When to lower the temperature. Heat is good! Is it necessary to lower a child's temperature? Types of fever in a child

Almost every person experiences elevated body temperature from time to time. Having discovered that the mercury has crossed the red line of 37.0 degrees, a significant part of people are taking measures to reduce temperature readings. But how practical is this? What temperature should be lowered, according to doctors?

What temperature should an adult lower?

A high temperature is most often an indicator that the immune system is resisting bacteria or viruses that have caused an inflammatory and infectious process in the body. In this regard, experts unanimously state that elevated temperatures should be reduced only in individual cases, taking into account:

  • thermal indicators;
  • the duration of the period when the temperature rises;
  • nature of the disease;
  • general condition of the patient's body.

The normal human body temperature is 36.6 degrees, but the temperature range of a completely healthy person can range from 35.5 to 37.4 degrees. The temperature increases slightly during physical exertion, nervous tension, overheating, and an allergic reaction. In women, the temperature can change if the usual is disrupted during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause.

Doctors believe that it is not worth interfering with natural processes, so there is definitely no need to bring down the so-called low-grade fever.

What temperature should be lowered for a cold, flu, or sore throat?

Infectious diseases are accompanied by a significant increase in temperature. When the temperature exceeds 38, there comes a time when you need to take measures to reduce the temperature. But even in this case, doctors advise not to use medications at temperatures up to 39 degrees. Recommended:

  • warm herbal teas, berry fruit drinks, rosehip decoction to increase sweating;
  • wiping with water at room temperature.

Exceeding 39 degrees makes it necessary to use antipyretics, since a further increase in temperature, even by 10, can be dangerous not only for the health, but also for the life of the patient. The most effective drugs with this effect are considered to be Ibuprofen, as well as drugs based on them, for example, Theraflu, Nurofen, etc.

In medicine, it is generally accepted that body temperature exceeding 41 is critical. Irreversible processes associated with changes in protein structure begin in the patient’s body. And this threatens with serious health complications that can last a lifetime, even if the disease can be overcome.

What temperature should I lower? This question is more relevant than most people think. A cold often causes a high fever, which causes restlessness and discomfort. I immediately want to reduce it. But is it necessary to do this and in what situations should medications be used? It should be remembered that most often the temperature appears due to the activity of the immune system. But in some cases it is simply necessary to reduce it.

Let's take a closer look at why elevated temperatures occur in the first place. Various viruses and infections penetrate the body. Or an inflammatory process, allergies, or bleeding occurs. a person quickly detects problems and signals about it. That is, the temperature itself is not a disease, but only its symptom. Therefore, first of all, you need to deal with the main problem, and not with signals about it.

Is it even possible to fight it? The vast majority of doctors believe that fever is not a problem at all, but a favorable sign indicating that the human immune system is able to cope with infections. However, this only applies to healthy people. If you have not suffered from any diseases that undermine your immune system, you do not have to worry about the temperature. You need to pay close attention to it if you have recently had surgery or chemotherapy. A dangerous temperature is also observed when a person has undermined his immunity due to any medications, or he simply has poor health due to age or any other reasons.

What temperature should a healthy person lower? You don't have to worry until the mark on the thermometer has crossed 37.2 degrees. However, if such a fever does not go away within several days, you should consult a doctor. It is not recommended to knock it down. Remember that this is not the main problem, but only a signal of problems in the body.

Which temperature should be lowered, and which should you just control? If you have approximately 38 degrees, it is not recommended to use Try various folk recipes. Stay calm, drink more water. To relieve the heat, you can wipe with damp towels. Is your temperature approaching 38.5 degrees? In this case, take antipyretic medications. If the temperature still rises and approaches 39.5 degrees, do not neglect the help of specialists. Be sure to call an ambulance. It is dangerous to go without a doctor’s examination at a temperature of 41 degrees or more. Remember, neglecting professional help can lead to damage to brain function.

What temperature should be lowered for a child? Most mothers are very worried about their children and therefore, at any temperature, they immediately resort to antipyretic drugs. There is no need to do this. Until the temperature rises above 38 degrees, it is not recommended to bring it down. This will only aggravate and prolong the disease.

What if he doesn't tolerate heat well? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous, because everything depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. However, if a child suffers from a dysfunction of the nervous system, a lung disease, or has problems with the respiratory tract and heart, it is necessary to bring down the temperature when it rises above 37.8 degrees. Remember that fever signals that the baby’s body is fighting the disease on its own. This process should not be interfered with without However, with a significant increase in temperature, the help of a doctor is necessary.

When we take our temperature and the thermometer shows high readings (37.5, 38, 39 degrees, and sometimes higher), we begin to panic, our heart skips a beat, fear and fussiness appear: we need to do something! Each person has their own panic threshold: for some, a temperature of 37.2 degrees is already a disaster, while for others, 39 is not scary. However, everyone understands that an increase in body temperature does not occur by itself; some processes occur in the body, as a result of which the temperature deviates from the norm. Many people have questions: what temperature is considered high, should it be brought down, and when should antipyretic medicine be given to children? We will try to find answers to these and other questions in this article.

First of all, you should remember that high temperature is not a separate disease, but only a symptom of some pathology. At its core, an increase in body temperature is the body’s reaction to the penetration of infection (viruses, bacteria, etc.) inside. Simply put, the body has detected infectious agents and put the immune system on full alert to fight the infection. The immune system begins to actively produce interferons (a special group of proteins) that can resist viruses and bacteria. The process of interferon production is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, which is a completely natural physiological process. For one organism to successfully fight an infection, a temperature of 37.5 degrees is enough, for another – 38, and for some – even 39 is required. Judge for yourself: if the body itself raises its body temperature, then for some reason it needs it, right?

When should an adult's temperature be lowered?

You should start lowering the temperature only after the cause of its increase has been established: a viral infection, an allergic reaction, an inflammatory process in the joints or tissues, severe bleeding, etc. An increase in temperature is a positive signal that the body has not given in to the infection, but has begun to fight it with all its internal reserves.

Everyone knows that the normal value of human body temperature is 36.6 degrees. If the value on the thermometer briefly increases to 37.2 degrees without the appearance of other symptoms, then this is also within the normal range (but if you record 37.2 for 2-3 days, then this is a reason to go to the doctor). A temperature of 37.5 and even 38 degrees is not high and only requires control of its changes (provide the body with complete rest and plenty of fluids), but if the thermometer readings are 38.5 degrees or higher, you should take an antipyretic. If the temperature reaches 40 degrees, you should call an ambulance, as this condition can be very dangerous. When the temperature exceeds 41 degrees, hospitalization is necessary.

When to give antipyretic medicine to a child?

Usually, parents are extremely sensitive to any, even slight increase in the child’s temperature and begin to give medications as soon as the thermometer registers a value of 37 degrees. However, neither 37 nor 37.5 degrees are dangerous for a child: the body fights the infection and so far copes on its own. But if the temperature gradually rises and passes the mark of 38, then the child should be given an antipyretic, otherwise the illness may drag on. If a child has diseases of the heart, lungs or nervous system, then measures should be taken already at 37.5-37.8 degrees.

You can often hear that parents feel sorry for their child, that he is suffering and crying, so it is better to immediately give him a magic antipyretic syrup and he will calm down. This approach is fundamentally wrong, because the child cries not from a temperature, but from completely different symptoms (for example, a sore throat, a stuffy nose, etc.). The body itself regulates its temperature and raises it in order to make it easier for it to cope with enemy agents, and you should not interfere in this fight without a good reason. Therefore, such actions of parents are aimed not at helping the child, but at reassuring the parents themselves. If you don’t know what to do, it’s better to seek help from a doctor.

How to reduce fever correctly?

So, you have decided to take measures to bring down the temperature. The easiest way to do this is with the help of antipyretics containing ibuprofen (Nurofen, Solpaflex, Ibuklin) or paracetamol (Flyukold, Coldrex, Solpadein, Panadol, Efferalgan). It is better not to use aspirin-based products (due to a large list of contraindications).

It is not worthwhile to bring down a not very high temperature with antipyretic drugs, because your immune system will begin to get lazy: in the future it will no longer effectively fight viral attacks and will wait for a magic pill from you every time. Adults are generally recommended to drink antipyretics only in extreme cases, use herbal infusions for treatment as long as possible, and drink more warm liquids, for example, raspberry tea.

If you don’t feel cold, then you shouldn’t wrap yourself in two sweaters and wear a hat at home - now your body doesn’t need overheating at all, wear the clothes that you usually wear at home. It is important to ensure the humidity in the room is not lower than 60% (a humidifier will help you with this), and the temperature is not higher than 22°C. You can perform rubdowns - periodically moisturize the armpits, elbow and popliteal fossae, and neck. You should definitely not take a hot bath or go to the sauna - this will only worsen your well-being.

In extreme heat, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. Ordinary clean drinking water or unsweetened compote is best. You should give up cola, lemonade, coffee, strong tea, and completely eliminate alcohol.

Thus, you should not be afraid of an increase in body temperature. Yes, this is an unpleasant symptom of an infection or inflammatory process in the body, but at the same time, it is a sign that your body has already begun to fight the infection. Do not accustom your body to helping it with a pill at the slightest increase in the temperature on the thermometer, otherwise you will reduce its ability to fight viruses. This rule also applies to children - if you do not lower the child’s temperature when it rises slightly, then it will be easier for him to endure illnesses in the future, the child’s body will become more resistant to infections, and in its fight it will manage without a significant increase in body temperature.

Fever itself is not an absolute indication for lowering the temperature; for most infections, maximum temperatures rarely exceed 39.5°C. This does not pose any threat to a child older than 2-3 months. In cases where a decrease in temperature is necessary, it is usually sufficient to lower it by 1-1.5 ° C.


Age Temperature What to do
up to 3 months 38°C and above, measured rectally Call your doctor if your child has no other symptoms
from 3 to 24 months up to 38.9°C, measured orally Your child needs: rest and drinking plenty of water. Medicines are not indicated. Call a doctor if your child is overexcited, apathetic, or uncomfortable.
from 3 to 24 months 38.9°C and above, measured orally Give your child paracetamol. If the baby is 6 months or older, ibuprofen can be used. To choose the correct dose, carefully read the instructions. Don't give aspirin! Call your doctor if your fever does not go down or if it persists for more than one day.



Temperature measurement

In infants, the temperature in the rectum is measured with a special thermometer. When the baby is four or five months old, the temperature in the mouth is measured with an oral thermometer. To get the most accurate temperature readings, you need to measure your child's temperature thirty minutes after he calms down, or eats a hot meal, or drinks a hot drink.

When should you see a doctor?

If a child has a high fever:

  • cries inconsolably;
  • remains irritated even after the temperature has dropped (if you gave your child paracetamol);
  • has difficulty waking up;
  • he has confusion or does not come to his senses;
  • if he has just had a seizure or has had a seizure in the past;
  • he has a stiff neck;
  • has difficulty breathing, despite the fact that the nose is clear;
  • he constantly feels sick or has diarrhea;
  • if he has a high fever for more than 72 hours.

The temperature indicated on the thermometer should be assessed depending on the method you used to measure. You should know that the temperature in the armpit in children is approximately 36-37°C, the rectal temperature is 1°C higher, and the temperature in the mouth is 0.5°C higher than in the armpits.

How to reduce high temperature?

  • Give your child children's paracetamol: syrups, effervescent powders and tablets for the preparation of solutions, the effect of which occurs within 30 - 60 minutes and lasts 2-4 hours. Paracetamol in suppositories has a longer effect, but its effect comes later. (see table above). The dose of paracetomol is 10-15 mg/kg body weight per day. Do not use antipyretics without consulting a doctor for more than 3 days.
  • To reduce the temperature, you can give children Ibuprofen in children's dosage forms - in syrups and suspensions. The tablet form of the drug is not suitable for this purpose. Ibuprofen for children: Nurofen for children - syrup 100 mg in 5 ml; Dolormin for children - 2% suspension. Children's dosage forms can be prescribed from the age of 6 months at a dose of 5-10 mg/kg body weight per day. The drug begins to act within 30-60 minutes after administration with a peak of effectiveness after 2-3 hours.
  • Don't give children aspirin. It can cause severe toxic reactions - Reye's syndrome.
  • Analgin should not be given to children. Analgin is banned in many countries of the world and is not recommended by the World Health Organization. It can cause anaphylactic shock and agranulocytosis, which can be fatal. It can also cause a prolonged collaptoid state with hypothermia up to 34.5-35.0°C.
  • You can try a warm bath with a sponge bath for 15-20 minutes, but so that the child does not tremble. You can simply wipe your child with a damp sponge in bed.
  • Do not rub your child with alcohol solutions. This method was once very popular, but now doctors do not recommend doing this, because... may cause a toxic reaction.
  • Give your child plenty of fluids. Let him drink any non-hot drinks, except tea and Coca-Cola.
  • The child should be dressed lightly so that he does not overheat.

There are “red” and “white” hyperthermia. “Red” hyperthermia develops more often and has a more favorable prognosis. In this case, the child’s behavior is normal, the skin is hot, moist, there is moderate redness, the limbs are warm, the increase in pulse and respiration corresponds to an increase in body temperature (for every degree above 37 ° C, shortness of breath increases by 4 breaths per minute, and tachycardia - by 20 beats per minute).

“White” hyperthermia is characterized by disturbances in the child’s behavior - indifference, lethargy or, conversely, agitation, delirium and convulsions. The skin is pale, with a “marble pattern”, cyanosis of the nail beds and lips, cold extremities, excessive shortness of breath and tachycardia.

For “red” hyperthermia, the emergency medical plan is to use physical cooling methods, give the child plenty of fluids, and prescribe antipyretic medications. Usually, after 3-4 hours, re-taking the drugs is required.

Most of us know how many troubles an increase in human body temperature above normal brings: we get chills, are overcome by headaches, aches in our bones appear, we feel numb in every possible way, and some even begin to hallucinate or are haunted by obsessive thoughts. It is natural that we immediately have a desire to get rid of disgusting sensations as quickly as possible, and we begin to think about how to bring down the high temperature. An adult has many more ways to do this than a child, but you shouldn’t immediately grab drugs or folk recipes. Let's find out what temperature needs to be brought down in an adult, and whether this can be done at home.

What temperature can be reduced in adults?

Many, just feeling unwell and seeing how the mercury column of the thermometer has crawled beyond the mark of 37 degrees, empty their first aid kits. Without thinking too much about whether to bring down the temperature of 37 or 37.5 in an adult. However, even a temperature of 38 does not need to be brought down if there are no indications for this, for example, certain diseases or dangerous symptoms. Even the temperature of 38.5 degrees should not be lowered unnecessarily. Why?

By raising body temperature, the body fights viruses, the proteins of which are destroyed under the influence of high temperature. The metabolic processes of pathogenic microorganisms slow down, infectious agents are not able to reproduce. Thus, the human immune system independently fights the infection. Moreover, recent studies have shown that our immune system works better at elevated temperatures.

However, if the body temperature exceeded 38 degrees, the patient developed a pathological fever associated with the influence of pyrogens. Pyrogens are substances that affect thermoregulation processes in the human body. If we are talking about a cold, then pyrogenic substances are those that are secreted by infectious microorganisms. These are bacteria that strive to create the most comfortable conditions for their life in the patient’s body. This is the body from 39 to 41 Celsius. Trying to resist these bacteria, our body tries to stabilize the temperature so that the temperature does not rise to the level required by pyrogens. If the temperature exceeds 39 degrees, this means that the body has not coped with pathogenic microorganisms and needs urgent help. Ignoring temperatures exceeding 39 degrees Celsius is very dangerous.

Thus, whether to lower the temperature of an adult depends on how “far” the mercury column of the thermometer has gone.

If it hovers at 38-38.5 degrees, and there are no serious symptoms, there is no need to lower the temperature. Give the body the opportunity to overcome the viral “invader” on its own. By artificially lowering the temperature, you do your body a “disservice”: dangerous microorganisms are not destroyed, but, on the contrary, penetrate further and further.

It is necessary to bring down the temperature of 38 in an adult if it is accompanied by:

  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Severe headache
  • Cramps

This temperature needs to be reduced for people with thyroid diseases and some diseases of the cardiovascular system. Reducing such a relatively low temperature is also necessary for those who do not tolerate elevated temperatures due to individual characteristics.

How to reduce fever at home

We have found out whether it is necessary to bring down the temperature of adults, now we will tell you how to do this if there is a need. The important thing here is to cool the body and not let it heat up too much.

There are several effective ways to alleviate the condition and help you recover:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Drinks should be warm: cold or hot drinks will aggravate the situation. First, prepare warm tea by adding currants, raspberries or honey. This way you will increase sweating, due to which the fever will gradually recede. Then drink plenty of plain water, but not cold water.
  • Rub with vodka, alcohol or vinegar. To do this, remove your clothes and dry your body thoroughly, paying special attention to your armpits, feet, elbows and knees. After wiping, do not immediately cover yourself with a blanket; lie down for a few minutes, allowing the liquid to evaporate freely. This will reduce the fever
  • Let in cooling compresses - take a basin, pour cool water or yarrow decoction into it. Soak a cotton towel in the liquid and apply to your wrists, forehead, groin, and temples. Compresses need to be changed frequently, since at elevated temperatures the towel will heat up quickly
  • You can lower the temperature of an adult using folk remedies using an enema with chamomile decoction. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water into four tablespoons of dried plant flowers and heat in a water bath. When the mixture has cooled, strain it and dilute with water so that you get 200 ml of decoction. An enema is done using this decoction.

Medicines to reduce fever

If the procedures described above did not help lower the temperature, you can look at the first aid kit or pharmacy for various pills and other drugs. Sometimes, only antipyretic drugs can give the desired effect. But it is better not to take them without a doctor’s prescription.

The most popular and cheapest option is the well-known Aspirin. It can be produced in the form of powder or tablets, which are taken for pain and fever. In order not to further harm the gastric mucosa, it is better to crush the tablet into powder. Take with plenty of water. The maximum daily volume of the drug is 500 mg on the first day and 200 mg on the following days.

Remember: you should not take Aspirin on an empty stomach. Be sure to eat before using the drug.

You can also take inexpensive Paracetamol, which has a weak anti-inflammatory effect. If you need to quickly bring down a high fever in an adult, take Paracetamol together with NO-SHPO and Analgin.

Paracetamol is taken three times a day every four hours for 5 days to lower body temperature. The maximum dose at a time should be no more than 500 mg.

Analgin is a well-known analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent that will help reduce fever in an adult. The drug is produced in the form of tablets, injection solutions and suppositories. To bring down the temperature, the injection is given intramuscularly or intravenously, using 250 to 500 mg of the drug per day.

Nurofen is also a common antipyretic drug, which will also help relieve headaches and toothaches. Sold in 200 mg tablets, which must be taken at least three times a day. The drug should be taken with plenty of water. If after three days the temperature has not dropped, you need to go to the doctor.

How to reduce the temperature in an adult using folk remedies

How to reduce fever without pills? Homemade decoctions, tinctures and compresses will help do this.

Linden decoction will help relieve fever. You will need two tablespoons of dried flowers and water. Pour a glass of boiling water over the linden flowers, stir, and let it brew for an hour and a half. Then strain the broth, add honey if necessary, and take 4 times a day. The product will increase sweating and reduce the temperature.

Compresses made from vinegar and potatoes will be effective. Grate two raw vegetables, pour 20 ml of apple cider vinegar into it, and wrap the resulting mixture in gauze. You need to make a compress for two hours, applying it to your forehead.

Raspberries are known for their antipyretic properties; a special infusion can be made from it. Use dry raspberries: flowers and berries. They are crushed and poured with a glass of boiled water. Then the product should be placed in a water bath for 15 minutes, then strained and poured into a thermos. Take small sips throughout the day.

An oral remedy based on onion, apple and honey is taken orally when the body temperature rises. You will need to mix half a glass of each product, after grating the apple and onion. You need to consume the elixir one tablespoon twice a day.

Another effective recipe with onions: grate the peeled onion on a fine grater and add 400 ml of boiled water. The composition should be wrapped in a cloth and allowed to brew for 9 hours. Then drink two teaspoons every hour.

How to bring down a temperature of 39-40 in an adult

If a person’s body temperature has exceeded 39.5-40 °C, you need to act quickly. It is necessary to use the following antipyretic drugs based on active ingredients:

  • Ibuprofen, drugs: Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Navigan
  • Acetylsalicylic acid, drugs: Aspirin, Acetylsalicylic acid, Citropak
  • Paracetamol, agents: Ibuklin, Koldakt, Panoxecan, Theraflu

The folk remedies we discussed above will also be effective.

Such a strong increase in body temperature leads to dehydration, so drinking plenty of fluids is required. Let the patient drink compotes, fruit drinks, herbal teas, fresh juices, and, of course, a lot of water. The liquid should be at room temperature.

It is impossible to overheat the body during this period, so no bath procedures, mustard plasters or hot foot baths. If the high temperature lasts more than two days, you should consult a doctor. This should also be done immediately if the increase is accompanied by vomiting, severe pain, or is not caused by a cold. The temperature can rise in many diseases; do not delay in calling a specialist if the nature of the symptoms is not clear.

Also remember that the above medications have many contraindications and side effects. Be sure to read the summary.

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