leaves, narrowed towards the base, up to 18 cm long and 5 cm wide.

Inflorescence dense, many-flowered, initially pyramidal, later cylindrical, 4-10 cm long, up to 5 cm in diameter. Bracts purple-pink, ovate, pointed, 2-3 mm long.

Flowers with a pleasant smell. 5 tepals folded with a helmet; the lip is whitish at the base with purple speckles, with linear lateral lobes and a larger middle one, at the end wedge-shaped or inversely cordiformly expanded, bilobed; spur pale pink or whitish, blunt, slightly bent.

It differs from the male orchid in the helmet-shaped perianth, which does not include only the lip, and bracts with a spur, which are half as long as the ovary.

Information on biology and ecology. Perennial 20-45 cm tall. Blooms in May - June; bears fruit in June - July. Propagated by seeds, but sometimes vegetatively. Pollinated by insects. Not picky about the light. Prefers calcareous and neutral soils rich in nitrogen, well drained, is an indicator of soil richness.

Distribution and occurrence. P.; C.; 3.; V. (Zavolzh.); K. - Damp meadows, forest clearings, edges. - General distribution: Caucasus, Zap. and Vost. Sib., Scand., Wed. and Atl. Heb., Middle., Maloaz, Iran, Mong. (sev.). - In the Belgorod region: Belgorodsky (oak forest near the village of Solomino; on a damp meadow near the village of Belomestnaya), Novooskolsky, Korochansky districts.

limiting factors.. Plowing and melioration of meadows, increased recreational impact, collection of plants by the population for various purposes, overgrazing.

Required security measures.. Prohibition of picking flowers and digging up plants, control of population dynamics.

Security measures taken.. Inclusion in the list of protected plants.

Information sources:. Mayevsky, 1964: 685; Flora of the European part of the USSR. T. II, 1976: 47; Gubanov et al., 2002: 518; Sukachev, 1903: 213; Maltsev, 1907; Gusev, 1999; Kolchanov, 1999: 22; Vakhrameeva et al., 1991: 213-214; Red Book of the RSFSR, 1988: 320-321; Red Book of the Kursk region. T. 2, 2001: 92.

Compiled by: text - A.F. Kolchanov, E.V. Maslov's maps - A.F. Kolchanov, M.Yu. Tretyakov. . Photo: Karl Peter Buttler, Orchideen, 1986.



Or "cuckoo's tears", belong to the family. Outwardly, it is a single stem 25–50 cm high, depending on the variety. The northern one has oblong lanceolate leaves.

Did you know? The Latin name for orchis, Orchis, translates as "testicle". The flower received such an unusual name for the shape of the tubers.

On the stem, like an ear, flowers of bright color are located. Orchis bloom in the period from to the middle. In August, fruits are formed, filled with small seeds.

The main feature of the orchid is its root, which is a pair of oval tubers. Here the plant accumulates nutrients, for which it is appreciated by lovers of traditional medicine.

Depending on the species, wild species can grow both in a clearing or forest edge, and in wetlands. grow cultivated plants that differ from wild flowers in size.

Types of orchid

The genus contains hundreds of species. Almost half of them can be found on the lands of the CIS countries, the rest grow in Africa, North America, the Canary Islands and the Caucasus.

The plant suffered for its own: most of the species are listed in the Red Book. Northern plantations are specially grown as ingredients for medical preparations.

Did you know? Its second name, "cuckoo's tears", the genus received thanks to an old legend. She talks about how the children did not want to take care of their mother, and she, turning into a cuckoo, flew away. Regretting her decision, the mother began to cry. Where her tears fell, flowers grew.

Orchis male

The male orchid is a tuberous plant. It is characterized by short brushes with crimson flowers. The structure of the leaves and stem corresponds to the genus. Flowering period - -.

The species can be found in the Caucasus, the Urals, in Ukraine and in the nearby territory of Russia. It grows in non-coniferous forests, adapts to different types of soil, but does not get along well on damp and acidic soil.

The tubers of the male orchid contain elements that have been used in drugs for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. They are also used for cystitis and as an anesthetic.

Medicinal preparations, which include this plant, have a tonic and wound-healing effect. In veterinary medicine, it is used against infertility.

Spotted orchis (spotted palmroot)

Spotted orchis is a forest species of a plant of the genus Dactyl root of the same family. The roots of the flower are two tubers: one of them is old, dies off, and the second is young, provides the plant with the main part of the nutrients. They differ in shape from the tubers of other varieties.

On a long stem, there are up to 8 spotted leaves, for which the species got its name. The flowers are light lilac in color, have a helmet shape. In the fruit-box, which ripens by the end of summer, there are many small seeds.

The habitat of the spotted species is the forests of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia. Tubers are valued for their content of dextrin, pentosan, methylpentosan and other useful substances. Their collection is carried out from late spring to June, when the plant blooms. Applicable for diseases of the digestive system.

Did you know? Thanks to the etymological dictionary of the Russian language by Max Vasmer, it is known that this spotted flower has long been used as the main ingredient in a love potion.

Orchis is helmeted

Orchid is a classic representative of its genus: it has two well-developed tubers, one straight stem, at the bottom of which several leaves grow. It blooms with pale pink flowers.

You can meet the helmet-bearing orchid in Russia and the Caucasus. Grows best in meadows and clearings with dry soil high in calcium.

Tubers are used to create drugs that increase potency, medicines for the respiratory system and digestive organs. In addition to medicine, a helmet-like appearance used in cooking. Previously, soups were cooked from it and crushed powder was added to the dough, but now dishes with its tubers are rare.

Orchis burnt (Neotinea burnt)

Burnt orchid - a representative of the genus Neotinea - has approached the line of extinction. It has two oval tubers. A bud develops on one of them, which will then become a new root.

The burnt species is characterized by small two-color inflorescences: the “helmet” of the flower is bright red, and the “lip” is white with red patches.

The species grows in Belarus, Ukraine, Scandinavia, the Mediterranean, Anatolia and the European part of Russia. It suits slightly alkaline forest soil.

This type of orchid is harvested at the end of June or. Old tubers are not used, and salep is made from young ones. A decoction from it is prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases inflammation, poisoning. The seeds of the species help with epilepsy.


"Cuckoo's tears" are popular for their tubers. They contain:

The stem, leaves, and flower contain various bitter substances, carotenes, coumarin, quercetin, and the glycoside poroglossin.

Important! The composition of the plant and the percentage of substances may differ depending on the specific species.

Medicinal properties

The tubers of the plant contain mucus, which has an enveloping, hematopoietic, anticonvulsant and tonic effect. She is taken inside, enemas are made with her.

Traditional healers use dried root flour - salep. Salep-based infusion is unique in its properties, they are being treated:

  • diarrhea;
  • tuberculosis;
  • depression
  • gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis;
  • bladder catarrh;
  • infertility;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • anemia
  • asthma;
  • impotence;
  • bronchitis;
  • physical and nervous decline.

Application recipes

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for using the dried root: external use, decoctions, compresses. It is used to improve the condition of the elderly, rehabilitation after physical exhaustion.

Salep for colds

Salep helps against colds. It is obtained by grinding the dry tuber of the plant.

For 200–250 ml of cold, 1 tablespoon of orchid powder is diluted. The container is put on fire and constantly stirred until the liquid thickens. For taste, you can add sugar or to the drink. In Turkey, salep is a very popular drink that is drunk with cinnamon.

Orchis infusion

There are several types of tinctures from "cuckoo tears". For cooking non-alcoholic tincture, which a child can drink, the flour from the tubers is poured with boiling water, hot milk or broth, stirred, poured into a jar. Children's dose - 4 teaspoons in 24 hours. Adults can use a glass of this remedy per day.

Also apply alcoholic tincture recipe, popular among men to improve potency. To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • 1.5 st. l. salepa;
  • 500 ml brandy;
  • crushed half a loaf of rye bread.

All ingredients are mixed and infused for two months. The resulting mass is pressed under pressure, the residue is burned and the ashes are added back to the bottle. Then they insist another two months.

Important! Alcohol tincture should be taken carefully, no more than a teaspoon per day.

For diarrhea and hemorrhoids

For diarrhea, the non-alcoholic infusion of salep described above is drunk.

To help with hemorrhoids, you will have to do a special enema.

For her, they use a cooled infusion of salep on the water, adding to it a quarter teaspoon of crushed seeds.

Orchis militaris L.
Category and status: 3 b, d - rare species.
A brief description of. Herbaceous perennial 15-45 cm tall, with a large ovoid, whole, annually changing underground tuber, with 4-6 light green, elliptical leaves, brought together at the base of the stem. Flowering in April-May, fruiting in June. Reproduction is predominantly seed.
Spreading. In Russia, the range of the species stretches across the entire country from the western border to Transbaikalia. The species is found in Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Volgograd, Voronezh, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kemerovo, Kirov, Kostroma, Kurgan, Kursk, Leningrad, Lipetsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Orenburg, Orel, Penza, Pskov , Ryazan, Samara, in the west of Saratov, in Sverdlovsk, Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Tyumen, Tomsk, Tula, Ulyanovsk, Chelyabinsk and Yaroslavl regions, in the Republics of Altai, Bashkortostan, Buryatia, Mari El, Mordovia, Udmurtia, Tatarstan, Tyva , Chuvashia, Khakassia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Altai, Transbaikal, Krasnoyarsk and Perm Territories. A number of insular localities are known in the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions, in the Southern Urals, in the south of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (1,2). A smaller part of the species range in Russia includes the Greater Caucasus and covers the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Republics: Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkess, North Ossetia-Alania, Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan. Outside of Russia, the range of the species covers Europe, Asia Minor, Iran, Mongolia, and Northwestern China (3-5). Isolated localities are available in the north of Kazakhstan (2).
Peculiarities of ecology and phytocenology. Grows in damp or dry meadows, in light forests, in forest clearings and among shrubs, along the meadow slopes of mountains up to an altitude of 2200 m above sea level. ur. m. The species tends to carbonate soils.
Number. Occurs sporadically in small groups.
State of local populations. Populations of the species in the env. Petersburg became extinct at the beginning of the 20th century (b). A number of locations in European Russia require confirmation (7). Populations in the Caucasus show a tendency to degradation.
limiting factors. Land reclamation, grazing, plowing, increasing recreational load. An ornamental and medicinal plant suffers from collection.
Security measures taken. It was included in the Red Books of the USSR (1978.1984) and the RSFSR (1988). The species is included in the Red Books and is protected on the territory of most subjects of the federation, where it grows. It is protected in 13 reserves of Russia (8), as well as in the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve (9). The species is included in Appendix II of the International Convention CITES.
Required security measures. Identification of species populations and organization of their protection. Prohibition of collecting plants.
cultivation possibilities. Successfully grown in 4 botanical gardens in Russia (10). In culture, according to some data (11,12), it develops and blooms normally, according to others, it falls out during prolonged cultivation. It is advisable to introduce into the culture by seed propagation.
Information sources. 1. Peshkova, 1979; 2. Areals of medicinal..., 1983; 3. Nevsky, 1935; 4. Meusel et al., 1965; 5 Soo, 1980; 6. Red Book of Nature of the Leningrad Region, 2000; 7. Averyanov, 2000; 8. Current state, 2003; 9. Alekseev et al., 2005; 10. Plants of the Red Book..., 2005; 11. Luke, 1961; 12. Markovsky Yu.B., personal communication. Compiled by: L.V. Averyanov.

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