The use of clary sage in the treatment of diseases. Clary sage: cultivation and use Clary sage oil medicinal properties and contraindications

The homeland of the plant is the Mediterranean. It grows wild in the Crimea, the Caucasus and some mountainous regions of Central Asia. Clary sage is cultivated in France, Italy, Bulgaria and other countries. In our country, it is found in culture in the garden of amateurs.

Clary salvia, or clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.) is a herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family, which has a taproot, branched root that penetrates the soil to a depth of 2 m. The stem is tetrahedral, paniculate-branched at the top, 1-2 cm thick. Leaves are petiolate, large, ovate, double-toothed, pubescent. Towards the top of the stem they become smaller, becoming petiolate and sessile. The flowers are bisexual, large, pinkish-violet, light blue, less often white. Arranged in whorls in long (50-60 cm) branching inflorescences. The seeds are small (up to 2.5 mm long), round, dark brown. Weight of 1000 seeds is 3.5-5 g.

The species name "sclarea" comes from the Latin clarus - pure. Its infusions were used as aromatic water for ablutions. Later in central Europe it was added to wines for flavoring.

Annual forms of sage bloom in the first year of the growing season and after that, as a rule, die in winter. Biennial forms form only a basal rosette in the first year of vegetation, and produce inflorescences and a harvest of seeds only in the second year of life. Perennial forms are less common and are distinguished by the fact that they produce crops both in the first and in subsequent years of the growing season. Between them there are intermediate forms.

In the phase of 10-12 pairs of leaves, sage rosettes can withstand frosts down to -28-30°C. Frost resistance largely depends on the physiological maturity of plants that have gone into winter. It does not like alternating thaws with severe frosts; this significantly reduces winter hardiness. Intensive growth of above-ground mass and reproductive organs occurs better at an average daily temperature of +19+21°C, but oil accumulates in hot weather.

Chemical composition: The most important components of clary sage essential oil are -linalyl acetate (63-73%), linalool (13-17%), linalooloxide (up to 2%), alpha-terpineol, geranyl acetate, as well as up to 12% sesquiterpene compounds, among which there is germacrene D (up to 4%), caryophyllene (up to 3%) and their derivatives. Recently, up to 3% sclareol and traces of ambroxide were discovered in this oil, which, together with sesquiterpene derivatives, gives the oil an amber note.


Circulatory system. Has a hypotensive effect. A powerful remedy in the treatment of heart neuroses and in the treatment of general neuroses and vegetative-vascular dystonias and everyday mental disorders of an acute nature. Used as a prophylactic for cerebral circulatory disorders and in the initial stages of atherosclerosis.

Improves concentration, memory, stimulates mental activity, especially in children and the elderly, sage oil in a mixture of frankincense and sumbul oils taken in equal quantities, by sniffing and rubbing the head in a small amount for a long time.

Skin system. Reduces skin inflammation in psoriasis, eczema and other types of dermatitis. Heals cuts, wounds, burns, relieves itching and irritation due to herpes and thrush.

Digestive system. Having a warming and antispasmodic effect, sage helps with digestive problems, especially intestinal and stomach cramps, flatulence and colic. A gentle abdominal massage or a hot compress with sage will relieve pain. Considered a good kidney tonic. Harmful for people with dry, hot nature. Correct with mint.

The immune system. Sage has not only a relaxing, but also a tonic effect, so it is good to use for people recovering from illness, especially after the flu, as well as for depression and during the postpartum period. Strengthens the body's defenses, nourishes energy during the period of rehabilitation after illness, and promotes recovery.

Nervous system. Relieving general tension, rose oil-based oil helps with headaches and migraines. It has a calming effect, allows you to cope with feelings of anxiety and muscle spasms and cramps that often occur in this state. helps to get rid of drug addiction and dependence on medications

Respiratory system. Improves the condition of patients with asthma and sore throat, relieves bronchial spasms, and helps get rid of anxiety and emotional stress, often found in patients with asthma. Brings relief from sore throat, cough, laryngitis and tonsillitis.

Reproductive system. A good tonic for the uterus, especially effective in the presence of intrauterine disorders. Having the ability to normalize hormonal disorders, clary sage oil regulates menstruation, reduces premenstrual tension, and eases spasms in the lumbar region. Sage is a menstrual stimulant, so it is useful in cases of absent or scanty menstruation. It is best to use it during the first half of the menstrual cycle, as it can sometimes stimulate very heavy bleeding in the second half.

Peter Holmes writes that the estrogen-like effects of clary sage essential oil are the result of stimulation of the gonads. The oil may also have a stimulating effect on the pituitary gland.

Makes childbirth easier, which gives expectant mothers a sense of confidence and reduces the likelihood of postpartum depression.

Sage oil is an aphrodisiac. Relieves frigidity of both sexes. Useful for sexual hypochondria. Being an anti-stress, it helps solve problems of a sexual nature, increases the reproductive function of both men and women.

Essential oil beauty treatments:

Hot inhalations: for lymph nodes - 1–2 drops, procedure duration 3–5 minutes.

Cold inhalations: 1–2 drops, procedure duration 3–5 minutes: cough, bronchitis, respiratory infections.

Compresses: 1-2 drops in half a glass of water (aging skin, baldness, insect bites).

Enrichment of cosmetics (shampoos, hair conditioners): 7–10 drops per 15 g of base.

Oral care: add 5 drops to 10 ml of alcohol and dissolve in 100 ml of water - mouth rinse for sensitive gums and oral infections.

Baths: 1–3 drops per bath: rheumatic pain, bronchitis, inflammation of the respiratory tract, menstrual irregularities, kidney disease, indigestion.

Foot baths: 6–7 drops.

Massage: 3-4 drops of sage per 15 g of base oil will help you quickly warm up your muscles. And also against pneumonia, bronchitis, irregular menstruation, inflamed skin conditions, gas formation in the digestive tract, to enhance blood microcirculation during the recovery period after a stroke. For female problems, use to massage the lower abdomen and solar plexus twice a day. Helps with anxiety and swelling associated with PMS.

Foot product: 4k per 10ml base. Use for foot massage from bottom to top, combine with foot baths. Helps with heaviness in the legs and swelling.

Hair mask: 30 ml of base oil, 8k clary sage essential oil. Rub into scalp for several minutes. Wrap in a towel and leave for an hour or more. For split ends, it can be applied to the ends of the hair.
Check with a pendulum for allergies before all medical procedures.

Reflex massage: mix with vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio.

Insect Bites: The aroma of sage repels mosquitoes and is an antidote to insect bites.

Saunas, baths: for aerosol - 5 drops per 15 m3.

Aroma lamp: headache, cough, bronchitis 3-5 drops per 15 sq. m of premises

Rinse: dissolve 4 drops of oil and half a teaspoon of soda in 200 ml of warm water. Internal use: 1 drop of sage oil with honey or jam 1-2 times a day. Do not take after 7 pm.


Toxic! Do not use during pregnancy (stimulates menstruation, may cause bleeding). It has a strong sedative effect, so it can disperse attention. It should not be used before driving. It should not be combined with alcohol, as it can cause nausea, nightmares and even hallucinations. In case of an overdose, a headache occurs.

Sage, or Salvia (Salvia) is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs of the Lamiaceae family. Representatives of this genus are distributed throughout the globe: in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. There are about 900 species and subspecies of sage. Some beautiful and medicinal species of this plant (silver sage, common sage, meadow sage, brilliant sage, clary sage, etc.) are used as ornamental and medicinal plants.
This is what I want to write about clary sage, because... it grows in my garden.

Features of clary sage

Clary sage(Salvia sclarea) I have been growing on my plot for eight years. Clary sage is native to the Mediterranean; in nature it grows in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Clary sage is a perennial plant, a subshrub (as they say in most sources), so initially I was so determined about my sage. But as it grew, I noticed that my clary sage did not bloom in the first year of planting or sowing; it only forms a basal rosette of large, pubescent, slightly “corrugated” (wrinkled) leaves. But the next year the young plant blooms.

In the fall, faded plants produce seeds (which even in Siberia have time to ripen), then they die and the cycle repeats. This is how biennials behave. This means that clary sage is not only a perennial plant. And indeed it is. The fact is that the offspring of the same plant (note, the same plant!) can contain biennials (the majority of them), annuals and a few perennials.

The further north the region where this plant is grown, the better, of course, it is to grow annual or biennial clary sage, because perennial sage can freeze. But, if there were no critical sub-zero temperatures in winter, then two-year-old sage does not die, but can continue to grow and bloom for another couple of seasons.

I'll tell you about how clary sage appeared in my garden.
I wanted to breed this plant because... I read a lot about its medicinal properties and unusual aroma, and for me this plant was a mystery...

Indeed, clary sage is an unusual and mysterious plant. At least because during flowering it emits a crazy aroma. Just a fabulous smell, in which, as it seems to me, all the best and mysterious aromas of the world are mixed!

And so, when I came across a clary sage seedling at my grandmother’s market, I immediately bought it without hesitation. It was a small plant, with two small, seemingly corrugated leaves. Grandma insisted that it was clary sage.
I brought a sage seedling home in a bag that was closed; and when I opened it at home, I smelled a pungent cat smell. I was very surprised and thought that it was my grandmother’s cats who tried...
But when the bowl with the plant stood open, the cat smell disappeared. That's when I realized it was the smell of musk. .

Growing Clary Sage

The clary sage planted in the garden grew larger over the summer. Then it overwintered safely, and bloomed the next summer.

I have noticed that depending on the season, my clary sage can grow from 60-70 cm to a significant height of 1.2-1.5 m.
The branched taproot of this large plant penetrates to a depth of up to 2 m. Therefore, sage does not tolerate transplantation well, gets sick for a long time and may die. It is better to replant sage in the first year of life and at the very beginning of growth, i.e. at the beginning of summer.

Clary sage is considered a relatively heat-loving plant. But in my Siberia, two-year-old sage overwinters without shelter, and there are no losses.
The frost resistance of clary sage, like any biennial or perennial plant, depends on how well it has time to ripen by autumn. Also, sage does not like the alternation of winter thaws with frosts.

Clary sage is undemanding to soil and drought-resistant. But in order for its flowering to be abundant and the fragrance of the flowers to be stronger, of course, the garden soil must be fertile, and during drought there must be sufficient watering of the plant.
The aroma of sage flowers is influenced by the choice of a sunny location. The hotter the summer, the more essential oil accumulates in, and the stronger the aroma!
The appearance of clary sage is also affected by dense plantings and improperly harvested areas. All this affects the growth and flowering of the plant, and, therefore, the intensity of its aroma.

Flowering and fruiting of clary sage

In the second year, clary sage grows a powerful peduncle (up to 1.5 m high) with long spike-shaped inflorescences covered with pale pink flowers and bracts.
Clary sage blooms very beautifully. If you look en masse at a clump of flowering plants, it is as if a delicate white-pink-lilac cloud is hovering on their tops. And what an amazing aroma there is there at this time... you can go crazy from it!

The smell of clary sage flowers is difficult to convey; its essential oil has a complex chemical composition that creates a unique healing bouquet. Fragrance connoisseurs say that clary sage flowers emit a fragrance reminiscent of a mixture of odors, and.

Clary sage seeds ripen well in September. It happens, and the next year its seedlings can be found in any corner of the garden where the land is cultivated.
Clary sage seedlings do not appear early in the spring, but already at the end of May or beginning of June, because Clary sage is a heat-loving plant. Its seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of +8...+10 degrees. But at the same time, young sage, which has a rosette of 10-12 pairs of leaves, can withstand sub-zero temperatures already in the first year of life. This is such a mysterious plant!

In smart books they write that clary sage has something else that many, many plants do not have. These are inhibitors - substances that inhibit plant growth. The root system of clary sage releases essential oils into the soil, which inhibit, or even prevent, the development of plants planted in the place where the sage grew. And even the seedlings of the same sage, which sprouted here after harvesting the sage bushes, cannot develop normally in this place - they grow oppressed, or even die. But I haven’t noticed anything like that on my sage yet. Moreover, my bush grew in one place for six years. Its seeds fell nearby in the fall and sprouted in the spring; Of these, I left several plants for propagation. And in the sixth year, the sage bush was much more powerful (up to one and a half meters), and the flowering was more abundant than in previous years. Maybe the summer was favorable for him.

Pests and diseases of clary sage

Clary sage in the garden is affected by both harmful insects and diseases. It is damaged by sage cutworm, sage weevil and other pests. It seems to me that they do not disdain it, despite the essential oils secreted by the plant, because... For the last couple of years I have been observing characteristic holes in the leaves of clary sage.

This plant has a common disease with - they are affected by white rot. It leads to partial or complete death of sage in the second year of life. Therefore, do not plant these plants next to each other, sow them away from each other.

Clary sage can be affected by leaf spot. But my sage bushes have never gotten sick (and I hope they never will).

Medicinal uses of clary sage

Clary sage has fragrant inflorescences as a medicinal raw material, from which essential oil is extracted. The stems and leaves of this plant contain several times less oil.

Apply essential oil to your pillow or wrist. You can use an aroma lamp or aroma medallions - this is very convenient.
But first you need to check the aroma of clary sage essential oil for individual tolerance. When applied to the skin, it causes a burning sensation and redness for 3-5 minutes - this is a natural reaction.

Clary sage essential oil is considered a good anti-inflammatory and healing agent, as well as a relaxing, soothing, antibacterial, antiseptic, tonic, antioxidant, and expectorant. It relieves inflammation in the throat and restores a hoarse voice.

Clary sage oil is used for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, in aromatherapy: for seasonal depression, chronic fatigue, nervousness, fear.
The aroma of clary sage essential oil provides relief from headaches and migraines associated with hormonal problems.

It is believed that clary sage essential oil goes well with the following oils: bergamot, cardamom, lavender, grapefruit, coriander, frankincense, sandalwood, rose, cypress.

Sage preparations and essential oil have a venotonic effect; they are included in preparations for hemorrhoids, varicose veins and circulatory disorders. Clary sage essential oil is used for acne, pustular diseases, hair loss, oily skin of the face and scalp. It restores hair strength and growth, reduces excessive sebum production (especially on the scalp).

The scent of clary sage oil can be used as a repellent as it repels mosquitoes and is an antidote to insect bites.

Clary sage is used in dentistry and in the complex treatment of psoriasis. Traditional medicine uses this plant for kidney stones and headaches.

Dry clary sage inflorescences are added to various herbal preparations. An infusion of inflorescences for external use is prepared at the rate of: two tablespoons of raw material per glass of boiling water; leave until cooled. The resulting infusion is used to wipe problematic facial skin, rubbed into the scalp for oily hair.

There are also contraindications for the use of clary sage essential oil. First of all, it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy and breastfeeding (it inhibits lactation).
Use with caution in high-grade hypertension.
It should not be used while taking iron-containing medications. Contraindications also include cancer and mastopathy.
Because clary sage essential oil relaxes, concentration is reduced, which is why it should not be used when driving a car.
Clary sage oil is believed to enhance the effects of alcoholic beverages, so it should not be used while drinking alcohol. Remember, headaches may occur when using essential oil in large doses.

Various uses of clary sage

Clary sage oil is used in the perfume industry - as a fragrance and odor fixer in the manufacture of perfumes, colognes, creams, pastes, shampoos, lotions.

Clary sage is used in the production of beer and wine, in the confectionery industry (as a flavoring for jams), in the food industry (for flavoring cheeses and tea).

In the tobacco industry, clary sage is used to flavor expensive tobacco, for which leaves and inflorescences are usually used. Collection of fragrant leaves can begin as soon as the plant blooms.

Fatty oil of clary sage seeds has high technical properties. It is used in ceramic and porcelain production, for the production of high-quality drying oil.

Clary sage in garden design

Clary sage is very decorative, so it is used in gardening on the website
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Clary sage, or Clary Sage as it is called in English, is a subshrub belonging to the Clary sage family. This is a very useful plant with a wide distribution. You will learn about its beneficial properties and precautions for use in this material.

Most often this plant can be found in Mediterranean countries. It is also distributed throughout Syria and Turkey. In the wild, clary sage grows primarily on slopes with calcareous soil., and it can be found even at an altitude of 1 kilometer 800 meters above sea level.

Due to the fact that the subshrub has been cultivated outside the Mediterranean for a long time, it is also widely available in many Asian countries, central Europe, and the Caucasus. The plant feels great on sandy, clay and rocky soils. In gardens, clary sage often grows as a weed.

The height of Clary Sage reaches an average of 1 meter 10 centimeters. On the straight stems of the plant there are oblong, ovoid leaves, the length and width of which can sometimes reach 32 and 22 centimeters, respectively. The inflorescences of clary sage are branched and paniculate, containing from 2 to 6 flowers. The fruits of the plant (nuts) are ellipsoidal in shape, up to 3 millimeters long and have a brown tint.

Clary sage is a subshrub belonging to the Lamiaceae family

Composition and medicinal properties of clary sage

The most valuable component of the plant is the essential oil, which is present in all its parts. Besides, This culture includes the following microelements:

  • myrcene;
  • tsedren;
  • organic acids;
  • protein substances;
  • coumarins (in sage root) and so on.

In Latin, the name of this plant means “salvation.” It was given to him for a reason, because in the Middle Ages this culture was used for a huge number of diseases. In modern medicine, its essential oil is mainly popular, used to treat colds, skin and bacterial diseases. It is also used in case of problems with the functioning of the central nervous system.

Gallery: clary sage (25 photos)

Planting and using clary sage (video)

Benefits and uses of clary sage oil

This remedy helps with headaches, improves brain function, relieves tension resulting from depression and stress. Also, with the help of oil, you can awaken sexual desire and protect yourself from the flu at the peak of the epidemic.

Sage essential oil is especially useful for the fair half of humanity. With its help, you can normalize the menstrual cycle, eliminate the unpleasant consequences of menopause, and improve the condition of your skin and hair. It is also well known that sage oil perfectly helps with various problems with the gastrointestinal tract and can normalize blood pressure.

The most valuable component of clary sage is the essential oil, which is present in all its parts.

Areas of application of clary sage

In terms of popularity and demand, clary sage has virtually no equal. It is successfully used in many areas, from traditional medicine to cosmetology. Sage is also widely known in cooking, where it can improve the taste and aroma of almost any dish.


The essential oil of the plant is one of the best choices for treating many diseases. Almost every disease existing today can be cured in one way or another with the help of clary sage. Most often it is used when there are such problems:

  • colds and flu conditions;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the immune system;
  • impotence and infertility;
  • boils and other skin lesions;
  • gastritis, colitis and other ailments.

The aroma of sage is one of the best choices for excessive tension and stress.


The plant is very rich in volatile essential substances, thanks to which the aroma of sage resembles nuts and various spices. This smell is perfectly preserved in the essential oil of the plant, obtained from its inflorescences by distillation under the influence of steam.

The aroma of sage is one of the best choices for excessive tension and stress. Inhaling it allows you to relax and get rid of bad thoughts. For this reason, several centuries ago, shamans used sage to enter a trance and communicate with the spirit world.

Clary sage essential oil is now available in the market as candles and balms. There are also traditional aromatic oils on sale that can be added to aroma lamps for relaxation at home after work or a hard day. To achieve a positive effect, just a couple of drops are enough.

How to make sage oil (video)


Thanks to its amazing properties, the plant has become very popular in the field of cosmetology. It is used in professional salons as an antiseptic., and manufacturers regularly produce products that improve the regeneration of damaged tissue and prevent age-related changes.

People with oily hair and face can feel the incredible benefits of sage oil. Thanks to its unique composition, the essential oil of this plant regulates the function of the sebaceous glands, healing damaged areas and eliminating inflammation. This product is great for all kinds of facial skin problems:

  • removes irritation;
  • get rid of acne;
  • cleanses the skin of skin spots;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • tightens pores.

Clary sage essential oil strengthens brittle and weak hair, relieves it from dryness and dandruff. With the help of products based on this plant, the problem of baldness has long been effectively treated. As a natural deodorant, shrub oil can be used in case of excessive sweating.

Thanks to its amazing properties, clary sage has become very popular in the field of cosmetology.


Cooks could not ignore such a luxurious spice. Both dried and fresh leaves of the plant are used for cooking. This aromatic spice is one of the key ingredients in the preparation of confectionery and sausages, canned berries, fruits and fish, salads, cold appetizers and grilled meat, as well as dozens of other food products and dishes.

Clary sage is no less popular when preparing drinks. It is used in small quantities:

  • to add flavor to liqueurs, liqueurs and cognac drinks;
  • with black and green teas;
  • when preparing mulled wine;
  • to create an extraordinary bouquet in grape or fruit wines.

The versatility of this spice can be the envy of any other product in the kitchen. However, sage may not be used in all cases. So it’s better not to add it to mushroom dishes, because the plant will simply kill all the precious taste of the mushrooms.

Both dried and fresh sage leaves are used for cooking.

Collection, preparation and storage of sage

The leaves and inflorescences of the plant are mainly used for medicinal purposes. The latter should be collected when about 3 lower whorls on the central inflorescence of sage turn brown. Plant cuts should be made approximately 20 centimeters from the ground. The assembly of raw materials takes about 15-20 days, after which further work becomes impractical due to a decrease in the medicinal properties of the plant.

Clary sage - medicinal properties and contraindications, use in folk medicine. It is also called nutmeg salvia (Salvia sclarea). This plant has long been valued for its wonderful, refined aroma, medicinal and spicy properties.

It can be found throughout the Black Sea and Mediterranean regions in the form of wild growth, cultural and ornamental plantings. It serves as the raw material for a wonderful essential oil. It is an excellent honey plant and aromatic spice.

Since ancient times, this fragrant herb has been used to treat female infertility. Even in the times of Ancient Rome, clary sage was used to heal depressed states.

Medicinal properties of clary sage

The presence of an estrogen-like hormone makes this variety of sage a gentle remedy for relieving premenstrual symptoms, menopausal symptoms for women over 40, and restoring the rhythm of the monthly cycle. In this case, drink sage tea.

Other medicinal herbs can be added to this tea. An infusion of clary sage has been used since ancient times as a mild aphrodisiac for women.

Sage oil and baths to which a decoction of muscat salvia is added are good for the treatment of bruises, joint diseases, sprains and rheumatism.

In cosmetology, a frozen decoction of clary sage is used to treat acne. Warm decoction is used as a rinse to strengthen hair.

The infusion is prepared based on the proportions: a tablespoon of chopped dried sage per glass of boiling water. After infusion (10-20 minutes), you can drink it, dividing it into 2-3 small portions. A decoction for external use can be a little more concentrated and is prepared in a water bath.

Aromatic essential oil is applied to the pulse zone, a few drops are dripped into the aroma lamp or onto the pillow. It can also be added to massage oil.

  • Clary sage has the ability to increase blood pressure, so it is prescribed with caution for hypertension.
  • The essential oils of this sage, like the oils of pharmaceutical sage, contain substances that are antagonists of thyroid hormones. Therefore, if she is ill, it is better to refuse treatment with sage.

SageThis is a herb that has been famous for its medicinal properties since ancient times. Hippocrates mentioned its beneficial properties in his works. Clary sage has not been spared by modern medicine. Extracts from this herb cure inflammatory processes of the skin and respiratory tract. In cosmetology, it is widely used as an anti-inflammatory and strengthening agent. It has found the greatest use in folk medicine.

In this material we will look at all the most interesting things about the clary sage plant and tell you what benefits it has and whether there is any harm.

Sage: beneficial composition of a medicinal plant

Clary sage leaves contain many beneficial compounds and substances: tannins and resins, flavonoids, organic acids, vitamins P and PP, bitterness, phytoncides. It also contains essential oil rich in pinene, cineole, thujone, borneol, salvain and other terpene compounds. Clary sage oil is produced in the highest concentration during the fruiting period, and tannins are produced in mid-autumn.

Why clary sage is useful: pharmacological properties of medicinal herb

Since ancient times, our ancestors have used clary sage as an anti-inflammatory agent for sore eyes and diseases of the female genital system. This is a truly iconic herbaceous plant. The Celts flavored alcoholic drinks with sage, which helped priests plunge into nirvana during ritual ceremonies.

English botanist Nicholas Culpeper believed that clary sage not only has pronounced medicinal properties, but also exudes a subtle aroma that has a calming and relaxing effect. An infusion was made from the seeds and applied to sore eyes.

Apparently, the effect was exerted by mucous substances, which relieved inflammatory processes and softened irritation. Hieronymus Bock, in his 1577 treatise on herbs, recommends clary sage as a remedy that increases the ability of women to become pregnant. Modern research has shown that sage is similar in structure to female sex hormones, which is why it has an aphrodisiac effect.

Clary sage essential oil has antibacterial properties and a strong wound healing effect. In terms of its effectiveness, it can be compared with Vishnevsky ointment. The oil copes with burns, ulcerative wounds that cannot heal for a long time, as well as lesions of the oral cavity such as gingivitis and stomatitis. Concentrated essential oil of clary sage has found its use in the treatment of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous systems. Dried plant inflorescences are added to medicinal preparations. In homeopathy, they are used to brew an infusion against headaches, a sedative for “female” problems, and a cosmetic preparation.

The healing properties of clary sage also extend to the venous system of the human body, providing a venotonic effect. Collections that include sage help with hemorrhoids, varicose veins and disorders in the systemic circulation. For skin diseases, clary sage essential oil is used in massage procedures and manual therapy. They lubricate acne, normalize the metabolism of fat secretion on the facial skin, treat hair loss and remove dandruff.

Did you know? They say that sage in large quantities can cause a euphoric state, but not everyone is predisposed to such effects on the nervous system.

How is sage used in modern medicine?

In the modern pharmaceutical industry, leaves and herbs of clary sage are used, which are rich in aromatic essential oil, flavonoids, tannins and vitamins of group P. Legends have been made about the anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and hemostatic properties of sage.

In addition, it promotes the secretion of gastric juice and normalizes sweating. For treatment, mainly herbs are taken, from which infusions and decoctions are prepared, but clary sage is, in general, a storehouse of useful elements. To prepare the infusion, you need to take two tablespoons of crushed leaves of the plant and pour 500 g of boiling water.

Then pour into a thermos and leave for one hour. To make a decoction, you need to take the same part of the sage leaves, add boiling water and boil for 15 minutes over low heat.

Useful properties of sage in folk medicine

In homeopathy, sage is used for diseases of the throat and respiratory system: tonsillitis, stomatitis, laryngitis, tuberculosis and pulmonary edema. For diseases of bones and joints: polyarthritis, radiculitis and atherosclerosis. Also for various problems in gynecology. For gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers of various stages, colitis, gastritis, liver diseases and treatment of external and internal purulent wounds.

The antiperspirant effect of clary sage leaves has long been experimentally tested. The effect occurs very quickly after taking sage tea, but peak activity occurs after two hours. Sometimes the result can last a whole day. This tea is very helpful for tuberculosis patients with profuse night sweats.

Drinking sage tea helps to quickly heal chronic bronchitis and kidney inflammation. In its pure form, you can chew the leaves of the plant for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bile and liver, and also as a diuretic, choleretic and astringent.

For patients with bronchial asthma, it is beneficial to smoke some sage leaves along with datura leaves. In addition, smoldering clary sage exudes a pleasant aroma.

Important! Teas from this plant help interrupt the lactation period in nursing mothers. A decoction of clary sage is taken only as directed by the attending physician.

Decoctions and infusions from this plant remarkably strengthen hair follicles, slowing down the process of baldness. There are cases when this regression stopped completely. Therefore, clary sage will be interesting to use for men with hair problems; the benefits from it are incredible. Such miraculous properties could not bypass perfumery. Sage extract is present in various strengthening shampoos.

Infusions of sage herb cure thrush in infants, bleeding gums and throat, and relieve toothache. To prepare such a decoction, you need to take 5 grams of sage, the same amount of oak bark and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave the broth until cool and strain. It must be used warm.

Inhalations of clary sage help with inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. A handful of herbs should be poured with water and boiled in an enamel bowl for 4 minutes. Then turn off the heat and breathe over the vessel, covering yourself with a towel.

Did you know? Even during the periods of “howling death” in the Middle Ages, sage stood in first place among homeopathic remedies as the main medicine, immunomodulator and tonic.

The use of clary sage in cosmetology

Clary sage essential oil has found its use in cosmetology. It is used in aromatherapy as a means of relaxation, stress relief and headache suppression. Sage oil enlightens the mind, harmonizes and gives a feeling of contentment. Clary sage evokes only positive reviews from cosmetologists regarding its beneficial properties for hair. A decoction of this plant adds natural shine, removes dandruff, stimulates growth and normalizes sweat-fat metabolism of the scalp.

The antibacterial properties of the plant help get rid of acne during puberty. Clary sage extract is added to creams for young and oily skin. Compresses from a decoction of sage leaves are applied to the eye area, which helps remove dark circles and make your eyes clear and cheerful.

How is clary sage used in aromatherapy?

Clary sage has gained incredible popularity in the field of aromatherapy. Sage essential oil, applied to the wrist, pillow, or poured into an aroma lamp, has a relaxing effect and provides an antispasmodic effect. The pleasant smell of sage improves mood during seasonal exacerbations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, chronic fatigue, nervousness and panic attacks. The aroma of clary sage essential oil relieves migraines due to hormonal imbalances.

The essential oil of this plant is combined with other ingredients to create perfumes and eau de toilette. Plus, it acts as a kind of binder between other easily destroyed essential oils. Thanks to this, persistent perfume aromas are created.

Important! Active plant phytohormones affect the “pleasure center” of women through olfactory receptors, so it is recommended not to overuse such aromas.

Sage essential oil combines wonderfully with oils of grapefruit, bergamot, coriander, sandalwood, jasmine, juniper, frankincense and especially rose.

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