Allergy on the face rosacea. What is rosacea on the face and how is it treated? Methods of treatment of rosacea

- a disease caused by a violation of blood microcirculation, which occurs due to the expansion and fragility of small vessels of sensitive skin. If the skin is susceptible to external factors, it reacts to them with redness or inflammation. Owners of sensitive skin, which is a prerequisite for rosacea, often experience itching, burning, tingling of the skin with the slightest changes in air temperature, washing or touching. The reaction of the skin in the form of uniform redness appears most often on the forehead, chin, nose and cheeks. Further development of rosacea leads to permanent redness caused by the expansion and fragility of the blood vessels.

General information

Couperosis is a disease caused by a violation of blood microcirculation, which occurs due to the expansion and fragility of small vessels of sensitive skin. If the skin is susceptible to external factors, it reacts to them with redness or inflammation. Owners of sensitive skin, which is a prerequisite for rosacea, often experience itching, burning, tingling of the skin with the slightest changes in air temperature, washing or touching. The reaction of the skin in the form of uniform redness appears most often on the forehead, chin, nose and cheeks. Further development of rosacea leads to permanent redness caused by the expansion and fragility of the blood vessels. Telangiectasia (dilation of small vessels) becomes so obvious that it is noticeable to others. The problem of rosacea is usually more familiar to women than men. Dark-skinned women are threatened by rosacea to a much lesser extent than those with fair skin.

Causes of rosacea

Couperosis, like any disease, can be associated with a genetic predisposition. To reduce the risk of this disease, you should avoid exposure to adverse factors that disrupt capillary blood flow and cause venous blood stasis.

  • temperature fluctuations. A sharp fluctuation in temperature negatively affects the condition of sensitive skin prone to rosacea. The skin should be protected from excessive hot or cold exposure.
  • Spicy and hot food- an ally of rosacea, so it is better to avoid it.
  • Smoking- a vicious enemy of health. This addiction negatively affects the functioning of the circulatory system. It is better not to allow yourself such a harmful addiction.
  • Alcohol. The vasodilating effect of alcoholic beverages, especially red grape or chokeberry wine, will not be slow to affect the condition of the skin.
  • Ultra-violet rays cause fragility of blood vessels, negatively affect metabolic processes in the body. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Do not abuse coffee, bitter or hot chocolate. Better yet, you should completely eliminate these foods from the diet, because. they have a strong stimulating effect on blood circulation.
  • stressful situations cause rosacea. Emotional experiences are accompanied by an increase in pressure, as a result of which the normal functioning of the vessels is disturbed, the walls of the capillaries are destroyed.

If you have already encountered the problem of rosacea, do not despair. There are effective treatments for this disease. Let's get acquainted first, what can be dangerous rosacea.

If the signs of rosacea have already become your problem in the form of unwanted excessive blush, dry skin and noticeable blood vessels on the face, medical measures must be urgently applied. Recall that rosacea is a disease, and it must be treated. There is nothing more important for any woman than preserving the beauty and prolonging the youthfulness of the skin. Couperosis, with development, leads to skin aging, because it does not receive the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen due to circulatory problems. The skin loses its healthy natural color, becomes pale, acquires a grayish tint.

Self-care for skin prone to rosacea

Even the professional help of qualified cosmetologists can be nullified if you do not learn how to properly care for rosacea-prone skin. Here are some tips on how to do it.

Cleansing. For skin suffering from rosacea, dehydration of the integument and tissues is relevant. In the case of using soap or soap foam for washing, the lipid (special fat molecules) protective film is destroyed, which protects the skin from the evaporation of water molecules. Already sensitive skin reacts quickly to moisture loss. You can avoid such a reaction by using only special mild cleansers. Under no circumstances should you use too hot or cold water. Only warm water for washing and for removing decorative cosmetics. Better yet, to cleanse dry skin, use cosmetic cream or milk to remove makeup. They contain vegetable oils, so they have a beneficial effect on the skin, nourish and moisturize it.

Hydration and nutrition. With rosacea, sufficient and timely moisturizing and nourishing the skin is of particular importance. For this, creams containing film-forming (filmogenic) substances are the best suited. Well nourish and moisturize the skin means with the inclusion of linoleic acid, vitamins C, K, E, which also fight the fragility of the walls of blood vessels. In the summer, it is necessary to use special day creams to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, and at night you can treat the skin with a soothing serum.

Toning. Products containing alcohol should be completely excluded from the care of skin prone to rosacea. They cause dryness and irritation of the skin. There are tonics, which include components that have an action aimed at combating rosacea. These components include Ussuri hops, chestnut, cypress, fir or pine, juniper, vitamins K, C and rutin.

Peels and scrubs. It is absolutely unacceptable to use solid abrasive products in the care of skin suffering from rosacea. Preference should be given to mild exfoliators, white clay masks, very mild peels. The procedure must be carried out carefully, trying not to injure sensitive skin. Sponges, brushes and brushes for applying and removing the mask will not work. Only gentle manipulations with the help of fingertips or sponge. The duration of the stay of funds on the face should be 1-2 minutes.

Salon care for rosacea-prone skin

Skin prone to rosacea, very thin and sensitive in structure, prone to inflammatory processes. She requires increased attention and caring care not only at home, but also in beauty salons. The procedures carried out with rosacea are aimed at preventing the appearance of redness, irritation, and dryness of the skin.

Deep cleaning of skin prone to rosacea in the salon.

With rosacea, the skin needs deep cleansing more than ever. But the skin cleansing procedure should be very delicate and gentle, and it can be done correctly only in a specialized beauty salon. It is categorically contraindicated in case of rosacea to carry out vaporization procedures (a kind of hardware steam baths), as well as peelings carried out by mechanical and chemical methods. An exception is enzyme peeling using enzymes (biologically active substances, enzymes). It acts on the skin very gently, loosening it and ensuring the penetration of medicinal preparations into the deeper layers. To stop inflammation in a beauty salon, hardware irrigation with pairs of plant extracts - sage or lavender can be used.

Procedures aimed at nourishing the skin are carried out after its preliminary cleaning. Highly concentrated products containing active ingredients are applied to the skin of the face (with the exception of the area around the eyes): vitamins (for example, fat-soluble vitamin K), grape seed oils or mallow extract moisturizing the skin, multivitamin complexes (vitamins E, A, and K).

If rosacea is complicated by vascular rosacea (a combination of vascular skin lesions and rosacea), then such skin, as a rule, is thin and atrophic, prone to the early appearance of fine expression lines. Comprehensive care for her should include firming masks and sheets with collagen.

Treatment of rosacea by a cosmetologist

Most of the drugs and procedures aimed at strengthening blood vessels and increasing their tone have a symptomatic effect, that is, they reduce the visible manifestations of rosacea, but do not completely eliminate it. With significant manifestations of rosacea, measures for its treatment should be aimed at eradicating the causes of the disease. The basis of modern methods of treatment of rosacea is such an effect on the expanded capillary, which leads to its complete destruction and removal. At the same time, blood circulation in the vascular bed is not disturbed, since reserve capillaries are included in the bloodstream.

In modern cosmetology for rosacea, the following methods of vascular correction are used:

  • Electrocoagulation. It is aimed at destroying the dilated vessel with an electrical impulse passed through a thin needle. Technically, the procedure is quite simple, but it has its drawbacks. If the area of ​​the skin affected by rosacea is large, then the manipulation will be very long in time and will leave numerous traces of redness from the needle. A variant of electrocoagulation is diathermocoagulation using a hair electrode. The procedure is carried out once a week in several stages, since the largest altered vessels are removed first, and then small telangiectasias are removed. Sometimes micro scars and age spots remain after it.
  • Photo and laser therapy. Various types of treatment of rosacea using laser (pulse and long-pulse on dyes, continuous action) therapy and phototherapy are selected taking into account the type and severity of rosacea. The advantages of the laser include the possibility of treating a strong degree of rosacea, while with minor lesions, the expediency of its use is not justified - in this case it is better to resort to ozone therapy. Complications of photo- and laser therapy are point defects and age spots, or partial or complete discoloration of the skin in the affected areas. It is possible to avoid this if you take a responsible approach to choosing a clinic and a cosmetologist. Before prescribing procedures, a competent doctor will conduct a skin sensitivity test and determine its phototype.
  • Ozone therapy. The essence of the method is to introduce an oxygen-ozone mixture through a microneedle into the lumen of the vessel. Due to the maximum saturation of skin cells with oxygen, their energy and functioning are enhanced, which leads to the disappearance of deformation of the walls of blood vessels. The method is very effective and safe, does not leave cicatricial changes and pigmentation, unlike electrocoagulation, laser or sclerotherapy. With couperose complicated by rosacea, before ozone therapy, you should get rid of acne.

Even after any salon method of treating rosacea, the results obtained should be constantly supported by proper skin care at home. Regular intake of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) or ascorutin (vitamins C and P) will help to consolidate the result and take care of the prevention of recurrence of rosacea.

Couperosis is a burning sensation, redness, hypersensitivity and dilated capillaries. Vascular asterisks often appear on the cheeks and chin, as well as the wings of the nose. Exacerbation of the disease causes alcohol, sun, nicotine, too cold and hot water. Couperose develops due to genetic predisposition, wrong lifestyle, abuse of sauna and bath. Skin care products, diet and sports help to eliminate the symptoms.

Nutrition from the vascular network

Asterisks and redness often occur in owners of thin fair skin. Such patients, as well as people with weak capillaries and pressure problems, are advised to follow a special diet.

Symptoms of rosacea are aggravated by red meat: beef, pork, lamb and veal. Turkey and chicken can be consumed, but not more than 400 g per week. The component is replaced with fish and seafood. Shrimps, hake, salmon and mussels contain amino acids and B vitamins. The components strengthen the walls of blood vessels, slowing down the appearance of "stars". Seafood is combined with fish oil. Dietary supplement - a source of omega-3. Amino acid is useful for the skin and capillaries, normalizes metabolic processes and pressure.

The disease is exacerbated by the abuse of semi-finished products and smoked meats. Preservatives weaken the walls of blood vessels. The salt contained in sausage and frozen dumplings retains fluid in the body and leads to pressure surges.

Sausages and pate are replaced with beans, peas and soybeans, hard cheese and cottage cheese, as well as chicken and quail eggs. The body receives protein from legumes and dairy products. The component is involved in the production of collagen, which increases the tone of capillaries and skin.

Butter and sour cream lead to an exacerbation of rosacea. Products are sources of bad cholesterol, which leads to the formation of plaques and the appearance of a vascular network on the face. Animal fats are replaced with vegetable fats. Instead of butter, olive, corn, linseed and sunflower oils are used in food. Only the unrefined, cold-pressed variety, which is rich in omega-3s, will do.

With rosacea, sweets should not be abused. Cakes and sweets are fast carbohydrates, because of which the level of sugar and pressure rises sharply. Cakes lead to weight gain. Fats are deposited on the face, impairing blood circulation and capillary tone. There is a vascular network and redness, the symptoms of rosacea intensify. With a tendency to diabetes and "stars" on the cheeks and wings of the nose, even sweet fruits are excluded from the menu: oranges, mangoes, pineapples and papaya, as well as red plums. Forbidden foods are replaced with apples, lemons, currants, sauerkraut, broccoli and bell peppers. Vegetables and berries are rich in ascorbic acid. Vitamin C restores the tone of capillaries, removes the vascular network and reduces skin sensitivity.

With rosacea, foods containing potassium and rutin are useful:

  • bananas;
  • spinach;
  • buckwheat;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • carrot;
  • asparagus;
  • parsley roots and leaves.

Trace elements and vitamins normalize blood circulation and pressure, tone capillaries and large vessels.

With rosacea, chocolate, coffee and strong tea are not allowed. Desserts and drinks rich in caffeine stimulate blood flow to the face and the formation of a vascular network. Coffee is replaced with green tea and rosehip broth, which contains a lot of ascorbic acid.

The disease will recede if dishes with soy sauce, raisins, table and apple cider vinegar, as well as tomatoes and onions disappear from the diet. You can not eat lobsters, white and black bread, pasta and alcohol with rosacea.

Instead of sweets and sausages, you should eat a handful of nuts daily, drink at least 1.5 liters of distilled water and 500 ml of kefir or yogurt without sweeteners and preservatives. A balanced diet can be supplemented with extracts and extracts from:

  • chestnut;
  • mimosa;
  • blueberries;
  • arnica;
  • grape seeds;
  • echinacea;
  • myrtle.

Capillaries are strengthened with biological supplements with rutin, silicon and collagen.

Masks for rosacea

Thin and light skin, prone to redness and "stars", should be protected from frost and direct ultraviolet radiation. In winter and summer, they use therapeutic creams with chamomile, calendula or aloe extracts, buy special gels and foams for rosacea. Cosmetics are best purchased at pharmacies.

Foundation and powder help to stop the disease. Decorative cosmetics not only masks defects, but also protects the face from direct ultraviolet radiation. With rosacea, you can use scrubs, but only soft ones and not more than 4 times a week. Rigid particles, when abused, damage the skin and increase irritation.

In the evening, it is useful to rub apricot or coconut oil on the face instead of a cream. The cosmetic product activates the production of collagen fibers, soothes and regenerates the skin. Essential components can be added to the oil:

  • Japanese mint;
  • lemongrass;
  • thyme;
  • rosemary.

Ingredients remove redness and reduce the "stars". Grape and apricot kernel oil is supplemented with homemade masks for rosacea to make the skin clean and beautiful.

Oil and berries
In winter, the epidermis is restored with talc or cornstarch. You can also use potato. Pour 40–50 g of the dry component into a bowl, add 1 tsp. lanolin and 30 ml of any vegetable oil. Sea buckthorn, linseed, corn and coconut have restorative properties, but sunflower is also suitable. The mass is stirred and applied to the face after washing. The remnants of the mask from rosacea are removed with warm, not hot, water. The skin is wiped with cotton swabs soaked in chamomile decoction.

The vascular network is removed with a remedy from fresh berries:

  • raspberries;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • cranberries;
  • strawberries.

Ripe fruits are kneaded with a fork or blender. Talc or potato starch is added to the berry gruel. A thick paste is prepared, which is applied in a thick layer on the cleansed cheeks, wings of the nose and chin. The dried mask is removed, the remnants are removed with a cotton swab and chamomile decoction. After the procedure, the skin is lubricated with a mixture of vegetable and essential oils. The product soothes, moisturizes and restores, neutralizes fruit acids.

Healing plants and tomatoes
Couperosis is treated with a mixture of herbs:

  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • horse chestnut flowers;
  • horsetail;
  • calendula.

Healing plants are mixed in equal parts in a bowl, hot water is added so that the components soften and swell. Fill the mask with potato starch to make it thick and more uniform. A warm composition is applied in a thick layer to the reddened areas for 20-30 minutes. You can make a gauze mask: cut off a flap with holes for the eyes and nose. The prepared face is covered with a cloth, and a gruel of herbs and starch is laid on top.

Green tomatoes help to eliminate the symptoms of rosacea in a few weeks. Vegetables are finely chopped or ground with a blender. The paste is wrapped in gauze or cotton cloth. Swabs with green tomatoes are applied only to protruding capillaries. The remedy is removed after the appearance of burning or tingling. The skin is rinsed with warm water or soothing chamomile decoction. The face rests for several hours, then the procedure with tomatoes is repeated. From 3 to 5-6 lotions are made per day. Treatment with green tomatoes lasts until the capillaries disappear.

Vessels and skin are strengthened with dark grapes. Berries cut in half are applied to problem areas. The bones are removed so that they do not injure the skin. Fruits keep for 20-30 minutes. You can fix the grapes with a band-aid or wrap them with bandages.

Bananas, yeast and vitamin cocktail
Aloe pulp helps with rosacea. A large leaf is washed and ground, with the help of gauze the cake is separated from the juice. Measure 20 ml of aloe and mix with 60 g of dry yeast. If the mask turns out to be too thick, it is diluted with boiled water to a creamy consistency. The tool is used three times a week. After the aloe mask, the skin is moisturized with a fat cream.

For people with thin and sensitive skin, banana nutritional formulations are recommended. The fruit contains starch, which soothes inflammation, and vitamins that stimulate collagen production. The pulp is crushed with a blender, 20 ml of olive oil and 30 g of linden honey are added to the mass.

The elasticity of the skin and capillaries restores cucumber juice. In separate containers, beat 35 g of fat sour cream and egg white. The products are carefully combined, seasoned with 1 tsp. cucumber drink. A gauze cloth with slits for the eyes and nose is impregnated with a thick agent. The mask is kept for 20-25 minutes. The remains are removed with a dry cotton swab. The tool is used before bedtime, after the procedure they do not wash themselves until the morning.

The areas where the vessels have protruded can be lubricated with geranium essential oil. The component is applied with patting movements. The remains are removed with a cotton swab, rubbed into the skin cream from rosacea.

A vitamin mask to strengthen the skin and capillaries is prepared from kefir. Measure 90 ml of fermented milk drink, mix with 5 drops of currant essential oil. A piece of gauze folded 4 times is impregnated with a product heated to room temperature. Leave on the face for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, you need to wash yourself with cool, but not ice-cold water and apply a nourishing cream against rosacea to the skin.

Potato and bodyaga
Cosmetic defects are removed with potatoes. Several peeled tubers are passed through a meat grinder, the mass is mixed with wheat or rye flour. Form a cake, which is applied to the face for half an hour. The starch secreted by potatoes narrows the pores and tightens the epidermis, tones the capillaries. Thanks to the tool, blood circulation is restored, and the "stars" become less noticeable.

Tingling and burning are treated with bodyaga. Mix 20 g of herb powder with 1 tsp. lanolin or usually petroleum jelly. The mask is filled with 30 ml of vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. starch. Talc is not suitable for the face, it dries the skin too much. Blend the ingredients in a blender until smooth. The product is evenly distributed over the face after washing and scrubbing. The bodyagi mask is washed off with chamomile decoction, heated to 38–40 degrees.

Tonics and lotions

Ginger compresses can be applied to reddened areas of the face. Mix 15 g of crushed root and 1 liter of liquid base. The broth is heated to 90 degrees, but do not boil. Simmer for 5 minutes, cool. Cotton cloth or gauze is moistened in a filtered drink, a piece of cotton can be used. Apply a compress to the affected areas for 20 minutes.

With rosacea, the face is wiped with chamomile tonic: for 60 g of the plant, 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse herbal tea for several hours, then filter and dissolve 3-4 Ascorutin tablets in the product. It turns out anti-inflammatory cosmetics enriched with ascorbic acid. Chamomile tonic restores elasticity to the vessels and makes the "stars" less noticeable.

If there is no money for a special cream for rosacea, you can buy a regular cosmetic product with chamomile extract or vitamin E and add powder from 1-2 Ascorutin tablets to it.

Oatmeal cakes are applied to the inflamed areas. Porridge is mixed in equal proportions with chamomile flowers, ground in a coffee grinder. A little vegetable oil is added to the powder to make an elastic dough. The cakes are fixed on the face with a plaster or bandage, left for 40-50 minutes. Lotions moisturize the skin, saturate it with vitamins and amino acids, restore elasticity to the vessels.

Save from the "stars" and irritation compresses with apple cider vinegar. On a steam bath, heat 4 tbsp. l. food additive up to 50 degrees, add 35 ml of honey and 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal. Sweet gruel is impregnated with gauze or cotton swabs, left on problem areas for 30–40 minutes. The remains of honey and vinegar are removed with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

Cosmetic defects can be massaged with your fingertips. During the procedure, rub a mixture of vegetable oil and petroleum jelly. Such a homemade cream restores blood circulation, normalizes the condition of the skin and reduces sensitivity to cold.

During the period of exacerbation of rosacea, you can not make contrasting lotions and wipe your face with ice cubes, as well as wash your face with ice water and stay in the cold for a long time.

  1. Cosmetic defects appear due to hormonal disorders. Owners of light and thin skin are forbidden to take oral contraceptives without the appointment of a gynecologist. You can not abuse corticosteroids and other drugs that disrupt the thyroid gland, pancreas or adrenal glands.
  2. Leads to the appearance of rosacea nicotine. The substance clogs and weakens blood vessels and small capillaries, causes problems with pressure and negatively affects the condition of the skin. To get rid of a cosmetic defect, you will have to give up cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.
  3. Blood circulation is normalized due to physical exercises. Running, swimming and morning exercises strengthen the heart and vascular walls, saturate the body with oxygen. The condition of the skin improves, problems with pressure and "stars" disappear.
  4. Couperosis appears in people who are constantly nervous and worried. Pressure due to stress and depression is constantly increasing, and the capillaries do not withstand, their walls become less elastic. Patients are advised to regularly meditate or practice yoga, draw and walk in the fresh air.
  5. Couperosis is a good reason to have your liver checked. Vascular network and "asterisks" appear on the face due to hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatosis.
  6. Maroon streaks and stains are removed in beauty salons. Cosmetic defects are treated with laser, ozone and chemical peeling.
  7. With rosacea, you can not stay in the sun for a long time and sunbathe in a solarium. It is forbidden to visit the bath and sauna, do inhalations and steam out the face.
  8. You should not buy cosmetics, which include alcohol, menthol, eucalyptus or mint. Means with cloves and acetone are contraindicated.

Couperose needs to be treated comprehensively. The right cream and gel for washing are combined with folk masks and lotions, supplemented with diet and physical activity. Give up smoking and alcohol, learn to cope with the effects of stress. Thanks to the combined approach, the skin of the face will become clean, and the vascular network will disappear.

Video: rosacea on the face - how to care for your skin

Couperosis is the expansion of venules, arterioles, capillaries - small blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin. In medicine, this phenomenon is also called telangiectasia. Despite the fact that this disease is not inflammatory, it looks very unaesthetic.

On the face it is found in the form of many spider veins, nodules: the capillary network occurs most often on the nose and on the cheeks. With bright, unpleasant spots, they stand out with their burgundy-purple color against the background of healthy facial skin. Their sizes are different: at first they can be small neoplasms with a diameter of 0.5 mm, but later, without timely treatment, they can grow up to 1 mm.

What it is?

Couperosis is a weakening of the capillary walls, which causes paralysis of microscopic muscle fibers. The fact is that if the walls of blood vessels (capillaries) are healthy, then they can easily expand when it is necessary to increase blood supply, and calmly narrow when the need for increased blood circulation disappears.

Due to the fact that the vessels that are close to the epidermis are dilated and filled with blood, a vascular network appears on the face, redness is visible, especially near the nose and on the cheeks. It is precisely because rosacea manifests itself visually that the aesthetic side of the problem also arises.

Provoking factors in which rosacea becomes more obvious are pale skin and warm seasons.


In addition to genetic predisposition, rosacea is provoked by many other factors that should be avoided so that capillary blood flow is not disturbed:

  1. Violations in the work of blood vessels. Capillaries (the smallest vessels) are located on the face very close to the skin, so even small problems can cause them to “shine through”. It is noteworthy that the vascular network on the face appears on the nose, cheeks and chin - those areas that are most often exposed to environmental factors.
  2. Stress. Emotional swings, nervous breakdowns provoke an increase in pressure, which disrupts the normal functioning of blood vessels, and sooner or later will lead to rosacea.
  3. Hot, spicy food is an ally of capillary fragility.
  4. Smoking. This habit negatively affects the functioning of the entire circulatory system, causing rosacea.
  5. Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks, especially red wines, have a vasodilating effect on the skin, which will sooner or later affect the condition of the epidermis.
  6. Thin and dry facial skin. It is not for nothing that cosmetologists insist that a person with thin and dry facial skin needs to regularly undergo procedures that will improve its structure. Usually, for this category of people, problems with the walls of blood vessels are also inherent - they become fragile and inelastic.
  7. Hot chocolate, coffee. These foods have a stimulating effect on blood circulation, so it is better to exclude them from the diet altogether.
  8. Ultraviolet. Direct sunlight and solarium damage the capillaries on the skin.
  9. Temperature fluctuations. In order not to provoke rosacea on the skin, you should not live in an aggressive climate, wipe your face with ice, jump into the wormwood from the steam room, and so on.

Dryness and flaking always accompany rosacea. Stagnation in the capillaries, the blood does not supply the skin cells with the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients, poorly removes metabolic products from them. As a result, the cells begin to divide more slowly and renew the upper layer of the skin, it becomes thinner and drier, wrinkles appear, the complexion acquires a pale grayish tint.

If you are predisposed to rosacea, start the prevention of the disease as early as possible, preferably from the age of 15. Avoid factors that provoke rosacea. It is worth paying close attention to the skin of your children and teaching them how to care for it from a young age.


From afar, this cosmetic problem looks like a blush on the cheeks, a reddened nose, or individual spots on the face. Upon closer examination, it is found that these are dilated capillaries, the diameter of which in pathology increases up to 5 times from the norm.

The capillary mesh can be of various shades of red, and over time become cyanotic. At first, reddening of the skin areas can be episodic, manifesting from several minutes to hours. Tiny sections of blood vessels will be visible. Then the redness becomes persistent, complex branched capillary patterns form on the face.

Over time, these areas of the skin acquire an senile appearance, due to a lack of nutrition, usually obtained from the bloodstream, it turns pale and takes on a grayish tint.

What does rosacea look like on the face, photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in women and men. In addition, you can see photos before and after treatment.

How to treat?

To get rid of the considered cosmetic defect, you need to follow the stages of treatment of rosacea:

  1. The use of drugs with anti-couperose effect.
  2. Determine the causes of rosacea. If it is not possible to do this on your own, then it would be advisable to seek help from doctors - they will prescribe a complete examination of the body and quickly establish possible causes.
  3. Lifestyle correction. This refers to quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, physical activity (at least doing morning exercises), limiting prolonged exposure to the bath, sauna and cold air.
  4. Diet correction. We are talking about the exclusion from the menu of chocolate, alcoholic beverages, spicy and spicy foods, cheeses, fatty dairy products, pickles and marinades.
  5. Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes. Such preparations should contain in their composition a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins P, K, C and silicon. It would be advisable to first consult with a cardiologist - such vitamin-mineral complexes strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve heart function, so they need to be selected individually.
  6. Strengthening of the vascular walls. Rutin, grape seed oil, collagen, extracts of blueberries, echinacea, chestnut, myrtle will certainly help to cope with this task.
  7. Use of professional procedures. We are talking about laser therapy, sclerotherapy, ozone therapy and electrocoagulation - these procedures are performed either in beauty salons or in specialized clinics.

Face creams for rosacea: top 5

When a small amount of skin is affected by rosacea, special creams are used. Such funds have an anti-couperous effect, which helps to make the vascular network less noticeable, and eventually bring the vessels back to normal.

Top 5 drugs:

  • Couperose A+. A specialized tool that will allow you to get rid of rosacea in 2 weeks. Apply to skin pre-treated with a moisturizing lotion. Used twice a day.
  • Diroseal. Designed for dry skin, it has a moisturizing and firming effect on the upper layers of the epidermis. It is worth applying at night, because after application the skin will take on a greenish tint.
  • Avene Diroseal. In addition to treatment, the product mattes the skin. It is used as prescribed by a doctor, since it contains hesperidin and dextran sulfate. They start accelerated processes of skin tissue renewal.
  • Bioderma Sensibio AR. Within a month, it will remove visible traces of rosacea, but will give the skin a greasy sheen. Selected only with a beautician.
  • Bark. Cream through the increase of immune processes in the skin of the face treats rosacea. The composition includes medicinal plants, rutin, vitamin C. Do not use in cold seasons.

In addition to the cream, you can turn your attention to Troxevasin ointment. It consists of mercury and ascorbic acid. Allows you to get rid of rosacea within 2 weeks due to the fact that it moisturizes the skin, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and their density.

Folk remedies for home treatment

When choosing recipes for folk remedies against rosacea, pay attention to the fact that they do not contain any aggressive components (onions, mustard, citrus fruits, salt, spices). These should be masks or compresses, but in no case scrubs that are suitable for sensitive skin care. The duration of such funds should not exceed 20 minutes.

  1. Oatmeal mask. 1 st. l. oatmeal and 1 tbsp. l. grind chamomile flowers in a coffee grinder into flour. Add a little olive oil to the consistency of gruel. Apply to face, rinse with cool water after 15 minutes. This mask can be used daily until the veins on the skin completely disappear.
  2. Potato mask. Peel a medium raw potato, finely grate. Apply the resulting mixture on your face, you can cover it with a thin layer of gauze so that all the juice is absorbed into the skin. Rinse off with warm water after 15 minutes and wipe your face with a decoction of chamomile.
  3. Berry mask. Take 1 tsp. potato starch, grated apple, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, sea buckthorn. Mix well. Apply to cleansed face for 20 minutes, then rinse.
  4. Anti-couperose tonic. Brew 20 g of chamomile flowers in 500 ml of warm water, cool the resulting infusion, strain, and dissolve 2 Ascorutin tablets in it. Wipe with a cotton pad dipped in tonic, problem areas 2 times a day.
  5. Anti-couperose oil. Take thyme, rosemary, grape seed, Japanese mint oil, mix in equal proportions. Apply this mixture only on redness, after 15 minutes remove the remaining oil with a damp cotton pad.
  6. Anti-couperose cream. Take the usual cream for sensitive skin that suits you best. Add the Ascorutin tablet, crushed into powder, to it. Apply to face as usual.
  7. Mask with apple cider vinegar. 4 tbsp. l. slightly warm vinegar, add 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, a little honey. Apply to clean and dry skin of the face, rinse with warm water after 15 minutes. Such a mask not only strengthens blood vessels, but also smoothes wrinkles.

It is not difficult to prepare anti-couperose face masks at home. They will be an excellent help in the process of getting rid of the vascular network and improving skin condition.

Skin care features

When caring for sensitive skin, certain rules and some restrictions must be observed. With manifestations of rosacea on the face, the following procedures and cosmetics should not be used:

  • Hot inhalations or rubbing the skin with ice;
  • Masks - films, masks with fruit acids, rough scrubs;
  • Manual and vacuum massage, chemical peeling;
  • Steaming the skin, manual cleaning, warming masks and compresses;
  • Cosmetics, with a drying effect on an alcohol-based basis;
  • Contrasting washings (alternately with hot and cold water).

If there is a vascular network on the face, it is better to refuse to go to the bath or sauna, do not use procedures or cosmetics that increase blood circulation. Temperature fluctuations should be avoided, and measures should be taken to protect sensitive skin from the influence of external factors. In summer, protective products with a UV filter should be applied to the face, in winter - protect the skin before going outside with greasy creams.

Cosmetic procedures

Modern cosmetology offers various ways to get rid of the network of blood vessels on the face. Only a specialist is able to choose an effective one:

  1. Laser coagulation is currently considered the most effective way to remove rosacea on the face, because it does not leave marks, it is carried out quickly and painlessly. This method affects the vessels with great precision. The blood vessel is heated to the soldering temperature, while the surrounding tissues are not affected.
  2. With minor manifestations of the symptom, a good remedy is hardware lymphatic drainage, which strengthens the vascular walls and improves blood microcirculation.
  3. An excellent effect is obtained by a combination of laser exposure and subsequent vascular-strengthening courses of ozone or mesotherapy (intradermal administration of certain drugs to achieve a certain effect).
  4. Microsclerotherapy - a sclerosant is introduced into the vascular network with a very thin needle, due to which the veins are glued and removed from the vascular bed. There is a high risk of complications, including loss of vision and stroke.
  5. Chemical peeling. Fruit acid is applied to the affected skin, burning the superficial epidermis along with diseased vessels. After that, the cells are actively renewed, the skin becomes firm and elastic, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and in the near future they do not expand - thus preventing the formation of hated stars. You may be offered a retinoic, phytic, milky almond or glycolic peel.
  6. Beautek-therapy is a modern method of treating the vascular network under computer control, developed by German cosmetologists. Skin areas with visible vessels are treated with a special gel, and acupuncture points are exposed to pulsed microcurrents. The computer recognizes the state of the cells and sends impulses of the required strength. The patient does not experience discomfort. But you have to pay for efficiency and comfort. Today, this procedure is one of the most expensive.
  7. Phototherapy is a widely used method. When processing the skin, “extra” areas are captured, it is impossible to achieve a point effect. Burns may occur in healthy areas. As additional bonuses, one can name a general improvement in the condition of the skin, getting rid of age spots and acne, and improving the epithelial structure.

Despite the fact that modern methods of getting rid of spider veins are less traumatic, after the procedure, it is necessary to follow the instructions for skin care for some time.

Nutrition rules

You should give up bad habits and stick to a certain diet aimed at strengthening blood vessels. In the daily diet should be as much as possible greens, fruits, vegetables, sea fish. Every day you should prepare salads from fresh vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil, drink freshly squeezed juices rich in vitamins and microelements.

At the same time, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of spicy and fatty foods, spices, fatty dairy products (sour cream, yogurt), cheese, chocolate, coffee. Try to move more, do not overeat, drink more fluids (mineral water, juices, tea). These measures will help maintain a positive result from the treatment of rosacea and prevent the recurrence of the disease.


Prevention of rosacea is recommended to start as early as possible. If relatives suffer from rosacea, you should be attentive to yourself, because. the disease can be inherited. Already from the age of 15, dryness of the skin, a tendency to peeling, may be noted.

Effective measures to prevent rosacea:

  1. Wash with slightly cool or warm water.
  2. Solar UV protection.
  3. Frequent moisturizing of the skin.
  4. Protection from frost and wind in winter.
  5. Gentle facial care (products for sensitive skin).
  6. Dieting.

When choosing a cream for rosacea on the face, you need to give preference to preparations containing rutin, butcher's broom, blueberry or green tea extract, ginkgo biloba, vitamins, antioxidants, grape seed oil. Cosmetic care products should contain vitamins C and potassium that are useful for couperose skin, which normalizes the water-salt balance.

Today we answer the question: how to get rid of rosacea on the face? We will find out which remedies for the vascular network are produced by the cosmetic industry, and which ones you can prepare yourself.

We hope that our review of ready-made and folk remedies for solving this problem will help you choose the most effective ones, as well as help you properly care for such skin at home.

Couperose usually appears on the face after 40 years, when it loses its elasticity. Changes occur not only in the epidermis, but also in the deeper layers of the dermis, and, of course, in the capillaries located in the surface layers of the skin. These thin vessels, under the influence of negative external factors, chronic diseases of the body, malnutrition and bad habits, become thinner and burst , forming red or purple vessels and asterisks and causing reddening of the skin in the affected areas of the face.

You can read more about the causes of rosacea, its signs and methods of treatment by specialists in the article:

At home, to remove broken capillaries on the face, you need to adhere to proper skin care and use special and folk cosmetics.

We remind you that self-treatment will be effective if you first consult a cosmetologist who will determine the cause of capillary fragility. You may need complex treatment, especially if it is associated with a disease of the internal organs.

Correct - the first and important step in the treatment of rosacea. Most often, rosacea affects thin sensitive skin. Therefore, care for such a person should be especially careful so as not to provoke ruptures of the capillaries.

Do not use for couperose sensitive skin:

- alcohol-containing lotions and tonics;
- cold and hot water for washing and ice for rubbing the skin;
- masks and scrubs that form a film on the surface of the face;
- cosmetics with ingredients such as mint, menthol, aloe, cloves, eucalyptus and honey;
— ;
- soap should be replaced with cosmetic milk and cream;
— steam inhalations, baths and saunas;
- tanning in a solarium and under the sun;
– manual facial cleansing, mechanical massagers.

How to choose and apply medical cosmetics:

  • To combat the problem of facial vascular lesions, purchase products from trusted brands. This is due to the fact that large cosmetic companies are engaged in research and testing of their products, using environmentally friendly, rare and expensive ingredients. Therefore, you should trust only them, and not the products bought in transitions and non-specialized departments of cosmetics.
  • Branded products from capillary nets and stars are quite expensive, so you should not immediately buy a lot of jars and bottles. Test one or another cream first, using mini-versions or samplers. If your skin responds positively to a new remedy, you can buy it and treat your skin further.
  • Couperose cream will work more effectively if applied at night. When the problem is started and capillary breaks have captured a large area of ​​the face, you can use the remedy during the day.
  • It is important to know that a cream for sensitive irritated skin should be applied to the entire surface of the face, and a remedy for rosacea should be applied only to problem areas.
  • Apply the cream gently, with light patting movements. Do not rub, press or stretch the skin in any way.
  • After washing, do not dry your face with a towel, but pat it dry with a soft cloth.

Which rosacea cream to choose?

Cosmetics manufacturers have developed and produce dozens of anti-couperose agents that strengthen and tone capillaries, create a protective water-lipid layer on the epidermis, relieve possible irritation due to local circulatory disorders, smooth out traces of bursting blood vessels, and prevent further progression of the vascular network.

Both professional cosmetic and pharmacy lines are produced. The compositions of therapeutic anti-couperose creams include only natural ingredients. A high-quality remedy against the destruction of capillaries most often contains a complex of vitamins (E, C, PP, K), polyunsaturated fatty acids, rutin, collagen, extracts from medicinal herbs (arnica, blueberries, horse chestnut, echinacea), thermal water - everything that helps vessels stay healthy and relieves the redness of the epidermis. In addition, such a therapeutic cream should protect the skin from solar radiation, which also provokes vascular changes on the face.

Creams with anti-couperose action are produced by most brands of the pharmacy segment: Bioderma, Vichy, Avene, RoC, La Roche-Posay, Uriage, Klorane, Lierac Caudalie, Galenic. To choose from this variety, study their ingredients and decide what exactly your skin needs, what it tolerates, and what can cause irritation.

We offer you an overview of the composition of some products of different brands:
♦ Russian company Kora produces a cream New Line (New Line) for sensitive skin prone to rosacea. In its composition: betaine, vitamin C, rutin, vegetable oils, verbena peptides.
♦ French healing creams and gels Lierac Apaisance Fluide Anti-Rougeurs has a high concentration of seaweed, and also includes vitamin C, mallow, linden and oat extracts. They moisturize, soothe irritated skin, even out its relief and color, and most importantly, reduce the visibility of age spots and spider veins.
♦ In Italian cream Dr. Taffi (Doctor Taffy) contains herbal ingredients: calendula oil, avocado, immortelle, shea butter. They are supplemented with vitamins A, C, E, extracts of chamomile and marshmallow, aloe, propolis, grapefruit, etc. The cream will help to cope with spider veins, irritation and redness of sensitive skin.
♦ New generation capillary remedy Avene Diroseal(France) created on the basis of thermal water. Contains retinaldehyde, destrana sulfate and decongestants. As a result of its use, the redness of the wings of the nose, the stars on the cheekbones go away due to improved blood circulation in the capillaries and metabolism in the cells.
♦ Anti-redness french cream Roseliane (Uriage Roseliane) contain thermal water, ginseng extract, rose flower wax, green pearl particles and the patented Cerasterol-2F complex. Together, they soothe and moisturize the skin, improve its protective properties, and activate microcirculation. When using it, red vessels are formed less and become less noticeable.
♦ French Bioderma releases Sensibio AR Cream, which has a beneficial effect on the subcutaneous vessels, protects them from rupture. Using this cream as a make-up base, you will additionally protect your skin from sun exposure.

In addition to creams, anti-couperose emulsions, lotions and tonics are produced. It is better to use all these tools in a complex way - so you will quickly solve your problem.
Please note that if you do not have the opportunity to purchase a special cream for skin prone to rosacea, you can use cosmetics for sensitive skin prone to allergies.

Homemade masks for couperose skin lesions

For the prevention and treatment of couperose manifestations, you can use face masks made from natural products. Perhaps their action will not be as fast as from the use of a special cosmetic product, but with long-term and regular use of these folk recipes, you will get good results.

The products listed below stimulate blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, improve metabolic processes, nourish, moisturize and cleanse the skin, relieve redness, and slow down the aging process.

Ginger helps fight skin aging, strengthens its protective properties by stimulating blood microcirculation in the capillaries. Dissolve 5 grams of ground ginger in 100 ml of hot water. Cool and apply the infusion with a cotton pad on the face. Hold for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Apple vinegar useful for cleansing and nourishing the epidermis, has an antibacterial effect and helps cell regeneration. Vinegar mixed with water in a ratio of 1:4. Lubricate the rosaceous areas of the face with this solution 1-2 times a day. green clay has a lifting effect, stimulates metabolic processes in cells, substances, removes swelling and redness of burst blood vessels. Mix one tablespoon of green clay with warm water. Apply the resulting composition to the place where the vascular network is formed and hold for 8-10 minutes. Then remove the rest of the mask with water. Badyaga- an excellent cosmetic product. Its main advantage is the stimulation of blood microcirculation in the skin. This helps to cope with red blood vessels. Dilute 1 teaspoon of powder with hot water until a paste forms. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and then rinse with water. Lemon as part of the mask, due to the concentration of vitamin C and other nutrients, it promotes metabolism and improves cell regeneration. Squeeze the juice of a small lemon and stir in 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Soak a cotton cloth with slits for the eyes and mouth with this composition and apply on the face for 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water. green tomato helps to effectively remove spider veins. You can cut it into rings or separate and grind the pulp and apply on the face. After 12-15 minutes, rinse the skin with water. Potato effectively reduces redness of the skin and tightens it. Grate the peeled tuber and apply the resulting mass on the face and leave for 10-12 minutes. Rinse with water or chamomile decoction. Berries(strawberry, raspberry, sea buckthorn, lingonberry) saturate the skin with vitamins, microelements and brighten and refresh it. Take 2 tablespoons of any berries, mash and add a little starch so that the composition does not drip and gets additional properties. Leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. burdock contains juice, which helps to get rid of the vascular network. Squeeze the juice from the leaves of a fresh plant. Soak the gauze with this liquid and put it on your face for 15-20 minutes. Nettle contains many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the skin and blood. Boil the herb for 30 minutes and cool. Wipe problem areas with this infusion twice a day, in the morning before applying makeup and in the evening after makeup removal. Chamomile- an excellent tool for compresses that relieve irritation and redness of the skin. Boil a bag of chamomile in a glass of boiling water, cool. Soak a gauze in the infusion and place on your face for 15 minutes.

Prevention of rosacea at home

Prevention of vascular health is very important. There are many ways to prevent broken capillaries that you can learn and apply yourself.
♦ One of the ways is lymphatic drainage facial massage, which helps to reduce pressure in blood vessels, improve blood flow and relieve redness. Types of massage performed under pressure are not applicable.
♦ Aerobics for the face according to the method of Carol Maggio gives a positive result for strengthening blood vessels, if you follow the correct technique. Check out the technique of the famous American cosmetologist Here..html
♦ It is good to regularly use pharmaceutical collagen masks that nourish, moisturize and tighten our skin.
♦ Diet is very important to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Inclusion of the right foods in the diet helps prevent vascular problems.
- Buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, red pepper, carrots, asparagus, broccoli, onions, parsley affect their tone.
- Fish oil, found in fish and seafood, provides the body with omega 3 fatty acids.
- Kakhetins in green tea directly contribute to the strengthening of blood vessels and prevent the formation of a red mesh on the face.
- Protein from eggs, meat, legumes, cheese improve skin tone. Helps prevent skin aging linseed oil.
- Sour-milk products rich in amino acids are no less useful for the health of blood vessels.

Attention! Couperosis provokes the use of foods such as chocolate, coffee, black tea, red meat, fatty, fried and smoked foods. Limit them in your diet or avoid them altogether.

♦ Phytotherapy is another way of prevention. Drink 2-3 cups daily of herbal teas of marigold, chamomile, yarrow, wheatgrass roots, rose petals, horse chestnut. It's good to make mixtures of them.
♦ Regularly take vitamin and mineral complexes to improve the tone and health of blood vessels.

Video advice from a cosmetologist about anti-couperose care:

It is unlikely that anyone will be happy with the appearance of a red vascular network on the face, which does not disappear even after a few days. Such a phenomenon as rosacea (this is what the vascular network on the face is called) is not a disease, rather it is a cosmetic defect. Of course, this will not make it easier, but it will be much easier to get rid of rosacea.

Table of contents:

Causes of rosacea

There are several specific reasons that can provoke the appearance of the considered cosmetic defect. These include:

You should not ignore the factors that can affect the appearance of the vascular network on the face - they cannot be called reasons, because the ratio of the likelihood of rosacea to the exclusion of this phenomenon is 50/50. These factors include:

  • genetic predisposition - rosacea will be a certain feature of the skin;
  • passion for aggressive cosmetic procedures - peeling, laser procedures and more;
  • - cigarette smoke negatively affects blood vessels, making them brittle and inelastic;
  • - in some cases, even quite moderate drinking of alcoholic beverages leads to the appearance of rosacea, and it’s not even worth talking about “professionals”;
  • nervous overload - irritability and even depression have a negative effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which is manifested by rosacea.

It is very important to understand that the cosmetic defect in question may be due to a lack of minerals and vitamins in the body. For example, rosacea is often observed in those people in whose body there is a lack of silicon. The fact is that it is silicon that regulates the functioning of the brain, ensures that it receives “commands” from the vessels regarding expansion and contraction. If there is not enough silicon in the body, then it will be replaced by calcium - this mineral works in a completely different direction. And the lack of silicon leads to thinning of the walls of blood vessels, increasing their fragility, reducing elasticity - it turns out that the lack of just one element leads to the appearance of two factors that will cause the appearance of the vascular network on the face.

Knowing all of the listed possible causes of the appearance of the cosmetic defect in question, it will be possible to adjust your actions to get rid of it. For example, if during the examination some internal diseases from the above are revealed, then you can safely cancel all cosmetic procedures - they will not bring any result without a full treatment of the underlying pathology.

How to treat rosacea

To get rid of the considered cosmetic defect, you need to follow the stages of treatment:

  1. Determine the causes of rosacea. If it is not possible to do this on your own, then it would be advisable to seek help from doctors - they will prescribe a complete examination of the body and quickly establish possible causes.
  2. Diet correction. We are talking about the exclusion from the menu of chocolate, alcoholic beverages, spicy and spicy foods, cheeses, fatty dairy products, pickles and marinades.
  3. Lifestyle Correction. This refers to quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, physical activity (at least doing morning exercises), limiting prolonged exposure to the bath, sauna and cold air.
  4. Strengthening of the vascular walls. Rutin, grape seed oil, collagen, extracts of blueberries, echinacea, chestnut, myrtle will certainly help to cope with this task.
  5. Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes. Such preparations should contain in their composition a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins P, K, C and silicon. It would be advisable to first consult with a cardiologist - such vitamin-mineral complexes strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve heart function, so they need to be selected individually.
  6. The use of drugs with anti-couperose effect. You need to know the rules for their use:
  • you need to act on the skin gently - products with mint, honey, eucalyptus, aloe will not work;
  • you can not wipe the face with a vascular network with ice cubes;
  • you can use maxi for the face, which include clay;
  • after washing, you can not wipe your face with a towel - you need to gently blot the skin;
  • collagen masks have an excellent anti-couperose effect, they will also help in the fight against mimic wrinkles;
  • extremely rarely you can use scrubs and do peeling;
  • perfectly helps with the considered cosmetic defect of the face lymphatic drainage massage;
  • it is strictly forbidden to carry out inhalations and manual cleaning of the face with massagers.
  1. Use of professional procedures. We are talking about laser therapy, sclerotherapy, ozone therapy and electrocoagulation - these procedures are performed either in beauty salons or in specialized clinics.

Homemade masks for rosacea

Mask for the night

It is necessary to take equal proportions of calendula flowers, dandelion root, sophora - all in the form of extracts. All components are mixed, grape seed oil is added to them in the same amount and everything is mixed again. The resulting product is applied to a cleansed face before going to bed. After 3-5 minutes, you can remove excess funds from the face with a napkin.

Day mask

It is necessary to take in equal proportions cypress seeds, grape seed oil, galangal roots, extract of blueberries and mimosa flowers, needle leaves and mix thoroughly. The resulting product is applied to a cleansed face, on top you need to cover everything with a napkin. Soaked in hot water. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. Then everything is washed off the face with warm water without the use of soap.

Note:both day and night masks must be applied 1 time in 2 days for 2 months - just after 60 days the vascular network should disappear.

winter mask

Mix any vegetable oil with glycerin (all take 1 teaspoon), add a small amount of talc to the mixture. The mask is applied to a cleansed face for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water or chamomile decoction. Such masks should be done before going out - for example, every morning.

Raw potato mask

It's simple - you need to chop 1 raw potato in a blender (you can use a fine grater) and apply on a cleansed face for no more than 10 minutes. It is better to wash off such a mask with a decoction of calendula flowers or chamomile. Raw potatoes quickly and effectively relieve facial redness.

You need to mix mashed potatoes from any fresh berries with potato starch (1 teaspoon each) and apply to a cleansed face. The mixture is applied generously, in a thick layer and kept for 20 minutes. These masks are washed off with plain warm water.

Couperose cream

You need to take your usual day cream and add a crushed ascorutin tablet to it - this drug contains vitamins P and C. You need to use the finished anti-couperose cream in the usual way - apply to a cleansed face in the morning.

Compress for rosacea

Brew chamomile in the proportion of 200 ml of boiling water and a tablespoon of raw materials. Then moisten a napkin in a hot decoction and apply to the cleansed skin of the face. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, until the napkin cools completely. There should be at least 2 such applications per day - in the morning and in the evening before bedtime.

Note:if there is a history of skin diseases, then you need to consult a dermatologist before using remedies for the treatment of rosacea at home. If a plant is being used for the first time, then an allergy test must first be carried out - many of these herbs / flowers can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Treatment of rosacea is always long, but to speed up the process, you can resort to a combination of all recommended procedures.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

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