Breathe into incense - meaning. Breathe in incense Breathe in incense

I really like to analyze different phrases, expressions and signs. Today I was struck by this very phrase: Breathe into incense.

Where did the expression “breathe normally” come from? ( This is the first time I've heard of this) We often use it, but we don’t even suspect that it is just an onomatopoeia for the old “breathe into incense.” A very ancient expression. Initially, this phrase described the state of a dying or hopelessly ill person, standing with one foot, you know where. It was only about the person. But time passed, and the expression began to be applied to objects that are used in everyday life, but their service life, by all visible signs, is on the verge of expiration. But, since, unlike a person, you can always try to fix or adjust a broken thing, then, probably, this is where the impostor word “adjustment” came from, which, in fact, breathes - that is, lives - this or that object.

This is the first version of the origin of the catchphrase. But let’s return to the old “breathe on our last breath.” Where did incense come from for the smell of death? Frankincense is an aromatic resin. It is produced by some plants of the Cistaceae and Burzeraceae families. Even in ancient times, the southwestern Dhofar region of Oman was known as an important center for the incense trade. It is there, on a rocky high-mountain plateau, that the trees covered with legends grow. An ancient legend says that the nymph Levkotoya was turned into this tree. One day, the sun god Helios fell so in love with her that he disrupted the order of motion of the Universe.

Unable to withstand the torment of love, he took the form of mother Levkotoya and late in the evening appeared to his beloved. As soon as the maids left, Helios turned into a beautiful young man and confessed everything to Levkotoe. The nymph could not refuse the great god. A witness to their love was the jealous woman Clytia, who told Father Levkotoi about everything. To protect his daughter from further attacks, he hid her in a grave. Throughout the next day, Helios searched for his beloved. And having guessed what had happened, he tried in vain to revive her with the power of his rays and fragrant nectars. “You will still reach the ether,” exclaimed the upset Helios. And a miracle happened - decay turned into incense wood, its aroma rose to the heavens, and a connection between the three worlds was established. In ancient times, incense mined in Dhofar was called Sahalite - after the name of the bay.

It was probably either the Gulf of Oman or the Gulf of Aden. Due to the amount of fog in the area, there is a legend that incense is dew that falls on the trees. For centuries, incense was transported overland from Dhofar. One route went to Egypt, and the other went east to Babylon and Syria. By the time the cargo reached its destination, its value had increased sixfold. Therefore, the Egyptians sought to pave this path themselves, getting rid of intermediaries, and even brought seedlings to plant them in Egypt. The first known expedition of the Egyptians for incense was sent approximately 3,000 years before the birth of Christ. This means that incense has been used as an incense for five thousand years...

Frankincense was for the ancient Omanis what oil is for us today - the most important export commodity and source of wealth. Camel caravans traveled from Oman to the Mediterranean coast. From here, traders carried fragrant resin to Europe. At some point, the clergy of the Christian Church liked the smell it gave off during combustion, and they began to use it everywhere in worship. Thus, the smell of incense became an integral part of the church service, and it was in connection with this that the saying “afraid as the devil of incense” arose.

The ritual of preparing the deceased for the funeral service and the funeral service itself were never complete without a censer with incense, and the aroma acquired ominous associations in its range. But frankincense has been highly valued for thousands of years for its healing properties, described in mysterious legends. And it’s not surprising - today it has been scientifically proven that it has healing properties: it promotes hair growth, heals wounds, in combination with rose oil, treats ears and softens coughs. And they brought incense to the dying person with the hope that a miracle would happen, and if not, then at least he would feel better. So, “breathing on your last breath” means trying to return to life from oblivion.

Candidate of Philosophy Olga MARKINA


To breathe your last means to heal. - Not only the devil is afraid of him, but also the disease.
At the Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, they revealed the secret of the legendary incense, mentioned many times in the Old Testament, and... were surprised at its properties.

It is called the aroma of the Sun, symbolizing universal grace. We are talking about incense, an ancient incense mentioned many times in the Old Testament. Incense is also mentioned in the Gospel traditions: one of the three biblical wise men brought resin as a gift to the baby Jesus in recognition of his divinity. In the Christian liturgical tradition, it is this incense that is burned during each service. Scientists also drew attention to the fact that since ancient times incense was also considered a medicine. Specialists from the N. N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences set out to unravel the healing properties of that same biblical incense.


Numerous incense recipes always contain resin from the incense tree, which grows in Arabia, East Africa and India. Interestingly, there is no officially recognized method of preparing lada-na. Many Orthodox monasteries have their own recipes, which are kept secret. Sometimes in church usage incense is also a general name for other aromatic resins that are used during services.

Incense tree.

To find out which recipe for making incense is truly biblical, and therefore miraculous, chemists decided to re-read the Old Testament.
The canonical text read: “And the Lord said to Moses: Take for yourself fragrant substances: stacti, onycha, fragrant halvana and pure frankincense, all in equal amounts, and make of them, by the art of making an incense ointment, a composition, erased, pure, holy, and grind it finely, and you shall place it before the ark of the testimony in the tabernacle of meeting, where I will reveal myself to you: it will be a great shrine to you...” (The Second Book of Moses. Exodus, chapter 30).

The researchers came to the conclusion that biblical incense consisted of not one, but four components.

Pure Lebanon (Frankincense Resin).

It was necessary to understand what components were meant by the names “stakti”, “onyha”, “fragrant halvan” and “pure Lebanon”. But understanding this turned out to be not so easy: due to discrepancies and linguistic inconsistencies, completely different substances could have the same name.

Stacti tree.

For a whole year, scientists studied this issue, sifted through tons of medical literature and ancient medical records and eventually found out that pure Lebanon is the resin of the incense tree. Stacti is the Greek name for a substance denoting pure fragrant myrrh, which flows from the styrax tree. It consists of resin and gum (wood glue that appears on buds and cuts in the bark). Another name for stacti is myrrh. Styrax trees are found mainly in the south of the Arabian Peninsula and in Ethiopia.

Myrrh resin.

The next component, fragrant halvan, as it turned out, has another name since ancient times - galbanum. These are granules of frozen milky juice, secreted on cuts and cracks in the stems and rhizomes of perennial plants of the umbrella family Ferulagummosa and Ferularubricaulis. In addition to the Old Testament, galbanum is also mentioned in Egyptian papyri. Ancient doctors endowed it with analgesic, antispasmodic and diuretic properties.

Fragrant halvan (galbanum).

Milky juice of galbanum.

But most of all, scientists had to tinker with a substance called onycha. Translated from Greek, this word means “nail”, in Aramaic translation it means “tufra”, also “nail”. This word had several interpretations, so scientists had to conduct serious linguistic research to find out the only correct meaning. As a result, they came to the conclusion that onycha is nothing more than the valve of a spiral shell of a special type of mollusk living in the Red Sea. Chemists have found that its leaves, ground into fine powder, have been used in medicine since ancient times.


Having collected all four components, specialists began making miraculous incense. All components were brought from the areas of their historical origin. Scientists ground shells and resins and mixed them in equal parts (as indicated in the text of the Old Testament).

The resulting mixture was tested on experimental animals: two independent experiments were carried out with an interval of a month. Laboratory rats were infected with artificial peritonitis and divided into two groups of 10 animals. After that, one group was fumigated with the resulting incense for 15 minutes, and the second group was the control. As a result, in both experiments, four and five animals from the first group survived, respectively, while all rats in the control groups died.

The result amazed scientists. Biblical incense in its essence turned out to be a powerful immunomodulator, that is, a substance that can influence the immune system. Moreover, it was many times superior in properties to, for example, honey or cranberries. But why does it have such wonderful properties?

Further research by chemists clarified the situation somewhat: it turns out that when all the components were combined, a new homogeneous mixture with completely special properties arose.

Using a spirit lamp, the experimenters sublimated incense at the bottom of the glass. And a slide glass of an optical microscope was installed above the container - particles of the evaporating substance settled on it. After 15 minutes, the glass was examined under a microscope with a thousandfold magnification and it was found that a coating with particles had formed on the surface, each of which was a micron in size or less. But when we did the same with each individual component of incense, practically no such small particles were observed. If the components were sublimed separately, granules ranging in size from 5 to 30 microns were formed.

All this largely explains the miraculous properties

Aerosols and smoke with particles sized microns or smaller can hang in the air for a long time without settling. If such a suspension is sprayed once in a room, it can hang in the air for a day - this creates a regime of constant inhalation. That is, incense can affect the body for a long time.

It is quite possible that it was precisely this property that was taken into account when the sick were fumigated with incense. In the room where the sick person was, aerosols, as the personification of light forces, filled the entire space, displacing evil forces, or in our opinion, viruses and microbes.

In addition, particles smaller than a micron in size can easily enter the alveoli of the lungs. Particles larger than a micron collide with the walls of the trachea and do not reach the alveoli. Substances are absorbed into the blood precisely in the alveoli. The ingestion of particles of “biblical” incense into the body can be compared to intravenous administration, when the substance acts instantly and enters the body evenly over a long time. This does not happen when individual elements of incense are burned.


How could such a high-tech substance be obtained in Old Testament times? Scientists are confident that it is impossible to combine all four rare components by chance.

Moreover, it is not clear how our distant ancestors figured out to describe this composition as the only true one, although they did not know the fundamental principles on which the action of incense is based.

After all, the biological properties of aerosols with submicron particle sizes were discovered only at the end of the last century. The Old Testament was written from the 13th to the 1st centuries BC.

However, the fact is clear: in ancient times, humanity received a recipe for a powerful universal immunomodulator. And the one who discovered it had incomprehensible knowledge in the fields of physiology, physics and chemistry.


The strong sweet balsamic smell of incense is familiar to everyone who has attended a church service at least once. What miraculous properties does the source of this aroma have?

Frankincense heals wounds, helps in the treatment of various respiratory diseases, and rejuvenates the skin.

Incense smoke contains substances that have an antidepressant effect. In ancient Babylon, incense was called upon to cleanse the soul. Today, frankincense essential oil is produced, which really helps to cope with stress and nervous exhaustion, eliminates fears, anxieties, and insomnia.

In the old days they said about cherub incense (unburned pieces of incense that remain in the censer after walking while singing the Cherub song) that it not only relieves illnesses, but also helps in treasure hunting.

Breathe incense Razg. Being close to death. She couldn’t hesitate, because she was on her last legs, and it was hard for her to die without finding a home for her own granddaughter.(Aksakov. Family chronicle).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Breathe on your last breath” is in other dictionaries:

    breathe your last breath- See death... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. breathe your last, sick, death Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    breathe your last breath- about a thin, weak, sickly-looking person who does not have long to live. The expression is based on the religious ritual symbolism of the word incense, “the hardened resinous sap of special tree species that gives off a strong fragrant odor when burned.” IN… … Phraseology Guide

    breathe your last breath- 1) To be near death (about a person) 2) To fall into disrepair, to decay (about things) 3) To be on the eve of collapse, the cessation of existence. The joint stock company is breathing its last... Dictionary of many expressions

    Breathing on your last breath- Razg. To be thin, weak, sick, close to death. FSRY, 220; BMS 1998, 329; DP, 287, 398; BTS, 292; ZS 1996, 78; SPP 2001, 49; F 1, 182; DS, 159... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Smell incense, breathe incense.- Smell incense, breathe incense. See LIFE DEATH... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    incense- breathe your last breath. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. incense incense, resin, lavdan, Lebanon Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    INCENSE- INCENSE, incense, plural. no, husband (pers. lādän). A yellowish or reddish aromatic resin used for smoking, ch. arr. during religious services. Smoke of incense. It smells like incense. ❖ Breathe incense (colloquial) trans. to die, to be barely alive. Scared like hell... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

0 All people are mortal, many consider life to be a terrible disease from which they die. After all, as soon as a person is born, he immediately becomes “infected” with this deadly infection, and dies from it after 60-70 years, which by the standards of the Universe is only a short moment. However, many people have humor and irony, which they use to hide the fear of impending death. Therefore, many funny expressions and sayings on this topic appear. Today we will look at one of them, this Breathing on your last breath, you can read the meaning a little later. Be sure to add our resource site to your bookmarks so that you can check in with us from time to time.
However, before continuing, I would like to tell you about a couple more interesting articles on the topic of phraseological units. For example, what does Alpha and Omega mean; how to understand Gone into the sunset; what are White flies; the meaning of the expression Make one blush, etc.
So let's continue What does Breathe into incense mean??

Breathing on your last breath- used to describe a seriously ill or dying person who already has one foot in the grave

Breathing on your last breath- this is what they say about objects or things whose expiration date has long passed, which became known by their external signs&

Incense- this is a special resin that is formed on some plants of the burzer and cistus families, has the properties of inducing narcotic hypnosis (church trance) in all visitors to temples

Having tried many drugs in their services, the hierarchs of the Christian church chose this unremarkable tar. In its action, this substance is comparable to methamphetamine, popularly affectionately called “vint”. The smoke released from burning incense should be correctly called " psychoactive drug". Paracelsus 500 years ago concluded that the smoke of a burning incense for demons it is an opportunity to penetrate the brain of a person weakened by will. Therefore, incense will attract evil spirits rather than drive them away.
It is since then that in churches there has been a persistent smell of a narcotic substance, clouding the mind and allowing one to supposedly feel the presence of God.

Due to the fact that not a single funeral service or funeral was held without a censer with incense, then this scent has a bad association with death. According to the Christian church, fumigating the deceased with incense helps strengthen his connection with the church, and therefore with God. It is not entirely clear where such conclusions were drawn from; it was probably necessary to somehow explain the widespread use of this poisonous resin.

However, you shouldn’t worry so much about your health; today in churches, as a rule, counterfeits are used, a fake based on the strange “Cedar of Lebanon” resin. Catholics use natural incense from Somalia in their services, but it is very expensive, and therefore they do not smoke it as actively as our clergy.

After reading this article, you learned Breathe into incense, meaning

1. Who

To die, to live out the last days.

What is meant is that face ( X) from old age or illness loses vitality, prepares for death. Spoken to disapproval, with a tinge of regret. speech standard. X is dying . Nominal part unism. The verb is not used V bud. vr. In the role tale Order of component words fixed

- He will die soon... After all, here you go: is dying, but hand him the newspaper... D. Mamin-Sibiryak, Reader.- My dad and I live together, but dad, as they say, is dying! V. Zakrutkin, Floating village.

It would be better to remain silent. One is the chairman of a collective farm, who has long been is dying, and the other one is also not a frame... F. Abramov, Crossroads.

She could not hesitate, because, as they say, she I was breathing my last breath, and it was hard for her to die without providing a home for her own granddaughter. S. Aksakov, Family chronicle.

⊜ (fam.) Klavka... began to argue easily, with a smile: - Aunt Daria, that’s who you are. Sami breathe your last breath and choose to live on your own... V. Rasputin, Farewell to Matera.

⊝ Usually not used

Incense- “hardened resinous sap of special tree species that gives off a strong fragrant odor when burned.” "In the church incense cense- swing the censer (a vessel in which incense is burned) in front of images of God and saints to appease them. The same is done before the dead and dying." ( Birikh A.K., Mokienko V.M., Stepanova L.I. Dictionary of Russian phraseology. Historical and etymological reference book. St. Petersburg, 2001. P. 329.) Image phraseol. goes back to the ancient archetypal opposition “dead - alive”, as well as to the related opposition “sick - healthy”. Component phraseol. breathe correlates with anthropic, i.e. actually human, cultural code, component incense- with a religious subject code, because is a religious item. Image phraseol. is created by a metaphorical likening of a person’s poor physical condition, his gradual dying, to a religious rite that accompanies the last days of a dying person preparing for death. The solemnity of a person’s transition to another state is reflected in folklore: Know how to live, know how to die; How you lived in the world - we saw, how you begin to die - we will see. cm. also in the biblical text: “To every one there is a time, and a time to every purpose under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die” ( Eccl. 3: 1, 2). phraseol. in general, it conveys a stereotypical idea of ​​a person’s poor physical condition and his proximity to death. M. L. Kovshova



Be in poor condition.

What is meant is that some kind old, dilapidated thing, structure, organization ( R) will soon break, deteriorate, fall apart and so on. Spoken to disapproval. speech standard. R is dying . Nominal part unism. The verb is not used V bud. vr. Often used with the word long ago. In the role tale Order of component words unfixed

⊡ - You need to call the district and talk about spare parts. Not today, tomorrow two tractors will stop working, bearings they are dying. M. Alekseev, Ivushka is not crying.-... There is no cowshed... Calf barn is dying- it's my fault? F. Abramov, Two winters and three summers.

Don't switch the TV. Only the first program works. He's been around for a long time is dying. (Announcement.)

...a house on Shakespeare Street a long time ago was dying- it was embedded in the sand up to its frames; there was a large crack in the middle of the façade.... V. Pietsukh, Precious features.

Mother, Anna Savvishna, had been living with the Larichevs since one spring when an old hut was swept down the cliff by floodwaters. She's been around for a long time was dying and now, I couldn’t stand it. I. Grekova, Hotel owner.

The second - the final - copy [of the manuscript] wandered around the editors, and everyone refused to print this thing, devoid of plot and plot, class approach and social significance. Georgy Blok, the poet’s cousin, who worked in on its last legs private publishing house. N. Mandelstam, Second book.

cultural commentary: Main comment cm. in INcense BREATHE 1.. This usage phraseol. associated with the oldest archetypal form of awareness of the world - animistic, i.e. personifying the inanimate. Image phraseol. is created by personification, i.e. animation, objects of the objective world. An object, a thing is perceived as a living organism in the process of gradual fading, dying. The likening of the inanimate to the living gives special significance to the description of the decay of a thing, which, in turn, may be associated with fetishism - with the veneration of things as magically divine entities. phraseol. generally conveys a stereotypical idea of ​​gradual decay, the falling apart of things. M. L. Kovshova
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